I love how everyone involved with the show is natural looking instead of being really over glamorized with a bunch of makeup and glittery barely there dresses. It's nice to see a talent show that's not buried under a bunch of fake Hollywood glamour. All the face lifts, fake tits, fat botoxxed lips, wigs, false behinds, fake nails and bleached white way beyond anything teeth are not there and everyone just has a purely natural beauty just as God intended. I'm from America, not far from Hollywood, and all the fakeness the stars, actors and singers are all wrapped up in is disgusting, so many modifications to their looks is all so sickening to look at time after time. It's really so refreshing not to see all that fake looks crap. It makes them ugly to me, wearing all that junk. Natural beauty is the way to go because it shows you appreciate the way God designed you. The ones that like all that stuff on their bodies have no respect for the natural things God gave them and it's a damn shame, if you ask me!!! It's so refreshing to see that people can accept themselves as the individual He made them to be. Keep up the good work!