Thought for a few seconds Clarifying context OK, let's break this down. "滑鼠" commonly refers to a computer mouse, but can also mean a rodent like a mouse. The context here appears to pertain to a computer mouse based on the language and terms used. Evaluating potential causes I'm piecing together that the focus might be on a computer mouse malfunction. Alternatively, it could be linked to a RSI condition, like "mouse hand," possibly implying medical attention. Identifying the issue OK, let's unpack whether "滑鼠病" refers to a broken computer mouse or a mouse (animal) issue, with a hint towards computer mouse usage problems. 您好, 1. 如果您指的是電腦滑鼠(鼠標)出現問題: 您可以聯繫購買滑鼠的電子產品維修中心或相關的技術支援部門。 如果滑鼠是公司或學校提供的,您可以向資訊技術(IT)部門求助。 有時候,簡單的重新連接、驅動程式更新或更換電池(如果是無線滑鼠)即可解決問題。 2. 如果您指的是動物滑鼠(老鼠)生病了: 您應該帶滑鼠去看獸醫。通常,寵物醫院或小動物診所的獸醫師能夠提供適當的診斷和治療。 確保滑鼠的環境清潔,並觀察是否有其他症狀,以便提供給獸醫師參考。 希望這些資訊對您有幫助!