She Is Actually 100% Correct...

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Alexander Grace

Alexander Grace

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@alexandergrace5350 11 ай бұрын
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@greatguyaaa 11 ай бұрын
So 1 of your videos being used without
@bmanmcfly 2 ай бұрын
In the case of the 16 year old, if the mother didn't want to punish her and I wasn't allowed, then I would just end it by saying "fine, the police will sort it out."
@veselinlazovic3997 11 ай бұрын
I have 16 year old daughter. Her mother and I got divorced when she was one. Jealousy started immediately. Ex got the custody. in first years, visitations ware supervised. Even smallest display of affection between my daughter and me, ex would yell, about anything how I hold her, how jacket is standing,.... it progress to denying regular visitations (she is ill, she has birthday with friends, she has to go to a trip with school....) to talking bad about me to my daughter. Now I talk to my daughter maybe two, three times a year. I haven't seen her in 3 years.
@muraki3714 11 ай бұрын
Sorry about that man... to think someone would destroy a whole family dynamic instead of taking responsibility to deal with her own negative emotions and grow as a person... i am beyond disgusted.
@cvatvbizarreadventure 11 ай бұрын
@raymondrivera2670 11 ай бұрын
That's heartbreaking. I'm sorry you have to go through that. And I feel even worse for your daughter, on which no one will even know just how much damage her own mom is putting her through. Do your best to be there for her and care for her and she'll come around and see that one day, I promise.
@Evil-Rod-Farva 11 ай бұрын
Remember that one day she turns 18 and you have the chance to really show her how much you care. At that point the ball is in her court. Unfortunately women like your ex wife are not uncommon and I appreciate you sharing because I’m certain you’re going through a pain no man should experience. Something tells me your ex didn’t mind taking your support money.
@Zathren 11 ай бұрын
I'm sorry your ex has been poisoning her mind. I pray that once she's 18 she seeks you out on her own. Hope you've been writing to her or something on that level.
@Zathren 11 ай бұрын
If I invited a woman and her children into my home and that ungrateful 16 year old brat did that to my vehicle only to find out I'm not allowed to punish her for her wrong doing. They'd all be kicked out of my life.
@dbird1356 11 ай бұрын
That situation would be a relationship breaker. I’d set the expectation and boundary and let the woman reconsider which on side of the boundary she wanted to stand. Then take the appropriate action. It would be difficult but necessary. You can’t live happily ever after as a wallet.
@Fireguy97 11 ай бұрын
If I found out that I was not permitted to punish a sixteen year old girl that stole and that I had no say because I wasn't her father, then I would have called the police to report an accident with my vehicle and then show them the doorbell camera. Then, I'd help my ex-wife and her kids pack.
@Aladius 11 ай бұрын
​@@Fireguy97watch out, she could Just make up a story to put you BEHIND Bars.
@matthewwriter9539 11 ай бұрын
Part of me would be tempted to call the cops, wait for sometime when the wife and children are gone, maybe even pay for them to have a special day together, then while they are out of the hose call the cops and have the police investigate, and maybe have the girl spend a night in jail for her grand theft auto, drunk driving, and damaging property. She did break the law, and if I am not her real father, therefore I don't have the right to punish her, then that lays the responsibility on the police to punish this child who isn't my child, yet lives in my neighborhood, and who damaged my car.
@ot4kon 11 ай бұрын
That day was the day he learned why she was a single mother. The real dad was having a great day with a beer a good woman and well mannered children, hahaha
@cydoniemiles1535 11 ай бұрын
My mum tried to do this exact same thing when dad wanted to take me to Disney World when I was ten. She claimed that it would "destroy my education" as it involved taking one week off school, and so it was a hard no from her. This was entirely based on spite, as she could never afford that kind of trip. Dad told her to go and ask the principle, and if he said that it wasn't a problem with the school, then would she agree to the trip? She said she'd ask him, obviously thinking he would side with her. We went to see him that week, and of course he said it was fine and that seeing the USA would be good for me. He'd clearly worked out that missing a week of colouring in wouldn't prevent me from being a doctor one day. She was so bitter on the way home XD. She re-married when I was 8 and my stepdad was a great person to have in my life and calmed her down when she caused problems. They separated when I was 15, but he let me live with him until I was 18, as my mum decided to move in with a heroin addict... Dad actually paid him child support for those years. It was a bit of a weird situation, but he couldn't take me as he lived too far away from my school. Long story short, if/when I get married, both he and dad will walk me down the aisle without question!
@Sindrijo 11 ай бұрын
You seem to effectively have two dads, great for you!
@cydoniemiles1535 11 ай бұрын
@@Sindrijo Yeah, two dads and no real mum to speak of, suits me fine nonetheless! 😂
@alexandergrace5350 11 ай бұрын
Great to see you're still watching the channel :)
@MikoDnst 11 ай бұрын
jfc... pettiness and stupidity of some people never ceases to amaze me... 😐
@BWater-yq3jx 11 ай бұрын
But not the heroin addict??
@brenol2177 11 ай бұрын
When my mom got home from work and was not happy with something and saw me and my father happy or laughing, she'd start a fight over anything just to make us as unhappy as her. Couldn't agree more about what was told in this video.
@reginaldnowe8068 11 ай бұрын
narcissists don't like other people to be happy, and are always trying to bring you into their own hell so that they don't feel alone there.
@asdfbeau 11 ай бұрын
It's funny that enough of us share this experience to make 'happy wife, happy life' universal, across cultures...and people _still_ deny that wives behave in (generally) the same ways.
@blurglide 11 ай бұрын
Definitely a cluster-b mom
@terrorbilly1 11 ай бұрын
Misery loves company.
@deanchur 11 ай бұрын
@@asdfbeau Whenever I hear "Happy Wife, Happy Life", I jump in with "Happy Spouse, Happy House. Happy wife happy life denigrates the husband to being an entertainer; it's also the wife's duty to contribute to the peace and well-being of the household". The only counter-argument I've ever received is "It's just a saying", to which I reply "Well if you're happy being an entertainer in your marriage then don't be surprised if your wife goes out looking for a husband".
@jasonBGI 11 ай бұрын
Can you blame men for avoiding single moms entirely? It's the most thankless task ever...all downside and little upside if any.
@James_36 11 ай бұрын
not all single mothers are bad, I had a rule, no single mothers lol - until my current partner who got left divorced by a guy who he thought he levelled up with another woman (only to turn into a nightmare) she uses me to strengthen her own authority in OUR house, she is loyal and committed and we have a great life with step kids who respect my authority and generosity. Yes it will be a minority, but aren't all good women a minority now, what else can you do
@catsupchutney 11 ай бұрын
I once went on a date with a woman with a bit of a story and heavy baggage. She explained that two years ago (at the time) she found out that she had cancer. She continued the story, relaying that she really wanted a child, so she started having unprotected sex with the dishwasher at the diner she worked at. Now that the cancer was in remission and she had a two year old, she was shopping for a boyfriend. You can bet that I passed on the wonderful deal she was offering.
@buffgarfield3231 11 ай бұрын
You're only looking at it from what do the woman and child offer the man. Try instead to look at it from the perspective of a young boy who has a single mother. The boy desperately needs a male role model in life. It doesn't have to be you, but if it was you you'd be doing a really good thing and ensuring that the boy grows up understanding how to be a man so that there are less single mothers out there. Its a problem that takes a couple generations to fix and its stunted entirely by cowardice, laziness, fear, and lack of participation. Step dads are loved and appreciated at least by the children. But remember the job of a parent isn't to gain love its to forge children into competent adults.
@buffgarfield3231 11 ай бұрын
I guess you have to actually like kids to see how it could be good for you too.
@jackwhite8238 11 ай бұрын
I can’t think of any
@Voidward 11 ай бұрын
You want a shocking story? I was with a girl for 15 years who had some mood issues, depression, occasional mentions of self harm. Scarred arms. Childhood trauma. I loved her though. Thought I could help her. Thought maybe she might change with the right person in their life. Spent most of our time together being confused why I did my best and she's still upset, and she never seems to be happy. She convinced me that having kids is the missing piece and she might be finally happy being a full time mom and having no concerns outside of spending time with the kids. Now I'm left raising 2 young boys on my own, back to living with my parents at 37. She chose to leave this dimension and abandon all of us when she realized there was absolutely nothing that could really make her happy. While I love my kids and am not bitter about my life, this certainly isn't the path I would have wanted for my kids. Choose who you have kids with very carefully bros. You can't fix her, she has to fix herself, and if she isn't taking the stops to do so it won't happen from anything you do.
@dustins382 11 ай бұрын
You're blessed you have the kids. It would be so bad for them to be under her custody when she has that many problems. I'm in a similar boat. 34 raising my two kids with the help of my parents because their mother messed up badly. She wishes she could have them on the weekends but it's her own actions that gave me custody. It's best for them to be away from such a lying and manipulative person. God bless you and your situation.
@MikeG82 11 ай бұрын
hope your kids didn't inherit her mental issues
@Voidward 11 ай бұрын
@@MikeG82 The older one certainly has some mood / anger issues. He's also the only one of them old enough to realize something happened to mommy and she's gone. My greatest worry at this point is that he might follow down the same path, and it's my life's mission that the 2 of them don't end up like her.
@MikeG82 11 ай бұрын
@@Voidward i would get them in therapy, losing your mom at a young age is about the most traumatic thing a kid can go through
@Voidward 11 ай бұрын
@MikeG82 The younger one wasn't even a year old. He won't remember. The older was 3 and has autism. He still isn't conversational at 4, you can't really explain to him what happened to mommy. I took them to her grave a week ago (was her birthday) and they didn't get it at all.
@joshuawesteros5345 11 ай бұрын
She’s more worried about arguing with the husband than her daughter drunk driving. Amazing parenting.
@lucasfabisiak9586 11 ай бұрын
It's absolutely mind-boggling to think that someone wrote the first one, thought "Yep, I'm totally the good guy in this situation", and then posted it online expecting people to validate her.
@OrwellsHousecat 11 ай бұрын
All her fem friends validate her
@tetedur377 11 ай бұрын
Yep, they do be like that. Worse: a large majority of women will vocally support that kind of behavior, because being a selfish, self-centered, narcissistic a-hole is seen as "empowering." Except when men do it.
@zanizone3617 11 ай бұрын
The crazy thing is that, if she picked the right subreddit, she might have gotten plenty of approval and validation from other "great moms"
@MeidoInHebun 11 ай бұрын
@@zanizone3617 She'd be a hero in r/twoXChromosomes
@lucasfabisiak9586 11 ай бұрын
Apparently there are two shadowbanned comments under this comment.
@spacecandygames7575 11 ай бұрын
So I have 3 issues with this 1. Women change especially once they’re married and especially once kids are involved. I’ve seen plenty of women get extremely jealous of their daughters. 2. Remember most times people really think they chose “the one” until they’re not the one anymore 3. There’s a huge push for men to be be better fathers, better men. We get shamed to hell ahd back if we make mistakes. Women on the other hand have few reasons to be great as every mistake is justified. I learned this living in the black community where we are taught to forgive out mothers no matter what
@inconnu4961 11 ай бұрын
Excellent comment, but about #1. do women REALLY change that much? Werent the seeds of narcissim simply there all along?
@spacecandygames7575 11 ай бұрын
@@inconnu4961 see that’s what I wonder as well. I never met a person let alone a woman who wasn’t narcissistic in some way. So it’s a question of how much do u let slide. It’s like a snowballing effect. The thing u thought was cool ends up being the destruction
@markdsm-5157 11 ай бұрын
@@inconnu4961 both my exs are like this (2 kids each) and so are a couple of exs to lesser degree. I always thought it was a mystery that i attracted the jealous types, but my wife put it to me in a different way. Both my exs were young (20 and 28) and I was just average joe, not exciting in the ways young women want (think 20s body, 40s mindset), yeah we go out and do things but even my wife says if she would dated me back then we'd probably broken up too (life long friends). Well, that lies the problem with my exs, i didn't do anything to warrant hatred from them, they ruined the relationships through their own actions, I'm in a lot better place in life, and my age has caught up to my lifestyle. Yeah I'm able to do things they wish we could have done a lot earlier in life and she thinks they are regretting their choices, and manifested into petty jealousy.
@nickg2431 11 ай бұрын
Yes where the mothers always claim their drug dealing son was "completely inncocent,a really good boy and studying for some esteemed higher education"
@rufusmcgee4383 11 ай бұрын
Reminds me of a joke I heard: Q: What's the cure for nymphomania? A: A ring.
@dc1397 11 ай бұрын
There are many reasons not to marry a single mom. My ex and stepdaughter were at a rich person's house for a party when my stepdaughter was in highschool. I was not at this party. My ex was happy to tell me that my stepdaughter told her, "Mom, why couldn't you have married someone like this?"
@inconnu4961 11 ай бұрын
And I would have told Her' honey, a guy like this would NEVER marry a shrew like your mother. He is too smart! Unfortunately, i wasnt!" Congratulations on escaping that hell!
@chiefwahoo4547 11 ай бұрын
Well, if it’s not my child that I can discipline for stealing my vehicle, driving it drunk and damaging it, I’ll have to call the police and file a report. Then the child’s real father can discipline her. Yes I would press charges.
@john6903 11 ай бұрын
Problem solved.
@scottcoley1906 11 ай бұрын
Man youtube hates the responses in this thread. Says there's 6 but can only see 1.
@dustins382 11 ай бұрын
Seriously. If it's not your own child to discipline, then it's just some delinquent who needs correction from the law.
@SeattlePaulie 9 ай бұрын
I had the exact same thought. The husband is obviously taking a less drastic approach in an attempt to salvage the marriage. I wish him luck...he's gonna need it.
@nomansland6376 8 ай бұрын
@@dustins382..and this is why my ex’s son is in prison now.
@hhgttg8034 11 ай бұрын
After listening to Dr. Laura for years, when I met a divorced woman with 2 daughters I knew what to ask. One of my first questions was, if we get married will we have equal say in raising the daughters. She said yes. Over the years she has never gone back on that. In fact she was such a good Mom, my role was mostly to support her in what she was doing. The daughters are mostly out of the house now, and we continue having a good relationship.
@teastrainer3604 9 ай бұрын
Kids can't choose who their parents are. They can't even choose whether to be born. But adults can choose who to reproduce with and who to marry, and they tend to be too reckless about it.
@gadohimself 11 ай бұрын
100%!!! 🙏🏽 Most women nowadays aren't fit to be a mother 🤙🏽
@lukmanalghdamsi3189 11 ай бұрын
and this disease is spreading even here in the eastern world.
@inconnu4961 11 ай бұрын
Nor a wife/girlfriend!
@jackdeniston6150 4 ай бұрын
Fot the last 60 years. Most
@PortfolioPL 11 ай бұрын
For the car damage: report the girl to the police and do public shaming.
@flybywire5866 11 ай бұрын
And throw them out because she made it absolutely clear he is just a provider, an ATM. You have no say in anything, just pay up and shut up.
@user-jx8zw3yr1i 11 ай бұрын
@@flybywire5866 Honestly! She expects the guy to just provide for that kid and allow her to wreck his stuff with zero consequences! Crazy attitude. He's better off without her, but sadly he was stupid enough to marry her BEFORE making sure he'd have authority over the kids living in HIS house. But now that he's in the situation, he needs to man up and put his foot down. Either he is allowed discipline her or he calls the cops and reports her...also mom is definitely paying back the cost of repair. Maybe report to cops anyway...why hide such reckless behavior This is why I'd never put myself in this situation...too much potential for stress.
@TacitusR 11 ай бұрын
Then the daughter or wife makes a false accusation against you in retaliation, and now it is you who has a much bigger and more serious trouble with "the system". Men need to get it in their heads that it is not they who holds all of the cards. The only way to win this rigged game is to not play. Do not marry, do not cohabitate.
@selohcin 11 ай бұрын
@@flybywire5866 I know eviction laws in most US states are very tricky. He likely wouldn't be legally allowed to just kick them out with a few days' notice. Depending on where he lives, he may be legally required to keep them in the house for up to six months. Consult a lawyer licensed in your state to find out what the laws are.
@peterbrenner9342 11 ай бұрын
That's proof that a man should never marry a divorced woman, and especially with children. A stepfather is never the head of that home, but the woman AND her children. Sorry, but he just became a cash cow for another man's family. Painful reality check ...
@MatteoRomanelli-kl9fb 11 ай бұрын
I lived once with a single mom. I would strongly not recommend any man to get in that situation. On one hand she will insist that you take your fatherly duties while on the other both her and the children will constantly remind you that you are not the father. As a matter of fact you are mostly there as a financial anchor. Do all single mothers behave like this? No, but a sufficient number of them do and you will never really find out until you find yourself in that situation. Let us not forget that on top it is the implication that you get attached to the children and when the relationship is over so is the contact with them (this maybe more traumatic for the children actually). There are already a lot of risks in a standard relationship and the ones with single parents (mostly single mothers) bring a lot more risks to the table. In my experience and the experiences I witnessed with friends of mine it is hardly ever a good deal.
@AndrewFosterSheff69 11 ай бұрын
The guy whose car got busted... I'd have taken it to court and held the daughter personally accountable. If the mother won't do it, then I am STILL going to get my car fixed!
@matthewcoombs3282 11 ай бұрын
I was thinking that, he could have got the cops involved.
@lobsterbisque7567 11 ай бұрын
This makes me even more happy that I chose to save myself for marriage knowing I made rhe right decision when I was in H.S. As a guy, I was ridiculed all the time for my commitment to that principle. But as I progressed through adulthood, I've met more & more Men & Women who Love their children dearly, but regret whom they had their children with. Looking back, I do not regret the decision I made decades ago aa a teenager, though the ridicule made me doubt at times. I still know that I made the right decision. On another note, I used to know a single mom who not only lost custody of her then 5y/o son due to domestic violence commited directly against the boy, but spent the last 4yrs fighting to gain full custody only to rack up monumental lawyer fees even though she is living paycheck to paycheck on her own. It's clear she doesn't love her son b/c her ex is doing an excellent job raising the boy without her. She absolutely despises the boy's father, and only wants full custody to gain emotional leverage & financial control over her ex: by denying him any visitation, brainwashing the kid against his own father, and being able to demand child support. Thankfully, she hasn't succeeded yet. And quite frankly, I sincerely hope she never does! She's a bitter, selfish person! Her son is clearly better off with his Dad. And she turned her own life into a complete dumpster fire long before the poor kid was ever born. I wish The Father & Son only success.
@Vivungisport 11 ай бұрын
YES! I hope too this Father and son can be together 🙏 My mom wanted custody, only due to the child support. She didn't care about me and my brother, no food or clean clothes etc. After a year there our Father manage to get custody. Best thing ever happen to us ❤.
@lobsterbisque7567 11 ай бұрын
@@Vivungisport Agreed! I too am extremely glad that Your Father succeeded in winning back custody of You! Here's a scary detail I left out of my original comment: The single mother tried to start a relationship with me, so I could become stepdad if she ever won custody. But I got away, and stopped talking to her completely. I left out a lot of details, but they were primarily other ways she is unfit to have custody of her son. The single mother has also been fighting lung cancer for the last 4yrs, and she refused chemo up until this Feb.('23). It saddens me to say this, but maybe they would be better off if she passed away from lung cancer rather than having to deal with her in court & having to visit her twice a month.(she won back some supervised visitation) Hopefully, she won't be around much longer
@michaelsantangelo6192 11 ай бұрын
Once when I was in the hospital, my mother went to the unit and complained that my father was a drug addict and would bring drugs to me in the hospital and got him kicked off the visitor list. I was an adult. That move had nothing to do with protecting me and everything to do with my mother prioritizing her own discomfort in running into him over my needs.
@bswantner2 11 ай бұрын
CPS took my son from my ex when he had just turned 15 and I got full custody, as she wouldn't buy food for him or spend any time with him, other than to demean and belittle him. She's totally right. Kids can't make the choices you can. You're locked in with the woman for the full ride.
@forgottenfuryan 11 ай бұрын
She wanted a girl
@frankbroker726 8 ай бұрын
God the betrayal of women are just extreme and meant to tear your soul in half
@ts25679 11 ай бұрын
12:39 You're right that weddings should be a family affair, but I disagree that they currently focus on the bride and groom since the grooms only pull focus if they bought her a big arse rock to hang on her finger. The ceremony seems mostly to be about her and their mothers. Their magical day where they get to play princess and drive everyone into debt for a big party to celebrate just how wonderful she is , before reality comes crashing back down. The magic's gone, she's bored and looking for her next high. At least that's the impression I get after the algorithm buried me in men's relationship content and what appear to be numerous decades of horror stories. It would be easier to avoid such abject pessimism if the divorce industry weren't raking in bumper profits and the alarming divorce rate stats weren't so high.
@forgottenfuryan 11 ай бұрын
Statistically speaking the sex dries up after a year and women file 80% of divorces. Marriage, sex and childbirth rates are at all time lows.
@marks-0-0 11 ай бұрын
If I was the step father and she told me early on about her plans I wouldn't have made a fuss. I'd slowly back away from all the wedding fuss and simply leave her to make all the plans and pay for everything herself then just turn up on the day as a guest and make no speech of course.
@bunnieskitties293 10 ай бұрын
This guys situation is unique. Having lost his girl and unborn child and been pulverized in his balls or whatever it was in the accident that left him unable to procreate, that does something to your psyche more than the normal desire to be a father. This guy had it and it was ripped out of his life right as it was about to begin. He didnt have the option to just.. give up on it. It had been forced front and center to be his whole life. What he should have done is adopt an orphan. @@marks-0-0
@smitaaay 11 ай бұрын
That young lady is absolutely correct. My wife and I have been married for 31 years. We have three sons. All three of them are successful and productive members of society. They all three took different paths. The oldest went military, middle son went straight into the workforce, and youngest did the college route. They're not perfect, but I have no problem claiming them as my sons and they are very well liked by the people they are around all the time. They are like they are because of my wife. 90% of their personalities and character were molded by her. All I did was keep them scared to do anything completely stupid (that's your job as the dad). She stayed at home with them (I was an E-4 in the military in 1994. Look up the wage. We were broke as hell, so don't tell me you can't afford for the mom to stay home.) until they got to where they were going to school, and then she got a job where she worked when they were at school and she could still be home when they got home. She drove them all over the country to basketball tournaments and took them to football practice and cooked them dinner every night and she NURTURED them. My goodness, she was (and is) an amazing, nurturing mother. Pick the mother of your children wisely, men. That's your legacy you're choosing. As far as becoming a step-father, fellas, I'll just say this. My mom re-married when I was about 4 years old. My step-dad, for all intents and purposes, was my dad. I got along with my real dad fine and we were very similar in personality, but I only saw him a couple of times a year. So, while I viewed my step-dad as my dad, I know for a fact that it was hard on him. Very hard. Looking back at it, now, at age 52, I think I would have advised him against marrying my mom if I would have been his dad or brother or something. It, most certainly, made his life harder. Much, much harder, and it was to raise some other dude's kids. My older brother was an absolute turd to him for a long, long time, no matter what my step-dad tried to do. He bought a 65 Mustang for them to rebuild, together, bought motorcycles and taught us to ride and raced them every Sunday at the local tracks, and my mom still would just pick fights with him over stupid s*^t. I can't believe he put up with it all those years. He died of lung cancer over 15 years, ago. I sat there and held his hand as he took his last breathes. I can't believe he put up with the crap that he had to put up with. Choose carefully, guys. Choose very carefully.
@FAITHandLOGIC 11 ай бұрын
That wedding story was absolutely heartbreaking. I feel sorry for not only the stepdad but for her fiance. Cant believe someone would marry a woman like that.
@Sindrijo 11 ай бұрын
I think part of this is that a lot of women have some insane ideas and expectations about the wedding itself that they turn into selfish brats that day even if they seemingly have their heads screwed on right all other days. I think most women who are like this have been fantasizing about 'their perfect' wedding from a young age, it's honestly a bit weird in western, particularly US culture how the wedding day seems to be so much more about the bride and 'her experience' to the detriment of the groom and other bystanders. Because they have fantasized so much about it they adopt the attitude of 'if it isn't my idea of perfect I won't do it, no matter what the benefit to others is', there is also so much focus on the optics of the wedding rather than just trying to have a sincere moment of joyous celebration. Let's not even mention how the whole wedding industry is making this even worse, people are going into debt and spending the equivalent of the down payment on a house mortgage for what is, essentially a glorified party.
@mikeb1520 10 ай бұрын
@@SindrijoI am a photographer and that is precisely why I have no interest in doing big weddings. I only advertise for small backyard type weddings since those brides are usually down to earth and only want photos to document the day instead of a me, me, me experience.
@andrewhudsonthegreatest9923 Ай бұрын
The bride wasn’t at fault…she lost her dad and misses him…nothing wrong with that.. a stepdad can’t fill a dad’s role whether you like it or not…that’s why being a stepdad is highly not recommended..there’s always a price to it
@Felix_EN 11 ай бұрын
"You cannot assign responsibility for something that he has no authority over"
@jamesnagy7136 11 ай бұрын
I think the solution to the daughter stealing and damaging the car is pretty easy, call the police. If the mother doesn't want to punish the child, the justice system can.
@john6903 11 ай бұрын
Solution proposed. Solution accepted. Problem solved!
@pauljs75 11 ай бұрын
Mom should told to decide if she wants to deal with things at home, or have a felony theft on her daughter's record. (Not a lawyer, but you can search yourself to see how most states categorize theft of a motor vehicle.) The choice should be made pretty clear.
@NathanTenney 11 ай бұрын
@@pauljs75 Not to mention Driving While Intoxicated and Underage Drinking.
@moe2579 11 ай бұрын
Yeah if only the justice system won’t blame the stepdad.
@paulcosta8297 11 ай бұрын
*Legally accountable young adult, not child.
@raketensven3127 11 ай бұрын
Would've come up with the ultimatum, that's she either gets punished and has to pay the damages (with a job) or I'd call the cops. Drunk driving + hit and run; suddenly the punishment sounds like a pretty sweet deal. But yeah he's a fool in the 1st place for marrying a single mother...of 3!
@DennisNeijmeijer 11 ай бұрын
yep, I I couldn't handle it like a father, I would handle it like a victim of a criminal offense.
@flybywire5866 11 ай бұрын
Who very clearly just wants a provider.
@orbitalsummer 10 ай бұрын
notice it was also written that they were from previous relationships. so more than one babydaddy! 🚩🚩🚩
@BW022 11 ай бұрын
Story 2: The guy is petty as his actions aren't going to change his wife or *her* children's actions. They'll just get petty back again. I'd see a lawyer and then tell her you want a separation. Her and the kids can move out and he won't be paying for them -- including food, shelter, clothing, etc. If she is unable to care for them by herself, she can send them to live with their father. If she wants to return, it will be without the kids -- they can remain with their father. If things improve, you'll allow the younger kids to stay, but the 16 year-old can stay with her father as you won't allow her in the house. Of course, be ready to serve her divorce papers at that point. Story 3: They guy must be heart broken but it's time to remove her from his life. Tell her you won't be attending her wedding nor paying for her and you aren't welcome in your house. I'd also have a talk with her fiancée and his parents. "I've given up on her and I raised her, loved her, and did everything for her. I wish you better luck than me."
@darthimperious1594 11 ай бұрын
You're correct. At that point, after having that awkward conversation, and finding out she was not going to budge, I would no longer be attending the wedding. That relationship would end. He did his best, and she's ungrateful and self-centered.
@willia451 11 ай бұрын
Years ago my adopted children got curious about finding their biological father. I said go ahead. But you aren't going to like what you find. It will be bad for you. The good news is they love and appreciate me more than ever now. Btw. I walked my adopted daughter down the aisle. She was more that happy about it. So its not always a train wreck.
@ifeawosika966 11 ай бұрын
Every human is different
@asdfbeau 11 ай бұрын
@@ifeawosika966 if that were true then we wouldn't have trends
@ifeawosika966 11 ай бұрын
@asdfbeau People are followers. A trend is just showing what is popular at the time. Being a follower doesn't mean the people are the same. You could treat two different people the same from birth and they would turn out completely different. Try not to lump people together. There's similarities, but no one is the same.
@paxuspaine 11 ай бұрын
This idea that our personal feelings are paramount to every other possible consideration is absolutely catastrophic. This is what's in vogue now. Children are being force fed that "Being true to yourself" is the most important goal in life. I feel deeply sad for the stepdaughter. While I CAN empathize with her feelings (I have an extremely similar background), sometimes the most immediate impulses of our emotions can lead us down the less desirable path. I feel strongly that she will one day regret taking her stepdad for granted and treating him as secondary in her life. But by then it may be too late. It sounds like the love he's giving her is a precious gift that many young people never get to enjoy. We need to start teaching young people about impulse control, empathy and the value of sacrifice. Human connectedness is a two way street.
@luciusnguyen2449 11 ай бұрын
Thank you for bringing this up. I find it pretty common that some people (majority woman) actually think “I was in a bad mood” a valid reason to hurting others. This is a major red flag for me
@falstaff9716 10 ай бұрын
That was a heartbreaking story about the man who lost his wife and child (and ability to have children) in a tragic accident, and then remarried a widowed mother only to have the ungrateful step-daughter he loved and raised choose to reject and humiliate him publicly at her wedding by refusing to let him walk her down the isle or dance with him. A cautionary tale for anyone thinking about raising another man's child.
@WheatWaffles 11 ай бұрын
Great video and great insights. To provide a broader scope of viewpoints can you please provide some of the top comments from these reddit posts so we can see what a wider group of people thinks?
@sreed8570 11 ай бұрын
The stepfather couldn't walk her down the aisle because of her stupidity, but you can bet she had NO PROBLEM with him paying the bills generated by said wedding.
@joeblack4026 9 ай бұрын
Yeah I can imagine he is paying for at least some of the wedding.
@jasonmoquin 9 ай бұрын
I can absolutely relate to this. Stepdad of 3 for 13 years. One is a daughter and we meshed with each other immediately when she was 2. She was my shadow and I swear I carried that sweetheart like a backpack until she was 6. She became my world and I was hers. Her mother was very happy that she had a partner that cared about her kids and really TRIED to be present and loving. That entire time I was terrified, though. Her deadbeat narcissist of a bio-dad took every opportunity on his occasional visitations…when he bothered to pick them up, because he couldn’t have given two shits about her… systematically turn her against me. By the time she was 10, his work was done and she barely even talked to me anymore. It was a weekly dose of “You’re not my dad and my real dad says that you’re not even part of the family.”. It was excruciating and I still feel that ache and sense of loss. She’s 16 now and her dad moved across the country 2 years ago….calls her MAYBE once every 2 months. He’s basically become a ghost. It’s taken that long to somewhat undo the damage he did all of those years to that beautiful relationship. She calls me dad sometimes now and comes up and hugs me now and then, with a kiss on the cheek. I’ll take it, even though I know deep down that she would never have the same love for me as she STILL has for that deadbeat shitbag. Alexander is very accurate here when he says that being a step-parent can be very thankless, deflating, and painful. Think twice and thrice before you jump in…the water is not nice!
@0nearmedbandit 11 ай бұрын
I was in a military family, so I was born in Korea and spent most of my life until age 7 outside the US in places like England, etc. While it's true I don't fully remember everything about these experiences, even at a young age, I feel like they gave me a lot of understanding of how different the world is outside the US. I really feel sad for people who have never left the states, because they have a higher likelihood to be disillusioned and ignorant of other cultures and ways of living.
@Ston247 9 ай бұрын
To the last story, she said, "I *Felt* like it was the best option." Women tend make their decisions based on feelings, instead of looking at the big picture or taking into account the other person's feelings. By not allowing her awesome Step-father to walk her down the isle, she caused irreparable damage to their relationship. He'll never forget it.
@ericsmith6692 11 ай бұрын
If I was the dude with the woman and 3 kids after what the mother said about not being the farther, I would have told her to Packup and leave/ start to plan your EXIT stragity immediately. It's just going to get WORSE!. Don't play childish games ! But GET OUT before she destroys you if this sheeet is starting now GET OUT.... RUN FOR THE CHOPPER RUN
@Orecatmeatprocessors 10 ай бұрын
Alexander: I look at it a little differently. My first wife of 30 years ran off with this guy. Later I married a woman with two kids still at home. One was a Junior in HS. The other is a girl in middle school. We are all members of the LDS church so we do have some standards to live by. I made a decision which I thought was good for me: My new wife is pretty common sense smart. I decided to let her raise her kids. I put myself in charge of transportation. When they were old enough I let them drive my cars. I assigned them cars. I did the maintenance, and their lives with me were pleasant. My goal, although selfish, was based on the fact that I loved their Mom and I wanted us to have a good marriage. The other things I did not worry about. Both kids got married. I did what everybody wanted which was no big deal to me. If somebody wanted me to do or not do something I did not care. I was like an actor in a movie. I played the role "pretty good" at times . Yes, it cost a little money. That's what happens in marriage and it was no big deal. The kids like me some and their Mother loves me so I'm pretty happy. Also paying out money, when not even my obligation was worth it. It made my life so happy!
@Bufekana 11 ай бұрын
Im with my hubby over 20 years now❤👍. Were bouth 35 and we have 4 daughters and one baby on the way. We had our ups and downs but he said that he's lukcy that he found me and that he's happy! I can definitely say the same!
@inconnu4961 11 ай бұрын
He's probably lying! most men know we can never tell women the truth about anything! So what made you come into a public forum to gloat like this? Arent you even a bit ashamed of yourself?
@jragon9215 4 ай бұрын
And here I thought one child was hard…..
@pbj9270 11 ай бұрын
Someone should tell her that Japan and England are objectively safer than the US.
@user-mc6dg6qe8l 10 ай бұрын
LOL! def not correct. Japan beats and shames poor people and is also facist, all crime happens under the cover of dark or with the permission of politicians. England you can't go a mile on the street without being stabbed.
@user-mc6dg6qe8l 10 ай бұрын
Butttttttttttt it's safer for tourists, most countries keep their tourists safe so long as they have money to spend there.
@pbj9270 10 ай бұрын
@@user-mc6dg6qe8l All parts of Japan are safer than the US. The English are drunken brawlers who get stabby, but overall England is safer.
@oliverreno4734 11 ай бұрын
I will never cease to be shocked by a woman's capacity for cruelty and capriciousness. GO MIGTOHW.
@inconnu4961 11 ай бұрын
We have ALL been lied to about how selfless & compassionate these creatures are! They are just as wicked as the most wicked man.
@edheldude 11 ай бұрын
MIGTOHW = Men instinctually going their own heckin' way.
@jessevanhorn3726 11 ай бұрын
​@@edheldudethanks I was trying to figure out what all the extra letters were for
@buffgarfield3231 11 ай бұрын
Yeah, I am a dude and it was other dudes who ruined my life. Humans just suck.
@edheldude 11 ай бұрын
@@buffgarfield3231 Or were you naive, trusting, and vulnerable with the wrong people? Lesson learned and moving on?
@genericdeveloper3966 11 ай бұрын
If she says "you're not the father", I'd say "then I'm not the husband either". If the man had any balls, he would file a police report.
@hide3reptiles365 8 ай бұрын
Half off-topic. My stepfather was on the achiever side of the narcissism/sociopathy spectrum. I never went a day hungry growing up, but he lured me to invest my deceased parent reimbursement into his company for his private benefit, under the guise of looking after my interests. He and my mother blindsided me and my sister about the if and when of our moving together and into a different town, and sold us a verbose lie about the supposed say we would have in the matter, if ever it would materialize at all. We were then suddenly instructed to move with little warning, coinciding with our father passing away, and accompanied with nothing but the expectation of our diligent cooperative work to facilitate the move smoothly. I never expected any true say in things either way, but it was the Orwellian nature of it all that shook me up back then. When we asked why they were not being true to their word about open dialogue regarding our future as children, they twisted our words back and accused us of sabotaging their happiness, which was what truly mattered given that they were the adults etc. They were hurt by our egotism, in expecting them to hold their own word. I could go on about the parenting I received growing up and how it will always be part of who I am, now decades later. But at the same time, there's always a part of me who admires my stepdad for signing up for the added care of 2 children outside the 2 he already had. Despite only liking one of us (my sister), making a moderate effort to cloak the dislike, and taking on parental duties like driving lessons, hiking trips etc. I know he ultimately did all this for selfish reasons - he was often quite blunt about his core motives, in-between his tactical fabrications and omissions. But even so, being a provider stepdad is no cakewalk. The truth is I would have hated being the parent to my own semi-adjusted teenage self. It would have helped my development a lot to meet a parental figure with a genuine interest in me back then, and I truly admire stepdads who manage to take on that role with all the risks and stresses that come with it. And I don't hold mothers who abuse the services of such men in any high regard at all.
@sierraecho884 11 ай бұрын
Never ever be a step parent, I would never ever date a women with a child. I did it when I was younger to just have this experience, and honestly it was fine but I would never do it again.
@GeneralZeroOfficial 11 ай бұрын
On that last one I was on the fence until she mentioned how her step father lost his family then lost his ability to reproduce. I've lost a parent at an early age. The feelings are complicated... But not meeting him halfway at all considering what he's been through... Damn
@marcuswalker6764 11 ай бұрын
Women are NATURALLY selfish. They MUST be for their survival. Our brains are still hardwired from 10's of thousands of years ago where survival was significantly more difficult. Women have to be always ready and willing to move on once the man she was with dies, gets killed or loses his capacity to provide adequate resources.
@tempomail9387 11 ай бұрын
As an Indian, it's crazy to me how you people think wedding day is just about you and "how dare" the stepfather ask for that small gesture, after providing and protecting for 17 years in this can one be so selfish and still think it's OK? Someone needs to go though a tragedy so that you are not selfish for 2 seconds? I'm saying this not just from your comment, but also from the comments of that reddit post. No wonder america & other western nations have 40-50% divorce rate and then you spend the rest of your life taking chemicals to heal from the "trauma". Good luck making the big pharma in your country even bigger. 🙂 P.S : Everyone loses parents at some point or the other, no reason to be this levels of selfish.
@bunnieskitties293 10 ай бұрын
The divorce rate numbers get more interesting when you dig into them. The divorce rate is north of 50% however, the divorce rates for partners where the man was the woman's first romantic partner are about 12%. Which frankly, Im willing to say thats acceptable. A little over 1/10 relationships not working out. The divorce rates are raised so high because of serial divorcers. You have a small population of tragic failures who keep getting married and divorced and every time they divorce they raise the rate of divorce despite it being the same population of morons who cant figure out how to make a relationship work.@@tempomail9387
@TheKingOfRuckus 11 ай бұрын
You'll also notice on that last story, the OP was voted NTA. Whether or not that speaks more to the Reddit community or Western society as a whole is something to think about.
@lukmanalghdamsi3189 11 ай бұрын
both. western word and reddit.
@Zathren 11 ай бұрын
I left reddit mostly because it's filled with leftist ideology. If she asked this on Twitter it might not have the same outcome.
@thefance4708 11 ай бұрын
it speaks to eskimo kinship.
@BWater-yq3jx 11 ай бұрын
Single mom standard dating profile - 'My kids are my world'. That's great, enjoy your world. And I'll enjoy mine.'
@aceventurapetdetective2356 11 ай бұрын
This is a good young woman that has said this advice at the start. Thank you.
@welderbear6757 11 ай бұрын
That second story I’d just call the police and file a report for stolen vehicle and damaged property. Afterall she isn’t my daughter why should I care if she ends up with a criminal record.
@DavidBaronStevens 10 ай бұрын
💯% agreed Never plant your seed in corrupt soil I know this first hand and it's not only destroyed my own life but made a hell for a life of another entire person, my beautiful sweet daughter who deserves so much better
@dc1397 11 ай бұрын
"Elephant in the room." It is more like a blue whale. Your undertones are amazing.
@DemonKamikaze 11 ай бұрын
On the second story, if my wife spoke to me like that, would have called the police, kicked her out and filed for divorce. There wouldn't have been a follow up conversation.
@adariusbooker617 11 ай бұрын
What’s interesting to me is there’s almost a small caviat in dealing with single mothers I think you have to consider the age, gender and whether or not the father is still involved. I have a stepdad and I have a few friends who also have one as well and we all generally refer to our stepfathers as our actual fathers but I think that’s because as males there’s not some deep emotional fulfillment that we’re looking for as long as the man who stepped up was good to us and to our mothers and provided and spent quality time they have seemingly met the requirements add to that the age at which they entered into our lives and the lack of presence from my actual father, this means that my “stepdad” is really the only dad I’ve ever known and I give him the respect and treatment as such. Maybe this is all anecdotal but either way as a single man is advise all others to steer clear
@guillaumelevesque3669 11 ай бұрын
Hahaha awesome commercial for the skincare products Alexander!
@HappywifeTaylor 11 ай бұрын
Wow. That last story made me shed some tears.
@MongrelsGarage 9 ай бұрын
Oh I have lived this myself, it’s always a fight and always a battle just to take my kids someplace. One time our $800 trip turned into $8000 by the time we were done with lawyers and last minute airfare changes. It took awhile before I planned a trip again, the kids kept asking and I just had to tell them we couldn’t. Now that they are older they realize why we couldn’t…we did just have a great two week road trip, but again that was a fight but the kids got more involved so it happened which was great to take them someplace again!
@RealRickCox 11 ай бұрын
It blows my mind that a woman would bring her children to a relationship and have the audacity to not allow her new husband to punish the kids when they're way, way, way out of line.
@OrwellsHousecat 11 ай бұрын
Look up 'Anarcho-tyranny'
@youtubeviewer4472 11 ай бұрын
They are HER children. He's not a father, he is an ATM
@tetedur377 11 ай бұрын
I was young and stupid, but I was at least smart enough to get out of a relationship with a woman like that. I literally made her stop her car in the middle of the street, got out, walked back to her house, got in my car, and drove away. She had two grade-school aged girls, and would not allow me to even speak crossly to them. When the youngest butted into what was headed deep into adult-speak territory with "Don't just sit there; answer my mommy," that was the last straw. "Stop the truck, Cindy." She did, I got out, said "Have a nice life," and walked away. I never saw her, or those she-devils again.
@raketensven3127 11 ай бұрын
After the walk-snub in the 3rd story, I honestly wouldn't even attend if I was him. Sounds like a good time for golf. She's just heartless and her marriage will fail with that attitude. That the internet concluded "not the a-hole", shows you how broken things/society are/is.
@flybywire5866 11 ай бұрын
He is unwilling to accept that she doesnt see him as her dad. She has zero obligation to do so. He is obsessed with being a dad, never came to terms with what happen to his unborn child and his inability to have his own children. You cant force your way into this role, he doesnt get that. Five failed attempts to adopt her and didnt get the message. She isnt heartless by not pretending he is her dad. He isnt her dad. He needs professional help. There is a reason why there are the two words "dad" and "stepdad" Its not the same.
@luizbezerra4373 11 ай бұрын
@@flybywire5866 she's still very ungrateful and inconsiderate, though
@mukymakazuki2218 11 ай бұрын
​@@flybywire5866she will regret it when she has children.
@Selrisitai 11 ай бұрын
"She says no, because you're not the real father. How would you respond?" I don't think it would get that far because I set up very strict boundaries when it comes to things related to honor, pride, child rearing, morality, how you treat people. But peradventuring it did, I would give her a very simple ultimatum: My house, my rules. I give you a roof, provided a better school district, I make money, I fix things, I take care of you. If I cannot be considered the father despite the fact that you avail yourself of all of my fatherly faculties, then our relationship is over. I won't be made a jackass or a putz in my own home. She is punished according to what I say, or according to a compromise that we as the parents reach, but this is not a situation in which I will be vetoed. I love you, and I will happily take care of you and treat you well for the rest of my natural-born days, but that's my stance, firm as stone. You're with me or against me. Problem is, a woman is going to of course be compelled to side with her kids over her new boyfriend/husband, even _at the expense of both her husband and children._ The worst part about being a stepfather is the lack of proper control, but you still have to set the boundaries and live with the consequences of those boundaries.
@liviuursegr 11 ай бұрын
I'm a bit torn regarding the last story. I can't just blindly side with the guy, even though he gave his all. But the fact of the matter is that it was the mother's and the stepfather's choice to remake their lives. That was imposed upon the daughter. And although she should and probably is grateful for many things, it can't simply automatically be expected of her to accept a situation imposed on her and be happy about it I myself am the type of person to say: "help be when and how I need it, not when and how it suits you. That's not help, it's just a reason to poke my eye about it when it's convenient to you" On the other hand, I say this as an adult, independent financially and in all other ways. Without all that help from her stepdad and bother, she wouldn't be where she is today and would be able to plan her dream wedding just like that, simply rejecting and disrespecting the person who made her current situation/status/position/wellbeing a reality
@goldeagle8051 8 ай бұрын
On the other hand, this last daughter is being faithful to her real dad. It's not her fault he passed away. She's showing her love and bond towards him to the rest of the world. Yeah it sucks for the stepdad, but he'll never be the real dad no matter what he does and that's just life. So, I actually support this girl.
@simontmn 11 ай бұрын
I'm always amazed when single mothers expect me to be father to their kids. I have joint custody of my own kid and they're certainly not volunteering to be his half-stepmum!
@misterpebbles 11 ай бұрын
That man whose car was wrecked by the daughter is 100% correct... honestly divorce and move on 😂
@AnthonyKellett 11 ай бұрын
Regarding the first story, my ex-wife (of 18 months) did that to me (albeit in an entirely different way). I gave her the wedding ring and my key to the house. I haven't seen or spoken to her from that day until this, 37 years later. You need self-respect and firm boundaries.
@erictriplett33 11 ай бұрын
Your transition into your Tiege Hanley ad was on point sir!
@alifetomake 11 ай бұрын
Had I known how women really are, I'd never have lost so much time pursuing them, or being with them. Thank you for sharing your knowledge with us, we really need it!
@kkent3815 11 ай бұрын
The harm was staying, just to get revenge. I would have told her if Im not the Father figure, then Im a bystander, and I would have called the cops on the girl for stealing my car, kicked them out of the house,, and sought damages to the car from the mother. After that settled in court, I'd get a new girl, one without young children who will be mutually respectful. Thats what the law expects.
@maciejasz78 11 ай бұрын
In that last story I feel like she is not exactly heartless, but rather somehow unhealthily attached to her father, like the grieving process went wrong.
@richardjohnson4052 9 ай бұрын
I worked for 30 years and cannot count the number of times a bitter ex-wife refused to allow their children to have a passport because she had (Weaponized) her children and did not want them to have fun with their father. Often the father would drag the mother into court to get the passport and the mother would drag pout the proceedings until by the time the judge ordered the mother to sign the passport application, the trip was gone. MOTHERS USE THEIR CHILDREN AS WEAPONS FOR NO REASON OTHER THAN TO HURT HER EX-HUSBAND and do not care how much pain they cause their children.
@PrinceRevolver 11 ай бұрын
Men have 100% percent control of who they get pregnant but once a woman gets pregnant, all the power shifts in her favor. Especially when the relationship is over and you get with a new woman.
@csx6910 11 ай бұрын
Second guy made the mistake of marrying before the kids were out. There were likely signs that the mother views him just as a resource but he ignored it because guys tend to have a more romantic view of relationships than women. Now, if he wants to divorce her, he'll lose his ass.
@stevenhorne 8 ай бұрын
zo I've watched several of your videos and want to tell you what a great job you are doing in speaking up for men. I've been too many painful personal experiences that validate what you're trying to help men understand.
@ashedarke 7 ай бұрын
I was with a woman who had a daughter 10 years older than our kids and I had to do any parenting of her through her mum who just didn't do it. It was very frustrating when this child would do destructive things to my house and had to rely on her to parent her child which she rarely did.
@SuffocateMe 11 ай бұрын
This reminds me how whenever i used Bumble i would see a girl on there who i thought was insanely attractive like a 9/10 or so easily, but then i check her bio and i see it says " 🍼: Have kids" or "Have and want more" and then my attraction to them INSTANTLY drops down to a flat zero😭😅 Like just ew
@SickocrowAU 11 ай бұрын
To quote a specific movie about trains: "I chose something else"
@brandon-toddhutchinson3798 11 ай бұрын
In "defence" of the last woman, people don't really understand what they have when they have a good man in their life -specifically a good man as a father figure. There's plenty of men out there who probably wouldn't get described as "a good man" by someone in anonymity. It's even normalized right now to hate men as a woman, and not just in a bitter sense but with a righteousness necessarily casting men in a position of evil or something -patriarchy and all that... If between both fathers, the "lesser" one is still a good man, you simply have a blind spot for what countless men are missing and what countless women claim to be unable to find... To be even more charitable, perhaps for some reason, she simply has a very low bar for what a good man is- considering all the context though, she probably does have a standard bar and just can't appreciate what she has. Women aren't known for having a low bar for anything; some may say that they have to to put up with men (seriously or for a laugh or both) but ironically, they're not putting up with men and are actually opting to select for no husband increasingly -not socially adapting to the modern era's realities for the sake of reproduction to put it curtly. tbh I simply don't feel/think the rumoured population collapse will unfold in the scary manner that, interestingly enough, all factions of our society are on the same page about. I think it will happen, but just not quite like this
@studibakre 11 ай бұрын
For the car, i would just call the police and press charges on the stolen car. If the mom won't punish, and i can't, let the 16 year old (almost adult) face adult consequences.
@StarlasAiko 11 ай бұрын
The majority of women are not like that, but there are too many like that to make the risk too great. A few women insisted they are "strong and independent and need no man", now ALL women HAVE TO BE strong and independent because no sane man would ever risk being with them. One bad apple spoils the entire basket.
@doomedfromthesmart 11 ай бұрын
I ain't living with a thief, ya, and if you defend a thief, you are a thief.
@gargoyle7863 11 ай бұрын
min 8:00 the car incident: I would call her "real" father. Tell him the story and ask him to solve the issue. 😂
@Steve-ht5yi 9 ай бұрын
Going to the Ukraine is one thing, but my mom had the opportunity to take me to Europe and England when I graduated from High School in 1983. She later divorced, and she has passed, and I've never since had that opportunity again, but it enriched my life and I still relate to my children those experiences. I went to England, France, Italy and Germany. I've never been the same. d I'm now 60 and I've never had the
@michaelironrider9443 11 ай бұрын
I had a look at this reddit post (3rd story). I am a father, too, so I can really feel the pain of the poor stepfather. The other sad thing is, that the "go girl go its your wedding, your mom and step dad are selfish"-short response received 7500 upvotes, plus her response "my bio-dad was my super-hero" another 3500, whereas the "your stepfather is great and you are the AH" responses just received 6300 plus another 2800 for a second reply. Of course she also ignored the other opinions entirely, I think she just seeked salvation for her own poor choices. So yes, the majority of western world is super-selfish and women feel like entitled disney princesses. The new husband of this unthankful girl seems to be super bluepill - if I were him, I wouldnt have married her due to her poor character. Everything is multi dimensional, going down the road, she will treat him in the same way.
@BWater-yq3jx 11 ай бұрын
#3 comes back yet again to the unshakeable principle of 'It's all about her.'
@jimmotheus6151 10 ай бұрын
To the man who brought mom and 3 kids in. Inform the wife that he will call the police and file a police report unless she does exactly what you told her needed to be done. Second I’d inform her that if she (mom) pulls this crap again it will be considered a 30 day notice to vacate my home and divorce proceedings will begin.
@dddux 10 ай бұрын
If he had balls like that he wouldn't marry her in the first place. He was probably desperate for marriage, a long term relationship, and married first woman that he bumped into, not worrying about 3 (!) kids. I can envision the situation... but couldn't envision marrying her under any circumstance, really. Short term rs, hump... and dump, the best I could offer.
@flingmonkey5494 10 ай бұрын
In the case of the 16-year-old stepdaughter stealing the car, hypothetically, what if it had been the neighbor's car that had been stolen and damaged? In that case the neighbor would have been able to redress his grievances, and the girl would have been punished. But the step-father actually has far fewer rights regarding those kids than the guy next door. In my case, the girl would have been the cause of my divorce from her mother. No child support, they are not his kids. When I have no rights in my own home, it is time to lower the boom. I don't know if I would accept a change of mind at this point, that family thought so little of him that they treated him like that. OUT!!!!
@LeontheKiller11 9 ай бұрын
When I read this relationship subreddit, I’m completely loosing my faith in humanity and my mental health is suffering
@masterix4021 11 ай бұрын
Respect to the mom that she sides with the stepdad and calls her own daugther heartless
@Acc_Hugh 9 ай бұрын
yes im with her. i went to japan and china when i was under 15 year old, did not appreciate it a bit. Now that im in my 30s, travelling to a different country is much more fun, when the itinerary is decided by me. Theres plenty places to explore around where u live in for safety, time, money, spouse jealousy or whatever reason, going off to another spot that takes more than 1-2 hour flight is redundant for kids.
@21AttackMac 11 ай бұрын
@7:29. My father remarried after being divorced for 3 months. His second wife brought two, children from a marriage and a casual relationship. They all moved into his house which she immediately began to take to as her own and he was the newcomer. She would levy punishments for my sister and I but he couldn’t do the same for her kids. Hell, she didn’t even punish her own kids. She’s kept my sister and I from bonding after our teenage years. That woman has stolen time we could have had with our father for 17 years. A woman’s past and history is important. Please be careful with yourselves.
@chrismoody1342 2 ай бұрын
Kinda reminds me of my daughter moving out of her moms house and into mine. She was so crazy with jealousy that I was taking her at 16 to Annapolis for a Naval Academy wedding. And then into Washington DC and the museums. We even went to Mt Vernon the estate of our first POTUS. All in all it was a terrific trip that she I share still to this day 18 years later.
@renevanderkraats224 11 ай бұрын
Divorced years ago on her initiative. I'm pretty easy-going and tolerant, but things happened to me during the divorce on several levels that made me ban her from my life forever. So not on speaking terms...but we still have two great boys. On the personal level I don't want any communication with that person, but we do discuss things about the children, be it a bit terse, but we need to. I will not block anything that has a positive effect on the boys, even if that means them going on vacation, including her boyfriend. I don't care to see or speak to these persons, only thing I made clear is that that guy should behave normally to my kids. If not, things will get nasty...if so, I won't interfere or bother anyone. Luckily I get to see my boys on a very regular basis. Me and my girlfriend do one part of the bringing up, my ex and current boyfriend the other part.
@michaelgeraghty3989 9 ай бұрын
As a divorced dad I took my kids to the Great Wall of China, Hong Kong and Tokyo. They're adults now and they all still have great memories from that wonderful expereince.
@od1452 6 ай бұрын
Sadly a common story. My X got in the way of my relationship with my kids as much as she could. My x wouldn't let me adopt my daughter ( step) ...probably as she was afraid she wouldn't get money from the birth father and another place.). But hurting me was also a priority. My son and I are still pretty close. I will still do anything for my Daughter ( she is a really squared away person. .) but it seems she feels its un-loyal to her mom to be close to me ( Mom Deceased) . So I don't push her. That 2nd to the last story... that marriage is done but it will probably draw out the pain for a while longer. .
@arnoldpainal5885 10 ай бұрын
Issue with the first woman and the no to the kids traveling is strictly jealousy and revenge that the husband is doing much much better without her and with someone else. I would bet that if she was the one able to provide travel she would demand it, call him an ass for not allowing it, make sure her kids hatted him for doing so and probably take them anyway without his consent. Second guy should have called the cops and reported that she took the car without her permission. Third woman, bet that stepdad was paying for the wedding. I wouldn't, and didn't. I told my stepdaughter that if her dad wasn't coming up with wedding money she should get married before a judge - and she ended up doing so.
@adamabbas8876 10 ай бұрын
Yep, my ex hates me more than she loves our kids. Totally get it.
@helmeteye 11 ай бұрын
Being a father is thankless enough; step parenting is pure masochism.
@heartpath1 11 ай бұрын
This is true. Society is littered with the devastating effects of bad parenting.
@FromInfinityTV 11 ай бұрын
Sadly, true. Our society is broken because our families are broken.
@petermathews2915 5 ай бұрын
". . . the elephant in the room. . . " LOL Nice segway into the advert! 😅
@rongarner3541 10 ай бұрын
Item 1: She want s everything HER WAY. Probably the underlying reason SHE initiated the divorve. She wasn't fully satisfied and got bored. Everthing seems to be about her. Item two: how would a BUSINESS handle having their car stolen even though they aren't her father? Item 3: Not only would her father want the stepdad to do this, how does she think her husband would feel about this CALLOUS disrespect to this man? if she can disrespect her stepfather how long before she disrespects her husband? Her fiancee neeeds to help her see the problem. How can he marry a woma who shows no love, loyalty or duty to the man who RAISED her? Disgusting! When he husband fails t live up to her idealized notions of marrige she will repaet the pattern and discard him in favor of her romantic idea.
@MarcoFAlfaro 11 ай бұрын
A baby is forever Kacee Anthony-"hold my beer" 🍺
@stevenorcutt2099 11 ай бұрын
I'm glad I stumbled across your channel ...I enjoy the positive vibes and positive content
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