AITA For Breaking Up With My Ex BF bc He Tried to Tamper With My Medication & More | Episode 137

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Comfort Level Podcast

Comfort Level Podcast

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@akrasiels4001 Ай бұрын
The first story-It’s a violation of consent, absolutely. It’s a form of baby trapping. And his beginning to break down about how he “has a great job” implies he wants her to be a stay at home mother while he goes to work. He sounds incredibly insecure that his girlfriend has more ambition than him, and may wind up the breadwinner if she goes through with her plans.
@quiltrolover Ай бұрын
yeah ugh to even talk to this man after this happened is so gross. i feel nauseous even thinking about someone doing this!
@rosyrr1012 Ай бұрын
There’s no trust now. This woman has goals and he’s selfishly trying to put his wants first
@kaitlynmorgan4613 Ай бұрын
i think thats the second story ^^ but i think that guy could get *charged* cause its illegal to mess with medication or essentially stealth
@bibsp3556 Ай бұрын
It's essentially nonconsent
@bethebelle2810 Ай бұрын
Reproductive abuse!
@TeamQuigley Ай бұрын
Realizing your partner is not qualified for your zombie apocalypse team is 100% grounds for divorce.
@snicholson8884 Ай бұрын
At this point, it's suspicious for this dog to appear out of no where, through their 'easily opened' gate, while caring for a child. All for the husband to escape through the same gate and close it after himself, trapping her and the kids in with the dog. Sounds like he set her up for accidental d3ath.
@LiannaLovelle Ай бұрын
@@snicholson8884Thats a crazy conspiracy. Either way she will divorce
@bettyam9917 Ай бұрын
The story about the pit bull attack was so sad, like what if she was not able to over power the dog? I cannot image the what ifs and he just left and close the door. There is no forgiveness and trust after that. I would understand if he got scared and ran and screamed for help and got others involved but no, he left her and those babies to their fate. Shameful, cowardice and selfish.
@CircusoftheMoon Ай бұрын
My dog literally ripped out a sliding door to come save me when a pit bull came in my yard and attacked me. My dog loves me more than that guy loves his wife.
@tamaraobrien3831 Ай бұрын
I would NEVER be able to forgive him. He literally left her to die.
@Gxport Ай бұрын
1) how was he with someone for 2 YEARS and he didn’t know that she has arm birth control vs the pill. Clearly he doesn’t pay attention to her and her medical conditions. 2) it doesn’t matter that the tampering would not have worked. He thought it would have worked. The intent was to take away her choice not to get pregnant right now. 3) his family is just as bad as he is. Run.
@kalliearroyo9527 Ай бұрын
I agree, he wanted to take away her choice before she finished her education, I'm sure in an attempt to derail it so she would be more likely to fall into the role of primary parent. It makes me sick that people (both genders) try to manipulate people into relationships they have been clear they don't want. Just find someone who wants to be a mom if that's what you want. Don't try to derail a woman with a clear idea of what she wants.
@imsoy2k Ай бұрын
Family likey put him up to it knowing how slow men are they told him to look for pills in a foil packet
@MontyRae22 Ай бұрын
2nd story: The fact that he ran out and CLOSED THE GATE BEHIND HIM, trapping her and the 2 kids in the yard with the aggressive dog is sending me🤬
@christym9632 Ай бұрын
It's coercion and she could press charges if she wanted to. It's highly illegal to mess with medication.
@opalowlstowels7888 Ай бұрын
It's not coercion
@hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii5 Ай бұрын
@@opalowlstowels7888it is a form of SA and very predatory…
@gem9535 Ай бұрын
@@opalowlstowels7888It’s most definitely baby trapping, which is still illegal.
@bethebelle2810 Ай бұрын
@@opalowlstowels7888tampering with birth control is in fact an example of reproductive coercion/reproductive abuse!
@megancalcaterra9225 4 күн бұрын
It's not coercion, I think she was looking for the term informed consent. Like if someone said they were on birth control but actually wasn't you are not giving informed consent which is also assault.
@angelsdoexist Ай бұрын
The third story - for me it's not even just that he ran away and couldn't follow instructions, it's that he CLOSED THE GATE BEHIND HIM. Trapping his wife, nephew and niece in with the vicious dog. He didn't run and yell for help or do anything, he just left and trapped them behind. I don't think I'd trust him again after that.
@xjustskye Ай бұрын
Several words can be used for the first story: Violation of Consent, Coercion, R*pe under false pretences, Baby Trapping and Medicine Tempering.
@lauraburt1113 Ай бұрын
The pitbull story. I cannot fathom someone just abandoning a child to danger regardless of past fears or anything. I have a diagnosed phobia of cicadas. They cause severe and VIOLENT panic attacks, been in exposure therapy for years now trying to handle it. When my nephew was about 2/3 yrs old, I was holding him when a cicada flew into my face and then got tangled in my hair. I initially ducked to avoid it, unsuccessfully, and it obviously surprised the toddler in my arms when i suddenly jerked him around. The moment those little eyes looked at me in surprise i realized that the most immediate danger to him in that moment was me. I was the danger to this kid. Despite everything in my brain and body trying to rush into the familiar panic attack, i froze still as a statue. I even made sure not to squeeze my arms when i tensed up because id have hurt him. I mean i was SHAKING with how tensely i locked up. Every muscle on me was frozen in place. I asked my buddy in the most tense and softspoken voice to come out of me, to take the kid from me and to get the thing out of my hair. i didnt move a single muscle until the thing was out of my hair and the toddler eas safe with a different person. Marched my ass to the nearest open store where the toddler wouldnt hear or see me and lost my ever loving shit. I couldnt avoid the panic attack happening but the moment i realized that the only thing stopping my newphew from getting hurt was me, i did everything i possibly could to keep him safe. From myself. I didnt squeeze him, i didnt drop him, i didnt scream (oh boy was that hard cause it was tryin to squeek out of my the whole time. Its why i spoke so softly, anything more and it would be a scream.) despite my brain/body having an irrational and uncontrollable trigger to something, protecting that kid overrode every bit of it. I cant fathom someone not protecting the kid, despite a serious fear. I wasnt being attacked by a dog, but a phobia doesnt really care about the fact that its irrational, your brain still reacts like it is a rational fear and that youre in danger. To me, i was in danger (dont worry strangers on the Internet, no one is aware of how ridiculous this is more than me 😅) but me being in danger was nothing compared to HIM being in danger. I needed to protect him first before i protected myself.
@AutisticEthics Ай бұрын
Framing 8yo: The impact of this on that kid is very serious. I think the husband is doing it because he hates having a disabled son and wants to punish someone. People do this stuff to disabled people because they want to put them in their place. This is evidence of abuse. You NEED to apologize to this kid asap. Ack. you can choose not to make a scene but that kid will cut you off the day he learns.
@KenzieKullen Ай бұрын
Memory loss story from the perspective of a caregiver for people with intellectual or developmental disabilities is VERY concerning. There are people who often position themselves around individuals with memory loss or otherwise impaired recall capabilities in order to take their things without repercussion. It’s a form of abuse, and certainly worrying to hear.
@KenzieKullen Ай бұрын
It very much sounds like the husband may be counting on his wife to immediately assume memory issues are at play due to her situation, as she’s readily prepared to attribute much of her sons behavior to his memory problems and it makes her more likely to assume the same for him. It’s highly suspicious that they were both found in his possession, and that he continued to pay for the phone despite it allegedly being lost. Even if it was ADHD, it is highly unlikely that he took his stepsons iPad for any reason and then forgot that he hid it at the bottom of a drawer. Same for the phone, it’s not a normal action to complete in the first place- much less to forget about doing it two separate times about 2 years apart. I wonder if he’s missing other things that he hasn’t registered as missing because they’re not as integrated with daily life as a phone or tablet.
@bc8796 Ай бұрын
My friend got attacked by a dog at her job not long ago. She's a vet tech. The dog bit her in her face and arm and took a little bit of her ear. I get people freeze and you never know what's going to happen, but she said the owners didn't really do anything. The doctor in the room tried to help as much as she could, but dogs are strong. She had to run and get herself out of the room and I guess the owners and doctor were able to get the dog under control. The dog was put down after that. Obviously, it was traumatic for her and she still has some issues with going into that room at her job and engaging with some other dogs. The thing that made me mad was that the owners knew he was a snappy dog, he had bitten before and said nothing. I wish I had been there to try and help, but she's doing alright now. I say all this to say that something like that is traumatic and scary and happens so fast, but I don't blame op for wanting to ditch her husband. Like you guys said it's one thing to ride and that's okay but the fact that he closed the gate behind him and apparently hopped in the car and left is crazy. Like Brandon said you might run in the minute but then you realize that there's people there that need help and everyone would hope that they would rise to the occasion to help somebody and I know that's not always what happens. And that's fine. But OP is justified to not want to be around that and seeing him differently.
@Lurklen Ай бұрын
So I had a dog who sounded like an absolute hell beast. She growled and it sounded like the gates of hell were opening up and your judgement was upon ye! She was a big sweety pie, but she was easily anxious and god if she wasn't scary. I was always really clear with the vets that she had never bit anyone, but that she would act very aggressive, so any precautions they wanted to take were fine with me. I myself would put a muzzle on her in the office, and one time a tech got so nervous holding her in a up to the chest position, that I had to take over. (She apologized, but she said the growl right next to her neck was just too scary. No one faulted her. It _was_ scary, I just knew my dog and trusted I could control the situation.) Your animal is always your responsibility, and putting professionals even just potentially in harms way with no notice is just a really awful thing to do. Sorry your friend had to go through that. I also had my sister leave me to a pair of pit bulls that were running loose, lock and hold the door shut behind her. She felt bad, but she could not help herself, the fear took over. The pit bulls were fine, I stood my ground and they were pretty chill and hauled off by a skinny 12 year old girl after a bit. I had to assure her the dogs were gone, and push the door open before I could get back in the house. Sometimes fear just wins, and I don't blame people for it. (but, I'll know my sister will cut and run if she thinks we're about to be eaten, and plan accordingly).
@bc8796 Ай бұрын
@@Lurklen I'm glad you at least were aware of your dog and warned the vets and staff about her behavior. The people that brought in the dog that attacked my friend didn't warn them he had bitten before. It came out when the wife said she wasn't doing this anymore and said it had bitten someone else before. So they took it to be euthanized. Just irresponsible behavior on their part. And I'm sorry your sister did that to you, I'm glad it didn't turn into anything more serious. I wish it could have been the same for Op and the niece. I know fear takes over sometimes and that's fine, but I don't blame her for not wanting to be with her husband anymore. I still think it's pretty messed up what he did, I wish that he would have at least turned around and came back with help or the bear spray she had. If Op sees the divorce/separation though then she can just try and chill and heal from what happened.
@Terriblenogoodverybadartist Ай бұрын
No one can know what they'll do in an emergency, you can train for however long and say whatever you like but when it comes down to it instinct takes over. Shutting that door wasn't instinct.
@YouMeEvery1 Ай бұрын
1) I think the phrase you're looking for is "bodily autonomy." He was fully trying to take that from her.
@cutegixie Ай бұрын
The one about memory loss and electronics - my worry would be that there would be no way for it to happen a third time. If the rule is that break it/lose it means you don't get another one then the son has been without a phone and ipad and I'm not sure what other devices the kid might have. I feel like the adhd is a possible culprit but seeing how they have a rule against replacing it makes me more concerned that the husband is intentionally depriving his stepson of these items. I wish we had a more concrete update because this one is really puzzling me 😅
@Krissykrisify Ай бұрын
So he is ready for kids but not marriage...
@alenamoss8174 Ай бұрын
that’s exactly what i was thinking 😂
@khethiwezwane2481 Ай бұрын
My thoughts exactly🚩🚩🚩🚩
@gem9535 Ай бұрын
Men like him always are.
@pamlew338 Ай бұрын
No marriage, he can walk away from her and kid
@beamshark Ай бұрын
I understand the "lose it, no replacement" for kids with **perfectly normal** memory, but this is a disabled child. There should be an exception and level of understanding that this is not a reasonable expectation. Especially considering this a little 8 year old boy, not someone who has been dealing with his disability for an incredibly long time. The dad is acting so weird.
@shanancostello1805 Ай бұрын
The pit bull story is sad, it’s not his fault for the way he reacted but it’s a trust killer. In her nervous system she’s not going to trust this man without significant work and even then she might not be able to get the trust back. I think her reaction to the husband really normal given the situation.
@sophier6504 Ай бұрын
Agreed, but he took the time to SHUT THE GATE and lock them in the yard with the dog, I think that’s beyond “instinct”
@kaitlynmorgan4613 Ай бұрын
i was attacked by a dog with my dad and brother there. i was probably in the 4th grade (so 9-10 years old) when i went to my dads coworkers house party. we were hanging out with the dogs in this small room that was closed off with a baby gate taller than me. i was petting the smaller dog while the other two were petting the larger dog. out of nowhere, the larger dog bites my face (a small piece of my nose fell onto the floor) and then my arm. ive got a scar in both places. i dont even remember feeling pain (probably due to adrenaline) but knew something was wrong when i wiped my "runny nose" and it was bleeding + leaving a trail of blood where i walked. i cant imagine my dad running away instead of lifting me out of the room first as he did :/
@daniables03 Ай бұрын
the first story is literally r*pe like that’s insane i would notify the authorities and his job immediately
@bibsp3556 Ай бұрын
Authorities is fine, work without a verdict is simply slander and can land you in hot water
@Reya_Sunshine Ай бұрын
Framing Story: Could it be the other son? Injured son deserves to know what happened.
@hopelessromantic3786 Ай бұрын
Op says that the only person who goes in the trunk is the husband. I think it'd be pretty noticeable if one of the boys was messing around with the car. But still a possibility to keep in mind.
@Carelessxbutterfly 23 күн бұрын
The framing story: I agree confronting the dad because when I was like 12, I lost my phone at a family friends house and a pair of expensive headphones when said family friends were over at ours, and any time my siblings would get something I wasn’t allowed because “I lost my phone how can I be trusted with anything else” only to find out it was my best friend at the time stealing all of my stuff (including underwear). It really hurt that I missed out on so many things because of something I didn’t even do, safe to say we are no longer family friends with them.
@liiinnnafaye Ай бұрын
i feel like nobody said anything abt the medical reasons ppl are on bc too. like if she had a serious issue or needed it and he destroyed it? that’s absolutely diabolical that could have been seriously detrimental to her health
@_Mista_X Ай бұрын
The dog story-NTA and the people who owned the dog should be arrested.
@AkaniTV Ай бұрын
Glad to hear how the guests and the hosts know each other. It’s always nice to know the connection.
@lizzzkitty Ай бұрын
I looooooove these new intros!!!!!!! LOOOOVE THEM🤣🤣
@xelectrix Ай бұрын
9:50 reproductive coercion?
@cassandracornwell7595 Ай бұрын
Yes this is it!
@Mars2Earth Ай бұрын
It's also called "stealthing"
@jmackultra Ай бұрын
You beat me to the punch. That's exactly it.
@sarahwbs Ай бұрын
I'm also thinking it's something about the lack of informed consent.
@cmar397 Ай бұрын
Yes, violating someone's bodily autonomy
@chahidaachahboun5409 Ай бұрын
Hahaha the besttttttt!!! Love the intro’s! Very …. 90’s sitcom-ish
@cristina08888 Ай бұрын
Right so good 🎉
@tarag5077 Ай бұрын
So good!
@marisolania2696 Ай бұрын
I hope the algorithm pushes you all up because this pod brings so much joy and smiles to my day!😊 Thank you! (I love the new intro)
@catT5236 Ай бұрын
Memory loss story: she needs to have a conversation with her son to see if there's any other issues with the husband at the very least.
@grrlwriter Ай бұрын
The TBI story almost made me cry. I have long Covid, and 4 months after my Covid infection, I essentially woke up with a TBI. Covid can snap up to 40% of your neural pathways, so I went to bed fine and woke up with a TBI. If someone had even remotely moved things like that and blamed it on my TBI, I would have been crushed. Existing in a brain that just doesn't work the way it used to is exhausting, frustrating, and terrifying. I had no more than 25 seconds of short-term memory for almost a month and no object permanence for a solid month. It took 18 months for my brain to heal, mostly back to normal, but I had to build new neural pathways and figure out whole new ways to do things.
@laaadybird Ай бұрын
ahh i love the new intro!!
@pieces9678 Ай бұрын
Stealthing is when you remove consent
@bengazibengazi1208 Ай бұрын
With the step dad possibly taking the items, she should put cameras in the house. To see what’s going on. Because there’s so many variables
@fireandice8248 Ай бұрын
Woah, i dont think I've ever been as early as i am. You guys posted this like 5 minutes ago. I didnt even see the notification 😂
@KaiLucasZachary Ай бұрын
One time, when selling Girl Scout Cookies as a little kid in the neighborhood, my best friend and I (and my father right behind us) just completely ignored a fence sign that said "beware of dog" of something to that effect. Luckily my father was there, but when that dog can running around the corner, I quite literally - without any type of thought - ran back to the gate and slammed it closed behind me, trapping my best friend in the yard with the dog coming at her. Granted, I was a child at the time. I'd like to think about myself that if the same were to happen now (and especially if there was a baby involved), I'd act much differently.
@samminechole Ай бұрын
My ex step father would create situations much like the kid with the TBI. I was threatened with jail (probably wouldn’t have happened but to a kid still scary) over a missing diamond to a ring I have never seen in my life. If the step dad is doing this it’s a huge red flag.
@soggytortillla Ай бұрын
The first story is deeply deeply troubling, and that’s an understatement. He will find a new girlfriend to coerce into pregnancy. I never want to become pregnant (it’s a subject i am very serious about) and im on the pill, if a man did this to me, he wouldn’t make it out of my house alive!!
@Lurklen Ай бұрын
I had my older sister (she was in her 30's, I was in my 20's) leave me to a pair of pit bulls that were running loose, lock and hold the door shut behind her. She felt bad, but she could not help herself, the fear took over. The pit bulls were fine, I stood my ground and they were pretty chill and hauled off by a skinny 12 year old girl after a bit. I had to assure her the dogs were gone, and push the door open before I could get back in the house. Sometimes fear just wins, and I don't blame people for it (but, I'll know my sister will cut and run if she thinks we're about to be eaten, and plan accordingly). She and I would like to think that she wouldn't do that if there had been kids involved, but she doesn't know. Impulse is powerful and fear is a strong one. That said. I was fine. The dogs with me were just hyper and curious, and I was able to get them to back off with some stern commands. I did not have to defend two little children, get bit a few times, and beat a dog possibly to death with a shovel. I might have been a lot more sore had that been the case. That dude should be begging forgiveness, and thanking his lady for her courage and quick thinking. Her child free ass just literally went toe to toe with a kind of dog that has killed grown women before, to save two children, and she not only kept her head and acted tactically, she was issuing orders, and then took care of business and didn't stop until the threat was gone. She's a heck of a woman, and should be lauded for her actions. I think not all of us have that ability to stay calm, so while I can't judge him too harshly for that moment of fear, I can judge him for how he's acting now. He should have the courage to admit he reacted poorly, and to seek her forgiveness. At the very least he might earn back a shred of her respect. But she might now no longer see him as a viable partner. A lot of people, and many of them women, want to know their partner will be there for them when things go crazy/dangerous, now she knows he'll likely panic. That's grounds for ending a relationship.
@sasid4760 Ай бұрын
sooooo excited, this came at a perfect time. about to eat lunch
@syddwtf Ай бұрын
“it’s nice of her to respond with words" sent meee😂😂
@AmandaS-si9mh Ай бұрын
So sorry about the kid and the iphone/ipad going missing: she only mentions that the husband has ADHD in an update. That is super relevant. I have the worst tendency to pick something up, like my keys, and think, "Gee, shouldn't leave those there, they'll get lost." Then put them in a "safe place", then have no memory of seeing the keys, moving the keys, or where the "safe place" was. This was evident, to me, by the fact that he put the items in chaos piles. Messy shirt drawer sounds like a typical "safe spot". Junk trunk sounds like "I'll just put that here for a minute until I'm ready to put it away" and then forgetting completely about it. I have learned how to veer away from finding "safe places" for things by giving things homes. They live there and that's where they go. For example, my keys live in my purse, so if i ever see my keys outside of my purse i have to stop whatever I'm doing and put my keys in their home. Both the child and husband can benefit from having an ADHD organization system set up. Organized chaos.
@aretakatera Ай бұрын
I want to do a compilation of myself lip-syncing to ridiculous shxt Sam says. Like "ma'am that's my HUSBAND"
@shannonowens24 Ай бұрын
The nerve of the "friend" in the last story to claim OP is making it a big deal when she literally tried to turn the friend group against her over a simple "no."
@gallagherchick Ай бұрын
First story: it’s absolutely illegal to tamper with people’s meds. In what world would OP be the AH? Second story: The gf is an AH. Who says that their bf’s little sister isn’t “high value”? In regards to the sister, who asked who out? If she asked the guy out, she should pay the bill. Third story: Spot on commentary. That’s gonna definitely cloud their relationship, possibly forever. They definitely need some counseling, individual and couple. I don’t fault her for being mad at her husband for running while she had to k-ll a dog that attacked her and his niece. Tough situation.
@iamberrykind Ай бұрын
I LOVE THE NEW INTRO!!! Also Sam should get the button board more often now lmaooo
@100onBooks 22 күн бұрын
Hey! Recently started listening to your podcast so coming on YT to respond to Story 1: the term for tampering with BC is "reproductive coercion" which takes 3 forms according to Wikipedia: pregnancy coercion, birth control sabotage, and controlling the outcome of a pregnancy.
@Strangegirl265 Ай бұрын
The guy from the first story was trying to baby trap her, she needs to get far away from him and never look back.
@Snow-l2z Ай бұрын
In the story with the step dad I would that what Sam was saying was half right “whether she want to be with the husband or not “ cause yes she owes her herself happiness but she also owes her child security and safety so the question she should ask ask herself is whether she’s picking her husband or her son And it not like this is a big divorce situation but the husband is weird cause he’s taking stuff and hiding it…but he’s still paying for it. Maybe we are all wrong and it’s the step son
@briinezzz4222 Ай бұрын
1:10:03 I know exactly which story Sam is talking about 😂 I get stuck watching them too and get mad when they never make an ad with the conclusion 😂😂
@ELITEmyfrat Ай бұрын
For real lol
@Mars2Earth Ай бұрын
Yay! I was just looking for a re-listen and found this posted XD Thanks for making my night off perfect :)
@priscillaarjon8634 Ай бұрын
“I WAS SHOCKED AND I TOLD HER noooo” lol the way Madi whips out the gentle-est no in that sentence sent me
@kamiisenseii Ай бұрын
I love your guys’ intros 😭
@b00ooshrooms13 Ай бұрын
Yyyyessssdsssssss living for the intro
@ImNotaRussianBot Ай бұрын
9:38 Agency
@Majinkai268 Ай бұрын
Hey!!!!! Stopping by to vibe out with you guys
@TigerJPK Ай бұрын
@TheHana556 Ай бұрын
Good episode. When's the next live?
@jessrosem Ай бұрын
This comment needs to be pinned
@californiapattycakes4417 Ай бұрын
Ik it’s late, but the lady upset about her son’s iPhone/ipad…. I would NOT confront the husband. What I would do is set up some cameras, & give the son another device. The camera would not lie! If it wasn’t the husband, could it be one of the other kids hiding it or helping the dad?? I wouldn’t accuse without watching the security cameras. Once I found out who it is, I would have tons of questions!!!!
@zoejaiattoh1243 10 күн бұрын
This first story ..He violated on SO MANY LEVELS.. cut everyone off that thinks it’s no big deal. Cuz that’s an assault.
@jaklei9610 Ай бұрын
oh no i knew exactly what sam was talking about near the end. i also cant stop watching them
@dreamtheory5658 Ай бұрын
Story 1: consent can work here as it doesn’t just apply to intimacy, but autonomy may be the word you’re looking for
@davidbrackett9962 Ай бұрын
I love the intro♥️😂
@Joter0ful Ай бұрын
For the framing the 8yr old one, I think the added detail that the her husband has adhd is huge. As someone with adhd I have 100% lost things only to find them years later in the most obscure places with no idea how they ended up there. The phone being in the trunk seems pretty obvious as to how it got there bc she said he just sweeps everything up from his car and dumps it in there. The ipad in the t-shirt drawer may be a mystery no one will ever solve
@elijahmoran9392 Ай бұрын
I get those stories on my TikTok to Sam and I can’t get away from them 😂😂
@KaiLucasZachary Ай бұрын
You need to adjust the volume levels more, just for future reference. Even with my computer at 100% volume, I can barely hear the dude with the deepest voice.
@alecia-dfcb71 Ай бұрын
This intro is magnificent lol
@jessiecarter5941 Ай бұрын
I didn’t see SJ in the opening first time and I was about to throw my lid demanding her appearance be there when I rewinded and saw her I sigh of relief came
@madamesativa1319 Ай бұрын
I feel like Sam is just forever problematic and has beef with everyone and that’s why Sam is king
@V.Hansen. Ай бұрын
I would be equally mad at a woman that ran and left babies to get killed by an attacking animal. It’s just…I couldn’t see them as anything but absolutely disgusting after that.
@kristinfortner6371 Ай бұрын
I literally was just telling my husband about the dumb short stories I get stuck on watching that s was talking about. I downloaded an app to watch the end of the same short story. 😂
@chillyybillyy8533 Ай бұрын
This feels like a 90s sitcom s/o to the new season 😂
@pohia 19 күн бұрын
The lost phone story: You can tell these guys don’t have kids by the way they’re only thinking about how they would feel to be the partner of that dad. What about the son? This whole time he had insisted that he didn’t lose his things, that somebody stole them, and he wasn’t believed. At that point, it’s no longer about you and what you feel about a situation. You have to get to the bottom of the situation and figure out what really happened and why. You owe that to your kid who doesn’t have a voice to properly fight for himself in the dynamic and is now being punished for someone else’s actions
@tiyapooh2419 Ай бұрын
Ahhh I live for the opening lol 😂
@0209sean Ай бұрын
36:32 enjoy the streets lmao as i was typing u all got it lmaooo 😂
@MadisonAddair Ай бұрын
I think Autonomy was the word Madi was looking for in the BC story
@sambaxter1118 22 күн бұрын
1st story - he removed her right to informed consent which is a form of SA in terms of legal process and she can press charges
@katelyngarcia9121 Ай бұрын
When fight or flight kicks in people do weird things.. when I was pregnant and a pit bull charged at me my husband ran as well. His bestfriend stepped in and protected me. That was the only time I've ever felt like he did not protect me. Maybe your husband has past trauma with dogs and now you know if a dog ever comes around you need to protect yourself and possibly your children. If it's a deal breaker address it.
@bradiedean7466 Ай бұрын
Oof I never want to be the person that hates on all pitbulls, but there's no denying that they are physically capable of doing major damage. My brother has a pitbull-lab mix and he is the sweetest baby, not an aggressive bone in his body, but he is MASSIVE and doesn't recognize how big or strong he is so in trying to run up for pets or play he will knock you over (they're working on training, but he's still a puppy and is also kinda dumb) so if he WERE aggressive or rabid I know he could easily kill a child. The fact that the husband didn't even call 911 or grab a neighbor after he ran off.... That would be a deal breaker for me. And i can only imagine how the kids' parents felt about it
@dystineeschild Ай бұрын
@15:06 I see the alien from Sign behind Brandon!!
@VeganBoricua Ай бұрын
The first story is an example of reproductive coercion, specifically attempted birth control sabotage. Very common tactic used in relationships that are abusive. Can be one of the first abuses attempted, because then once pregnant/a parent the abuse can escalate because you’re “trapped”
@lollapadoozy7107 Ай бұрын
Pitbull attack story- I know exactly what his train of thought was, he yelled “whose dog is this??” and ran out to find the owners, probably shutting the gate to keep the dog inside so it doesn’t run out somewhere else before he can find them. He probably ran down the street looking for people searching for a dog, didn’t see anyone, and came back to absolute carnage. It’s no excuse, I don’t know WHY that was his first priority and he was absolutely wrong for it, but that’s exactly where is brain was 🤷🏻‍♀️
@LiannaLovelle Ай бұрын
Oh this makes a lot of sense! The dog already bit the little girl and he didn’t listen to his partner about the bear spray. He assumed the owners would be able to control the dog and didn’t seem to realise that the dog could potentially kill. Like you say, his priorities were messed up. Thanks for the insight, Im always curious about the ‘why’.
@jessrosem Ай бұрын
It’s the Costco pack of sun chips for me
@CircusoftheMoon Ай бұрын
Story 1 reminds me of that one story where a woman woke up to her man holding a knife while he was feeling up her arm. He was trying to CUT the implant out of her arm!!!
@amywilson4775 13 сағат бұрын
The dig story: That little girl was in the hospital for how long?? That was not a minor attack. If his wife hadn't been such a hero, that little girl would have been killed by that dog, I am sure. And then the baby???? The kids parents know who saved them from planning a funeral and it shows. I can't imagine staying with someone knowing they would save themself above all else, even if they felt bad afterward.
@drewhollinshead1963 Ай бұрын
Jill gives serious Dr. Jill vibes ❤
@Cordelish Ай бұрын
The words you are looking for is "he was stealing her bodily autonomy". If you reversed the roles, and it was a girlfriend who was tampering with condoms then his family would have been outraged.
@Jennifer-y4g Ай бұрын
R yall from broken bow Oklahoma If so that cool I'm currently watching from nashoba oklahoma
@greenwren5072 Ай бұрын
S1: What do you mean "double up with condoms"? I hope not 2 at the same, cos the friction can actually rip the condoms. So that's a bad idea. Edit: Listened again and realized double up, meaning, on birth control, so pill + condoms. Thank god, I was worried (and confused) for a sec there.
@jassieluv Ай бұрын
I got the ick on the second story as well, cuz girl WTF?
@floppy_hands1770 24 күн бұрын
I don't think the guy was in the wrong when self preservation kicks in it just does. If the woman really does file for divorce on this ground, I really feel she shouldn't be getting one penny from him.
@sinewave1k735 Ай бұрын
4:52 lol Brandon and Jill like cousins and Sam qnd Jill like siblings
@splouffy Ай бұрын
In the first story, I am able to be just as offended by women who get pregnant without consent as I am angry about a man trying to impregnate without consent. They seem similar enough to me.
@amyersadams Ай бұрын
2nd story. Go with your first mind. How do you leave your wife behind to fight the dog and keep the kids safe? That's wild. 3rd story - That's a huge red flag. You need to protect your kid. Why is he only taking things from your son? Sounds like he's specifically targeting him.
@ULFRICDeNalli Ай бұрын
I say "female" because I have a speech impediment and the "w" in "woman" is 99.9% of the time a hard lock for me. That and the R in "rasberry".
@carlosgutierrez9779 Ай бұрын
With the iPhone one, I think the fathers ADHD is a factor as I have a partner with ADHD and have found their phone in unusual places. Maybe he picked it up intending to return it but instead it ended up in his doom pile. He might have to seek medication if his symptoms hinder him in other ways.
@patiencebrandes6452 17 күн бұрын
To the husband hiding devices I wonder if he’s sleep walking the couch thing sounds like during the day though. But people hide things all the time with sleep walking
@brown14suga Ай бұрын
I was thinking the husband who's hiding devices might have a brain injury of some sort as well.
@JustMyOpinion40 Ай бұрын
10:02 its baby trapping. When a guy slips off a condom (without womans consent) that is called Stealthing. And its illegal
@emmettpickett2146 Ай бұрын
Lying framing Husband story: OP is defending her husband too much. Despite what the son was saying she had made up her mind but despite actual evidence to doubt her husband shes hardly doing so.
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