Ive been really getting into DRG and I’m happy that you are making build vids. We need more DRG content.
@neilduarte19862 ай бұрын
He's been doing these video's for years. Welcome to his content!
@squiddler77312 ай бұрын
I like running the new smart trigger overclock with volatile impact shard defractor. Lok1 is built with electrochemical bullets and faster lock-ons to spread as much electric DoT as possible, and shard defractor is built for single target with weakpoint damage and bonus electric damage (since the impact effect already handles crowds just fine. Against big crowds I can ignite the whole group with impact reactor and then clean up quickly with Lok1, and against bigger targets I can electrify them with Lok1 instead and then melt them down with shard defractor. Super fun way to play IMO
@hunterswepic2 ай бұрын
The electricity generator does actually still proc with Smrt trigger even if you only have two locks
@hankokazaki58042 ай бұрын
Yes, 2-lock electricity proc is actually the most efficient in terms of electricity generated per bullet and it's very fast. It helps with ammo economy versus smaller targets.
@hunterswepic2 ай бұрын
@@hankokazaki5804 also combine with SD and the electrical damage mod and you got some spicy single target.
@Dovar692 ай бұрын
you made a mistake with the SMRT trigger OS, the overclock also makes it so that only 2 lock-ons trigger the electricity of T5
@XaqNautilus2 ай бұрын
If you rock the SmRt Trigger OS I think it is essential to also run the SmRt Targeting Software to conserve ammunition. Then it decimates any type of swarmers as well as not wasting ammo on low health enemies. With good turret placement, the SmRt LOK and SSGs the Engineer can almost be played on auto-pilot.
@wonpiful2 ай бұрын
ECR Lok1 with fatboy, my personal favorite combo. Although, Breach cutter does offer more linear crowd control and much more ammo, but no feeling like blasting mini nuke at horde.
@WolvericCatkin2 ай бұрын
That _isn't_ actually the main thing Wide-Angle Lens does, it increases the angle at which you can retain locks _outside of_ the retical. This means you can sweep it over a group of bugs, and turn until they're almost _behind_ you, and still retain your lock...
@corvax86442 ай бұрын
I just crossed 400 hours in this game and I still only have 1 Loki overclock😭
@dumbleking51722 ай бұрын
I'm actually impressed at how you managed that. I got all the OC's by 400-450 hours.
@corvax86442 ай бұрын
@@dumbleking5172 idk I mainly just do the daily bp missions and never the weeklies/deep dives
@dumbleking51722 ай бұрын
@@corvax8644 At that time, I was rather addicted to the game and did do the DD's and all the event stuff, only missing the Easter event because of how damn bored I was of egg missions. But generally, I just had a lot of missions to do. Weekly, events, sometimes missions just to do the Seasonal tasks, events, promotion missions, and the rare and occasional, modded missions to keep my spirit up. I always had missions to deal with. DD's and EDD's don't have any machine events or some optional stuff.
@bananaspice19672 ай бұрын
Ever since I got explosive rounds I can't stop using it lol
@chaddrusso88502 ай бұрын
Same it’s absolutely OP and I love it!
@maurice54022 ай бұрын
Love your videos, one tip though that'd make them a lot better imo is if you add timestamps. That way it's easy to come back to them and look at specifc overclocks you talk about.
@ReapeeRon2 ай бұрын
Good idea! I always forget to add those.
@stys-60422 ай бұрын
thanks ron wanted to give another chance to the lok1 this year but didnt know how to build it
@sesimie2 ай бұрын
favourite gun in the game for me... my first ever Overcloock in DRG was Explosive chem rounds...so yeah I was spoilt! :D
@yeetman13442 ай бұрын
i think your executioner build is a bit odd since its usually run 11112 for better accuracy and burst on high hp target i can kinda get blow through but i really suggest against zoom lens since the macro lens gives you more range anyway and helps you lock onto your actual target
@temetrex93242 ай бұрын
wow your seeker rounds buil d was pretty nice. never thought of building it like that
@gijskramer17022 ай бұрын
Smart trigger os and helicopter breach cutter!! Helicopter helicopter! Also hi ron, lets hope i can join again next thursday!
@50percentGrey2 ай бұрын
Smart Trigger OS does its job of ridding bugs quickly, even if you go with the tier 3 electric damage, but Ghostship Games really ought to increase the Smart Rifle's base ammo count to at least 240, and then the tier 1 ammo mod adding 60, which would make the total possible ammo 300. That's not too much to ask for, is it?
@XaqNautilus2 ай бұрын
Yes it is, because turrets. 😜
@Cheshire9k2 ай бұрын
SMЯT Targeting Software™ is underappreciated, i think its really good on some OCs.
Oddly enough. The lok-1 is my favorite primary for the engi in terms of function, however the more i use it, the more im ok with using the other primaries instead. I love this weapon, but its so damn ammo hungry that i tend to do better with the others. On the brightside its helped me to appreciate the warthog and stubby more. I will say i didnt think to use explosive rounds how you suggested. I was wondering how the heck they could be ammo efficient. I onky use them once and still ran out of ammo fast, but i was playing the weapon normally. Ill have to try your method of singling out targets.