Answer to Critics

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4 Homeopathy

4 Homeopathy

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Rajan Sankaran talks to the critics of homeopathy, explaining how he sees its effectiveness every day through his patients. He asks the critics to try homeopathy and see the effects for themselves.
About Rajan Sankaran
Dr. Rajan Sankaran is a world famous homeopath. He is renowned for his groundbreaking ideas and for his visionary way of thinking in homeopathy. Whether it is in the domain of philosophy or materia medica his deep insights have profoundly affected the way many homeopaths think and practice today. Some of the radical ideas that Rajan has brought us include: searching for the central disturbance within the individual, expanding the concept and spectrum of miasmatic classification, and looking at situational materia medica. Most recently he has been exploring classification within the natural world and working with kingdoms and subkingdoms. Simultaneous to this is his search to find the 'vital sensation' in the case and his teaching of the 'seven levels of experience' within the human being. He is globally renowned as a clear and innovative thinker and is best known for his original and inspired concepts in homoeopathy. His ideas and lucid style make him very popular as a teacher amongst homoeopaths worldwide. His seminars and teaching courses have been widely attended internationally.
Rajan Sankaran is a homeopathic doctor and practices in Mumbai, he has been practicing homeopathy since 1981. He is the son of the homeopath Dr. P. Sankaran.

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@deirdremackesy6825 10 жыл бұрын
Rajan Sankaran is one of the best homoeopaths in the world. Thank god for the wonderful gift of Homoeopathy.
@janclare3092 11 жыл бұрын
Yes! True science observes what happens and only later attempts to understand it. Interesting story about Dr Mahendra Lal Sarkar who was tasked by the Calcutta branch of the British Medical Association to give a lecture stating "Homeopathy is Quackery" in an effort to shut down homeopathy in India. BUT after 3 months' of observing a homeopath at work, changed his mind to "Homeopathy is the Medicine of the Future". He went on to become the first medically trained homeopath in India.
@baumedic 11 жыл бұрын
As always after all your lectures, I was lucky to hear, a big thank you Dr Sankaran!
@arielbaradarian2982 7 жыл бұрын
Rajan is 100% on target. As a soon to be homeopath with several clients who were originally VERY skeptical of homeopathy, I've seen his logic to be totally true. This is besides the large amount of actual good research supporting homeopathy
@MaryEnglish 11 жыл бұрын
Exactly Rajan!! Well put!!: When you see client's health improve, you know it's the effect of the individually prescribed remedy, that takes the person into account, not the disease. Watch the WHOLE before you make a comment. Watch the patients get better in his clinic, watch the clients recover their health in UK private practice, see for yourself and you will know Homeopathy works...
@raghuramaiahgolla6682 7 жыл бұрын
homeopathy is great science for mankind....
@boonniki 6 жыл бұрын
I got my answer after watching absorbing the zist behind The healing art & science . Thanks to Dr sankaran sir
@Bandershot 11 жыл бұрын
Brilliant, genius. Thank you Dr. Sankaran.
@DiscoverHealth 5 жыл бұрын
@kathyanibaer6872 10 жыл бұрын
Homeopathy goes well alongside allopathic medicine. It is not about what is the right and what is the wrong. Homeopathy is a great medicine, it works, Allopathy is often great and works. But we need to have the choice. And personally I would always try Homeopathy first. In bad injuries it helps amazingly well together with other medicine and if given immediately can prevent a lot of long term damage. It is the medicine to use to prevent diseases like heart attacks, because it is about healthy living, supporting the individual and not just repairing when it is too late.
@karthigayinis5330 3 жыл бұрын
🙏 thank you sir. Every one understand your points eve though they are not in the medical field.
@lifeholders_24 3 жыл бұрын
We want full video,plz helps
@kishanbhowmik1643 2 жыл бұрын
The system which works on the WHOLENESS will work for sure. WHOLENESS is the only reality. others are the fragments of the Absolute Wholeness. If you see a problem as a localized one, it is also part of a whole only. But if you can able to catch the whole, the root, the localized one will also get treated for sure.
@DrNancyMalik 11 жыл бұрын
Arndt-Schultz law This pharmacological law is about non-linearity between dose and response. It states that, “weak stimuli slightly accelerate the vital activity, medium-strong stimuli raise it, strong ones suppress it and very strong ones halt it”.
@saraphilosophizes 10 жыл бұрын
I agree that it works if it works, regardless of whether we can explain it or not, but it has not been shown to be better than placebo.
@mandyshields8794 10 жыл бұрын
Oh but it has, very much depends on where you are looking. Does an infant benefit from the placebo effect, does an animal??? In keeping with the spirit of the massage in this video, I invite you to try it.....for free, contact me at to arrange a telephone or email consultation, I will post your prescription to you, no charge :)
@saraphilosophizes 10 жыл бұрын
I will when you provide me with a study showing efficacy of homeopathy.
@mandyshields8794 10 жыл бұрын
saraphilosophizes be happy to, will you provide me with the funding required to carry it out ?????? :)
@saraphilosophizes 10 жыл бұрын
So you mean there isn't one already? You just offered me a "medical" service, and you do not even know of a study that shows it to work? How is it that you are allowed to practice? NO serious medical practicioner would reply "if you provide the funding" to a request for a study that shows what they do even works! How do you sleep at night?
@mandyshields8794 10 жыл бұрын
saraphilosophizes I tend to reply to people with a similar tone that they use with me. You are obviously aware of the pharmaceutically funded V independently funded research already freely available on the internet.I made a genuine offer to you, and you felt the need to turn it into a personal attack. I sleep very well thankyou.
@annadrozdova9171 10 жыл бұрын
simply brilliant
@Theaurumproject 9 жыл бұрын
This is an especially powerful video to help convince those who are sceptical about the benefit of homeopathy
@green4992 6 жыл бұрын
after so many years its still debate that does it acually work , still stuck in this question
@Rockercaruthonyoutube 2 жыл бұрын
Just try it. You will never look back.
@green4992 2 жыл бұрын
@@Rockercaruthonyoutube I know it works if the state is known but its very difficult job to find a state of a person , any many failed to do this
@podcasthomoopathie 5 жыл бұрын
Freie Übersetzung des Videos «Answer to Critics» von Rajan Sankaran MD (Hom) (indischer Homöopath) von Marwin Zander Wenn ich etwas zu den Kritikern der Homöopathie sagen müsste, dann würde ich Ihnen von meiner der Praxis berichten. Jeden Tag kommen so viele grossartige (dankbare) Patienten zu mir. Ich habe Kinder gesehen mit Erkältungen und Husten, die alle zwei Wochen Antibiotika nehmen and nach 6 Monaten, einem Jahr oder 2 Jahren, diese Patienten kommen wieder mit so viele Dankbarkeit. Sie sagen «Jetzt ist alles wieder in Ordnung nicht nur meine Beschwerde, sondern auch «Ich» fühle mich besser. Ich fühle mich als Person gesund, sogar meine Energie ist wieder da.» Daher ist mein Vorschlag an die Homöopathiekritiker: «Probiert es einfach aus, grüble nicht darüber nach, ob es logisch ist oder nicht, ob es in die aktuellen Lehren der Wissenschaft passt, also über das, was wir bis heute wissen. Stresse dich auch nicht damit, ob es dir Sinn ergibt oder nicht, überprüfe einfach die Resultate.» Unser Entdecker der Homöopathie Dr. Samuel Hahnemann schrieb ein Buch und die nahezu ersten Worte dieses Buches waren folgende: «Homoeoopathie appeals to the proof of its action» (Die Homöopathie beruft sich als Beweis auf ihre Wirkung) Erst kommt die Wirkung, alles andere kommt dann später, alle Theorien, alle Erklärungen alle meine grossartigen Ideen über dieses oder jenes kommen erst nach der beobachteten Wirkung. Sobald er den Effekt sieht, bin ich bereit mit demjenigen weiter zu diskutieren. Bitte kritisiere es nicht einfach aufgrund irgendeiner Erklärung oder Theorie. Ich frage: «Was ist «Wissenschaft» genau?» Wissenschaft ist nicht, was wir verstehen, denn es gibt eine menge Dinge, die wir gar nicht verstehen. Wissenschaft gründet sich nicht auf das Verständnis von etwas, sondern auf das, was effektiv passiert. Es gründet sich auf dem Versuch/Experiment und der anschliessenden Beobachtung. Die Erklärung kannst du dir für später aufheben. Der Apfel fiel vom Baum, lange bevor Newton, die dazugehören Gesetzmässigkeiten entdeckte. Es gibt viele Dinge, die wir beobachten können, die wir aber bis heute nicht verstehen. Ich kann daraus aber keine Fakten ableiten oder die beobachtete Wirkung der Homöopathie negieren. Nur weil du es nicht versteht, heisst nicht, dass es nicht existiert. Ich finde, wir sollten dies als Grundlage verwenden. Schau dir die geheilten Patienten an und die Studien, die bisher erfolgreich durchgeführt worden sind, and dann kann die Wissenschaft versuchen zu erklären, wie es im Einzelnen funktioniert, damit wir es verstehen. Es macht für mich keinen Sinn mit jemandem zu reden, der die Wirkung bisher nicht gesehen hat. Im Gegenteil ist es meistens so, dass derjenige der die Wirkung gesehen hat, die Neugierde entwicklt mehr zu sehen und zu lernen. Hier ein einfaches Beispiel: In den Anfängen der Homöopathie gab es einen Arzt der hiess (sorry, keine Ahnung wie man das schreibt) und praktizierte in Calcutta. Dieser Mann war der Vizepräsident der british medical association (britischen Ärztekammer) in Calcutta, das war noch während der kolonialen Herrschaft der Britten in Indien. Und in dieser Zeit kam Homöopathie von dort nach Indien und wurde lediglich von ein paar Laien praktiziert. Die Ärztekammer wollte diesem Unsinn ein Ende machen, bevor es noch weiter wächst. So ernannten sie diesen (unausprechlichen) Arzt, dass er einen Unterricht vorberiten sollte mit dem Titel: «Homöopathie ist (unverständlich, wahrscheinlich irgendein Wort für Unsinn)» Um sich auf diesen Unterricht vorzubereiten, besuchte er die Klinik eines Laien. Er fragte ihn ob er ihm den Unsinn zeigen könnte, den er hier betriebt. Er blieb für 3 Monate und beobachtete die Effekte der Homöopathie. Dieser gebildete und intelligente Arzt gab nach diesen drei Monaten einen gänzlich anderen Unterricht mit dem Titel «Homöopathie ist die Medizin der Zukunft». Dafür wurde er aus der Ärztekammer ausgeschlossen und wurde anschliessend zum ersten indischen Homöopathen mit einer medizinischen Ausbildung und Titel im Hintergrund. Was ich damit sagen will ist, bevor wir darüber nachdenken, was Homöopathie ist, müssen wir mit eigenen Augen oder den anderen Sinnen erfahren, dass es funktioniert. Erst dann weckt es in dir die notwendige Neugier und den Drang zu verstehen, wie es möglich sein kann, dass es wirkt. Wir wissen ja, dass die Potenzen in der Homöopathie sehr stark verdünnt und verschüttelt sind, so dass wir kaum noch Ursubstanz darin nachweisen können und trotzdem wirkt es. Wenn du jetzt über die Prinzipien der Homöopathie mit denen sprichst, die Wirkung erfahren haben, merkt man die aufkommende Neugierde zu erfahren, wie und nicht ob es wirkt. Ich finde die einfachste aller Erklärungen der Homöopathie geht wie folgt: Es gibt zwei verschiedene Ansichten über Gesundheit und Krankheit. 1. Eine Krankheit befällt einen Teil des Körpers. Asthma ist eine Krankheit der Lungen, Colitis ist eine Krankheit des Kolons. Jetzt kannst du das lokal behandeln, als währest du ein Mechaniker, der alle Einzelteile eines Autos separat repariert. 2. Aber der menschliche Körper ist nicht, wie ein Auto, das aus Einzelteilen besteht. Es ist mehr als die Summe seiner Teile. Der menschliche Körper ist konzipiert als Einheit, entwickelt sich als Einheit, lebt als Einheit und stirbt als Einheit. Alles hängt miteinander zusammen und greift ineinander über. Das ist für mich der Grund warum Asthma oder Kolitis, Rheuma oder Hypertonie, Diabetes und jede andere (besonders diechornsichen) chronsiche Krankheit, aus meiner Sicht, mit der heutigen Medizin (aus diesem ganzheitlichen Grund) keine langfristigen Erfolge erzielen können, da du nicht die Einzelteile separat behandeln und anschliessend annehmen kannst es hätte mit dem Rest nichts zu tun. Wir wissen heute, dass bei einer asthmatischen Erkrankung das Immunsystem „hyperaktiv“ wird, z.B. wenn es allergisch reagiert, Kolitis kann zum Beispiel vom Geist beeinflusst sein. Jedes Körperteil ist beeinflusst von einem anderen Körperbereich und deshalb ist das Grundproblem nicht im Körperteil bspw. dem Organ zu finden, sondern jede Krankheit hat zu tun mit dem „zentralen Kontrollmechanismus der Einheit“. Hier gibt es übergeordnete Systeme. Zum Beispiel das Hormonsystem, das Nervensystem oder das Immunsystem. Alle diese übergeordneten Systeme folgen aber wiederum einer höheren Instanz zum Beispiel dem Verstand oder der Psyche (welches wieder übergeordnete Systeme sind, die aber wiederum von höheren Instanzen beeinflusst oder kontrolliert werden) Daher ist eine grundlegende Annahme der Homöopathie, dass du keine langfristige Lösung/Heilung erreichen kannst, ohne dass du die zugrundeliegende Ursache, die den ganzen Organismus betrifft, behandelst. Das ist was wir meinen, wenn wir von ganzheitlicher Behandlung sprechen. Die zweite (1. Jede Krankheit betrifft immer den ganzen Menschen) grundlegende Annahme ist, dass darüber hinaus jeder einzigartige Mensch seine Krankheit in einer einzigartigen, individuellen Art und Weise zeigt. Jeder Mensch drückt seine Krankheit resp. seine Symptome auf eine ganz spezifische Weise aus. Deshalb ist es unverzichtbar den Menschen auch in seiner Einzigartigkeit 8in dieser spezifschen Weise) zu erfassen. Wir müssen studieren, was an diesem Fall (und es ist jedes Mal neu und anders, es gibt keine zwei gleichen Fälle) die spezifische, die individuelle Ausprägung seine Krankheit/Symptome ist. Es ist daher entscheidet, wie er auf Wärme oder Kälte reagier, was er gerne isst oder trinkt, was denkt er, wie nimmt er es wahr, wie empfindet er seine Symptome, wie fühlt er sich, wie fühlt es sich für ihn an und wie reagiert er auf Umstände, Situationen, Menschen oder seine Symptome. Erst dann können wir, unter Berücksichtigung aller individuellen Elemente dieses einzigartigen Falls, die exakte Arznei auswählen und verschreiben, die dann seine eigenen (ihm innewohnenden) „Heilungsmechanismen“ stimuliert, um eine nachhaltige und andauernde Lösung für seine Krankheit zu produzieren. In der Medizin spricht man davon, dass 70% (Dr. Bruce Lipton spricht von über 90%) aller Beschwerden druch Stress produziert oder zu mindestens verschlimmert werden. Diese Beschwerden werden oft als psychosomatisch betitelt. Da stellt sich doch unter anderem die Frage, was ist „Stress“? Und als nächstes was ist die „Antwort“ auf diesen Stress? Und die moderne Medizin sagt dem Patienten, höre auf dich zu sorgen oder mache diesen Sport oder meditiere. Man kann aber beobachten, dass das allein scheinbar für die psychosomatischen Beschwerden nicht ausreicht. Meistens liegt es daran, dass Stress selbst hochgradig individuell ist. Der Stress kommt nicht davon „wie“ die Situation ist, sondern wie jedes Individuum die Situation wahrnimmt und darauf reagiert. Unser Verhalten ist einfach sehr individuell und damit unterschiedlich. Ein Homöopath nähert sich diesem Phänomen des „Stress“ dadurch, dass er sich versucht in das Individuum hineinzuversetzen und ein „Gefühl“ dafür zu bekommen, wie dieser Mensch seine „Realität“ wahrnimmt. Er versucht zu verstehen, wie er es wahrnimmt, wie er es versteht, wie es sich anfühlt, wie erfährt er seinen „Stress“. Wenn man das so macht, dann kann man die unglaubliche vielfallt und die Unterschiede zwischen den einzelnen Menschen wahrnehmen und sobald du diesen Punkt verstanden und erfahren hast, kannst du an diesem Punkt arbeiten, anstatt den „Stress einfach nur zu verringern und dich von ihm abzulenken“. Jetzt kannst du nämlich versuchen die Wahrnehmung und Sichtweise des Patienten an diesem Punkt auf das Problem, die Situation oder den Stress selbst in eine „gesündere“ Sichtweise zu verändern und du wirst beobachten, dass jetzt alles (auch seine körperlichen Symptome) besser werden.
@dieechteelke4725 2 жыл бұрын
Moin Landesgenosse
@drkrutibhuskute2148 11 жыл бұрын
wonderfully explained...and so very simply, humbly and still directly. but critics still would remain critics, we can only leave them to their fate.
@vinaykulkarni7713 3 жыл бұрын
Great motivation for all Homoeopaths.
@Rockercaruthonyoutube 2 жыл бұрын
I got fed up of telling old people with mobility problems.s to try Arnica and if theirs swelling of the joints. To add rhus tox to arnica as this gets rid off the swelling round the joints Arnica in combination with rhus tox is Brill for joint and mobility problems. Mostly Arnica itself will get rid off stiffness and joint pain. A brilliant remedy.
@zindagieksafar492 6 жыл бұрын
Nice .. Can anyone explain as mentals are of more credence in case taking but Dr. Hahnemann never gave emphasis on mentals more.'s Dr Kent who described mentals
@МарияСизова-ч9т 2 жыл бұрын
Your’s practice is genius souvenir for people…Thanks a lot
@vitaltouchhomoeopathicclin4557 7 жыл бұрын
Excellent sir
@Zorf96 9 жыл бұрын
Take something that makes you feel unwell, or causes a negative symptom similar to your current symptoms, and put it in solution. Then dilute it so much that a dose could easily not contain a single particle of the original substance. This will cure your disease. See, when you phrase homeopathy like that, it's pretty obvious how absurd it all is. Any observable improvements due to homeopathy are no doubt due to placebo effect.
@gurucharansarojraj 3 жыл бұрын
He is real Avatar. Blessed are those who are trained under him.
@chanakyabalu 11 жыл бұрын
thank you soo much sir
@findit6021 6 жыл бұрын
Thanku sir this is really valuable one gonna help me a lot....👍🤓
@Bandershot 11 жыл бұрын
How do YOU know?
@bhabeshchandrachoubey5967 3 жыл бұрын
A very nice explanation
@KingAdrock420 10 жыл бұрын
If homeopathy works as well as claimed: if I get hit by a car, what homeopathic remedy would you recommend to heal my injuries? Or if I'm having a heart attack, what homeopathic solution should I take instead of calling 911?
@chandhokb.s.1804 10 жыл бұрын
@chandhokb.s.1804 10 жыл бұрын
@KingAdrock420 10 жыл бұрын
Chandhok B .S. So what you're saying is if I get a "critical" injury then I need to go to a doctor or hospital (aka modern western medicine) because homeopathy can't help anything that wouldn't otherwise heal itself even with no treatment at all; like bruises?
@GreaterGood2024 10 жыл бұрын
KingAdrock420 When you have a critical injury like a fracture you can get repaired by a surgeon or a bonesetter for a fraction of the cost. Homeopathy has an excellent remedy called Arnica for the convalescence period after the injury to speed up healing and pain management. When you have a heart attack at home after calling 911, while waiting for the ambulance to arrive, you can take a dose of Arnica 30 or 200 or Cactus 30 potency or Crataegus tincture. Many heart attacks are actually the side effect of Allopathic drugs like diabetic medication. Allopathy is actually CLUELESS when it comes to the treatment of CHRONIC diseases. . For example many patients who start Allopathic drugs and Insulin for diabetes actually go on a steady downhill turn with heart problems, kidney problems, gangrene, etc.
@KingAdrock420 9 жыл бұрын
mohanaturo So can you tell me why I should take "Arnica 30 or 200 or Cactus 30 potency or Crataegus tincture"; and NOT take something like aspirin? Aspirin has been proven under proper experimental conditions to alleviate the symptoms of heart attack and can objectively save your life. Not to mention it's all natural, as it's derived from willow tree bark. Do you have any double blind studies to show that these homeopathic remedies work better than aspirin? I hope you realize that if you do not have such evidence, and these substances that you recommend don't actually work; the advice you just gave could LITERALLY KILL PEOPLE.
@deirdremacgowanlindfors6702 10 жыл бұрын
Love the video Dr. Sankaran, you explain it so well!
@rosasadeghian974 10 жыл бұрын
You are genius Dr. Sankaran.
@panama1958 11 жыл бұрын
The Arndt-Schultz RULE has long been supplanted by Hormesis but even that isn't accepted without very large reservations. At best it can be said that sometimes small doses ( not negligible as in homeopathy) stimulate a different (not necessarily opposite) effect to larger doses of a poison.
@madeleineinnocent7471 11 жыл бұрын
Beautifully put. Your depth is hard to match.
@lifeholders_24 3 жыл бұрын
I required itttttttt, thnkuuu so much
@MuuzikFan 10 жыл бұрын
We should have a debate about exposing the extent of fraudulent allopathic medicine,how unscientific, now, that would be easy!!
@yoochube36 6 жыл бұрын
Very well said. 👨‍⚖👌
@bingm9978 4 жыл бұрын
Wow same thinking science is something that we don't understand 👍
@rajendraashra846 11 жыл бұрын
@totalfreedom45 9 жыл бұрын
Does classical homeopathy work? Is it for real? There’s placebo effect somehow in ALL medicine because the brain is the greatest marvel of evolution: all living beings pursue pleasure and life and avoid pain and death. Nevertheless we need not believe in classical homeopathy any more than need believe in brain surgery: both work and don’t work because both are done by caring, capable people who make mistakes sometimes and who oftentimes are afraid of the new and the unknown, of letting go of dogmatic beliefs. As in ALL science even homeopaths know not for sure why/how classical homeopathy works in cases beyond the placebo effect-babies, toddlers, comatose people, pets, zoo/aquarium animals, wild animals, and even plants (there’s agrohomeopathy; get a load of that!). 😼
@drUzmaSaif 2 жыл бұрын
Nice sir
@alexchubb8 6 жыл бұрын
One part of wholism that Rajan is talking about but doesn't realize is the astrological aspect of homeopathy and wholism. All the remedies are directly correlated to planets and have their own astrological thumb print. Same with every human. He or she has their own astrological thumb print that when understood properly can give a practitioner of homeopathy and the patient maximum benefit. This study is known as Hermeticism.
@marcocappelli2236 6 жыл бұрын
Alex Cushing Homeopathy just doesn't work. It's simply a scam to steal people's money.
@susanzacharia6598 5 жыл бұрын
Excellent Sir!
@maryrodriguez6749 9 жыл бұрын
My daughter has autism spectrum disorder. Would Homeopathy medicine help her?
@mariusconstantinhandrea4741 9 жыл бұрын
mary rodriguez It can make her life better.Homeopathy is a verry complex medicine than can be explain only if you try it.I know a lot of profesional physicians that are practice it.Being a religios person can also helps you a lot.Good luck!
@jonyorg1294 9 жыл бұрын
mary rodriguez Absolutely not. Homeopathy is no more effective than tap water.
@georgecarewell 9 жыл бұрын
+mary rodriguez yes it would
@maryrodriguez6749 9 жыл бұрын
Thank you Georgecarewell, and Marius Constantin Handrea. Where can i find a dr who practices homeopathy medicine, in Corpus Christi, Texas or nearby
@maryrodriguez6749 9 жыл бұрын
I hate f i r her to be on drugs, she did not do well
@spidermonkeynr1 11 жыл бұрын
i'm all knowing
@AbhayaMedicine 11 жыл бұрын
If I did you would dismiss it as anecdotal. You are set in your beliefs and I can't help you with that. It is not my job to convince you of anything. It is your job to seek the truth. Like I said, you keep groping around in the dark (you are welcome to join us any time) and leave the business of curing the sick up to the professionals :) cheers, I am off to cure sick patients.
@Bandershot 11 жыл бұрын
panama158 What are your criteria for "proof?" How do you weigh that criteria? Complainers never say until evidence is presented, to which they always respond, "not good enough." But like the "medicine" YOU peddle, your criticsm is always applied in part, never to the whole of medicine. If you applied your ex post facto standards to your "postion on the subject" you'd have no complaints for us. The only "proof" that in the end is acceptable to anyone is the proof of experience. Where's yours?
@BillStreeter 9 жыл бұрын
I drank some tap water and I overdosed on EVERYTHING!
@lindsayjenney2270 8 жыл бұрын
+Bill Streeter no problem. I have the cure. Another class of water. lol
@alfonzo907 9 ай бұрын
JUST READ THE POSITIVE COMMENTS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Ernest E. Johnson
@ayeshakanwal7306 7 жыл бұрын
Nice reply 😀😀😀😀😀
@simonking1621 10 жыл бұрын
all these naysayers trying to make out they know what they're talking about, yet none quote any of the trials that come out positively for homeopathy, they just parrot the boring level of understanding they have managed to acquire. Homeopathy is MEDICINE, which means it MAKES PEOPLE BETTER. That much is unequivocally indisputable. There IS masses of evidence that it CURES PEOPLE so it is quite clear that homeopathy works as medicine. It is simply NOT logical to keep saying, like a nodding dog in the back of a car, "it can't work, it's not logical, it can't work" when it very obviously does work (when applied properly, )try instead actually broadening your mind a little and get excited by exploring how it might work.
@Valeriobrogni 4 жыл бұрын
Can you link me some of the articles? I'd like to read them
@brianschwartz5766 10 жыл бұрын
Whenever he said something didn't work, I felt like he was lying... there is proof to what he said didn't work working... I believe in holistic medicine and the belief that something doesn't work for everyone, but we are one organism, and unfortunately, Modern Medicine is what we have that has so far proven efficacy over 100s of years whereas Homeopathy drugs have not in countless studies. If we could meld the two together, I think we would be on the same path. I will say that people like Mr. Sankaran actually proves inadequate when trying to debunk modern medicine.
@AbhayaMedicine 11 жыл бұрын
Reading results from tests that others have run is not tantamount to experience. It is analogous to looking at a map of India and then thinking you have had the experience of being in India. Very well then, you and your "true" scientific colleagues can continue groveling in the darkness of ignorance and arrogance while me and my colleagues will continue on with the business of actually curing disease and maybe in 200-300 years science will have evolved enough to understand and accept homeopathy
@lot4362 10 жыл бұрын
I totally agree. I mean where has science or logic gotten us? So full of shit.
@pokepaar3696 2 жыл бұрын
Lmao dude doesn't know scientific method. His argument is the same as when a child wants his/her mother to kiss a scratch. I'm sure the child says the kissing works, maybe I should try to sell it? 🤔
@lindsayjenney2270 8 жыл бұрын
"Science is not what you can understand." "Science is not based on what is understandable." This guy belongs in jail.
@ritavanderstraeten188 8 жыл бұрын
+Lindsay Jenney He is right, science is based on what actually happens, and it is based on experimentation and observation, duh. What do you think science is?
@KingAdrock420 8 жыл бұрын
Science is where you compare homeopathic remedies to real medicine and a placebo, observe that the homeopathic treatment doesn't work and conclude "This is snake oil".
@ritavanderstraeten188 8 жыл бұрын
You obviously have no understanding how homeopathy works, or you would know that what your suggesting is ridiculous, so commenting on something you do not understand, sounds silly, doesn't it.
@KingAdrock420 8 жыл бұрын
I've got a fairly good understanding: You dilute an ingredient so many times that the "parts per" is not in the millions or billions but rather in numbers so absurdly large they are usually displayed as an equation, and it's statistically improbable that even one molecule of that ingredient even remains. But don't worry, because diluting an ingredient somehow makes it *stronger*, and even if that ingredient isn't there at all; everything will just work as IF it were still there because water has "memory" and will remember that single one ingredient while simultaneously (and inexplicably) "forgetting" literally everything else it's ever contained.
@ritavanderstraeten188 8 жыл бұрын
You might think you know, the dilution is referring to the remedy, homeopathy is so much more then the remedy.
@brandtproduction 9 жыл бұрын
its sad to se this bullshit spreding so fast.
@Darradog 9 жыл бұрын
brandtproduction - YOu must know better as you know so much! NOT NOBEL LAUREATE SCIENTISTS ON HOMEOPATHY: Emil Von Behring (Nobel Laureate - Physiology/Medicine 1901): "If I were confronted with a hitherto incurable disease and could see no way to treat it other than with Homeopathy, I can assure you that I would not be deterred from following this course by dogmatic considerations". Hans Von Euler (Nobel Laureate - Chemistry 1929): "I will simply state that on this basis we now understand how quantities of one millionth of a gram and less of a poison may be sufficient to paralyse or annihilate an organism; the quantity of the catalysts required to be inactivated in the poisoning of an organ is not greater than the quantity of poison used. There is therefore nothing mystical in the Homeopathic doses". Brian David Josephson (Nobel Laureate - Physics 1973): “Simple-minded analysis may suggest that water, being a fluid, cannot have a structure of the kind that such a picture would demand. But cases such as that of liquid crystals, which while flowing like an ordinary fluid can maintain an ordered structure over macroscopic distances, show the limitations of such ways of thinking. There have not, to the best of my knowledge, been any refutations of Homeopathy that remain valid after this particular point is taken into account.” Luc Montagnier (Nobel Laureate - Physiology/Medicine 2008): "What I can say now is that the high dilutions (used in homeopathy) are right. High dilutions of something are not nothing. They are water structures which mimic the original molecules."
@brandtproduction 9 жыл бұрын
Thunderlight watch CoolHardlogics playlist named: "Testing Homeopathy" he looks at all the "evidence" and shows that Homeopathy uses unscientific methods to "confirm" there own superstitious and supernatural claims.
@Darradog 9 жыл бұрын
brandtproduction Oh yes! CooldHardLogics must have the same level of knowledge, credentials and understanding as those Nobel Laureates above... NOT!!! Go and and read a PROPER book on physics rather than just watching supposedly "scientific" websites on the internet.
@tommivirtanen6426 8 жыл бұрын
So does this prove its bogus then?
@adhennesium9006 7 жыл бұрын
Nobel prize opinion IS and ad-baculum fallacy.
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