American Reacts Amazing Places to visit in Poland - Travel Video | Joyous Travel

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@eikthesheik Жыл бұрын
Have been learning Polish for 2 years and went to Kraków this year for the first time. It was beautiful !!
@twisters999 Жыл бұрын
I'm happy you like it bro! ❤️
@Shiro_PL Жыл бұрын
Learning Polish…why? :D
@eikthesheik Жыл бұрын
@Shiro_PL I just enjoy learning languages. Polish seemed like a challenge 😄
@Shiro_PL Жыл бұрын
@@eikthesheik a challenge, exactly😂 thanks for learning Polish. Come visit us sometime in Warsaw💪❤️
@Martek127 Жыл бұрын
Nicolaus Copernicus sounds Italian because its written in latin. In Polish his name would be Mikolaj Kopernik
@jackzweifler5696 Жыл бұрын
It is in a latin not italian
@Martek127 Жыл бұрын
And what did I say?@@jackzweifler5696
@aleksanderdomanski222 Жыл бұрын
​@@jackzweifler5696Italian has its roots deeply in Latin. That's why they sounds kinda similar. In fact most of western Europe is at some level influenced by Latin.
@nicolleword4365 Жыл бұрын
@@jackzweifler5696 The Italian language was created in the poorer social classes from the Latin language used by the nobles. I've heard people describe Italian as "dirty Latin".
@TheRezro Жыл бұрын
@@nicolleword4365 The same is true about Spanish, French and Romanian.
@maciekszymanski8340 Жыл бұрын
Living in Poland we always complain. We are not as welthy as Switzerland, not developed as Japan, not mighty as US... But on the end of the day we all appreciate the beauty, safety and cleanliness of our little piece of Earth :)
@janusz4695 Жыл бұрын
Ale Maćku jesteśmy potężni jako ludzie. Tu nie ma żadnych granic. Jaka inna armia dałaby stopień kaprala niedźwiedziowi Tylko nasza wbrew.Bo Polakowi powiedzieć nie, to zaraz zrobione.
@markmulder996 Жыл бұрын
I'm Dutch and have lived in Kraków for 10 years now. Absolutely love it! No reason for me to miss the Netherlands besides friends and family.
@annabimba3980 11 ай бұрын
Czystość........ zwłaszcza na wiosnę ....k....syf do potęgi 🙈 Czysto jest w Austrii, Szwajcarii, Monako itp..
@maciekszymanski8340 11 ай бұрын
@@annabimba3980 To nie są największe potęgi. Kiedyś Szwecja była jak z obrazka, spójrz na nią teraz...
@TheEpsimo 8 ай бұрын
@@annabimba3980 tam jest czyściej... to prawda... ale zobacz jak wyglądają Włochy Hiszpania Niemcy... u nas można z podłogi jeść... czasem warto docenić to jaką się pracę wykonało to pomaga w zebraniu sił na dalszą walkę o lepsze jutro naprawdę nie mamy już się czego wstydzić
@emmafrench7219 Жыл бұрын
Yay! Beautiful video. I'm so proud to be half Polish. My Dad was from Gdansk and his parents had a farm and horses in Oliwa. Thank you Dad, I miss you.✌
@xfiles3251 Жыл бұрын
A umiesz pisać po polsku
@emmafrench7219 Жыл бұрын
@xfiles. No unfortunately. My Dad used to try teaching me but it seemed much too difficult. I can just about speak/ write English. 😊 I can cope with French and some Welsh but that's my limit. I hope you have a Wesolych Swiat 🎄. (I hope that was ok).✌
@dagmara2703 Жыл бұрын
@@xfiles3251 why? this video is in english too?😅
@joannapinkus7005 11 ай бұрын
@@emmafrench7219Szkoda🤷‍♀️Bo Gdańsk i okolice są przepiękne. Musisz kiedyś odwiedzić te miejsca❤
@Aloh-od3ef Жыл бұрын
Poland is a beautiful country!! And so are the women 😍😂
@tedekomo5659 Жыл бұрын
Maria Skłodowska Curie from Poland
@zaklina.4822 Жыл бұрын
Half of Hollywood stars have Polish (or sometimes polish-jewish roots, such as: Angelina Jolie, Scarlett Johansson, Natalie Portman, Jon Bon-Jovi, Zac Efron, Lisa Kudrow, Gwyneth Paltrow, David, Patricia and Rosanna Arquette, Paul Wesley, Jesse Eisenberg, Martha Stewart, Steve Wozniak, John Krasinski, Jared Padalecki, Matthew Noszka, Francisco Lachowski, Chris Zylka, Casey and Nina Siemaszko, Leelee Sobieski, Skye McCole Bartusiak, Yvonne Strahovski, Elizabeth Debicki, Paul Newman, Pola Negri and many, many others...
@tmek36 5 ай бұрын
Poland is so so beautiful. U need to go and see because video doesn’t show how is beautiful if u not see by yr own eyes
@EyeScreamPL Жыл бұрын
"Dumplings" as a name of similar kind of dishes is used globally. You can have Chinese dumplings, Georgian dumplings, Polish dumplings, but ONLY in Poland you can find this specific, particular kind of them, called exactly Pierogi (already prular, never add "s" at the end. Singular form is "pieróg").
@robertrobski1013 Жыл бұрын
Dumplings originally came from China
@LoveDrivingCar Жыл бұрын
Dla mnie najciekawsze było oglądanie Twojej zdziwionej miny 😂, myślałeś że to tundra z białymi niedźwiedziami ??? 😂🤪
@HelenH-fk2jh Жыл бұрын
I used to live in Wroclaw (pronounced "Vrotswav". Lovely city and that town hall clock was epic). Krakow is amazing too.
@joannapinkus7005 Жыл бұрын
Pozdrawiam z Wrocławia ❤
@jarek7562 Жыл бұрын
Kupuj bilet na samolot i przyjeżdżaj , oglądanie takich filmów nic tobie nie powie , na żywo dotknąć , posmakować , zobaczyć to jest prawdziwa Polska a nie oglądanie na obrazku ! 🇵🇱👍
@McJibbin Жыл бұрын
Bardzo chciałbym tam pojechać! Polska wygląda imponująco. Dziękuję za komentarz ❤
@krysiakrystyna7730 Жыл бұрын
Taki film to bardzo dobra promocja Polski. Gratulacje za stworzenie takiego pięknego filmu. Obejrzeć film i natychmiast przyjechać i odwiedzić Polskę. Zapraszamy.
@robertgworek2497 Жыл бұрын
It was a complex "Auschwitz-Birkenau". Both camps are located in about 1 mile apart from each other. Birkenau was much bigger than Auschwitz. Part of that complex was also a Monowitz work camp. The last one was located a few miles away from others two, and it was a camp for prisoners who were building chemical factory, which today still operates and is a part of the Synthos corporation.
@dorotabarbowska2184 Жыл бұрын
German camps located, owned and ruled by Germans in areas of occupied Poland, back then belonging to German "General Governorate"
@fidel13ify 9 ай бұрын
Poland is centre of Europe .
@nicku1 Жыл бұрын
And - surprisingly! - there are no white bears!
@Katarzyna-o4f Жыл бұрын
But we have few brown bears in the mountains and zoo parks :)
@zoja66 Жыл бұрын
Jestem dumna ze jestem Polka!!! Kocham Polske ❤❤
@kj4923 Жыл бұрын
I haven't heard about the Nazi army that destroyed Warsaw during World War 2. It was the German army and Poles fought against Germans. It's so simple, but for "some reason" most people repeat untruths.
@smerfdzikus2334 Жыл бұрын
Come on...this is common knowledge. Or at least it should be.
@kj4923 Жыл бұрын
@@smerfdzikus2334 you think so ? So why are there so many misunderstandings on the topic ? Pozdrawiam Smerfusiu.
@KuroFaust Жыл бұрын
@@kj4923 Niestety, wielu obcokrajowców [nie z sąsiednich państw] gdy przyjeżdża do Polski jest zaskoczona faktem, że nie istniało państwo nazistowskie, ale tak naprawdę za zbrodniami II wojny światowej w Europie stoją Niemcy [wtedy o ustroju nazistowskim nazywane III Rzeszą] które dziś bardzo ładnie się wybielają z niewygodnej historii [tak świadomie pominąłem fakt działania ZSRR]. Gdyby tak nie było, to by regularnie nie pojawiały się zwroty typu "Polskie obozy śmierci" sugerujące, że to Polacy stali za tym procederem. Warto też pooglądać, co wyznawcy judaizmu z różnych zakątków świata, którzy odwiedzili Polskę mówią o historii II wś. jakiej ich uczono. Niestety część z nich wskazuję, że aktualnie tłoczy im się formułkę jakoby naród Polski mordował żydów na masową skalę. Problem ten zwłaszcza dotyczy to obywateli Izraelskich, co jest wierutnym kłamstwem i potwarzą dla wielu z tych co oddali życie podczas pomocy niesionej mniejszości żydowskiej w trakcie trwania II wojny światowej. Owszem bywały szumowiny patrzące swojego interesu, ale jednak historycznie stanowili oni mniejszość, jak nie promil promila całości. Dlatego @smerfdzikus2334 jestem za tym, by zawsze i wszędzie mówić o tym głośno i wyraźnie [jeśli temat zostaje poruszony] - bo nie wiemy za ile lat nam przekręcą historię siłą i zrobią z nas "tych co zaatakowali Niemców i Rosjan idących z kwiatkami w rękach, by pokojowo wyzwalać Europę z rąk Nazistowskiego okupanta". Tak jak dzisiaj władze Rosyjskie nadal mówią, że mają małą akcję militarną na granicy Ukraińskiej, gdzie rzekomo wyzwalają uciemiężonych obywateli rosyjskich spod jarzma nazistów i faszystów. edit - było II zamiast III Rzesza [więc to poprawiłem - zwykła literówka]
@kj4923 Жыл бұрын
@@KuroFaust zgadza się. Właśnie dlatego zareagowałem w ten sposób, bo mam przeświadczenie, że musimy o tym mówić. Jak nie my to kto ? Szkoda, że nie wszyscy to rozumieją.
@Pseudonym-aka-alias Жыл бұрын
Went to Krakow a couple of months ago, nice place, nice people💪
@jacike Жыл бұрын
6:30 In Polish language: Mikołaj Kopernik He was also a doctor, economist, he knows that printing currency is bad. 9:40 1st capitol - Gniezno 2nd - Kraków 3rd/now - Warszawa This building is kind of gift from commies Russia. 13:40 Those pines was broken years before. They are for furniture manufacturing. Poland makes a lot of furniture. Pierogi - dumplings in Polish language. Check eg Huzar - winged Polish cavalry, Szczepanik - color camera, bulletproof west inventor, Bóbrka - first and still working oil mining place and rafinery. Beskid Niski - area I'm from. Still sometimes after over 1050 yr's of christianity at Polish village you can spot Slavic signs like sun or Slavic sfastica. We had own traditions, religion, rules, values. They are still somewhere in the air over the Poland. Slavic has to live in peace, respect nature. Nature gives us all we have, we own, we eat. Don't fight other's but attacked have to be the bravest. Protect yours family and neighbours. Have respect to others. Don't leave yours father land because you will be unhappy in life. I hope Polish will woke up and remind who we was, who we should be, whats the real values. Greetings.
@joniverner7305 11 ай бұрын
FInally in the first place someone noticed Wrocław one of the nicest city in Europe.
@Ocodo Жыл бұрын
You're kind of right, Copernicus is his Latin name, as scholars tend to had their names translated into Latin back then. Kopernik is his polish name.
@thaddausgriech4542 Жыл бұрын
Polen ist wunderschoen, Gruesse aus Koeln Deutschland
@woytzekbron7635 Жыл бұрын
All Europe is actually beautiful and Koeln is absolutely fantastic, Gruesse aus Polen
@PiotrJaser Жыл бұрын
Just 30 years ago, Poland was a picture of poverty and hopelessness. Today it is a different civilization ;) Poland really is beautiful and diverse.
@MrCr00wn Жыл бұрын
same civilization but wealthier economy
@tomcie6496 Жыл бұрын
For 50 years Poland have been robbed. In years 1939-1945 by Nazi Germany and from 1945 to 1989 by USSR@@MrCr00wn
@TheRezro Жыл бұрын
It was purely fault of Russia. Poland was always a developed country... I mean more developed then people think.
@yakoobski Жыл бұрын
@@TheRezro Very true. Polish economy was always around top15 worldwide. Right before WW1 we were top5, right before WW2 we were top10. Whenever we were getting too close to the top our neighbours Germany, Russia and Austria would raid us to keep us in line ;)
@jerzy7118 Жыл бұрын
There is no Baltic style. Krakow was the historical capital of Poland and is now Warsaw. Markets in Poland, mainly historical ones, are closed to traffic. There are a lot of historical buildings. What was destroyed by World War II was rebuilt. And the mountains you saw were the Tatra Mountains. You were right about the Baltic Sea, in summer when the water is 24 degrees Celsius it is considered warm. Copenicus was Polish and the Polish name is Kopernik, the name Copernicus is a Latin name.
@JolantaJagiełło-c7b Жыл бұрын
Greetings from Toruń, the city of Nicolaus Copernicus 😊
@erykkozlowski1157 Жыл бұрын
It's the same like with Marie Sklodowska- Curie. Sounds french, but she is Maria Skłodowska- Curie and she was obviously polish.
@MLWitteman Жыл бұрын
These kind of gable architecture you see in cities like Gdańsk, were made or inspired by architects from the Low Countries. And mainly from the area around Ghent, Antwerp & Brugges. This style was later introduced throughout Northern Europe, thanks to the Hanseatic League. And about an entirely different subject. Auschwitz Birkenau is the full name of the holocaust memorial complex/museum. Auschwitz was not just one camp, it was a complex of different camps. Auschwitz II-Birkenau was the second camp, and was actually the enlargement of Auschwitz I. This is also the camp where you know the pictures of the gate house from. The gate through which many trains from all over Europe arrived, to send their travelers to their deaths.
@ngaourapahoe Жыл бұрын
Strolling through beautiful places is much more fun as opposed to driving. You can take your time to enjoy their vibe.
@article9384 Жыл бұрын
Wow this amazing country 😍🇵🇱
@adamw.3409 11 ай бұрын
10:10 Warsaw has been the capital of Poland since 1596, before it was Kraków and the first capital ever was Gniezno.
@mirosawagotto9480 Жыл бұрын
Proponuję latem zwiedzić przepiekne Mazury, jakiś jachcik czy kajak wypożyczyć i zobaczyć piękne krajobrazy. Pozdrawia z Mazur
@vito74m Жыл бұрын
Mieszkam w okolicach Krk. Byłem na Mazurach raz... nigdy więcej, wieje nicością komarami i wodą... Tak nudnego regionu nie uświadczyłem w żadnej części PL...
@janusz4695 Жыл бұрын
Nie marudź, a jedź do nas. Zapewniamy piękną i bardzo tanią wycieczkę.
@szyszunia6620 11 ай бұрын
It's unbelievable that 100 years ago everything was razed to the ground, isn't it? Even the famous model Waris Dirie, known from the movie 'Desert Flower', fell in love with Gdańsk.❤
@KuroFaust Жыл бұрын
This movie wasn't mentioned many special places of this country. Personally, i would be add : 1. Pustynia Błędowska [Błędów Desert] which is claimed largest accumulation of loose sand in Central Europe 2. Mazur and Masurian Lake District which was called sometimes "Kraina tysiąca jezior" [the land of a thousand lakes] bc this area contains over 2000 lakes.
@frofrofrofro900 11 ай бұрын
Greetings from Tricity in Poland. Copernicus in polish is Mikołaj Kopernik
@hrafnatyr9794 Жыл бұрын
No, the Baltic Sea is not very cold at all. In the summer, water temperatures can often rise above 70°F. First, the average depth is no more than about 180 ft (deepest point ≈1,500 ft), so the water temperature depends a lot on the air temperature, the sea depth off the coast and prevailing wind conditions. For example, Piteå, far up in northern Sweden, is a popular seaside resort with water temperatures often above 73 °F in the summer. The Gulf of Bothnia East of Piteå is shallow and the winds in the summer are usually easterly so that the warm surface water drifts towards the coast. On the other hand, Hanö Bay off Scania's east coast in the far south is deep and cold (rarely above 64 °F). In winter, the Baltic Sea is rarely ice-covered south of Stockholm.
@bolimniecewacewa8857 Жыл бұрын
Zapraszam do Krakowa. Tu jest duch czasów potęgi Polski.
@beneundercover2885 Жыл бұрын
„Copernicus sounds Italian” because his real name is Mikołaj Kopernik & he is totally Polish! ❤️🇵🇱
@dariuswillder3169 Жыл бұрын
he was a polish but half roots germans
@dorotabarbowska2184 Жыл бұрын
He was nether Polish nor German the way we understand the concept of nationality today. He was a Catholic and a loyal subject of a Polish king, opposer of the Teutonic Order and a citizen of Toruń - this was his identity. More detailed explanation of this subjects is in my other comment.
@Pawel_Mrozek Жыл бұрын
3:09 Plot twist. You don't even need to park somewhere nearby to walk there. You can live there and walk there. I live in Gdansk and I use a car literally twice a weak on average and I don't even live in the old town. I juts have the ability to chose that way of life if I want. Grocery, convenience store, pharmacy and many others those are the places that I never drive. And I don't need to buy stuff for a weak to my fridge forcing myself to have a fridge the size of wardrobe. For example I could go to the connivance store for cheese during making sandwiche because I found I don't have cheese and this is what I call convenient. 5:48 In Central and Eastern Europe, due to communism, which lasted for many decades, most of nature is owned by the state. In Poland, 30% of the country's area belongs to the state-owned enterprise "State Forests", which also owns all national parks. This is a big advantage for people who like nature because you can practically enter any forest wherever you want. Of course, many of these forests are forests focused on wood production, but the income from this enterprise largely finances the tourist infrastructure in these places. It is similar with lakes and rivers. 13:47 No one knows for sure, but considering the age of these trees, it is likely that heavy equipment passed through the very young forest during World War II and the trees were broken, but they grew back in this form. Pierogi is polish word for dumplings.
@slaff1973 Жыл бұрын
Why did you leave out the German concentration camps of Auschwitz-Birkenau? This is a monument where millions of Poles, Jews and other nations died.
@damianblancik9666 Жыл бұрын
Feniks Poland❤❤
@pawwrob4843 Жыл бұрын
KL Auschwitz is the German name of the camp in the1940and 1945 s that was builit by the Germans in the800-year-old Polish city that has beencalled Oświęcim,not Auschwitz since the Middle Ages.
@gregherman5017 Жыл бұрын
back in the day of the old buildings were usually build with an attic extension not for the look but for the light since they were empty inside
@andrzejmichalczak9185 Жыл бұрын
Greetings from Poland 😊
@piotr.leniec-lincow5209 7 ай бұрын
Many cathedrals in Europe have 2 different towers. This happen when construction time was carried through different architectuall styles.
@catchapl Жыл бұрын
All pierogi are dumplings, but not all dumplings are pierogi. That's the difference. #pierogisilife
@andrzejpienczykowski9086 Жыл бұрын
Nicolaus Copernicus is Mikolaj Kopernik in Polish. People of note at that time frequently latinized their names to be more internationally recognizable.
@zbijacz07muly Жыл бұрын
you think Nicolaus Copernicus is A Italian because his books was write in Latin (Mikołaj Kopernik) modern polish (Nicolaus Koppernigk) original Prussian old Polish (Nicolaus Copernicus) Latin now English transcript
@adamlubieniecki9074 Жыл бұрын
and he was german or if we want be exact prussian but live and works in polish cities like Toruń and Olsztyn
@januszfutrzynski2636 Жыл бұрын
​@@adamlubieniecki9074gówno prawda prusaku
@grace52-X Жыл бұрын
​@@adamlubieniecki9074😂tak samo jak Skłodowska była Francuzką?
@Janie_Morrison 9 ай бұрын
I am so lucky I come from Europe everybody Europe's lovely Europe is a lovely country every part of it
@adampiech7143 6 ай бұрын
Actually no. Baltic is pretty warm in summer. We used to walk to the beach to swim in summer all the time. But if you expect ~30 Celsius you better go south. Best we get is about 22 Celsius, which is already warm. At winter though... when it's northern wind from the Arctic... well... there could be days when port is closed and bay of Gdansk is full of ice. There are sporadically events when people could go up to 1 km into the bay on foot (don't do that!). But say 100 meters and the ice was rock solid, with huge deposits closer to the beach.
@adamw.3409 11 ай бұрын
7:25 The towers of St. Mary's Basilica, as you yourself noted, are uneven in height. A bloody legend is associated with this architectural incongruity. A bugle call is played every hour from the higher tower, while a church bell called the Halfzygmunt hangs in the lower tower. Unfortunately, no architectural plans have survived to explain the different heights of the towers, but a bloody legend is widely known. During the reign of Duke Boleslaw the Chaste (1243-1279), it was decided to add two towers to the body of the church standing in Krakow's Main Square. This task was undertaken by two brothers. When the younger realized that his work was progressing more slowly, out of envy he murdered his brother with a knife, and construction was stopped. Remorse, however, did not give the murderer peace of mind - on the day of the temple's dedication he plunged a knife into his heart, and then threw himself from the top of the church tower. The knife he allegedly used hangs to this day in the Cloth Hall, reminding us of this grim story.
@DivineFalcon Жыл бұрын
How do anyone make a video about sights in Krakow WITHOUT mentioning Wawel? It's so weird.
@tomekville7 Жыл бұрын
How would anyone make a video about Poland not mentioning Wieliczka salt mine.
@nicolleword4365 Жыл бұрын
10:20 This "Old Town" is only in name. During the war, it was practically completely destroyed and only rebuilt after the war, i.e. in the 1940s and 1950s.
@MrHades37 Жыл бұрын
4:00 No, this mountain range is called the Carpathians (a range stretching from the south of Poland to almost the entire Balkans) and they are completely independent from the Alps, these are the Alps for Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Ukraine, Romania, Bulgaria, Ukraine, Moldova, and even Serbia. And what you were looking at were the Tatra Mountains, the border with Slovakia. And what you are talking about is basically the tip of the Carpathians, i.e. the Sudetes, our border with the Czech Republic, lower mountains than the Tatra Mountains.
@danekm 10 ай бұрын
Our grandparents faught against Germans not Nazis. There was no coutry like "Nazistan". There was Germany. This is to be remembered.
@Ikit1Claw Жыл бұрын
6:51 back in the day, it was common practice to "translate" names into whatever language you were translating, so when author would write in latin, he would also "latinize" his name
@JolantaJagiełło-c7b Жыл бұрын
Birkenau,it was a separate camp, located a few kilometers away. It was intended for Jews. Fewer of them died there than Poles and people of other nationalities
@marcelmarceli8238 Жыл бұрын
Dzień dobry Ameryka.
@Searover749 2 ай бұрын
the large squares, often around churches or townhalls, were used for big markets, during the middle ages, and also for public torturings, and executions, that dragged lots of people, as a sunday pastime. now they're very useful for markets and concerts, and often decorated with fountains and statues. though they're very large, they're sometimes overpacked with tourists, in the most famous EUR. cities.
@theRAV4000 Жыл бұрын
3:16 this is actually where the newest Hunger Games movie was filmed
@nicolleword4365 Жыл бұрын
12:42 The creators of The Witcher 3 took their cue from the village of Zalipie, which is why many of the huts in the game are beautifully decorated
@kacperiwaniak2039 11 ай бұрын
Pierogi is the traditional meal,like pizza in Italy, bread with sauce, you can, but it's still pizza, it's the same with pierogi, they are pierogi, not dumplings, each country has its own name for a pierogi-like product, in another it is pelmeni, and in Poland they are pierogi, which are an original Polish dish.
@apocalipticapolska2840 Жыл бұрын
its 2 rivers from mountains to see Odra and Vistula
@karolkowalczyk33 9 ай бұрын
Summergime water in Baltic is warmer than in Portugal. Aprrox 22 - 24 ° Celsius.
@mossfitz 9 ай бұрын
You mixed Copernicus up with Gallileo. Both lived around the same time and both were foundational to modern astronomy
@bajkabajeczka560 9 ай бұрын
I used to live in Toruń. Amazing city and the spot for a meet is “spotkamy się przy Mikusiu”
@grace52-X Жыл бұрын
Copernikus z łacińskiego. W średniowieczu wykształceni, naukowcy, księża, elita posługiwała się łaciną bo był to wtedy język międzynarodowy, coś jak dzisiaj angielski. Studiowano w tym języku, pisano książki w tym języku, odprawiano mszę itp.
@twisters999 Жыл бұрын
Copernicus is the Latin version of Mikołaj Kopernik (Copernick). That's why it sounds Italian. Latin was the main language in Europe's universities at the time
@patrickcooper7869 Жыл бұрын
Zakopane is a nice town and great for exploring the Tatra mountains and Krakow.The lake at Morskoi Oko,accessible by covered wagon,is a mountain jewel 😀
@rufsven8312 3 ай бұрын
Greetings for you
@vistaavis1211 11 ай бұрын
Yes, in Poland we walk a lot or have and use many public transport
@TheEpsimo Жыл бұрын
Anyone who hasn't eaten Polish dumplings doesn't know life
@dorotabarbowska2184 Жыл бұрын
In Middle Ages classic Latin (the Lanaguage of ancient Roman Empire) was the language used all over Europe, so obviously Nicolaus Copernicus may sound Italian to you.😆 However, in the Middle Ages, ethnicity did not matter, what mattered was religion and loyalty to the king. This was how belonging to a nation was determined. Copernicus did not feel like a Pole or a German , but he felt like a Christian (Catholic) and a subject of the Polish king, and this defined his identity. He was a loyal subject of the kings of the Jagiellonian dynasty and throughout his life he opposed the Teutonic Order. In terms of culture, he came from a family whose connections in Silesia, as well as connections among the townspeople of fifteenth-century Krakow, Toruń and Frombork, rather indicate links with the German-speaking element, but there is ample evidence that he knew Polish. In his scientific work - like all scientists of his time - he thought and wrote exclusively in Latin. Taking all this into account, one could equally well consider him both German and Polish, and yet - in the understanding of contemporary nationalists - he was neither.
@Mitim85 11 ай бұрын
These towers of different heights are associated with a legend about two brothers who made a bet as to which of them would build a higher tower within a certain time. When one of the brothers took the lead, the other, in a fit of jealousy, killed him and built a higher tower
@kotka_dorotka9517 11 ай бұрын
Polska jest najbezpieczniejszym miejscem do zamieszkania w Europie teraz, my sobie nie pozwalamy na agresję na ulicy.
@zaklina.4822 Жыл бұрын
Many of Hollywood stars, scientist, warriors, musicians, and other famous people (or sometimes polish-jewish roots, such as: Angelina Jolie, Scarlett Johansson, Natalie Portman, Jon Bon-Jovi, Zac Efron, Lisa Kudrow, Gwyneth Paltrow, Tea Leoni, David Duchovny, Marilyn Manson, Uma Thurman, Tori Spelling, David, Patricia and Rosanna Arquette, Paul Wesley, Jesse Eisenberg, Martha Stewart, Steve Wozniak, John Krasinski, Jared Padalecki, Matthew Noszka, Francisco Lachowski, Chris Zylka, Casey and Nina Siemaszko, Leelee Sobieski, Skye McCole Bartusiak, Yvonne Strahovski, Elizabeth Debicki, Mia Wasikowska, Justin Bieber, Adrien Brody, Jane Seymour, Alessandra Ambrosio, Emily Ratajkowski, Kesha, Juliette Binoche, Lukas Podolski, Paul Newman, Pola Negri, Nicolas Copernicus (known as Mikołaj Kopernik), Marie-Curie (known as Maria Skłodowska-Curie), Tadeusz Kościuszko, Kazimierz Pułaski and many, many others...
@anetasotys9334 Жыл бұрын
Auschwitz and Birkenau are right next to each other. Its one museum/memorial now
@anetasotys9334 Жыл бұрын
pierogi are a type of dumpling :)
@aleksanderdomanski222 Жыл бұрын
Poland had 3 main capitols in its history. First was Gniezno then it was moved to Kraków and, few hundred years later to Warsaw.
@piotrkowalski9319 Жыл бұрын
Historycznie i "technicznie" bylo wiecej stolic Polski. Poznan byl np. przez 6 lat a Płock przez 60 lat. W trakcie wyzwalania Polski przez jakiś czas rowniez Lublin pelnil taką funkcje...
@kotka_dorotka9517 11 ай бұрын
Polacy rozszyfrowali Enigmę w czasie wojny, Anglicy przypisali to sobie. Polacy walczyli przez 6 lat okupacji z okupantami. Byli obecni na wszystkich frontach w Europie.
@TheRezro Жыл бұрын
I'm always angry when they do not mention Wieliczka Salt Mine. It is basically real life mini-Moria.
@smiechuwarte-qt8pn Жыл бұрын
The Tatra Mountains are part of a mountain range called the Carpathians that stretches from north to south for almost a thousand miles. The Carpathians are not related to the Alps like the Pyrenees and the mountains in Norway . In the Carpathians in Romania there is the most beautiful road in Europe Transfagarasan Highway . There is also no Baltic architectural style because it is the German style when many cities were in the medieval union of trading cities called the Hanseatic League. The style itself is called Gothic and before it was the Romanesque style which was characterized by round buildings and rounded arches originating from ancient Rome. A good example of the Romanesque style, although with Arabic additions, is a church in Istanbul (former Constantinople), renamed a mosque in the 15th century, called Hagia Sophia.
@tvdemien Жыл бұрын
Lo❤e Poland
@CorAngar20 Жыл бұрын
Copernicus is western way to pronaunce it, not Polish way. In Polish its Mikołaj Kopernik. Did you notice that there are no cars in tourist places, everything is designed to walk through history. Greetings from Poland.
@Katarzyna-o4f Жыл бұрын
Did you watch "America first, Poland firster "? Old but absolute must :)
@Helvett222 Жыл бұрын
Auschwitz-Birkenau is one camp. Auschwitz was built first, the prison barracks are made of brick because they were previously military barracks. There was one gas chamber there - it has survived to this day, you can enter it. However, Birkenau was created later, the barracks there are almost exclusively wooden and Birkenau is much larger than Auschwitz: there were several gas chambers there, but they were destroyed by the retreating Germans. Warsaw was razed to the ground and rebuilt entirely from scratch, but fortunately the buildings in Krakow survived almost intact. Krakow is the former capital of Poland and the place of coronation of Polish kings, the city is also called the Polish capital of culture and art. Even when the capital was moved to Warsaw, the coronations of kings took place in Krakow. Currently, Krakow is the second largest city in Poland after Warsaw, but for many years the city in second place was Łódź, not far from Warsaw. This large building in Warsaw is the Palace of Culture and Science, built after the war by the communists, it was supposed to be a symbol of Polish-Soviet friendship and to this day it is controversial, there were even ideas to demolish it when communism collapsed in Poland. ​
@tada869 Жыл бұрын
Pierogi is the Polish name for dumplings. Actually, pierogi is a plural form and means dumplings exactly. So, if you see product named "pierogis", it is just a plural form in English of Polish plural form of pierogi. Singular name of pierogi in Polish is "pieróg" ("ó" in this case is read as "u"). Greetings!
@karolkowalczyk33 9 ай бұрын
Tatras are not part of Alps but Carpathian Range
@arturkranz-dobrowolski2959 Жыл бұрын
The reason for the asymmetry of the towers of St. Mary's Basilica in Krakow is not clear. According to a legend, the basilica was built by two brothers. One of them proved to be more capable and built his tower faster. The jealous, less capable brother eventually killed his rival. And the tower was not completed until the Renaissance. So they differ not only in height, but also in the style of their domes, one being Gothic and the other Renaissance.
@arturkranz-dobrowolski2959 Жыл бұрын
Nicolaus Copernicus is the Latinized form of the Polish name Mikołaj Kopernik. Latinization of names was quite common in Europe at the time, for example, the French mathematician and philosopher, Rene Descartes is also known as Renatus Cartesius.
@1963eM Жыл бұрын
Where is about Olsztyn city? The capitol of Thousand Lakes Land: Masuria?
@AnthemsOfEurope Жыл бұрын
Auschwitz (Oświęcim in Polish) as well as the village of Birkenau (Brzezinka) are located in Southern Poland roughly between Katowice and Kraków Personaly I would also add two places (unbiased on my birth/living location): 1. Pojezierze Mazurskie (Masuria lake district), which is a beautiful land of Lakes and forests near the border with Lithuania 2. Bieszczady mountain range, it might not be the tallest or the most challenging but it looks like just from another planet, some parts even look exactly like Windows XP wallpaper
@tori10tori10 Жыл бұрын
Yes, you can commute by train from city to towns and all cities have great tramway/bus system. System is moder clean and efficient. Tramway systems was destroyed in the USA. / No Krakow was never destroyed by Germans as they were quickly leaving the city afraid of the incoming red armee
@55linka 10 ай бұрын
The picture of the video thumbnail is NoT is actually Slovakia..
@messmeg7582 Жыл бұрын
30% of Poland it is forests and National parks. 30 % is farm land.
@bartezpl2195 Жыл бұрын
this non symetrical towers has a certain bloody legend - it was decided to build two towers and this task was undertaken by two brothers. When the younger one realized that his work was progressing slower, he murdered his brother out of envy. However, remorse of conscience did not give the murderer peace - on the day of consecration of the temple, he stabbed a knife into his heart and then threw himself from the top of the church tower
@nicolleword4365 11 ай бұрын
2:38 I fear this would make Americans thinner and healthier, which is not to the benefit of the pharmaceutical industry...
@akairyu3028 Жыл бұрын
jewish cultur influence wtf? not true , they absorb culture from Polish people. .
@dorotabarbowska2184 Жыл бұрын
Nope, the cultures mixed and influenced each other throughout centuries.
@akairyu3028 Жыл бұрын
nope , rep for misinformation you know nothing about Poland and jewe i see reported for toxicity.@@dorotabarbowska2184
@vonPaulke 2 ай бұрын
Auschwitz-Birkenau the same place are next to each other
@amp-litude Жыл бұрын
Nicolas Copernicus in Latin language (it was widely used in the Middle Ages), original Polish - Mikołaj Kopernik
@DanielKisło Жыл бұрын Welcome to Bielsko-Biała . Small Vienna in Poland
@tomekville7 8 ай бұрын
Please watch a movie Warsaw 44 -if you love history.
@marcinrojek8995 11 ай бұрын
5:13 it was a favorit place for Jan Pavel The Second a pope.. regards..
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