Another Person We've Never Heard of has "Left the Left"

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Actual Jake

Actual Jake

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#Politics #Debate #Twitch

Пікірлер: 98
@HotDogTimeMachine385 Жыл бұрын
"Why i left the left" just means "hey rightwingers, i'm also rightwing, can i have attention"
@TheZombiemofo Жыл бұрын
"Hey guys! Pick me! Give me money!"
@Velvetx4cove Жыл бұрын
​@@TheZombiemofo "Sponsored by this company [link down below] telling me to push hateful narratives for a quick buck!"
@Barrettfloyd82 Жыл бұрын
So a right winger that pretended to be left leaning is dropping the act.
@merbst Жыл бұрын
The grift goes on!
@anothercub6958 Жыл бұрын
If he wasn't already right wing and just using the "I left the left" strategy of growing a right wing audience
@sbushido5547 Жыл бұрын
I can't stand this "it's just a different opinion, bro!" nonsense. It's what those opinions actually ARE that matters. If your opinions are garbage, people are probably going to think you're garbage too. Strange how that works.
@lonelyone69 Жыл бұрын
When all the bigots be like "people are entitled to their own opinion about trans people" and you explain that no one is stopping you from being transphobic I just get to call you a piece of shit if you are and they immediately start crying about how they're being supressed absolute snowflakes.
@khill8645 Жыл бұрын
28:02 _"I_ don't like pronouns, that makes _me_ some hard-line Republican" -- *Every* damn time people talk about how much they hate pronouns, they use at least 2. Never fails.
@n0etic_f0x Жыл бұрын
_”A person can not use they as a pronoun! Look if this guy wants to use them him pronouns fine but _*_they_*_ can’t except it from me”_ my dad. Well actually they can as you just said it.
@25taylorkw Жыл бұрын
When people talk about pronouns, they're talking about the particular pronouns that are beyond the two biological sexes which is just making things up along the way with no hard science backing it up. Of course people make bring up intersex / hermaphrodite who are an rare anomaly compared to the percentage of men and women in this world. Specifically the neopronoun belief is the creationism and flat earth theory of leftism that came out of the intellectually retarded mind maze of Tumblr.
@christophergreen6595 Жыл бұрын
Gay grifter has strong opinions about breeding standards. Lol
@GanguroKonata Жыл бұрын
Hate pulling a "as a black woman" but as a black woman whenever i see one of these "we're not a monolith" types all I hear is "i want that Candace Owens money and will sell my soul for it"
@GanguroKonata Жыл бұрын
Also they always assume (or at least want you to think they assume) that you don't talk or understand the right as if the right holds overly complex ideals when they are very easy to understand
@Velvetx4cove Жыл бұрын
​@@GanguroKonata It was pulling the "'ghetto' stereotypes are able to like Republicans, too," stance that really gets me. That and pretending that "the right" being able to witness my minority existence without immediately pulling out a weapon means they're automatically nicer.
@Fenikagegami Жыл бұрын
Notice how he’s saying he’s not Right-wing, but hasn’t referenced a Left-wing position he “Still believes in”. It’s so weird that people shutdown things they feel are lies, it’s almost like when you believe in truth, you have no time for falsehood.
@GanguroKonata Жыл бұрын
That's usually how it works. Tim pool and Rave Dubin loves the tech of just gesturing at vague lefty positions and then going "but now I believe the exact opposite"
@grizzleknowsbest Жыл бұрын
I've taken in both side and come to the conclusion that the right is about hurting everyone that's not them.. I don't think that's a path that will generate the most good for the most individuals
@TheZombiemofo Жыл бұрын
I love how he went through the right-wing checklist of black talking points at the start. 😂
@MalrexMontresor Жыл бұрын
He says he wants a conversation, but it sounds like he left the "LEFT" because he experienced some mild pushback on his views. I really doubt during his discussions on the border wall, nobody told him it would be a lot more than "just $5 billion" (the closer number is $40 billion to $75 billion). I'm sure when he made his stadium comparison, somebody had to have told him that the stadium is not only a sports venue but an entertainment and performance venue, and that such facilities have a positive ROI (Return on Investment; admittedly sports stadium have low ROI while entertainment venues are higher) while a border wall would have a net negative ROI. Just upkeep alone on a border wall that stretches the entire length of the border would cost $3 billion A YEAR. It's a bad investment by the government that would do almost nothing to stop border crossings (from the multitude of videos we've seen of people defeating the Wall with a $5 ladder or a $25 battery-powered saw, as well as official data). I'm sure he was told all this and in his mind only heard, "you want a wall because you are racist". The vast majority of my family (99%) are on the RIGHT and are Trump voters (Hell, I'm still registered as a Republican myself). We've discussed the Border Wall many times, we've had the conversations and not once have they been afraid to "share their opinion", no matter how ignorant. And not once have they ever listened to facts and accepted them. I've gotten them to begrudgingly agree that the Wall "might" not be cost-effective, but that doesn't matter to them: "It's the point of the thing, not the cost. It sends a message." The Wall is a symbol to them, not an actual thought-out policy proposal. It doesn't matter if it works, it doesn't matter if it bankrupts the nation, it only matters if it "sends a message". Here's what I've noticed. Nearly all, or actually all, stories from media personalities where they talk about "WHY I LEFT THE LEFT" are basically this: "Leftists were mean to me one time, so I decided to join the other side." That's it. It's vapid logic, an argument that a child would use. I've heard it from white supremacists too, "people called me a Nazi so I decided to become one." No dude, I've been called a Nazi before (ironically for advocating that people should have the right to punch Nazis). It didn't make me want to become a Nazi. If someone calls me a racist, I'd stop and consider "why?" not run full-tilt to the local KKK recruiting center.
@KireiC Жыл бұрын
Over here eyerolling super hard over "it doesn't matter if it actually works, it sends a message" re: the border wall. Guessing they wouldn't feel the same about, say, a costly memorial (something that really only does stand to send a message) to gay rights activists, or something like that. I have to wonder what they'd think the message is after the wall is proven to be nonfunctional and starts crumbling in the desert for lack of proper maintenance. (They'd probably blame their political opposition for not doing the upkeep)
@MalrexMontresor Жыл бұрын
@@hardlyworking_ I do hold my right-wing family in high regard, in certain aspects. When it comes to farming, wrangling steers, or rebuilding a tractor from the ground-up, I absolutely trust their expertise. They taught me a lot of valuable skills growing up- how to ride a horse, how to hunt, how to maintain a firearm, how to fix an engine, or rewire an old house. My uncle is a blacksmith and a farrier, and we built a mini-forge together. They were the ones that raised me, taught me about the importance of honesty, of being generous and kind, to be "Christian", to protect those weaker than myself, to emulate the Republican presidents of the past like Lincoln or Theodore Roosevelt, the importance of getting a good education... And then they turn around and get mad when I practice what they preached, lol. They blame it on college, but it was those foundational lessons in morality and the books they gave me that "messed" me up. A love of learning, and a strict rule for telling the truth is a bad thing to teach kids if you want them to never question the party narrative. I was never really a "conservative" Republican to begin with, but I didn't know how to articulate that. Going to college however, did give me the tools and knowledge needed to challenge those narratives and form my own opinions. Not that they ever listened. When I told my uncle he just used a lump of labor fallacy, he told me "Damn boy, I thought you studied this in college. This is Economics 101." Which made me slap my forehead in frustration because I had studied quite a bit beyond Econ 101, and this was a man with nothing higher than a high school diploma. Still, I retained the old biases that I was raised in. My family voted for Lincoln, historically, we'd only ever voted for Republicans. It was tradition by that point. It was still pre-9/11 when I registered for the Republican Party. The Progressive wing might have been extinct, but the Moderate faction was still about 32% of the party. The John Bircher radicals had been expelled (or so we thought, they'd actually only been driven underground for a short time). So there wasn't this broad sense of the party being overtaken by extremists by this point. At the time, I believed that there was a good-faith disagreement on certain policies like immigration. The cracks started to really appear when I went back to school to get my Masters degree. That's right after 9/11, when things got a bit crazy. The local Sikh guy who ran the corner market stopped wearing his turban because of it. Then more cracks around the Patriot Act. Then more when Obama was elected and you had the Birther Movement and the Tea Party. Then the last final shattering crash of illusions when Trump was elected. Prior to that point, you could see my family getting involved in the conspiracy theories. It started with the Birther stuff, then the "Obama is a secret Muslim" stuff, and grew into my uncle building himself an "Obama Bunker" to hide hundreds of firearms and explosives in order to fight off the "Jade Helm" invasion. A lot of that was because they were just getting into Facebook around 2010. We could have reasonable political conversations before this, but after that, it became harder. Then Trump winning was the worst thing to happen to my family as they became steeped in toxic ideology and conspiracy rabbit-holes. Performative cruelty is how I'd describe their change in attitude, whereas they used to be kind. And the current rhetoric has become even more frightening, especially in regards to vaccination and election conspiracy theories. So I guess, my reasoning why I'm still registered as a Republican is several fold: 1. Idealistic hope that one day the fringe element will vanish and the party will move back to the center. 2. I'm from a red county where Republicans generally run unopposed, and I need to stay registered as a Republican so I can vote in the primaries and hopefully keep the crazies from winning (which kind of worked last election, at least I kept the anti-vaxxer out). 3. An irrational clinging to tradition for tradition's sake. And probably a lot of sunk-cost fallacy at play. 4. A genuine fear of changing my registration because I worry that the county clerk will tell my relatives and I don't know how they will react. For now, I'm the wayward Republican who is barely tolerated. If I become the traitor Democrat, they might just shoot me. Basically, don't mistake my party affiliation as party loyalty. I don't believe any political party deserves loyalty and I've always strived to put country first. If that means voting blue for a few cycles until we have two relatively sane political parties in the US again, I have no problem doing it.
@keymo9480 Жыл бұрын
12:55. I’m black and I’ve definitely noticed that to be sooo true. It’s like they get overly “nice” and “empathetic “
@SpecialInterestShow Жыл бұрын
Let me play him a sad song on the world's smallest violin 🎻
@anothercub6958 Жыл бұрын
It really needs an audience👦👨🧔👨‍🦳👨‍🦳👨‍🦱👧👨‍🦰👩‍🦲👩‍🦳🧓👩‍🦱👩👨👨‍🦳🧓👩‍🦰👩👱‍♂️👨‍🦱👧👩‍🦲👦
@RealTalkWithRickyPaquiot Жыл бұрын
*That's the guy who made that Nickmercs video.*
@anothercub6958 Жыл бұрын
"Why do people hate me?"Considering how he just made his channel and already left the left, I'm gonna say that it wasn't his politics that people hated him for
@grizzleknowsbest Жыл бұрын
Why does this guy think that meeting someone means anything?
@Velvetx4cove Жыл бұрын
Jake's chat immediately sniped out how he brung up Hasan and picked up that he's definitely a chatter that had his ass handed to him. lol This is why more streamers need to set boundaries and put their foot down. People start getting too parasocial and will go full Joker out of spite for their idols not agreeing on one thing.
@saininj Жыл бұрын
New right wing goober just dropped.
@jadistucker2073 Жыл бұрын
All I could think of when he was going off on his, "Just because I don't like pronouns doesn't mean I'm a hard-core Republican", all I could think of is how he'd react if someone said to him, "Just because I don't like gay people, that makes me transphobic?"
@nicodinisi Жыл бұрын
23:00 they disagreed with me = they lied
@Velvetx4cove Жыл бұрын
"I left the 'Left' so I immediately joined the 'Right'" I know it's all bull and a grift but... Love how it's like a team sport where everything is only Black and White. If you aren't _This_ you're automatically the ENEMY. Can't hold thoughts of your own. Gotta drop everything I felt and believed in to become the "other team," even if that other team rather have me dead once they get what the want out of me.
@sigmascrub Жыл бұрын
Maybe he's afraid of expressing his opinion to his friends... because he's a coward...
@tylervain9068 Жыл бұрын
That dude from Tinder was probably this guy's first sexual encounter.
@patrickscanlon963 10 ай бұрын
"A substack, cool..." is the perfect outro line for a video on Ron No-funches
@WastelandBowman Жыл бұрын
"I liked the guy." Is this a massive "i will fix you or ill join uou" situation?
@Nerd_Detective Жыл бұрын
These "left the left" stories are always so hollow. There's always this flimsy epiphany where they met conservatives who were nice to them or heard a very basic talking point one time. And that *blows their mind* in the story, because the lefties were always MEAN. The grift is all about making conservatives feel like smart, good people because they have a black/gay/trans person who agrees with them. I note this entire video is juat vague signaling to primed conservative audiences. No hard positions on anything, so the viewer can project onto a blank canvas (to give money to).
@sophitiaofhyrule 9 ай бұрын
The fact that Amir thinks Phillip DeFranco is a leftist 😬😬
@Wopbobaloobop 10 ай бұрын
He said when he was on the left he only watched left material but left material is full of people debunking right bullshnit
@r.e.b.e.lbeats713 11 ай бұрын
Why does every gay "I left the left" type's story always include dating a conservative guy?
@damejanea.macdonald2371 Жыл бұрын
1:56 "Why are we saying we stand for the truth, but will try and shut down anyone who offers an alternative viewpoint." (shows picture of someone with a sign literally about rejecting fascism) Hmm. (Sure, it probably was intended on the level that right wingers think leftists call everyone fascists, but also yeah I'm going to shut down the viewpoint that fascism is okay. At least, I would if I could shut it down instead of, say, giving my opinion because I don't have any special powers.)
@TorvusVae Жыл бұрын
Definitely not astroturfed at all
@ninetailscosmicfox5585 Жыл бұрын
I've been accused of being an anti-Semite, an anti-Black racist, and even bad for leftist optics. The last one may still be true, but I still haven't left because I checked myself and I'm something called "mature". Maturity is absolutely necessary to grow and sustain oneself among a group of highly critical over-engaged people. P.S.: I don't really think I'm inherently bad for leftist optics, as the people who told me that seem to be Destiny orbiting neolibs.
@Busto Жыл бұрын
At 11:30, "It wasn't my lived experience that had defined my life. It was the liberal media."
@kerseyHarding 10 ай бұрын
I was a liberal until Candice Owen's busted out a PS4 at the White House. This is the worst grifter yet.
@TheN00bmonster Жыл бұрын
D so good you gave up your civil rights? Couldn’t be me.
@n0etic_f0x Жыл бұрын
You know there is this idea of what oppression is that most normies don't get and it is that being oppressed affects your life in ways that we need to fix but it does not make you special in the least. Libs love to say it does and the left at large did back in 2016-2018 but now it is back to the fact we can just accept it from the outset and work on changing it. You are black and gay? Awesome we will not treat you any differently than if you were white and straight but when a problem arises that pertains we can deal with it. That is all we need to do, we do not need to put your oppression on an alter and kneel in prayer to it like dirty libs.
@Kropothead Жыл бұрын
Yeah, pretty much. In practice, it mostly just means different groups face different challenges and it’s helpful to acknowledge that. You find somebody whose issues intersect with yours, you get to talking, you get a better look at the big picture. Maybe you can organize and chip away at this shared issue through advocacy. What it’s not about is this oppression olympics shit. It’s not about who has it worse, it’s about realizing the same broken system is responsible for a lot of our problems and working to fix those problems. Ideally, by building a better system.
@n0etic_f0x Жыл бұрын
@@Kropothead it was so weird back in the SJW era, I would have people listen to me more intently just because I am gay. I am sorry but that is just massively off putting, it is extremely patronizing and I don’t feel respected at all despite knowing that your intention is to show respect. Why are we adopting this idea of political correctness? It’s not a leftist ideal it is most commonly a tool of the right that is used to make their rhetoric sound nice. Why are we obsessed with it as leftists? It’s not useful, it’s underhanded and cowardly.
@Kropothead Жыл бұрын
@@n0etic_f0x There are certainly folks who would say your take on gay men’s issues are automatically unassailably correct because you’re a gay man, but that’s how we end up with Dave Rubin. In my book, that means you probably have valuable insight based on lived experience, but that should never mean total deference. You can still be wrong about the group you’re a part of. Thomas Sowell made a great living telling white folks that black folks like him were basically subhuman, and that “the good ones” would fall in line. Idpol is not inherently bad, but it’s easy to exploit in bad faith for rhetorical purposes.
@n0etic_f0x Жыл бұрын
@@Kropothead I don't know I see Idpol as inherently worthless, not bad just worthless. It is still like you say something that can lead to massive absurdities. The User DJ Muel said he could never criticize Candace Owens just because she is a black woman, that is simply insane and it is the only real use I have seen for Idpol.
@Kropothead Жыл бұрын
@@n0etic_f0x DJ Muel is a pretty good poster boy for The Bad Idpol, but I think the term covers too much territory to dismiss as entirely worthless. People who reject idpol out of hand tend to have some class-reductive takes, in my experience. There’s no hard line for what is or isn’t idpol, and it’s not really possible to divorce politics from identity. For instance, being disabled damn sure informs my advocacy. I’d go so far as to say it makes me unusually aware of late capitalism’s utter failure to care for those of us who are hard to exploit for labor. It doesn’t mean all my disability takes are right or that I have some unique unquestionable expertise, it just means my identity strongly informs my politics. The SJW shit just tainted the term for a lot of people, because it got very performative in a very liberal way.
@Chillaxes 9 ай бұрын
The title 😂😂😂
@eliasfakename7158 Жыл бұрын
Wow another one pops up; damn that astroturfing
@soulman1988 Жыл бұрын
I'm a die hard liberal when it comes to most policies. I also happen to believe in fiscal conservatism, a strong military and Law & Order. Doesn't mean I have to "Leave the Left."
@coletrickle1775 10 ай бұрын
To be fair it doesn't sound like there's any left for you to leave.
@sophitiaofhyrule 9 ай бұрын
So you're a capitalist who loves the army and the police. Ew
@lazzygnome4060 Жыл бұрын
Ignorant or nefarious???
@jabraun00 Жыл бұрын
i cant finish this video because hes mentally defiecent
@gehinkun 6 ай бұрын
wow these are the worst takes
@jeremyusreevu237 Жыл бұрын
I love how this entire comments section is trying to deny the validity of "Leaving the left videos," while at the same time attacking Amir for daring to be a black LGBTQ person that aligns himself with the conservative ideology. You're only proving his point. You think any opinion that doesn't immediately align with yours is an opinion that's toxic and hateful. No, it can't be that he listened to other people's perspective, and realized the flaws with the left. No, he's just a pick me, or he wants to have sex with republicans. We're all amazing, nobody could possibly hate us. LOOK AT HOW GOOD WE ARE!!!!!!! Amir Odom is an incredibly wholesome human being, and you people make me ashamed to be left leaning.
@Gambit0590 Жыл бұрын
Amir is siding with people who despise him
@jeremyusreevu237 Жыл бұрын
@@Gambit0590 Right. As opposed to the echochamber that is this comments section that's hating on him because his political views don't match theirs. RIIIIIIIIIGHT.
@coletrickle1775 10 ай бұрын
Nice straw man. If you would care to not be a rhetorical idiot let us know.
@coletrickle1775 10 ай бұрын
​@jeremyusreevu237 I'm ashamed someone so incredibly averse to dealing in reality calls themselves left.
@Gambit0590 10 ай бұрын
@@jeremyusreevu237 are you feigning your monumental stupidity
@Busto Жыл бұрын
At 19:59, he gives the most peckerwood description of his hotel!!! 🫨🫨🤣🤣
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