One of my favorite anime and manga series to date. Haruo is such a good MC, and others characters like Hidaka has such an amazing progression. Love every single character, from the old buttler to Guile. The last episode, specially the last scenes (meeting with Hidaka, the ride to the airport with all the videogame characters and finally the reunion) are some of my favorites ever.
無名の漫画家さんの作品にこんなに思い入れがあるとは思いませんでした、ありがとう神崎良太(押切蓮介) I never thought I would have so much love for the works of an unknown manga artist, thank you Ryota Kanzaki (Rensuke Oshikiri) Nunca pensei que teria tanto amor pelas obras de um mangaká desconhecido, obrigado Ryota Kanzaki (Rensuke Oshikiri) スクウェアエニックスと月刊ビッグガンガンに召喚状が出た後も、押切蓮介とスクウェアエニックスのプロジェクトを信じてくれたSNKプレイモアさん、ありがとう Thank you to SNK Playmore for believing in Rensuke Oshikiri and Square Enix's project even after Square Enix and Monthly Big Gangan issued summonses. Obrigado à SNK Playmore por acreditar no projeto de Rensuke Oshikiri e da Square Enix, mesmo depois que a Square Enix e a Monthly Big Gangan foram intimadas.