hey guys! I hope you enjoyed the video!! まだまだ沢山ありますが (skittles, starbursts, jolly ranchers, reese's pieces, three musketeers, sour patch kids, etc. etc. ) 今回は一部だけシェアします♬ 次アメリカに行った時に他のも買ってきてシェアしますね✈️ Twizzlersやっぱり美味しくないよねw
バイリンガール英会話 | Bilingirl Chika I love sour patch so much!! When my father visits America I always say him to buy sour patch for the souvenir! but it's too sticky and chewy for Japanese. Don't you thinks so?
As an Aussie, I have heard of most of them, only a few of them are actually sold in stores here. But, I do have a lolly shop that gets most of these in. Though I tend to skip the American snacks and go straight to the Japanese ones. I find that they are much nicer and far less sugary. I loved how you promoted the ones you liked the least at the end, hehe.