AITA For Telling My Son's Girlfriend to Break Up With Him | Episode 114

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Comfort Level Podcast

Comfort Level Podcast

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@dakotadad8835 6 ай бұрын
There is not a chance I would even come close to allowing another women to flirt with me or touch me physically in a flirtatious way, I have no problem disrespecting another woman to keep mine happy. She comes first above everyone I would never give her a reason to have to feel that way, I would shut that down so quick it’s so disrespectful and anyone would have a problem with it, the fact that everyone seems to have turned on the lady in the first story is bizarre and makes me think her husband really just wants to be with the other girl and so does his family
@oshinofalakoju5749 6 ай бұрын
As you should, king.
@alexisdogbo7958 6 ай бұрын
I mean, sure but I see no need to be disrespectful unless they’re already aware you’re in a relationship.(the guy in the first story was def in the wrong though.)
@tHePuReMiRaClEs 6 ай бұрын
there’s another update and essentially husband was just hurt that op left him in an awkward situation when he was just trying to diffuse the situation, and he left because op didn’t ask how he was doing when she came back. His mom essentially acted as a mediator gave them both a sit down and now they both agreed to go NC/LC with Shawn and Cindy. And they’re gonna do couples therapy
@joc9370 6 ай бұрын
@@tHePuReMiRaClEstysm for this, I ran to read that update!
@alicethemadrabbit1842 6 ай бұрын
You can tell they're young.... they both let way too much weird shit slide so that the wannabe homewrecker thinks it's okay and cute or that's she's being slick and wife is dumb.... They both need a backbone and to enforce some damn boundaries! I get it, I hate confrontation and "making a fuss.", but that's a bad habit. It's something I'm having to undo and unlearn because I love myself and I deserve respect to, just like anyone else. I hate hearing her describe her knowing it's iffy but staying quiet... People only treat you how you allow them to.
@Stilbe 6 ай бұрын
There's another update to the first post. I'll try to summarize it Husband apologized a lot and acknowledged his fault, and said that his anger was because of the whole atmosphere not just directed at OP. MIL scolded him a lot, and explained the POV as the wife. She then took OP on a walk where she basically supports her and says while she doesnt want to meddle, she hopes they work it out and not ruin it for some brat. She said that if he pulls anything like that ever again, she will take care of it and suggested couples counseling. She also bought OP ice cream. (Not a necessary detail, but i found it cute☺️) Later at home, OP expresses her feelings about Shawn's texts and tells husband about it, and he confronts him. Shawn said that at first he got mad at Cindy, but Cindy made a sob story about how OP has always been passive aggressive with her, never liked her, mistreating her and putting up a good act, etc. They cut contact with shawn and go LC with Cindy. They also decide to go to couples therapy.
@mmarissa95 6 ай бұрын
Thanks 🙏🏻
@oshinofalakoju5749 6 ай бұрын
You're a superhero for this comment!! Thanks so much for sharing. Cindy sounds like she didn't get enough reassurance at home so she like to make herself the center of attention as well. I hope she can eventually learn how to respect ppl's boundaries and refrain for making ppl uncomfortable.
@soggytortillla 6 ай бұрын
Goated MIL!!!
@comfortlevelpodcast 6 ай бұрын
thanks for the update friend!
@joc9370 6 ай бұрын
They go NC with both Shawn and Cindy, they were gonna go LC with Shawn but after some thinking they decided NC was better which I’m so glad for
@aeroai 6 ай бұрын
Friendly reminder that disabled (both visible and invisible disabilities) folk exist, and often literally *cannot* do those jobs that might for example: require being on their feet for long periods of time. There's a lot of reasons people can't work whatever jobs that are most often available, and it's rare that workplaces offer accommodations for their disabilities at all. It's *rarely* just being lazy. Thanks for reading ✌️
@comfortlevelpodcast 6 ай бұрын
Thank you for this :)
@GooberFlute 6 ай бұрын
Such an important take to add 🫶
@jessmtnz 6 ай бұрын
Your productity does not determine your worth. ❤
@alexiatr 6 ай бұрын
But this guy didn't have these issues
@jessmtnz 6 ай бұрын
@@alexiatr i think we are all focused on the seemingly long rant about how a "man" should never not have a job. It was a blanket statement that could be harmful to othersm
@Iceydovefrost 6 ай бұрын
UPDATE2- So my mil came with my husband and well the "talk" happened. There were a lot of things but i will try to summarize. Basically jake apologised to me first and tried to explain his pov. He said that he was angry because (a) I left without saying anything for the whole night when he was literally trying to just diffuse the situation and tried to laugh it off because it was so awkward he didn't know what else to do, but instead of communicating i just left him in that weird situation. He was meeting his friends after such a long time, and just wanted the dinner to be peaceful and cindy was going back anyways and we would most likely never meet her again. (B) He acknowledged cindy was indeed overstepping boundaries but he didn't know how to bring it up since he has literally seen her growing up and she is like a little sister to him, also she acts like that with everyone. He thought that it was just for a few days and he wanted no drama during their stay so he would just brush it off. He did acknowledge he was wrong about not saying anything. (C) He was already really worried and sad because how i just left with no explanations. Even after i came not once i asked how he felt. He was also very overwhelmed with everything and felt i was accusing him for not doing anything when he literally pushed her off as politely as possible when she tried to sit. He felt i was attacking his character and even gave the ultimatum, which made him so sad as he felt if i thought that less of him. It wasn't about cindy, but about how easy it was for me to question his sincerity. He said after that dinner he was going to go extremely LC with her anyways. (D) he apologised for not speaking up about the disrespect cindy was showing towards me and for also leaving like that. Then after jake said everything mil explained jake about the situation from her perspective. She scolded him a lot as well. In short, she told him that as a husband it was his responsibilty to make me feel like i am his priority, and that he disappointed me the moment I had to come to him to ask for establishing boundaries. As a husband it was his duty that i never would have to come to him about this in the first place. She also asked him how he would have felt, had it been a guy on my lap, and he had no answer to it. She told him how what i did was an eruption of suppressed feelings and as a husband it was his duty to go afer me and never let me leave in the first place. There were a lot of things said by her and jake seemed to realise and sincerely apologised for his actions. She told him if he ever pulled such stunt ever again, then to not expect her to take him in. Later, she took me for a walk. It was just the two of us, and there she explained some things to me as well. She said that she is sorry for everything, but told that even at her house jake was distraught. He didn't tell her because he most likely knew he was wrong too but was overwhelmed about everything as well. She said she in no way excusing her son's behaviour, but would hope that i would forgive him. She also said that in no circumstances i need to leave my house as it was my house and my family. She said i shouldn't be afraid in speaking my mind if anything makes me uncomfortable, and to talk to her if jake does something stupid again and she will "set him straight". She hoped we work it out since she has seen our love for each other, and it would be sad to see us split up due to some disrespectful brat (her words). She said she cannot have a say in our issues, but suggested that we should get counselling to understand each other better. She even bought ice cream for me (i know its a bit childish but she said sweet things work as a charm when people are upset, and well she was right😅) Well it was awkward at night. Jake came to our room and we didn't know what to say. After a while we talked and both apologised to each other. However i did tell that i was angry at him to tell everything to shawn and was deeply hurt by the text he sent me. He said he didn't know what i was talking about and i showed him the texts. He said he didn't tell shawn about our fight, and only told him that he was at mom's place. He called shawn and well it turns out shawn told cindy and told her how she went too far at the party. Then cindy made a huge sob story about how i was passive agressive with her the whole time, how i would always try to question her character, and act insecure and jealous. She even went on to say that i was always like that with her even when she was a kid and that i never liked her and always tried to manipulate people into thinking i was an angel while she was a sl*t. Well that made him angry to think how i have been treating cindy and he sent those texts. Jake and I were baffled by such accusations and he tried to explain shawn how it wasn't true but then jake just let it be and decided to go no contact with cindy and extremely LC with shawn. Jake apologised again and we just cuddled and slept. Well cindy is out of our lives for good now and we have decided to go counselling for better communication in future. Let's see how everything goes in future but yeah we are not getting divorced. I know a lot of you people wanted me to show jake this post, but he was so sad and got scolded a lot already, so i decided to not show him for now. Maybe in future. Sorry for all this rambling😅. Have a good day people. EDIT- I read people saying we should be NC with shawn too, and i felt that it would be best to let that friendship go as well, so i talked to my husband about it, and he agreed. So he sent a text to shawn stating we could not be friends with him and then blocked him as well. To clarify, I have somewhat forgiven jake for his action but i told him he needs to rebuilt the trust i had, so i know i can rely on him in situations like that. He agreed and we will get couple's counselling as well. That you all for your advice, u all made me feel less lonely in all of this.
@Ninkira 5 ай бұрын
Very satisfying update!
@jessedejute6118 6 ай бұрын
I will say the generalization of "Just get a job" is really disappointing. That guy sucked but come on. I watched my husband be unemployed for 3 months. He spent 6 or so hours a day applying for new jobs. You may ask "how can you spend that amount of time doing that" and I can say easily. He made sure to make the perfect resume for each individual job. Making sure it is good enough to not get auto rejected by the AI ALL jobs use now to filter applicants. He has a master's and has some intense certificates and was in a medium saturated field and still only got a job after 3 months. "Just get fast food jobs" hinders you from spending the time needed to actually get a good job. And not to mention, in my specific city, those aren't too common either and they be paying so low it demoralizing. And the "work for Walmart" comment also struck me because that is a PARTICULAR hell that genuinely NO ONE should be subject to. I have the experience and it has permanently fucked me up.
@FelicityTor 6 ай бұрын
I’m glad I’m not the only one rubbed wrong by this. I wrote a novel on it and was worried I went a little hard 😅
@TsubasaVampire 6 ай бұрын
Same, as someone with chronic illness who's experience is in very physically demanding careers, "just get a job, its not that hard" is exhausting to hear. My last few jobs almost actually killed me and trying to find something that won't put me right back where I was and STILL doesn't pay enough to live on is neigh impossible. Also feels icky when its people who make money by talking about OTHER peoples stories. The pandemic caused a major rescission, and people brushing it under the rug and calling other people lazy is a massive ick.
@moileboi2947 6 ай бұрын
I was also very disappointed by them all kinda reaching that same opinion. There's alot of reasons why someone could stay unemployed for so long that aren't them "being picky". In addition to a low paying job taking up the time you could use to apply to higher paying jobs, in many states you can get paid more from unemployment than working minimum wage for a few months after losing your job depending on the standard rate for your field. Not to mention that alot of places that say they're hiring just aren't.
@jessedejute6118 6 ай бұрын
​@@moileboi2947 This is one of the biggest problems. Even the government has ran into issues trting to assess the amount of actually higher jobs and states they couldn't do it with accuracy. It's good for a business to look like they are always highering but many aren't.
@jessedejute6118 6 ай бұрын
​@@TsubasaVampire Chronic Illness is a whole other issue MANY people don't consider. It's insane how people try chronic illness or at least never consider it.
@alicethemadrabbit1842 6 ай бұрын
Cindy needs to talk to someone cause.... it's only a matter of time before she plays with someone who doesn't play.... 👀
@tcolby29 6 ай бұрын
I will say as someone that got laid off during covid with a resume full of one blue collar trade that was the most difficult time for job hunting. I was consistently met with “we aren’t interested in hiring you since you’ll leave as soon as your old trade calls you back” that was defeating. I just needed to pay bills idc what the job was.
@conniequintana3955 6 ай бұрын
I love Sam but I truly want to understand where some of his takes come from? 😂😭 like she’s not childish for leaving after being disrespected like that, and why does this other girl get the excuse to “act childish” but when the wife supposedly does it, she gets condemned to hell? 😭 I was in an abusive relationship and the amount of sh!t I allowed myself to go through would have some people shaking. After leaving I really don’t tolerate bs lol
@burgiegeorge 6 ай бұрын
YES the childish comment made me so mad. Like what is childish about removing yourself from a situation that's making you upset? Imo that's the most mature thing she could have done. They act like the option of stewing in it until everyone leaves OR starting a confrontation right there are better than just taking a step back. I think she made the best call for herself, mad respect for her cause I know I wouldn't have the balls to do it.
@cyna866 Ай бұрын
His takes are so wild lol I don’t even listen for responses anymore, just the stories 🤣🤣🤣
@akrasiels4001 6 ай бұрын
The first story, the jab at OP by Cindy (“Sorry I made you feel insecure”) feels like projecting from someone who’s fixated on taken partners. There’s something about her that reminds me of the women I knew who were desperate to feel good about themselves and seemed to channel that through home wrecking-it was a weirdly competitive, pathetic thing, like if they can steal someone else’s boyfriend, they get the love and attention they want AND they feel superior to the ex.
@jazzy_fantom7992 6 ай бұрын
The third story(and 4th story)proves that some men value the opinions of other men over even their spouses. He doesn't deserve his wife back. I can get the easily influenced part. It's just hard to get over how he believed them with zero proof. I wish him the best but she deserves better. Also a fun fact for the 4th story is that a woman can still get pregnant if her tubes are tied just like a vasectomy isn't 100%.
@savannahlawson2869 6 ай бұрын
@alexiatr 6 ай бұрын
Also the parents apologizing to her like "I'm sorry he is defective, here's your refund" 🤣🤣🤣🤣
@jazzy_fantom7992 6 ай бұрын
@@alexiatr hahaha right.
@HardcoreLevelingBaka 6 ай бұрын
7:50 let’s also not forget that Rose was already in a life boat but ran off and jumped back onto the titanic so she could stay with jack, if she hadn’t done that jack wouldn’t have needed to share the door and would have survived.
@milesandemilyrock 6 ай бұрын
Wasn't Jack handcuffed to pipes in the lower levels of the ship? If she hadn't jumped back on he'd have drowned. Unless, I'm misremembering the timeline, in which case I apologize.
@HardcoreLevelingBaka 6 ай бұрын
@@milesandemilyrock no he wasn't, at least not when she jump back on, at that time he was watching her life boat descend and was yelling for her to stop and stay in the lifeboat
@J-en9ku 6 ай бұрын
Whoa so she left him to drown while handcuffed and then saw he made it and was like hm let me f this up too??? Fckn Rose​@@HardcoreLevelingBaka
@milesandemilyrock 6 ай бұрын
@@HardcoreLevelingBaka Ohh, okay, I'm getting the timeline mixed up.
@Professor_Smoak 6 ай бұрын
I'm not sure you want "your level of ambition is directly linked to how good a person you are" as a take.
@FelicityTor 6 ай бұрын
I usually don’t disagree with you guys but the job topic I kind of found to be tone deaf. Maybe it’s a sore spot for me as I got laid off in January, however, the wages for fast food joints and large chains generally remain the same across the country. So $18/hr at Walmart might be perfectly livable in a place like Kansas but in Phoenix, LA, NY? It’s not. Not even a little bit. Average rent in the Phoenix area is roughly 1,500. That is half of your salary BEFORE taxes. Now factor in gas, food, utilities, surprise costs like car repairs, general car maintenance. Even living on ramen noodles you will still be in the red especially if you have student debt. This is all assuming you can even work 40 hours as most of these places are part time. Now I can to a degree understand that some income might be better than no income, however having had the wide range of jobs I have coupled with my mental health disorders, having one of these low wage high stress jobs takes every ounce of energy I have to where I get trapped and have no energy to apply for work that pays better. I wind up depressed, bitter, and exhausted. So while I do do instacart to keep myself afloat I will admit I’ve also been relying HEAVILY on my family. And thank GOD my aunt doesn’t share you guys’ mindset and is incredibly supportive through this rough time as she’s been keeping on the news seeing mass layoff after mass layoff. Was six months excessive? probably. but i dont know enough about where he lives, what his skills are, and who he is to 100% fault him for specifically that. But i will say he is a d*ck
@MrIzzyjackson 6 ай бұрын
lol one time i bumped a car with my hand while i was biking passed, but we both stopped and i got off my bike to signal a "sorry!" to the driver, some random pedestrial started yelling at me telling me it was my fault. i let her finish and then said "did i say it was the drivers fault?" and then she was embarrassed and just walked away silently lol
@sav..hyer26 6 ай бұрын
i love yalls reenactments😭😭
@cristina08888 6 ай бұрын
They are the best!👌🏽
@ksis86 6 ай бұрын
The baby trap story: my friend’s husband is just like OP’s ex fiance. Easily influenced, never thinks anything through before saying it out loud, and always picking fights over problems that dont even exist. I told her to dump him so many times before they got engaged/married but she stayed and now she has to deal with the idiocy on a regular basis. OP dodged a bullet; who knows what other nonsensical things he would try to accuse her of next 😂
@errtothebear 6 ай бұрын
Much love to you all for being so amazing all the time and for doing your videos. I am currently going through some stuff with my depression and it's been really hard to deal with as I get older and sometimes just some AITA videos help me get through an evening. ♥️ Forever love.
@theyanaruizpena5421 6 ай бұрын
If your just like a brother then why doesn’t she sit on her actual brothers lap joking around. Or giggle with her actual brother.
@apnroxi000 6 ай бұрын
“Just get a job” since the pandemic (and tbh the 90s) it’s been harder than ever to get a job. What’s decent pay to you may not even begin to cover the expenses of another person and no it’s not living outside their means if they could support it before. I don’t think y’all were malicious with your statements but I’d just say be more aware of the current job hunting climate before thinking that it’s that easy to find decent employment. There’s fake jobs more than ever, most companies not even hiring at all but will lead you through 3 interviews, and even less compassion for people that’s been searching for months and even years at this point.
@veroaguiar3209 6 ай бұрын
am I the only one that finds it suspicious that it took her husband 1hr to realize she was gone before he thought to call her and check where she was? girls know girls and that girl had a childhood crush on the husband but he just never saw her as anything but as a woman his wife noticed.
@Shark4life123 6 ай бұрын
I agree with Brandon about the unbreakable trilogy, it was a disappointing ending especially after how good I considered Split to be
@Imc0di 6 ай бұрын
Story number 1-definitely think this dudes going to lap sitters house to see her 😢 Her brother backing the bad behavior and cussing the wife out feels like they’re pushing the couple apart to make room for a relationship with little sis
@superbae4355 6 ай бұрын
just what I needed for my commute to class!! can't wait to listen
@busyboo13 6 ай бұрын
Nah, the whole Cindy thing would’ve landed my husband back into the single category
@nicollefamularcano2329 6 ай бұрын
The Sydney story.. op isn't the ah. The husband should set boundaries with Sydney, and Sydney should RESPECT THEIR MARRIAGE. No grown person I know would sit on someone's else's partners lap as a "joke." She knew what she was doing. Sydney isn't a child. Husband needs to apologize to wife. The husband is delusional for not seeing Sydney has a thing for him. I would walk away as well.
@blkprince9922 6 ай бұрын
Another great episode to bring joy to my day, but we miss you SJ....
@sms05550 6 ай бұрын
Thank you guys for the episode to get me through the last hour of work ✌️
@briannahatcher9422 6 ай бұрын
First story, this is why we need to stop being the bigger person. That chick would have gotten thrown out of my house and husband would have gotten grilled for letting ME be disrespected. People gotta stop being so "understanding"
@kapow. 6 ай бұрын
Everyone debating about Rose sharing the door with Jack: he tried to get on! They literally show it in the movie. He tries to get on too, but the door starts to flip over and Rose panics. They show Jack's face as he realizes that he is going to die. He decides to let her have the door and he stays in the water so that she can live. Do you all not pay attention?? It's part of the plot
@catT5236 6 ай бұрын
Guys, I think you need to expand your mindsets on the whole "you could have a job if you wanted" thing. You all are employed & it seems like you're coming from a place of privilege. There are a LOT of factors as to why someone might be unemployed for an extended period of time. It's also kinda an ableist statement, because it's literally not possible for some people with disabilities ir chronic illnesses. It's sort of like blaming homeless people for their circumstances. It's rarely laziness that leads to these things.
@akossarfo-kantanka7231 6 ай бұрын
1:29:48 this is what I wish all “boy moms” were like. She easily could have been one of those “my son can do no wrong” moms, but she realized and acknowledges her sons faults, and know his GF deserves better. I’m a true believer that in some cases you do your best to raise your kids to be a good person and partners, but sometime nature out wins nurture. She sounds like my dream MIL.
@AutisticTea 6 ай бұрын
If Cindy was just "being a kid", why didn't she sit on her actual brother's lap?
@izzy9451 6 ай бұрын
I used to huff my cat's tummy before he passed away, he was v comfy smelling. cant wait to tune into this sat since I missed the last butt huffing live lol
@mercurialmelody 6 ай бұрын
I did the same with the top of mine's head before he was put down. I never want to forget him. ❤ Hugs
@izzy9451 6 ай бұрын
@@mercurialmelody 💗💗💗 much love to you as well. the worst part is that we usually have to outlast our babies. always good to know that they get to go gently with us though :,)
@mmmmmmmmaria 6 ай бұрын
fr a clean cat smell (NOT pee) is so comforting
@esmooth919 6 ай бұрын
1:29:35 Opie, why didn't you talk to your son? Speaking from experience, that sounds like depression!
@Miss_Kisa94 6 ай бұрын
She could have but it wasn't mentioned
@oshinofalakoju5749 6 ай бұрын
THAT PART. It definitely sounds like depression and I hope they're able to get support.
@JM-kq8cm 6 ай бұрын
i posted my freshly cleaned new bathroom (haven't moved in yet) on the interior decorating subreddit and it got a lot of attention because it's a vintagey pink tiled tub/wall. i was just asking for advice ideas. the amount of people who commented that i need a toilet seat blew my mind. i genuinely didn't believe i had to include that i would in fact have a toilet seat in the post. of course i couldnt edit the post on mobile either. 11 people but it felt like an unreasonable question 😭
@carinamanning3006 6 ай бұрын
What state do yall live in where Walmart pays 18$ an hour? Lmao
@serpent3nvy 5 ай бұрын
Walmart and McDonald's didn't hire me because, as said by them, "I was over qualified."🙄😒
@monikaferenc2474 6 ай бұрын
I had alil like story 3 happen to me. I was with an ex for almost 2 yrs his family was really country. My mom always taught me to make good impression and look nice, so whenever we were invited to dinner, birthdays, holidays I dressed up. His family convinced him I must have someone on the side funding me because I'm so high maintenance. After an arguement about something unrelated he left left the whole relationship. A year later I was leaving the state and wanted closure and to tell people goodbye and I had appreciated our time together so I reached out to him. That's when he told me everything and that after leaving he wanted to come home but his pride and family pushed him not to. I told him that well that sucks because you could have came home, but it's in the past. His brother and girlfriend hit on me 😂 We are 2 different people now and I could not see us ever working with who we have become now but still crazy to me. Just cause I dressed nice. My clothes were thrifted or walmart. I clipped coupons weekly when I was with him 😂 Only bought things on clearance, but got a sugar daddy somewhere... sure 😂
@LocdnessMomster 6 ай бұрын
How does one trap their fiancé into a marriage when they’re already a fiancé and not yet pregnant? You proposed without the child, how did/would she baby trap you? Watch him flip it and be like he want a family now LoL
@alexiatr 6 ай бұрын
My conspiracy theory, this uncle is op3 dad🤣🤣🤣🤣
@HungryEyes-sl3mu 6 ай бұрын
Ok so the entire Comfort Level Crew is pro-capatilist, not just Sam. Good to know. FYI some jobs, like in the movie/animation industry have a lot of downtime in-between seasons. Sometimes you are lucky enough to hop on a new gig immediately after the previous one ended, others it can be a struggle. And not wanting to take a random job at Walmart (where they historically pay women less than men and employees often can't afford to buy from Walmart because their pay is so low) because you are striving to stay in your industry isn't a selfish or lazy thing. Also burnout is real and taking 6 months off for selfcare might be necessary.
@m.a.2658 6 ай бұрын
Ok, as someone who regularly goes into anti-capitalist rants (you don’t even want to hear my treatise on how the rigid adherence to the notion of punctuality is both capitalist and racist) I think you could give them a break. What they’re acknowledging is that *sometimes* people assert that they can’t find work, when in reality there’s a classist element to how they look at work and consider some jobs beneath them, so they won’t even consider doing them. It’s fair to want to work in your field and be well paid, but it’s not like refusing to work a job because you think it’s beneath you makes you a hero of the proletariat. And if we step away from the world of theory into the real world, this man is taking the fact that he’s unemployed out on his partner while she shoulders the burdens of capitalism alone. If it’s that deep to him, he should be willing to get out there and take whatever job he can, otherwise the least he could’ve done was just be quiet. And that’s context that your response kind of ignored. I mean Jason was definitely speaking too broadly, but then you responded with hyperspecificity including things that don’t even apply to the situation. Like he’s a man, so whether Walmart underpays women doesn’t really matter to HIS finances.
@HungryEyes-sl3mu 6 ай бұрын
@@m.a.2658 Normally I wouldn't have made the comment except Sam made a comment last week about people needing to stop buying Starbucks coffees so people can save up and buy a house (and everyone agreed with him), completely ignoring the fact that employees aren't being paid a living wage. So their comment started to feel like a trend of the CLC being pro-capalist/ blaming the poors. Also in the context of the world we occupy now, where corporations are hoarding wealth and expecting people to work for slave wages, their comments felt rather callous and out of touch.
@brown14suga 6 ай бұрын
Yes burnout is real, but if your family needs help or if you cannot care for yourself, get a job.
@beatyz2 6 ай бұрын
59:24 "They would say she's only with me because I'm easily manipulated"..... And then they showed you what happened. they don't have to think it, you tell them.
@jazzh2874 6 ай бұрын
I've never watched hand maids tale or game of thrones and when I'm anxious I need to hear maddies voice on this podcast yes thank you for chilling me tf out! ❤
@MyObsessionIsFashion 5 ай бұрын
omg unbreakable is one of my favorite movie!
@GNA255 5 ай бұрын
I know lol I can’t believe he walked out during it 🤦‍♀️
@sabrinalarue9560 6 ай бұрын
I was thinking right before the act out. “Watch them being celery up” 😂😂
@kdkcastle 6 ай бұрын
As a woman, it’s very obvious when dudes only like photos you post of yourself and not memes you share or anything else. I thought that commenter’s advice of liking other posts so it doesn’t seem sus- was actually a good idea.
@abookishmess 6 ай бұрын
First story think they're just having a fight CINDY over here playing Scarlett Letter chess with you husband !!! 😭
@alecia-dfcb71 3 ай бұрын
The Cindy/Boundaries AITA has a great update!
@mowiie 3 ай бұрын
I read the newer update on the lap story and it basically was the husband explaining that he felt like the OP was attacking his character and was upset she didn’t communicate. The MIL put both of them in their place (respectfully) and shared an outside perspective that helped the husband understand why he was really really wrong. The MIL went on a walk and suggested counseling to the OP and was super supportive and kind. Shaun heard this fake story from Cindy about OP was passive aggressive and awful to her since they got together. The husband and OP tried to explain and then decided to go no contact with both Cindy and Shaun. UPDATE2- So my mil came with my husband and well the "talk" happened. There were a lot of things but i will try to summarize. Basically jake apologised to me first and tried to explain his pov. He said that he was angry because (a) I left without saying anything for the whole night when he was literally trying to just diffuse the situation and tried to laugh it off because it was so awkward he didn't know what else to do, but instead of communicating i just left him in that weird situation. He was meeting his friends after such a long time, and just wanted the dinner to be peaceful and cindy was going back anyways and we would most likely never meet her again. (B) He acknowledged cindy was indeed overstepping boundaries but he didn't know how to bring it up since he has literally seen her growing up and she is like a little sister to him, also she acts like that with everyone. He thought that it was just for a few days and he wanted no drama during their stay so he would just brush it off. He did acknowledge he was wrong about not saying anything. (C) He was already really worried and sad because how i just left with no explanations. Even after i came not once i asked how he felt. He was also very overwhelmed with everything and felt i was accusing him for not doing anything when he literally pushed her off as politely as possible when she tried to sit. He felt i was attacking his character and even gave the ultimatum, which made him so sad as he felt if i thought that less of him. It wasn't about cindy, but about how easy it was for me to question his sincerity. He said after that dinner he was going to go extremely LC with her anyways. (D) he apologised for not speaking up about the disres. cindy was showing towards me and for also leaving like that. Then after jake said everything mil explained jake about the situation from her perspective. She scolded him a lot as well. In short, she told him that as a husband it was his responsibilty to make me feel like i am his priority, and that he disappointed me the moment I had to come to him to ask for establishing boundaries. As a husband it was his duty that i never would have to come to him about this in the first place. She also asked him how he would have felt, had it been a guy on my lap, and he had no answer to it. She told him how what i did was an eruption of suppressed feelings and as a husband it was his duty to go afer me and never let me leave in the first place. There were a lot of things said by her and jake seemed to realise and sincerely apologised for his actions. She told him if he ever pulled such stunt ever again, then to not expect her to take him in. Later, she took me for a walk. It was just the two of us, and there she explained some things to me as well. She said that she is sorry for everything, but told that even at her house jake was distraught. He didn't tell her because he most likely knew he was wrong too but was overwhelmed about everything as well. She said she in no way excusing her son's behaviour, but would hope that i would forgive him. She also said that in no circumstances i need to leave my house as it was my house and my family. She said i shouldn't be afraid in speaking my mind if anything makes me uncomfortable, and to talk to her if jake does something stupid again and she will "set him straight". She hoped we work it out since she has seen our love for each other, and it would be sad to see us split up due to some disrespectful brat (her words). She said she cannot have a say in our issues, but suggested that we should get counselling to understand each other better. She even bought ice cream for me (i know its a bit childish but she said sweet things work as a charm when people are upset, and well she was right 😅) Well it was awkward at night. Jake came to our room and we didn't know what to say. After a while we talked and both apologised to each other. However i did tell that i was angry at him to tell everything to shawn and was deeply hurt by the text he sent me. He said he didn't know what i was talking about and i showed him the texts. He said he didn't tell shawn about our fight, and only told him that he was at mom's place. He called shawn and well it turns out shawn told cindy and told her how she went too far at the party. Then cindy made a huge sob story about how i was passive agressive with her the whole time, how i would always try to question her character, and act insecure and jealous. She even went on to say that i was always like that with her even when she was a kid and that i never liked her and always tried to manipulate people into thinking i was an angel while she was a si*t. Well that made him angry to think how i have been treating cindy and he sent those texts. Jake and I were baffled by such accusations and he tried to explain shawn how it wasn't true but then jake just let it be and decided to go no contact with cindy and extremely LC with shawn. Jake apologised again and we just cuddled and slept. Well cindy is out of our lives for good now and we have decided to go counselling for better communication in future. Let's see how everything goes in future but yeah we are not getting divorced. I know a lot of you people wanted me to show jake this post, but he was so sad and got scolded a lot already, so i decided to not show him for now. Maybe in future. Sorry for all this rambling. Edit: went no contact with Shaun
@karla_manuela 6 ай бұрын
for the third one, you guys felt really out of touch. during covid so many people lost their jobs and it was so hard to get a job at places like taco bell and Mcdonalds because so many people were applying. the fact that you guys are equating self worth to if you have a job or not is really weird. its not easy to get a job i tried for almost 2 years before i got a job and i was applying in fast food, retail and supermarkets.
@karla_manuela 6 ай бұрын
I just joined your live, so thank you so much for answering!
@tamaramen4517 6 ай бұрын
First two minutes… this is the same I have grown to expect.
@sdran23 Күн бұрын
26:51 I am so happy that this wife has logical and sound people in her corner.
@peekingduck1 6 ай бұрын
I like this guest a lot
@JulietMcArthur 6 ай бұрын
I loved this guest! More please!
@jjj9095 6 ай бұрын
Sam: A combo at taco bell is $10 now Brandon: What?? That hurts. 😵 Canadians: YOU CAN GET COMBOS FOR UNDER $10 OR LESS?!? 😱
@minkberrystudio 6 ай бұрын
15:03 without further context, push her off your husband’s lap and leave. If he’s really going to let that happen he’s not worth your energy. Edit: Oh my goodness this story got so much worst. These jackals of gaslighters! OP just needs to drop all of them and live a peaceful life. I’m sorry, not one of those people are worth her apology. She did nothing wrong, and that husband is a derk.
@baileymenn4840 6 ай бұрын
I was just watching another video to see if a new video would be posted and there is
@CassieBee5 6 ай бұрын
I thought Jason was related to Madi... they have similar mannerisms/stance
@mariacaro7320 6 ай бұрын
Question, is the guest a friend of the podcast or a super fan?
@SaraSpuffy93 6 ай бұрын
For the man that lost jobs. It was during COVID-19 so it was harder finding jobs
@billiemossom7924 6 ай бұрын
We asked for this haha ❤😂
@ayyoitzToko 6 ай бұрын
I'm realizing someone is a BAD FRIEND'S FAN. Bring Bobby Lee & Andrew Santanio on!
@rasvapurkki6294 6 ай бұрын
im fast as fuck boiii
@angelinasalazar1498 6 ай бұрын
HAHAH SAM IM SORRY! Missed you guys tho 😂
@JohnCarson8383 6 ай бұрын
I like this podcast but the naivety of the host is incredible sometimes. Like if you were blind & only listened to the vocals you'd be able to tell just how young & ignorant they are. Especially with the case of the man who was unemployed during the PANDEMIC for 6 months. If his last job paid him over $20 an hour he would make more from unemployment than he would from taking a job at walmart which pays $15 an hour if you're lucky. Additionally, if he were to lose that job his unemployment would drop even more because it would take into account the lower wage job he took after losing his higher paying jobs. So to say, why isn't he working, is a dumb comment which doesn't take reality into account. Also even if the walmart is paying $15 an hour it doesn't mean he's going to get full time hours. Again I love this podcast but the general repetitive ignorance of the host gets annoying only because it's such a consistent flaw.
@misslauren6798 6 ай бұрын
I was saying something similar to my sister yesterday, but I was also accounting for the fact that most of them are mid 20s. But from what I have gathered, the one in the yellow headband, however, is at least mid 30s, so I really can't believe how bad his takes are a lot of the time.
@rachelspencer3717 Ай бұрын
I've been officially overqualified for lots of jobs since my mid 20s. When you start working in supervisory roles or upper management. Places do not want you to take their entry level positions because they know you'll leave when offered something better. However, if you have little to no experience, this is probably the best time to get a job. But for us that have worked hard for higher earning pay and flexible schedules, you can't just get any job. That's why most people do doordash, uber, lyft type work if they aren't disabled. I have a cushy job, so if I lost my current job, I would have to maybe sell some 🍑 because I have 3 kids with one on the way that I have to consider now. Lots of ppl mentioned chronic and disability which is a crazy struggle. Places like to make it difficult for ppl to work from home and accommodate disabilities that honestly won't even be a problem the majority of time.
@scorpioserpent7936 6 ай бұрын
Now I feel like I have to watch the podcast so I don’t miss out on the butt huffing brigade
@JolieRocksMan724 2 ай бұрын
I say sorry for rambling but I still think everything I said is important😂😂 I like them to see the thought process
@Maurice-x1h 6 ай бұрын
i get where very one came from for the one will the man who didn't work 4 6 moths my dad didn't ether during covid, and he was raised they the jobs there were out their were below him as a man, so my mom ran the show for almost a year it was crazy.
@briannaobrien4419 6 ай бұрын
Its not Lily's job to finish raising your son.
@candymadigan9308 6 ай бұрын
The only way there's a chance with the ex-wife is if she's an effin saint.
@timilehinayinde3126 6 ай бұрын
First comment, love you guys❤
@grantchatham8267 6 ай бұрын
Not the reddit readers trying to say, "go get a job"in this economy
@sdran23 Күн бұрын
17:56 they’re gaslighting her. No GROWN woman should be sitting on a married man’s lap if it’s not his wife. She is not crazy and they are manipulative, especially Sidney and the husband.
@Bookwormqueen96 6 ай бұрын
4:20 M3GHAN was great
@TabbyWithMittens 6 ай бұрын
28:49 Okay so it’s not the same as not having a Father completely in my life, but I only really saw him in the Summer for a couple weeks then he ended up passing away when I was 14. I do not evade male boundaries lol I’m sure many don’t even if they lack a figure in their life. NOT saying it’s not possible, but I understand boundaries myself. I’m not going to sit on a man’s lap especially a married one, that’s just common sense. If anything I developed a fear of men tbh, but that’s a me thing not anything to do with how I was raised.
@alicethemadrabbit1842 6 ай бұрын
SAME. I attribute my fear of men to only having shitty/scary "father" figures who were in and out and no brothers my age..... i wondered forever why im uncomfortable with men even when dating, it's because i only have bad experiences lol
@TabbyWithMittens 6 ай бұрын
@@alicethemadrabbit1842 Same, my Father was good when I did see him, but the other men figure in my life were quite shitty. My Mom’s ex was “kind” at first, but I got vibes from him (my sisters did too) and he became verbally abusive and messed up things. Then my Brother (who had mental disabilities so he viewed what he did as playing not hurting), would often smack me and hurt me with different stuff. Took me smacking him back for him to realized to not do that while he cried to Mom about it. Then a male bf of my current GF ended up doing stuff to her too (like SA). So, I know not everyone is like that, but I can’t help but be on edge whenever I’m in a room with someone I think is a guy. Luckily I’m not too far in my fear as I get to know them I slowly ease up, but still cautious. But yeah despite all of that there’s no way in Hell imma be sitting on a man’s lap so casually and make flirty remarks like he’s handsome ☠️
@dedraratcliffe5285 6 ай бұрын
Y'all know it's not really liked it in Alabama!! Coming from someone who lives in Alabama!!!
@kikialeaki1850 6 ай бұрын
Hello? Mom? Get your son some help for his “rut”??
@bell_knight 6 ай бұрын
28:45 ngl she sounds like one of those people who gets sexually harassed but rather than processing it- normalizes it. She’s genuinely SHing so many men around her under the guise of a joke- which seems like something a young adult would pick up as they come of age trying to cope with what they’ve experienced. Doesn’t excuse her behavior but you can empathize seeing her demonstrate a learned behavior that’s clearly very harmful.
@Haleybear17 Ай бұрын
you guys acting out the story felt icky... like you were just making fun of OP even though she had every right to be upset??
@edisys193 Ай бұрын
“You see this knife 🔪 “ HAD ME ROLLING!!! 36:43
@tayloreppard9977 6 ай бұрын
Everyday I get put into situations where I think this is a simulation because we are all TOO CONNECTED!! I kid you not even 2 hours before watching this episode i was thinking about the unbreakable trilogy and even googled where I could watch it. And here we are. SIM. U. LAY. SHUN
@mmarissa95 6 ай бұрын
7 v 1 is crazyyy!!! 🥲
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