Рет қаралды 17,060
Ammaia -- A Roman town in Lusitania is the title of a museological booklet and dvd that was produced by the Radio-Past Team in order to make the results of the Ammaia investigation known to a wider public.
In several small chapters, the history of Ammaia is told and explained in the light of the most recent knowledge that the Radio-Past team, in collaboration with other institutions and individual researchers, acquired through the application of a series of non-invasive technologies. The comparison and interpretation of the data led to their visualization and subsequent 3D reconstruction, which shows a digital reborn Ammaia based on the archaeological evidence that is still buried underground.
Download Booklet: www2.radiopast....
Download Interactive Version: www.7reasons.ne...
Project partners
Universidade de Évora - www.uevora.pt
Universiteit Gent - www.ugent.be/en
Univerza v Ljubljani - www.uni-lj.si/e...
7reasons - www.7reasons.net
British School at Rome - www.bsr.ac.uk
Eastern Altlas - www.eastern-atl...
Past2Present - www.archeologic.nl
General info
Município de Marvão - www.cm-marvao.pt
Natureza -- Parque Natural da Serra de São Mamede - www.rtsm.pt/par...
Fundação Cidade de Ammaia - 128934ed.110mb....
CIDEHUS -- Centro Interdisciplinar de História, Cultura e Sociedades da Universidade de Évora - www.cidehus.uev...
UGent Department of Archaeology - www.archaeology...
UGent Department of Geography - www.geoweb.ugen...
ULjubljana Department of Archaeology - www.culturalpro...