Anatomy of mastoiditis, or how an ear infection can get to the brain

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Sam Webster

Sam Webster

Күн бұрын

A bit of a follow on from last week, let's look at the mastoid process. Why? Because an ear infection can spread into the bones of the skull and get inside the cranial cavity. This would obviously be bad, but how could this happen?
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Song: Beyond Dazed

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@as-ev24pq 3 ай бұрын
Omg thank you. After years of suffering with excruciating migraines and recurring ear constant ear infections, I finally just had sa mastoidectomy at 62. And all the symptoms that you described I have been suffering from since i was 18 due to a massive blow to the side of my head that gave me a massive concussion that was never taken care of. I just learned to live with the severe headaches and dizziness and constant nausea that it all I caused. I lost most of hearing and a whole slew of other symptoms that no one believed me I was suffering with. My ORL surgeon was the only one that figured it out after years of taking all kinds if pills and never healing. My neurologist never saw it or listened to me. Wow ooofff thank you
@christinac1195 4 жыл бұрын
As a first-year medical student who's currently having to learn her "head and neck" module remotely due to the current pandemic, I can't tell you how grateful I am for your videos! Thank you so much. I appreciate the way you teach and love the enlarged anatomy models! So helpful!!!
@raffaelevolpicelli4975 2 жыл бұрын
Same haha
@robertott9286 2 жыл бұрын
So, I had a mastoidectomy at age 1.5 and again at age 2.5. I have had more surgeries than I can count. At age 19, my left ear was rebuilt. A bone from a cadaver was used to connect the hearing mechanism (only two bones instead of three). My physician then took a skin graph to make a new eardrum, and then attempted to graph over the mastoid bowl. According to him, the skin graph healed so quickly that it created scar tissue inside the mastoid bowl. I have to go at least once a year to have this bowl cleaned out. My last visit, showed that I had granular tissue that had developed in my bowl area. My ENT used silver nitrate sticks to try to get the tissue to scar. It has been a draining mess. Thank you so much for taking the time to go through the anatomy of all of this, it is a big help to someone who has had a lifetime of problems.
@joebombero1 4 ай бұрын
My seven year-old son had a full blown seizure out of the blue, then two strange extreme dizzy episodes at a playground, at first thought to be additional seizures. We were referred to a pedo-neurologist who gave him an MRI and EEG. There were no signs of meningitis and he was definitely not epileptic. The MRI discovered bilateral mastoid disease. This hit me like a truck because he has a history of ear infections and weird periodic partial hearing difficulty, none of which impacted school. His teachers didn't believe anything was wrong with him. The pedo-neurologist recommended us to a specialist in pediatric ears (I forgot the name). She was a big disappointment. She insisted whatever caused the seizure was unrelated. All we needed was a spray decongestant. This didn't feel right. We had a hearing test done and his ear drum did not vibrate - hardly at all. But his vocal hearing range is above 80%. Only partial hearing loss due to the liquid pocket pressing on his ear drum. We are in the process of locating a new ENT doctor. Fortunately, none of this has impacted his school. He is on the Honor Roll. What a great little man.
@nomiddlenamenmn427 3 жыл бұрын
I am an adult who contracted bacterial mastoiditis after a botched ear surgery. I have existed with chronic severe pain for years. The mastoiditis presents as a scar or pocket of fluid on the bone. I haven’t found an MD who knows how to treat it. Even diagnosed with mastoiditis, I have never had a culture or an antibiotic IV in over eight and a half years. You have taught me more about mastoiditis than ten MDs combined. Thank you.
@johnjohn-br9bz Жыл бұрын
U still alive
@Angelina6518 4 ай бұрын
Wow! Me too. I’m experiencing a bizarre flare up of the same ear right (R) which I had for literally ten years. And it’s true no one ever knew what to do they found it stupefying! Until one doctor, originally from Egypt realized it was [Dio-Mastioditis] and the pain I was in and He then promptly gave me antibiotics Demerol, Valium and after a few weeks it came under control. Also had steroid treatments and antibiotics. But fortunately, No surgeries just constant debilitating flare ups. Then they finally subsided five years ago but it’s back now with a vengeance!
@avanna4880 2 жыл бұрын
I just had my mastoidectomy and tympanoplasty surgeries with a cholesteatoma removal, and this video was so informative. I've got a clearer understanding now of what happened during the time I had my ear infection. I've had the infection for 20 years already and I'm so happy to have the cyst finally removed and my entire middle ear cleaned out :)
@vivekjadhav8102 2 жыл бұрын
@Avanna Under GA??
@Arbu17 2 жыл бұрын
We're your mastoid bones big, or protruding?
@kates664_ilovebanana 2 жыл бұрын
Hi Avanna good day,what are the symptoms of having it?
@mellowsedano9876 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks God you Survived.. Do you still have Hearing after Surgery?
@Krishnaaa2244 2 жыл бұрын
@@mellowsedano9876 any update?
@gauchaymerrill3522 Жыл бұрын
I'm an adult now, but I had severe mastoiditis as a child and spent a week in the hospital. Thankfully the infection was cought before it escalated to meningitis, but most of the mastoid process was eaten away by the infection, and the doctor insisted that had my parents waited one more day to bring me in, that I would not likely have survived. Watching this has been so informative and helpful in understanding my medical history. Thank you!
@lindsaylynnjarencio9957 5 ай бұрын
Do you undergo an operation?
@janalicaya3006 5 жыл бұрын
BIG Thanks for making this video. My dad has been inpatient since Jan 26 due to otomastoiditis. You made me clearly understand what is it all about. Thank you Thank you. God bless you Prof.
@MrRekab97 4 жыл бұрын
AWESOME AWESOME AWESOME explain it in a way that i can understand with no backround in medicine. i was diagnosed with mastitis and after the surgery i was informed the infection could not be removed..however the doctor did the best to explain it to me at the time but you did a much much better job. thank you
@bluecali4na 4 ай бұрын
I'm 30 and had mastoiditis last year. Went to the hospital and was on IV antibiotics and 2 weeks of antibiotics. There was no drainage or fever but I ended up with bad nerve pain and eye pain and neck pain and vertigo. I redid a MRI and it says there's "trace fluid" there still! ENTs said I'm fine. I'm in chronic pain but there's no erroison or anything just constant nerve pain.
@nickatash 6 жыл бұрын
Thanks for this exceptionally well presented video. My cousin’s wife ended up with bacterial meningitis in just this way. She is still in serious condition. I will never ignore an ear infection, quite scary what can happen.
@b11-x3o 2 жыл бұрын
Hey nick hope you reply , my wife is suffering from something same , the infection may about to reach the brain , have your cousins sis been operated ? The doctors are saying the surgery is risky
@sandrahertel6282 2 жыл бұрын
@@b11-x3osorry to hear this, my cousins wife had the operation, survived but a long recovery road, about a year. She is healthy now. I hope all goes well for your wife. Best wishes for you both.
@melipasanin9126 6 жыл бұрын
Hi There 🙋🏽, I just wanted to give you a very BIG thank you for making amazing videos. I also wanted to let you know that I passed my bones Exam (that took place today) with 8 piont out of 10…. so Thank you so sooo sooo much 🙇🏽‍♀️☺️ your videos are awesome 🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼
@SamWebster 6 жыл бұрын
Nice one. Well done! Keep it up (and I’ll try to keep putting out videos too).
@ImmaQT2 3 жыл бұрын
I just had a mastoidectomy & tympanoplasty surgery done to my right ear on Monday. I'm still in alot of pain. When my surgeon opened my left eardrum to remove an ear tube that got sucked in behind the eardrum instead of falling out I guess he noticed disease inside that ear too... I'm worried I'll need a mastoidectomy on that ear too. Wont know till I go in for my 6 week follow up. Yes I had chronic ear infections and a ruptured eardrum that never healed in my right ear. Its what led to getting this surgery. Thanks for educating us on this. I learned alot and just how important it was for me to get this surgery.... this is scary to know how bad I was. ok,gotta go lay back down to rest again 😖
@the.singingbowl 5 жыл бұрын
I don't think you mentioned anything about mastoiditis causing a blood clot in the sinus vein? On top of intravenous antibiotics, possible mastectomy, one may be subjected to enoxaparin injections for a period of time. The pressure in the head can lead to seventh and sixth nerve palsy., resulting in being prescribed acetazolomide. You mentioned that you may see a raised area behind the ear. Is there an explanation for severe mastoiditis occurring without any visual signs in the ear area (without the use of a CT scan or MRI)? Also, would leg, neck, and stomach pain be considered common symptoms of severe mastoiditis? And what makes it difficult to diagnose mastoiditis? Is it simply the fact that many professionals consider it a rare infection, therefore inclined to discount the notion that mastoiditis could be at play?
@hizkiyaskiflu5103 2 жыл бұрын
Just took a ct scan, i have bells palsy and used to suffer from an ear infection for a long time. Thanks for the clear explanation
@MrWibbleman 3 жыл бұрын
Thanks for this. Unfortunately for me this happened to me and I ended up with a large brain abscess. A headache to end all headaches..
@funnyclips5652 3 жыл бұрын
bro can you talk to me?
@funnyclips5652 3 жыл бұрын
please bro
@PawGreigTV 3 жыл бұрын
@@funnyclips5652 I've had ear infection my whole like. it comes and goes and reoccurring now it might go down to the brain. I've had headache, stiff neck forever. i have yellow thick mucus coming out very often and has strong odor and burning sensation. didn't know until I am here. But now It might be too late to take more precautions. my future looks more compromise now that I saw this video. no wonder I can't concentrate in school because I never hear fully since I was 1 year old. I've seen doctors, but they don't help much. if it goes down to my brain that will be the end of me. if that so that would be my fate and I will be ok with that.
@funnyclips5652 3 жыл бұрын
@@PawGreigTV bro i took antibiotic .sometime i feel pain in my ear bro.
@LoL-ww5zz 6 жыл бұрын
man you are a very good teacher!
@janes-e378 Жыл бұрын
I know this is old post.but I'm a fibromyalgia suffer and have had this since Xmas and seen a doc 5 times but he doesn't want to give me antibiotics but I cannot go out as soon as I'm in the cold air it hurts so much its unbelievable
@HansonFan73 Жыл бұрын
Watching this as I'm currently suffering from my third bout of mastoiditis in 6 years, now diagnosed with chronic mastoiditis. My follow up ENT appointment will determine whether I get tubes put in or surgery. (I'm 39 years old)
@jilllawrence5174 11 ай бұрын
Fantastic vlog! I have had 3 mastoid operations, my symptoms were horrendous! Ear pain/ dizziness/ loss of balance, and everything you’ve said is so spot on!!!
@nadaghazawy7068 Жыл бұрын
I had a recent mri scan which revealed i have mild right sided mastroidisis , im in the process of getting antibiotics from a GP as ive been dealing with very itchy ears that trigger my involuntary head movements as long with tinnitus and hearing my heartbeat.
@chips1797 3 жыл бұрын
Excellent. I have a mastoid effusion and that helped tremendously
@parthpatil6573 4 жыл бұрын
Thanks a lot sir for making these incredible videos . I really appreciate the effort you put into explaining every aspect and connecting concepts! These videos do help a lot in understanding concepts!
@michaelfalciglia9550 4 жыл бұрын
This almost happened to me last month, it’s terrible, you cannot sleep whatsoever, extremely painful!
@tonyg6524 Жыл бұрын
I just had my surgery yesterday and so far the recovery has been ok. I was loopy/woozy and just plain out of it yesterday and I'm still fatigued and tired today. I had this big, headphone looking thing over my right year, with gauze and a cotton ball inside my rear canal. The surgery I had was "right tympani mastoidectomy with ossicular chain reconstruction and auricular cartilage graft". I had an infection that had gotten into my mastoid cells AND I had cholesteatoma. I discovered this after getting a CT scan. I got the CT scan because my hearing kept coming and going and I wasn't sure what was going on. In any event, I was given general anesthesia and the surgery took about 2.5 hours. I've had some initial bleeding right after the surgery but it's been pretty light since. I was given meds for nausea (ondansetron), infection (amoxicillin, and pain (oxycodone 5mg). I'm taking the amoxicillin but haven't found a need for the other meds. Rest helps. I keep my ear dry and I'm going to see how things are progressing during my upcoming visits. I do have tinnitus but I had it before due to the infection but now I'm noticing that it's not so pronounced... which I'm taking is a good thing that I'm surprised is happening so fast. I hope this helps if you or anyone else indeed decides to get the surgery. I don't think I'll regret it. I'm hoping my hearing returns in the next month or two!
@englishliteraturewithRagavan 4 ай бұрын
Is everything okay now sir? Do you feel alright and did the disease go away completely?
@tonyg6524 3 ай бұрын
@englishliteraturewithRagavan - Yes, it went away. My hearing has returned to about 90% of what it once was. I'm grateful for that because it was almost no existent prior to the surgery. I still have little crackle sounds in my ear every now and again, but I'm hoping that that clears up as well over time. I'm grateful that I got the surgery.
@englishliteraturewithRagavan 3 ай бұрын
@@tonyg6524 Sir, what kind of procedure you had for the surgery? I went through canal wall down mastoidectomy 5 months ago, but the disease is recurrent! And my doc advised me to undergo 2nd look surgery. May be in the month of june I will be admitted in hospital and trying to have another surgery
@Funkypets222 6 жыл бұрын
Thanks for such great presentation
@lisabill1071 4 жыл бұрын
I had a mastoid which resulted in bacterial meningitis at the the age 22 months I did have a blood clot. Hydrocephalus water on the brain.
@parisredding3733 3 жыл бұрын
How are you now?
@hafsaabdullahi5101 4 жыл бұрын
Tx your teaching U look like Dr house
@Bexyboo88 2 жыл бұрын
Is this the same if it's a fungal ear infection? (What I currently have)
@eliannabeswick9046 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for explaining the mastoidal areas. This is something I'm currently experiencing and my cranial pain I think may be related. Ct reveals my eustachian tube is filled with a fluid although the temporal bones are in tact. Currently awaiting referrals to mastoidal surgery. Many thanks again x
@greggonzalez859 Жыл бұрын
Hello. My name is Greg. Im having issues similar to yours. Can you tell me how it has gone ? Recommendations ? Help.
@khalid6050ify 6 жыл бұрын
How does the CT scan tells presence of Bacterial infection of ear with out patient explaining ear pain.
@DavidJohnson-kr3zv Жыл бұрын
I recall way back then my last bout of phnumonia felt like was going kill me i recall as i prayed my way thru. Meningitis kept coming to my mind. I was so sick. Last time i recall ear so so bad infected. My whole childhood ear infections when 16 at hi school gym i prayed n así God make it stop cuz was all time thing soon as finish prayer all kinds infection poured out my ear. Then stopped frequent ear infection. Mom look Up n says eardrops i used causes mastoid cells. I recall as a child those drops hurtin me make worse pain real bad cuz i didnt wanna keep taking them but mom told me 2 i did. Jus like wen i didnt wanna wear my back brace 23 hrs a day but i did anyway cuz mom told me too. I hated that brace n ear drops but obeyed cuz love my mama
@SchUlrich 2 жыл бұрын
So much sense that you make in a clinical context out of anatomy, amazing sir
@BHALT0S 2 жыл бұрын
had a right lug mastoidectomy when I was 13, after years of ear infections and a mother who didnt give a crap about my health, it was when I was in foster care, I was taken to doctors and im guessing they tried to resolve the issue but it got progressively worse, so had to go for an op. lost about 1 3rd of my hearing in my right ear, for years afterwards, felt like I had a 9volt battery zinging the right side of my tongue on a frequent basis, and still had the discharge which I can describe as smelling like pig shit, no kidding, if I stood so that wind would pass from behind my right ear and passing forwards to my nose, it used to bring me close to vomiting, and it freaked me out as a teenager, if I could smell that horrid stench then surely so could others, so I never went to school outings or dances and kept friends to a minimum. it wasnt until I was about 24/25 or so that one night I went to bed, and woke up with my pillow soaked in a pinkish liquid and with yellowing stains and that pig shit smell was unbelievably bad, I just freaked out, went to get a hospital appointment and was lucky to get to see a visiting consultant specialist who had a large fancy camera and suction thing up with him, they said I had fluid in both ear canals and yet they could not see damage to the ear drums and couldnt figure out where the discharge came from. with nothing more to say or do, I went home defeated, and yet I was never again bothered by that smell or discharge ever again, im 46 now.
@Video2Webb 11 күн бұрын
What an incredible story! Somehow, after such suffering, you came out cleaned up and able to live without the discharge for 20 years or more. And all they did was suction your ears. It makes no sense at all. But am glad you gained some normal life for 20+ years!
@BHALT0S 11 күн бұрын
@@Video2Webb they tried to suction my ears but werent able to, I wasnt given anti biotics or anything, but they had said after taking some pictures with their fancy camera setup, they got back to me and were surprised, that they just couldnt see or figure out where the discharge came from, and it was a lot, that night, honestly I looked at my pillow and the only other time I had that mush stuff on my pillow was right after the mastoid when I was 13. Here's the thing, laugh it up if you want, I had been attuned to Reiki 2 not long before, like within months. it is mentioned in several books that people who do, can have scars open up, release gunk from past surgeries and then recover properly, like the body ejects poison. now is the miracle of a supreme being that did that, or me having worked through several issues from a life of child abuse and foster care that changed something within me to do that, was it somehow I believed so hard that many things were going to change, bear in mind I had that discharge ALL my life to that point... the power of my own positive though as it were, or just coincidence? I dont look into it too much, what I do know is, ive not had discharges, sure sometimes both my ears feel itchy and or a bit sticky, and there is an annoyance with that, but 1: no smell and 2: no mad mental pain form earaches, the hearing loss is a bummer and it's progressing, there is a worry that people with hearing loss, go onto getting dementia, especially such as those who are in isolation like myself..... one of the things as a kid was me being locked in my room, I as an adult today, live alone and lock myself in the house after work everyday and at weekends, annual leave etc.... so guess thats the next thing ahead for me.
@sandiegoeve1 4 жыл бұрын
great video . had mastoidectomy at 10 yr old.
@victoriamartinez8183 4 жыл бұрын
I have that part of my head swollen on both sides. I get really bad migraines. All the doctors do is give me antibiotics and mucinex. It doesn't help at all. It kinda makes the pain worse. Idk if it is this but I wish doctors would care more.
@cinhenry 8 ай бұрын
The MRI found fluid is present throughout the right mastoid air cells consistent with acute or chronic mastoiditis …So they put me on 10 day anabiotic. When they stopped hasn’t gotten better my hearing is a little bit better. But now to touch on the right side of my head above my ear hurts like bruised like pushing on a bruise. Then as I let that go because I can’t get into a doctor for at least three more weeks. The top of my head like if you make a part down the middle of your head on both right and left side the bone feels bruised there now. Sometimes when I step forward it feels like I blacked out for a minute. On my right side on my temple, The bone above the temple right there on the bottom touching it feels bruised and tender. No I said wait to see ENT I feel like I’m getting worse. Do I go to the ER I do I wait the stupid thing out? The antibiotics ruin my stomach started hurting it so bad was hard to eat. But I finished them anyways I’m feeling better but then now my head feels swollen inside. Anybody got suggestions out there?
@raj-en-dravlog5978 4 ай бұрын
Now how are you
@joebombero1 4 ай бұрын
Now how are you?
@tamekat3821 Жыл бұрын
Just found out that after almost 5 years, this is my problem in my right ear. Dizzy, spinning, is running temp off and on for years
@manel5947 3 жыл бұрын
The video would be perfect if you put the stuffs on a table and focus the camera on them Thank you 🌹
@testmonkey101 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you for the very simple explanation. Something I am currently experiencing. Just finished MRI and CT scans. Just waiting for the Doctor appointment. I like to be prepared to discuss and feel I am now. THANK YOU!!
@melquizedec 2 жыл бұрын
yes, what happened?
@Albertwildhorseshoer 4 жыл бұрын
Suggestion: lazy Susan rotating disc (for corner cabinets) would prevent you having to pick up and move items around the camera.
@syshedole445 3 жыл бұрын
Good to know about ear infection. Is it possible to explain us the treatment for brain infection
@SAB-lk4oy 3 жыл бұрын
i got a lot of understanding about how simple ear infections can lead to something serious. i watch this video because i have a son who has an ear infection and it is reccuring almost every month ,i would like to ask if you can help me identify if it is really a mastoiditis or not please 🙏🙏 i hope u'll respond to my question ..thank you and godbless 🙏🙏
@okaysxo 3 жыл бұрын
I had this chat with ENT, I have a Cholesteatoma awaiting to discuss results on the 11th of October. He raised the side effects of meningitis, I've had my ear suctioned many times but to no win. He has told me to stay off the medication even though its chronically leaking. I have a 1st left ear stage surgery soon. Can't wait to get to ball rolling. Such a horrible disease, the discharge alone can make you isolate from others. I also was born with congenital anosmia- born with no sense of smell, so am always stressed people can smell it.
@b11-x3o 2 жыл бұрын
Hey Katie, hope you reply , one of my closed ones have such infection and the doctors say it may soon be near to brain , they have told for a surgery but they say it's risky , was it the same in your case ? Did the doctors say it's going to risky or might put damage to brain ?
@duocphamtruongtho4462 2 жыл бұрын
Thank You! This is Exactly What Happened to Me!!
@natashaleong9392 3 жыл бұрын
I'm having mastoiditis due to malignant otitis externa...the infection didnt clear up although was on multiple antibiotics..its causing numbness to my left side of the tongue and having some facial palsy...waiting for surgery soon 😢
@pavithrapachirajan4413 4 жыл бұрын
I just want anyone plss tell me what will be the post care after a mosdoitis surgery because my 3 year old had such infection and done surgery to drain the puss I want to know what has to be done and should not done throughout her life I m completely distressed about the risk factors of having mastoiditis once and whether there are any chances for relapse.... I m truly can't find any source about that anywhere
@k-okay9797 3 жыл бұрын
Hi, did you ever find the answer?
@pavithrapachirajan4413 3 жыл бұрын
@@k-okay9797 not really
@b11-x3o 2 жыл бұрын
Hey pavithra hope you reply,Did your son had a surgery , did the doctors say the surgery can be life threatening or risky ? My closed one has a type of ear infection and the doctor say the infection might spread to brain , but the surgery is risky they say
@phillipperkins7650 7 ай бұрын
Wow, very informative, and very detailed, excellent job !!
@cherylcorbin-gillespie5656 3 жыл бұрын
Thank You! This is Exactly What Happened to Me!! I Never had Ear Aches and I'm 48.. well 47 when this happened! I was in a Coma June 21(Father's Day)-July 10, 2020!! I went to bed with a Horrific Ear Ache and I thought it's like a toothache.. I'll have to deal with it till it goes away. But I Didn't Wake Up. After I found out.. Ear Infection to Mastoiditis to Brain Swelling to Bacterial Meningitis🥺. My husband and Family told me my body kept jerking around. They never put me on any medicine.. my husband told them not to. I could hear Allot and Feel.. when I Want in Horrific Dreams! But I would come to one day then go back out a few days!? The did Brain Tests on Me a few times trying to figure out Why I would Wake then Not Wake for So Long! I Know they Saved Me and Mostly Jesus.. I saw Him and other Things too. So I'm in that club now I guess.. NDE!? I Am Learning Big Time about Him Now❤️ But yeah they want to do Brain Surgery on Me again to check the damage. But I am Not Well Enough Yet. I Am Not the Same as Before.. Severely Fatigued, Anemic, I Can Hear and I feel it in my face.. a little numb. But I have full control of my face. I just have Severe Headaches And Dizziness and slight confusion Now!! Those just started the past couple months ago. I've seen my ear surgeon and they checked my ears. All ok. Just have Brain surgery put off longer. They will go above my ear the next one and remove a while square and check all on my left side!! But Thank You for Explaining.. they said I'm a Rare Case! I Can NOT BELIEVE This All Can Happen to A Child!? It Makes Me So Sad.. it was Horrific❣️ But Every Day I Thank God I'm Here❣️ And I Thank My Surgeon.. Wish I Could The Whole Medical Staff and Team that Helped Me Soo Long Thro This!! But covid won't allow me to visit. I do know I'll be back in ICU after my next surgery tho. If all goes well.. I'll Make Sure To Thank Everyone and Tell Them I Love Them❣️❣️ TY.. have A Great One and I Appreciate Your taking the time for Information That Was So Very Important to Me❤️🥰
@PrincessAfrica3 2 жыл бұрын
Wow im so happy you’re alive! What did you see during your Near death experience? Praise Jesus Christ for saving you
@itshoneybee-autifuldays5615 2 жыл бұрын
I have ear infection for 20 years until now i suffer the drainage of my ear. I went different ENT specialist to help me but no one did. I was so scared that one day I'll be able to die and leave my mother. I don't want to leave her because of her condition, too. Can you help me to look the best ENT specialist? I want to get cure. 🥺
@amandaengelman5168 2 жыл бұрын
Man, you are always here for me when I Google random symptoms and convince myself I'm dying.
@erised-san Жыл бұрын
Lmfaoo I feel the same rn I honestly think I have this n am nervous cuz I haven’t realized that I’ve had it for months
@sophieellis7448 3 жыл бұрын
When I was little I had mastoid itis, and now I wanna learn more about it, Man U r a good teacher...
@cortneymcbride7115 6 жыл бұрын
What if you already had surgery for clostoma, mastod process for infection and it is still draining.
@MrRekab97 4 жыл бұрын
@Sanjana Thakur its been 5 years and i still have drainage ...i also had a cholesteatoma
@paulwhitley3734 3 жыл бұрын
@@MrRekab97 I had Mastoidectomy 2008. Ear was fine till dec 2020 started draining and smelly. Went to ear dr. He said should have cleaned out once a year.
@ImmaQT2 3 жыл бұрын
@@paulwhitley3734 I just had a mastoidectomy and tympanoplasty done on Monday. I dont think I could go thru this type of surgery once a year. I'm still in quite a bit of pain. Ear still draining so I'm still using my ear cover they gave me to hold the gauze in place. I guess while my doc was taking out the ear tube that got sucked inside my left ear instead of falling out he said he saw infection inside that ear as well... weird since I never felt any symptoms of infection on that side... gonna see my doc for post follow up in 6 weeks and will ask if I need to do my left side too...I'm guessing I should. Hearing this video kinda scares me since I don't wanna get infection inside my brain 😔
@tonyg6524 Жыл бұрын
@@ImmaQT2 I live in Portland, not far from Puyallup. I had the same surgery as you only I had it yesterday. How are you doing today? How's your hearing? Overall auditory health after having had this surgery? Have you experienced any complications? Would love to hear from you...
@kathleencate4020 3 жыл бұрын
My daughter has 2 lumps behind her ear. I remember she has ear infection once but now her ears are cleared. Im worried about my daughter pls help what should i do
@nadaghazawy7068 4 жыл бұрын
I have a question how serious is fluid in the mastroid air cells? And what if you don't have ear pain but have random involuntary facial movements . Example smiling without your control , lips pursing , cheek muscles doing their own thing no control in stopping it. Jaw moving side to side .
@chintuKumar-uj6ou 2 жыл бұрын
Are you ok now? What treatment you take
@nadaghazawy7068 2 жыл бұрын
@@chintuKumar-uj6ou I'm currently on the path to getting my eyes examined by an eye speacialist as I have recently discovered that wearing my glasses old prescription has lessoned T he involuntary movements I have an eye condition called hyperopia, and astigmatism which is an refractive error with the eyes but those conditions wouldn't be the cause of these issues as the optometrist told me this is an extreme reaction that she hasn't seen before hence why I'm getting it investigated further.
@christinarehkopontheedgeof6069 3 жыл бұрын
You are awesome...never understood anyone better. Thank you:)
@pujaparpalliwar1494 4 жыл бұрын
Can u explain mastoid process
@Chatterboxhere 5 жыл бұрын
I have this problem. Now to take the surgery . I don't know what happens. I'm nervous and worried for it. My right ear loss 50% of hearing capacity.
@tallman8ft 5 жыл бұрын
i had this for years and didnt know cant remember getting hit that hard on the right side
@abduljuma2147 3 жыл бұрын
Me to but feel no pain but feeling unhearing and dizziness
@OsteopathyStudies Жыл бұрын
Hi Sam, at 1:34 you say the Eustachian tube opens into the nasal cavity. Is the nasopharynx considered a nasal cavity?
@margrettaulo2798 2 ай бұрын
Great teacher
@dr.reyj.lebaquin9193 3 жыл бұрын
A great teacher, thank you
@mellowsedano9876 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks for Providing us more Info 💝🙏
@bleakm1343 6 жыл бұрын
Back in late March/April I had mastoiditis. Late March I injured myself in the shoulder during a fitness class that required good posture but I failed on that. Three or four days I started having the pain on my right shoulder that extended to my neck. I felt swelling on the mastoid process area days later. Could my mastoiditis have come from that injure? I didn't have any discharge or pain in my right ear.
@beenabhatt-r3x 11 ай бұрын
How is your condition now?
@Tedskuttle1971 2 жыл бұрын
Great video, im 50 and had my first ear op at aged 12 to remove some infected bone, had constant infectuon and daily leakage until 40 something, then had another operation, partial mastiod removal i think to get rid of infection, had a great 5 years with a dry ear, but back to leaking everyday now even tho earhole is alot bigger just cant seem to shift it, seems to bleed alot tho now which it never used to before, did mention it to a doctor and they said all infections bleed !! But never did in the first 30 odd years of infection, obv im very deaf in that ear too but luckily dont get much pain and not much tinitus now iether
@aky9229 Жыл бұрын
30 year with infection! Sir I'm 28 year old with 7 year continuous ear discharge and infection. Future seems without hope.don't think I will reach 50. How have you managed man ??
@Tedskuttle1971 Жыл бұрын
@@aky9229 dont fear buddy look at the bigger picture, not sure where you live but could be many options left open to you, i could go for total mastoidectomy, excuse the spelling as its probaly wrong, im in thailand with my wife at present & from the moment i arrive here my ear goes dry until i go back to the damp uk, we facetime every day when im in uk and she see's blood on my pillow ect, yet as soon as i get here it stops and even normal brown smelly discharge is eliminated, i swim in the sea daily if poss whilst here, so i think my solution is to move here fulltime lol Dont loose faith & always remember there is someone alot worse than us 👍👍
@bruceallan8548 Жыл бұрын
thanks for this video., this shed some light upon my medical history which has been somehwat a mystery to me. im 36 now, and for the longest time ive been self conscious of having a short haircut because the area of the mastoid process seem to always be more protruding than other people. i thought it was just how my skull was or atributed it to issues with TMJD and poor posture. but looking back.. at age 15 i had meningitis. thankfully no severe effects as doctors said it turned out to be viral rather than bacterial, however it seemed to follow a period of headaches, and i remember that my ears would always plug with wax and id have to get them flushed. Perhaps bacteria got into the inner ear/mastoid process with the administration of the ear flushes? One can only speculate at this point. ive also since then had issues with TMJ as previously mentioned, but also eye/vision problems, and some things involving the nerves and muscles of the face and their movements like you described. Id be curious to know if its normal that id still have an enlarged mastoid process area from past infection? or is this something that should have went away? or is it something that i should get checked out . thanks
@erised-san Жыл бұрын
Definitely getting checked out bro it’s insane but I literally have exactly the same situation as you I also have tmjd nd Poor posture and thought that’s what was causing the pressure behind my ear but yesterday I went to the doctor and pointed out a ball I had on my ear and he said that my mastoid bones are protruding and it could be mastoiditis.
@Jenura01 4 жыл бұрын
I came to learn about mastoiditis, but you are one extremely attractive teacher!
@jahnavip8418 Жыл бұрын
Sir why does mastoid infection doesn't spread to squamous part of temporal bone but spreads to brain??
@ruthevam 2 жыл бұрын
I came across your video to know about my daughter's condition (10 yrs. old ). She has PANDAS and her tics still noticeable even after 10 days of medication. And just last night she was crying again from ear pain.. Any idea to which doctor specialist we can see to assess her condition?
@lopezcora 5 жыл бұрын
A mosquito bit me 3 days ago.. In southern California.. In the ad pot behind my ear.. I'm concerned about Any possible vector borne diseases... The info is vague..on mosquito bites... So I searched for " infections behind ear"
@josephphiri8893 5 жыл бұрын
Thanks my Doc
@tobyward6628 2 жыл бұрын
Amazing videos Sam. Thanks again.
@Sneha-m 2 жыл бұрын
Umm...i have post auricular mastoiditis according to the doctor, but after antibiotics for weeks, even months the swelling didn't go away. As it wasn't causing much trouble, i have let it be there just like that.
@skyangel6336 2 жыл бұрын
Would this show up on a MRI brain scan without the dye?
@MorbidBabex 4 жыл бұрын
I've had this since I was 5 with numerous surgeries, now due for another with pus draining from my ear
@teyonnieyvette 4 жыл бұрын
Hey I'm have drainage from my ear and bad odor. I had one surgery and still have to deal with cholesteatoma
@nursedaacar334 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you very much!
@xxpreppy_adoptmexx5337 2 жыл бұрын
I had mastoiditis when I was 1 and I’m 10 now 🥺
@kathleenreed8245 Жыл бұрын
Had a ear infection that hasn't gone away and now the ear infection has spread to the bone which is worse then the ear infection when it wasn't in the bone it hurts like he'll really really crap with it hoping it he's up soon i am prine to ear infections fue to my ear tubed being really small amd don't drain properly but this is the first time it went to the bone
@dogculturereveiw 7 ай бұрын
Would pet dander in the ear cause this?
@anshraamjad9324 Жыл бұрын
Hats off...thankyou!
@wrenslemons9812 3 жыл бұрын
wait... i have a vary hard lump behind my ear the size of a pencil eraser... it hurts when i touch it and i’m scared it’s only on one ear
@cactusbutter6738 3 жыл бұрын
@cactusbutter6738 3 жыл бұрын
Has it gone away for you? Or is it still there?
@earthminus10 8 ай бұрын
I was diagnosed through MRI with Acute Mastoiditis three years ago. Doctors treated me with saline, Nose spray and mucinex type pill. He said it was very unusual in adult. He'd never seen it, in an adult, and sent me on my way. It upset me. I haven't been back to the doctor. When am I gonna die? Because everything I read and watch on KZbin about this says It's going to kill me. 😢 Is it time for a second opini have to get a referral
@Video2Webb 11 күн бұрын
How are you now? Did you get a consultation with an ENT doctor that you liked and trusted?
@LeiraHP 4 жыл бұрын
excellent video & information
@MzwakheZondo-w5c 7 ай бұрын
Thanks Prof
@andycarrillo48 2 жыл бұрын
Is the vestibular cochlear nerve gets damaged can that be the cause of tinnitus ? I’ve had clogged ears since may 2022, sinusitus for like a week or less in the spring and I got COVID in June 2022. Then July I got ear infections and swooshes and they felt pouchy nothing ever came out I think the bacteria just chilled behind my ear drums and seeped. Then I got tinnitus in august 2022. And I’ve had tinnitus and clogged ears ever since. Clogged have stayed since may 2022 and Tinnitus since august 2022. If the tinnitus can go away would I need a nasal cleaning ? I also have clogged ears though. I have ear pain daily but no noticeable infection. I did have a slight retraced eardrum on my right side. This all just worrisome. I have quit music because of this too. And sometimes I can’t speak that loud because of the pressure in my ears the air pressure and my tinnitus sometimes disappears for a minute but it’s constantly 24:7 though. I wish my clogged ears would go away. Idk what to do. I have an appointment tomorrow with a ent I was prescribed prednisone for a couple weeks but i was having panic attacks because I got a sick in august 2022 and I got panic attacks for like two weeks straight. I was in South Carolina and the weather just changed or the air quality changed and my nose just got stuffed up and I started to panic and couldn’t breath well. I was also driving and I had like 5 hours left to drive before I got home and their was heavy traffic I wasn’t moving and my body was like bro you’re gonna die here. I went to a emergency room and all that too. Before going I left my car and asked a random person in their car for a inhaler and they had one but it didn’t really do anything. Those two weeks were horrible. I was about to go into a mental health place but I didn’t wanna go because they said they weren’t gonna treat my ear. Eventually I came back to myself after a couple of weeks but I was having suicidal thoughts from the ringing and all that. I was like yooooo. I can’t take this. The ringing is lower now I don’t have panic attacks like I used to but I still feel the symptoms. It was crazy af. My ears are still messed up though. The clogged ear or ear pressure behind my ear drums sometimes muffles my voice and I am sensitive with noises sometimes and it just bothers me. The ringing at night always wakes me up or most days it does. I have dreams and then I wake up and my ears just ringing. I think ent doctors ain’t really got the sauce. Like my stuff this shit has subsided somewhat but the problem is still there. Idk how long this is gonna last. I was also on amoxicillin for two weeks but it hasn’t really done anything. That was like a week ago. And idk whether to trust nasal sprays. Fluticosone. And this other weird one it’s very minty. I don’t use em daily. I guess I should I just don’t want the ringing to get worse. But I don’t want it all period though. And the ringing is in my brain too. So I’m like what. Like how can we not cure this shit. I’m not saying it’s not cureable because it can be. That’s why I’m like should I get a light nasal cleaning by a surgeon. Because i have clogged ears too. Also during the two weeks of panic attacks I got sick like 3 times in 6 or 10 days. I was starting to think this ear shit is like some man made weapon that kills us I’m like how on earth am I feeling so bad right now. Lol it was very not cool. I can’t even be at the top level of the house I live in because my ears just get air pressure and I feel like it’s gonna damage my ear drums or make them even more sensitive.
@marlon006 Жыл бұрын
@andycarillo48 I woke up one day and had the same issues for both ears. I went to all doctors 3 different ENTs, the first one gave me prednisone and got the same sideffects you got. Then on my third ENT he sent me to get a temporal bone ct scan....waiting for visit with ENT to see what the outcome is... I'm scared 😱 but have faith in GOD everything will be okay. Tinnitus on one ear got a bit better from 5 to 3 by doing acupuncture. Still in Nad shape with clogged ears and tinnitus though....scared for my wife and family...lost hearing on my left ear...scared to lose more hearing...which my faith in GOD tell me won't happen! Gotta stay positive!
@Video2Webb 11 күн бұрын
How are you now Andy Carrillo? Upsetting to read your story. Want to know if you have recovered.
@ashtongrist 3 жыл бұрын
DO you know which never would cause coprolalia?
@JH-rr4bc Жыл бұрын
Ik ben 60 jaar en woord 23 juni geopereerd aan mijn rechter oor valt het mee of tegen na de operatie gr Jan Hendrik
@carolynesimpson6070 Жыл бұрын
40 years ago I had a large swollen rock hard lump behind my left ear. So I had a mastoid removed using a laser treatment. I was in hospital for 10 days as this was a very new procedure back then. 30 years ago I had a mastoid removed from my right plus I had a Cholesteatoma . After a couple more operation on the right ear I had a reconstruction of the ear drum. I have to have a check every year for the rest of my life. Just recently I had a check up and a bubble has been found in my Left ear and my right ear the ear wax was rock hard!..... Im having sinus problems and snoring problems so now im going to see a specialist about Balloon Sinuplasty. Also I need to mention my son got a Cholesteatoma too and has had 3 operations as it kept growing back in the attic part of the ear. The specialust its not hereditary !!!!!! I think in my case it obviously is
@nihaln7330 Жыл бұрын
I have very prominent mastoid process without any pain and because of it very unaesthetic i need to get what surgery
@chuckgreen355 3 жыл бұрын
great video lots of great info !!!!!!!
@michaelchidi5616 3 жыл бұрын
I have same issue right has gone beyond the ear carnal. Please what drugs do i take?
@donflash1128 2 жыл бұрын
I’ve had pain for a couple of months in my mastoid and right side of head and it goes down my neck. I did go to an ent and he said he didn’t see an ear infection...anyone have an idea what it could be? Very painful at times... kinda feels like someone slapped me real hard on the side of my head and had rings on his fingers..pain goes from base of my neck up.
@khalid6050ify 6 жыл бұрын
Dear Sam Webster, great information about anotomy of Mastoid. I remember in 8th class in Pakistan we all 40 classs fellows were given punishment by standing on benched with hands up. To balance the ear canal pressure I did as you did like tilting mouth and passing air. Man that wild teacher used a cane to punish me further that you are miminking on me and making fun with you face. 67 seven years passed and I still remember that evil teacher. That ear perforstion was restored in canada at age 38, now after 30 years , thick mucous gave infection few time and I needed Antibiotic and Telenol.😂🇵🇰🇨🇦
@totakyungsoo495 2 жыл бұрын
thank u so much sir this is so useful
@ManishSingh2k 6 жыл бұрын
Thank you. :)
@beth9177 4 жыл бұрын
I have a case of severe bilateral mastoiditis, my doctor prescribe auzithumycin antibiotics I been dealing with this quite awhile. I have something swimming inside my head. Pain in head and neck. My face hurts. My doctor, just like others just want money. They do not care. I worked with two doctors and they did care. I had antibiotics before,it didn't work. Now I am losing my hearing. I have to travel to see my doctor. Scrared in Al.
@Ra-sb2ln 3 жыл бұрын
How did everything go?
@beth9177 3 жыл бұрын
@@Ra-sb2ln the dr gave me a ct scan and said I have a false positive. I can understand that . I said What about my problem. Only if he had scan in the same area of my head for comparison. Some doctors think we all are unintelligent. He said maybe I could send you to another doctor . For your face pain. I told them no. I have a head problem. I know about my teeth. And where that pain comes from. I guess I am going to get a second or third opinion. .
@angelointia5920 6 жыл бұрын
I have a hard lump behind my ear, is it because i have mastoiditis?
@HlomlaMatyeba Ай бұрын
I knew it before i was a Med student that Sam Webster is the greatesgt of all time.
@DavidGuy69 5 жыл бұрын
Boss,u r awesome.Thanks a lot.
@abduljuma2147 3 жыл бұрын
True doctor some nurses give to us antibiotics and medicine maybe we need surgery to get relief
@aminoacid9848 4 жыл бұрын
plz just try to keep it static for few mints and focus the model so we can understand them better plz
@tracidawes5201 2 жыл бұрын
Is mastoid effusion the same as mastoiditis?
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