All Operations RANKED Best to Worst - Space Marine 2

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True Vanguard

True Vanguard

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@TrueVanguard 3 ай бұрын
What's your favorite Operation in the game? Join the PATREON group here: Once you join, link up your Discord and you'll be granted access to the private Space Marine rooms. Message me with any questions on Patreon.
@Taco-in-a-Tahoe 3 ай бұрын
Decapitation deserves S tier because of its epic environment, cinematic moments like blowing up the bridge, and it ends with a difficult but fun boss fight.
@NobleRenegade7 3 ай бұрын
Yeah this dude constantly tells on himself that he doesn't know enough. L list
@TrueVanguard 3 ай бұрын
What the heck kind of comment is this lol, who doesn't "know" that a bridge blows up lol weird take. Of course everybody "knows" what happens in these missions lol it's not like you're privy to some secret bridge explosion animation that I've never seen haha. Just say you disagree and you like it more than I do, that's fine. Losing your mind because I put it one single tier lower than you is wild internet behavior man.
@vanks1391 3 ай бұрын
@@TrueVanguardyou can’t please everyone. Tier listing things mix objective and subjetive perceptions. You did great, don’t worry. That said, this Op is S-Tier for me.
@sarkmangaming8164 3 ай бұрын
I normally played with bots, so unless I was a big dmg dealing class, I would just skip it entirely. Assault/Bulwark for me meant heck no on Decapitation :).
@HippioKass 3 ай бұрын
Decapitation and Termination are S for me
@Seijik4702 3 ай бұрын
People who don't prioritize ad clear during the Hive Tyrant make Decapitation a nightmare.
@Usernamenotfoundyetcallthecops 3 ай бұрын
Wait you people kill the ads?
@ImBarryScottCSS 3 ай бұрын
People who die to mobs while you tank the Hive Tyrant the entire fight for them make decapitation a nightmare. At this point I literally have a better success rate playing decap solo than with randoms.
@Dark_Tesla 3 ай бұрын
True. If you don’t have Tyrant aggro you should be clearing. If you DO have aggro you need to kite it away from your battle brothers.
@Seijik4702 3 ай бұрын
@@ImBarryScottCSS Bro. True & real. Nothing I hate more as a Heavy is "tanking" the boss with 7-8 gaunts on me
@ImBarryScottCSS 3 ай бұрын
​@@Seijik4702I solo'd the second phase of the fight on ruthless yesterday as a heavy while my 2x25 teammates died to mobs. I honestly don't understand how people play the game enough to get 25 and are still so bad 🤷‍♂️
@VergilFermin 3 ай бұрын
Decapitation reminds me of an old Destiny raid, I cannot have enough of it. S-Tier in my book.
@malehumanperson7901 3 ай бұрын
It's the one where you feel "I have to lock in now" at the end. I still prefer Vox Liberatis for the 3-way fight anyhow.
@jacktheripper7935 3 ай бұрын
Decapitation is the best. 1 : it's pretty cinematic 2 : tyranids 3 : good boss fight 4 : you are not f*cked depending on the class you choose (not like the drake bs) 5 : now, you obtain a guaranteed armory data by beating the hive tyrant
@GYI5U 3 ай бұрын
One problem with reliquary is that if you play bulwark or assault you are dependent on your teammates to dps the drake. Meanwhile if you've got a tactical + sniper or heavy you can nearly one phase it. Extremely uneven experience.
@SPNCRJ 3 ай бұрын
It SUCKS as bulwark LOL. I’ve never felt more useless
@TheRonan92 3 ай бұрын
Yeah the head should really enter melee range during boss dps phases
@PaladinAzriel 3 ай бұрын
Help the long range homies by helping ad clear
@anthonyg1307 3 ай бұрын
It's not that bad but as a heavy main, trying to dps the drake down while adds are up are a hassle so add clear
@dh7367 3 ай бұрын
I just hate fighting neurothropes and Zoanthropes as a bulwark and running out of ammo for DPS I feel useless against them when they can fly and you're primarily a melee tank.
@walterojeda9358 3 ай бұрын
Remember brothers, save your krak grenades for the zoanthropes and problem solved
@KingCraze22 3 ай бұрын
This needs to be higher. Krak grenades turn Zoans into floating piñatas
@SageOfLimitlessHands 2 ай бұрын
The issues is when the something else jumps in your way and the auto track catches that lol
@an0nycat 3 ай бұрын
*I think most people would agree that Reliquary is the worst mission.* 😅😅
@yurimaldonado4966 3 ай бұрын
Its my favourite mission but just because i'm a space knight enthusiast and it covers all of my epic quest kinks 😭
@ryan0862 3 ай бұрын
And it's the last one I need to complete all missions on lethal😩
@spartanlemon9397 3 ай бұрын
I vastly prefer Reliquary over Ballistic Engine and Vox. The sandstorms get very old on harder difficulties, and Vox is riddled with elevators and instances where you aren't going anywhere fast. That along with the underwhelming event at the end makes it terrible for me.
@KingCraze22 3 ай бұрын
@@spartanlemon9397I like Vox because you can fight both enemies, while they also fight each other. Really adds some immersion to an already incredibly cinematic game. Feels like a scene from Star Craft.
@yokiyoky2678 3 ай бұрын
I love #2 operation with boss fight My Grenade Launcher boss Slayer tactic MELTS the boss. Simple scan + 11 granades And boss Is 60% HP lower. And in rdy with scan And 11 granades again for phase two. Love them Grenade spamming Edit (playing Lethal)
@KingCraze22 3 ай бұрын
Would love more operations where both enemy types are present. Seeing the bugs fighting the traitors is a sight to behold. Great contrast seeing their tactics collide.
@Th3GravyTrain 3 ай бұрын
The real operation were the friends we made along the way
@Lohengrin88 3 ай бұрын
Screw that, I want my Relics.
@davidhache1267 3 ай бұрын
I failed a few on substantial this weekend due to zionothropes everywhere, got frustrated and turned it off. Saw another creator yesterday saying the the enemy spawns are a mess and creating issues. I thought the same thing but what about the rest of you?
@HollywoodActual151 3 ай бұрын
It's already been confirmed the devs broke the spawns and it's being speculated that the AI Director is fucked up. That paired with nerfs that applied to Sub and Ruthless are what has most people passed besides that Close Proximity shit in Lethal. The Devs deserve all the hate they're getting right now and the review bomb. They shouldn't have touched the first four difficulties and instead just added Lethal for the people who wanted it. Now Sub is arguably harder than Ruthless used to be.
@devendoffing7004 3 ай бұрын
@@HollywoodActual151honestly, the people that actually deserve the hate are the few extremely loud voices saying “the game NEEDS to be harder, if you can’t handle it, play a different game. I want my SM2 to be DarkSouls because muh lore!” I’ve ran into numerous people saying these changes to the AI director for lower difficulties and all the nerfs are “improvements”, and everyone struggling should quit the game. The devs were catering to the people with this update because they’ve been EXTREMELY loud and persistent within the community. They’re the ones that deserve the hate.
@wolfie54321 3 ай бұрын
@@devendoffing7004 I kind of like the changes to the AI director, it makes the games feel a lot more frantic... problem is it's shifted all the difficult levels by almost 1 level. Average now feels as hard as substantial used to, substantial feels more like ruthless. That would be fine if it weren't for the fact unlocks are linked to the difficulty, relic can't be unlocked unless you play ruthless so ruthless needs to be accessible. The game recommends that you start playing substantial at level 10 from memory, but a team of level 10 newbies is probably going to get wiped in the starting area of a substantial run now.
@feircy 3 ай бұрын
I don't mind extra mobs, but I hate the ranged mob spam we currently havr. Just give me like 20 melee warriors please 😂
@richardmenz3257 3 ай бұрын
Overall seems like we just have 1 ai director which is too much for lower difficulties.
@SPNCRJ 3 ай бұрын
I’d put decapitation in S because 1) it felt the most cinematic (bridge collapse, following the wounded tyrant, etc. and 2) the BOSS FIGHT. I hope we get more gun/mobile boss fights like that
@judgmenthammer5254 3 ай бұрын
Can't be S. Only one armory data on the whole map. No regular boss spawn. Would easily be S-Tier if you got one for the Hive Tyrant.
@dagame81790 3 ай бұрын
@@judgmenthammer5254 It only has 1 armory point but it's also the fastest operation in the game. If you got 2 armory data points from this mission no one would run any of the other missions.
@ImBarryScottCSS 3 ай бұрын
He guys. You DO get two armory data from this map since the patch 😂
@gammothdraws 3 ай бұрын
Latest patch does give 2 data max which is great, but yeah, the sheer relative speed of it is amazing and the Hive Tyrant boss is hilariously fantastic. Decapitation is probably the lowest S tier, with Termination above it imo
@judgmenthammer5254 3 ай бұрын
@@gammothdraws Really? Thanks for the heads up.
@Markpaul9 2 ай бұрын
This game is so good, just make 6 or 7 more operations levels in a DLC and cement the legacy for another 24 months easy
@exeverrr 3 ай бұрын
They are all very cinematic, I like them all. Crazy amount of work was put in these.
@JKS_Crafting 3 ай бұрын
I'm pretty sure Inferno and ballistic engine was made by the same people. They are really made about the same in so many ways
@jaredevans1985 3 ай бұрын
I put Fall of Atreus much higher but I actually agree with every point you made! Everything up until the train cart really boosts it for me, enough that I can ignore the wrinkles in the finale, but it can be miserable flipping those switches while a Helbrute is slamming on your head.
@KingCraze22 3 ай бұрын
The part of Reliquary where you are trying to advance on the bridge while the Drake rains fire down on you would have been an incredible final boss fight. Like you complete your objective and on your way to the extraction you get ambushed by the Drake and have to kill it in order for the shuttle to be able to land.
@feircy 3 ай бұрын
If it wasnt for the current zoanthrope apocalypse in nid missions I'd just put chaos all at the the bottom because ranged spam sucks
@frenchmustard08 3 ай бұрын
My first run on termination was on substantial and buddy let me tell ya it was painful. I was was playing assault cause I enjoy the class even though it’s not the best. My teammates were random matchmaking acquired and they were level 7 and 9. I kid you not, they died collectively 11 times. But it was alright until I picked up the targeting system in the last area. I didn’t know that I was unable to use my pistol when I picked it up. I was alone, fighting off majoris and minors when two zoanthropes spawned and the biotitan was launching his venomous bombs. I was so totally helpless it was kinda unreal. I could not drop the targeting system to engage with the zoanthropes. I was eventually downed 1 second after one of my fallen comrades respawned. I agree with everything you said about termination, but you definitely need to be able to drop the targeting system if you want to. Literally almost cost us the whole run
@ribbz22 3 ай бұрын
To me Ballistic and Inferno are pretty much the same mission more or less in terms of encounter design, which is actually kinda nice since it gives you another farmable mission, especially if you don't have a ton of time to play some of the longer ones. If you have a good class setup and running with a full squad I also like to mix in Decap just because the RNG factor with matchmaking and it having a final boss. My list just in general order would be: Ballistic Engine, Termination, Decap, Inferno, Vox, Atreus, Reliquary (I think the first 5 in that list are all excellent).
@skyclaw36 3 ай бұрын
Focus entertainment had a tweet this past weekend saying Inferno is most played operation
@theguycisterninoyelledat6272 3 ай бұрын
I think termination is probably the hardest mission just because the boss fight. If you don't have a good team it's bad news. If you're like me running with randoms the boss fight just becomes chaos.
@umadachi 2 ай бұрын
then there's guys whose friends sort of suck at it and have a better time with randoms like me
@jonnowocky8179 3 ай бұрын
Learning the ops really made me appreciate them all, as I levelled and they became less frantic. Brilliant design in each one
@nenno6748 3 ай бұрын
You said you seldom have extremis enemies at the end of Inferno. I started lvl'ing assault and power fist at the same time on average and substantial and get 4 to 6 zoanthropes at the end Everytime.
@joeb1955 3 ай бұрын
I usually always get one with the first and last waves that spawn in the Inferno finale.
@randommonkey195 2 ай бұрын
Another point in favour of Fall Of Atreus, did you know that if the Hellbrute spawns in the middle section with the series of up ramps, you can kite him into the next area where you re-join the Dreadnought. Not only does that save you a ton of work but who doesn't want to see epic Dreadnought vs Hellbrute action?
@josephmay2929 3 ай бұрын
Spore mines are the deadliest enemy in the Tyranid army right now.
@namesomega3694 10 күн бұрын
Fall of Atreus is my favorite mainly because you can get the dreadnought to fight the hellbrute at the perfect spawn point
@SLG493 2 ай бұрын
S- Inferno A- Ballistic Engine, Termination and Decapitation B- Fall of Atreus, Vox Liberatus C- Requilary Thats my take! Good vid!
@pyrokos 2 ай бұрын
For me 6 is also in S tier. Love that mission!
@WindowsXP-SP3 3 ай бұрын
After beating all 7 lethal missions, I find mission 5 is the most difficult. The enemies snipe and fire rockets across the map, and there is not much can be done unless there is a sniper in the team. All the other 6 missions can be cleared with generde launcher and multa but not mission 5.
@judgmenthammer5254 3 ай бұрын
Huh. That is interesting I actually find FoA to be the EASIEST mission in the whole game. The opening part has almost no enemies, and then you make it to a Dreadnought that deletes the others, and there are like 3 stim spawns that are guaranteed there. The crain sequence is easy, and sorcerers are only a minor annoyance compared to any Tyranid extremis. Then you get carried by the dreadnought again, and then the final part is just stick with the ever moving cover.
@christopherjohnson2171 2 ай бұрын
I didn't know for a while that Inferno was so popular, I actually really like Vox, Reliquary, and Fall of Atreus, but my first class to 25 was Sniper and that's probably why. Chaos is so easy as Sniper. I got sick of long queue times though and someone told me in game one time "this is what I get for not just queueing inferno" and they explained to me that everyone just ran that one. I'm ashamed to say that's how I leveled my next 3 classes, Inferno spam with an occasional run on one of my max level classes in another Operation just to mix it up. I will say that the reasons to run Inferno are sound: Everyone knows all the objectives every time no matter what, everyone knows all the data spawns are. It IS a great mission though because I've never felt sick of it and the randomness of wave spawn can still surprise you at times leading to epic moments.
@josephtaczy4345 2 ай бұрын
Termination shows that the team understands what the players love about operations
@charlesmaclellan8124 3 ай бұрын
Mission 1, 3, 6, and 7 are my favorites. I like 3 due to Chaos and Nids at the same is always fun. Hope we get more missions like it.
@Whitto77 3 ай бұрын
Great list, love your videos. But how you think its fun to fight a carnifex at the spiral staircase on termination is wild 😂
@skuirrelTV 3 ай бұрын
Love the list!
@Juandalf_ 2 ай бұрын
Chaos missions including relequary are so fun to play with a sniper. Sniping chaos majors is so much easier than nids
@jaredevans1985 3 ай бұрын
I was just thinking about this last night, great timing! I would put Inferno at B, even though I totally agree with you on all your points! To me it's the baseline "good if not always great" operation, which puts it kinds of right in the middle for me.
@h3ro11mcintyre 3 ай бұрын
If the sand storm affected the enemies I wouldn't hate it.
@Brixxer600 3 ай бұрын
My favourite map to grind is Ballistic Engine, I really like the sandstorm addition and the final battle area can be fantastic, as all hell breaks loose. Closely following that would be Inferno, especially just now when it feels like they've dialled the mobs up to 12, massive waves backed up by extremis enemies, really feels like you're trying to hold the line.
@lukecartwright8266 2 ай бұрын
Decapitation is the best mission. I didn’t think anyone thought otherwise
@valentinaskugis7444 3 ай бұрын
Who the hell likes Reliquary? :D I'm not judging, i would just be surprised
@joeb1955 3 ай бұрын
I love it........ when playing with friends. If it comes up when matchmaking with randoms I leave immediately because randoms can't be trusted to reliably do the altar puzzle at the end. Or not get roasted when crossing the bridges.
@toitzv3558 3 ай бұрын
my brothers favorite map, he's always been weird
@sol_aeternum_3472 3 ай бұрын
Decapitation would be S tier if terminus bosses spawned as well and because of the maps dynamic spaces and verticality it would elevate the fight against a carnifax or neurothrope. Another good idea would be to have the Cadians at the beginning of the mission help you push until you reach the bomb planting phase. Imagine fighting with cadians against waves or a terminus while trying to reach phase 2 rather than seeing them stand there doing nothing rarely fighting minoris after loading in
@alastor8091 2 ай бұрын
Decapitation is great for having an actual boss fight. Shame we don't get more of them. But what's to stop other Tyranid forms or Chaos malarkey from taking place? Hopefully we'll see more like the Tyrant.
@Mordring 3 ай бұрын
Vox Liberatis is a tough one for me. On one hand, I find capturing those Chaos altars tedious, especially in the final room. On the other, I love that you fight both Tyranids and Chaos and my favourite part is the flooded courtyard with stairs where you typically get into a free for all against both enemy factions. I'd probably give it a B (maybe bottom of A) as well due to mechanics alone, but it still holds a special place for me as it feels most like 40K should (the enemy of your enemy is also your enemy). Besides that I like Tyranid missions more overall, but it's mainly because my favourite classes are melee (Assault and Bulwark) so I prefer a group of Warriors and a couple dozen hormagaunts to Rubric Marines porting all over the place with snipers on top of that. Also, not a fan of either the Helldrake fight or the battery escort.
@malehumanperson7901 3 ай бұрын
I main Vanguard or Tactical and have a similar view of Vox Liberatis. The fact you can fight both enemy factions makes it the best to me. I switch between melta and plasma for tyranids and chaos for a more varied experience. Top quality comment on "the enemy of your enemy is also your enemy"!
@knightsljx Ай бұрын
All the TSons operations deserve to be F tier. The problem with them is that they don't have enough melee mobs and too many ranged enemies. You often find yourself with no mob nearby to replenish your armour while getting shot across the map by 6 Rubrics and 3 Sniper Cultist, good luck if you get a ranged SOT spawn at the same time
@Bighandsdown 3 ай бұрын
The devs are amazing from what I have seen. Hopefully they see this and make a few changes to level up the lower rated ones
@Sargatas 3 ай бұрын
S: termination, decapitation A: inferno, reliquary (I don't know, I like this mission, especially because I can two-shot the dragon on heavy if my friend is tactical) B: ballistic engine, atreus fall C: vox liberatis
@imapseudonym6198 3 ай бұрын
Termination will probably be my number one, once they fix the bugs. Right now any time I touch it, there's about a 70% chance it will freak out on me. Fundamentally awesome map though.
@Bigborian92783 2 ай бұрын
I wish reliquary would skip the escort part of the mission. I dont mind searching the servitors bodies for the power source but the escort part really drags the mission down. The rest of the mission i feel is pretty fun.
@joshuademeria903 2 ай бұрын
You used to get terminus on inferno before 3.0 I’m pretty sure I just wish the waves on that ending were more dynamic
@daveadams6489 3 ай бұрын
I completely agree with Chaos being less fun due to how their attacks work, just a lot more nonsense that you can't do much about. I haven't played the new op yet, but it sounds like a blast
@exeverrr 3 ай бұрын
Wish you included some gameplay in the background, but then it would be great to listen to these at work too, if you marked them somehow.
@thepunisherxxx6804 2 ай бұрын
Your criteria for what makes a good mission is completely wrong. Gimmicks and objectives are the last thing I care about, unless it forces interesting encounters. Inferno and Decapitation not being S tier is... a take I guess? All we want are excuses to kill enemies that don't get annoying, with a fairly quick completion time. You didn't even talk about the fire trap on the last part for inferno, which is pretty fun IMO. Same with decapitation. Very straight forward, easy to blitz through, with a unique boss at the end that's fun to fight. How is that not S tier? All a mission needs to be good in this game is have Tyrannid enemies, not be too long, and the stage gimmicks not be annoying. Ballistic Engine is the only Tyrannid mission I'd say isn't S tier because its a little long and the fog is ANNOYING, not fun. Its not fun to obscure your vision. Nobody ever likes it when games put crap in it like that. That mechanic doesn't add fun it adds annoyance. Doesn't seem like you understand where the fun is in this game. You're complaining on Inferno "its just rooms to kill wave in until you get to the Cadian base". Uh so? The COMBAT and AI director are the only reasons to play. That's all I want. I don't need stupid objectives alongside that all the time, to have a good time.
@TrueVanguard 2 ай бұрын
opinions are just opinions man, same way I wouldn't tell you that you're wrong for liking what you like. you just value different things, nothing wrong with that.
@thepunisherxxx6804 2 ай бұрын
@@TrueVanguard I think the truth is always important, and why so many people put stock in tier lists because done right it can reflect how most of the fans feel, and specify the WHY behind those shared values. You have more dislikes than usual here, I think that shows your takes are flawed. Yeah its your opinion, but In think you don't really understand the game like you think, and that you didn't really put any real thought into the criteria for rank.
@TrueVanguard 2 ай бұрын
@@thepunisherxxx6804 I mean... the video has a 95% like ratio so...
@SageOfLimitlessHands 2 ай бұрын
Decapitation is definitely the most played operation. People re-run that mission a lot
@chetmanly5541 3 ай бұрын
Wish you had included footage of the levels so there was more to watch
@andrewboyer7544 2 ай бұрын
Almost everyone Ive talked to thought decap was the best. Im blown away it wasnt S tier.
@H8964K 3 ай бұрын
If I am able to be the Tactical, all stages are S tier and fun. Tactical just make everything easier by a huge margin. I mean HUGE! Save the scan ONLY for Zeonthropes. Instant die if you headshot it(Class perk every 120seconds). Grenade launcher the other one, usually 3-4shots. Not more than 15 seconds. Lictors and Raveners are easy too. You usually start off a perfect parry, gun strike, shot the head, 1 dead. Scan the others if you want but unnecessary. They attack you so frequently and you will get the pefect parry so often.(Perfect parry scan perk) Just manage your grenades in the entire match. Always check how many you have left. You get infinity 11 grenades every 30 seconds. Save at least 3 so you can instantly incapacitate a majoris in the next fight and get back 11 again. Do NOT spend all your grenades mainly on minors mobs or in a short time. Tactical should be the only class carry and dominate the entire match. If you end up lower than or same damage as sniper or heavy, you are doing it wrong. Just did a few random lethal on Inferno, Helldrake, Atruis, train stage and the new map Termination as Tactical. Finished them all only 1 try. Yea, I am also surprised. More comfortable if you got a Bulwark teammate, others doesn't matter.
@vkutya 3 ай бұрын
I agree on almost everything I like Fall of Atreus finale with the switches we had a lot of fun exciting fights there We just starting to feel out Lethal Maybe its too hard on that difficulty
@SinnerBeta 3 ай бұрын
Tyranid missions have their problems (zoanthropes mid-wave while playing a melee class) but are to play both in regards to enemies and objectives. In comparison chaos missions feel mostly like a chore with no fun enemies aside from the melee terminator - they all seem twitchy because of their aura which combined with them being the same size as you and often getting obscured by your model making spotting their shoves and kicks hard. Flamer's zone attack has a bigger hit box than indicated etc making it even more unfun as a melee class with the helldrake topping it off.
@NiniSuperior 3 ай бұрын
Decapitation is the best and most replayable operation in the game by far. The new mission is also really good imo.
@GhostCastle7 2 ай бұрын
I think the speed of operation should be a consideration. On a separate note, I hate how bullet spongey the neurothropes are they make me want to skip the mission, most particularly because i enjoy assault the most, and i can't help fight them, so if they aren't near an ammo crate im screwed.
@nireas570 2 ай бұрын
After clearing all these on Lethal, I think Fall of Atreus is so tedious with the charging cart section it is definitely the worst of the bunch. On the other side, I think Decapitation also makes it to S tier just for the whole fantasy of what's going on. The only real boss fight of the lot.
@HelloZukoHere7 3 ай бұрын
SS: Decapitation Ah yes. This is the perfect level in my opinion, it's got the perfect pacing and set pieces. I love planting the bombs and the bridge set piece, making it feel earned. The city looks great, and it's the perfect length for running over and over, or just playing once. S: Fall of Atreus I love everything about this, but yeah the ending is iffy. I do love the atmosphere and the Dreadnought. Termination Inferno These two are interchangeable for me, I think Inferno is the better overall level, but that boss battle wins me over at the end of Termination. But they feel really similar A: Vox Liberatis This mission grew on me a lot, I don't mind the ending and I wish that there was more missions where there was Nids and Chaos for sure. B: Ballistic Engine The dust storm is a nice change up, but it gets old eventually, and ending horde waves feel the most lame here for some reason, but that giant explosion at the end is perfect. C: Reliquary I really don't care for this mission at all, the skull section sucks, and the ending is so lame.
@HotLogic1990 2 ай бұрын
I like Hive Tyrant fight so much. I do any operation if it has The Tyrant in it.
@wonderstag5405 3 ай бұрын
im suprised so many people are ranking termination so highly. i thought the boss battle at the end was a huuuuge disappointment. C tier mission for me
@MrCODYROB55 3 ай бұрын
2 boss missions that only offer 1 armory data. Need another boss mission. Heldrake is barely a boss fight. Bio titan doesn't count.
@inquisitorhoennheim5389 3 ай бұрын
In defense of the helldrake, it is using it body as a shield to protect the beacon from the saint beams and the fireteam.
@ScorpusFlexSlotCarRacing 3 ай бұрын
I am not a fan on the boss fight on terminus. I like the idea, but I’m just not feeling the fun factor
@CaptainSilent 3 ай бұрын
hey TV can u make a guide on whats still good to use post this latest patch. im even struggling on the level 15 difficulty now. doesnt help that when i matchmake i cant find anyone lol
@tonyespo1363 3 ай бұрын
Every t3 mission I do has had a neurothrope show up at some point. I dont care too much, the fight ia fun, but it's gone from: "Oh shit! A neurothrope!" to "ah, a neurothrope. Right on cue"
@tonyespo1363 3 ай бұрын
The fight is* fun
@CyborgLizard 3 ай бұрын
Quick question, is this for lethal?
@jamaledwards8118 3 ай бұрын
I just finished all lethal solo.....and fuuuuuuuuuk mission 4
@jonnowocky8179 3 ай бұрын
Got this first time - termination? 10 tries 😭
@chef5588 3 ай бұрын
Fall of Atreus is S tier imo!
@Hunko115 3 ай бұрын
It's by far the best Thousand Sons mission atleast.
@judgmenthammer5254 3 ай бұрын
@@Hunko115 Only reason I wouldn't say S is because the first area is very very empty. It gets good once you make it to the first dreadnought though.
@Hunko115 3 ай бұрын
@@judgmenthammer5254 yeah, true
@Dunrig Ай бұрын
I despise reliquary, the tomb section is needlessly slow, the bridge section is too long, the boss fight is tedious & can take forever depending on the classes. They should speed up the time spent in the tomb. Make it so you don't have to search every body/tomb before you can move on & cut some of the dialogue. They should remove the final section of the bridge & turn that into a indoor section leading up into the monastery. Then put the ammo box in the second safe building that has the two different levels/the basement area. The final fight should be more of an open arena, where the dragon flys around and strafes fire while being vulnerable to ranged attacks. You can use the same seal mechanic but instead it grounds the dragon so melee focused classes can attack it.
@XerrolAvengerII 3 ай бұрын
for people looking to run ruthless, the tierlist is about mitigating risk. Decapitation is fantastic because you don't get a surprise terminus enemy because the hive tyrant is one, which also makes getting double armory data more reliable. Also there are certain maps with risky boss locations that make them harder to fight than others. Fighting a neurothrope in a hallway (mind beams!) or a carnafex in a cramped room comes to mind.
@swamp-puppy14 3 ай бұрын
Wait does the hive tyrant always drop an armory data??
@baddogkelevra1 3 ай бұрын
@@swamp-puppy14I’ve honestly never looked and I can’t find anything about this. I’ll update once I run this map again
@swamp-puppy14 3 ай бұрын
@@baddogkelevra1 I do recall seeing it drop once in the last few times I’ve done Decapitation but I never really payed attention to it. That was my only gripe with Decapitation, was not getting double armory data. Inferno and Ballistic Engine both have really good chances of spawning a terminus for it, but if there’s any consistency with Decapitation to get double armory data then that would be awesome.
@ImBarryScottCSS 3 ай бұрын
​@@swamp-puppy14It never used to but it does since the patch.
@swamp-puppy14 3 ай бұрын
@@ImBarryScottCSS Do you know how consistent the drop is?
@Strelitzia98 3 ай бұрын
Personally I’d say Termination is S tier only downfall is the “boss fight” is kinda lacking and it takes ages to spin the damn wheels
@judgmenthammer5254 3 ай бұрын
Yeah, my team just shot it from the bridge, and never progressed to the "actual" fight. It took longer, but WAY less chance of failure.
@Strelitzia98 3 ай бұрын
@@judgmenthammer5254 yeah that’s pretty much it other then that I love the map layout and it’s beautiful
@Me_When_A_Funny 3 ай бұрын
Making this comment before watching, if this tierlist does not have Decapitation in the S Tier I will be flagging this video for HERESY and WILL invoke the emperor’s wrath! Edit: HERETIIIC!!!!! But in all actuality this was a cool vid, hope your day goes well bro
@Ozymandias_SofaBear 3 ай бұрын
I agree with your tier list. But I'll play Inferno or Decapitation still simply because I dislike Chaos mobs & dislike having my toons press buttons. That said, when are we getting Horde mode? My Assault is waiting.
@raulitomartinito7279 3 ай бұрын
2 servo skulls would alleviate the waiting in reliquary.
@storminmormn6283 3 ай бұрын
Honestly it’s not even close between the Tyranid and Thousand Sons operations. All the Thousand Sons operations can suck a D. The enemies are so frustrating to fight and the marines are ridiculously tanky.
@malehumanperson7901 3 ай бұрын
You need to dodge more and it seems to disorient their flame shots.
@alBoomer19 3 ай бұрын
I love decapitation, probably my favorite
@warhawkofchogoris8555 Ай бұрын
Ballistic Engine is the one I grind to level
@atcera8714 2 ай бұрын
Spore mines fucking suck on Decap. But when you get the normal Tyranid wave it's so much easier after 4.0, only 1 majoris to deal with and minoris are just minoris on all difficulties
@tylerpatterson3857 3 ай бұрын
Shocker the new op got “S”
@sarkmangaming8164 3 ай бұрын
Man we were done with Termination after 1 run. End events with all those mechanics can bite me. We're still leveling classes and weapons, so our opinions tend to lean towards length of map, and Termination takes so long, my clothes go out of style before it's done. Before the 4.0 patch, Ballistic Engine was S Tier. You could skip questionable encounters with the elevator setups on that one or entire sections. For my premade group, if we already had the seed/data, we'd just run past the trainyard section entirely if you knew the layout. I should point out that we come from a long history of Vermintide/Darktide. For us, all the levels are too long in SM2, and Ballistic Engine pre-patch allowed us to shorten it just a bit. Was fun.
@thepunisherxxx6804 2 ай бұрын
Inferno is the best length of time. Ballistic engine still takes around the same as Inferno WITH the skips you're talking about, which doesn't get done a lot of the time so Inferno is superior. Ballistic engine is also annoying too with the fog gimmick. Termination is very fun, I like the mechanics at the end. Its pretty straight forward what you need to do, the markers tell you exactly what needs to happen bro. Just be aware where the Bio Titan is firing his barrage and stay close to team. Its not the longest in the game, that goes to Fall of Atreus and that battery escort section. Chaos really needs a change they just aren't that fun to fight. More Rubric marines should be melee only and function like Tyrannid warriors, that would fix some of it.
@daebibs 9 күн бұрын
JUGGERNAUT??? grab your pitchforks bois
@soldieroffortune308 3 ай бұрын
It depends on how you rank them. On the best to clear for levelups i’d rate S for Fall of Atreus (only 3 possible gene seed locations), A for Decapitation, B for Vox Liberatis, Inferno and Ballistic Engine and D for Reliquary, I haven’t played enough of mission 7 but it feels like a C atm. Now if we were to rank them for FUN, S Tier is decapitation, A is Vox Liberatis, Inferno and Ballistic Engine, B is Fall of Atreus and Mission 7, while D remains Reliquary, i fucking hate that map, and the end fight is not fun for me
@Thiccoman Ай бұрын
well, I don't like chaos missions as the enemies aren't as juicy, but the worst mission by far I'd say is the Hell Drake mission. Just soooo long, with the boring servo skull and all, and the part where the drake is swooping for flame strikes takes forever... My favourites are Inferno (swarmsssss of enemies), and the Sandstorm map because I find it quick, or maybe I'm just having more fun and it seems like it's quick. Hierophant is nice too, but I definitely don't like the part where you clear the consoles, something about the layout or maybe it's because I die in there the most..tbh I know as soon as we enter that area, everyone will just go their own way and die from being overwhelmed somewhere 😅
@LJAndrews1986 3 ай бұрын
Decapitation is the best by a country mile
@judgmenthammer5254 3 ай бұрын
Only 1 armory data. Definitely needs 1 more for a random boss spawn, and then it would easily be S-tier.
@Gsxr1k666 2 ай бұрын
Ikr it deserves the S tier by itself it’s the best
@Ascawien 3 ай бұрын
For me, 1&6 are A, the rest are B-C, except the Helldrake mission, with all the bs rng in the two early stages and then the crappy boss fight, that's a D at best.
@Scheckler27 3 ай бұрын
iN ORDER...iNFERNO > Engine / Decapitation > Heretic one [where you stand in the pools ] > the rest don't matter cause they aren't fun :) The new one is good till the whole end mechanics : to annoying with the ground spam green stuff and annoying barbs everywhere throughout.
@TrippyTigre 3 ай бұрын
I know the meltas are supposed to be more for ad clear, but it feels nigh useless against bosses. Not only can you not interact with the Drake, barely touch the neurothrope, but also does (imo) pitiful damage to the couple bosses you can hit.
@malehumanperson7901 3 ай бұрын
Swop the melta in the final room for the Drake
@ulrichsix 3 ай бұрын
18:32 bro went full on aziz ansari
@TrueVanguard 3 ай бұрын
@Tyler-nr6kl 3 ай бұрын
I wanna love reliquary but i really think a heldrake was just not the right choice for a chaos boss. Shouldve chose like a deamon engine or something grounded. Also i swear ive had that goddamn skull go through all the bodies, then RESTART THE LOOP before finding what it needs
@joeb1955 3 ай бұрын
Reliquary is awful because randoms can't be trusted with the Heldrake puzzle. Vox and Atreus are good Inferno/Termination/Ballistic Engine are great Decapitation is amazing. This is my personal list from my experience in the game so far.
@valeon7303 3 ай бұрын
Reliquary is my least favotite operation. A lot of the time my teammates never go for the buttons, and the whole mission feels super long. I've never timed it so I dont know if it IS the longest, but it feels like it takes 40+ minutes.
@nxc1956 3 ай бұрын
I really didnt like Reliquary because being randomly one-shot by the dragons breath felt so lame but now I hate it even more after you leveled all the other things that suck about it. I agree mostly with the list but honestly feel Termination is overhyped on the list because of how new it is. Its okay but I doubt you put it back in S tier if you do this tier list again in 6 months
@Dark_Tesla 3 ай бұрын
I’m surprised Decapitation isn’t S Tier. For the lore fans fighting a FUCKING HIVE TYRANT even that injured is just fucking PEAK 40K. 3 Astartes in lore are nowhere near enough to kill one of those things even on deaths door.
@NobleRenegade7 3 ай бұрын
How does bro mention Decapitation but completely ignores the bridge sequence!? Shooting tyranids over the bridge is incredibly satisying, offers a fantastic set peice, the scale of the area is massive and adds a sort of "plot twist" to the mission. L list off the bat holy fuck
@vanks1391 3 ай бұрын
It’s his perception, Bro. He didn’t say it’s bad, just not S for him… chill brother. I also agree Decapitation is S.
@Folkmoot 3 ай бұрын
I really like 6
@belshiro 3 ай бұрын
basically all chaos maps are crap. all tyranids maps are ok, and i total agree (no more perks on weapons for chaos damage anymore and i dont miss it)
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