I’ve had my all-clad cookware for about three years now and by doing this it still looks completely new, on the inside anyway. Gas range grates take their toll on the bottom of any pan. A simple solution to keep it at hand: Cut the top off of the Barkeeper’s container with a can opener, pour the powder into a wide-mouth mason jar, lay the top on top of the mason jar and screw a lid ring on. A shaker that can just sit on the edge of the sink which isn’t ugly, and I just use a little in each pan after the regular washing to keep the shiny and new look.
@chefdad14224 жыл бұрын
Good tip. Yea.. my gas range leaves marks on the bottom also.
@chrsfavel55064 жыл бұрын
haha r2 -d2 ! next time try oooh noo mr. bill on a hot pan.
@chefdad14224 жыл бұрын
@bertacollazo40193 жыл бұрын
Me encantaría que hicieran un video video que se pueda traducir al español, todos mis ollas de cocina y utensilios son Copper Core