I’ve been lecturing for years and the biggest mistake people make when it comes to public speaking is that they don’t treat it as a performance! They think they will simply go up there and it will work just like that. How? No wonder they are stressed and nervous. Musicians spend most of their time practicing, practicing, practicing... so why shouldn't you? In what way is public speaking different to playing a musical instrument on stage? Treba cvičit’! Prepáčte za moju zlú slovenčinu aj za angličtinu, stále sa učím po slovensky a kvôli tomu pozerám vaše videá. Sú úžasné a zábavné. Pozdravujem zo Slovinsko!
@skylark11112 жыл бұрын
🤣no čo mám na toto napísať...jaj som sa pobavila. Supeeer.1:43 a čo čo? ruky za chrbát!