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Entitled Recruiter FORCES ME TO JOIN THE MILITARY and Won't take "NO" for an Answer - Reddit Podcast

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Am I the Jerk?

Am I the Jerk?

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@dogofwar6769 Жыл бұрын
Story 1: Military requiters can be *_super aggressive_* towards high school students. I was a teenager in the 90s and got talked into joining JROTC (Junior Reserve Officer Training Corp) as a freshman. I did two years before I got kind of sick of it and withdrew from it on my junior year. Even after I quit the school ended up making me take the ASVAB military aptitude test. Apparently I aced several parts of it so the recruiters pretty much kept me on speed dial for 5 years after I got out of high school. For a while I was getting more calls from recruiters on my home phone than from anyone else. The marine core recruiters were especially aggressive, going so far as to scream me over the phone demanding to know why I wasn't serving my country yet.
@MegaNumberXIII Жыл бұрын
Not just to high schoolers either apparently. I'm 25 (though granted I have repeatedly been mistaken for a high schooler) and had some military guys repeatedly harassing me to join AT MY JOB while I was trying to help them find what they wanted so I could help the next customer. I wanted so much just to tell them to leave me the @#$& alone.
@r4261klr Жыл бұрын
I was in university and both my twin brother and I had several times told a marine recruiter drive up to us when were walking to our university. Each timer we told him our first priority was to concentrate on studies. We were polite each time. The marine lost his temper and tried to run us over with his car. We ended up calling the police and even went to court to get him to stop.
@Gr3nadgr3gory Жыл бұрын
Because the best way to serve our constitution right now is to revolt against the government, not serve tyrants.
@MegaNumberXIII Жыл бұрын
@@r4261klr "If you're not in the military then you're better off dead" sounds like he forgot that his job was to PROTECT the lives of people.
@jewelplate Жыл бұрын
Just tell them the pay is shit and you make more
@stephaniebrown8334 Жыл бұрын
My daughter had an Army recruiter who, after she told him that she had not interest in the military, not only found her on Facebook and started stalking her, but showed up at my front door to talk to her! He would call her and text her constantly so she blocked his number. Luckily, her father has a high ranking friend currently in the Army and he helped get it to stop.
@Lucky-Nick123 Жыл бұрын
Seriously now, stalking too, this is getting ridiculous
@moonprincess500 Жыл бұрын
@@Lucky-Nick123 all because Gen Z are not interested at the slightest due to atrocities and veterans telling them life in the military isn’t all cracked up to be.
@Mistfall254 Жыл бұрын
​@@moonprincess500I'm autistic and disabled (cp) so that kinda makes me I'll qualified 4 the military lol
@lovelysakurapetalsyt Жыл бұрын
​@@Mistfall254Same, if a military recruiter ever comes up to me I'd literally say "I have a ton of mental problems and an autoimmune condition. Would you really want me when you'd have to pay my medical bills?"
@Mistfall254 Жыл бұрын
@@lovelysakurapetalsyt lol
@SMDoktorPepper Жыл бұрын
Oh yes, recruiters are HIGHLY aggressive. Had them going nuts back when I was still in high school. Took a long time for them to figure out I wasn't joining up.
@mtgemperor Жыл бұрын
That's why threatening to inform their CO of the incident will have 95% back off instantly!
@SMDoktorPepper Жыл бұрын
@@mtgemperor what high school kid is going to know thats an option?
@mtgemperor Жыл бұрын
@@SMDoktorPepper one whose parents are in or formerly in the military
@SMDoktorPepper Жыл бұрын
@@mtgemperor so the exception, not the rule.
@mtgemperor Жыл бұрын
@@SMDoktorPepper very much so.
@rhondahart800 Жыл бұрын
As a Retired Marine and a former Recruiter back in the early 2000s....yes, this guy was a total ass hat! TI would never badger kids to join. If a kid did not want to talk or come into the office to get some info, I gave them my business card and simply went on with my business. I would not want the word to spread to other high school kids in the area that I am a pushy, doesn't take no for an answer kinda person. Kids talk, people talk! You want it to be positive, not negative!!!
@LCPLSpanky Жыл бұрын
Oorah and thank you for your service. I was thinking the same. I never heard of a Marine recruiter pushing that hard. The local farm boy, yes, but never pushing that strong towards a female that said no.
@charleshines2142 Жыл бұрын
Very true, some people have zero interest in joining. Not everyone is going to take on such a commitment.
@organrick Жыл бұрын
I think that was basically the experience I had had with the military recruiters I had, they were really pushy. I don’t remember if I gave them a phone number or not, as it was so long ago, in the 1990s, or if they got the information from the school. I didn’t want to join, and didn’t, but the recruiter basically wouldn’t take no for an answer. I remember taking a call from one where he basically invited himself over, probably trying to convince me to join, then a half hour after he was supposed to be there, he calls saying he can’t find the address. They can find their way over to Afghanistan, Iraq, not to mention a lot of other places, but can’t find an address in a small town in the country they’re protecting..., and I reiterated that I was not joining.
@Shoyro Жыл бұрын
I had not dealt with a military recruiter outside of their recruitment assemblies in high school. I never had any interest, but when asked, I kept it civil, but I never revealed my true feelings. Honestly, I *despise* the military as my dad was in the army and moved a lot because of orders. Never had any childhood friends, and it forced me to end the only relationship I ever had in my life, just after two weeks. Luckily, I have mental disabilities, so I dont have to fear the draft, nor have any desire to join. I have no issues with the actual people who are proud to be in it. It's the system itself for destroying any chance at happiness for me as a kid.
@Comet_IsAfurry Жыл бұрын
That sucks :(
@Reaper-bd9bl Жыл бұрын
I always thought it must be toughest on the kids, as far as moving around at least. It's why I don't want to make a career out of it. I'm in now, but I don't have a family to support or kids to think of. If I did, I'd have only joined to get out of dire straights.
@billmurphy577 Жыл бұрын
I remember the year after I graduated high school. I got a call from my marine recruiter who said I’m just catching up with people from last year‘s graduating class and see where you are. I told him I was in college and he asked me if I had any plans to join the military, and I said no and I couldn’t for private reasons and he just said OK and he wished me the best of luck and said just in case you change your mind, give me a call and he never called me again he was pretty cool he wasn’t too belligerent
@benwagner5089 Жыл бұрын
Being a recruiter shouldn't be as aggressive a job as the car salesman is. At least in my area, the navy recruiter only needs to get 2 people to join per MONTH. No need to be so desperate that you're hounding someone from months ago like OP experienced.
@agentmaryland1239 Жыл бұрын
The story about the ignorant husband who keeps fat shaming really has me concerned as to why OP is still with someone like that. Not only are they unafraid to shame you for being normal weight, but they lie to you after making promises only to fall back on them shortly after.
@Yewro2000 Жыл бұрын
there is a mind set that marriage needs to last even if it getting toxic
@AnnaK101 Жыл бұрын
the OP has probably been emotionally abused by her husband for years and there is likelihood of DV if she even thinks about leaving. But her posting is the first step in the right direction. She just needs a network of help to get her out.
@shegeek5559 Жыл бұрын
Tell him what I told my mom (who body-shamed me into gaining weight, then again into losing it) - Buzz the f*** off.
@bonedeth925 Жыл бұрын
Clearly she's not a normal weight if she looks like Pooh bear
@bobicat1244 Жыл бұрын
So being vulnerable to heart attacks is now "normal" weight??
@lizziekaptain843 Жыл бұрын
When my husband and I were dating, he got a call from a recruiter asking my husband what he plans on doing with his life. Hubby responded with being a teacher, the recruiter I guess scoffed and said something about Hubby going for a "cushy" job. My husband got a little pissed when they hung up.
@Gr3nadgr3gory Жыл бұрын
Ooooh, coming from a pencil pusher calling himself a veteran.
@lizziekaptain843 Жыл бұрын
@@Gr3nadgr3gory this made me laugh. 😂 Right?
@Gr3nadgr3gory Жыл бұрын
Story 3: get a divorce after documenting your wife's abusive behavior towards yourself and your kids. It's important to gather the evidence first or she'll end up with custody and your money.
@thorleif8872 Жыл бұрын
Yeah, military recruiters are often like that, trying to convince you how great it is, promising you everything to change your is awkward. I am in the german airforce for 14 years now and one time a couple of years ago I saw one of this mobile recruitement center standing on our market place. I just went in and pretended not to know what I could do in the military and I almost cried because I had to hold in my laughter. The recruiter there told me so many lies it was hilarious for someone who knew already what you can and can not do while serving XD
@DubsackD Жыл бұрын
I used to get marine recruiters try to recruit me all throughout high school and college because I was a wrestler and fit their mold of what they wanted. The one proven way to get them to stop talking to you is tell them you have a felony. Unless we are at a time of World War, they won't want you.
@Avrysatos Жыл бұрын
I get debilitating migraines 3-5 days a month and actually can’t see without my glasses. Is that ok?? Never heard back from him. Hmmm
@Child-In-Bucket-Eating-Melon Жыл бұрын
You know, thats great in all, but its greater to serve your country
@Apupv Жыл бұрын
@@Child-In-Bucket-Eating-Melon19 seconds ago!?
@Apupv Жыл бұрын
I randomly clicked on this comment and found a reply from 19 seconds ago 😂
@Avrysatos Жыл бұрын
@@Child-In-Bucket-Eating-Melon Nope! Lived near DAFB for a few years. I know what serving can mean. It can mean you have a flag and a box coming down at DAFB... well your family can. You won't know the difference, what with being IN that box. Recruiters don't tell you how dangerous military service is.
@flyboy6392 Жыл бұрын
If they're behaving that way, well, their phones are recorded, you can actually contact another recruiter, tell him the name of the belligerent one, and demand to speak to his supervisor about unprofessional conduct, he could be looking at an LOC or possibly an LOR
@Alverant Жыл бұрын
Riiight like they want to help someone that makes them look bad.
@flyboy6392 Жыл бұрын
@Alverant the recruiter can get in trouble for acting like that
@CaptainJG95 Жыл бұрын
@@Alverant I've had experiences with bad recruiters. Essentially the guy never picked up the phone and never showed up to his appointments with those WANTING TO JOIN. We called his supervisor and he was removed from his job. The military is also expected to maintain a good PR. So if you have a recruiter that is talking to someone belligerently they are reprimanded for their actions.
@agentmaryland1239 Жыл бұрын
@@Alverant It would make them look bad to not do something about a pushy, ignorant, rude recruiter. They want people to join of their own free will, not because one of their recruiters harassed and bullied them into joining. That makes them look like bullies and that's not a good image.
@mrthorian8096 Жыл бұрын
for those who aren't familliar with the English abreviations as it's not his first language, what does LOC and LOR stand for?
@bluetreefiddy Жыл бұрын
i rememebr i got harrased so hard by a military recruiter i literaly told them to fuck off then they black listed me
@laris2328 Жыл бұрын
Negative wife will NEVER change. Get a legal separation and make sure that she only has supervised visitation and court ordered counseling. If it doesn't work, divorce her and make sure that her family has NC with your kids.
@ProudAuntieEST2016 Жыл бұрын
Story 1: I remember I kept getting calls at 17-19 from each of the branches of the military. I told them to take my number off since I would never be able to pass the fitness test. But until I told them I quite literally couldn't physically join they wouldn't leave me alone.
@TheMetalWeirdo Жыл бұрын
Story 2: I'd suggest marriage councelling if OP want to stay in the marriage. Otherwise, leave him. He doesn't seem to have matured beyond the age of 12. Story 3: If your spouse is having negativity asa their default personality and are refusing help, then I'd say it's best to separate. Maybe not permanently but for a while so the kids can at least try and have a healthy childhood
@Lucky-Nick123 Жыл бұрын
Story 3: Divorce asap, op can't do anything, he did his but still this toxic woman doesn't change and will never. A divorce is the best choice, especially for the kids
@fine_ol_chap Жыл бұрын
Something similar to the military story happened with me, except it wasn't for joining the military, but to donate my blood. Back in my junior year of high school, the gym was closed off for the placement of where students could donate their blood to hospitals and other stuff. I told them I wasn't interesting in getting a shot taken, but what I didn't care to tell them for personal reasons was that I had, and still have, a very big fear of needles. I don't like the look of it, I don't like the feel it gives me, so I told them plainly that I wouldn't do it. On a side note, I looked like a big tough guy who looked like I could take a simple needle because I was 6'4. Being tall obviously doesn't mean the same as having high pain tolerance because I was a bit chubby and could bruise like a peach. They acted as if I wasn't gonna be let loose until I gave in out of how much they were pestering me about getting my blood taken. It was honestly beginning to frighten me as I started sweating. I told them no enough times to the point that I started raising my voice for the entire class to hear me struggle until a teacher came along to the ramble and escorted me away from those psychos. They didn't really say much to me as they took me away, they were more like my saving grace, but when I look back on it I think the teacher could've understood my situation without needing to say anything else to me.
@angelaschultze2404 Жыл бұрын
There are some recruiters that aren’t like that. Mine wasn’t. Military life isn’t for everyone and if she doesn’t want to join the marine recruiter should have respected it
@ronnielogan1984 Жыл бұрын
I had went to my local army recruiter after high school got the highest scores in asvab and they're other tests I did all four years of JROTC I received many awards and a medal for saving a kid who got hit by a car by the governor in my state I was denied and disqualified from the military over something I never even knew I had who which was bipolar disorder I have ADHD but I was never told of the latter see my father was murdered by my mother in 2017 and I had no idea I had that disorder I don't even take meds for it I took it for my ADHD I was simply never informed of it I worked hard for that chance for them to take it so easily to this day because I got the highest scores on their tests I get text and calls from different recruiters and branches and it hurts every time I have to inform them of my disqualification however due to all this I have created a volunteer militia in my town who help my community all the time we run drives do charity work help my local police department and other agencies we train for scenarios like active shooters with local law enforcement and have established a neighborhood watch it's been 2 years and it's beautiful thumbs up if you liked my story and thanks for reading
@ayo_its_ellie 10 ай бұрын
It's amazing you turned an unfortunate situation into something positive for the community. Honestly proud of you dude, thanks for sharing your story!
@ryansmith2421 Жыл бұрын
I scored really well on the one army test all high schoolers in the us have to take (the written thing), due to me being in robotics and being very good at stem related things. This led to a army recruiter coming to my house with a bunch of stuff to recruit me, now here is a few things you need to know about me. I am 5'1, I wasn't out at the time so was still very feminine looking, I am very scrawny with little to no muscle and also born female. Also important to note, it was the summer at this time and I liked to sleep in so this army recruiter came to my house at like 2 pm and I answered the door in a fluffy victoria secrets robe. He says looks at me and then says he is here to talk to my name and asks if I could go get her, I tell him that I am her and he gives me this look of shock and confusion, checks his papers in front of me and then sort of half committedly asks me if I had any interest in joining the army. He was clearly not expecting some tiny woman to answer the door, and when I told him no, he thankfully took that as an answer. Sort of feel bad for the guy, he was holding a bunch of info and what looks like forms for me to fill out to join. Most people that look like me probably wouldn't have known the stuff I did about engineering and all that stuff. Oh well, gives me a laugh when I remember and I'm glad that my physique was enough to convince him I was not right for the army.
@Bugaboo1638 Жыл бұрын
The fact that the OP calls the entitled recruiter "Sergeant Stupid" is actually funny and i couldn’t stop laughing every time he ( the OP) says that😂😂🤣🤣
@nahomybaez7058 Жыл бұрын
I had beef with a navy recuiter once.. still pisses me off
@charleshines2142 Жыл бұрын
The only time I ever heard about any of it in school was an assembly in an auditorium where they try to make it seem like the best. Honestly they never handed out forms asking us to join. I guess these ones at least had enough respect for our choices not to try to make them for us.
@deadshot-0-307 Жыл бұрын
As an Asia the first story hit me as Sargent stupid is like my mom when I don't want to be a doctor
@theeeveelutionist7245 Жыл бұрын
Story 2: I would hold off getting pregnant with this guy. Is he is going to belittle you while you’re pregnant and tell you to loose weight that can have an extremely toxic and hostile situation. I wouldn’t take this because it’s honestly just emotional manipulation saying you’re not good enough, not slim enough etc. I would have a serious talk with him if you are ever going to get pregnant with him. But that’s just my take
@williamwyrmshard Жыл бұрын
I had a marine recruiter constantly harassing me for ages, he even got my friend on his side to harass me to enlist. Eventually he realized I wasn’t going to join up and basically sat there at his desk insulting me for working a part time job and going to school. Ended it by saying I don’t want to improve myself and I won’t amount to anything. Never heard from him again.
@uhhoctopusiscool Жыл бұрын
Thanks for posting daily it's always interesting to listen to this while I'm chilling, I really appreciate it!
@lizbaker2960 Жыл бұрын
The Army gave me all those things and more. Discipline, maturity, confidence, skills, critical thinking and planning skills, life-long friends, and access to a both a BA and MA without debt, access to home ownership, and two languages learned on the job and from living overseas. It's also the most diverse "work force" anywhere in the world. Forty-two years later, it's still the best decision I ever made. It led to a very, very good life. Just sayin'.
@keegangailushas5752 Жыл бұрын
Bro is trying to get me to join the army in the most complicated way, i would have joined if you just said guns.
@TheDarkLink7 Жыл бұрын
@@keegangailushas5752 and not just small ass guns. Big old "fuck him and everyone around him" guns. If I wasn't disabled. The army might have been something I would've done.
@Azulakayes Жыл бұрын
It is good that it worked out for you but OP is also right in not wanting to join, there's nothing wrong with that too. Lots of people have everything you have without joining the military. There are different paths in this life and that's what makes the human experience wonderful.
@sansogamer4707 Жыл бұрын
You also get a chance to die so the rich can get richer
@thrash208 Жыл бұрын
Nice recruiter
@sirbiff10 Жыл бұрын
So if you want a military recruiter to stop even after you've asked them to stop. Just go to the office and ask to talk to the supervisor(i forget the actual title). Let them know the situation and let them deal with them. i had to do that with a army recruiter after telling them that i was joining the navy. i actually had to call a JROTC teacher to get them to stop since the guy who was doing that this recruiter was doing was the lead guy.
@jasper2366 Жыл бұрын
I lived near West Point and would get SO MANY RECRUITERS. All my friends on West Point would say they HATED moving all the time.
@magic8ball1982 Жыл бұрын
Last story" No, he's absolutely not married. He's just playing hard to get.😂😂
@BurghFinsFan Жыл бұрын
I love the name Sergeant Stupid 😂
@Monkeh5673vr 2 ай бұрын
All what happens after one thing you are traumatized for life after the military
@dragonhanyu Жыл бұрын
In my high school, they had a booth to sign up outside the cafeteria once a year, I ignored it cuz I'm not interested. I have a gender neutral name that gets me mistaken for a guy and a recruiter had called my house asking for a mr., I hadn't answered the phone. My grandfather, a veteran, did and had a chat with the recruiter about their overly aggressive behavior towards his granddaughter and hung up. Never had another call.
@jamesfranklin4816 Жыл бұрын
Those guys went to my school and tried to recruit me too and i refused and they wouldn't stop even after i said no.
@romanbundy921 Жыл бұрын
I like watching these videos while hearing the whole story, making me wonder if you are the jerk or not.
@brianarnold8666 Жыл бұрын
You can call his CO to report him. Recruiters get promotion points depending on how many people they recruit so of course they sre agressive but this is way overly so
@dragoniccrab 2 ай бұрын
Im so glad i never got the recuiter call. I have no plans on joining regardless, but after hearing that story im really glad i never go that call.
@Charles-7 Жыл бұрын
think god there's no draft in the military anymore, cause this would go different if it's still around
@RogbodgeVideo Жыл бұрын
Can you take out a restraining order against the military?
@chloecoledegitz1047 Жыл бұрын
Story #1: If someone says "No, I'm not going to join the military" or something along those lines, understand their decision and respectfully leave them alone. Despite what Liz Baker said in this comment section, not everyone is comfortable with the military. If it gives you good benefits and life skills/qualities, that's cool. But people seem to ignore the fact that the mental state of a person factors into majority of their life choices, including military. They could have some sort of trauma or just not the right mindset for it. Plus, even though she didn't say it, she could have mental or physical disorders that make her not able to join. Story #2: That woman's husband should know that, while there are some females that can be spoken to as if they were one of the bros (me being on), most females aren't like that. I hate to admit, don't get mad at me, but females are wired to be more emotional than males, it's basic human psychology and nature. So the fact that he kept saying he wouldn't do it again then kept doing it is wrong on so many levels, not just with females. Also, women gaining fat/weight during pregnancy helps not only the baby but the mother as well. Story #3: From my experience, when someone's partner is acting like that, best thing to do... . . . Ignore it. Or be overly different. When they make a critique, correct it immediately (only around them for a while) and over exaggerate it. Also take your kids and, if able to, go to your parent's house. If you can't, let your kids play with friends or play video games, something, to limit the mother's time with them meaning that she can't correct them... THE CHILDREN!! Story #4: I completely agree with the reader. Sadly though, it's just a tad sad that people don't pick up on certain cues, but I understand as my boyfriend is one of those people. BUT!! Anyone is able to read the signs of when someone is not interested or wants to be left alone. That lady is just blatantly ignoring them. She probably is lonely and thinks that only way to get attention. If he ever runs into this lady, he needs to sternly tell her to leave him alone and that she is way out of line and that she needs to get help and understand that her actions are not healthy for her or anyone else. . But that's my thoughts on everything
@laris2328 Жыл бұрын
Last story. Find out where she works. If she's in the same industry, tell her to STOP or you'll let your contacts in the industry know that she is harassing you. Nowadays that can harm her ability to remain in that industry. If that doesn't work, have her served with harassment charges at work.
@Lucky-Nick123 Жыл бұрын
This lady will not stop man, even if you ignore her, say etc this woman will keep sending messages. It will definitely end in stalking cause she will definitely try this. Op needs to block her number and put an restraining order just in case
@alvinmitchell6359 Жыл бұрын
"Treating them like garbage and insutling their life plans" IS the marine corps. So...
@tedvillalon4139 Жыл бұрын
Second story- the guy is toxic and he isn't going to change. Dump him.
@MsG_executor 3 ай бұрын
If a recruiter is yelling on the phone. Most likely, they just finished as a drill, sergeant, and then sent to recruiter. Recruiters, the main job is to be nice and get you in the military
@christinadehnel8687 Жыл бұрын
*Recruiters* So I'm a combat veteran & the military (Army) was the greatest decision of MY life but that's not the case for everyone. A recruiter has absolutely NO right to speak to a civilian that way. Unfortunately the Marine Corp recruiters are indeed the worst. They do tend to be more obsessive than the other 3 branches. I was a soldier, not a Marine. My recruiters were very respectful of me & what I told them I wanted. They didn't push. They let me do things on my own time. I always knew I would enlist but I wasn't going to let them make decisions about the specifics FOR me & they didn't try. They made suggestions but not demands. The Corp... they're demanding & pushy & I'm glad this young lady stood her ground.
@CrystalKStearns 11 ай бұрын
Story#1: I wish I could say this was a rare case. When I graduated high school in 1991 I was pestered left and right with offers to join the military. Always calling every few months or so, or sending me information in the mail. I finally had to say to them, "look you don't want me. I'm disabled and I have eyesight issues." After pointing that out they finally left me alone. Also if you do encounter a recruiter and they promise you can have this job or that once you go through boot camp, DO NOT trust them. I have had too many friends do this. They would go in being promised one thing and then even with a written contract, they would put them somewhere they didn't want to be or postpone until the point they didn't have to any more. They will tell you anything you want to hear to get you in and then once in, its nothing like you think it will be.
@kingjoeyofoc 3 ай бұрын
Story 1 same thing happened to me in high school. I had recruiters bother me aggressively like I owe them money. All because I told them I was going to job corps after high school. My grandpa wanted me to join the army, and he got upset cuz I didn't pass the ASVAB (purposely threw the test to fail). They were gonna put me in Frontline infantry. The moment I find out I littery would tell every recruiter that calls me " that I'm not American" oh kids If you don't want to join the butt hole forces tell the recruiters that you're not American. They'll leave you alone
@richardcrooks6713 Жыл бұрын
I'm not American, and these stories about military recruiters are bizarre! I've only ever talked to one military recruiter, they were from the navy, it was at a careers fair, where I'd specifically approached them because they had something that could turn one of my degrees into a professional license. It didn't go anywhere beyond that, and they didn't call me and certainly not make abusive phone calls to me. Badgering high school kids into joining the military like this sounds like impressment!
@mrrobloxgaming3613 Жыл бұрын
I love how she calls him Sargent stupid
@AnPotato Жыл бұрын
Don't give them your number, don't answer their calls
@starchaser1779 Жыл бұрын
i never met a military recruiter but if one ever tries to force me to join, i would just ask/say this: does autism and adhd go well in the military?
@Rovata312 Жыл бұрын
The recruiter was very childish for doing what he did on the phone and I think that he needs to be fired.
@HistoryGOD1981 Жыл бұрын
It’s there job to convince you to join
@thetitanicotter3505 Жыл бұрын
When the marines came to my school a big ole fella broke the pull up bar. Also everyone doesn’t have to join unless the draft comes
@otravis676 Жыл бұрын
The third story hit home for me. I grew up with very negative parents that would judge and point out all the potential bad in everything I wanted to do. It made me constantly question every choice I made and caused a lot of self doubt. I'm pretty sure that's why I started drinking daily and excessively right around 15 years old after all nothing bothers you when you're numb.
@atelophobiaasmr663 Жыл бұрын
18:35 damn that was so direct 😭 but as he should 💯
@joshuaward692 Жыл бұрын
People here have no idea how difficult a military recruiter's life is.
@TheMonk3613 2 ай бұрын
Hey, they gotta meet a quota somehow!
@scarletshadows459 Жыл бұрын
Anytime recruiters try to call me or msg me I tell them I am not interested I have been diagnosed by my therapist I have PTSD, Depression and anxiety. I never get a txt or call back after that
@Floppa294 Жыл бұрын
That is like saying " Join McDonalds or die!😁"
@nightmarecorpse5120 Жыл бұрын
I hate cowards military service should be mandatory
@nohomo4774 Жыл бұрын
true, military service needs to be madatory so the US doesn't get into wars as often. hard agree
@robertsissco2439 8 ай бұрын
I graduated shortly before 9/11, and the recruiters hit the high school and colleges hard. They stopped after the first one asked me on campus and I said i had interest dying in a desert because a war started by US policies and our destabilization of the region.
@arhr2713 Жыл бұрын
There have been a few cases of pregnant womens who wanted to look better, but because of their diets and so, the infant died. There is also a game with a story about this, Lost in Vivo
@gamingbro9107 10 күн бұрын
The person from story 1 is not at all prepared for life if she can barely handle I slightly louder version of the basic 20 year old recruiter package, those guys are very eager to recruit you and you thought they were creepy, he wasn’t entitled he was normal, and if you are so dumb not to become a crayon eater because of their well handling overseas and “high” risk when joining then you should try joining space force, the risk of a janitorial job with the pay of an airman, I am sorry if this is very long, but I tend to rant a lot.
@jonborchardt5548 Жыл бұрын
Story #1 has Full Metal Jacket written all over it.
@Jpr0ductionz Жыл бұрын
Yeah that recruiter needs to be dropped, insulting and screaming at me isn't a good way to get me to want to fight for you.
@jasonbrown5219 Жыл бұрын
0:44 LOL!
@DC-dy4jq Жыл бұрын
What I would do if I was the Husband 1. Apologize 2. say I will Give some space to u 3. Check up on her after a little while
@nolifedisc7614 Жыл бұрын
[winnie pooh] "oh nooo, we ran out of mexican candy"
@shaunalennon3144 11 ай бұрын
That is actually pretty small and well toned to be 145 and a size 5. I was 125 and stuck between a size 5 and 7 back in my 20s.
@tonyq10 Жыл бұрын
Story 4: The OP really messed on handing out that number but damn the way he described himself and his wife they sound like David Beckham and Victoria Beckham
@crimsonvoid1595 9 ай бұрын
Story 1: When I graduated High School I got multiple calls from Military Recruiters up until I turned 21. For Story 2: I’m somewhat body conscious for myself and I’m trying to gain muscle. For the last Story: one time when my Parents and I were on a vacation in Hawaii one of the employees at the hotel flirted with me by saying that she liked my class ring and my dad commented saying that a woman was hitting on me and how I was completely oblivious.
@angelaschultze2404 Жыл бұрын
The second story she needs to leave him. He is emotionally abusive to her
@Penhumball Жыл бұрын
Ok let’s say this all people who are first to comment a few minutes after it is made are people who don’t listen and yes I’m apart of it
@simonhebert9938 Жыл бұрын
The media and other factors twist the truth about the military...being a Marine is one of the best choices I've ever made, and its paved an outstanding path for life...I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world. I mean, who else can say they are retired at 41? In this case, I will admit that the recruiter was out of line and unprofessional.
@Panwere36 Жыл бұрын
I spoke to recruiters before, but I never had to deal with anyone like who the first OP experienced. As for the second.. I think he is looking for an excuse. For what, I don't know... but he second poster's husband is fishing for a "reason" for something.
@rx7racer88 5 ай бұрын
Story 1: this kid gets it
@yourmother6234 Жыл бұрын
Why did he want a GIRL to join military so badly? Unfortunately girls are often SA'd in the military, and when they stand up for themselves r@pe apologists blame THEM for joining a male-dominated field. Joining military is really dangerous for women. Also, women in army face lots of critisism, people hate on them for "not being as good as men" even though it is not true. Anyway, I don't think women should be pressured into joining army, it is just a bunch of red flags. Women should only join if they are 100% sure they want to be in the army, not cause their college will be paid for!
@johnnymcneal5914 Жыл бұрын
Absolutely not true when women often gain weight well pregnant it's a natural process to support the well it's still in their development stage if you try to exercise in that condition you could harm yourself or the baby both
@Jbladee Жыл бұрын
New drinking game: Take a shot every time he says "And i seriously don't know what to do"
@aureliamastergoomba1278 Жыл бұрын
0:58 Sometimes it true. It just depends on who’s telling you
@CaptainJG95 Жыл бұрын
For the first story I thought it was someone complaining just to complain but when she said Marine I knew it was going to be bad. Marine Corps recruiters aren't the best but they aren't the worst. they are aggressive (because to be a Marine your main core personality trait is aggression) but if you ever have issues with a recruiter you always inform them that if they don't stop calling you, you will contact their CO (commanding officer/supervisor). Or if you have any disability (anything from Dyslexia to you're missing body parts) or you have been convicted of a felony or committed a felony then they will not call all. Yes they are persistent (squeaky wheel gets the grease) but I've also found going to college or saying you plan to go to college (even if you don't) helps them get off your back even though they may try to throw you into a service academy. In other words yes they are annoying but I've never met a really aggressive recruiter. Though I have met one who decided to ignore those who wanted to join. So...
@richardlintermoot1546 Жыл бұрын
They really can't do that at all
@revracentertainment Жыл бұрын
If your getting harassed by a recruiter go to their office and tell their superior. Whoever has more stripes on the little symbol on their uniform
@LuffyImbroke Жыл бұрын
I would have thought it was impossible to find someone playing beach buggy racing 2
@Somerandomguy480 Жыл бұрын
Story 1: I'm suprised the OP didn't want the recruiter to die in combat after his harassment
@Somerandomguy480 Жыл бұрын
cuz if i were him i would have said just that
@thecoos283 Жыл бұрын
That recruiter didn't do anything out of the ordinary. Judging hy the way she perceives the military and how she is talking about the situation and then saying "my boyfriend was entertained" tells me that she blew this out of proportion lmao as someone in the military, that is how the conversation goes. They aren't saying those things to "hurt your feelings" they are saying those things to make you realize that Starbucks ain't it chief lmao YOU put your number down, don't play like you didn't. Therefore he is now doing his job to secure an enlistment
@bobfusty Жыл бұрын
Bro getting drafted to war bro
@V0idy_ Жыл бұрын
(COUGH COUGH) is that a Starbucks cake pop?
@lucejohnson2117 Жыл бұрын
145 isn't fat for a 5'4 person
@Brittany.Anderson Жыл бұрын
I would leave a man saying negative about body image. I don't think that any man like that is very insecure. I also think he would be extremely sexist.
@JesusismyLordandSaviour3 Жыл бұрын
Dang that is a LOT!
@fosfan48 Жыл бұрын
Just dont answer your phone if you don't know the number if its important they will leave a message and if its someone you don't want to talk to they will eventually give up
@zero00044 Жыл бұрын
I had a customer come in on black Friday last year and try and start a fight with me over something I said to another, totally unrelated customer, 6 months before that. Guy was a veteran and proceeded to call me a loser for working where I do and having no interest in joining the military. He wouldn't leave me alone and kept saying "you're a tough guy aren't you" and that he is going to make my life a living hell, when i wouldn't react. so I just told him something to really piss him off. I told him the military just causes nothing but problems, they are unnecessary for a peaceful world and all weapons should be banned and disposed of. He didn't like pacifists lol. Some of those are my true opinions but not necessarily to that extreme. Guy looked like he was on the verge of storming off or attacking me, but just wouldn't stop, so I had to say something to put him over the edge. He honestly thought that I couldn't defend myself because I've never been in the military. I would have easily pinned him to the ground if he had done something. I may not have been in the military, but I can defend myself from some crazy guy who has when I'm 6 inches taller and twice their weight, with self defense knowledge and ability lol. Was glad he decided to leave though. That was enough stress for the day. I was honestly hoping he would come back so I could tell him that the military obviously just creates bullies like him and that's why the entire military needs to be disbanded.
@truckenbxr998 Жыл бұрын
You seem to enjoy you little story about putting a veteran in his “place “. Let me give you something to think about and maybe get you to de-escalate instead of antagonizing a veteran. 1. Has the veteran been in combat? (Almost all veterans who have seen combat will not tell you) 2. Has the veteran been in life or death situations? (If so your Hight / Weight / “gym” advantage does not matter). Does the veteran have any sort of PTSD? (When you trigger them are they going to break down in fear or see you as the enemy). While some learn how to deal with it a lot still struggle. If your thinking combat vets all look like ex football players your mistaking. Think more Audie Murphy than Dwayne Johnson. While you are being smug with your friends you may wish to rethink how you speak to a veteran. These guys are trained to kill and not “pin” their adversaries. For now my advice to you is not to find yourself alone on the streets. In the dark. For awhile.
@lauracampana9485 Жыл бұрын
solution for story three take the kids and everything she likes to show her if she keeps complaining she will lose everything for a few days.
@franciscojaviermendezrinco1902 Жыл бұрын
First story: Sargent stupid missed something, he's asking, not demanding. OP could have reported him with the military for harrasment.
@tomeu9872 Жыл бұрын
Military school was a breeze. I get paid to study. Not tough at all. Got my diploma there as well. Drop out rate was about 95% i think. If you're weak. Don't even bother.
@bub6231 Жыл бұрын
I'm going to join the Marines so I can be your hero
@codingwithjodie.7319 Жыл бұрын
Recruiters do spew bs but the finance and benefits are definitely worth 4 years
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