American Reacts The Animated History of Sweden

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@victorcapel2755 2 жыл бұрын
Belive me, he glosses over a lot of wars in this video. Sweden has been at war with Denmark alone 37 times, and with Russia 35 times throughout history.
@rickybuhl3176 2 жыл бұрын
They've earned a century or two on the bench with some back rubs.
@scyphe 2 жыл бұрын
A really comprehensive video about the history of Northern Europe would be 10+ hours long.. and that would still just gloss over the main events. ;) However, a lot of it is just a mess. I can't remember 95% of the stuff we learned in school about the history of royalty in Sweden beyond Gustav Wasa, Charles the XII'th and perhaps a few interesting historical figures like Magnus Ladulås, Engelbrekt etc. European royalty is overall a ridiculously complex mess.
@dribrom 2 жыл бұрын
Yes this is only the cliff notes of the history books. He only mention the most important events to explain what happened next.
@evilii 2 жыл бұрын
I mean,Finland, even under Swedish rule, has fought more wars in modern age than Sweden..
@Lajosen 2 жыл бұрын
@@evilii What do you mean when you say modern age? Are you really that stupid to call a war that happened 200 years ago modern? Plus Finland and finns was never its own thing during swedish rule, I know you finns like to think that but your ancestors were just eastern swedes as your land was just a eastern part of Sweden
@tonyjohansson7567 2 жыл бұрын
Iceland was a part of Norway until Denmark lost Norway in 1814. Then Iceland was part of Denmark until the 1940's.
@scyphe 2 жыл бұрын
Norway, Iceland and Finland really got slapped around by Denmark and Sweden from the viking era to the 19th/early 20th century. :/
@norXmal 2 жыл бұрын
@@scyphe Norway got hit very hard by the plague, same with its nobility and that weakened Norway's diplomatic strength, especially during the Kalmar Union.
@TrashskillsRS 2 жыл бұрын
Iceland got self-rule in 1912 but was still under the Danish Kingdom. The Icelandic goverment protested that the British occupied them during WW2, and Iceland really felt a sense of unity through that experience and demanded full indepence which were then given by Denmark with some slight pressure from the UK and the US.
@painterQjensen 2 жыл бұрын
The population was also wery low, settlers comming from Norway and Denmark. At a point, they were considerening abandoning the isle all together, cant remember the date and why anymore. The scotish isles, were sometimes under norwegian ruel, and sometimes independant.
@rateit1474 2 жыл бұрын
@@scyphe Finland and Sweden have never been in a war. There was probably Viking raids all over the place. But The Fin-Swe alliance was always a peaceful co-op, it is still today. The countries have defended and worked togheter with each other in many wars. The only war between the countries belongs to a special place, which is called battles in round icy arenas of icehockey games. But even on the ice, there is seldom ugly things happening between the countries.
@kristoffer-2614 2 жыл бұрын
The king ”Karl XII” is what we call Charles XII aka Carolus Rex. Karl is the Swedish name, Charles is the English name and Carolus is the Latin name. So he was the one that was really young when he was crowned and really successful in battle. Karl = Charles = Carolus. Carolus Rex. Gustav/Gustaf = Gustavus. Gustav II Adolf being Gustavus Adolphus. Thats another one of our great kings. 30 years war, you know him. 24:14 Yes it was. Charles the 12th, boy king of Sweden and an absolute legend
@I_dunno_man_but 2 жыл бұрын
Until he wasnt
@tonyjohansson7567 2 жыл бұрын
The big lakes in Sweden are called Vänern and Vättern. I live in Västra Götaland County (The Western Gohita County), right by the shore of Lake Vänern 😊 Thank's for a great Channel!
@CarlAngehagen 2 жыл бұрын
@mpr3968 2 жыл бұрын
@CarlAngehagen 2 жыл бұрын
@@mpr3968 Trollhättan
@christiansommer390 2 жыл бұрын
Same, near Lidköping.😊
@Tweetyfreaky 2 жыл бұрын
Västra Götaland here too...ulricehamn :)
@zpitzer 2 жыл бұрын
Forgive me to say, and it's not a personal thing, but in the US you have been brainwashed to think comunism is socialism, it's not the same. And social decromacy is what Sweden is right now. A free market, but with social benefits like free healthcare and other stuff. I like that you try to learn. Keep up the good work to learn.
@sida9439 2 жыл бұрын
Nah the healthcare is not free, its being paid by everyone over the lifetime with taxes so that no single person in need of healthcare will be left with a hefty bill like in the US. This does not make the healthcare free, it just moves the way its paid from the individual to the collective. Same with "all the other stuff".
@secularnevrosis 2 жыл бұрын
And we all have been told that communism is something it is not. All the so-called communist states did not live up to the simplest and basic criterias of communism. Marx would not be impressed. And not to be "that guy". But the markets have never been "free" and could never be free. They are always regulated by who ever is in charge or what ever system is currently used. You will never be able to sell what ever you want to who ever you want, or even at the price you want, without sanction from the law (domestic and international) and goverment.
@darkwolf4434 2 жыл бұрын
I mean social democracy is more of a capitalist system.
@secularnevrosis 2 жыл бұрын
@@darkwolf4434 Sure. We have a democratically elected socialistic system. Capitalism is regulated under that system to be "pro society" and under democratic control. It's all under a sliding scale ofc. Socialism doesn't automatically mean democratic or authoritarian. Opposed to Fascism and Despotism that is always authoritarian or Communism that is always democratic in nature. This is a source of a great deal of confusion as we never really learn about this at school or talk about it in the media.
@darkwolf4434 2 жыл бұрын
@@secularnevrosis Not really, we still have production as a goal. Sure, we have great working conditions compared to many nations due to social democracy but I wouldn't consider us socialist atleast not the common term which is revolutionary socialism. We consider production to be most important for society because that works way better than a more socialist society will work including market socialism since that will effect smaller societies in a big way.
@myonline1985 2 жыл бұрын
6:51 You probably think of Denmark first due to the danes having a larger influence in english history. All the scandic tribes shared a common language and culture and sent out viking raiders. Danes conquered large swathes of northern Europe, norwegians discovered vast new places to live in and swedes went to the asian steppes and layed the foundation for the biggest thorn in Europe's side (The Rus mentioned in the video founded/conquered/expanded the city of Novgorod and layed the foundation for the Rus Empire which is the forerunner to Russia) as well as to the Byzantine Empire where they were the personal bodyguards for multiple emperors 9:01 Monday -> latin -> The Moon's day Tuesday -> norse -> Tyr's day Wednesday -> norse -> Odin's day (Odin Woden Wotan) Thursday - > norse -> Thor's day Friday -> norse -> Frigg's day Saturday -> latin -> Saturn's day Sunday -> latin -> The Sun's/Sol's day (or The Son's day (Søndag) if you go by the christian etymology, to reference Christ and hence why it is considered a holy day in the nordics. This is christianity influencing already established traditions to usurp their meaning or using similar sounding elements to form a commonality where there actually isn't any) 12:09 A dioces is a term used for a religious partition of the land. Each dioces has a bishop as it's leader and each priest is directly answerable to the bishop of their dioces. 12:43 The Hansa aka The Hanseatic League was a loose organisation or large trading towns primarily in what is now Northern Germany. These city states combined their economic strength into the Hansa and became an economic and militaristic powerhouse by monopolising trade in the North and Baltic Seas as well as making their rivals have mysterious accidents after sending large mercenary armies at them. 14:10 Iceland was an integral part of Norway at the time, later an integral part of Denmark after Denmark-Norway ceased to be a thing. Iceland only gained autonomy in 1918 and their full independence in 1944 and is thus a fairly young nation on a European scale. 16:08 To summarize: Denmark managed to rule over Sweden for about 125 years before Gustav Vasa came in and said "yo... wtf guys... them Danes don't even like pickled herring!" and proceeded to kick the danes back out. Everything else you can basically just gloss over because it's a large back and forth much like the Hundred Years War was for England and France. 19:00 The one in the 1700's was the Great Northern War.
@fleuxdi7305 2 жыл бұрын
Sweden is not and never has been socialist. It's got a mixed economy, the same as Germany, France and Italy.
@zapid6733 Жыл бұрын
@@fleuxdi7305 Exactly, we are capitalist with some degree of socialist influence. We still have a free market and the means of production aren't controlled by the state.
@loris-bismar Жыл бұрын
Just to add some knowledge about the days. All our days in Scandinavia has its days from norse times. Måndag (monday), in Scandinavia comes from the norse god Måne which translates to moon. Might be from that english have monday since 'Lunae' is the latin word for moon? Fredag(Friday) might also be connected to the norse godess Freja. Lördag (Saturday) in Scandinavia is washing day. From the old swedish word Löga or Laugr which means to bath. Söndag(sunday) in Scandinavia is named after the sun godess 'Sol' or 'Sunna', and in old norse it was called 'Sunnudagr' which means Sun's day.
@crownprincesebastianjohano7069 2 жыл бұрын
The Swedes worked with the Allies as much as the Germans up until 1943 when the Swedes started firming up against Hitler. Trade with the Allies continued all War long, and the Swedish intelligence services were very important in helping the Allies in general and keeping watch on the German navy in particular. The Swedes also provided a V2 to the Allies when one crashed in Skane. And all the humanitarian functions Sweden played, as well as training and equipping the nascent Norwegian national forces that later played the key role in reoccupying Norway after the German surrender. Why people insist on painting Sweden as German collaborator is interesting. As if they were Swiss. Bitterness no doubt that Sweden didn't come to the aid of Norway in 1940. Though what people won't talk about is how much help Sweden gave to Finland during the Winter War. It so emptied their arsenals, to the tune of 40% of their munitions, that by the time Weserbung occurred two months later Sweden was pretty defenseless. And it is also forgotten that Sweden offered defensive pacts to both Finland and Norway in the late 30s, only for both to decline as part of their general disinterest in rearmament. Yet, when the bogeyman did come, they both assumed Sweden would simply come in and save them. Long story short, pre-War politics were complicated. And blaming Sweden for being neutral is irrational.
@ericbyo9472 2 жыл бұрын
They saved a ton of Jews as well. So the choice was either stay neutral and give the Nazis iron or get invaded within a week, have all the undesirables sent to concentration camps and they get the iron anyway.
@bf2840 2 жыл бұрын
I think that it is the way that Sweden has painted itself after the 2. World War that has been the problem. Sweden has said over and over again that it was the neutrality that saved Sweden, but both Norway and Denmark were neutral too. Sweden wasn't occupied, because Sweden gave Hitler, what he wanted without a fight. I know that Sweden would have been occupied, if they had said no, but it wasn't the neutrality that save them. That has Sweden forgotten in many years. Now it seems that Sweden has learn that neutrality will not help them against Russia and maybe they will join NATO.
@crownprincesebastianjohano7069 2 жыл бұрын
@@bf2840 Yeah, what is really unsaid is that Denmark was always doomed due to proximity and the geography making it perfect for German attack. Norway also was more vulnerable due to population centers being spread out and lacking heavy industry. Sweden was an altogether different animal from the other two, the biggest difference being that the Swedish Navy was actually large considering the population of Sweden, and an obstacle that the Germany Navy was unable to overcome after Weserbung's enormous losses in destroyers and available capital ships. A German attack on Sweden would have to have been conducted strictly overland over some horrible terrain. Logistics would have been most severely difficult. And of the three, Sweden's Army, even after the extensive layouts of material to Finland, was much larger and better equipped than Norway or Denmark. The Germans would have had a fight without control of the seas and at the end of a very tenuous supply line highly vulnerable to air and partisan attack.
@thetoyyya6890 2 жыл бұрын
@@crownprincesebastianjohano7069 Germany likely would have still won if they really committed to it but it simply was not worth it for them, especially as the taking of Norway ensured that the Iron trade could continue all months of the year as long as Sweden kept selling it which was the most important thing for Germany.
@audhumbla6927 2 жыл бұрын
Exactly. People blame us for being neutral, as if it wouldve helped them if we were bombed aswell?? Dead swedes make dead other europeans less horrific?? Wtf. Thanks to us being neutral we could help others, we took in pretty much every single danish jew there was, and loads of busses were going back and forth, rescuing thousands of jews. Also we did not almost send down all our gypsies to the camps, as norway was very close to doing.
@Bummul 2 жыл бұрын
The days in Swedish is quite interesting. Monday, the moons day - Måndag Tuesday, Tyr's day - Tisdag Wednesday, Odin's Day - Onsdag Thursday, Thor's day - Torsdag Friday, Frey's day - Fredag Saturday, sort of like the bath day - "Lögurdagen", Lördag
@felixdavidsson3555 2 жыл бұрын
Same with the days in english bruh
@brickan2 2 жыл бұрын
@Gunnar Svensson 9A What are you on bro its, the exact same thing except saturday. Monday=moon day. Tuesday=tyr/tirs day, wednesday=wotans day (north germanic for Odin), thursday=thors day, friday=freys day, saturday=day of saturn, different from scandinavia, sunday, suns day.
@loris-bismar Жыл бұрын
Måndag är döpt efter den fornnordiska guden Måne.
@scyphe 2 жыл бұрын
Btw., Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Iceland and Finland have never been socialist countries. Over the centuries we've developed what's called the Nordic Model. We're all capitalist countries who happens to have tax-based social welfare systems. That's it. As for communism, it's never worked for any period of time without turning bad since it's based on the entire population supporting it (or be forced to obey the communist system which thus becomes a totalitarian system = fail).
@secularnevrosis 2 жыл бұрын
The Nordic model was created from the pressure of the unions, communists and socialists. In the Saltsjöbadsavtalen the capitalists agreed to let some of the profits go to the development of the society in Sweden. They agreed that it would be that or lose it all. Much of the same development as in the USA in the 1930's. Most people have no clue about what communism is. They think it's North Korea, China or the old Soviet Republic. Marx would have a thing or two to say about that as they failed to meet the core principle of communism.
@audhumbla6927 2 жыл бұрын
Communism NEVER worked when tried. Social welfare, in a healthy and HOMOGENOUS nation, works. When you let in millions of people from uncivilized countries, it will stop working.
@secularnevrosis 2 жыл бұрын
@@audhumbla6927 Jo du. Kan du definera vad kommunism är? Vad den faktiska skillnaden är mellan fex. kommunism, kapitalism eller feudalism? Vilka länder införde kommunism i praktiken och inte bara i ordet? Dvs. enligt Marx definiton av kommunism. Jag frågar eftersom jag har haft många tröttsamma diskussioner med folk som pratar om något helt annat eller inte ens vet vad dom själva tror sig veta. Det vi kallar at bara hålla med utan at förstå. Tack på förhand.
@audhumbla6927 2 жыл бұрын
@@secularnevrosis Haha nä du, jag tänker absolut inte agera lexikon åt dig, lär dig googla 👍🏻Vill du inte ha tröttsamma diskussioner så kom inte till mig med massa dumma frågor som du redan anser dig veta svaret på bättre än andra 🤣🤣 Toppenupplägg för tröttsam diskussion.
@audhumbla6927 2 жыл бұрын
@@secularnevrosis Men den sekulära nevrosen är uppenbar när man säger "Om vi bara lyssnat önnu mer på Marx"... 😅 Klockrent namn för en uttjatad, irrelevant och bristfällig inställning.
@nocturne7371 2 жыл бұрын
A Swedish joke is that since the Swedish Vikings was called the Rus (Routsi in Finland) then Russia is the land of the Swedes. :)
@carleryk 2 жыл бұрын
Yeah, same in Estonian (Rootsi) and other Finnic nations. The Finnic nations call Russia Venäjä/Venemaa which basically means the 'the land of the boat (people)'.
@romi1_ 2 жыл бұрын
Ruotsi*, not routsi
@nocturne7371 2 жыл бұрын
@@romi1_ Thank you for correcting my typo
@jenspetersimonsen4235 2 жыл бұрын
The swedish vikings were very influential on the forming and development of the Kiev-Rus empire ... if my memory serves me correctly :-)
@Janie_Morrison 6 ай бұрын
Please don't be in a bad mood with me I am busy through the day but I watch your videos on the night
@ZetaReticuli87 2 жыл бұрын
"Goths " or Götar as they're called is referring to where they lived. Then there were "Svear" also depending on where you lived. In the modern day the southern half of sweden is called götaland and the middle part is Svealand and farthest up in the north is Norrland. They use these words when they do weather for example, " Rain coming from the atlantic and passes over the western part of götaland"
@audhumbla6927 2 жыл бұрын
3:10 Before the potatoe we grew a lot of redbeet, carrots, other beets. And grains. But yes the potatoe had a revolutionary effect all over europe, many people will say "Sweden was built on the potatoe" or something like that. It also came at same time as vaccines and mandatory schooling for all and industrialization (broadly 1800s), so its very associated with the extreme rapid growth of population (resulting in 1/3 of all swedes emigrating to america for example). Potatoe is sill very big in europe. Potatis :)
@j.p.h.8126 2 жыл бұрын
Yeah in the times before the popato it was mostly bread or porridge.
@audhumbla6927 2 жыл бұрын
@@j.p.h.8126 yes, porridge was a big thing, many poor people lived mostly on porrigde, and yes hard asf bread.
@FXGreggan. 2 жыл бұрын
As a Swede I can only say "Don't sweat it" this history is confusing to me too :)
@1Anime4you 2 жыл бұрын
The two lakes in question are Vänern and Vättern. They are Europe's third and fifth largest lakes if you count Russia, and Europe's first and third largest lakes if you don't count Russia.
@dribrom 2 жыл бұрын
Do not confuse socialism with communism. The difference between the two is as big as between a lion and a house cat.
@MrGunnar69 2 жыл бұрын
According to Marx, communism is the end goal of socialism. Hitler probably does not agree.
@dribrom 2 жыл бұрын
@@MrGunnar69 Well first of all Marx wrote the communist handbook when he was young. Later in life he try to distance himself from that book after he had studied economy at the university. You should read his introduction to the German 2nd print of the book. Also if you read what he wrote in different news papers after he moved to London you will get a better understanding of his ideology. Also Hitler's ideas has nothing to do with socialism. What he calls national socialism really means that everyone's work inc. all the businesses should be benefitting the NAZI party and the war effort. If you read Mein Kampf you will realize it's full blown fascism that he is describing. The only reason he used the word socialism in the name was to trick people to vote for him as socialism was very popular in Germany at the time.
@sleezie100 2 жыл бұрын
A Swede here. I just wanted to say that all the pauses you add as you are asking question are just brilliant. They are so sincere and informed in a way that I have to commend you somehow. BTW, I didn't know myself about most of the things that this clip commented on.
@donkfail1 2 жыл бұрын
You don't like our herring? We have made the world drive Volvos, furnish their homes with IKEA, wear H&M, listen to Abba and even drink Absolut, Malört and that horrible Rekorderlig cider. We'll soon have you eat our pickled herring too. It's the new viking era. This time we'll make all of you Swedes. MoahahaHAHAHA!
@Geographisomethin 2 жыл бұрын
The biggest lake is Called vänern and second vätern!
@dahlizz99 2 жыл бұрын
Charles=Karl. Idk why you can't just say Karl in english aswell and make it easier for everyone😅 but Charles XII aka bossman = Karl XII. So yes XII the young king who beat everyone in battle after battle like alexander the great got killed in a trench in Norway.
@scyphe 2 жыл бұрын
Sorry for a rather long post which is mostly about the difference between the western (danish & norwegian) vikings and the eastern (swedish) vikings and why the western vikings are more well known. At the very bottom of the post (if TL;DR) is a link to a 10 minute video about the slavic tribes in what is now Ukraine, southwestern Russia etc., the Swedish viking prince Rurik and how he and his descendants founded the Kievan Rus' federation and the Rurik Dynasty as well as the fall of the dynasty when the mongol's golden horde invaded the entire area. Charles XII/the 12th was indeed the young king (aged 15 at the time of succession) that stretched the Swedish empire with his revolutionary war strategies and tactics... until he bit off more than he could chew and fell at the Battle of Poltava. We have a very complex and messy history with many kings, many wars and many events that we learned in school and most of it was just too much to remember. As for the Swedish vikings vs the Danish/Norwegian vikings, the reaason the Danish & Norwegian vikings are more prominent in western culture is because they turned westward for their conquests and spreading their influence to the British Isles, along the European western coast etc. while the Swedish vikings went east and controlled the trading routes from the Baltic sea all the way to what is today Turkey (and even Persia etc. if I remember correctly). One of the most interesting historical events is when the viking prince Rurik and his brothers from the eastern part of Sweden was invited to rule the slavic tribes (they couldn't get along with eachother) and founded the Kievan Rus' dynasty known as the Rurikid. Russia (Rusland in eastern old norse) basically means "The Land of the Rus", something that annoys many Russian 'historians' to this day while other Russian scholars etc. often refer to their viking-founded roots in a positive light. While the tribes and kingdoms in Scandinavia during the viking age were very similar when it came to language, culture, tradition and religion (asatro, translated into Aesir Faith), their geographical positions basically split them into two groups: the west norse and the east norse (west old norse was spoken in Norway and Denmark while east old norse was spoken in Sweden). Norwegian vikings settled Iceland and thus it was part of the north-western Scandinavian sphere of influence as well as being part of the Kalmar Union when the Scandinavian countries fought each other over and over again. Iceland didn't gain it's independence from Denmark until 1944!!! So basically: the western vikings are the most well known and notorious vikings in western history since they made such a huge impact towards the western and south-western part of Europe while the eastern vikings did just as much in the east and south-eastern parts of Europe and northwestern Asia and the middle east. It's all based on each group of vikings geographical position. The most important reason why western vikings and their influence is well known in the west is because of the book/collection of tales called Prose Edda, a book written by Icelandic scholar Snorri Sturluson full of tales and legends of the viking era which only covers the western viking era. The eastern viking era is covered in eastern slavic texts like the Primary Chronicle; "The Tale of Bygone Years, often known in English as the Rus' Primary Chronicle, the Russian Primary Chronicle, or simply the Primary Chronicle, is an Old East Slavic chronicle of Kievan Rus' from about 850 to 1110, originally compiled in Kiev around 1113. The work’s name originates from the opening sentence of the text, which reads: “These are the narratives of bygone years regarding the origin of the land of Rus’ , the first princes of Kiev, and from what source the land of Rus’ had its beginning.” Here's a good 10 minute youtube video about history of the slavic tribes in what is now Ukraine, western Russia, Belarus etc. and the norsemen called Rus (Swedish vikings) the Kievan Rus', the Rurik Dynasty and the end of that dynasty. Much recommended:
@Bawamba 2 жыл бұрын
24:10 Yes, Karl XII was the one shot in trench in Norway. And he was the young one. He got crowned to King at the age of 16. And he died at the age of 36.
@daxdasche6112 Жыл бұрын
Sweden is a free market capitalist economy, as in the commanding heights of the banks, corporations, utilities, infrastructure and capital is private, they just have policies to try and soften the effect of poverty and social opportunity and don't advocate more of the laissez-faire economics that can be so harsh to people who are at the lower end (i.e. most) of society.
@smurfysmemes 2 жыл бұрын
All kings Sweden had had the same names as the previous king. They just changed the number in their name by one everytime. The name only changed whenever all the males in the royal family died and when a need king was needed. Thats why there are so many different Gustavs and Karls. The kings also did the same as the previous. They all strived for dominance in north europe.
@SigfridSWE 2 жыл бұрын
The two lakes are called Vättern and Värnern Btw, you are doing great man! Thank you for taking the time to learn about my countrys history
@smurfysmemes 2 жыл бұрын
There was once a swedish king that died of eating too much.
@user-lv6rn9cf8m 2 жыл бұрын
Charles is just English/French for Karl. Gustavus is Latin for Gustav.
@jezna1785 2 жыл бұрын
To answer the question about Iceland during the Kalmar Union; it was a holding of Norway, not a sovereign nation. After Sweden forcefully leaving the Union, Norway became pretty much a vassal nation of Denmark and once Norway managed to separate from Denmark in 1814, Denmark retained control of Iceland (and the Faroes and Greenland). From this point, Iceland gradually got more and more autonomy, but it wasn't until 1944 Iceland gained full sovereignty. Wikipedia has a good page on the line of Swedish Kings; it's still a bit complex, but it's a really good reference point:
@Vizerm 2 жыл бұрын
14:20 i could very well be wrong but im not sure if iceland even had any native people to begin with. Iceland was discovered by norwegians and alot of people settled there since it was a more peaceful place with less risk of being raided I think iceland was under norwegian rule until they lost a heavy war with Sweden, and then Denmark took Iceland whilst the norwegians were struggling, so ultimately i don't think Iceland was considered a country until they got their independence from Denmark.
@pnk2748 2 жыл бұрын
considering all the wars fougt between Denmark Sweden and Norway as a Dane i cant think of anyone i hold more dearly than Sweedes and norwegians they are my brother folk.
@rateit1474 2 жыл бұрын
There was many interesting detalis missed in this animation. Bernadotte was actually planning to attack Sweden together with the Danish before he became the king of Sweden. Thats one. The warship Wasa which was resting in Mälaren for 333 years was another missed information. The tragedy over the Mountains 1718-19 the worst mountain tragedy in history is another. Or why not the complete seabattle disaster during Charles the XI. (Not Charles fault since he was a kid).
@Draktand01 2 жыл бұрын
Sweden got quite lucky with where the border between Sweden and Russian Finland got drawn, in that most of land on the Swedish side speaks mostly Swedish, laying the foundation for the transition to a modern nation state. There are some areas in the far North that speak various minorty languages (one of them being a recent offshoot of Finnish), but on the whole it probably let us shake off some of our imperialist tendencies over time, even if we lost half of our kingdom in the process. Though, we first had to opress Norway for 100 years before letting go of imperialism. Finland got a slightly worse deal, since there’s a very large minority of Swedes over there. Don’t make a mistake though, they consider themselves just as Finnish as the Finns, calling themselves ”Finlandssvenskar” or ”Finland Swedes”. Although I’m not so sure about the people autonomous living in the autonomous province of Åland, where the vast majority speaks Swedish. Either way, even they seem content with living under Finland, so long as the current status quo continues. Much like Canada, Finland is a country with two languages, one bigger than the other. I’m Swedish btw, just to clear up any bias you’ve might have spotted on my part.
@scyphe 2 жыл бұрын
Finland and Sweden have a very long history; unfortunately with Finland being under Swedish rule for a long time just like Norway has been caught between Danish and Swedish rule in the messy past. There are many people with Finnish heritage in Sweden (Finland-Swede) either speaking just Swedish or both Swedish and Finnish. In Finland there are communities where Swedish is the native language (around 260,000 in Finland and 26,000 on Åland) even though the people themselves are Finnish.
@Lunkwow 2 жыл бұрын
The Swedish and Duchy of Finland borders would have been drawn at the Kalix River but a sneaky Swedish redraw the lines to be at the Torne River instead.
@Draktand01 2 жыл бұрын
@@Lunkwow I’m pretty sure the current border was a compromise between the border proposed by Russia and the border proposed by Sweden.
@Lunkwow 2 жыл бұрын
@@Draktand01 I have heard it would have been Kalix River but that a Swedish map writer switch some names that fooled the Russian side. Note this is 20 years since I heard about it so it might be overplayed or fake.
@Draktand01 2 жыл бұрын
@@Lunkwow I honestly don’t know what kind of diplomatic tomfoolery actually went on, but that’s at least an amazing story, regardless of the authenticity.
@MichaelJohnson-vi6eh 2 жыл бұрын
Also -as you will find out in Useful Charts, the relationships in Scandinavia of one king to another are very confusing and when a king dies without issue or becomes unpopular, another dynasty or another countries ruler would be invited in.
@jmolofsson 2 жыл бұрын
Iceland was a part of this whole thing (as was Greenland). Iceland was a very independence-minded province of Norway. When Norway (de facto) became a province of Denmark in the 1500s, nothing changed for Iceland. They were not exactly forgotten, but far away. When Denmark lost Norway in the Treaty of Kiel, 1814, Greenland, Iceland and the Faroe Islands remained with Denmark. In April 1940, the British occupied Iceland and the Faroe Islands at the same time as Germany occupied the rest of Denmark. After WWII, Iceland achieved independence, the Faroe Islands autonomy.
@lenasoderberg2583 Жыл бұрын
No never shut up and pleas stay the way you are. This is why i allways come back to you channel
@herrbonk3635 2 жыл бұрын
14:16 Island was just a colony of Norway at the time. They still speak the real Norwegian language in a sense :)
@herrbonk3635 2 жыл бұрын
6:55 Denmark is more known in the Anglo Saxon world. Probably because Proto Danes were the Angles and Jutes (partly even Saxons) that formed England, the land of the Angles, in the 400s, and later invaded again in the 800s, creating the Danelaw. The Swedes (and Geats) were a very similar culture, during Bronze, Iron, Vendel and Viking ages. The major difference being they travelled east and south instead of west, as described in the video.
@Draktand01 2 жыл бұрын
While there certaintly existed a communist party in Sweden, they were dwarfed by the Social Democrats, who outright opposed communism. Social democracy is a capitalist ideology, lest you confuse it with democratic socialism, which intends to overthrow capitalism using democratic means. Social democracy is basically for those who support labour unions and the welfare state. For most of the 20th century, the Social Democrats were so big that even when they didn’t have an outright majority, they could quite easily lean on either the communists to their left or the liberals to their right. Basically, they didn’t even have to agree to the communists demands, because if they got too rowdy, the Social Democrats could just make some small consessions to the liberal parties instead, meaning they managed to keep the communists in line. The communist party adopted a democratic socialist (not social democratic) ideology after the cold war btw, and are just called ”Vänsterpartiet” (The Left Party) instead of their earlier name ”Vänsterpartiet Kommunisterna” with the wacky direct translation of ”The Left Party, the Communists”, but is probably better translated as ”The Communist Left Party”.
@TrashskillsRS 2 жыл бұрын
The best way to classify it is that the Social Democrats are leaning more towards Socialism but still in a mixed economy. It still shares a lot of things with what Karl Marx described as Socialism in terms of goals and sentences like "broadest shoulders should carry the biggest burden" Meanwhile the Communist Party was radical in how it wanted to completely reform society. An idea that got pretty tainted with the USSR collapsing and the "real" information about the USSR came out. The Left Party is still sort of radical in ideas, but it is most more aligned with the current system. The so called democratic socialists sit in a circle and discuss stuff, and wants the workers to have more influence at their work place through democratic means. It is almost a position of direct democracy (the direct opposite of authoritarianism).
@secularnevrosis 2 жыл бұрын
@@TrashskillsRS Yes they are more or less communists, they still want direct democracy and the workers owning their own work. They ditched the word communists as it was so much trouble to explain why USSR, China etc wasn't even communists but authoritarian socialists, what ever the called them selves.
@POKE650 2 жыл бұрын
The lakes are Värnen and Vättern. As you can see they are the holes left from the rocks that was thrown into the ocean to form the islands Öland and Gotland.
@Valerianqelbri 2 жыл бұрын
Do you know why the swedes drive with the windows closed? They think the smell comes from outside. Anyway. Not all Swedes are stupid. There once was a swedish inventor that invented a solarpanel powered flashlight. Har Har 😛 - 🙋🏻‍♂️🇳🇴
@bodan1196 2 жыл бұрын
Well, it is an easy mistake to make... and we only roll up the windows in the south. You know... closer to our _hygge_ neighbour. Har Har... ;-)
@northbreeze0111 2 жыл бұрын
The reason Norwegians cares a car window into desert is to roll it down to keep the heat out.
@crownprincesebastianjohano7069 2 жыл бұрын
Fun Fact: Bernadotte was not a big fan of Carl XII. He felt, correctly, military glory aside, Charles was writing checks Sweden couldn't cash being a poor, low-density population nation. Carl XII left Sweden in very poor shape. Bernadotte felt that one did not have to be a Great Power to be a great nation. And, this is borne out pretty well over the past 200 years. Also, they underplay how badly Bernadotte beat up Sweden. He was able to defeat them in two weeks of fighting. All this while part of his army was marching against the French. The irony is Denmark was given a number of chances to join the Coalition for almost a year in 1813. But, the stupidity of their idiot king brought down upon them Bernadotte's War to End All Danish Wars, fought, even more ironically with 25,000 Russians attached to his Swedish corps.
@jargien240 2 жыл бұрын
Well that was a video of the bare bone basics. They pretty much did time skipps of 100-300 years and didn't even go in on a number of larger things like how Gustaf Vasa rented ships from the Hansa League to defeat the Danes and then told the Hansa to F-off instead of paying. He said that Carl XII was one of the greatest military minds but Carl X was vastly superior in that aspect and was the one who founded the army system that Carl XII would rely on to make his armies. So if you felt a bit confused in this video don't frett, it was quite confusing and missed a lot. But then you don't have the "benifit" of spending every history lesson in middle school learning about the kings and what they did up until the Bernadotte's became the monarcs.
@RobertLidstroem 2 жыл бұрын
Beeing swedish, i enjoyed this! You change my view of the americans - to the positive!
@rockcanem 2 жыл бұрын
Sweden did trade iron to Germany during ww2. But the real profits Sweden made during WW2 whas trading mekanikalparts like sprockets, cogwheels and wheel berings to England and other allied nations. The Social Democrats had a close relation to UK during WW2. They had operations that the other political partys did not know about. Helping Norwegan sodiers to train, rest, resuply and attack German occupation forces in Norway, across the Swedish border. And Sweden provided the Allied with lots of information about the satus and numbers of german troops and equipment that Germany sent across sweden. Krigsmakten (Swedish for the War-Force.and what we called our defence back then) had two "slogans" that they were using a lot back then too. One was "Finlands sak är vår" (The Finnish cause is ours) served to have Swedish citisens to go to Finland and fight the Comunist red Army at Finnish grounds. The other one was "En svensk tiger" (A Sweede keeps silent*) was used in Krigsmakten to remind sodliers not to speak about what they saw and heard or the orders they had. So we had a lot of Swdish sodliers in the Finnish-Swedish regiments in Finland. Some of the potitikal partys wanted to join the Axis, but most did not. The Social Democrats saw Russia and Germany as equally evil and anti democratik at the time. So the neutality was part due to not wanting to suport Russias war on Finland or the German occupation of Norway. But Sweden tried to hurt both sides and still not get drawn in to the war. [*tiger means both "Tiger" and "to remain silent" in Swedish. To "say be quiet" or "say nothing" in Swedich one can use the word "Tig"]
@jarpa153 2 жыл бұрын
Sweden have more darker history than that in WWII and it was Wallenberg family who earned the big money through Investor owner for an example ABB and from jewish gold
@rockcanem 2 жыл бұрын
@@jarpa153 Well what I wrote is still true. The ABB money whas in a bigger part money from the UK and the allied. Not from Germany at all. It's a fact that both left and right sides of politics don't want you to know. The Norwegan goverment have even thanked SWE in a sermony and there are monuments put up to keep this fact in our common history between NOR and SWE.
@Roylevis 2 жыл бұрын
lakes are Vänern and Vettern and also Mälaren near Stockholm
@andersjohansson4734 2 жыл бұрын
@joshuakalin3147 2 жыл бұрын
The biggest lake is called Värnern and the smaller, more slim one is Vättern
@franzliszt8957 2 жыл бұрын
The Danish and the Norwegian vikings were mostly occupied with ransacking and conquering Western Europe, while the Swedish vikings were mostly occupied with doing the same to Eastern Europe. The invasions of England by the Vikings are one of the most legendary events in human history, so that's why the Danes are more well-known for their vikings than the Swedes.
@alvdansen7172 2 жыл бұрын
But swedes were also involed as they were with the Danes against England in that particular battle. The Danes were the one being the threat while some of the Swedish vikings helped the Danish vikings. Some sort of short alliance to take down England.
@E-jit 2 жыл бұрын
Pickled herring is delicious! 😁
@scyphe 2 жыл бұрын
That's a very subjective view. I can't stand it due to the unpleasant (imho) consistency. I do like senapssill (pickled herring in a rich mustard sauce) but that's about it.
@E-jit 2 жыл бұрын
@@scyphe Senapssill is kind of the gateway. It’s the first kind of pickled herring that I liked but now I like all that I’ve tried so far 😊
@adambohlin5112 2 жыл бұрын
Iceland were vikings from Norway, Greenland were taken by Danish vikings, in the UK southern parts were taken by Denmark, Wales by the Swedes and Scotland by Norway.
@GerruG 2 жыл бұрын
The two big lakes are called Vänern and Vättern. The bigger of the two is Vänern.
@carolus2723 2 жыл бұрын
The two big lakes in sweden are Vänern och Vättern. mythological stories tell that a male giant grabbed pices of swedish land(Vänern och Vättern) threw them in the baltic sea to make it easier for his pregnant female giant to walk across, and thus creating the two islands outside sweden called Öland and Gotland
@jonassvensson5500 2 жыл бұрын
How can u think about Denmark when they say viking age? when Sweden hade the most famous vikings leader in history?
@secularnevrosis 2 жыл бұрын
To talk about Swedish, Danish or Norwegians in that period is more of a geographic place than nations of any kind. And I would argue that the "Danish" king Canute actually was the most influential "viking" during the whole period. This I must say even though I'm a Swede.
@jenspetersimonsen4235 2 жыл бұрын
The Hanseatic League was a collaboration of primarily german cities along the coast of the Baltic Sea who were excelling in trade business - ans quite succesfull in the middle ages :-)
@Fenris77 2 жыл бұрын
6:11 The big lake is the "Vänern" and the small lake is the "Vättern" it is said in our myths that giants once threw dirt out to sea forming the now twop islands Öland and Gotland...
@FaithlessDeviant 2 жыл бұрын
I think it was in 1944 Iceland declared independency from denmark while denmark was occupied by Germany.
@emiljohansson2698 2 жыл бұрын
In the Hagia Sofia there is a rune inscription saying, i think the name was, " Harald was here" , kind of funny for s person a thousand years ago
@emiljohansson2698 2 жыл бұрын
+ Kievan rus was founded by vikings, although they integrated quite fast
@joakimwidell1242 2 жыл бұрын
Like others have stated. All names are adapted to Latin and English. Carl>Carolus>Charles. Gustaf(v)>Gustavus etc..
@Macovic 2 жыл бұрын
We know goths eas just not one ethnic group but probably several merging germanic and slavic peoples, and also a movement which at least begun in northen Poland (today’s), but in terms of etymology they seem to have been the same people as the gotlanders and geats (göts/götar), depicted on the map. That is the general idea. Yeas Iceland was way before the middle ages populated by Irish christisn monks and by early vikings from at least Norway around 700 or so. During the world wars Sweden continued trade wth Germany and allowed troups to transfer. But in secret trained troups to fight of Germans and Soviets in Norway and Finland and supported their arsenals.
@rawreth 2 жыл бұрын
6:04 those 2 big lakes are called Vänern and Vättern
@herrbonk3635 2 жыл бұрын
6:05 The big lakes are Vänern (west) and Vättern (central). Plus Mälaren (east), approximately between Stockholm and Uppsala. But theses lakes were all much bigger a thousand years ago.
@otgiggs 2 жыл бұрын
Was Vättern really bigger back then? Maybe a long time ago, after the ice age, but not a 1000 years ago? Vänern has been bigger just like Vättern after the ice age, but also because of seasonal floodings. And a little more than a thousand years ago Mälaren wasn't even a lake, it was a fjord and as such a part of the Baltic sea. When Birka was of any importance, Mälaren wasn't a lake yet.
@crabking6815 2 жыл бұрын
the lakes are called vänern and vättern, the two biggest ones.
@Alianger 2 жыл бұрын
28:20 It's not showing the whole picture there in that there was also a communist party, still around today, which changed its name as late as 1990 and one of their more recent leaders was against tearing down the berlin wall. As a personal anectode one of my relatives used to date a maoist back in the 70s or 80s who should show pictures of smiling people to her and my parents and say that they were better off under Mao. On the other hand sweden was influential in the whole racial science thing early on, though that was under social democratic rule IIRC.
@johnsandberg9364 2 жыл бұрын
32:10 Viking were the first to discover north america to btw
@mobbad100 2 жыл бұрын
my grandmother who was alive during ww2 her dad had to hide a pice of ring sausage just so the can do by and they heard all the troops (rebellian or not) going outside their home. and for all of you negative people, they used everything to cover theyr windows so it would seem like the house was empty
@nightwing.3378 2 жыл бұрын
Denmark rules, we even took down Paris literally.
@MrZenGuitarist Жыл бұрын
Just wanted to say something that might be helpful: 'Charles' is the English form of 'Karl'...just as they often latinized earlier names of the Kings of Sweden, as for as ex. 'Gustavius' and 'Adolph(i)us' - which in Swedish is 'Gustav' and 'Adolf' respectively. Hope it was helpful, at least somewhat...the history of all Nordic countries is quite messy to be honest (I don't follow it completely myself, and I'm Swedish ;-) ). Sweden and Denmark have fought countless wars with eachother, as they both tried to dominate, both lands in what is today Sweden, but perhaps mainly places and water-ways in the Baltic Sea. Just to take two of the Nordic countries as an ex. (It is a lot messier still!). ;-)
@edvardnilsson7551 2 жыл бұрын
Almost every day of the week is named after an asagod in sweden
@jonatanng 2 жыл бұрын
5:00 raiding didnt really limit your options for trading, unless the people you raid had the ability to resist you if they chose to. A farming village of a tribal society that got raided by vikings last year, sees the viking comming again, will definitely prefer trading, even if they would prefer not interacting at all
@forestryscience3709 2 жыл бұрын
23:10. They fight Norway, but the video shown the danish flags.
@alexIngemanssson 2 жыл бұрын
The only scanian part that still is danish is the Island of Bornholm + some smaller Islands. Dont forget that scania ones were an own country.
@Wulfzz 2 жыл бұрын
"Places that don't have great soil" while moving the cursor over Skåne and southern Sweden. That's some of the best soil in the world.
@Romancelovemii 2 жыл бұрын
Mmmm, not back then.. a lot of stones and uneven land.
@marcusnilsson9491 2 жыл бұрын
The two big lakes are called Vättern And Vänern. There is a legend a giant grabbed the land and threw it out in the the ocean creating the islands Gotland And Öland on the eastcoast.
@brittcarlsson8609 2 жыл бұрын
I think Själland in Denmark fits into Vänern. There is a story about Giant Gefion plowing Up Vänern and made Själland...
@TzunSu 2 жыл бұрын
Yes, the goths are from Sweden! It's where the named for Gothenburg comes from. Keep of the goths.
@Loyror 2 жыл бұрын
There is some scientific debate as to where the goths actually came from/lived. The English equivalent if the Swedish "götar" is geats. The origin of goths has been placed in Poland. There are Roman sources suggesting both perspectives.
@spandex8249 2 жыл бұрын
the two lakes call Värnen and vättern
@joakimfritzon4584 2 жыл бұрын
The city of Kristianstad in Scania still calles him Kristian the Great and everything is named C4. Very fun because the rest of sweden calls him Kristian the Tyrrant.
@Griexxt 2 жыл бұрын
Kristianstad was founded by Christian IV, which is why they use his monogram. He lived 100 years after Christian II, which is the king you’re talking about.
@audhumbla6927 2 жыл бұрын
what us C4 ?
@joakimfritzon4584 2 жыл бұрын
@@audhumbla6927 Christian IV. Its fun with C4 tho. There is a shopping mall and basically everything is named after him.
@audhumbla6927 2 жыл бұрын
@@joakimfritzon4584 Aha, interesting, unusual in sweden to have such reverance for a certain historical king, cool! 🌞
@johnsandberg9364 2 жыл бұрын
17:10 fun fact. We kept like some traditions from the catholism church when we became protestatic. (clothes, processionsetc)
@gustavblide4325 2 жыл бұрын
Yeah, a Sunday worship in the Swedish Church would look much more Catholic than Evangelical/Pentecostal to most foreigners. We basically kept the Catholic traditions, threw out the Pope and adopted some Lutheranian ideas.
@Hugooooooooo21 2 жыл бұрын
Försvarsmakten means "The Defense Power" and is in other words our military...
@AA-iq6ev 2 жыл бұрын
Oh as a Swedish i think its intresting Swedish people are still very individualist and company hierarchy is often very flat. So the roots goes deep here it seams :P. .
@antonp92 2 жыл бұрын
Rus does not mean "rowing men" its the name of peaople living in Rutenien, called Roslagen in modern times.
@MrHexxer51 2 жыл бұрын
the two big lakes is vättern and vänern :D
@williamkpc9306 2 жыл бұрын
Did you know that Swedens symbol the three crowns is a sybol from the time the Danmark Sweden and Norway hade there own Kingdoms but only one king rule them in.
@ow2347 2 жыл бұрын
No, it's not.Three crowns were used before the union was created. It's a very common misconception.
@kalegolas 4 ай бұрын
In Sweden ghots is called götar, it have nothing with todays goth culture to do. And yes götar (goths) is swedish. The two lakes is Vättern and Vänern, Sweden is ofcourse known for having most islands in the world but we also have a few sort of big lakes, you can also see Hjälmaren and Mälaren in the picture you saw then you asked.
@jarls5890 2 жыл бұрын
If you are interested in the actual place where Carl XII met his end - many years ago I made a video (in cooperation with the Fortress commander) - detailing the fort he tried to take. The video is old and not the best quality, unfortunately - but it goes into great detail of the whys and hows of the fortifications: /watch?v=NcsZtsmMllg
@maryamniord2214 Жыл бұрын
Iceland was a part of Norway/Denmark at that point but not hard controlled.
@gunn-brittslagochetik2863 2 жыл бұрын
when a king is called charles/carolus those are just the english and latin versions of the name, the real one is karl, same with gustav and the latin version gustavus.
@spiritwolf7 2 жыл бұрын
Well you should even look up sabaton too,they have history channel that are linked to their music..and yes they are a swedish metal band and sing about war heroes in the world like Carleous rex the swedish king,or 40:1 1000 men in Poland was against 40000 men and they withstand for 3 much to learn in their music
@notjackolio 5 ай бұрын
The Kievan Rus (mother state of Russia, Ukraine, and Belarus) was formed by Swedish vikings and had close ties with Sweden, this meant that the local culture, language, and all were highly affected by the norse ways.
@Nativusdes 2 жыл бұрын
21:20 I know, it's confusing. Honestly the last great king you need to know about is Karl XII (Carolus Rex) List of cool monarchs (There are a few king's in between some of these) It starts with Gustav Vasa, the guy who threw the danes out. Also the first notorious/legendary king in Sweden. Then Gustav II Adolf (Gustavus Adolphus) for obvious reasons. He is also the grandson of Gustav Vasa. Then Karl X (Mr. I'm going to raid Poland and take away 1/3 of Denmark's land by just crossing this little bridge of Ice) Related to Gustav Vasa too Then Karl XI (Reminded the Danes that Scania is Swedish in the Battle of Lund) Once again, related to Gustav Vasa and son of Karl X And finally, Karl XII for obvious reasons. Related to Gustav Vasa and son of Karl XI Then it's a steeep downhill for Swedish Monarchs
@Iamtheoneandonly01 2 жыл бұрын
You forgot Carl XVI Gustaf. Meme legend, wears funny hats. Also knows how to read.
@Nativusdes 2 жыл бұрын
@@Iamtheoneandonly01 that last one is questionable
@Iamtheoneandonly01 2 жыл бұрын
@@Nativusdes U right. Should've been "mostly knows how to read".
@0Quiwi0 2 жыл бұрын
The Denmark = Vikings comes from the thing that pretty much all Scandic people were called Danes back in the day. People didn't know about the world that much so anyone speaking a Scandic language was called a Dane as Denmark was who they met the most as it's in the mainland Europe
@dan9521 2 жыл бұрын
Great insight
@pedroconcha1715 2 жыл бұрын
social democracy has nothing to do with communism
@periaadoc 2 жыл бұрын
Sweden was never a communist country. The socialist variant that became dominant was called the Social Democrats. (think Bernie Sanders.). At the end of the 19th Cent. there was some major movements that formed the society. The Unions, The sobriety movement and " the free Church movement" ( Protesting against The State church.) All of these helped form a new society. with social reforms. Also: after a lot of strikes and chaos, the unions and The Employers' Association made a working peace with central negotiations on wages and working conditions A small sidenote: most of the social welfare programs that Europe have mostly came from the US and the thoughts of FDR.
@Bawamba 2 жыл бұрын
There's a grp of people that every year drive down to "Skåne" (which is the southern region) to dig. The reason they dig, is to cut them of from Sweden 😂
@VomitationStudios 2 жыл бұрын
the biggest lake is called Vänern and the other one vättern. "goths" region witch now is cut in half is called translated west gothland and east gothland.
@rateit1474 2 жыл бұрын
Iceland was a part of both the Kalmar union and they are a part of the Nordic union. They are not a part of Scandinavia which many ppl believe. Iceland was ruled by the Danish during the middle ages. The Icelandic ppl came from Norway.
@alchgaming4672 2 жыл бұрын
the lakes is called the Vänern and Vättern. i live 100 m from Vänern so i know
@DrProvidence 2 жыл бұрын
The two big lakes are the long Vätern and the biggest lake in Sweden: The Vänern
@williambranch4283 2 жыл бұрын
Trading colonies, precede proper imperialism. Usually from off shore islands or easily defendable peninsulas (see Hong Kong) ... what is Denmark?. This is where money comes in ... when all you have is a seasonal faire for farmers/fishermen/herdsmen ... the flea market isn't that complicated. As the faire becomes more frequent and more complicated, hard money improves efficiency ... which grew rapidly with the refining of pure silver coins (drachma) and larger supplies of raw silver (Spanish mines). Gold coin (and earlier electrum) isn't convenient for normal trades, it is too valuable for small purchases.
@johansson827 2 жыл бұрын
Swedes started growing potatoes when a woman told the men farmers they could make high alcohol rate drinks and thats how they started growing potatoes
@ar_vigge1413 2 жыл бұрын
The two big lakes in sweden are Värnern and Vättern
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