An Extremely Nitpicky Review of “The Two Towers” Part 2

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Tolkien Lore

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@FatphobeforLife Ай бұрын
About Aragorn the Buoyant: maybe we're supposed to think that the Numenoreans who survived were the better floaters? :)
@TolkienLorePodcast Ай бұрын
@dasaen Ай бұрын
I think on a reread of the houses of healing chapter, Eowyn is really portrayed in the book as someone that is enough of a feminist icon, Aragorn scorns the men as to remember that she was probably a victim of Grimma’s words and advances, taking care of feeble Theoden, while she was a capable leader and warrior on her own. In the book it is pretty clear she is a heroic character. Even her abandonment of the idea of a war is pretty heroic, she basically realizes how stupid war focused mentalities are, which is the quality that makes Faramir and Aragorn the better leaders. Faramir is recognized as a loved leader because he likes to learn and understand, over Boromir’s war tendencies. And the act that makes Aragorn be recognized as a king is actually healing Faramir, not the war efforts alone. Maybe Peter Jackson tried to rescue this narrative and make it more obvious for the audience, but fails because he focus on the “war” part of Eowyn as the feminist representation, and not the fact that she is a very competent leader that understands the objective is peace and healing, and not to be recognized as a worthy warrior.
@Enerdhil Ай бұрын
I never thought about Éowyn as a feminist icon when the movies came out. Nowadays with militant feminism infecting the political landscape, it is hard to ignore signs of it anymore, since they put it in your face every chance they get Tauriel was a horrible concession to the feminists. TRoP Galadriel is the worst case scenario of a furious, psychopathic, revenge-seeking Amazonian Feminist girl-boss.
@gandalfolorin-kl3pj Ай бұрын
Melon Geek, Excellent as usual. That last part about Frodo and the Ring in Osgiliath was spot on. The whole scenario rankles me no end--they don't belong in Osgiliath at all. Faramir didn't drag them there. He made up his mind to allow Frodo and Sam to continue and warned Gollum in Ithilian. PJ here once again had to get his fingerprints all over the story. Keep up the great work. Namarie.
@Enerdhil Ай бұрын
The only reason to have the Hobbits dragged to Osgiliath is that you want to make more screen time for Faramir by showing by pressing his internal debate about whether to obey his father or trust his heart and understanding of the times.
@eugene8498 Ай бұрын
The real problem with Frodo showing himself and the Ring before the Ringwraith is that there's no reason Sauron would believe Pippin has the Ring. It destroys Gandalf's line in the RotK: "He told Sauron nothing of Frodo and the Ring" - Sure, but Sauron has more recent news of Frodo and the Ring than any of you. Also Merry's line: "Don't you understand? The enemy thinks you [Pippin] have the Ring! He's going to be looking for you, Pip. They have to get you out of here."
@otaku-sempai2197 Ай бұрын
Sauron does not seem to automatically know everything that the Ringwraiths know, when they know it. They still need to report to him first. Also, our heroes are acting on all of the information that they actually have. Gandalf doesn't know about the events that have taken place in Osgiliath.
@reek4062 Ай бұрын
The Osgiliath subplot in PJ’s Twin Towers is not a nitpick, but completely storybreaking.
@eugene8498 Ай бұрын
@@otaku-sempai2197 Yeah, but the Ring is top priority, Sauron should get the report within one day or two. But then I just remembered when Faramir met Gandalf, he said "not two days ago", so my previous complain is no longer valid since Pippin looked into the stone days before (three days ride to Gondor) But there are still problems: a major contribution to Frodo's success was that Sauron believed Pippin was the Halfling and Isildur's heir got the Ring.
@eugene8498 Ай бұрын
@@reek4062 It's partly saved by Faramir specifying the dates, which i just remembered. If Faramir met Frodo not two days before he met Gandalf, then Pippin looked into the stone several days before Frodo was in Osgiliath, then he and Gandalf rode for three days to get to Gondor and met Faramir the next day.
@saberhamlinconmaverickknud4821 Ай бұрын
@otaku-sempai2197 If Gandalf does not know about that, then how the beep does he also not know that Saruman can make Gandalf do a lame 80’s spin-around dance, (he should’ve gotten severe-brain damage several times during the dance, and by hitting his head on the “Orthanc” ceiling)? Theoden’s possession does t help at all with Saruman hitting his head. Now we have wizards who can heal instantly, with full brain function because, “they’re D&D characters.” Also how does he not know about the Diablo Balrog, doesn’t tell anybody about it (I mean, why should he? It’s even slower and stupider than the fellowship while they are being chased). I mean, he knows that Saruman can control a mountain and a blizzard-lightning storm, knows that Saruman has made Theoden r******* for who knows how long, and thinks that it’s no big deal? And that it’s also no big deal that Furrymir took Frodo on DRAGins, Seandumb***tin, and Andy Circus to the Las Vegas Casino, and Jackson’s butthole Mount Doom)? I’m sorry, @Tolkien Lore! 🤣
@CursedAnqxl Ай бұрын
not sure if it is mentioned in this video or the first part, apologies if it is, but aragorn when getting the soup from eowyn just tries to dump it for tasting bad even though a character like aragorn would still want to eat the soup despite it tasting bad, purely out of kindness if nothing else. it was definitely meant to be a haha the food tastes bad moment and wants to get rid of it without blatantly telling her that the soup is terrible. I put this here because I find it fitting for a set of videos being extremely nitpicky about a film trilogy and a lot of the things in it. edit: oh yeah, it is also wasteful to just dump food on the ground like that and I personally don't believe that aragorn would waste food like that just because it tastes bad.
@otaku-sempai2197 Ай бұрын
One of the details in Jackson's The Two Towers that always stood out to me was the release of Aragorn's horse Brego while still wearing his bit and bridle (and saddle?). Who would release a horse into the wild without removing its gear first? Especially among the Rohirrim??? That's completely irresponsible. Of course there's also the famous nitpick pointing out Legolas stating that the Orcs are taking the captured Merry and Pippin EAST to Isengard. I don't recall this but I'm sure that you covered it.
@TolkienLorePodcast Ай бұрын
I never noticed that about Brego, and you’re right about Legolas as well and I totally didn’t cover it, although I suppose you could explain it by saying they had to around something then turn northeast. That doesn’t really fit the geography though lol
@otaku-sempai2197 Ай бұрын
​@@TolkienLorePodcast When Brego comes upon Aragorn in the wild he is still wearing his bridle (at the least). It's hard not to notice it. Does Legolas actually miss the Uruk berserker, or does he simply fail to land an instantly fatal strike? I'm not sure Tolkien's timeline completely works in Appandex B: - February 16: Farewell to Lorien. - February 25: The Company passes the Argonath. - February 26: Breaking of the Fellowship. - Feburary 28: Eomer overtakes the Orcs. - February 30: Entmoot begins. Eomer encounters the Three Hunters, - March 1: Aragorn's 88th birthday. The Three Hunters meet Gandalf the White. - March 2: Gandalf comes to Edoras and heals Theoden. Entmoot ends and the Ents march against Isengard. - March 3: Theoden retreats to Helm's Deep. Battle of the Hornburg begins. - March 4: Theoden and Gandalf set out from Helm's Deep for Isengard. - March 5: Theoden reaches Isengard at noon. Parley with Saruman at Orthanc.
@TolkienLorePodcast Ай бұрын
@otaku-sempai2197 what’s wrong with Tolkien’s timeline?
@otaku-sempai2197 Ай бұрын
@@TolkienLorePodcast Does the timeline work in the film(s)? I'm thinking specifically of "Look for me at dawn of the third day" (was this line lifted from Bakshi's film?). There's also the issue of Aragorn's age (87 or 88) but that is also only a question for the films that makes it difficult to pin down movie-Aragorn's year of birth and is more of a matter of trivia than anything else.
@TolkienLorePodcast Ай бұрын
@otaku-sempai2197 pretty sure he says dawn of the fifth day in PJ’s movie.
@gracchus7782 Ай бұрын
At least some of the Uruk Hai that Gimli encountered had shields since there is a scene where the uruk throws his shield at Aragorn and pins him to the tree
@TolkienLorePodcast Ай бұрын
You’re right, I forgot about that, but that still doesn’t account for the armor.
@parhwy Ай бұрын
Gotta LOL when you are in exasperation mode then transition to normal mode for a new topic, it's very entertaining and cute even! Question. In the movie, didn't someone say to Legolas that you can only kill Urukai thru a weakness or gap in the shoulder part of their armour?
@TolkienLorePodcast Ай бұрын
Legolas tells the other elves their armor is weak in the neck and under the arm or something like that. Which is the same problem as Gimli’s armor remark lol.
@Andy__A Ай бұрын
Thanks. If only makers of Amazon's series made just such inconsistencies
@Enerdhil Ай бұрын
So true.😞 They are way beyond extreme nitpicky problems in the RoP.
@stevemonkey6666 Ай бұрын
Sometimes it seems to me that Peter Jackson and Co read the books once when they were 10 years old, and then never again
@reek4062 Ай бұрын
PJ probably read LotR at most once. In the commentary track for Fellowship of the Ring PJ thought that the meeting between Frodo and Aragorn at Amon Hen happened in the book.
@waltonsmith7210 Ай бұрын
They couldve cut all the extra unnecessary bullshit, put Shelob in this movie and added in the Scouring of the Shire at the end of ROTK.
@TolkienLorePodcast Ай бұрын
Been saying that for two decades 😂
@Enerdhil Ай бұрын
What about Tom Bombadil, Goldberry, Fatty Lumpkin, Old Man Willow, the Old Forest, the Barrow Downs, and the Barrow Wights?😁👍
@tominiowa2513 Ай бұрын
@@Enerdhil Or most importantly, Farmer Maggot.
@Enerdhil Ай бұрын
@@tominiowa2513 And of course his Guard Dogs Grip, Fang and Wolf.🐕🦮🐕‍🦺
@JamesMC04 Ай бұрын
@@TolkienLorePodcast It's true. There is too much messing with Tolkien's text & story, & too many not so bright ideas of the film-makers getting into the films & messing with what actually happened. Ditching the Scouring of the Shire in ROTK with nothing of it showing at all, was a major fault.
@faeembrugh Ай бұрын
A friend of mine had written a paper on Medieval siege tactics and equipment and he kept saying 'who designed this place!' and 'these tactics are all nonsense!' throughout the Helm's Deep battle scene. He was particularly scornful of the amount of gunpowder used to destroy the outer defences pointing out that you would need about a ton of the stuff to do the amount of damage shown plus most of the blast would go out of the entrance and kill numerous Orcs.
@TolkienLorePodcast Ай бұрын
It was probably magic 😜
@codyc7477 Ай бұрын
The part where they hide under the cloak really bothered me as a kid. The view from their perspective shows that there is space between it and the ground. A moment later when they take it off, it was tucked under with rocks and dirt holding down the edges which would be impossible to do from inside.
@jonathonfrazier6622 Ай бұрын
@@codyc7477 Yeah, but it hides you from unfriendly eyes. Not friendly eyes.
@vegacast Ай бұрын
But but its a masterpiece!😢😮😅
@spencertaylor-mrliltay Ай бұрын
My least favorite part of the Peter Jackson trilogy is in this film. It’s what they changed about Faramir and the story of what happens between the Hobbits and him. Having Faramir actually take them and the Ring to Osgiliath is so bad. It hurts Faramir’s character most of all. In the books he comes across as a really good, just man, and leader. Who is able to overcome the downfalls of his brother and father. In the film they make him out to be still better but not by much. It also annoys me that they did it, and had the audacity to even reference that they hijacked that plot, by having Sam say “by rights we shouldn’t even be here.” Which was literally them referencing the fact that in the original story they didn’t go there.
@napoleonfeanor Ай бұрын
Only watched the movies a couple of times. By far, I prefer the audio book version. I wish the audio saving technology had been around earlier so we could have Tolkien himself narrate the whole book as he does with that one recorded scenes
@Enerdhil Ай бұрын
Maybe some day the Tolkien Estate will sell the rights to someone who will use A I. to mimic Tolkien's voice to read LotR, with the Prologue and Appendices.
@napoleonfeanor Ай бұрын
@@Enerdhil I hope not. That isn't what I want. AI cannot create the real passion and images of the text that Tolkien had. The only solution would be a time machine haha
@Enerdhil Ай бұрын
@@napoleonfeanor The arc of the future of the world is bending toward A.I.
@napoleonfeanor Ай бұрын
@@Enerdhil Not really. I also think there isn't enough source for Tolkien, much less of the theatrical narration. I also think the AI stuff is overrated. It will be a help in some issues but it doesn't have soul
@Enerdhil Ай бұрын
@@napoleonfeanor I have discovered two Tolkien channels that absolutely use A.I. The videos are pretty good, full of facts and references but like you said, they lack soul.
@cepopeye Ай бұрын
Maybe Gimli has gotten Orc Blood in his mouth just being covered in blood during a fray I do not understand why legolas goes with elvish that next line tho lol
@genghisgalahad8465 Ай бұрын
Orck...Blud! (I still hear and taste that scene in my mouth to this day, even in recollection!)
@Crafty_Spirit Ай бұрын
@@genghisgalahad8465 How does it taste?
@exantiuse497 Ай бұрын
You can deduce what something tastes like based on the smell as well. And orc blood in the movies has a black, almost tar-like consistency indicating it might have distinct taste and smell compared to normal blood As a non-English speaker I can 100% understand why Legolas switches to Elvish every now and then. When you are in a company where some speak your language and others don't you tend to habitually switch to your own tongue from time to time when speaking to those that understand it, even if you don't intentionally try to leave the rest in the dark. Also there is another explanation: he might be trying to mislead 'Saruman' in that scene - inform Aragorn about him without letting him know he noticed. Although maybe Saruman speaks Elvish so that might not have worked
@ilunnas Ай бұрын
About the aragorn telling the elves not to show mercy. The elves have fought orcs, but not sarumans urukhais which are supposed to be thougher, crueler and much more disciplined. So thats why
@TolkienLorePodcast Ай бұрын
So they’d expect Saruman’s orcs to be kinder and more merciful? I think you need to reconsider your logic.
@ilunnas Ай бұрын
@@TolkienLorePodcast Not kinder nor merciful. But they are facing a foe which has more discipline than common orcs. The urukhai are less likely to runaway when wounded or outnumbered but fight to the bitter end.
@ilunnas Ай бұрын
@@TolkienLorePodcast Take an american GI during WWII who was fighting germans in Africe, now move him to the Pacific theater where he is fighting the Japanese. You wouldnt say that the Germans were mercifull soliders, but compare them to the Japanese and there is quite the diffrence. Substitute the Germans for regular Orcs and the japanese for the Urukhais and you have my point and logic.
@Enerdhil Ай бұрын
Is it possible that Ósanwë can explain long distance communications between Elves?
@daviddaspit4166 Ай бұрын
MY thoughts on the PJ LOTR movies was they were OK, unless they were stepping away from what happens in the books. That's when the logic goes out the window. 🙂
@nathynorthy6916 Ай бұрын
Much of the mess in the plotting of the films stems from the idea Jackson and his screenwriters came up with that Aragorn (for some reason, never explained) didn't want to be king at first, but was later convinced by the fact that Arwen was dying (never explained) to embrace his claim to the throne, because apparently Arwen would recover if Sauron was defeated (yet again, never explained).It's this obsession with "character development" and the need for dramatic scenes that was driving these changes - as it was with the changes to Faramir's part in the story. So, Jackson and his screenwriters felt the need to invent this "Elrond of Rivendell has summoned a council - it is rumoured that the weapon of the enemy has been found" nonsense, which goes against the whole millennia-long estrangement of Elves and Men, while being logistically implausible (Elrond would have had to know that Frodo was going to bring the Ring to Rivendell months prior to his arrival in order to send out messengers to Gondor and everywhere else and expect everyone to turn up in time), not to mention that it would be an incredibly unwise thing to do to send out summons everywhere for a secret council in a top-secret location carefully hidden from the enemy. And so, we end up with the mess they made of the Council of Elrond - Boromir having a dream but also turning up when summoned by Elrond and somehow also on his father's orders to take the Ring back to Minas Tirith. Along with that "he has chosen exile" drivel (exile from what? Aragorn wasn't even from Gondor) and Elrond's antipathy towards Men (even though his dad, his brother and many of his ancestors were Men). And we also get the ludicrous scene at the Council of Elrond, where instead of those present agonising over all the options and the horrible realisation dawning on them that Frodo would have to take the RIng, we get hardly any discussion. instead, the Council descends into a brawl, which is only broken up by Frodo volunteering to take the Ring, after which all those bickering just suddenly unanimously agree that a halfling should be entrusted with the most powerful weapon on earth and take it into the heart of the enemy's realm. What was so wrong with the original story, where Aragorn had already dedicated himself to becoming King of Gondor and Arnor, while everyone turned up at Rivendell "coincidentally" at the same time, and it was Faramir who originally had the dream and (unlike Boromir) had it more than once - so it should have been Faramir at the Council. The intricate plotting, timelines and motivations of characters go out of the window with these changed scenes, which are also often given in clunky dialogue. I don't mind changes in adaptations because usually they are necessary and can sometimes even improve on the original story. Turning the Council of Elrond into an implausible farce and minimising the importance of Faramir's dream (it was he who was supposed to go there, not Boromir) robs us of that eerie feeling that forces beyond our comprehension are at work. But it's the changes that are made to the whole Aragorn thread that are the most egregious. It's so sloppily done and riddled with holes that it does such a disservice to Tolkien's careful plotting, character depictions and the tight logic of his universe.
@bintube5269 Ай бұрын
I think that scene of Frodo and Sam outside the Black Gate is probably the worst scene in the entire trilogy. Nothing about it makes sense. 😅 Meanwhile Denethor just happened to be using the Palantir to spy on Bree where in the Prancing Pony he saw the Ring of Power fall onto Frodo's finger. Maybe Elrond and Galadriel simply foresaw what would happen at Helm's Deep and just sent the elves well in advance? They could have had a troll-sized Uruk Hai carry the explosive so it would look feasible it wouldnt be stopped right away.
@Enerdhil Ай бұрын
I think the huge Troll could just break through the wall himself.😅
@bintube5269 Ай бұрын
@@Enerdhil that’s a good point 😶‍🌫️ but I don’t really know how strong trolls are 🤔 They still needed Grond and the Witch King’s spell to break through the gate at Minas Tirith 🤷‍♂️
@tominiowa2513 Ай бұрын
"They have an Internet troll!"
@Enerdhil Ай бұрын
I don't know why you think Grima wouldn't have a clue about what a Dunedan Ranger looked like. He is a highly educated man of Rohan. He must have been groomed by Saruman over how many years? We know not, but we can guess that Saruman would have shared all his plans with Grima and dealings with the Dunedain of the North would probably come up in conversations. Aragorn is very tall and he is supposed to not have facial hair, though he had a beard and moustache in the movies. Aragorn was probably dressed like an Elf, as he came from Rivendell. His presence was likely majestic, as Éomer discovered. There are a lot of reasons why Grina would know that Aragorn was a Ranger from the North.
@TolkienLorePodcast Ай бұрын
Does Saruman even know what the rangers “look like” though? We get indications from some texts that Aragorn’s clothing is not elven at all (and in fact it’s not in the movie either, quite obviously), and in the book his grand appearance is a thing that comes out rarely-in the movie there’s no real hint it’s a thing at all. Your argument seems laden with assumptions and book-facts not relevant to a movie discussion.
@Enerdhil Ай бұрын
​@@TolkienLorePodcast In the End, Peter and Philippa were not wrong to assume Grima knew what a Dunedain looked like. Just as you are not wrong for assuming he didn't know what they look like.
@MoritzGruber7 Ай бұрын
Thanks for the video. A couple of further ideas and one correction (I believe): 1. I think the line "they only go with thee because they love thee" is actually from the book. Which would mean, Eowyn is that desperate at that point. 2. Although you are right about the Last Alliance being last... well, Elves actually do fight in the War of the Ring: In Lothlorien, in the North, and Elladan and Elrohir in the main action, and of course Legolas. It's not totally off to have that "represented" in the movie. We still might ask why they assist the elf-wary folk of Rohan rather than the old Elf-friends of Gondor, but if they do (because the Pelennor battle in ROTK is hot enough further pepper on it I assume), then that they come from Lothlorien is the right choice as well. Also, Théoden is pretty much as uncomfortable in their company as he would be (nice touch). What is odd is, as you mention, that they are bring word from Elrond rather than Celeborn. (Yes, Celeborn rather than Galadriel.) 3. Faramir, as we all complain, here decides to send the Ring to his father. But if he had decided that before, what makes him think better of it is that he sees Frodo more or less offer it to a Nazgul? Having seen that even book-Faramir would have sent the Ring to his father for safekeeping, wouldn't he... 4. Eomer has the rôle of Erkenbrand in the book, which is fine in itself. So, he must be in the North, as Erkenbrand was. Consequently, he must ride North after meeting Aragorn, Legolas and Gimli - and he does: "we ride North". But - why? They had been riding in the opposite direction before, just as they do in the book (where they intend to report to headquarters at Meduseld, and Eomer is only then imprisoned and never banished). How does the encounter with the Three Hunters make Eomer change direction?
@TolkienLorePodcast Ай бұрын
1. But there she’s not contrasting that with “commands” but with Aragorn saying she has no errand in the south. 2. Elves fight, but not side by side with Men (except Legolas and the twins of course). 3. Yeah it’s pretty wild that he sees Frodo do something that could instantly bring doom on them all and go “You know, taking this to a safe place is actually a bad idea” lol. The only way to make sense of it is that he fears Denethor’s (or his own) corruption and at least Frodo going into Mordor won’t be expected so the Nazgul will be looking for the Ring in the wrong place. 4. I don’t think it’s really clear which way Eomer is riding, but all the same north does seem an odd choice.
@FatphobeforLife Ай бұрын
Also about Frodo almost putting on the Ring and confronting the Nazgul: Does it make any sense that a Nazgul would show that level of interest and scrutiny and then not further investigate, no matter what Frodo did with the Ring?
@TolkienLorePodcast Ай бұрын
Well that one got shot and seemingly was the only one there so I don’t think that’s hard to explain.
@FatphobeforLife Ай бұрын
@@TolkienLorePodcast but he doesn't report anything? ah well
@TolkienLorePodcast Ай бұрын
Even if he did, the most logical assumption for Sauron is that the Ring will end up in Minas Tirith, not March right into his own domain.
@lionlord8784 Ай бұрын
If Saruman did talk about a mighty item of the enemy in front of his Palantire, isin´t it possible that Denetor in his Palantire could get the info almost in real time if he uses it in the same time. I think its stated somewhere, that Denetor used "his" Palantire too much. There is chance those 2 P´s are conected. -About Eowyns line towards Aragorn when she tries persuade him to let her fight on his side: Its a try in the scene to show the audience, that Eowyn wants fight on Aragorns side, because she already feels romantic feelings towards him. She says the others fight with him from love to try give him the idea in this matter. -"Hold your Fire !": Its about the orcs trying scare all in in H.D. with they presence&Screams and when the old man couldn´t hold his fire anymore and shot, was the evidence for the orcs,that their enemies lost they nerves. Hold your fire! was for 2 strategic reasons. 1st the prolonging of the start of the battle,for the reinforcements have more time to arrive. 2nd: Who Attacks first, shows that hes more scared.
@TolkienLorePodcast Ай бұрын
That’s not h how Palantiri work in the books, and there’s nothing in the movies to indicate he could “overhear” Saruman that way. And yes, Eowyn’s line is meant to convey what you say but my point is that it’s absurdly clumsy. And the guy who fired the arrow clearly did it out of muscle fatigue-he was shaking as if having a hard time controlling the bow, and his age backs this up. Strategically I don’t buy your argument. The Uruk-hai are already attacking by even marching up to where they did. Firing before they charge doesn’t show fear, it’s just a smart move to start killing off enemies ASAP.
@lionlord8784 Ай бұрын
@@TolkienLorePodcast Greetings,your channel is great Sir. Very thanks for your work. I tried give logical explanation what P.J did in the movie with the Palantiri,Eowyn,the old bowman, etc.. Eowyn´s line was "clumsy",i agree. It didnt fit her book character. It was too manipulative for her character. Oldman,muscle fatigue,yes,but i focused to explain the "Hold your fire ! "order from the perspective of Peter J., He did it for reasons i wrote earlier. Peter J. implemented things from the real world in those lines, just a statement from me. Nothing else. Just explanation why those linnes were there and what they meant. With regards.
@stevemonkey6666 Ай бұрын
I think we should be thankful for what we got out of that movie. Given the way the world has gone, if they made the movie today the whole movie would be about Eowyn rising up against the patriarchy 😁
@Crayfish Ай бұрын
I cringe more at the thought of gimli having a curly moustache throwing «m’lady» rizz at galadriel
@waltonsmith7210 Ай бұрын
I mean-she did?
@saberhamlinconmaverickknud4821 Ай бұрын
@stevemonkey6666 Peter, his wives, and Miranda Otto already did that their stupid third-wave feminism! And, if any of these lotr films were made today, then you guys would burn down as many theaters as possible! 🤣
@derekdean3368 Ай бұрын
Could Frodo and the Ringwraith be a residual of the Weathertop wound? Doesn't he try to tell the Ringwraiths to go back to Mordor without fear? And also, doesn't he feel the Eye pressuring him to say "verily I come, I come to you" on Amon Hen? I don't think that justifies the Osgiliath detour, and I don't know that Jackson ever really justifies the scene, but just from a lore point of view, is it wrong for Frodo not to cower and to struggle as he did on Amon Hen?
@TolkienLorePodcast Ай бұрын
Sauron and the Nazgul aren’t the same thing. The Nazgul are inherently scary, to the point that you don’t even have to know they’re around to sense them. Sauron’s power is through domination, on the other hand, which can be through fear but need not be. The Nazgul aren’t like that.
@Enerdhil Ай бұрын
​@@TolkienLorePodcast Still, Sauron's fana at the end of the Third Age must have been terrifying to behold.😱
@margaretlowans8429 Ай бұрын
You forgot Gandalf escaped from Saruman and one of the eagles took him to Rohan before the council of Elrond.
@TolkienLorePodcast Ай бұрын
I’m not sure why that’s relevant?
@margaretlowans8429 Ай бұрын
@@TolkienLorePodcast it's relevant because that's how he knew about the state of the king!
@TolkienLorePodcast Ай бұрын
@margaretlowans8429 I never said him knowing the state of the king was a problem. But also his trip to Rohan isn’t mentioned in the movies, only the book.
@m.j.vazquez4720 Ай бұрын
is Mithril indestructible ?
@TolkienLorePodcast Ай бұрын
Not likely, but there’s no real test of its max strength to go by.
@gracchus7782 Ай бұрын
Have you ever had a nosebleed and gotten some in your mouth or on your food? If so, you know what blood tastes like. Plus, orc blood can be distinguished from other types of blood by its black color
@TolkienLorePodcast Ай бұрын
Then he didn’t need to taste it, did he?
@Enerdhil Ай бұрын
Actually, I taste blood every time I bite the inside of my lip.😅
@Crafty_Spirit Ай бұрын
@@TolkienLorePodcast The primeval fears that Fangorn instilled in Gimli made him regress into his oral phase.
@jonathonfrazier6622 Ай бұрын
Aragon floating unconscious could be explained away as protection by the grace of Ulmo.
@cpmf2112 Ай бұрын
Legolas doesn't fail to hit, he hit the berserker Orc twice.
@TolkienLorePodcast Ай бұрын
But he clearly didn’t hit the body part he was aiming for.
@Crafty_Spirit Ай бұрын
@@TolkienLorePodcast From the way the stuck arrows point downward from both his shoulders I assumed Legolas aimed for the heart and this Uruk was exceptionally tough and could carry on for a few more seconds
@TolkienLorePodcast Ай бұрын
That might work if the arrows were on the left side, where the heart is, but they hit on the Uruk’s right.
@eeleye21 Ай бұрын
Blood flies in battle, easy to assume gimli has been Killin some orcs :D
@Enerdhil Ай бұрын
CSI finds blood splatter all over the place. Gimli kills with an ax or mattock. Blood could easily splash all over his face and a drop could get inside his mouth.
@jonathonfrazier6622 Ай бұрын
Eh elven smiths probably fixed the sword fast and Elrond being an elf, wouldn't surprise me if he could traverse large tracts of land.
@Enerdhil Ай бұрын
Or Elrond hitched a flight on an Eagle.🦅
@skilljoy9246 Ай бұрын
I don’t get the hate when Rings of Power exists! PJ’s is a godsend so much that normie’s who can’t read consider it lore! Rings of Power is so shit that it breaks PJ’s cannon and Tolkien’s cannon! I get it though, I’m nowhere near a purist but I can appreciate what PJ did and the changes he made. I do enjoy that most of this is just director problems and the way scenes where shot, rather than straight lore breaking video!
@tominiowa2513 Ай бұрын
_Hobitit_ is still the adaptation most faithful to the lore, with mainly omissions such as the Rohan and Gondor arcs due to the expense of making sets of large cities and fortresses and needing hundreds of extras dressed and equipped as soldiers. P.S. "Canon", not "cannon".
@TolkienLorePodcast Ай бұрын
It’s not hate, it’s humor.
@jeffsnyder7290 Ай бұрын
Give it a break!
@TolkienLorePodcast Ай бұрын
Give what a break?
@tominiowa2513 Ай бұрын
"One break comin' up!" - David Lee Roth
@Enerdhil Ай бұрын
He said he's done with Two Towers. Isn't that good enough?😂
@mifki Ай бұрын
Maybe orc blood is distinctively bitter or salty or smth. You’re overcomplicating things sometimes, I think.
@TolkienLorePodcast Ай бұрын
Dude this whole series is meant to be humorous, that’s why it’s an *extremely nitpicky* review.
@Enerdhil Ай бұрын
​@@TolkienLorePodcast Perfectly titled.😂
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