The word thai or tai does mean people ( Khonh), people of a certain profession/affiliation or people of a certain geographical location but none of an ethnic nor race as some scholars claim. Siamese people called themselves Thai after Soukhothai. Tai Dam, Deng, Khao/Done are Lao/AiLao who moved from Name Dam, Name Deng, Name Khao in Montse (Nongse in Lao) or Nane Chao the former Lao/AiLao kingdom after dislocation, firstly they stopped to dwell in Dien Bien Phu- Muong Theng before moving down to Laos. The people whom Siamese classified as Thai Yai are in fact Lao/AiLai who moved from Mo/Mao kingdom, during the Ming dynasty Chinese called them AiLao Shan or AiLao mountain.