An Analysis of Aegon II: A Man Without Love

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10 ай бұрын

The character of Aegon is an interesting one. Many see a monster, a madman in the making, but beneath it all is a child depraved, and broken by the people who should have cared for him the most.
#asoiaf #breakdown #characteranalysis #explained #fantasy #film #houseofthedragon #hotd

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@stephanieray7205 10 ай бұрын
Great point about Aegon II NOT becoming an overachiever. It's almost like nothing he did was ever right or good enough so he took a position of "why even bother to try and live up to their impossible standards?" It's sad when you think about it that way.
@burtan2000 9 ай бұрын
And Alicent is completely oblivious to this. I love it. It's so relatable. The line "you imbecile" is also perfect bc it's impossible to know if she means it like "obviously, you fool. You're my son and heir. You and your siblings are EVRYTHING to me. I'd cross a river of molten lead to save you" or if she means "lol of course not, nerd" I sincerely think she means the former, but he undoubtedly believes the latter, and I don't blame him
@thekrakensdaughter 9 ай бұрын
​@@burtan2000alicent is so hot...
@lostone9700 9 ай бұрын
Middle child
@okdude8215 9 ай бұрын
​@@burtan2000alicent meant it the first way I think but also a mother who almost didn't even push her son's claim for the Throne...
@OldBaldWookiee 7 ай бұрын
​@@lostone9700hes the oldest
@MrFredstt 8 ай бұрын
It's a crime they never showed Aegon and Sunfyre's bond, which was said to be one of the strongest ever. Or that he actually did care for his children with Helaena
@OldBaldWookiee 7 ай бұрын
In the show he hasnt had children yet
@chandlerdoeswhatifs9399 7 ай бұрын
​@@OldBaldWookieeare you stupid? They showed his kids on screen
@MrFredstt 7 ай бұрын
@@OldBaldWookiee Yes he has. In this very episode when they're searching for him they go into Helaena's room and she's in there with her 2 children Jaehaerys and Jaehaera. The only child of theirs we haven't seen yet is Maelor
@OldBaldWookiee 7 ай бұрын
@@MrFredstt must have missed that....
@MrFredstt 7 ай бұрын
@@OldBaldWookiee I don't blame you. They were on screen for a few seconds only
@katyalupochev9589 8 ай бұрын
I thought it was very noteworthy how Alicent chose to respond when Aegon asked if he loved him. “You’re an imbecile”. To Alicent and most of us that’s easily interpreted as “don’t be stupid, OF COURSE I love you”. But to someone who has been craving open and honest displays of affection his whole life … having been consistently told how he needs to do better, he sucks, he’s not living up to his name, and feeling like his own parents despise him … he was probably hoping for some genuine affirmation. Instead, once again, he got an insult(albeit a playful insult). Shortly after, he stood in front of the kingdom and received the adulation he craved. I view that as a final nail in the coffin for Aegon seeking familial affection. From now on, he’ll seek his affirmation from roaring crowds and waving banners.
@elijahfrancisrabor1388 6 ай бұрын
If memory serves Aegon II never ever wanted to be king and Rhaenyra wanted for his half siblings to have seats of high honor in her council. It was the bastrd Cole that convinced Aegon II to be King because Cole said Rhaenyra will kill him and his siblings to secure her throne
@femalegays 5 ай бұрын
it's just jarring for that scene to come after she helps a woman he raped. would've been better if she found the sex worker he was in love w/, that way he's just a disappointment and not irredeemable and dangerous to women
@nitikasood1130 9 ай бұрын
aemond and aegon both faced a lot of trauma, while aemond used it as shield to become better and an overachiever. aegon got swallowed by it and became his worst self. it is such a contrast and i like both of them. really good characters. even if flawed they feel so real and humane.
@itzelgc4637 10 ай бұрын
I wish we could explore his character more. Flashbacks would be perfect to show him trying.
@MrFredstt 8 ай бұрын
I agree but the show has a heavy bias towards Rhaenyra so I see why they wouldn't give too much to empathize with Aegon
@kuppilivikram1011 10 ай бұрын
I hope they do Aegon justice in Season 2 & 3 it will be cool to see him lament his lifes choices on Dragonstone
@MrFredstt 8 ай бұрын
Hopefully him and Sunfyre are beasts like they were in the book
@iansupremo6762 6 ай бұрын
Testicles of valyrian steel those two
@maxmagnus3793 9 ай бұрын
Honestly I found Aegon to be the most normal of Alicent's children. It's the other two that are weird. Yes Aegon is a monster in many ways, but as this video points out he never really had the chance to be anything else. When watching HotD I immediately saw what the show was doing with Alicent. She lost her friendship with Rhaenyra and was forced into a (for her) loveless marriage along with too early motherhood. She had huge difficulties taking care of baby Aegon. The infant could probably sense his mother's nervousness and general state of depression, which may have been the reason she couldn't soothe him. We can assume Aegon was largely ignored by both his parents and raised by servants. So yeah if you're a teen, your parents don't care about you and you're a prince then that could easily lead down a very dark path
@Lex77755 9 ай бұрын
Elfelejted Daeront 😂 ő a legnormálisabb
@nicksmithnutmilk 8 ай бұрын
​@@Lex77755biztos csak a sorozatot nézi . Nem említették Daeront de biztos , hogy a második évadban benne lesz
@Thrawn23. 2 ай бұрын
​@nicksmithnutmilk Its looking like he won't even be in S2. What a shame
@nicoleodeons 10 ай бұрын
i wish we had more time with aegon and the green siblings in general since they become even more central going forward, but i love tom glynn-carney’s performance (he improvised the “do you love me? line) and how the show portrayed aegon’s feelings towards the crown. he never wanted it, almost seemed to resent it (it was pushed on him by his mother while denied to him by his father) but once the crowd is screaming for him and he feels their adoration, he seems to embrace it more.
@brwncharlie8646 9 ай бұрын
Even in the books, he was one of my favorite characters. Aegon and Sunfyre >>>>> the rest of the greens.
@okdude8215 9 ай бұрын
Sunfyre is 60% and Vhaegar is 39% of green strength. The rest are the remaining 1%.😂
@Isuream6331 7 ай бұрын
@@okdude8215 Way to undermine Tessarion
@Thrawn23. 3 ай бұрын
Vhagar 40% Sunfyre 30% Tesserion 20%
@kosyudochukwu1414 2 ай бұрын
@@okdude8215 you must be ignorant
@bluejay5401 10 ай бұрын
Aegon is a very intriguing character. His story of moving from playboy to a serious man determined to avenge his family and take back what he deems his is admirable. His bond with Sunfyre and their spiritual connection was also very touching to read. Needless to say, they have done Aegon a great disservice in the show. It seems to be a common occurrence. Dumbing down several characters or utterly destroying them to make specific character look more virtuous and cooler. I hope this has stopped in season 2. What is the point of enjoying a story when it's so clear who is evil and who is good?
@KingSlayer_. 9 ай бұрын
That's something you see in a lot of TV shows now a days. It's not really entertaining because you can't help but root for the characters the writers made into punching bags. Although I actually think Aegon was written brilliantly in this show, he's just a kid, and his parents raised him horribly. Alicent taught Aegon it's not ok to rape people. She taught him it's not ok for people to find out about it. He feels like a real person and I can't help but root for him.
@SuperCrow02 9 ай бұрын
I think they're doing it to add more dramatic weight to Rhaenyra's fall into madness and cruelty. It's a lot more tragic to watch when a good person becomes evil than when an already shitty person becomes even more evil. Plus we didn't really get much from Aegon this season anyway. It isn't character assassination when his character isn't even really established yet.
@jgamer2228 9 ай бұрын
No character in this story appears virtuous. They’re all shitty in their own ways.
@yusufraage8554 9 ай бұрын
@@SuperCrow02 Rheanyra's descend to madness is understandable, I actually felt angry when she didnt go with Deamon's plan right away.
@Rhaenyssupporter 10 ай бұрын
Aegon is such a tragic villain. He sees his father love his sister and kept her as heir and he’s completely fine with that until the people around him manipulate him into taking power for their own ambitions
@HelaEnna 10 ай бұрын
Huh duh daddy doesn't love me so I will turn out to be a r*pist...
@GordonOchieng-so7rk 10 ай бұрын
There are no villains in Fire and Blood. The true villain is the dark side of every person.
@thalmoragent9344 9 ай бұрын
Well, I wouldn't say everyone around him wants Aegon to be King for their own ambitions. For many, it's cause that's the line of succession, his birthright.
@Rhaenyssupporter 9 ай бұрын
@@thalmoragent9344 Not everyone around him I agree but the Hightowers absolutely tried to retain their power and influence on the crown by crowning Aegon king because Daemon hated Otto and Rhaenyra hated Alicent. Side note we only know Valyrian tradition and Andal law on the line of succession but not Valyrian law. In the reign of Jaehaerys the Targaryens were exempt by the faith from Andal law due to their status as dragon riders and Valyrians so claiming that Aegon had a right to the throne because of Andal law has no legal base.
@thalmoragent9344 9 ай бұрын
@whitegirlcolonizing Daemon hating Otto is hardly warranted, given that Otto has served not one but two Targaryen kings, very effectively as Hand. Daemon sees him as a Snake, yet he himself is far from a Saint, and every time Daemon and Otto talk about each other, they end up making reference to himself Also, Jaehaerys didn't say they were exempt from everything. They had the Doctrine of Exceptionalism, which allowed Targaryens to marry siblings and keep their incest stuff going. That was it. 90% of Targaryen kings worshipped the Andal religion. Even BEFORE Aegon came, Dragonstone was led my a male heir. Aegon became the high king of Westeros, despite Visenya being older. Then later Aegon the Uncrowned was the heir, despite him having an older sister The Targaryens barely remember their Valyrian religion as it is, or at least rarely worship it. Every Valyrian house in Westeros follows Andal law of Succession. "A son always comes before a daughter", as Viserys III said in a documentation over the Dance of Dragons
@grendel7716 9 ай бұрын
If he accepted the crown and offered to marry rhaenyra making her queen, it would have been a hell of a twist on the hightowers
@Valentinianist 9 ай бұрын
Alicent proposed that but was denied by Viserys, he can’t marry anyone after he’s crowned because he’s married to Helaena, and even if he did he already has sons so any children birthed by Rhaenyra wouldn’t be heirs
@yusufraage8554 9 ай бұрын
@@Valentinianist It was Otto who proposed and Rheanyra would be at the limit of her child bearing years when Aegon reached old enough to bed Rheanyra.
@Miller09095 10 ай бұрын
I still think the first season desperately needed at least 3 more episodes.
@vladimirmomperousse 9 ай бұрын
@robind7352 9 ай бұрын
Good point.
@NotReallyAya. 9 ай бұрын
It definitely felt rushed in lacklack of detail
@richardrojas4774 8 ай бұрын
Yea and guess what next season will be 2 episodes shorter 🤦‍♂️
@richardrojas4774 8 ай бұрын
That’s my only issue with the show if they aren’t gonna have a ton of dragon scenes then they better at least let the entire story play out they cut out so much plot
@durrangodsgrief6503 9 ай бұрын
I pity Aegon not because of your vid but how much he was screwed over to make rhaenyra look good
@centipedekid9824 2 ай бұрын
Fr she was just as bad as him if not more considering the world they are set in. What he did was wrong but at least he did shit that people didn't care about. Rhaenyra did things people care highly about in the open with no regard to how it looks.
@MariGold371 9 ай бұрын
I see people comparing him to Joffrey from GOT quite a bit, and it feels like they never even watched the show... Joffrey is a psychopath, he doesn't have empathy and he never had, but Aegon is clearly a product of his enviroment. Also Joffrey was never an actual threat, but I would love to see Aegon turn from this egoistical (yet deeply sad) failure of a man, into an actually capable and terrifying villain. Like he's got potential in that sense.
@yusufraage8554 9 ай бұрын
I think his first battle he will be crippled and there will be no bad ass scenes with him.
@MariGold371 9 ай бұрын
@@yusufraage8554 i was talking more about being politically savvy/a good war strategist. However (spoiler) he does get hurt after fighting rhaenys; then he heals and goes back to fighting, and only at that point he is crippled. I don't know what they'll do in the show but that's how it is in the books
@Alejojojo6 10 ай бұрын
Aegon is the third Targaryen (fifth if counting those that died in infancy) with that name in Westeros after the Conqueror, but he is Aegon II because one of the Aegons was never crowned and was killed before he could.
@realdaggerman105 10 ай бұрын
He even has the nickname ‘the Uncrowned’
@diogenes7663 10 ай бұрын
He’s the fourth there was an Aegon lord of dragon stone before the conqueror
@Kai555100 10 ай бұрын
​@@diogenes7663and Jaeaherys had like a son called aegon who died as an infant same with Baelon
@IKillUDarling 10 ай бұрын
With the Targaryens, there are Aegons left and right Good thing they only number the crowned ones, otherwise we would be in the triple digits.
@Alejojojo6 9 ай бұрын
@@diogenes7663 Yeah I forgot that one, the older brother of Daemion, grandfather of the Conqueror and his sisters. But i corrected it, i wanted to mention those after the conqueror specifically.
@arobin6695 10 ай бұрын
the show writers hate him and want the whole audience to hate him too. the only reason anyone likes him at all is because of the actor.
@ev2155 9 ай бұрын
I mean he is an awful person 🤷🏾‍♂️
@arobin6695 9 ай бұрын
@@ev2155because they changed the source material and wrote him to be one...
@ev2155 9 ай бұрын
@@arobin6695 are you kidding?
@arobin6695 9 ай бұрын
@@ev2155about what? the show writers decided to make him a rapist who watches his own bastard children in fighting pits because they wanted everyone to root for Rhaenyra. Mushroom mentioned the fighting pits but he's the least reliable narrator and he wasnt even in the city at the time but for some reason his accounts about Aegon were considered true for the show while everything negative said about Rhaenyra was taken out.
@ev2155 9 ай бұрын
@@arobin6695 from a young age in the books he was describe to “fondle and pinch” girls against their will. He was described in the books that as an adult he forced a 13 yo girl to give him head. When Viserys died they found him at the “Flea Bottom Rat pit” where feral children fought each other for the amusement of watchers, while Aegon, drunk and naked, was pleasured by a young girl. He was 18-19 when he was crowned. Tell me you haven’t read the books without telling me you didn’t read the books
@sandralofgren8266 8 ай бұрын
I'm a social worker who works with addiction. This video made me think of something many of my clients say "I became the best at being the worst" If you can't win, you're better off just making sure you lose At least you'll know the outcome
@idab9958 7 ай бұрын
I would argue that Alicent inflicting the same trauma on Aegon that Otto inflicted on her is largely the point. That's how generational trauma works. That's not to make excuses for anyone here, but I don't know how a child bride who had no support from her neglectful rapist of a husband was supposed to know how to raise a child. And regardless of Alicent's qualities as a mother, she still stepped in front of a freaking dragon to protect Aegon. You can't argue that she doesn't love him, even if she doesn't show it the way he needed her to.
@edloyn752 9 ай бұрын
People (GoT fans) may forget how unlikeable Jaime in GoT season 1 and Theon in season 2, yet they have this character development that make us rooting for them in the end. I think Aegon II should have this development too from the HoTD showrunner. From a reckless bad boy become King, only to get crippled at the beginning of the war. He had a beautiful bond with sunfire, and as a King he fought his own battle till the end. From a milk of poppy addict to a sober man. If only in the end he listened to Sea Snake councel to pardoning all rebels and make peace, made Aegon the younger as his heir, maybe he would last longer. He is more interesting character than Aemond or even Daemon in my opinion.
@anti5061 10 ай бұрын
This is a great take they did this character a injustice the show runner painted him out to be te worst but it’s not really like that in the books but team black is so wild to me to defend those type of people
@Alejojojo6 10 ай бұрын
They made the Blacks a bit better than they are in the book, specially Rhaenyra, by "cleaning up" Laenor murder (and probably also will with Jaehaerys murder, I'm afraid) while making the Greens look worse than in the book, specially Aegon.
@browniebear 10 ай бұрын
Yeah it should've been as even as a 50/50 Green split with Black. Instead we got a 60-65% favor to Black and a 35-40% favor to Greens.
@m1ro 10 ай бұрын
@@browniebear plenty of time for both sides to commit war crimes in the next season
@browniebear 10 ай бұрын
@@m1ro Yes I'm aware, there is still time to course correct but based on what we've seen and heard so far, we can predict how the writers will handle characters and events going forward. Tho I hope they do improve at balancing the scales.
@sodaandstars4389 10 ай бұрын
@@Alejojojo6 What? In the books Alicent wants Rhaenyra killed instead of giving her the chance to surrender. She lets Viserys body rot for days to try to get Aegon king and way more directly kills those on the councils that oppose the Greens.
@bluejay5401 10 ай бұрын
I'm so glad you've made this video. Very objective and insightful. I find that many people are quick to dismiss show Aegon's complexity as a result of his terrible actions even though his journey of resilience is one of the most interesting in Fire and Blood. I look forward to how they will portray him in season 2 given how he pretty much got shit in season 1 compared to the other shitty male characters like Daemon. I honestly find it hard to imagine how they will go about Aegon after what they made him. Even the actor himself was opposed to that creative choice of making Aegon so sadistic.
@ajae... 10 ай бұрын
It's so interesting how people passed off that imbecile comment as just a cliche about kids who don't realize their parents do terrible things out of love for them. It was obvious to me he meant it. I think Aegon's's real downfall began at Driftmark. Alicent crossed a line that so many abusive parents cross: expecting their children to bear the weight of the abusive family secrets. She had already told him this when she scolded him about the Pink Dread. But then it was to protect Aemond. When Aemond said it was Aegon who was spreading the bastard rumors instead of his mother the way Aegon said "Me?" was heartbreaking to me. And Alicent and everyone else let it happen. He had flaws and insecurities, but up to then he wasn't hateful and self-loathing. Everyone turned on him that night, and he still openly took responsibility for all them. It was like he became the family's human garbage dump. Garbage in, garbage out. About Alicent, did you mean if Alicent was a male version of herself and a Hightower or if she was a Targaryen boy with Alicent and Viserys as parents? Those would be very different people. I also wish they had kept the Tennant kid. He didn't look that young and could have been.a great adult Aegon.
@Ch50304 9 ай бұрын
Yes, he would be cool. That is just awful, my heart breaks for him. But Tom is older and looks worn out so they had to make a change.
@pg1448 9 ай бұрын
When Aemond blamed Aegon, Aegon willingly played along because they both realized in that moment how much their father has stacked the deck against them in favour of Rhaenyra and the bastards. Here he is ranting about his eyeless freshly maimed son speaking an obvious truth and trying to put the blame on his distraught mother. This is when Aegon realized his mother's warnings were actually true, their father doesn't care about him or his brothers only about Rhaenyra and she does even less. The moment they become a liability to her or the safety of her sons they are toast. Alicent's sons knew they had to protect and shield their mother and so Aegon took the blame on himself. He became hateful and self loathing because he knew his father didn't love or care about him, he was only the spare. He asks Alicent that because he wants to know if she acts out of genuine love for him or if she also only considers him as a means to an end and as a political tool for power. But ultimately the most abusive and neglectful person in this relationship was Viserys, not Alicent. And Aegon was well aware of that.
@ajae... 9 ай бұрын
@@pg1448 I get that people are on this or that team and will take pains to defend their faves in spite of the evidence. I'm not on either side. In describing what Alicent did I'm not relieving Viserys of blame. But Alicent did what Alicent did, regardless of what Viserys did or didn't do. It's not a contest for who is the most abusive parent. I am also referring to a specific moment where Aegon realized that no one would protect him as common for victims of child abuse..That "Me?" wasn't willingly playing along. It was shock at what was happening. Alicent looked at Aemond pleadinglyy when he was asked who told him that his nephews were bastards. There was a long silence while Aemond decided what to do then took the moment as a chance to show loyalty to his mother and damage his brother, so he blamed Aegon instead of telling the truth. It's very obvious that Viserys favored Rhaenyra, and wasn't supportive of his kids with Alicent. I don't think anyone would deny that. But that's not a reason for Aegon to take the blame for spreading rumors about Rhaenyra's children.
@Ch50304 9 ай бұрын
The guy looked so confused. Like whaaa???@@ajae...
@Ch50304 9 ай бұрын
@@pg1448 wish they showed more of the family interactions like come on..
@burningboy14 10 ай бұрын
You just said everything I've been feeling about Aegon and I was even more happy when you start talking about how him and Rhaenyra because I fully agree and even more I have to say on it
@libragoddess5990 8 ай бұрын
He’s one of my favorites already IDC
@GalaxyWhimsy 9 ай бұрын
Excellent break down and analysis of a character. I love how organized and well thoughtout this video was. Makes for a good video and very interesting to listen to
@The2FGgang 9 ай бұрын
hes aegon the II because he was the second aegon to sit the iron throne
@extraplain2412 17 күн бұрын
I think Aegon was portrayed perfectly in the show. We've already seen what a lack of family affection can do to a young king in Joffrey but the difference is, Aegon never wanted to be king. He had resigned himself to the belief that Rhaenyra will sit the throne when their father dies, and with that lack of ambition or clear purpose or true love from his family he just chases his desires no matter how dark. The moment that crown touched his head and the crowd cheered you could see that he was being given everything he ever wanted. Recognition. I love that there's more to him than just being Joffrey with a dragon. Blood and cheese is going to make us all sympathise with Aegon and it's that type of complexity that makes the characters in the world of Westeros fascinating to watch.
@SweetSomersChild 9 ай бұрын
I like both Ty Tennent and Tom Glynn- Carny they both do a good job portraying him. I do wish they would have spent more time with them in their younger years and I hope they don’t ruin his arc for future seasons
@anastan5445 7 ай бұрын
I agree with everything stated in this video. I also wanna point out that irl people like Aegon exist and it's terrifying. A person who isn't loved enough to be taught right from wrong besides the basics of it - through religion and moralising tales - in a position of power. That person knows they can get away, because nobody cares that much as to meaningfully discipline them, but they get into a position of power also knowing that no matter what, they are considered "lucky" to have it. And at the end of the day nobody cares about this person. Their actions don't matter because they don't matter. In the great scheme of things.... They are just.... There. Perhaps to maintain an image.... But they are just that. The pretty picture.... Nothing more. I have too much regard for characters like Alicent and Aemond to feel truly sympathetic for Aegon, but I think it's sad they exist to this very day. If you ask me what actions shouod be taken to avoid the creation of such a person, i don't know, i just think it's sad that Aegon is relevant today, that people like him exist, and they are many. Perhaps i think of the highest scale.... Even if i am from a poor country, and i don't earn a lot, and I have suffered prejudice... But it's sad because if we live in a qorld of Aegons - and we will - it means that the system has failed everybody. Qe will suffer at rhe hands of Aegons because that is the status quo for people like us.... And the Aegons will never cease to exist because that is their model. Unloved, nothing "personal" about them, except that they need to take over the business. They will view us like their parents used to view us, cogs in the machine, notning else.... Because they view themselves similarly, at another scale. We are, as they "are" just "lucky to be here". Nothing else. Why complain about anything life-related if you are here? (Sarcastic question.) Just be happy you are here, right? Your merit is that you exist, your achievements are nothing. You got here, so what? And the world will sink as a result of everything. The Aegons, that they exist, that all we do as a society is hate them. Not to be bleak but not matter how much you hate an aegon, he's up there, and you're down here. How would i fix it? Real therapy for real people. Not just self-empowering stuff, i mean therapy to everyone. Access to mental health care that is meaningful. For some that would mean you are worth more than you ever thought you were (because of whatever you experienced), or.... On the other hand, to bring someone down to earth - yes you are here, yes you can do anything, but why not help others because you can.
@facundogonza5740 10 ай бұрын
Now I WILL play the Devil's Advocate. The scene with Dayna is horrible. But what makes it different to any of Robert's "conquests" (Do you REALLY think someone will say no to the King?), like It is a GREAT scene, the feelings of Dayna are VERY real. But I feel that the scene is taken out of context by us fans. What happens to Dayna is just another horrible part of commoner's life. Nothing fun, but also nothing NEW. Alicent ONLY cares casue she sees reflected in it. Meanwhile coldly mocking Laenor for his homosexuality.
@maegonii 10 ай бұрын
I honestly hate that they even included that as likely, it’s exaggerated like 90% of mushroom’s takes. I think the show leaning into that narrative was such a bad idea
@facundogonza5740 10 ай бұрын
@@maegonii I do not think it is exagerated. It is more of a way of showing Aegon as bad. But they use our perception of society, instead of the one of Westeros.
@burtan2000 9 ай бұрын
@@maegoniiYou mean the homosexuality, not the Aegon raping thing. But Laenar is gay in the books most likely. I mean... how else would a white haired Valeryon and fricken pure blood Targaryen have a set of scruff, brown-haired boys? One would assume they would at least have one kid together. I'm glad we no longer view bastards like that. A child should not be held liable for the circumstances of their birth, nor held to account for the sins of their parents. Personally, I'd be very reluctant to have a child out of wedlock bc Im old fashioned like that... at least i was until i got divorced and i thoroughly regretted marrying that person, but had zero regrets about the lengthy relationship and view the child produced as obviously the best thing to ever happen, regardless of how or when she was conceived. wanting more kids, I'd consider having kids with the right woman, but Id be extremely resistant to marrying again, now that I know how easily a female can destroy your life by making you homeless while taking over everything you've ever owned and everything you have left from the past four generations in the New World, all while you still have to pay for all the bills bc if you don't your credit is fucked, and you're left with no real recourse if your possessions are destroyed or lost.
@happilyevernever4289 9 ай бұрын
​@@facundogonza5740better they show this than Aegon getting from a lil girl.
@ariwoodshany4308 9 ай бұрын
@@maegonii I think mushroom shouldn't be trusted ever
@nonjabulomangoro1871 10 ай бұрын
2:55 I completely disagree with this! Aegon's position as _not heir_ makes it seem like there's something wrong with him. From the history of Westeros to all the people that he's ever met, their birth position and gender is a huge governing policy and power play. Viserys not naming him heir is probably the biggest I don't give a $#!+ about you he could have possibly have given to anyone. On top of that, Viserys is king so he is literally humiliating him to the whole world, every year he keeps Rhaenyra as heir. Even when Rhaenyra messes up and it would be easier and more peaceful to name Aegon as heir, Viserys rejects him. No matter what Alicent wants and tries and no matter how well behaved Aegon may be, the severity of his father's rejection will stand. So, I think Aegon does give up, and unfortunately the only person who develops a negetive opinion of him is Alicent. Viserys has shown he doesn't care, and so Aegon's actions only drive a wedge between him and Alicent. Alicent is correct to discipline and try guide Aegon away from his self destructive behavior and I understand that you may not feel loved when your parents are scolding you, but what should she do? Aegon vs Aemond is a good juxtaposition because Viserys doesn't care about Aemond either despite how "good" he has been. I think Aemond is there to explicitly show how far Viserys neglect goes. People may assume that Viserys is choosing not to let Aegon be king because of his vices but it was never about Aegon's actions or character. If Viserys wouldn't punish Rhaenyra's second born son, for causing grievous harm to his most well-mannered son, there was nothing that Aegon could have done to win his father's love. It's here we see how pointless it would have been for Aegon to achieve/overachieve. And so he asks the one person who cares about the things he does if they love him, not because Alicent never loved him but because he knows how she feels about his lifestyle, knows how religious she is and he knows that his actions could have caused irreparable harm to the mother-son relationship they once had. She's his only parent left, that give you some perspective.
@kmond6166 9 ай бұрын
The perspective is amazingly accurate.
@happilyevernever4289 9 ай бұрын
Okay Alicent, we know it's you talking.
@youngveteran6368 9 ай бұрын
Wish I could give this a MILLION LIKES
@yusufraage8554 9 ай бұрын
What some people dont know is Viserys I was a walking zombie when the kids were born.
@ullr1438 9 ай бұрын
Fantastic video and completely changed what I thought of Aegon. Subbed and looking forward for any more ASOIAF vids
@FlaccidPhoenix 10 ай бұрын
Good video dude. Not enough understanding of the complex character that is Aegon II
@purplebanana6420 9 ай бұрын
Hes a well written character his actions are speaking louder than his words
@williamgunderson7365 6 ай бұрын
This was a phenomenal psychology vid! I know that it’s fantasy but this is much like psychohistory in principle. Bravo.
@latamarap13 9 ай бұрын
I believe he will confront Rhanerya at end. He will let her know that he blames her for their father not loving him like he loved her. Simple sibling jealousy
@Lex77755 9 ай бұрын
Why would he? I mean for me it didn’t seemed like he cared his father at all. In my opinion he was more hurt because of the way his mother treated him. He never seemed jealous or angry toward Rhaenyra because of their father. The first time he was openly stood up against her was also because he tried to protect his mother, not because of his hatred toward Rhaenyra, and later he only usurped her crown, because Alicent made him to do so. I think Aemond cared about this more than him.
@gloriabrown6403 9 ай бұрын
Wow big eye opener. Thanks!
@NoDustZone 10 ай бұрын
None of them asked for it and he has to be held accountable.
@Tormund_Giantsbrain 9 ай бұрын
Excellent analysis. Completely agree with your alicent and viserys and rhaenyra takes as well. Refreshing non-superficial takes from the usual Sports Team partisan stupidity on social media. Aegon II has been portrayed in a fascinating way once you peel off the surface layer of sexual debauchery and drunkeness (vulnerability, lonliness, depression, expectation, neglect, etc...things that actually explains the traits King Aegon II goes on to have). It's fascinating. For those worried about sunfyre and the "badass" Aegon, we have 2 or 3 seasons to go. It will be a character arc, one worth remembering.
@abdulla10955 4 ай бұрын
A good chance to make this character a fan favorite in season 2. Lets hope they do it.
@bclr6843 9 ай бұрын
F’n! Great idea for videos. Can’t wait for your future videos
@Tgsva352 10 ай бұрын
Yeah unfortunately the dyana scene as great as it was, kinda detracted most people’s attention away from his character. I wonder how next season and daeron are going to fit in the dysfunctional green family.
@sankarkrishnan407 9 ай бұрын
The end of the dance justifies all the war. viserys wants a real targaryn to become king. Daemon wants crown. Rhaenyra wants crown. Nobles want no bastard wear crown. All the wishes are satisfied in Aegon 3.
@yusufraage8554 9 ай бұрын
Aegon III was a bastard also, his mom was still married when she had him atleast in the show. Remember little over half of the realm sided with Rheanyra by proxy Jace. Jace even had the pact of Ice and Fire with Cregan Stark, you dont think lord Stark knew about the ''bastard'' rumor.
@illmilfinestke 9 ай бұрын
You make great videos 💪🏾🔥
@rajond7881 9 ай бұрын
Dude I just found your channel. These character analysations are great! Great job. I only disagree with (and it's a relatively unimportant detail for this video) u saying Tyrion and tywin are just alike. That's a foolish point I often hear people try to make. It's not even close really, the only thing they kinda share is aptitude for getting things done. And it's only kind of. Tywin is faaaaaar more ruthless and heartless than Tyrion. Tyrion often goes out of his way to help people (even people who are trying to do him harm like when he saves Catelyn stark while she's currently kidnapping him). Tywin would do no such thing 🤣. Tywin was the first born son, sometimes loved, normally feared and always respected.Tyrion is the second born son, a "cripple", who people constantly mock scorn, show disdain for, lie to and abuse mentally, emotionally and physically (which only makes hid empathy shine more. Another example of this is tyrions treatment of Sansa which definitely gets him further down the gutter with jofffrey. He constantly does stuff to help people when it's not in his best interest (there are more examples of this too especially in the books) Tywin is known for being notoriously without without compassion.
@Rae0f_Sunshine 9 ай бұрын
Alicent slapping him for things that may or may not have been his fault? Please tell me you’re not referring to her response to him raping the servant girl
@yusufraage8554 9 ай бұрын
@@QuinnFirstOfHerName Losing an eye was his fault first he fought back against 4 eight year olds and wanted to use a rock to bash the head of Jace. Luke thought hell no, not on my watch and took out his knife. First fault of his was trying to kill a kid half his size second was getting his eye taken by an eight year old. His last and finale mistake was killing that same kid and unleashing Deamon.
@Isuream6331 7 ай бұрын
She has always been unnecessarily physical, it seems. Case in point, how she grabs his face in the wanking scene to emphasise her point. It’s not much, but it shows a tendency for unneeded disciplinary violence
@missmizer 9 ай бұрын
I totally thought he was going to end up being the Mad King. He's got the look and is so great at such an evil role!
@chamirus1 9 ай бұрын
House of the dragon takes places 200 years before game of thrones
@yusufraage8554 9 ай бұрын
He will turn paranoid but he will be right to be paranoid his team is filled with snakes and treators. Team black will keep fighting even after 90% of their leaders die.
@nadalind 5 ай бұрын
Tom Glynn-Carney is a phenomenal actor. If you want to see more of him being an absolute badass, he's in the show Domina, where he plays Augustus the first Emperor of Rome, but unfortunately it's only for a few episodes. But damn, he's so memorable anyway, holy shit. It will be a crime if they don't utilise him properly in HOTD. Tom Glynn-Carney is incredible!!
@angryyoungman66 7 ай бұрын
He is Aegon the 2nd because you only get a number next to your name when you sit on the throne
@JamiThatsMe 10 ай бұрын
Good stuff!!
@wallybonejengles5595 10 ай бұрын
I see myself in Aegon now and i dont like it. Im like an inverse. My dad died while i was young and my mom underacheived so hard (only i can say that.). Now im a big prude and serious all the time ane constantly studying. But i can see how i could have gone down the other road into degeneracy.
@jyotichoudhary9163 8 ай бұрын
Dude you just described me.
@peterjoyce8421 9 ай бұрын
We need a video on ser criston cole
@Tomazito1 9 ай бұрын
Good analysis.
@thalmoragent9344 9 ай бұрын
2:33 I think so. Aemond has made attempts, Helaena is simple-minded, but Aegon... well, he's been overly careless. He doesn't try very hard, tbh. It takes no effort to NOT rape people, like a servant girl If I was Aegon's parent and knew of the things he did, well... I'd have hard on him for doing those things. Granted, Alicent may as well have been a single young/teen parent, so her botching her first kid more than the others may be a result of that.
@nadalind 5 ай бұрын
I hate that the show went that way, when it's obvious in the book that Aegon wasn't a rapist.
@thalmoragent9344 3 ай бұрын
​​@@nadalind True, though I guess if he's known to "fondle passing servant girls" then mayhaps its not impossible Still, they did their hardest job to make him seem like a villain, and absolve Rhaenyra of much of her wrongdoing.
@Jonathan_D12 9 ай бұрын
Rhaenyra has made a few major mistakes which costed her and her family their lives. Never loving Aegon and sparing Rhaenyra. Tywin was right, killing a few at dinner is better than a war. And what a terrible war the Dance of Dragons was. Granted, a war that could've been avoided by Rhaenyra never being named heir.
@farnesetbh8487 9 ай бұрын
or it could have been avoided if the greens never usurped her
@durrangodsgrief6503 9 ай бұрын
@@farnesetbh8487 if a kings ruling can be ignored after death what exactly does rhaenyra stand on
@yusufraage8554 9 ай бұрын
Rheanyra was warned by Rheanys but she took being heir for granted. If I was her I would've killed Alicent then Otto right away. I also would'nt go from Viserys I sight so when he dies I would be as close to him as possible.
@peterjoyce8421 9 ай бұрын
Can you do a video on criston cole and Daemon
@TrevorCopter 9 ай бұрын
0:48 “There is a reason he is not called [Aegon III] but that’s a topic for another video” The reason is they only count kings. There could be a million Aegons born between The Conqueror and The Second, but if none of them were king, it doesn’t change the count. That’s the whole script for the other video 😂
@jaieregilmore971 10 ай бұрын
Technically he is the fourth Jaehaerys did have a son named Aegon but die in birth.
@Tgsva352 10 ай бұрын
Hes talking about aegon the uncrowned. Who also crowned himself king but was defeated by maegor. The numericals are only given to rulling members.
@zacharymccants7922 10 ай бұрын
@@Tgsva352imagine if the common folk like some random inn keeper named his son Aegon 😂
@nicksmithnutmilk 10 ай бұрын
​@@zacharymccants7922Walder Frey did 😂😂
@nicksmithnutmilk 10 ай бұрын
He's the 6th Aegon . 1st Lord Aegon Targaryen , 2nd Aegon The Conqueror , 3rd Aegon The Uncrowned , 4th Jaehaerys I's son and 5th Viserys I and Daemon's younger brother
@ajae... 10 ай бұрын
By tradition Aegons who aren't coronated don't get numbers. The others may have the same name, but only this is Aegon II.
@OldBaldWookiee 7 ай бұрын
Isnt otto hightower his grand father not his great uncle . And isnt daemon just his uncle .. who did you mean when you said great uncle
@nicksmithnutmilk 8 ай бұрын
Aegon II is the 6th Aegon but nevermind.... Lord Aegon , The Conqueror , The Uncrowned , Jaehaerys' stillborn son , Daemon's stillborn brother
@cazyjohn2005 10 ай бұрын
are you going to do breakdown on Ser Criston Cole?
@TheEmpyreanSpeaks 10 ай бұрын
Honestly, I’m not sure yet. He is an interesting character and there things to tackle but I’m not entirely sold on giving him a video at the moment.
@cazyjohn2005 10 ай бұрын
@@TheEmpyreanSpeaks after watching your video Alicent you made some good points about him.
@sertorrhenclegane 9 ай бұрын
"There's more to him than meets the eye." He's a robot in disguise?
@KICKBOXER27 8 ай бұрын
Too MANY Aegons. Why not call your son(s) Alexander, Alec, Adrian, or Aaron Targaryen?
@cpanlilio7955 9 ай бұрын
You can only be crowned to be a 2nd 3rd & so forth
@onlyasongoficeandfire925 10 ай бұрын
Mate can you make a playlist
@colescott8118 9 ай бұрын
Viserys had a brother named aegon, and Jaherys' first son was named aegon, so not reall the 3rd.
@vladimirmomperousse 9 ай бұрын
They don't get a number unless they become king so it would still be the 3rd.
@dippy8053 9 ай бұрын
Opinion: I almost feel pity for him because his reign was absolutely miserable. He was unconscious for a good half of it and then the other half he was in constant physical agony and lost all his family members. I almost feel sorry for him but I can’t help thinking he brought it on himself in a way. Surprisingly from reading the lore, he’s not the worst member of the Greens. His mother, Ser Criston Coke, Larys Strong we’re awful. He actually was going to do the right thing but was manipulated out of it. That is where my sympathy draws in because he didn’t want to do it from the beginning and was actually doing the right thing by obeying his fathers wishes unlike the rest of the Greens that betrayed Viserys as soon as he drew his last breathe. In that way I can say he was loyal to his father even though their relationship isn’t much specified in the books. He was probably thinking that in his last moments that if he had not taken the throne then his children wouldn’t be dead and he wouldn’t be a severely burned cripple. I bet most of the Greens in the end we’re experiencing high forms of regret. Especially since they didn’t even win in the end. The war was about which bloodline would come out on top and it was Rhaenyra’s. And to add insult to injury he was betrayed by his own men, not that I feel sorry for him on that, but that’s just pitiful to go through all that trouble to be sold out by your own men and knowing that as your dying your enemy wins because the matter of succession went through Rhaenyra’s children not his. Even though he’s a despicable character, his ending almost makes you feel sorry for him. ALMOST (for me)
@radglou18 9 ай бұрын
Dann. Now I just feel sorry for him.
@justcallmed5297 3 ай бұрын
King Jaehaerys had a son named Aegon didn’t he ?
@thekrakensdaughter 9 ай бұрын
the show portrait him as an abuser so it's hard to have much sympathy for him, but I believe there's nothing like that in the book except from mushroom stories, is really sad to think he wanted to go away instead of being king but was forced in that role by his fucked up family
@Lex77755 9 ай бұрын
No he unfortunately seemed to like khm…younger girls, and he sexually harassed the maidens of the Red Keep, even Septon Eustace acknowledged these as truth, and he was not one of Rhaenyra’s supporters. But apart from that he was also… hm… so he had no intention to get crowned, so he acted like we seen in the book too, but the show exaggerated it for sure. As we know he didn’t raped anyone, but because of his predatory behavior and his position, there is a chance that he could have committed these kind of things too, but let’s not assume the worst. And as you said he wasn’t and abuser of his brother neither. But in best case, he was a predatory guy with pedophile tendencies. He was once found with a girl barely twelve, and that is still count as underage even in Westeros. Septon Eustace acknowledged this as truth again, but he said she was not a w*re but a trader daughter or wife, I’m not sure about which one. In altogether he was not a good person, and honestly I can’t say ‘he was not that bad’ or something like that because I was sexually harassed a lot while I was a young, but we seen worst than him even in this show (I’m looking at you Otto, pimp of daughters) and I still can feel sorry for him, so the actor and the writers absolutely made wonder with his character.
@arobin6695 9 ай бұрын
@@Lex77755 He pinched serving girls. Not great but pretty typical behaviour for a drunken neglected prince with no ambition. Nothing about him liking 'young' girls was said except from Mushroom who made up outrageous lies about everyone.
@Lex77755 9 ай бұрын
@@arobin6695’Flea Bottom rat pit, where two guttersnipes with filed teeth were biting and tearing at each other for his amusement whilst a girl who could not have been more than twelve pleasured his member with her mouth.’ Was what Mushroom said later Septon Eustace said this ‘Though the good septon admits Prince Aegon was with a paramour when he was found, he insists the girl was the daughter of a wealthy trader, and well cared for besides.’ In short, yes, she was underage.
@arobin6695 9 ай бұрын
@@Lex77755 That's not what that says at all. The girl being 12 is part of Mushroom's account, Mushroom's account is worth nothing. All is said is that he was having sex when he was found, Eustace says nothing about her age.
@Lex77755 9 ай бұрын
@@arobin6695 he didn't deny it, learn to read among the lines. He only said she was not a whore.
@RubyAPBT 7 ай бұрын
after Alyssa(Aenys wife) Aegon there was Aegon Jaehaerys and Alyssane son and after him there was Aegon the son of Baelon and Alyssa, Daemon and Viserys brother. I guess every generation try have an Aegon xD It is like a cursed name, cuz most die young as babies, becomes a problatic person who cause problens to Targaryen house like Alicent son(used in war against his family and this was the war who killed most adult targaryen and their dragons). That one who made a ton of bastards and made the blackfyres (who killed a lot of targaryens and caused problens for years.) Even Aegon the Egg from Duncan and Egg was kinda problematic while trying to rivive the dragons he killed part of his family... In the books there is a Aegon too who will probably cause problens for Daenerys... Its kinda funny how Maegor is used as a curse even in atual westeros but it is Aegons name(the conqueror) who became like a cursed name for Targaryens.
@Simon-A.-Tan 6 ай бұрын
"Actually Aegon II is Aegon III." Nope, he's Aegon IV: Jacaerys and Alysanne also had a firstborn son named Aegon.
@equusquaggaquagga536 8 ай бұрын
Feed a caterpillar enough royal jelly and it will turn into a monarch butterfly
@happilyevernever4289 9 ай бұрын
I'd say Aegon's misinterpreted his relationship with his father quite a lot just like Aemond has. One of the reasons why I'd say so is because Viserys was a weary and sickly old man by the time Aegon was growing up, so he hardly could ever spend time with him coz of that. Yet Viserys still tried to spend time with his sons as much as he was able, as mentioned in the books. I suppose they could only show one scene of it in the series but that alone didn't print a good image of Viserys trying to be a good parent. Just like how the scene with Daemon consoling his own daughters didn't make the cut. Moreover it doesn't help that Alicent keeps on badgering Aegon about how he should be the heir and he will make him heir one day. How Viserys shouldn't be treating his bastard grandkids equally to them. So ofcourse, he'll come out thinking that making him heir is tied to his father's love. And since his father doesn't do any of that, that must mean Viserys doesn't love him. For the most part, he grew up with Alicent's belligerent parenting and when he saw how Rhaenyra was given such a position, he must've thought Viserys must love her best. And it doesn't help that Alicent too must've painted a very bad picture of Viserys only favouring Rhaenyra without actually understanding the nuances of why Alicent says this. Second of all, he has never seen Rhaenyra's struggle either. How she too was neglected. And it wasn't even due sickness of health. Viserys himself was able and well that time. Yet he still treated Rhaenyra like crap. From obsessing over a son, to neglecting her after her mom died and then the whole fiasco with meeting up with Alicent behind her back, choosing her best friend as his second wife without even telling her beforehand. His view is quite reductive but understandable since he was manipulated and pressured.
@Liberater4589 9 ай бұрын
One could say aegon is Alicent writ small
@radglou18 9 ай бұрын
It just goes to show that the HOTD writers have really tried to find what makes every character tick. George may have created the story but the HOTD writers have given these characters life.
@arobin6695 9 ай бұрын
except Otto and Criston and Aegon, they're just evil irredeemable monsters with no redeeming qualities
@MRJTD99 9 ай бұрын
Yeah, if anything HOTD dumbed the characters down. Some of the most interesting ones as well in Criston and Aegon@@arobin6695
@TraciPeteyforlife 9 ай бұрын
Ageon was not raised to be a human being. He was raised to be a pawn. His mother was a B and his father was a D. His grandfather was a total D.
@MarkStorey-dc4tm 10 ай бұрын
Great video. I agree with most of this. I do think you push the parallels between Aegon and Alicent too far. I don't think a male Alicent would have assaulted their maid or watched abused children fight for their entertainment. Honestly I wish the show had made Aegon less unsympathetic: a weak, self-indulgent, but not cruel man pressured into claiming a throne he didn't want. Still I understand why they made the choices they did
@Palepetal 5 ай бұрын
I personally hated that they made Aegon a sexually abusive person. I would have preferred it if Aegon were a cheating asshole who had consensual sex with other girls/women behind Heleana's back. Which would make the mirror between Alicent and Aegon much more apparent. Alicent must marry someone she doesn't want to and cannot be with other men because she is a woman but Aegon could be with other women because he is a man. Which would make Alicent understandably jealous of Aegon, as many parents who didn't get the same freedoms and opportunities their children do find themselves feeling. Which causes a rift between parents and children.
@Luis-ou9fn 21 күн бұрын
You never mention how he’s just as cruel to his wife/sister.
@salimgohan9670 5 ай бұрын
Aegon II was the king, horrible as he was, doesn't change the fact that rhaenyra was just maegor with TITTIZ, at least aegon didn't murder peasants like she did.
@HeatherHolt 10 ай бұрын
Isnt this the same channel that just did a video about how Alicent wasn’t that bad lol
@scottiye1452 10 ай бұрын
@sit-insforsithis1568 9 ай бұрын
@@scottiye1452 nah I’m team daemon and rhaenera STOP THE COOKOUT
@scottiye1452 9 ай бұрын
@@sit-insforsithis1568 i didnt say nothing about teams?
@pg1448 9 ай бұрын
I mean is "Alicent wasn't that bad" a controversial opinion or something, because she really wasn't that bad.
@thekrakensdaughter 9 ай бұрын
something that bothers me about HOTD is how it always seems the show is trying too hard to be game of thrones 2.0, they're always trying to copy the predecessor, like rhaenyra and daemon seeing people having sex in the streets which is reminiscent of daenerys experience in the dothraki culture, but almost everytime it feel so forced the alicent comment saying you're no son of mine is also very hard to take seriously 😂
@justinluna9600 2 ай бұрын
I think making him a rapist was a bad choice. I think his book counterpart still has some of his flaws in the show but has much more agency while he still gets manipulated by those around him
@centipedekid9824 2 ай бұрын
In the books he did worse he got fellatio from a 12 year old while at the child fight pits.
@HelaEnna 10 ай бұрын
Show Aegon is not complex, we do need to stop with the mommy/daddy issues route, most people have it, and I like to believe not all of them turn out to be disgusting r*pists and before someone comes with the "it was like that in those times" "it was not different of what Robert or Drogo did" please stfu, first of all there is not "those" times, it's fantasy INSPIRED in Medieval/Byzantine/Renaissance Eras, the author could have chosen to not have the amount of SA and child SA, but at least GRRM tries to have a conversation about it when it happens, if you all think Robert or Drogo are portrayed to be sympathetic you are reading the books wrongly, try again. But the show writers went the laziest route, made Aegon despicable, lazy, uninteresting and then tossed the blame to "mommy doesn’t love me, daddy prefers older sister" please, be for real, Tom Glynn-Carney big teary eyes doesn’t move me, makes me even more: eh why would I care? They could have had a complex character but they chose not to because that would require then to work more to make both sides equally sympathetic, they can't barely write one good arc imagine having to do it for two sides of a whole family, too much work.
@burningboy14 10 ай бұрын
I'm a bit confused with what you're trying to say are you trying to say aegon's more complexed or just black and white and a bad person and the show is lazy with making the mummy and daddy issues.
@just_by_luck 9 ай бұрын
"writers lazy" said a person who never wrote a book ,please tell us "hard working writer" how would u HV made it to be?
@NotReallyAya. 9 ай бұрын
Ooh boo hoo , men in their mama issues 😂
@centipedekid9824 2 ай бұрын
It wasn't just his mother his father also failed to show him love. He in general was traumatized by his family. His father didn't care about him since he decided he wanted Rhaenyra on the throne and his mother basically blamed him for everything even though he never asked for the pressure of being in the royal family. If she trained him to at least be a honorable man there wouldn't be any issue but both of them failed him.
@NotReallyAya. 2 ай бұрын
@@centipedekid9824 there is no proof that Dad did not care. Just because he plays her on the throne way before this little boy was born. Does not mean the dad didn’t care. The mother for sure didn’t like him at all. I don’t blame her, but yeah, it’s his mamas fault. She seems like the one that pacifies what he does. I never witnessed the dad doing it. So.
@centipedekid9824 2 ай бұрын
@@NotReallyAya. There is no proof he did care. Clearly he didn't train him to be a political figure of to be a responsible person. He basically let Aegon do whatever he wanted just like Rhaenyra but doesnt defend him. He more or less just ignores his existence.
@NotReallyAya. 2 ай бұрын
@@centipedekid9824 and who is too blame? He was a old ass man by the time he was born. That marriage and child was forced upon him by his conniving scheming ass Hand. Rather not he wanted him to be a political figure has nothing to do with his love or care for him. Not everybody temperament is meant to be a political figure.
@centipedekid9824 2 ай бұрын
@@NotReallyAya. His father is still to blame.
@alienmeatfajitas5620 9 ай бұрын
I feel like everyone who feels bad for this guy is just dancing around the fact that he is a serial rapist
@AssasiCraftYogUscus 9 ай бұрын
Real quick I want to highlight Rhaenyra's children aren't Bastards. Every part of society that matters has acknowledged them as legitimate.
@centipedekid9824 2 ай бұрын
The only one that considered them legitimate was her father no one else believed those were Laenors kids.
@AssasiCraftYogUscus 2 ай бұрын
@@centipedekid9824 Both Viserys and Corlys. The only two people legally required to acknowledge them as legitimate. So by the laws of gods and men they were. Either way though it doesn't matter as their claim to the throne is through Rhaenyra. So even if no one wants to call them Velaryons they are Targaryens
@centipedekid9824 2 ай бұрын
@@AssasiCraftYogUscus Ultimately none of that matters they are bastards in everyones eyes and would only diminish the throne.
@PinacoladaMatthew Ай бұрын
your commentary sounds superfulously judgemental...this is literature not's meant to be related not judged.
@femalegays 5 ай бұрын
forever mad the show went w/ the account of the person who was barely around aegon instead of one that was around him. because it's not enough that he's chosen because "women cannot rule", but they also had to make him a rapist and sadist instead of a adulterer that was in love w/ a sex worker and not his sister. i mean, even in the show, it seems out of character for what they want aegon to be. can you imagine whimpy drunk loser aegon sneaking off to underground child fights and s/aing servants? because i can, but not that easily
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