Рет қаралды 35,335
MAC-TALLA performs "The Beautiful Girl", in Scots Gaelic, a tune composed by, Tomás 'Jimmy' Mac Eoin of "The Water Boys". MAC-TALLA are; Arthur Cormack from Skye, Eilidh Mackenzie and Christine Primrose, Alison Kinnaird, on harp and cello, and Blair Douglas, from Skye, on keyboards and accordion.
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A chailin àlainn dha'n tug mi'n gràdh-sa ~Oh beautiful girl to whom I gave my love
'S i fhèin as àille na blàths ' nan ròs ~ She alone has more beauty than the fair roses
Gun i bhith làimh rium, 's ann tùrsach tha mi ~ Without her I am sorrowful
A chailin àlainn 's tu fàth mo bhròin ~ Oh beautiful girl, you are the cause of my sadness
An am dhomh dùsgadh is mi nam aonar ~ On waking when I am alone
'S e sin an uair as moth' mo bhròin ~ That is the time I am most sad
Bidh mo smuaintean air a' chailin uasail ~ My thoughts are with the noble girl
A dh'imich bhuam-sa 's a rinn mo leòn ~ Who went from me and wounded me
A chailin àlainn gun tug mi gràdh dhut ~ Beautiful girl, I gave my heart to you
Thig na mo chòmhnaidh mo luaidh 's mo stòr ~ Come to me, my darling and my treasure
'S abair rium-sa gur tu mo ghràdh geal ~ Tell me that you are my fair love
'S bidh mise àghmhor gun adhbhar cràidh ~ And I'll be joyful without reason for torment
Nach tig thu leam-sa, a chailin àlainn ~ Won't you come with me, beautiful girl
Gu sìorraidh bràth cha bhith ort bròn ~ And forever more you'll know no sorrow
Sheinninn ceòl dhut mar cheòl na clàrsaich ~ I would sing to you like the music of the clarsach
'S mar ghuth na smeòraich an driùchd an fheòir ~ Like the voice of the song-thrush in the dewy grass
A chailin àlainn gun tug mi gràdh dhut ~ Beautiful girl, I gave my heart to you
Thig na mo chòmhnaidh mo luaidh 's mo stòr ~ Come to me, my darling and my treasure
'S abair rium-sa gur tu mo ghràdh geal ~ Tell me that you are my fair love
'S bidh mise àghmhor gun adhbhar cràidh ~ And I'll be joyful without reason for torment