🇺🇸American Eating Russian Military Ration 🇷🇺

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Wild Siberia

Wild Siberia

Күн бұрын

Another episode of me trying some Russian a MRE pack. It’s not as bad as the first but I do still some things taste like dog food.
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@aleksandrpenerov5303 Ай бұрын
Well, trying rations sitting at home after home - cooked food is not correct . Rations are not gourmet restaurant food. It contains what is necessary to maintain the body in critical conditions and for a limited time of its use. In 1981, I served in Samara. We had a field exit on foot with full combat gear and practice of combat missions for 180 kilometers. February is minus 26 degrees Celsius and a constant wind. At the grizzly camps , frozen stew and porridge from rations . Only the tea was hot . No one was outraged by the taste and comfort. The main thing was to restore the forces expended.
@schoolboytemik Ай бұрын
6:55 The big one is a multivitamin tablet and three smalls are the purifying tablets
@amyonsamer7250 Ай бұрын
Buckwheat is popular in Russia because it is the most nutritional out of all grains, there is a lot of fiber, carbs, and protein all at once. One may live off of buckwheat, liver, and a bit of greens, and it is more than enough to provide all necessary nutritional needs
@evilbabai7083 Ай бұрын
Due to some stomach issues, I had to eat something every two hours, but the options were very limited to put it mildly. Eventually I've resorted to an instant buckwheat cereals (sounds not quite healthy, but that's basically dried and crushed boiled buckwheat with no additives), so I had a few rubber-banded plastic cups half filled with cereals with me all the time, so when is time I just unwrap them, fill with hot water from the nearest cooler, wait for couple of minutes and eat. Cool thing about the buckwheat is that, unlike most if not all grains, it is pretty fine to be eaten on its own, just boiled, not even salt is necessary, it tastes just fine. And after about half a year I've lost about 16kg and felt really healthy and energetic like never before... But when the treatment was over, I had eventually slipped and got back to not so healthy food habits and gained the weight again 😂 I really want to restore my diet and get fit again, but I just don't have enough fortitude to restrict myself, unless I physically can't eat anything else, like I did back then...
@nilark7945 Ай бұрын
Also, you can eat it with literally anything, from milk to beans, vegetables and meat
@dvgsun Ай бұрын
+ iron
@iamo0 Ай бұрын
Also it’s somehow common to overcook buckwheat. It becomes very watery and loses its taste. Maybe that’s the reason why it might be considered not tasty. It’s better to leave it slightly al-dente. To achieve it, just cook it with water in 1:2 ratio as buckwheat increases twice the size when in absorbs water. Once water is fully absorbed it’s ready. Works every time for me.
@russvet Ай бұрын
​@@evilbabai7083try carnivor
@ВладимирГазимагамедов Ай бұрын
Я думаю, когда набегаешься, будешь всё уминать , главное всё натуральное и питательно🙏🇧🇾💪
@gordon8282 15 күн бұрын
when im in russia i dont drink coke/pepsi, i love kvas , thats a perfect summer drink chilled
@AntKS-b6j 9 күн бұрын
Когда набегаешься и голоден будешь есть всё. И ненатуральное😂
@niktsyg9084 Ай бұрын
About the bacon: it should be heated up, more often we just drop it into buckweed porrige (3rd main course at your video) just to increase meat-volume in that main meal. Also, when you are heating the main meal, you should open up the can a little (just to let the steam to escape throught the tiny hole). It makes the process more controlable: you see the steam is going out - it's ready to eat, also more safe, cause it can explode (not like HE grenade obv.) if the steam has no place to go.
@gabrielgonzalezrio Ай бұрын
Like a pro
@ДаниилСоколов-д7ъ Ай бұрын
11:00 - It smells like dog food, because it is just meat, without any spices. It's a dog food same way as pure water is a dog drink.
@Wild-Siberia Ай бұрын
Wow well that make sense to me! Thanks
@Edelwulf Ай бұрын
@@Wild-Siberia I was going to say, you've never eaten that "gourmet" dog food, Dan, LOL -- suck up that fatback!
@Edelwulf Ай бұрын
yep, meat and fat going smell just like Ken-L- Ration or Alpo! American brands, forgive me ;)
@monichat Ай бұрын
@@Wild-Siberia HOW DO YOU KNOW WHAT DOG FOOD TASTES LIKE - It smells good when I open a can for my dog
@Titan79_G Ай бұрын
I was about to say that, yes its real meat
@Артур-ш6я9т Ай бұрын
Пакета для воды нет потому что у солдата ВС РФ есть фляжка на 700 мл, котелок, кружка, ложка и несессер с вещами для гигиены
@staycool1087 Ай бұрын
Опять таки, коробка от пайка герметична, и не промокает изнутри значительное время. Так-же если не рвать ручки, в ней вполне можно переносить некоторое количество воды)
@Артур-ш6я9т Ай бұрын
@@staycool1087 хм, на счёт этого не знаю не пробывал
@ranid0072 Ай бұрын
@@staycool1087 именно, раньше она даже фольгированной внутри была.
@nlghtbot5788 Күн бұрын
@@Артур-ш6я9т Упаковка похожа на тетрапак, можно набрать на сутки если нет рядом источника воды. Получается одноразовая канистра
@М.Столић Ай бұрын
В рационе главное коллории, а не изысканный вкус:)
@zavod-311 Ай бұрын
I follow many expat channels in Russia, the Canadian and Australian family who are building the house in Siberia. I support Mother Russia 100%
@Edelwulf Ай бұрын
@Edelwulf Ай бұрын
Check also Expat American and Moscow Photographer, if you have not already.
@EternallyGod Ай бұрын
They do ALOT of begging.
@Edelwulf Ай бұрын
@@EternallyGod What do you even mean?
@EternallyGod Ай бұрын
@@Edelwulf They push patreon and donations. Look at the family from Canada a year ago....they made a video where they were saying sorry about using donations for one thing for the move to Russia. That in Canada here is called fraud and they could be put into jail for....that is why i think they moved so quick cause they have literally no income other than donations and youtube and then the youtube channel was small. I do think if they moved back to Canada they would be in court for fraud but cause they are in Russia they cant be sent back so they are 100% staying there no matter what happens.
@YaKefir4eg Ай бұрын
19:19 - я лично видел другое :). Крошим крекеры (они вообще называются "галеты") в тарелку. Крошим в мелкую крошку. Потом все это заливается яблочным повидлом, которое вы попробовали чуть ранее в видео. Перемешиваем смесь до состояния тянущегося теста. Потом выкладываем на пищевую пленку и скатываем в форму колбасы. Через полчаса снимаем пищевую пленку и получается отличное пирожное. С чаем пить - одно удовольствие! 🤤
@Wild-Siberia Ай бұрын
Wow that’s a brilliant idea!
@JIUNnF Ай бұрын
И получаем яблочный бисквит.
@V.G.-yp3fr Ай бұрын
lol -- "Pashtets" smell (and taste, perhaps) like "dog food" only because at some point, people started using "pashtets" (that have been around for thousands of years) as dog food, not other way around.
@danmihaiescu3114 Ай бұрын
Well for an mexican american you can't ask more. Pate is made more often from liver and is a delicacy even in French gastronomy.
@dogetothemoon223 Ай бұрын
@@danmihaiescu3114 Yeah, the French love duck liver. Russians also love cod liver. They spread it on bread and crackers.
@JIUNnF Ай бұрын
В корм для собак не положат лавровый лист перец и соль прочие ингредиенты так как это не совсем полезно для их организма а в случае если лавровый лист попадёт непосредственно в пищу может вызвать проблемы с пищеварением собаки либо заворот кишок в плоть до леталного.
@ranid0072 Ай бұрын
@@JIUNnF понятное дело.
@whitehorse1961 Ай бұрын
Homeboy was expecting Tacos Birria and some chicharrones. Just kidding .
@davidronan1677 Ай бұрын
Fat keeps you warm
@col.cottonhill6655 Ай бұрын
It makes your brain function better too.
@dogetothemoon223 Ай бұрын
And gives you energy.
@ranid0072 Ай бұрын
@@davidronan1677 so ... Natural analog to energy drink, which is not damaging your nervous system?
@ОлегМайоров-т7р Ай бұрын
Бро, в Российской армии хоть это официально и рацион на один день, никто не ест это за один день, поскольку неизвестно, когда новые пайки подвезут. Обычно, это на пару дней, может быть и неделя)). У нас войны другие, там нет представителей Кока-Колы и вендинговых автоматов с шоколадками, зон для барбекью на базах, качалок и тусовок после выезда за пределы базы. Это всегда жесткие затяжные окопные бои на передовой, где ты можешь быть неделю, а то и две, а то и месяц. На это этот паек и рассчитан. Такие пайки используют, когда уже вообще край с подвозом продовольствия для кухни.
@megaotstoy Ай бұрын
но при этом вокруг - частные огороды и подвалы, где можно раздобыть картошки, морковки, а то и курочки, не говоря уже о маринованых огурчиках и помидорчиках...
@ОлегМайоров-т7р Ай бұрын
@@megaotstoy ну да, как и сложилось. Если тебе дают дают паек, то значит пора на передок на непонятное время. Когда у всех он закончится, придётся себя самим обеспечивать пропитанием, пока не подвезут. А когда конкретно подвезут, но это уже покрыто туманом войны.
@tallguy6055 Ай бұрын
Trench warfare is something to be avoided. Look at the experience with France after WWI, they lost a whole entire generation of men and the country was not in any shape to fight WWII. I understand fighting positions and sometimes the need to fight in trenches for short periods of time but being mobile is better than being in fixed trenches. The whole fire base concept used in Afghanistan is an admission the Army is not in full control of much of anything. So likewise I do not like the firebase concept either. Though I understand the firebase concept and why it is used with insurgencies. You can't win a war with firebases. You also can't win a war with trenches. Both sides lose in trench warfare.
@ОлегМайоров-т7р Ай бұрын
@@tallguy6055 мы уже тысячу лет воююем на континенте и если бы воевали плохо или тактика ведения войны была неправильной, то, России, которая занимают даже сейчас 1/6 часть суши, уже бы давно не было. А что да французов и их опыта, то посмотрите на церемонию открытия нынешней олимпиады и вы все поймете о французах)).
@tallguy6055 Ай бұрын
@@ОлегМайоров-т7р War tactics change over time and if you don't change with them you eventually lose and lose big. Thats been the history since humans started walking the Earth. You can discount the French but look at the Iran-Iraq war.......same issue repeated that the French learned after WWI. Not sure either country hosted the Olympics yet but also not sure what the Olympics has to do with ability to fight a war.
@kevinstrade2752 Ай бұрын
Its interesting to see different nations approach on this issue. Europeans and Russia tend to focus on better quality but at the cost of longevity. American MRE's last a longer time but aren't as flavorful in my opinion. So there are trade off. I try to get Russian MRE's but with stupid sanctions, its more difficult and expensive. I greatly enjoy the Russian rations, very rich and lots of flavor. Oh and no artificial additives that I am aware of unlike American rations. The Russians use fats to preserve, add calories and flavor. A natural solution. Better in my opinion. Enjoy!
@AlexGorod77 Ай бұрын
Наружная коробка может быть использована как емкость для воды
@rastimirkravtsov3827 Ай бұрын
Это горький шоколад с большим процентом какао.
@АлександрРублев-ь7э Ай бұрын
Дэн, молодец, просто у каждого бойца есть котелок, ложка и кружка, так что воду можно кипятить и в эмалированной кружке и в котелке))) так что чай, сок или кофе готовиться каждый прием пищи... вода по умолчанию с собой есть или добывается из водоема(иногда из лужи... для этого и нужна таблетка обеззараживающая) и еще там есть витаминка(поливитамин), и самое веселое там есть меню, что и с чем есть)))))
@Wild-Siberia Ай бұрын
@irinaKorovina Ай бұрын
Про паштет было смешно. На самом деле он правда вкусный, просто на вкус и цвет все фломастеры разные)))
@Wild-Siberia Ай бұрын
But many Russians themselves don’t like it 😅 many do
@irinaKorovina Ай бұрын
@@Wild-Siberia у нас есть такая очень известная цитата из «Бесприданницы» Островсеого( русский драматург, классик,, произведения которого изучают в школах " у всякого свой вкус: один любит арбуз, а другой - свиной хрящик.)))) Это оно самое)))
@Grimdarkened 19 күн бұрын
Честно, паштет я уплетаю самым последним, когда уже совсем нечего есть :D Только в таком случае и только с галетами для меня он съедобен. А я совсем не привереда в еде. Иногда добавляю его в основное блюдо, если очень голоден - тогда он тоже вполне ничего, но все же я предпочту сыр/шпик вместо него. Но да, на вкус и цвет)
@cliffslough7324 Ай бұрын
As a European, I absolutely hate hershy's chocolate (it tastes like vomit). Tastes like it's made with spoiled milk.
@Victornikulin-m1v Ай бұрын
Hershy is a low quality chocolate, lots of milk and sugar.
@Wild-Siberia Ай бұрын
I don’t like chocolate period
@scottsuttan2123 Ай бұрын
real dark chocolate looks like that bar ya had .....american weak chocolate melts full of additives try Russian blood bar ha😅 your gal should know this bar
@alexk8583 Ай бұрын
You tasted vomit??????????
@cliffslough7324 Ай бұрын
@alexk8583 it's from the acid they add to give it a longer shelf life (in the US) it's not in European chocolate, some people taste it as rancid milk.
@jendrixfoodtrip Ай бұрын
All protein you need as a soldier is there .
@1enoch194 Ай бұрын
I'm a former hospital corpsman & getting visas for my family and I while we're selling out home here in TX. Excited to move
@Wild-Siberia Ай бұрын
Be safe my friend and if you need any help @thewildsiberian on telegram
@Edelwulf Ай бұрын
God bless you and your family.
@peaceandlove544 15 күн бұрын
Where are you going?
@Gen86-n7o Ай бұрын
Да и в России это называется ИРП ( Индивидуальный Рацион Питания ). И этот рацион не для вкуса😂.Там есть абсолютно всё для воостановления сил.Это главное для солдата 😊
@Wild-Siberia Ай бұрын
Yes we all understand it’s not for taste just like every other military ration. The Russian box is the best for war for sure
@Gen86-n7o Ай бұрын
@@Wild-Siberia They say in Russia.A well-fed soldier is the most successful. A man has to eat a lot to be strong. Russians love to eat delicious food and wish you peace and goodness✌️😊
@megaotstoy Ай бұрын
I love Pashtet... it's like Nutella but made out of meat, fish or something like that. Сod liver Pashtet is my favorite. 5:20 that's probably because you have to visit Russian recruitment center with your own metal mug and aluminum spoon 😆 (эмалерованая кружка и аллюминевая ложка) PS. Ну, хотя бы плавленный сырок тебе зашел 😆 11:30 Это тушенка, бро. И пока ты не распробуешь этот деликатес, ты не сможешь проникнуться всей глубиной Русской души 😂 (here is a hint: we eat it hot with boiled potatoes)
@Edelwulf Ай бұрын
yummy! Cod liver oil is high in Vitamin D.
@Distory777 Ай бұрын
23:42 This is not bacon, this is tooshonka (boiled meat like in a stew). This is what makes Russians salivate🤤In Russia, bacon is not so popular, since it is a by-product of production (which in the USA used to be food for the poorest class), and tooshonka, on the contrary, was considered not food for the poor.
@Wild-Siberia Ай бұрын
I guess it would have been better if my brain was not told it would be bacon 🤣
@JohnDoe-iq9bz Ай бұрын
This is one of the best videos I've seen in a while. The Russian MRE looks awesome & seeing Dan enjoy it is wholesome😊
@Wild-Siberia Ай бұрын
The main meals were very good
@qSpeed7790 Ай бұрын
ютуб же нормально субтитры переводит если что) жена красавица!)
@woodsmanforlife1677 Ай бұрын
I am sure every soldier has a metal canteen cup that is part of his water storage unite (for better words) to make his tee/coffee. I had them issued (with several forces) on three continents. Tastes differ when it comes to food. The white chocolate reminds me on some MRE stuff I got from the Kanadians about 10 years ago.
@Wild-Siberia Ай бұрын
Yes I still have mine from the Afghanistan campaign
@STRELOK-ST Ай бұрын
Может после того как недавно одного корупционера, связанного с этими пайками арестовали,может они начнут улучшатся
@Инга-з4в Ай бұрын
Пайки есть разного наполнения, есть те, которые нравятся почти всем. Но их не так легко достать. И ещё: вкус блюдам часто придают специи и другие добавки. А армейском сухпайке большее значение придаётся питательности, а не вкусу. Восполнение калорий - главная задача
@justappearances Ай бұрын
30:51 fat separation is completely normal on a chocolate, which means the ingredients are natural. Hershey's kisses tastes good, because extra sugar makes everything taste better, but there's a reason why it's the cheapest chocolate you can buy in the US.
@andrewmountianou2697 Ай бұрын
Thanks for the video! Xenia's nail work looks very good, white suits her
@Wild-Siberia Ай бұрын
She paints her own nails always
@aizhongwen Ай бұрын
I miss the lake baikal visits, during winter spring summer autumn ❤
@НиколаеваИрина-к6ц Ай бұрын
Добро Пожаловать на Байкал...!!)
@Wild-Siberia Ай бұрын
The house has taken a lot of our time
@DIREWOLFx75 Ай бұрын
@@Wild-Siberia Building a home is never wasted time.
@Edelwulf Ай бұрын
Love Lake Baikal! Imagine, almost a quarter of the Earth's freshwater in one place! Imagine all the rivers of the world, and the lakes, and Baikal is one-fourth of it all!
@never-g1b Ай бұрын
when you have to leave the base for a week or longer, scout or patrol, then they are all as delicious as manna from heaven! someone once left a can on the hill we know. But I didn't see the expiration date and what it contained, I opened it and it was beans. I always had a little chili powder with me and always had dry sausages in my bag, for bad times, .....it became a royal lunch!
@Wild-Siberia Ай бұрын
Yes man I was in war… I understand how it works
@AntKS-b6j 9 күн бұрын
Всё верно. Когда устал, вымотан тяжёлым физическим трудом и голоден, то съешь все!
@V4zz33 Ай бұрын
Hello, just a tip with your hated liver pathé: eat it with mayonnaise! Use a thick layer of mayo with your liver pathé sandwich! It well help immensely! Eat tomato, paprika or other veggies with it as well. As a Hungarian kid, I too hated it with a passion, but as I grew up, I came in terms with it. The liver pathé is a big thing in Hungary too. Enjoy your summer!
@Wild-Siberia Ай бұрын
Man I feel like I won’t like it in any way but I can try
@bobibobi896 Ай бұрын
esetleg mustárral is lehet. gyerekkorom kedvence volt az uborkás májas. rengeteg májkrémes kenyeret ettünk. meg zsíros kenyeret is, újhagymával.
@V4zz33 Ай бұрын
@@Wild-Siberia @Wild-Siberia I never said you gonna like it, it will help.;)) Or at least it should, and it did help me.;)) Also, Bobibobi says, he loved it with pathé+mustard+pickles as a kid. The other thing he mentions, that you could try, I too agree with him, is spread lard on bread+salt+spring onion or any other onion, but not the same. And, it will taste better, if you leave the lard+bread on the sun a bit before eating. Most Hungarians can attest to that!;)) Have fun!
@V4zz33 Ай бұрын
@@bobibobi896 Koszi! Eszembe nem jutott volna mustarral kiprobalni! Majd legkozelebb. Oha, finom is az, foleg ha a nap is erte a kenyeret!;))
@amyonsamer7250 Ай бұрын
@@V4zz33 you’re right, pretty much any food tastes better with mayo or ketchup
@calterw5764 Ай бұрын
I like the way food is heated with water in usa MRE. But Russian has a lot of calories and is filling. I had to eat it cold without fire several times. That's where you'd be happy with dog food)))
@maksimluzin1121 Ай бұрын
You didn't use the salt and pepper packs at all. This is why some things taste like a 'dog food' for you. The ration has the natural taste, mostly, you have to add spices by your taste, if you want...
@JaneJones-uj7gz Ай бұрын
You need to make a survival video with this stuff. Like 1 week on lake baikal
@lestatangel Ай бұрын
I'm guessing he's a little busy.
@Wild-Siberia Ай бұрын
I can’t stop working for 1 week during summer or fall all the time goes to the house project. In winter I can do it
@silvestrenet Ай бұрын
​@@Wild-SiberiaI would love to see that video, in combat mode style and see how good or bad are the others meals being really hungry.
@user1_1_1 Ай бұрын
@@Wild-Siberia winter is the best time for testing Russian MRE! You said it yourself that fat is good for cold weather. But overall survival can be really tricky... Some people for fun survive for fun in iglu for couple of days.
@ПавелКарпов-б6ф 27 күн бұрын
@Wild Siberia Answering your question about fruit energy powder! Every russian soldier have a canteen for about 500 ml (and a little cauldron with lid that can turn in to a skillet), instruction inside MRE says to put one bag in 1 litter of water otherwise it becomes too sweet and "energetic" due to high concentration of components and sugar, but when i was in a military (2016-2017 conscripted) a bunch of guys from Vologda put like 2-3 bags in one canteen :) Also small tablets called Aqutabs and indeed its purpose to purify water, about 1-1,25 liters per tablet, imagine like a standart bottle of Coke, the big pill called Multivitamin, its just vitamins with all kinds of stuff, it helps with digestion, sleep and so on, i hope my answers cleared a bit of you questions! Oh, and btw the MRE box itself can be used as a emergency water container and can hold exact amount of water for two of the tablets, and inside every box is a instruction in russian with information about nutritional value of every dish inside.
@rifats17 Ай бұрын
Существует несколько версий таких пайков, они разные
@dmitry119 Ай бұрын
Pate is a french traditional food it is smells like guts and ingredients from chicken or cow liver and others inside lefts and milk product. Bacon is so fat because in low temperature in winter time you need more calories than as usual.
@Wild-Siberia Ай бұрын
Yes I’m sure this thing is amazing for winter it was filled with tons of fat
@Tetraksis Ай бұрын
Бро, ну ты же служил... все вкусы только у тебя в голове... Это не еда пахнет кормом для собак это корм для собак пахнет как еда))) Собаки плохое есть не будут)))
@lorisheheen2198 Ай бұрын
Dan thanks for taste testing the MRE. Honestly didn't look too bad. I wonder how MRE'S Nutritional value are compared to fast food's. I'm not sure about the Russian MRE'S, but I've read the American MRE'S are high in sodium and low in fiber and not recommended for longer than 21 days. 🤷‍♀️ My heart goes out to service member's who have no other options for food to eat and the absence of a warm kitchen to eat in.❤
@JM-nt4bb Ай бұрын
First time i see you in Russia i agree whit some of yours opinion. After or go around let go. i watch you use some tools i Let it go But i don't appreciate your comment about Russian soldier food .IS it not DOG food .I was in Romanian mandatory militaria service in 1968-69 we did not have multiple choice of food and nobody get sick or complain and do not go around preaching democracy whit guns. Some guys know what i mean. Russia militaria guys are healthy and survive from minus 40 C to + 40 C
@RedKingdom_24 Ай бұрын
I ate American MREs after a hurricane as part of the aid the government gave out, and they were not bad, but they always left me hungry. I also think that they make them with the intention to keep soldiers from going to the bathroom while on a mission. 😂 Question about hot sauce. How popular is it in Russia? Russian markets here don't sell it.
@Wild-Siberia Ай бұрын
Very unpopular the hot sauce here is bad but they have it but most people don’t use it 🥲
@michaelkugler9311 Ай бұрын
I remember those rations in the Gulf. Most were even expired, but my superiors thought they never expire. I only had rations for a very short time, so I can’t provide an accurate description of the products.
@musehtaicho Ай бұрын
Most popular souces are probably mustard, chrain and ajika both factory and homemade with wide variety of spiceness.
@niktsyg9084 Ай бұрын
As I'm Russian I can tell you: we dont like hot sauces here at the most, because it was never a part of our cuisine. The part of Russia, where spicy food is eaten a lot - it's Caucasian region, but they not so often eat hot-souce, more often they just put a chilli-peper in the food directly (fresh or pickled). The only souce they have that can be spicy - it's "adjika"-souce, but also it can be almost no spicy but very fragrant, cause there is a lot of variants of the ajika-souce (almost every family have their own recepy)
@bobibobi896 Ай бұрын
@@niktsyg9084 Не каждый может быть идеальным. Некоторые ошибки встречаются и в России.
@terryburns8917 Ай бұрын
A lot of the MRE looked pretty good. And I’m sure all of it would have been good under the right conditions.
@Wild-Siberia Ай бұрын
Yes of course the conditions are warmer food and knowledge on how to fix it. The military rations we eat in America are very good to those who know how to prepare them well
@Edelwulf Ай бұрын
@@Wild-Siberia Except Chicken a la King. That stuff is n.a.s.t.y
@13Scorpius13 Ай бұрын
13:45 @Wild Siberia, the outer ration bag is covered with foil from the inside, if you look closely. In an emergency, you can pour water directly into it. However, a soldier must have his own equipment - for example, a flask, a pot or other standard water containers. A general rule also works: fatty dishes (those that contain a lot of oil, fat or meat jelly) should be added to porridges - be it buckwheat, rice, pearl barley - since porridges are usually too dry. But by mixing these dishes, you get a fairly rich, delicious product with a meat flavor.
@Wild-Siberia Ай бұрын
Thanks a lot for the info
@jamesglenn6461 Ай бұрын
Re: "dog food". American Potted Meat has the same smell. Corned Beef, Deviled Ham, Pate' , SPAM, all similar. I prefer all sliced and fried. Corned Beef and Hashed Potatoes, fried with ketchup on Saltine Crackers . They can be eaten cold , IF you have to .
@Edelwulf Ай бұрын
Aye! I think it's the gelled fat that makes the stuff smell that way .. heat that thing up and mix it good, and that smell should dissipate, and it should taste good.
@Revolutionisnear1110 Ай бұрын
I’m so happy what you’ve both managed to do . We don’t have great woman in the west no more . God loves you both . Time to create a family 😘😜🫡🇬🇧🇷🇺🙏
@Wild-Siberia Ай бұрын
@merroldsams3197 Ай бұрын
before 1960 US C ration came in compact box 3 meals for one day which also contained a pack of smokes and gum. The food was all in cans, powdered drinks in foil packet's as well as instant coffee all which needed a P-38 can opener. Oh yes the metal canteen cup was used to all drink and coffee in
@michaelkugler9311 Ай бұрын
@Wild-Siberia Ай бұрын
Thank you brother honestly in the marines I ate a lot of the same menus once I knew which ones I liked. With rank I could get into the boxes before they made it to the field so I’d take my favorite ones 🤣
@michaelkugler9311 Ай бұрын
I love your channel and seeing the progress on your home. I owe my life to Marines. I was sent by mistake onto the Siri platform during Operation Praying Mantis. We encountered what we thought was enemy fire, but it was a small explosion that sounded like gunfire. The moment was very brief and the Marines detonated the platform successfully. However, being an E3 Corpsman without any combat training left me vulnerable. The communications officer was a Marine Captain and he used his body as a shield. I thought it was the other way around, but to think that a captain risking his life for an E3 is amazing. I can’t thank you enough for your service and life in Russia. God bless Russia! Thank Daniel! Semper Fi
@teopetrov9668 Ай бұрын
Родина мать зовет😉The Donbass komrades are waiting for you
@megaotstoy Ай бұрын
а туда ли ты зашел, Тарасик?
@teopetrov9668 Ай бұрын
@@megaotstoy Нет, конечно. Я не из Украина😉
@Mary-ib7rr Ай бұрын
@YaKefir4eg Ай бұрын
Нужно есть паштет, он помогает уровню гемоглобина в крови.
@Mary-ib7rr Ай бұрын
I am wondering what is pate?
@8Shigure6 Ай бұрын
Dan, I don't know about now, but 14 years ago the MRE was a bit different (though it's not really matter). But when you're in mandatory service in russian army - you are hungry 24/7, so when you can eat MRE for free in the late of night - it's friggin' delicious)
@Wild-Siberia Ай бұрын
It’s the same in the American one during war when you’re hungry
@vengence250 Ай бұрын
Small once are for water purification. The big one is basically is daily ration of EVERY vitamine and mineral your body needs
@staszekgolab9319 Ай бұрын
My grand kids in Tennessee ask me to send them Polish pate cans which smell like dog food cans. It is acquired smell and taste from Polish Christmas season. French people love it to. On other hand my first Mexican dish in Chicago (1978) contained cilantro which tasted like soap to me than. Now after 46 years in America I love cilantro and always have it in my fridge. 21:45 Xenia is priceless. I should print it and hang above my bed but my wife will not let me do it I am sure without asking. You guys rock, so much new culture for both of you, so much love, so much bright future. God bless you from the bottom of my heart. By the way: my son completed his 22 year carrier in US Air force so I can relate to your time in military. I understand your soul.
@Wild-Siberia Ай бұрын
@vaunfestus9768 Ай бұрын
My Tuesday spoon is my favorite.
@minime7375 Ай бұрын
Pashtet is liver pate or? I thought the mri looked balanced overall, except the main meals are bit watery and looks like their containers are a bit hard to handle, the sauce spills easily.
Паёк расчитан на разные условия. Просто поверь, в лютом холоде, за сало(жир) солдаты будут драться
@kylefrost3557 Ай бұрын
Паштет можно поменять на другое блюдо у товарищей или смежников, есть бекон на галете это мазохизм, может в очень холодную погоду и съел бы, но мы его обычно в кашу или макароны добавляли и было вкусно. Таблетки, маленькие для обеззараживания воды, большая поливитамин. Но по опыту скажу, что в первую очередь даже в боевой зоне, все бойцы стараются оттянуть момент перехода на РП и перестать им питаться при первой же возможности, неделя, другая, этой еды и от кишечных расстройств уже никакой мезим или гевискон и прочее не спасает.
@ingridheller3462 Ай бұрын
A high % of dog food produced in North America is consumed by seniors and poor people. They discovered what tastes good for less money. Pate is a delicatessen in Europe.
@Wild-Siberia Ай бұрын
Thanks very interesting
@Котвалтыне Ай бұрын
Damn thats a cool video! I had the russian MRE 4 times in my life and its absolutely delicious! Apart from the cheese maybe, even though it has been expired for months. Shame its so expensive to get where i live
@Wild-Siberia Ай бұрын
@bdwtf0941 Ай бұрын
недавно офицер, сосед по гаражу, дал такой паёк - всё выпил и съел, осталось только повидло и спички водоустойчивые с грелкой- не чё так, съедобно!
@lestatangel Ай бұрын
nom nom nom.....yummy. I still remember the c-rations.I ate when I was a young Marine. It was not haute cuisine by any measure. If its really terrible you can always edit out the part where you blow chunks. You wouldn't want to leave that in. Don't hate me in the comment section. I was raised by wolves. There was constant banter and a lot of smiling.
@Wild-Siberia Ай бұрын
A few things on the American MREs were good these Russian ones are way different
@DjVenta Ай бұрын
Паек РФ хорош за свои деньги. Он хорош для своих задач, для своих задач для которых был сделан. Ожидать от него каких то вкусовых вершин тоже глупо. Но я регулярно покупаю коробку пайков что бы насладиться этим постапокалиптическим вкусом
@Wild-Siberia Ай бұрын
The box was delicious .
@staycool1087 Ай бұрын
Да ладно, чего там такого прям постапокалиптического?) Не знаю, может я такой неприхотливый, но все восемь лет службы, всегда казалось вкусно)
@ЕвгенийБулыгин-д6ч Ай бұрын
Buckwheat is a russian secret weapon. Its very healthy and you can modify its taste as you wish mixing it with any sauce you like. As a result you are getting cheap, quite healthy and tasty food and its taste can be any you can imagine, just experiment with different sauces. Same with rice, but its chinese secret weapon. In this case buckwheat is intended to be mixed with meatball sauce and eaten with meatballs, as a result good taste with lots of energy. Good stuff to start long day full of encounters with 0 understanding when you will have next meal.
@Mrblackie59 Ай бұрын
looks like u ate a lot of dog food before in mexico...taste and smell r to different things dude
@Wild-Siberia Ай бұрын
I ate it in the marine corps … I know what dog food tastes like
@Wild-Siberia Ай бұрын
Hilarious that you say Mexico as it’s known to be unesco world heritage 😅 failed
@yodaz101 Ай бұрын
When had tanks they would issue a box per man of 40 MREs per man .strap it onto the tank with gear. Duffle bags are on rails. You can carry more stuff. We even had wagons. Hitched to tanks. Put up you TOC. Set up SEN radar and defensive perimeter. Then you can set up your machine gun nest... defense before food. We had MKT mobile kitchen and water buffalos... resupply weapons, gear and ammo... food by parachute. Too far forward.......we used to fight over cooks and medics. Try and steal the best cooks from other units. We were so far behind enemy lines. We had to live off a the land We even shot a camel and had the cook barbecue that sucker up . Good stuff..mm mmm good ....dry Whatever it takes ..... Good times. Retired US Army special forces.
@ROBOTRIX_eu Ай бұрын
..if you give a beef or chicken to a dog, then it is dog food.. I could not understand exactly what it is, but looks like "paté" ..France is famous for "paté".. Some i like a lot..depends on what the paté is made from.. yes, there is some dog food that is also kind of a "paté"..but maybe it is good.....Everything depends, on how hungry we are.. You can open these packages, easier with a knife.. A bit of salt and pepper can help on paté..I guess, if it was winter, it would have tasted better..
@Wild-Siberia Ай бұрын
Yes adding some spices would have taken the smell out and added flavor you’re right
@iamo0 Ай бұрын
Dan, to understand patê better you can try something more tender. For instance Argeta brand makes one and it’s less dogfoody and more meaty. It’s soft and tender. Idk whether they sell it in Slyudyanka, in Saint P we have it. Also there’re more flavors: if you don’t like the one that’s in MRE (I believe it’s beef) you can try, for instance, chicken patê, you might like it better.
@Wild-Siberia Ай бұрын
I understand I was just eating it how I saw it in the box without knowledge in how to make it n better
@iamo0 Ай бұрын
@@Wild-Siberiayes I know, it’s the case where those who packed this MRE let you down. They chose (and it’s understandable) cheaper patê and it really might be similar to dogfood. But there’re definitely brands with better patê. It’s just those who pack MREs care more about efficiency rather than taste 😀
@jimk3 Ай бұрын
The small tablets are to purify water, the large one is a Multi-Vitamin.
@Wild-Siberia Ай бұрын
Thanks a lot!
@magnusblackhorn247 Ай бұрын
Ребята вы там осторожнее, а то на запах из леса Пищьмэн придёт)
@YaKefir4eg Ай бұрын
13:37 - у каждого солдата российской армии есть с собой набор: фляга и два небольших котелка. Этот набор складывается вместе. Солдаты этот набор носят с собой на поясном ремне, либо в тактическом рюкзаке. Чайные пакеты, сок и прочее заваривают в котелках
@Wild-Siberia Ай бұрын
Nice just like the marines in America thank you for watching please share help the channel grow 🙏🏻
@leonarddolan5807 13 күн бұрын
Brother Dan, I used to eat these US MRE when in Iraq in 2005. Kept at least a case of MRE's in the truck for just in case. US MRE's had way more sodium than much else. 1 pouch per meal, some good stuff and others I personally didnt care for. Went to Iraq in 05 as a civilian in KBR running fuel missions for the Air Force.
@Wild-Siberia 13 күн бұрын
Crazy times my friend 🤝🏻
@stevenxindaris1477 Ай бұрын
My time in the military I ate LRRP rations, C Rations and MRE’s. C rations were the best but they all sucked. Never got to try any foreign rations.
@browngreen933 Ай бұрын
When you're hungry even dog food tastes good. 😂
@Wild-Siberia Ай бұрын
This is true
@garfield12344 Ай бұрын
It's like liver pate ( chicken, pig, duck, goose, veal, etc) or liver and meat boiled very popular in Eastern Europe too.. Pate's are made by liver boiled or steamed with some oil, spices, etc liver pate also liver like that or fried is the most rich in vitamins especially oil based A, D, E, etc and allot of nutrients like glicogen - animal equivalent of amidon ( liver is the processing factory of any animal for glucide, proteins, lipids and vitamins there are concentrated)...
@Wild-Siberia Ай бұрын
Yes I lived in Russia for almost 3 years I understand this stuff I just don’t like it 🤣 many Russians I know don’t like it
@graemegoode4696 Ай бұрын
I laugh when I think about how do you know what dog food tastes like lol
@Wild-Siberia Ай бұрын
Some of us grow up very very poor or end up in horrible life circumstances. What’s funny is that people enjoy something that is fed to dogs in America 😅
@floydreed9997 Ай бұрын
I had US MRE's and have tried the Russian rations as well.. None of them beat the K-rations which included camel cigarettes to enjoy before and after the gourmet meal.
@grayghost7216 19 күн бұрын
French rations are the best, followed by Spanish rations. Russian rations are okay but many are heavily focused on pork and I don't eat pork.
@peaceandlove544 15 күн бұрын
Hope someone sends you other countries MRE
@Keiichi_Tsuchiya 19 күн бұрын
Bakon looks like canmeat it will be better (in my opinion of coure)if u add this bakon to buckwead meal to makes taste better and fix dry issue) and you can heat all together, or one after other
@somdattsable5540 Ай бұрын
I think this MRE is made in such a way that a soldier who carries it can use it for 1.5 or 2 days during normal conditions but can use upto 3 or may be 4 days during worst conditions !! Now i understand how Russian soldiers are fighting in frontlines for such long days without getting exhausted because they're getting enough amount of food to eat so that they can survive wven if supplies take long time !!!
@VladimirVelikolepnuy Ай бұрын
6:57 Big pill - polyvitamine 3 small pills - water purification (active chlorine)
@CMDR-Cody Ай бұрын
We both know how it goes though you rarely get to "cook" your MRE and also us infantry guys most the time have to field strip them. The amount of times I just squeezed a pack of cheese spread or peanut butter in my mouth on patrol is immeasurable. Also the bacon reminds me of a Serbian dish called Pihtije (пихтије) we have it on feasts like Pascha (Easter) its basically pork fat gelatin with pieces of meat in it. you eat it on crakers or on it's own.
@BillyBob-bd1hj Ай бұрын
It's kind of a different concept than the mre, the mre is 1 meal, the Russian ration is a 24hr ration.
@Wild-Siberia Ай бұрын
Some say the American MRE has enough protein for 1 day too who knows now
@DimaKassan Ай бұрын
Дэнни сделал вид, что не распробовал паштет, чтобы съесть побольше😄
@Wild-Siberia Ай бұрын
🤣 I know many Russians who don’t like it
@SFRC56 Ай бұрын
Try french ration ! US MRE are probably the worst of the NATO... I'll be to enjoy a Russian MRE !
@Wild-Siberia Ай бұрын
You’re right about that us mre is pretty bad compared to some Europeans
@eaglegapinstituteofintensi228 Ай бұрын
Most any other nations rations are better than US.
@Setonex Ай бұрын
My dude, you need to eat pashtet with thin slice of onion on top. It changes it completely, i cant eat it myself (only with slice of onion)
@Wild-Siberia Ай бұрын
My friend there was no opinion in the pack
@Setonex Ай бұрын
@@Wild-Siberia No ik that, im saying it in general. For you to give it a try, its not that bad as foreigners always say it is. (but depends on quality ofc)
@CoronerVK Ай бұрын
Я как понимаю это всё потому что сейчас жарко и +35,а зимой может быть и -35.
@Wild-Siberia Ай бұрын
Yes I understand this IRP is the best for the worst conditions
@kevinstrade2752 Ай бұрын
Small pills are water purification, single large pill I believe is a vitamin pill.
@Wild-Siberia Ай бұрын
Thanks a lot!!
@bernib8353 Ай бұрын
There was no need to smell and taste dog food, then perhaps there would be no associations with it.. 😀
@merroldsams3197 Ай бұрын
during the cold war we trained to fight in Rusha (happy it did not happen) but we ate a lot of fat needed energize the body living in the doors in sub zero weather.
@gabrielgonzalezrio Ай бұрын
It's never too much fat
@nadinedunkle7215 Ай бұрын
That was very interesting. How much does one of these kits cost?
@Wild-Siberia Ай бұрын
It’s about 500-800 rubles
@jamieswithenbank1813 Ай бұрын
He should try the Spetsnaz Mountain cold weather ration.
@alexk8583 Ай бұрын
Pashtet is not meant to be eaten seaparately, it is to be spread on bread which is a big part of Russian meal. "tastes like dog food" cracked me up. Dan did You taste dog food? As for "Asian food tasts wierd" I'm sure Asians would say the same about American MRE. Couple of questions: I keep on forgetting to ask where Ksenia learnt English? Also are You going to get a dog? Just because in small towns it's a very common thing to have a guard dog on property and becides it'd be a good companion in Your hunting and fishing trips. Also are You going to get some chicken?Again because it's nice to have fresh organic eggs every morning. Thanks for the video. God bless Your small (for now))) family!
@anastasiafides9883 Ай бұрын
Потому что для русских солдат еда не так важна, не в ресторан же пришел. Съел питательное, поддерживающее силы - хорошо.
@salami_god Ай бұрын
man, you will never get russian citrizenship. We dont give it to those who hate meat pate! It is the best simple thing for a sandwich - bread, butter, pate.
@Wild-Siberia Ай бұрын
I don’t want Russian citizenship then I know a lot of Russians who don’t like it 🤣
@salami_god Ай бұрын
@@Wild-Siberia but well, i do understand u. I LOVE latin american food in any country - i've been all around. But the only one thing i hate is ....BURITO. just cant stand to puke. idk why., just hate the food combination in it.
@Spiritual2011life Ай бұрын
This food looks good!
@Wild-Siberia Ай бұрын
The main meals were absolutely delicious
@Grimdarkened 19 күн бұрын
Personally, I think that the main difference between Russian and US MRE's is that Russian one is made to survive in the wild, yet US one is made to be conviniently used on the battlefield. The reasons why I think so are the heater, the food amount, the utilisation and the inside politics of Russia. No soldier on the battlefield wants to heat their meal with fire - it will drag the attention to them, especially nowdays with termals. Yet when alone in the woods, you will never be excessive of any fire source. Single ration MRE is almost always better for a soldier simply because it means less weight. You can always carry two MREs if you want, unlikely with Russian MRE (I know single meal MRE exist in Russia yet they are rare and usually dedicated to special forces). The box design is good for convinience, yet bad for... Pretty much the same reason... US MRE seems to be more pliable in terms of packing due to its "soft" design, which is crutial for a soldier. The utilisation. Try eating Russian MRE on the walk and try the US one. When you have to heat your food on a stove, mix it with crackers and cheese using a spoon - its not what you do on the walk. Then we see pizza in the US MRE. Same, yet already crafted. All you have to do is to heat it in your pocket still able to travel and it eat still being able to travel. And the last reason. Russia always tried to be "better" than west in everything in the eyes of its own citizens. The reason why its better for the camping but not for the battlefield is simple: when not in the war, citizens will value its diversity and multifunctionality over battlefield convinience. No one would argue that the heat stove is worse than flameless heater when never in danger of enemy recon, no one would complain that it is too heavy and inconvinient to carry in the backpack when you're on the fishing trip with a car for several days, not for an 8 hour mission. Not talking about quality of the food here, since I've only had Russian MREs to taste, but the quality of the plastic spoons in these are bad. Even in the video you never held it by its grip. You held it by the spoon part of the spoon, if it makes sence. I mean try to eat cold canned meat with these and you'll find out pretty soon that the reason why there are 3x spoons is not so you can eat with clear one every meal (as it would seem, yet we have a single knife), but because you will likely to break first two halfway through. I bet thats why they put a knife there, but its also very unreliable and to me I'd rather have 1 good spoon-fork :D UPD: On the 2nd though, I came to another reason. The taste. I mean I've never tried US MRE, but with an experience with Russian ones, its always "you will enjoy it when you're hungry". Never been on the battlefield, but I belive it's not a common thing to starve on the battlefield.
@jl6075 Ай бұрын
Thank you for the review, sire
@Wild-Siberia Ай бұрын
Thanks for the support, sire
@yuliavorf3831 Ай бұрын
Гречку нужно смешать с тушенкой, «армейский бекон». Тогда и вкусно и очень питательно. Ксения могла подсказать ))
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