Wow what a wonderful touching piece. So blessed by your vulnerability and care.
@therealJUSTINEPRIESTLEY2 жыл бұрын
something that most people never even think of at all. thank you for you big hearted presence ♥️
@TheLegLady2 жыл бұрын
?????Along your journey, whether that has been limb loss or a different challenge, what has been one rose (one bright moment) and one thorn (one dark moment) from that experience????? When I had 3 subsequent miscarriages in a year before having my son Josiah I had gone to some pretty dark places. I felt inadequate and broken as a woman, as a wife, and as a human being, but I am grateful for the provision and moments of hope I had received during that time and for the people that were placed in our path during that time to help us walk through that time.
@ComicsANDEverything Жыл бұрын
I wish people would consider the other types of amputation. Congenital and Result of Congenital are there as well I am the last
@ComicsANDEverything Жыл бұрын
I have very strong feelings about those who have no experienced limb loss talking about the psych effects f limb loss. I’m sure you have suffered your own traumas, but with all due respect you have no idea, have zero frame of reference for what an amputee has been through.