American Reacts to Why the UK is Doomed After Brexit

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SimplySavage Reactions

SimplySavage Reactions

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American reacts to why the UK is doomed after Brexit. If anyone noticed, I had an issue with all of my recording equipment so I was not able to record in my normal template style. I hope that you guys will educate me more on what exactly Brexit is. Thanks to everyone who watches my reactions and supports the channel.

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@craignhs5932 Жыл бұрын
Ooft you're brave touching on this Jamesy. This one could be a bumpy ride 😂
@SimplySavageReactions Жыл бұрын
Well I don’t know much of anything about the whole situation so I am counting on the viewers to help educate me on Brexit.
@craignhs5932 Жыл бұрын
@@SimplySavageReactions Oh I've a feeling you'll be "educated" alright lol. 😉
@MP-jy5ic Жыл бұрын
Agree this is still a massively contentious subject.... wait for the bile to flow from people on both sides of the argument 🤣
@dogwithwigwamz.7320 Жыл бұрын
I don`t think I`ve ever seen anyone so eager to come here as this chap. He does make me laugh. Have a great vacation, soon, James.
@sindbad8411 7 ай бұрын
UK: We want a rebate on the member fees EU: OK UK: We don't want to be in the Euro zone EU: OK UK. We don't want to be in Schengen area EU: OK UK: We want restriction on benefits until people worked here for some time EU: OK UK: We want to stop child benefit payments for children who aren't in the UK EU: OK UK: We want to kick out people who come here but don't work and can't afford to support themselves. EU: That's fine, you already can. UK: We want loads of preferential treatment that other countries don't get EU: Err, can't really give you that without everyone agreeing UK: Don't give us what we want and we'll leave EU: That's a bit of an over reaction, but your choice UK: OK we're leaving EU: Bye then UK: Now we're leaving, we want all the things we had before EU: Err, no. It doesn't work like that UK: If you don't give us what we want and we'll leave with nothing EU: (Scratches head) OK, umm, well, yeah? UK: We're serious, we'll walk away with nothing to teach you a lesson EU: Bye (again)
@quantisedspace7047 Жыл бұрын
Are you seriously saying you've never heard of the Channel Tunnel ? It'd been on and off as a project for 200 years, but finally opened in the 1990s. It is a railway tunnel, with cars being loaded onto specialised shuttle trains. You need a passport to use it.
@SimplySavageReactions Жыл бұрын
I really have never heard of the tunnel. You gotta understand, I'm in North Carolina. I can't speak for anyone else, but from my perspective, we are taught from kindergarten that US is the absolute best place in the world to be and the best country in the world at everything so we need not inconvenience ourselves with the underwhelming world outside our borders. We are the world's superhero, exposing and demolishing any and all evil that threatens our freedom. We briefly discussed other places but it must've been very little because I don't remember much. *in reality, the great USA is not the world's superhero, it's the world's bully. We have killed more innocent people in the name of fighting terrorism than the so called terrorists have. We have more than enough money to reform the education system for the better, but omg then what would the poloticians do without all of the bonuses and vacations? Can't have that. Our military has state of the art equipment and training yet there are veterans homeless and starving, suffering from things only developed after serving. It literally hurts my heart how screwed up the US is, but whats more sickening is as bad as we are, we ignore our massive amount of faults and highlight and brag about the 2 or 3 things that we do get right from time to time.
@ianwalker5842 Жыл бұрын
@@SimplySavageReactions James, it's perfectly understandable that you didn't know about the Channel Tunnel! What you've written here, eloquently and honestly, about inadequacies in your own country shows a lot of humility and informed social awareness. Good on you! And please try not to take negative comments to heart. You never know where people are coming from in their own lives when they direct frustrations or criticism at you, so try not to take it personally, though I know that can be hard at times, especially when you're doing your very best to learn about and understand people's situations in other parts of the world.
@Sophie.S.. Жыл бұрын
@@ianwalker5842 Well said - I totally agree.
@BC_Joshie Жыл бұрын
This video is wrong on quite a few things, for example even before Brexit you always had to bring your passport and go through passport control traveling around Europe.
@deankelz29 Жыл бұрын
"If you are an EU national, you do not need to show your national ID card or passport when you are travelling from one border-free Schengen EU country to another."....the video is correct you must be well travelled and educated .. maybe do research before saying things or people are wrong when your obviously not sure lol
@quantisedspace7047 Жыл бұрын
You only needed to show your passport when entering/exiting the Schengen region; INTRA that region, there was no need.
@Rhyfelwr_Cymreig Жыл бұрын
Same i have always needed my passport and i travel multiple times per year
@BC_Joshie Жыл бұрын
I've travelled Europe many times, by plane, ferry, Eurotunnel, I have visited every European country also where a group of us travel by motor bike stopping in multiple locations of each country. I am Welsh, Always needed my passport at every border, my missus is Croatian she always needed her Passport, explain that Dean, you tool?...
@deankelz29 Жыл бұрын
@@BC_Joshie because you being welsh and from the uk and not part of the schengen region you still had to show a passport like myself but most of the EU members what the video was talkin about dont... And if u wana say well the video wasnt specific well nor was u with your dumb comment and if you done all that travelling you wouldnt of replied with what you did lol
@Shoomer1988 Жыл бұрын
Oh and you always needed a passport to enter the UK. We opted out of the no passport checks.
@The-Underbaker Жыл бұрын
Unless you arrive on a dinghy from France...
@timglennon6814 Жыл бұрын
Yes the U.K. doesn’t pay those European fees, but we haven’t got a clue where the money is going. You would think that all this money the U.K. has saved that our poxy Government could give Doctors, Nurses, Paramedics and other civil servants a decent wage.
@sally5983 Жыл бұрын
You do realise Covid and Ukraine war has had an effect on finances right?
@Michael-vz9xk 11 ай бұрын
20:41 everbody in europe knew it was a bad idea, and they even were one of the few that was allowed to keep their currency when they joined, guess that won´t happen the second time arround. Irish history is bloody and defo not my speciality but worth investigating.
@jamiehammell1 Жыл бұрын
hi simplysavage. why are you so scared to try the black pudding? it basically tastes like a peppery sausage.
@SimplySavageReactions Жыл бұрын
It's just the thought of blood lol
@Darrensparanormaladventures Жыл бұрын
@@SimplySavageReactions eating congealed pigs blood doesn’t appeal to me either
@jamiehammell1 Жыл бұрын
@@SimplySavageReactions its main ingredient sounds bad, but it has no hints whatsoever to that once eaten
@Darrensparanormaladventures Жыл бұрын
This video you found wasn’t a very well balanced video Would probably have been better finding a video with the arguments for and against brexit This video was without a doubt bias towards remain
@davidroberts794 9 ай бұрын
Very true, however for anyone outside of the EU, for or against will mean little. I agree this video he watched, was not a little biased but hugely biased.
@anthonyferris8912 8 ай бұрын
Eight months later and just about every prediction in this video was wrong.😂
@pastvz2781 10 ай бұрын
This video is so wrong in many facts: 1. The UK has NEVER been in the Schengen area, meaning the UK has ALWAYS carried passport checks, and the EU has ALWAYS carried passport checks to UK passports as well. The only difference now is that EU nationals cannot use their ID card to enter the UK, and that UK nationals cannot "skip" the line in EU airports when coming from outside of the EU. 2. The EU doesn't simply have "favourable trade terms". It is literally a single market with freedom of movement, capital, services and people. It's like saying New York and California have "favourable trade terms"... Sure, it is favourable to trade... simply because there aren't any trade terms at all. Also even after Brexit the UK has still access to the EU Single Market and neither party has set any inspections yet (which defeats the whole purpose of Brexit but that's another story)... The problem the UK has been facing with shortages is due to red tape (which has made many EU firms reluctant to trade with the UK) and a real insufficiency of truck drivers. 3. Free movement of labour only applies to EU citizens, who can live, work, retire, etc. in any EU country without any visa. If you're not an EU citizen, you need to apply for a visa which is ONLY valid in the country you apply to. The video implies non-EU migrants are not coming to the UK because they'd rather apply for an EU visa for 27 countries. This is false, as this visa simply doesn't exist. Also non-EU migration into the UK has increased considerably. Labour shortages are due to highly skilled EU citizens which used to move to the UK (such as doctors, nurses, engineers, professors, etc.) not coming anymore. Why would the bother with a visa into a country that has stabbed them in the back when they can just walk into 26 others with exactly the same rights and social benefits as its nationals?
@danobanano2505 Жыл бұрын
Did you know cambridge analytica helpen influence in the Brexit, after helping Trump win the elections in the US
@generaladvance5812 Жыл бұрын
Nice balanced video you found there.
@TrudyBusterKittyMadness Жыл бұрын
You are picking a BIG topic. You need to look into the northern Irish troubles and Scottish independence.
@tonyhallam8544 Жыл бұрын
Independence was big issue but unfortunately we have useless political leaders messlng it up. All party's guilty video very pro EU bias
@Jimmy_Jones Жыл бұрын
The thing I will never get is that the vote was so close. But they went with it anyway. They probably still would have done it if the results were 50.1% (it was actually 51.89%) vs 49.9%
@quantisedspace7047 Жыл бұрын
The vote was close but there was no 'don't know' option. It's not like a 'shall we paint the house red or shall we paint it yellow ? - oh, the vote is so close, let's do neither until we can come up with another idea'. There was no middle way: either actively remain, or actively leave. I guess you are of the viewpoint that the 'do nothing' option would be equivalent to 'remain'. I guess that you are of the opinion that 'it's the way it is. We'd need a damn good reason to abandon it for what you see as an extravagant move'. If you grew up never knowing anything else, I guess you'd have that viewpoint. For those of us who were old enough when we joined, it was clear that 'joining' was an anomalous thing to do. Not necessarily 'bad' but unusual. We were told that the Common Mkt, as was, was a purely trading cartel thing, and people voted for the CM on that basis. Even at the age of 10, I could see that this was untenable and a load of other things (pillars) would need to be built to make this work. Then came the inevitable series of 'Treaty of %EuropeanCity%' came along, taking us further away from the promoted vision of free trade. It was such a slow ramp, that many people couldn't see the incremental changes taking place. Then there was talk of losing control of borders, currency, lawmaking, army, immigration. When it started, the EEC was just a few European countries that people had actually heard of. There were about nine, and most people could list them all. Now, there are c27 of them, all with varied cultures, histories, geographies, legal systems, economics. People had just had enough of all this political manœuvring, which would make Trump look serene! Those of us who voted leave wanted to get rid of all this shit and be a proper self-government sovereign nation. I, for one, didn't expect it to be easy: I knew it would take 10y or more for things to stabilise. I thought it was worth the risk. Other people didn't. That's how voting works: you vote for what you want, irrespective of how 'wrong' it is. We were given a binary choice, and this choice was advertised (for the remain side) as being purely about economics. Those of us who were already 'poor' could get no purchase on these ideas because they would make no diffs to us (they might as well have advertised 'free swimming pool maintenance if we remain" to people who have minimal living conditions anyway). We were given a binary choice. Inevitably, those who were aggrieved by the EU voted to leave because there was no 'stay in the Common Mkt but outside the political/lawmaking realm'. Then there were the 'I voted for Leave, not for any specific variant of Leave - just fng LEAVE' crowd. So, am I glad I voted out ? Yes. Did it turn out how I expected ? Yes ? Finally, Northern Ireland was and is, seen as a bit of an anomaly to the UK. I daresay most GB people even think about it. BrExit is supposed to be the exit of the UK from the EU, but it is well named, as it appears that it is only Britain (and not NI) that is leaving. It appears that NI actually wanted to remain. Well, they got their wish. However, if they are 'allowed' to remain, it leaves no justification for Scotland being forced to leave either.
@valeriedavidson2785 Жыл бұрын
@@quantisedspace7047 In 1975 I voted NO because I could see that we were signing our country away. I listened to the debates on BBC2 most evenings. A lot of people didn't and voted Yes. At the time I was desperately disappointed and have waited all these years to get my wish. I only want them to get on with it.
@valeriedavidson2785 Жыл бұрын
Jimmy Jones. A win is a win.
@quantisedspace7047 Жыл бұрын
@@valeriedavidson2785 Yes, in 1975 I was 10yo so couldn't vote. I just couldn't get how people were so bewitched by this idea. I would have voted to leave at any time between then and when I did.
@Cunning.Stunt7 Жыл бұрын
Firstly, your maths makes no sense. 😆 it was 51.89% vs 48.11% Secondly we won! The End.
@daveterry4326 Жыл бұрын
NB, the narrator lied entirely, England wasn't the only nation to vote to leave the EU... Wales voted to leave the EU as well!
@fuckyoutubecomments7530 2 ай бұрын
wow what a difference. Wales is SUCH a different country
@sally5983 Жыл бұрын
It's a bit premature to say the UK is doomed & there's a lot of bias scare mongery in this vid in regards the UK breaking up. Without doubt we do have a workforce shortage which was before Brexit fulfilled by visiting workers from outside the UK. However, this video implies we have food shortages and empty shelves, that's simply not true and that tourism will decline because of passports and honestly that's ludicrous. It's hard to gage in this early stage what the true effects are and will be, you can't exclude the effects of covid and the Ukraine war. Btw I am a business owner and travel to Germany almost monthly and haven't suffered the suggested queues or difficulties suggested by this vid of crossing boarders.
@enoshima6699 Жыл бұрын
good to know you have not suffered that much; unlike the hundreds of fishermen and farmers who lost their market, countless of small businesses that are no longer viable, and thousands of brits suffering with inflation, and the lack of staff in the NHS and other gov services. the UK is now undoubtedly poorer and less competitive than its EU peers.
@sally5983 Жыл бұрын
@@enoshima6699 Good businesses learn to adapt, not like we didn't get enough warning. Inflation isn't down to Brexit.
@enoshima6699 Жыл бұрын
@@sally5983 i know, that's why good businesses moved bulk of their trading houses in Ireland and Poland; moving good paying UK jobs to EU. well done. It is asinine to ignore the effects of trade barriers, labour movement restrictions, and business closures to the cost of living crisis, uniquely suffered by brits. Maybe it is because youve not suffered difficulties. lol
@sally5983 Жыл бұрын
@@enoshima6699 " cost of living crisis, uniquely suffered by brits" is an outright lie. That my dear is world wide go check. Again, inflation is not down to Brexit. Please go gen up on it before you reply again.
@enoshima6699 Жыл бұрын
@@sally5983 nope, inflation in UK is deeper and more painful than elsewhere in EU. it also affects the poor in UK more, and it will have more long-lasting effects than in other EU economies. erecting trade barriers with yourself, and starting a trade war within your economy; create more expensive goods. the ukraine war, the pandemic, and brexit has ensured that UK economy will have decades to rebuild before it can go back to pre-referendum econ level.
@dogglebird4430 6 ай бұрын
The video is misleading. Very few people who voted to leave the EU have changed their minds. What has happened is that many people who didn't bother to vote, or were too young to vote, have decided they would rather the UK hadn't left, and a significant number of Brexit voters have died, so calling it "Brexit buyers' remorse" is not accurate. I voted to leave and I believe it was the right decision.
@mariafletcher6603 Жыл бұрын
There's gonna be Anarchy in this country one day. I'm just surprised it hasn't started already. it might not happen in my life time. but if it does I'll be there with me Zimmer frame I'll give it a Bloody good go thats for sure. from 🇬🇧👍 an old cockney gal
@flo6956 Жыл бұрын
Brexit voter here. That video is the most biased left wing tosh I've ever seen on the subject. Extremely pro EU. No criticism of you just unfortunately you picked a poor video . I know no Brexit voters that have changed their mind but I do know Remainers that changed their mind after the Brexit vote purely because of the EU attitude
@shauny2340 Жыл бұрын
Remoaner tears are so refreshing.
@sindbad8411 9 ай бұрын
Well Brexiteer's nightmares after Macron's latest proposal for a sort of tiered structure to EU membership is gaining support and alarming brexiteers. is truly refreshing. The proposal has mostly Eastern Europe in mind, but offers interesting possibilties for the UK. It would offer economic ties without political alignment. Brexiteers are panicking because it cuts their main argument from under them.
@meriadecdebersacsurrivelie5235 7 ай бұрын
Rermainers are the only good reason to continue to be respectfull with all Britts.
@judithhope8970 Жыл бұрын
When we joined the EU it was just a trade contract. Gradually they brought in laws that we had to obey and gradually they were taking over our laws. Some were good but it felt invasion by stealth. It's a shame about the current lack of immigration, as this has benefitted us over the centuries. The tunnel is under the sea. It's also a shame this isn't a British person explaining this. Things have improved now although there are problems. I expect we'll sort it out but I'm not sure the current government will improve the situation. A lot of people unfortunately voted for it because of the immigration which appeared to be overwhelming but this was short sighted and misinformation. As an ordinary person I haven't noticed any difference myself. COVID caused more disruption and because we didn't have to abide by EU rules we got through it more easily as we could buy necessary equipment from anywhere we chose. The EU had strict rules on the way fishing could be done but some countries didn't follow the rules and were destroying sea beds with their tactics. They weren't following rules of animal welfare either so our farmers had to give high levels of animal welfare but then our government allowed cheaper imports from other countries that didn't follow the rules. There were so many problems I can't even list them all. And we paid massive amounts for this privilege. We were paying for two governments. You wouldn't have tolerated having another country tell you how to run the US so please don't criticise too much. We should have negotiated more than just pulling out but I'm not sure that would have accomplished anything, not with our rubbish government. xx good reaction. There are gaps sometimes where the tomatoes used to sit in the supermarkets, so this is a real over dramatisation. This government has caused the striking in this country. It has little to do with Brexit.
@craignhs5932 Жыл бұрын
Couldn't have put it any better myself 👏
@cockneycharm3970 Жыл бұрын
Very well said. Plus people can't help themselves blaming everything on Brexit, as they don't want to blame their beloved crooked EU.
@ichbinschanppi Жыл бұрын
We didn;t have to abide by them. We had the right to make our own decisions on any of them
@quantisedspace7047 Жыл бұрын
@@ichbinschanppi Well, yes, we could have have just done a French thing and said FO to the EEC Directives, and successors. Our lawmakers didn't, but gold-plated them.
@ichbinschanppi Жыл бұрын
@@quantisedspace7047 yeah this whole narrative of "we had to follow EU laws" that leave want us to believe was yet another lie they bought into and are trying to convince themselves is true. It's a scary thought that such an important decision was decided by people who have no idea what they were voting for. It's also the only time I can think of people voting to actively make themselves poorer and have fewer opportunities
@ssgeek4515 Жыл бұрын
From a UK persons point of view.We thought that European bureaucrats in brussels who we never elected were making rules on our behalf.I guess we wanted to make our own decisions but the goods issue was over-looked.
@kevonslims7269 Жыл бұрын
Didn’t thenUK have a say in the rules that were made, I thought all members had a yay or nay.
@moniquehenry4041 8 ай бұрын
And it is false to say that the EU is not democratic. Members of the European Parliament Members are directly elected by citizens (universal suffrage). And the European Commission and European Council are run by each member State government representative (the prime ministers, the ministers in charge of the topic such as education or farming). So the UK was a rule maker, and had a vetoe right, as the others (and the UK was very influencial ). Of course, there is a loss of soveignty, just as in NATO or in your own family (when you are just a member of a family, you have to take the others into account). Your newspapers have been lying for years, usign Europe bashing. Your politicians also lied to you , telling you would keep all the benefits once you would be out, whereas it was clearly stated right at the begining that you would become a third country.
@brendahuxtable8767 Жыл бұрын
It’s called Democracy we can vote our leaders out , but have no say in how much money we pay into the EU or who is the leader and how much money they waste .
@iansearle3967 Жыл бұрын
This video is so untrue it just has to be totally ignored. What a load of rubbish. Voted leave and would do so again without a second thought.
@SimplySavageReactions Жыл бұрын
I'm sorry. So many people have told me just how biased this videos is. I never watch a video before reacting to it and didn't really know what brexit it was. I was just trying to learn but I hope you understand that I really meant no offense in any way
@davidroberts794 9 ай бұрын
@@SimplySavageReactions Actually, you don't need to say sorry. I doubt anyone actually has taken offence at you, certainly will have against some posts (regardless of which side you are on) but not you personally. You watched the video to learn, nothing wrong with that. No subject is clear cut, there will always be two sides of any disagreement. The video is very biased that you watch, but then if you watch one that was all for brexit, it be just as biased. My issue with the remainders is (BTW I did vote to remain myself but given another vote I would vote out) 4 years later still cannot except a democratic vote, still spouting the UK is doomed, but really still here and doing as well as any other EU country, despite us having left. Yes as with any change there will be winners and will be losers, who lost out. Which to me is no different with a change of government from one political party to another. I am sure this also applies to the US too.
@petermizon4344 Жыл бұрын
@ichbinschanppi Жыл бұрын
As a historian ... brexit and this government scare me to death
@valeriedavidson2785 Жыл бұрын
@@ichbinschanppi The government scares me to death but certainly not scared of Brexit. Who are these nutters who want to sign their country away! It is all about sovereignty and independence. I just want this incompetent government to get on with it.
@quantisedspace7047 Жыл бұрын
@@ichbinschanppi You must scare very easily then. The government might be incompetent, but it's only the USAns who really have fear of their government. Governments will come and go. BrExit is to stay, until they find something else to con us with.
@ichbinschanppi Жыл бұрын
​@@valeriedavidson2785 However, brexit leaves them in sole power with no one to answer to. It has caused the death and the poverty of many. Its not exactly a good thing. And for many people the consequences are terrifying
@ichbinschanppi Жыл бұрын
@@quantisedspace7047 Nah, following literal Nazi policy is scary though.
@colincornish2487 9 ай бұрын
brexit is about our elected uk commons mps making uk law! not a bunch of unaccountable foreigners in brussels! ie with our elected uk goverment, having to get brussels eu permission to give out uk firms state aid, control our uk fishing waters, or sign trade deals or control eu immigration, make its own uk budget or industrial policies etc.! the eu single market rules over ride our elected commons, to do any of the above you need permission from the unelected brussels eu commision & the 27 other eu states! that is not democratic! as the only people that should ever dictate to any uk goverment is the uk electors! not a bunch of foreigners, who are not on any uk electors ballot paper, sat in a foreign city called brussels! who work to the 1804 directive based napolionic code law making system (where nothing is allowed unless it is permitted), where as our much older english common law system, (where everything is open to question unless it is prohibbited)! the only people you can vote for in the eu, are the brussels MEP, that have no power to propose any eu law! all that power to propose eu law rests with the unelected eu commision! unlike our 5 yearly elected westminster commons MPs, who do propose & make uk law, (up to where that law meets over powering brussel eu law) ever since the parliment act of 1911, when the house of lords lost the right to block commons made uk law) apart from any thing else, what gives a bigger democratic voice, a undemocratic eu parliment structure, of 751 brussels meps, for 500 million eu citizens, or 650 westminster commons MPs for 68 million uk citizens! by these figures alone, being in the eu takes your democratic voice down from a shout to a mere whisper! all the eu gave the uk, was a legal 10 million uk population rise, with its legal free movement, (from 57 million under tony blair to todays 68 million) a flood of cheap eu ex warsaw pact labour, on zero hour contracts, housing shortages, with high rents for todays uk young, food banks, (the first uk one opened in salibury in 2004) & a 8 million NHS waiting list! thanks a bunch brussels! you cannot be in or alinned to the eu single market four freedom rules, (of legal freemovement of all services, goods, capital & people) & have our great socialised tax payer funded free at point of use NHS together! no more than you could arange a xmas dinner if you dont know how many people are legally comming, 2 or 200! (how many spuds would you peel) same with the NHS, how many people do you have to cater for! 10 million legal population increase is why we have a 8 million waiting list today!
@Shoomer1988 Жыл бұрын
It took so long because nobody actually had a plan how the hell we were going to do it. It's not as simple as just leaving. For example trade agreements have to be renegotiated - it still isn't sorted. It's been a mess, worse than even this video suggested.
@gnrseanra9070 10 ай бұрын
Seen the latest ONS figures?
@catherinewilkins2760 Жыл бұрын
Whilst the results of the referendum looks marginal the majority for leave was 1.4 million. Brexit gets blamed for everything, even the weather. I voted leave and would do so again. We get constant insults, which we ignore and says more about them. Covid has had an impact. This is an old video. It wasn't just about economics, we were asseset stripped by the EU. Those who wanted to remain have tried to stop it. We knew it would take a while to sort things out, but we are getting there. Not very good bit of propaganda from video. Brexit highlights our arguments. Regarding Scotland independence, that's collapsed, done it themselves. Northern Ireland is part of UK as when Ireland separated they wanted to remain. Our history has been one of conflict and has changed much over the years. I am English and no one has asked me if I like paying for the financial support for the other 3 countries, but that's how it is. The answer to your question is we don't like each other as countries and blame each other for things. We don't do boring and have a dynamic political system. After we left the EU they missed our contribution to their Parliament, looks like the Republic of Ireland has taken up our baton. We are best left to argue on our own as we have done for eons.
@leogem177 Жыл бұрын
Ooo financial support of the other countries?!! Well you could say London pays for the financial support of the rest of England but you can't blame the rest of England for that. I agree sometimes England gets blamed for everything though and maybe technically speaking would be richer without the other countries (technically but a lot smaller and wouldn't be anything like as powerful as it is today without us!!). I was born and have always lived in Wales and consider myself British/Welsh by blood almost half English and half southern Irish. I don't hate the other countries at all (although some English people can be a bit ignorant/rude towards Wales - doesn't help that they think we all hate England I guess). We're far too interconnected to hate each other when push comes to shove if one is attacked the rest would come to their assistance in a heart beat. It's just healthy rivalry remaining from centuries of history. Seeing yourself as British rather than English, Welsh, Scottish, tends to be a lot less trendy nowadays but there are many that still do.
@Cunning.Stunt7 Жыл бұрын
This narrative of Brexit is complete B.s! Lolol am I shocked it's an American narrative? Erm no. Us that voted leave have Zero Regrets. The reasons this video give to why we are Regretting it, couldn't be more wrong!
@SimplySavageReactions Жыл бұрын
Im sorry, Im gonna stay away from politics from now on. I seriously dont want of offend anyone. I just want to learn all I can about all aspects of the UK but I will learn about topics such as this on the side. I really hope that I didnt offend you but if I did please accept my apology and know that it was not my intention.
@Cunning.Stunt7 Жыл бұрын
@SimplySavageReactions Now I feel awful 😖 Please don't worry, and please continue to explore anything you want to gain knowledge! This video about Brexit is very biased and clearly propaganda! Brexit explained should be completely unbiased for anyone wanting to understand. My apologies to you for ranting rather than an explanation of my disapproval. ✌️ ☮️ 🕊 xx
@sally5983 Жыл бұрын
Couldn't agree more.
@SimplySavageReactions Жыл бұрын
No I completely understand, I should've don't just a little more research and realized just how big of an issue this was/is. No more politics lol, I will learn privately. I have no clue how much this has affected you guys and here I am playing videos and commenting on something that I clearly do t understand. Even if I did understand it, I have no right to give my two sense as I don't live there, so I seriously understand everyone's frustration with this reaction. I just hope everyone accepts my apology. I will try to do better, I promise.
@Waterford1992 Жыл бұрын
A country cannot just leave the EU quickly as there is lots of economic and trade issues to resolve first and look at Greenland for example as they voted to leave the EU in 1982 and took until 1985 to be fully out of it.
@gnrseanra9070 10 ай бұрын
That was the EEC.....
@Oddballkane Жыл бұрын
England was fine before the EU was a thing before most countries were even made. I think we will be fine after.
@massimoblanco2132 5 ай бұрын
Make Britain great again😂
@grahamgresty8383 Жыл бұрын
Northern Ireland is predominantly Protestant (for now) whereas The Republic is Catholic (a religious divide). The Republic has been more progressive with issues such as abortion and gay marriage (they polled the entire population to do this), which the more conservative North object. Northern Ireland could ally with an Independant Scotland and the Republic as a system like the old Benelux arrangement also EU membership would soothe all 3 areas' politics and trade.
@quantisedspace7047 Жыл бұрын
Ah, yes. Northern Ireland. For all of my youth, the country was synonymous with bombings, killings, and some nonsense with this Paisley fellow. Somebody once went to punch him in the mouth, but overbalanced and fell in ! Seriously, no one in GB really thinks about NI at all. Except for the (then) governing Conservative party, who bribed the most ultra-right-wing, ultra-catholic, flat-earth, anti-gay party in NI to prop up the numbers in parliament. People here just don't get this Catholic/Protestant thing, but it's ultra-serious for them. The two factions have marches in the others' territory, to provoke a response, like some demented street-gang. The only way the NI dichotomy is going to be solved is if there's a climate-changing event that would submerge the N part of the island uninhabitable, thus pretty much forcing people to pick a side.
@WoWsGamerBlog Жыл бұрын
Anti Brexit video, the UK is not doomed and never will be, nearly everything the narrator has said has proved to be wrong. Find an unbiased video.
@stephwaite Жыл бұрын
I don't know anyone who voted Leave, who has changed their mind.. My family has definitely gained from Brexit.... ..This is very biased against Brexit. I have yet to see the empty shelves people (mostly Remainers) keep complaining about... Ask yourself this question .. if your Government decided to take the US into a Union with Canada and several Central and South American countries and then that Union decided to impose laws that overrides US laws and your government accepts freedom of movement and people from the poorer countries come to the US where greedy companies get rid of US employees and employ the migrant workers who accept lower wages, zero, 10 or 16 hour contracts. I guarantee, the US workers would vote Leave ..
@77oxf Жыл бұрын
@florencetlp Жыл бұрын
Totally voted leave and not regretted it since... 100%
@sally5983 Жыл бұрын
Yeah this video was very biased. Lots of 'ifs ' in regards break up of the UK, if I wasn't in the UK and watched that i'd think UK was about to collapse and our supermarkets shelves were empty. Oh and no more tourism because someone has to use a passport, that's just ludicrous.
@G36645 Жыл бұрын
So who is the video for Britains no it was a mistake Eroupe nos it was a mistake
@sirrodneyffing1 Жыл бұрын
Still does my head in why the citizens of a country would want to hand over their government to foreign powers.. and then scream and get teary eyed because they get stopped from giving that sovereignty away.
@IronFreee 11 ай бұрын
Who did that? Because that's not how the EU works... The UK government was blaming the EU for its own incompetence, now they blame the war and the pandemic. Some of them still blame the EU now that there's no relations at all. The EU laws are voted by the EU parliament and the UK population used to vote for its representatives to defend their interests. Those laws are mainly about goods conformity and people transit in the EU. But the best part of the story is that the UK businesses still have to follow them if they want to trade with the EU. But the UK doesn't have any saying anymore :D So, how is Brexit supposed to give the UK more autonomy?
@davidroberts794 9 ай бұрын
@@IronFreee That's how it should work, but that not how it did work. When we tried to deport a convicted murder, EU ruled against us. Yet France and Germany both got theirs deported. As for those EU heads of parliament, not talking MEP's, but those in charge. While I don't much like Nigel Farage he ask who elected them, as a MEP himself he had every right to ask. They point blank refused to answer. That segment was on youtube until recently. Maybe someone can still find it. The UK has not collapsed as claim by so many, not doomed as claim, still here 4 years later. For most nothing has changed. Certainlly not doing as badly as other EU states.
@mick4768 Жыл бұрын
i don't know anybody who voted brexit that has changed there mind .
@davidroberts794 9 ай бұрын
I do, but then again so have I from remain to leave, if given another vote. However most probably not.
@timglennon6814 Жыл бұрын
The biggest mistake ever. It’s getting harder to import products into the U.K. from Europe. It took so long because the Conservative Party who is running our country, couldn’t organise a piss up in a brewery.
@mattgeorge9399 Жыл бұрын
It took so long because of the Remain politicians and Civil Service not respecting the result and their attempts to pull the wool over everyones eyes !!!
@chsh1 Жыл бұрын
I work in Sourcing, haven't had a problem importing goods from my European suppliers over the last few years. maybe they have to do some more paperwork but when i used to export to places such as Saudi Arabia in the early 90s I had to do the paperwork and it wasnt exactly the catastrophe that you are suggesting. SORRY this video is full of bull crap :)
@timglennon6814 Жыл бұрын
@@chsh1. I take it from you comment that you voted to leave the EU?
@sally5983 Жыл бұрын
@@chsh1 Agree, I import from France and Germany haven't had any issues. Agree about the vid.
@moccaluis 11 ай бұрын
😂🤣😂 brexit 😂🤣😂
@ALANL4460 Жыл бұрын
Although the UK as a whole has similarities the 4 individual nations within it have very different points of view an example is Scotland which is probably the most liberal nation in the UK however the south of England which is very right leaning outnumbers it in population. It causes friction in many of the 3 smaller nations but Scotland moreso. Scotland also saw through the Xenophobic reasons for Brexit being touted probably helped by a mantra preached heavily in Scotland since the 80s which is never trust a tory
@gnrseanra9070 10 ай бұрын
You are talking absolute nonsense. .the EU doesn't want you and Eurozone in recession.
@gnrseanra9070 10 ай бұрын
@The_Kawazaki_Kid Жыл бұрын
You forget how much of the world we conquered by ourselves.
@petermizon4344 Жыл бұрын
Joking of course when we used muskets lol
@The_Kawazaki_Kid Жыл бұрын
@@petermizon4344 no cannon and ball
@moniquehenry4041 8 ай бұрын
Quite a good video you chose to make up your mind. The figure of 4% loss in GDP is common to the estimations made by several serious organisations. The Governor of the bank of England himself has just said the UK had lost in international openness. It took much time to come out on 31 January 2020 because nothing had been planned. The UK had 5 prime ministers in 6 years for example ! Watch the videos about the campaign if you want to have fun (it was wonderland that was promised, politicians in campaign promised the UK would keep all the advantages of being a European country even if it would be out - just as if the EU was an obedient colony. And the red bus of Johnson !. And the belief "they need us more than we need them" !). I feel very sorry for young people and for the poorest in the UK who now suffer from that. And the worse is that Brexit has long term effects (when a company has to choose where to settle or invest, the outcome of the choice is very likely to be in the EU, not in the UK).
@Jee123123 Жыл бұрын
think of how Americans would act if laws were dictated to them from Canada or Mexico?
@CeeJaey31 Жыл бұрын
Possibly a better analogy would be: “Imagine Texas voting to leave the US because it didn’t like the imposition of federal laws” That’s a bit more akin to the issue than Canada/Mexico dictating laws to the US
@Jee123123 Жыл бұрын
almost but not close because that would be a part of a country succeeding from a country where as the UK "left" an organisation (still issues over NI, Gibraltar)
@Jee123123 Жыл бұрын
whereas because of NAFTA Mexico and Canada took more involvement in how the USA was run rather than just a trade agreement. You would likely see USA withdrawing or doing something about it especially if they were required to do something like no death penalty (required to join the EU), tighten gun laws or supply universal healthcare to all.
@thomaswright7580 Жыл бұрын
EU laws were never dictated to the UK. They were agreed laws. Who agreed them? We did! 1st of all-our elected MEP's in the wholly elected European Parliament. Secondly-the European Council (which is made up of ALL the leaders of the 28 countries). Its a democracy and sometimes you don't get all your own way. But considering that the UK was considered one of the top three most powerful countries in the EU, alongside Germany and France, we got our way more often than not. We rejected the EURO. Is that a pound in your pocket or a Euro? We rejected the Shengen Area and the ERM and many of the regulations like plugs, pints etc. We had a place at the top table and we ourselves could dictate many of the policy areas covered within the EU because Europeans respected our contribution. Not any more. They pity us as we have made ourselves a laughing stock.
@digby3618 Жыл бұрын
Interesting piece of propaganda 🤔
@faithpearlgenied-a5517 Жыл бұрын
Unlike all the brexit propaganda the guilible leave voters were naive enough to fall for.
@quantisedspace7047 Жыл бұрын
@@faithpearlgenied-a5517 There seems to be this idea that Leaver people were coerced by Leave propaganda. Can't say I ever noticed any propaganda. Not to say there wasn't any, just that I paid no attention to it. I had already decided to vote for Leave, over 30y prior.
@danobanano2505 Жыл бұрын
England shot itself in the foot, causing so much drama, blaming all the problems on the EU. It was sad to see England go, but i doubt they will ever rejoin.
@dalj4362 Жыл бұрын
Not everyone wanted to leave. Hopefully we will return one day when it's being run better.
@gnrseanra9070 10 ай бұрын
How is the Eurozone and Germany the 'Powerhouse'?
@moniquehenry4041 8 ай бұрын
yes they shot themselves in the foot. In France I just couldn't believe they could have made such an historical mistake, even if they had never been fond of Europe construction
@gnrseanra9070 8 ай бұрын
@@moniquehenry4041 Not really, you have inflation, high energy costs and shortages also some countries higher inflation. €66 Billion budget shortfall that has to be paid by 27 member states and a €50 loan to Ukraine to bypass vetoes of Slovakia and Hungary, when we all now know because of TIME Magazine article that Ukraine is losing the war badly. Priceless.
@daveterry4326 Жыл бұрын
Seriously dude, if you want to find out about brexit, you need to watch a far more impartial video! This is at best a propaganda video for people that want us to rejoin the EU.
@bethcushway458 Жыл бұрын
Sorry darling this is too depressing to watch. The country is up shit creek. I'll give you a like for your algorithm though❤️
@SimplySavageReactions Жыл бұрын
I had no clue just how big of an issue this was
@bethcushway458 Жыл бұрын
@@SimplySavageReactions yeah it's split the country right down the middle. Divided families, ruined friendships. And the country is totally broken because of Brexit and a few other things. The Brexiteers will always deny Brexit has any involvment in the current state of affairs because they can't bear to admit their Little England dream was a pack of lies and nonsense. What the world is witnessing in real time are the dying throes of a once great empire. It's incredibly sad.
@Victor-jy8ko Жыл бұрын
I don't really know a ton about the details inside britain, but as an european, brexit is the dumbest fucking decition ever.
@darrentoon5332 Жыл бұрын
poor video
@timglennon6814 Жыл бұрын
We have grocery stores in the U.K. now limiting how much fruit and veggies we can buy.
@mattgeorge9399 Жыл бұрын
Nothing to do with Brexit, many EU Members have the same problem
@Bob_Bobskin Жыл бұрын
Much worse in Cyprus today. My wife is in our house there.
@timglennon6814 Жыл бұрын
@@mattgeorge9399. You keep telling yourself that mate.
@quantisedspace7047 Жыл бұрын
People keep saying that F+V are being rationed. I can't say I've seen any such scarcity, myself: everything is just as available as it always was.
@Cunning.Stunt7 Жыл бұрын
Lmao... do you live in a hamlet? Absolutely nonsense! No shortage of anything, especially fruit and vegetables.
@da90sReAlvloc Жыл бұрын
I didn't vote for brexit Brexit ruined my beautiful country, We went from practically ruling the world to nobody wanting to do any deals with us Hopefully when sunak and the Tories get voted out Labour party can clean it up Good video 👍
@sally5983 Жыл бұрын
That's a bit dramatic. We're still a beautiful country. We haven't ruled the world in a long time but if you mean we were important on the political scene, we still are. We have made deals , not sure where you're getting your info from. We've made trade deals with Japan; New Zealand and with Australia and we still trade with the EU and are still negotiating with other countries for more trade deals. I'll resist commenting on the labour getting in, I think i've said enough already.
@simon3745 Жыл бұрын
I did vote for Brexit and i'm still waiting for it to be delivered. Until it's delivered, Brexit is free of any blame for the state of todays affairs. The government had the mandate for a clean Brexit but have been in perpetual negotiations since, meaning we're niether in or out at this point. Just a cursery look at Rushi's bill proves the case in point, he says we gain massively, whilst EU politicians state the EU still ultimately holds the power and they win (they've been told to downplay it to allow the bill to pass). Enough said.
@sally5983 Жыл бұрын
@@simon3745 I wouldn't pay too much attention to the claims of EU politicians, it's all PR. The EU has to look like they've 'won' to stop other countries getting the same idea. No side wants to loose face. I don't believe we have. The fact we have managed to re negotiate an already negotiated agreement to favour us and northern Island I see as a win.
@da90sReAlvloc Жыл бұрын
​@@simon3745 it's only free from the state of today. If you're mad. Or a junkie, Brexit is literally to blame for everything that's wrong in Britain today
@da90sReAlvloc Жыл бұрын
​@@sally5983 or just you're in a cult and don't know it It's like maga that's a cult. Trump their god fox news tell you to worship trump, Like GB news tell you to worship farage you little brexit cult
@justincharles2332 Жыл бұрын
Brexit was driven by racism and xenophobia as Britain felt too many foreigners were coming from the EU to the UK and taking the jobs from locals, but the fact is these EU citizens were often better educated, worked harder and did many of the jobs Britons did not want to do. On top of that, Britain wanted to return to its glory days of the British Empire, and have the sovereignty and respect it felt it had, at that time, when it was colonising the world through its gun-ship diplomacy - and which it had felt had been sacrificed upon joining the EU. Britain wanted to return to the days of old, but the plan is flawed as the rest of the world has evolved and actually passed the UK in many areas. The consequence of this is that now that Brexit has been such a monumental mess, that all the people are arguing as to how to fix the situation, and simply cannot agree - hence chaos...
@leogem177 Жыл бұрын
I voted for Brexit and none of this are reasons I voted for it. And in fairness I should point out England is the most densely populated countries in Europe (apart from the tiny island of Malta) so being concerned about the level of immigration seems logical and a good idea.
@Bazk01 Жыл бұрын
The leave vote was based on two main things - Xenophobia in Little England and that they lied on the benefits. It was mostly anti-eastern european workers and immigration controls that was quite blatantly anti-foriegner.. The group around the leave vote have since paid fines for the number of campaign lies they told. Scotland and NI voted against the leave vote - because we don't trust the tories and see the benefits of EU membership. England and Wales voted for the leave vote. As with everything they did it on a population basis - so what England wanted the UK did. Why was it so important that we left the EU? Why leave on such a small percentage? Because it was financially beneficial to the 1% and their politicians. The EU were bringing in laws that dealt with tax avoidance and hidden wealth. Plus these people were set to carve up the UK businesses and make money off of us failing and the fall of our currency and loss of GDP. The next step is to have a bonfire of laws that were created in the last 30 years to protect standards and rights. They want us out of the court of human rights. No labour laws - no workers rights. To set the UK up as a free for all for the rich and powerful.
@thomaswright7580 Жыл бұрын
Hi. Yeah, we shot ourselves in the foot with Brexit. We lost a lot for no appreciable gain Some of the PRO arguments put forward were just soooooooooooo disingenuous and why people didn't see through them i simply don't know. For instnce we were told that after Brexit we could trade with the rest of the world and not be tied to the EU. But considering approx. 40% of our trade was with the EU; where did people think the other 60% went to? DUH! On the current strikes and shortages, its more to do with simple domestic policies. We have had 13 years of Tory rule and they have been the worst government EVER; from scandal to bribery to lies to corruption and just plain ineptitude. Good riddance when we have our next general election. Northern Ireland; a short history. The UK has gone through thousands of years of turmoil over who controls the country. In tha past 500 years this has revolved around religion principally catholic or protestant kings and queens. In the 16th century mainly catholic Ireland was invaded and settled by protestants mainly in the north-west. Irish people have always fiercely asserted their independence and this led to a certain form of independence in the 1920's where Ireland was established but 6 counties became Northern Ireland (and loyal to GB). In the years following there was great unrest in NI over the way the minority catholics were treated by the majority protestants. This led to a period called The Troubles from the elate sixties to 1998 when a treaty was signed' The Good Friday Agreement. Over 3500 people died in the violence of that period. Brexit has now put that peace at risk again. Its a complicated subject but heres a short video to get you started
@mattgeorge9399 Жыл бұрын
Correction - the EU & Sinn Fein has put the Good Friday agreement at risk by annexing NI not Westminster. The European Court of Justice has no right to be on UK soil. I very much doubt that James or the US administration would accept a foreign power making and enforcing Law in say... North Carolina. The ECJ need to withdraw from NI to allow the peace process to continue. Funny how a Policeman gets shot by the military wing of Sinn Fein (IRA) days before the so called "Windsor Framework" - sort of threatening reminder of the Troubles. Biden and his lefty Mates in the EU are sticking their noses into UK Sovereignty. Biden, a proven racist Democrat who has no understanding whatsoever of the complexities of Northern Ireland swallows whatever the Irish Republicans tell him (and he's about as Irish as he is Chinese) should but out and fix the problems in his own backyard like universal Healthcare, food standards and better working rights for US citizens before trying to force tge UK back into the undemocratic 4th Reiche of Germany known as the EU.
@thomaswright7580 Жыл бұрын
@@mattgeorge9399 You're gonna tell us that boris got all the big calls right next hahahahahahahahaha. As for the above diatribe, never see so much delusion on one page omg
@gnrseanra9070 10 ай бұрын
Pure politics and no real facts apart from bias and how is Eurozone? More excuses?
@petermizon4344 Жыл бұрын
@ShitStainedBallSack Жыл бұрын
I voted to leave
@mark.r Жыл бұрын
Leaving the eu was a true blessing. The country was rife with criminal gangs from all over Europe because of the stupid laws in the eu. That’s just one of many reasons why most of us voted for brexit 👍
@77oxf Жыл бұрын
Hear hear!
@andrewsims4123 Жыл бұрын
It's got nothing whatsoever to do with Americans or America. I keep my nose out of American affairs if the Americans had any manners at all they would do the same 😡
@suntzu94 Жыл бұрын
The USA government has military bases all over your little island so we don’t care what the British peasants think. Get used to lad, plague island is sinking
@SimplySavageReactions Жыл бұрын
I completely respect that and I apologize. I was only trying to learn.
@Darrensparanormaladventures Жыл бұрын
@@SimplySavageReactions funny thing is The thing that probably swung the vote to leave was Obamas visit to tell us to remain There was a big swing towards leave after his visit I saw so many posts telling him to mind his own business And we don’t listen to the American president Cameron should of told him to shut the F up
@fuckyoutubecomments7530 2 ай бұрын
Lol so many Brexit gammons lying to themselves in this comment section
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