Here's my English translation of the lyrics: あなたはヒーロー You are a Hero 0:47 "世界を敵に回しても" なんて考えなくていいよ 世界と私に一生懸命なあなたが好き ネクタイ締めてあげることないけど応援してるよ なるべく怪我しないで帰ってきてね You don’t have to think about “Even if the whole world turns into my enemy” I love how you try your hardest for both me and the world I can’t put your necktie on for you, but I’m rooting for you Please come back with as little injuries as possible 1:11 ドラマチックやスペクタクルは 間に合ってます おつかれさまです "おかえり"って言えることが奇跡みたいな幸せなの 最近遅いね 大変ね 煙たくなったスーツを脱いだ後なら 弱くたっていいんだよ You managed to make it on time to all dramatics and spectacles. Good job The happiness I feel being able to say “welcome back” is like a miracle You’ve been coming back late recently, it must be rough. Once you take off your suit that smells like smoke, it’s okay to be weak 1:35 あなたはヒーロー 一緒に戦えなくてごめんね ビームじゃなくても風邪とかでわりと死んじゃうんだ あなたはヒーロー 私がもしカイジンになっても ちゃんと眠って ちゃんと食べて 出ていってね You are a hero. I’m sorry I can’t fight with you Even if it’s not a beam, something like a cold can be surprisingly fatal You are a hero. Even if I become a mutant*, please get enough sleep, eat all your meals, and be on your way 1:59 あなたはヒーロー 言葉しか贈れなくてごめんね お風呂沸かしておくぐらいしかできることないんだ あなたはヒーロー 私がもしカイジンになっても ちゃんと眠って ちゃんと食べて… You are a hero. I’m sorry all I can give you are words I can only do things like draw a bath for you You are a hero. Even if I become a mutant*, please get enough sleep, eat all your meals… 2:48 落ちた破片を片付ける姿 見つめて立ち尽くす これから死ぬまで優しさを食べて生きてくの 嘯くような慰めの文句で眠りたくないよ 燻ぶる喉の奥 溜息を飲む I stand staring at the figure cleaning up the fallen broken pieces From now until I die, I’ll survive by eating your kindness I don’t want to sleep to you reciting words of comfort to me Deep in my smoldering throat, I swallow a sigh 3:11 フィルム越しのお気の毒なんて 間に合ってます おあいにくさま "ただいま"の聴けるここはどこよりも天国の近く あなたはかみさまじゃないから 守り切れない正解もあるよね 私は大丈夫 A sorry through a film You made it on time, unfortunately Here, where I can hear the words “I’m home”, is the closest place to heaven You aren’t a god, so not saving everything could be the right answer too I am fine 3:35 あなたはヒーロー 普通の生活じゃなくてごめんね "お互い様だよ" 幾度訊けども声は穏やか あなたはヒーロー 私がもしカイジンになったら ちゃんと眠って ちゃんと食べて 出ていってね You are a hero. I’m sorry you can’t live a normal life. “That goes for the both of us.” No matter how many times I ask, your voice is always so gentle You are a hero. Even if I become a mutant*, please get enough sleep, eat all your meals, and be on your way 3:59 あなたはヒーロー 知らない香りは知らないふりして 水を待つ鉢植えみたいに靴箱を眺めてる あなたはヒーロー 私がもしカイジンになったら ちゃんと眠って ちゃんと食べて… You are a hero. I pretend not to know about the smell I don’t recognize I stare at the shoe shelf like a potted plant waiting for water You are a hero. Even if I become a mutant*, please get enough sleep, eat all your meals… 4:47 あなたはヒーロー 明日がもう来なくなってしまったら あれもこれも全部伝えられないままになるけれど 最期は少し焼け残るくらいが丁度良い 吹けば飛ぶようなあはひの亡骸を抱き締め損ねて 悼むような哀もすり抜けてしまえ You are a hero. If tomorrow never comes, then I won’t be able to tell you everything, but getting a little burned at the end seems to be just right I was unable to hold onto the corpse of our relationship that seemed like it could blow away with the breeze Let the mournful sorrow just slip away *could mean both “mutant” or “ash” Any corrections/improvements are welcome!
@Yukiruu Жыл бұрын
Thank you!!!!
@ariasaber9737 Жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for taking the time to translate this
@whiteglovian Жыл бұрын
thank you! カイジュン being "mutant" makes about as much sense as "ash" (read: a lot) but judging by the character design, i'm going with "mutant"
@loadingpleasewait6940 Жыл бұрын
thank you !
@meeema Жыл бұрын
@@whiteglovian I took it as some lines mean mutant, and some mean ash, or maybe even both at the same time, and that it's up to the listener to decide which is which. I think that's why they left the word in katakana to give us the ability to interpret it how we want!