So turns out I wrote the expression wrong for the latest versions of After Effects CC. Anywhere in the code where "this." is used, just omit it or use "thisLayer." It seems "this." as a selector was depreciated in the latest AE versions. I will be updating the code snippets on the Media Workbench website to be correct to save anyone time. Sorry I missed it... that's awkward to have happen in an hour long tutorial.
@NeilDoleman Жыл бұрын
"Object of type found where a Number, Array, or Property is needed" Using AE Beta 2024, I followed the entire video typing along with you and was met with the expression error above. Ran the built-in "Update legacy expressions" script and applied it to every expression in the main comp. The only correction I believe was in the interpolation expression (the "function" part of the script to the top or something I can't remember exactly). The text appears upon making a "Source text" keyframe, however the animation is not set in motion. The time remap expression does not work anymore, as each characters pre comp is stuck at one timestamp throughout the whole sequence, therefore not changing unicode. I will now basically have to use 25% of this tutorial and animate the time remap to recreate the effect manually. @MediaWorkBench would love to hear back if you have any insight as to how the script update has effected the expressions, and if there's a sensible fix.
@zhuk_ua Жыл бұрын
the same shit)
@itsmeferall2600 Жыл бұрын
Oh thank you, this is tutorial what i looking for.
@joshstudio1202 Жыл бұрын
I can't seem to change the timing, 2 seconds is so fast. Please help!
@mikehotel565210 ай бұрын
Excellent video, thank you for sharing!
@shrenivas_balu8687 Жыл бұрын
Hello i am having trouble in this when ever i put the code for position expression in 21:31 the 0 layer moves to the right but in the video it is in center and i am using after effects 2022
@MediaWorkbench Жыл бұрын
Not sure off the top of my head. Feel free to screenshot the issue or record what is happening with something like Loom, and contact me via my website to help troubleshooting.
@MathildeDesign5 ай бұрын
Is there any way to get it to align right instead of centered?
@nathanwieler46188 ай бұрын
I was able to get it to cycle through [by switching to Legacy ExtendScript], but in the end everything just disappears. I never get to see my final text value.
@actone23 Жыл бұрын
thanks for the tutorial! I'm stuck at the super long expression (the one that starts with "function findChar(keyIndex,parentLayer,currentNext,seed)" as After Effects gives me the error " Object of type found where a Number, Array or Property is needed". How can I bypass this error?
@BenjamynHofer Жыл бұрын
"having the same issue!" RESOLVED: If you continue on the other expressions solve this issue!
@kdogg73 Жыл бұрын
I am having this issue in AE 2024. I have hand typed the code. I have copied the code. And then I went as far as getting a single month of patreon so I can have the source files only to still get this error. Michael, if you read this, can you help address if you haven't already?
@mathewmartini4456 Жыл бұрын
See my response to @NeilDoleman,@@kdogg73 : Make sure under File > Project Settings > Expressions that you are set to Legacy ExtendScript instead of Javascript. I usually have it set to javascript by default. This fixed it for me in AE 23.1
@dantedicroce55697 ай бұрын
please help!!! the very first line of the interpolation code says "Error: object of type found where a number, array, or property is needed." Everything up to this point was going so good i absolutely love this tutorial
@Spexicle10 ай бұрын
im getting string not defined error at the first step
@anantaajif Жыл бұрын
what sound effect do u use for split flap display?
@MediaWorkbench Жыл бұрын
I used a number of Data Beep and Data Miscellaneous sound effects from Mister Horse's Essential Sound Effects pack to create the sound effects of the split flap display in the tutorial.
@itsmeferall2600 Жыл бұрын
I have followed the steps well and correctly, when it comes to Main Composition at the Position Expression stage: var numberLetters = this.parent.effect("Max Comps")("Slider"); var xPos = (( - this.parent.effect("Starting Comp")("Slider")) - (numberLetters/2)) (number ofLetters/2)) * this.parent.effect("Letter Tracking")("Slider")); value = [xPos,transform.position[1]]; I got the following error: Warning After Effect: Expression Disabled Error on line 1 in the 'Position' property of layer 2 ('0') in the 'Main Composition' comp. TypeError: Unable to read undefined property (reading 'effect') but where is the error? I have followed the steps correctly.
@amrhossamabdelwahab4487 Жыл бұрын
@MediaWorkbench Жыл бұрын
I wrote the expression wrong for the latest versions of After Effects CC. Anywhere in the code where "this." is used, just omit it or use "thisLayer." It seems "this." as a selector was depreciated in the latest AE versions. I will be updating the code snippets on the Media Workbench website to be correct to save anyone time.
@MediumShotMarshall5 ай бұрын
This tutorial no longer works. There's an expression error on the interpolation code that prevents you from completing the project.
@MediaWorkbench5 ай бұрын
Hey, thanks for identifying an issue. If you would be so kind, can you go to my site and submit a contact form, selecting “support with a tutorial” and share a screenshot of the error. Ill review the issue and try to issue an update 👍🏼
@milimaxcontact703511 ай бұрын
Doesn't work for me either "Object of type found where a Number, Array, or Property is needed" apparently it concerns this first line : var textSource = parent.text.sourceText; Some Help
@kfxanimation11 ай бұрын
Had the same error, you just have to go to your project tab, then project settings (the rocket icon below) and on expression tab change from java script to legacy
@mateus.angelo11 ай бұрын
@@kfxanimation Você é lindo de um anjo, salvou nós demais. Beijo grande na sua bundinha linda
@mikehotel565210 ай бұрын
@@kfxanimation Thank you so much! I would have never figured out that one.
@mifumax10 ай бұрын
Thanks a lot@@kfxanimation you're a lifesaver, it works now !!!
@milimaxcontact703510 ай бұрын
You're so good@@kfxanimation thnak you so much, you saved my project.
@xlunair Жыл бұрын
next branches animation
@MediaWorkbench Жыл бұрын
As in the one on the TVA monitors? Sounds good 👍🏼
@xlunair Жыл бұрын
I'm waiting for the video@@MediaWorkbench
@Dustinmrr.mp4 Жыл бұрын
Oh god this is way to complicated for a beginner like 😂 me who only uses the filmora app 😱 there must be an easier way 👀👀👀
@n1ervaa2 ай бұрын
damn, just realized that I wanted to request this tutorial but you already made it 1 year ago🤍
@iqbalpamulaa Жыл бұрын
var numberOfLetters = this.parent.effect("Max Comp")("Slider"); var xPos = (( - this.parent.effect("Starting Comp")("Slider")) - (numberOfLetters/2)) * this.parent.effect("Letter Tracking")("Slider"); value = [xPos,transform.position[1]]; After Effects warning: Expression Disabled Error at line 1 in property 'Position' of layer 2 ('0') in comp 'Main Comp'. TypeError: Cannot read property 'effect' of undefined I'm using AE CC 2022
@MediaWorkbench Жыл бұрын
Check if your slider control is called “Max Comp” or “Max Comps” and then correct the expression where it references it. Also might be erroring if your split flap comp is yet to be parented to your reference text layer. Let me know how you go.
@iqbalpamulaa Жыл бұрын
@@MediaWorkbench "Max Comp" already matches mine, and I've parented split flap to reference text layer. If you have discord or something to show the image, let me know.
@MediaWorkbench Жыл бұрын
@iqbalpamulaa easiest thing would be to get in touch via the contact page on my website, if you select “support with a tutorial” you can upload a screenshot there and we can follow up through there 👍🏼
@iqbalpamulaa Жыл бұрын
@@MediaWorkbench Email has been sent. Thank you.
@anantaajif Жыл бұрын
@@iqbalpamulaa Have you found the solution? I have the same problem too