Alistair Begg, Missed Critiques, & What Grieves My Heart Over This Situation

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5 ай бұрын

In this video I'm sharing what really grieves my heart about the Alistair Begg Gay Wedding Advice and Christian's response to it.
Truth for Life - Compassion vs. Condemnation (Begg sermon on John 15):
John Piper - Would You Attend A Gay Wedding?:
Truth Unites: Gavin Ortlund - What Critiques of Alistair Begg Are Missing:
Matthew Everhard - Alistair Begg Says "Attend a Gay Wedding and Buy a Gift!" Is He Right?:
Section Titles:
0:00 - Video Topic
0:30 - Why this Video
1:21 - Good Videos to go watch
2:49 - What grieves my heart over the situation
7:34 - Verses that came to mind
9:54 - Fundamentalism issues?
11:44 - What is gonna happen and Theological Triage
15:19 - Last thoughts
#Back2theWord, Following Jesus is the Greatest Adventure! Read, Treasure, and Follow the Word!

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@bell4289 5 ай бұрын
I agree with your response to a point…social media provides folks a 24/7 platform to respond harshly without forethought, prayer, and face to face discussion! Regarding Alistair, it was his defense (John 15) that most concerned me. Rather than a quick reaction, perhaps more time in prayer and meditation would allow the Spirit of God to move accordingly.
@impish22 5 ай бұрын
Of course go to a birthday party, have those living this kind of lifestyle as friends, be kind and loving to them, but don't attend the wedding.
@JohnDanglican 3 ай бұрын
I missed this video. Agree with your level-headed, balanced approach and understand your grieving. Pastor Begg has been a respected pastor for many years, yet in an instant some people attack and want him "canceled." Some of these KZbin "discernment ministries" are outright nasty. They tear others down but offer nothing constructive themselves.
@kickpublishing 5 ай бұрын
I think you should attend a gay wedding if invited and when they say “does anybody here present have any reason why these two people should not be joined together in holy matrimony” then that’s the cue for your sermon on Romans 1 to start. Point is, youre giving consent by staying silent and NOT objecting - so the biblical thing to do is to make sure all present know that this is defying direct commands of God. Explain this when invited - that should get you uninvited fast 😂
@makeitcount179 5 ай бұрын
" Level headed voiceS on this (doctrinal : marriage ) issue " : by pluralizing "voice" to "voices"...a Rubicon is crossed. Social Discourse vs. God's Word. That is what the paramount issue becomes. Stan Grenz placing Social Discourse on par with Scripture. Vs. Albert Mohler placing Scripture as the Exclusive Rule for Faith and Practice.
@wjtruax 5 ай бұрын
Joe - My critique of your critique. 1. I think you give the producers of hyperbole too much credit and credibility. The bloggers and YT channel content producers that trade in click-bait and hyperbole show their true colors and very few people who don't already follow them without thinking will be added to their fanbases. 2. Where was Alistair's compassion instead of condemnation when he strongly implied that his critics are fundamentalist pharisees, idiots who can't derive 4 from 2+2, morons who don't understand nuance, the petulant older brother from the Prodigal Son parable, and/or people who secretly hold to deep desires to commit gravely immoral acts? He showed no respect for anyone who disagreed with him, except a passing reference to "some on the pastoral staff" at Parkside Church (where I grew up, BTW). 3. Where is your compassion instead of condemnation for people who are truly grieved not only by Alistair's advice, which others may see as a "Tier 1" issue vice the "Tier 3" issue as you define it (such tiers are not found anywhere in Scripture, but that's another issue completely), but are even more grieved by Alistair's defense and his blistering attack on those who criticize his advice? My opinion: There are hundreds of ways that Alistair could have calmed this storm easily while giving himself time and "room to maneuver." Doubling-down on his position with the classic, "Deflect, deny, and make counter-accusations" was about the only way to make everything worse. Almost everyone would have loved for him to have simply acknowledged the uproar, validated many of the concerns behind it - with a compassionate response to the criticisms - and said that he would like to take more time to consider the entire situation and reassess his advice in consultation with other godly men whom he respects. That would have done wonders for this situation.
@impish22 5 ай бұрын
Actually, what grieves me most is how Alistair characterized those that wanted to honor God by not attending as Pharisees. And also his complete defensiveness and not even addressing the real issue. He characterized those who wanted to honor God wrongly. What about John the Baptist who would have been "judgemental" in Alistair's opinion. And Jesus gave honor to John the Baptist. Alistair made himself out to be the "compassionate" one and the others as condemning. It felt to many that Alistair was condescending and very dismissive of their real concerns. And he was hoping this would just sort of blow over, but this was a watershed moment. This is were the slippery slope begins. We are in this very compromising culture because of this kind of thing. Alistair came across as very prideful to me. And it felt as if he is someone that feels he can never be questioned. Also, it seems that many Christians like to worship this type of celebrity pastor and put them on a pedestal. Many people are rightfully in shock about his advice to the grandmother.
@baj3085 5 ай бұрын
I have been encouraging, strengthened, and edified by pastor Begg's ministry. I appreciate and love him as a Christian brother. His advice here, to the grandmother (and the rest of us via broadcast) was badly wrong, and showed a surprising lack of discernment. I think brother Begg's advice was based in sentimentality rather than Biblical truth. He talked about the grandmother not approving the sinful lifestyle in any positive manner, but that is exactly what attending a ceremony celebrating sin is doing. I don't know why pastor Begg doesn't see this obvious reality. A number of Christian brothers have gently, lovingly, and respectfully corrected him (and a few hotheads also blew up at him). Iron sharpens iron, and the loving rebuke of friends and brothers should be carefully considered. Unfortunately pastor Begg seems to have failed to receive this correction, and is persisting in his error (and it is a grevious error). In addition, he unfortunately seems to be attacking those who are telling the truth.
@jaked8537 5 ай бұрын
Actually it was even worse. He outright stated that anyone who is concerned with this issue is to be viewed with caution as they may be suppressing gay desires themselves. ABs doubling down sermon was disgusting, and this response video is laughably out of touch if he thinks the problem here is "fundamentalism."
@wjtruax 5 ай бұрын
BINGO! Alistair’s advice was wrong-headed. His sermon in defense of his errant advice made the situation immeasurably worse.
@AmazingGrace1729 5 ай бұрын
He didn’t emulate the meekness of Christ. He is full of himself, I’m really quite disappointed with him😞
@robertrowe8392 5 ай бұрын
you read a lot into it! @@the11thhour77
@shawnharrison4994 5 ай бұрын
Really appreciated this video, Joe. Thank you!
@Anthony-ix3rp 5 ай бұрын
AB , a sincere man, gave advice to a Grandmother , then discussed the issue on Radio and wrote about it in his book. He then preached a sermon on it. He even admitted people will disagree with him. People who disagree can have a viewpoint. Yes, conduct should be self controlled. Mr Begg, made some harsh comments to anyone who questioned him. Conclusion : Be careful what you put in the public arena.Mr Begg did not give good advice and has to face the music.
@rom_5_8 5 ай бұрын
I have watched many videos on this issue and am disheartened by the tone of the majority of them. And so many of the replies are no more scriptural than the claim Mr. Begg’s are not. Most of his comments were not only taken out of the general content of his statement, but were then sensationalized by the whole enticing, sound bite driven style of attracting viewers/listeners that fills KZbin and online ads these days. A lie wrapped in the “skin of a truth” is still a lie. How quickly believers forget where they came from and become judgmental of not only the unbelieving world but of their fellow brothers and sisters. We could all gain wisdom by reminding ourselves of the parable of the unmerciful servant told by Christ and also meditate on James 1-19-20, especially vs 20, Eph 4:31-32, not forget about the immeasurable grace of God that saved us. Aren’t we supposed to extend that same grace to others and keep in mind what God teaches us in Gal 6:1-5 and be grateful for the love and grace of God that has forgiven every one of us for ALL of our sins at the cross?
@lindajones4438 5 ай бұрын
Marriage is a covenant! A man who refused to bake a cake paid dearly for standing. We do not need to be nasty, cut we need to take a stand. Do we care what man thinks or what God thinks. You can love people but love preaches repentance for forgiveness..
@HonestlyNow4Real 5 ай бұрын
Listen, some of us have been down this road, and have responded according to Biblical wisdom. Not with the judgemental tone that you assume we exhibited, but with firm, loving clarity. Begg advises confusing the matter, supposedly in pursuit of a shock wave of niceness that was not expected. This is not a biblical approach - it's a psychological pragmatic approach, one that puts cagey human wisdom above God's way. I don't know how you carry the moniker "back to the Bible" when supporting a pastor doing his level best to get Gramma NOT to do what she already assumed she should do. "Shake things up a bit" might be popular advice from Oprah, but woe to the preacher who goes over God's head to press a different and more compassionate and innovative solution. This grandchild may very possibly have been hinging the whole "marriage" thing on whether Nana would come. I've seen it happen, especially in cases where the relative's "significant other" has been rightly treated with kindness throughout the immoral relationship that has been growing between the two young people. In my case, even though we were very clear all along the way, the "couple" in our lives managed to misconstrue our kindness over many years as morphing into approval, acceptance, and affirmation. The shock that came when the "engagement" was announced was very effective - they wound up not going through with it. Don't say God can't work through simple obedience - Begg is overthinking and failing to trust God and God's Word. If Nana says, "Sorry, dear heart, I love you and your friend, but I cannot come alongside this as if I am celebrating with you. Your choice here is one that attempts to institutionalize a form of relationship that flies in the face of God's intent, from creation through all time. I will continue our relationship, because you are mine forever, and I'll treat your friend with utmost respect and kindness, as I'm sure you've seen up until today. But since you haven't yet taken this step, I'm asking you one more time to turn, change your course, if only because you trust my love for you and the wisdom I've gathered up from Scripture and from all these years of adult life. I love you forever. Please choose wisely, and call this off now!" As for writing off Alistair Begg, yeah, application is where the rubber of all his Biblical knowledge meets the proverbial road. He is no pastor who knows and teaches God theology, but fails to teach his congregation to trust in the Lord in real life. This is a huge issue, compounded greatly by his efforts to exegete his way around it. Scripture twisting is Satan's way. "Did God really say?" YES, HE DID!
@aTodaCreature 5 ай бұрын
Hmmmm 🤔
@Moonlight-px6sz 5 ай бұрын
Do you have a Goodreads account?
@Back2theWord 5 ай бұрын
I have debated starting one. Is it worth the work?
@CarterLeachFilm 5 ай бұрын
@@Back2theWordYou should start one!
@Cdubs24 5 ай бұрын
@Moonlight-px6sz 5 ай бұрын
@@Back2theWord I personally use it to make future reading lists, mark the progress throughout the year, find new books and follow some book bloggers. So, it can be useful.
@matthewhaslam3219 5 ай бұрын
church people. I know. I am one.
@sandratankersley8470 5 ай бұрын
A LITTLE leaven leaveneth the WHOLE LUMP. THIS WAS NOT A LITTLE THING. SAME AS Joel Osteen says he won't BASH SOMEONE FOR SINNING. T.D. Jake's ' evolving' about homosexuality. WHEN A MAN SPEAKS FOR GID HE BETTER BE TOTALLY TRUE .
@user-gb1pj5ns2x 5 ай бұрын
Jesus spoke of loving and rebuking fellow saints...and forgiving Christians when they repent and then we may forgive them. Also, a Christian may approach a fellow believer if they were harmed by them, even bring their church to help, but I see nothing of or in Bible that says we should love or forgive the unbelievers. Yet, some of the more theologically sound preachers teach this. God hates the sinner & they are being sent to hell...A. Begg does not understand that we are not too have anything to do with evil, etc.
@justin.smith.9904 5 ай бұрын
God loved us while we were still sinners (Romans 5:8)
@barbaraluningham5761 5 ай бұрын
Grace and compassion have been missing in the click bait KZbinrs. Trying to pump up their channels. Alistair was a bit prideful and defensive in his explanation. He seemed to show his grandfather heart. I’m not willing to throw away all the solid biblical teaching I’ve benefited from in his ministry. He is a jar of clay, just like we are.
@musimod3610 5 ай бұрын
Amen Amen and Amen
@Mrguy-ds9lr 5 ай бұрын
YES! MAN YES! this is so ridiculous how many fools just get on and make a video! Just attacking out right! We are looking just like the world, so many makeing videos without love full, condemnation. Im with ya. And you cant ask him to repent, and apologize, if his conscience is not convicting him. That would be a lie on his part. You would have to wait for the Holy spirit to convict him. He cant just apologize cause you say he is wrong. Good job, but i doubt many will see this. The fools! I no i no, be kind, but dang man, they really went after him.
@robertrowe8392 5 ай бұрын
Seriously this whole debate could only happen in America - which should give pause to a lot of people who need to consider what "christian" is - I think a lot of you confuse Trumpism, radical right wing republicanism and americanism with what Jesus and the gospel is really all about. Mind you the tone of this video was a breath of fresh air - a pleasant change. however I'm a bit concerned about the need of the moderate critics in this debate to always opt out by giving the disclaimer "but it wouldn't be the advice I would give".............
@jaked8537 5 ай бұрын
I agree, in a faithful explicitly Christian nation this would not be a debate at all, as the celebration of sin would not be considered a wedding in the first place. The fact that this debate can and does still occur in the US but not elsewhere SHOULD give pause, and demonstrate the sad and weak state of the church throughout the world. By God's grace we are still able and some are still willing to speak His truth and call others to repentance and faith.
@robertrowe8392 5 ай бұрын
"faithful explicitly Christian nation" and that would be?
@jaked8537 5 ай бұрын
@@robertrowe8392 it would be an ideal that does not currently exist
@susannahwhite7561 5 ай бұрын
Jesus said my kingdom is not of this world.
@joeg9208 5 ай бұрын
Thanks so much for this.
@cindyhigham1853 5 ай бұрын
I agree it’s out of hand! I have literally heard other good Bible teachers say this is a matter of conscience.
@tomgunn8004 5 ай бұрын
Begg gave bad advice, period! Bulling up and doubling down didn't help!
@futuretech2330 5 ай бұрын
what a gaslighting take on the whole situation. alistair begg says something sinful and stupid as advice to a grandmother, people immediately correct him for it, and now his critics are the problem? you are more "grieved" over the correction than the sinful advice itself? what kind of twisted thinking comes to that conclusion? it's the same thing that happened to israel recently. hamas terrorists from gaza invade and slaughter over 1000 jews, so then it grieves our hearts because israel retaliates? what else are they supposed to do? a gigantic missing the point. enough of this enabling of false teaching. as long as alistair has his defenders and enablers, why should he ever stand corrected, why should he ever repent? this is such a wimpy response.
@robertrowe8392 5 ай бұрын
so what makes you the arbiter of "correction"?
@futuretech2330 5 ай бұрын
@@robertrowe8392 the bible teaches us to confront a brother in sin, right? we point to the bible as the authority. if i'm wrong, i'd like to hear the clear reasons why i'm wrong. if i'm wrong i'll stand corrected, but at least i'm willing to discuss and dialogue. is alistair? not yet. if he's got a clear cut biblical argument for his position, let's hear it. i've got a clear cut argument for my position. if it's wrong, how am i wrong. look at church history, starting in the early church and going on throughout church history, christians always talked things through and made clear their theology on points. i don't hear any clear theological argument for why a christian should attend a gay wedding, other than vague references to love, compassion, relationships etc. hey, prove me wrong, i'm open.
@stevendelucas6311 5 ай бұрын
You shouldn't attend ANY wedding if either party isn't a Christian, doesn't work on Sundays, doesn't eat pork, doesn't go to church on Sundays, has had premarital sex, is Jewish or atheist, has been divorced before, doesn't want to have children, drinks alcohol, gambles or doesn't believe the same as me.
@futuretech2330 5 ай бұрын
@@stevendelucas6311 now you're getting silly. "when i was a child i spoke as a child, but when i matured I PUT AWAY CHILDISH THINGS." grow up!
@HannahsCats-zp6rb 5 ай бұрын
Where do you draw the line? @@futuretech2330
@Moonlight-px6sz 5 ай бұрын
I absolutely agree with you🙏🏼 We as Christians are weak in love to one another. I respect and love Alistair, he is a faithful memeber of Christ's family. It is a shame to us that we are so quick to judge others as if we were righteous ourselves when in fact we are so miserably weak and sinful. It reminds me of a parable about the king and a poor debtor, who, being pardoned, starts agressively asking another mn for the payment... We lack in mercy and lovingkindness so badly! Truly these are the last times!
@paulhovan5466 5 ай бұрын
It is not loving to not give a response to his statement and the context in James about being slow to speak is about speaking against the word of God when you disagree with what it has to say.
@robertrowe8392 5 ай бұрын
@cathyhowell9875 5 ай бұрын
Thank you for a wise heart. I've been grieved over the way Begg has been thrown under the bus..
@barbaraluningham5761 5 ай бұрын
100% agree with your common sense, Christian response
@robtruax7640 5 ай бұрын
So AB made a comment that he has emphasized comes from his study of the Bible and the working of the Holy Spirit in his heart. AFR made the opposite conclusion about the gay wedding, after their study of the Bible and the working of the Holy Spirit in their hearts. Now, you have a different take - AB was wrong but AFR was wrong to cancel. How about thinking: why is the Holy Spirit allowing the diverse opinions in the Church? Look what the Holy Spirit did to a couple who were not honest about a land deal (Acts 5). Then fear came upon the Church. Is this issue not even more important to get right? And yet, the Holy Spirit allows video after video to be made with diverging ideas. Hmmm - what does all this say about the Holy Spirit?
@paullucas8721 5 ай бұрын
False dichotomy here: critics that don't affirm or agree with Alistair's advice are only left with the option to condemn or 'write him off" wholesale.
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