Sri Devi: SANSKRIT PRONUNCIATION OF JNA (ROOT TO KNOW, KNOLEDGE) C+ña=cña C+ña=cña च+ञ AS IN SPANISH mañana (morning) IN ITALIAN gnomo (gnome) IN LATIN ignis ( fire=Ajna the Deva of Fire) Latin derives directly from Indo-european and therefore from Sanskrit. Modern translators, being native English speakers, do not have the sound gn of ignis and therefore the sound has turned into ghee (of ghiaccio, ice in italian) , as ghee (clarified butter in hindu). But it is known that if, during the fire sacrifice, the mantras are not said with the right pronunciation, instead of the desidered result, demons can emerge. This is the reason for so many defeats of the ISKCON moviment in the world and the lack of success. Another argument that proves the exact pronunciation of the mentioned sound is Ajna Chakra (or Third Eye), also with the root of ignis (fire in Latin), common to all Indo-European words that have to do with knowing and knowledge. In fact the yogis in meditation saw this divine light of knowledge and felt this warmth of life and thought of the fire to identify these sensations. So even the words derived from fire such as sacrifice are pronounced with gn as in Latin ignis, and not ghee as unfortunately is fashionable in ISKCON and the error is becoming more and more widespread. .