Anti-Gravity: The Secret Space Race | Weird Science | Earth Science

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BBC Earth Science

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@Brandespada Жыл бұрын
I'm reading a book about anti-gravity, I just can't put it down.
@aymanissam6566 Жыл бұрын
What's the book?
@Ann-sj4pt Жыл бұрын
@Ann-sj4pt Жыл бұрын
@@aymanissam6566 it’s a joke.
@bleebbleepbleeb3842 Жыл бұрын
You clever. You should just let it go.
@havennewbowtow8835 11 ай бұрын
Boomtish, good one
@raystaar 3 жыл бұрын
I'm just a layman. Most everything I know about physics comes from popular science articles and random videos. Still, every shred of information I've encountered suggests that, of the four fundamental forces, gravity is the least understood. That begs the question: "How can you hope to control something when you don't know what it is?"
@jonathanbowersock5236 3 жыл бұрын
My exact thought.
@michaelburkett6825 3 жыл бұрын
You now know what most scientists know. Now find someone to pay you to prove yourself and everyone else and God, WRONG. The answer is there. It's just at this point we don't really know the question.
@gokurocks9 3 жыл бұрын
Excellent point. Imagine if we dropped a nuclear reactor in the Wild West. Before they could get the iridium shielding off, they'd all drop dead. How the hell would we even begin to dissect something like an "anti-gravity" reactor?
@esotericist 3 жыл бұрын
it does not "beg the question".
@MrRocknrolla4u 3 жыл бұрын
Supersymmetry Theory. Gravity is a force, as with any force it’s polarity theoretically can be reversed. Dirac’s equation revealed this fact (matter, anti matter). Opposites exist. Gravity is carried in a mass carrying particle called “The Higgs Boson” theorised by Higgs and recently discovered LHC. As the particle interacts with background Higgs field whilst in motion it’s mass increases. The greater the mass the more energy required to move to ever increasing higher speed. Therefore light speed is unachievable as it would take all the energy in the universe to move that object to light speed as Einstein predicted. If you switch the polarity of Higgs Boson or switch off it’s ability to interact with the Higgs Field you can anti gravity. Higgs boson carries mass, the greater the mass the greater the gravity it generates. Switch the polarity of the mass (“anti mass” or negative mass) you switch the polarity of gravity hence anti gravity. If the mass of the object does not increase with speed then faster than light speed travel is possible. The faster you travel the slower time ticks, so you can also travel through time (forward in this case). Time itself flows forward. If you can create enough negative mass you can bend the very fabric of space time, to fold in on itself to a point previously in time (backwards time travel).
@blackbass4u2c Жыл бұрын
I saw the United States Government's Antigravity on August 30th 2023 at 9:10pm on Indiana highway 446. The craft was 40 feet above me moving west to east and it had a slight rotation northward. It is a triangle shaped craft with lights in the corners and center with navigation lights red and green with strobe lights. It is a smooth edges with access panels highlighted similar to the new stealth bomber. It is painted gray with a lighter color accenting the access panels highlighted. it was steady in it's movement like it was sliding down hill with no noise. When it moved by I didn't hear any noise from the craft from inside of my car and it didn't shake a leaf of the trees as it skimmed over them
@dRew-something 25 күн бұрын
What do you think about the sightings of orbs/drones at the moment? If this tech is ours (which I doubt,not yet anyway) it could change everything. I'm hoping it's ours but it doesn't make sense why they'd be testing them in plain sight. I have a lot of family in Cyprus who have seen similar crafts as the one you described..many many sightings in Cyprus for many years.
@blackbass4u2c 25 күн бұрын
@dRew-something 10 years ago I saw a blood red orb the size of a two story house. It looked like ash fog like incense waterfalls of red smoke dripping off the side. I tried to take a picture of it and it showed up as a red glow. I have researched it since and the best guess I can find for an explanation is that it was producing electromagnetic energy fields and the energy was energizing the gases in the air and creating an effect like a road on a hot summer day like water reflection in the shape of a bubble. Whatever was in the middle of it I don't know, but it took off very fast sideways when it got close enough for me to see some great detail.
@blackbass4u2c 25 күн бұрын
@dRew-something the orbs and drones are probably a mix of visitors and ours since I am certain from my experiences we have advanced technology craft. I live very close to Crane Navy Base and I know that they have their drones flying around Bedford Indiana a lot. They also have a air force base close by too. I'm very certain that the TR3B program vehicle was probably coming from Crane and going to the Air Force base from information from a whistle blower... If they have alien technology at Crane base they probably have the TR3B program vehicle there per someone I know commented that their nephew who works there saw it.
@AlienScientist 3 жыл бұрын
BBC should interview Glenn "Tony" Robertson who worked for NASA on this research, get the full story of what went on there...
@twinpeaksfanclub5493 3 жыл бұрын
This kind of fluffery is typical of the BBC, though. Bring it up, Entertain it, then trash it. Like they did with Shawyer's EM Drive. Don't mention workable alternatives. The fact is Antigravity, in addition to making warp drive possible, would also level the playing field putting landlocked nations on par with nations that have natural harbors. British power and hegemony always relied on maritime, naval control of chokepoints. This is why the British have stymied US cooperation with Russia, going all the way back to Lincoln and Czar Alexander II's attempt to build a trans-siberian railroad. It would undercut Britain's monopoly. It is the reason why Kennedy was killed, because the Deep State is controlled by Malthusianists who believe the Limits To Growth bullshit paradigm that is anti-civilizational, and Kennedy wanted to work with Russia and other nations. It is why British aristocrats funded Karl Marx, to bring about a revolution that would set Russia back and separate it from the West. It is behind the current propaganda against Russia and China, who want to build a Silk Road linking eurasia and other countries together, which would overcome the Limits To Growth. Bankers, City of London, DAVOS, etc all hate that because it undercuts their monopoly on power. It is also the same reason why Establishment scientists always try to rain on the parade or throw a wet blanket on notions of Antigravity and Warp Drive. Because they are believers in Closed System Dynamics, controlling scarce resources in the Limits to Growth. Hamiltonian/Leibnitz-ean Human Creativity paradigms are all about Open Systems, which Lincoln, FDR, and Kennedy all shared. That's why they all died while in office.
@xavierlopes9204 3 жыл бұрын
Not A Space Agency is Disney and CGI, everything has been done before, there is nothing new under the sun.
@jojolafrite90 3 жыл бұрын
@@xavierlopes9204 No one can even know what the point of this comment even is. It makes no sense.
@DnBastard 3 жыл бұрын
@@twinpeaksfanclub5493 you had me until you put your little piece in about China then you lost me entirely. Enjoy your +5 social credits wumao
@twinpeaksfanclub5493 3 жыл бұрын
@@DnBastard I never said I support China's social credit system, nor do I say I support their other authoritarian control measures, and nor do I endorse China's racism, which it DOES have, unfortunately. You're going to find that every system is a mixed bag of goods, containing some good and some bad. And a lesser or greater of two evils, in one area or another. China may be the greater of two evils in one area, for example, while also being the lesser of two evils along another axis or dimension of comparison. It depends on which point of reference you are using. What I am saying is the BRIC nations are choosing to develop infrastructure and connectivity to each other to build an alternative. Like, what about all the developments in soil regeneration technology, new battery technology, and Thorium that are happening in places like the UAE as well as China? What about the Russian work on Antigravity? I got called a sexist for endorsing the scientific progress and wealth of the UAE by a leftist woman, when I described how Congo could become like the UAE in the dimension of wealth and infrastructure development. But I never said I endorsed the UAE or Saudi Arabia's policies toward women. I was merely comparing ALONG ONE DIMENSION (the dimension of being able to use your countrie's natural resources to put wealth back into the development of your country, and not have it siphoned out elsewhere to benefit imperial powers while your people remain poor.) Same thing here: Why can't we look at and imitate the good things China is doing while discarding the bad? It doesn't have to be: X country does Y things bad therefore EVERYTHING about X country is bad. That's throwing the baby out with the bathwater. I mean, why is Soros now not welcome in China? Why is his affiliated organizations, like the NED, who have been involved in vicious destabilizing color revolutions undermining countries around the world, not welcome there?
@UncleKennysPlace 3 жыл бұрын
Richard Feynman postulated that a chair was a nifty anti-gravity device, and likely the only sort we'd see.
@dg-hughes 3 жыл бұрын
In one of his books Brian Greene said consider the electrostatic force holding the atoms in the molecules of chair together, your body together, the soil in the ground beneath you are all defeating gravity. Dr. Greene also said the electrostatic force is, I'm paraphrasing, something like a million million billion times stronger than gravity.
@kingmasterlord 3 жыл бұрын
all it takes is to understand what gravity really is and what it's actually doing to create the results that we see, and then artificially create those conditions. it's inevitable once we understand the full nature of gravity
@blurry_craft 3 жыл бұрын
its science is a bridge to far
@AmidaNyorai48 3 жыл бұрын
@manfmalachi 3 жыл бұрын
Hahaha. Very nice. The truth is nice sometimes
@davemcdave2169 Жыл бұрын
I was feeling down today, but watching this has been uplifting.
@arkdark5554 3 жыл бұрын
"It’s not impossible; it’s just we don’t know how to do it." True.
@arkdark5554 3 жыл бұрын
@Justin Croonenberghs Not at all. We’re talking about an artificial gravity. Einstein would have been just fine, with it. So it wouldn’t be the end of Relativity at all. Relativity would still rule just business as usual.😁
@cl114c0777498d 3 жыл бұрын
It's also impossible.
@purplehz97 3 жыл бұрын
@@cl114c0777498d People have been saying that since Ogg told Grogg that creating fire was impossible.
@ronald418 3 жыл бұрын
Not all animals are cows, because a cow is an animal. In the same line of thought something is not possible simply because we have not figured out how to make it happen.
@kentzeedaking9399 3 жыл бұрын
@@ronald418 yeh historical ancient architecture all over the world that is unexplainable tells me it is possible & modern minds if anything cannot grasp something that ancient, more advanced civilization obviously could... go figure
@justaguy6100 3 жыл бұрын
When the engineer seems more concerned about the "futuristic design" than the outrageous technical hurdles...
@shmookins 3 жыл бұрын
Yeah, that's a red flag that he hasn't got squash.
@Greg_Chase 3 жыл бұрын
"anti gravity' is returning a region of space back to the conditions it has, far from any natural gravity source. Gravity acceleration is 32.2 feet per second^2 when near Earth but far enough out in space and gravity acceleration is negligible. The failure of common physics is - lack of awareness that the conditions of space are change-able. It is 100% possible to restore the space on the underside, and in the immediate vicinity of, a vehicle - to the same conditions space has in open space far-removed from any natural gravity source. ANALOGY: Let's call gravity 'hot space' and the space far removed from any natural gravity source 'cold space'. (I'm only using 'hot' and 'cold' because they're familiar ideas.) 'Hot' space accelerates a matter object at 32.2 feet per second^2. And 'cold' space has zero acceleration, compared to Earth gravity. Move your vehicle into the vicinity of Earth. Convert the space on the underside, and in the immediate vicinity of, your vehicle to 'cold' space. You have taken the 'low gravity' conditions of space and moved them to Earth. You have neutralized gravity. Very few people can manage the intellectual hurdle that space has 'conditions' that can be modified. Einstein in 1915 pointed out 'gravity bends light.' 'Bending' light means refraction. Gravity changes the refractive index of space. HOW? By altering the electric permittivity, magnetic permeability, of space. Those two 'conditions of space' are used to calculate the refractive index. .
@justaguy6100 3 жыл бұрын
@Greg Chase Well first the acceleration of gravity varies by the mass if the body. On the moon the acceleration is 1/6th what it is on earth. So it is certainly variable but that variation is based on an object's mass not variations in the way gravity works. That's how we've been able to accurately determine how to use the gravity of planets like Jupiter to help accelerate satellites we've sent into the deeper recesses of the solar system. The claim seems to be based on a premise that physics somehow is (or can be maybe) different elsewhere in the universe than our measurements show it to be here. That's extremely speculative and to my knowledge there's no objective evidence that it's possible. Light bends because gravity warps space-time, it has nothing to do with "electricity," this has also been confirmed multiple times. Gravity is the weakest of known forces but it's ubiquitous, anywhere there are celestial bodies there's gravity to some degree. Areas of very empty space likely do have little gravity, but then there's still the push of "dark energy" that seems to permeate the cosmos, enlarging these voids in those instances. Honestly I'm not quite sure what conclusion you're heading for there but if it's an "electric universe" well... you've got a lot of high level opposition to that premise. Like the vast majority of practicing astrophysicists and cosmologists. But as I usually say, make your observations, write your paper, and publish, my friend. Let the chips fall. I readily admit KZbin is the weakest of all journals of peer review. ;-)
@Greg_Chase 3 жыл бұрын
@@justaguy6100 A small team of us (elec engr and physics) work at artificial gravity devices. Publishing is out of the question. We will never commercialize or publicize the work due to fusion-enabling. If the tokamak or any 'hot fusion' reactor - (none of which are able to reach "break even" energy output due to relying on electromagnetic confinement) - - if they were retrofitted with artificial gravity containment they would achieve breakeven-plus, self-sustaining fusion output and disrupt the global energy ecosystem. The Sun and stars in general require hydrogen and a gravity field. Gravity fuses hydrogen into helium. Hydrogen is the most abundant element in the universe so there is no money in gravity-containment fusion. Publishing is out of the question. We will never commercialize or publicize the work due to fusion-enabling.
@justaguy6100 3 жыл бұрын
@@Greg_Chase Well good luck. Once you finally make some kind of breakthrough that means you're not worried about too many people knowing your methods maybe then you'll publish something. I'm pretty sure sharing knowledge would enable breakthroughs much faster.
@huepix 2 жыл бұрын
When studying physics at university, I came up with a new perspective on the phenomena of gravity. I have an experiment that uses spinning fields to create areas of time dilation and space contraction (relativity). In these "nodes" gravity appeared reversed.
@dunsel5887 2 жыл бұрын
I'm intrigued, is this experiment you have a physical or mathematical (on paper) experiment?
@seanmcdonald4686 2 жыл бұрын
Yeah, can we get a little more info?
@pauljs75 2 жыл бұрын
I'd suspect charged objects in a gravitational potential field behave differently than those with a neutral relation to their attractor. So they will take on a torque effect. It's why a lot of orbital bodies spin rather than end up tidally locked. If there's something to that which could be exploited, it'd be interesting to see how that works. (Also suspect the dielectric constant has something to do with that somehow. A vacuum has a teeny teeny tiny bit of resistance to change in moving charges or electromagnetic fields.)
@huepix 2 жыл бұрын
My apologies to all. Yes I did come up with an alternative hypothesis on warped space, gravity and designed some experiments but these had to do with the relationship between relative movements of energy fields, time dilation/space contraction and gravity. I was a bit inebriated when I watched this and mentioned my experiment in an irrelevant, tongue in cheek manner.
@JorgeMarioManuelOrtega 2 жыл бұрын
@@huepix so you may sense a gravity wave turned 180 degrees by turning 180 degrees time/space
@23emm 3 жыл бұрын
"When a distinguished but elderly scientist states that something is possible, they are almost certainly right. When they state that something is impossible, they are very probably wrong. The only way to discovering the limits of the possible is to venture a little way past them into the impossible" -Arthur C. Clarke
@rogerphelps9939 2 жыл бұрын
Arthur C Clarke was wron g on a lot of things. |you just don't hear about the stuff that was nonsense.
@SafaidTV 2 жыл бұрын
@@rogerphelps9939 we have to ignore the wrongness which surely is present and promote rightness, goodness and positivity and possibility...
@philadelphiaslim4144 2 жыл бұрын
"Momma said an an anti gravity fields are de de definitely fe fe feasible " - Bobby Boucher waterboys momma
@coldpizza5673 2 жыл бұрын
@@philadelphiaslim4144 Lol Don't forget about all dem teef but no toofbrush.
@paulmartos7730 2 жыл бұрын
@@rogerphelps9939 We humans are far too ignorant, not to mention primitive, to say that anything is impossible. What we should say is, "We don't know how to do that -- yet". Today we can cut steel with beams of light from lasers. One hundred years ago that would have been called "impossible".
@TheJeeves2020 3 жыл бұрын
I believe it’s possible as it explains the movement in the recently disclosed tic-tac UFO incidents.
@ronsykes5035 3 жыл бұрын
The DIELECTRIC VORTEX Technology by Ronald Frederick Sykes just G it
@cosmicninjaSN8 3 жыл бұрын
@ronsykes5035 3 жыл бұрын
The DIELECTRIC VORTEX Technology by Ronald Frederick Sykes just G it
@pauloneill9880 3 жыл бұрын
@@ronsykes5035 ball lightning. The sapphire project or Martin fliechman memorial project. As soon as they showed people laughing at the idea I knew it was gonna be part nothing to see here hit peice. BBC all over.
@Paulkjoss 3 жыл бұрын
There was some military dude who said in an interview that the US military had ‘cracked gravity’ - then went on to propose a vehicle design along with a former Lockheed Martin head honcho - They talked about beamed propulsion and space time - their vehicle render had a circle in the base… Who knows what came of all that but I have no doubt the powers that be have some kind of tech that we’re not adult enough to have shared with us… Plenty of tales from Afghanistan vets and the black triangles that made no sound and hovered around them… 🤷🏾‍♂️
@7STB7 2 жыл бұрын
I would love to hear your take on Dr. Salvatore Pais' patents. :) Keep up your great work! Regards from Germany
@jeremiahellis1566 3 жыл бұрын
Perception is everything. Instead of thinking of it as anti-gravity, look at it as pro-gravity. In other words, instead of trying to cancel gravity, all you need to do is learn how to create gravity. The force of gravity depends on displacement of space. Space is not just an empty void. Space has its own properties and dynamics. When space is displaced by mass or other means, the force of gravity is space trying to close the hole created by the substance which is caused the displacement. If the displacement is caused by a large mass of matter, like a planet, the space which is displaced still exists, but now it is outside of its normal place. There is now a condensed ripple in space, occupying the area on the outside of the matter that has displaced it. The magnitude of the force of gravity depends on how large the mass is, and how dense it is. The ripple in space, of the displaced space, is where gravity exists. If the density of the matter is high, like a black hole, the ripple in space will be more dense also, and the force of the push to close back in on itself will likewise be stronger. So, we need to create technology that will displace space as completely as possible. And be able to project the displacement in the direction the vehicle needs to travel. I may be wrong, but I don't think G-forces are applicable when the force of gravity is causing the acceleration and maneuvering.
@Dr34m4x 3 жыл бұрын
Very well said
@alexuwo 3 жыл бұрын
That technology exists and its called UAP. Its using energy to displace space not mass and that technology has been around since the end of WW2. But its being blamed on "aliens" - Which means the subject has turned into one of ridicule. It would kill the oil industry for sure. UAP use a gravitational bubble around it and it slips/slides through the atmosphere. There are no gforces and it does not disturb the air so there will not be a sonic boom. When you bend gravity you bend time so inside the UAP craft time speeds up - What I don't know is what they see looking out the windows of the craft. Time might slow down. And size does not matter what's the gravitational field is turned on so crafts a mile wide can fly but its not flying like a plane. The bubble that surrounds the craft repels Earths atmosphere and even water. So these crafts are trans-medium. The crafts "fall" in any direction and are basically being pulled. Its crazy technology I hope we get to see it one day - Its quantum physics. Just imagine a quantum particle except a big UAP the size of a plane or a large football field.
@druidmechanics 3 жыл бұрын
Have you considered that matter is eddied spacetime?
@randyross5630 3 жыл бұрын
@Kenneth_James 3 жыл бұрын
You've done it! Congrads. You win the coveted antigravity award.
@jamezdfit 3 жыл бұрын
The tic tac UAP encountered by commander Fraver sure does show that anti gravity transportation is very possible.
@anael5265 Жыл бұрын
Anti gravity was controlled at about october 1954 . It's already done
@slavicmax8682 3 жыл бұрын
To control gravity you need to control time and space. We haven't figured out a way to influence either of those properties besides going super fast to travel forward through time faster than a stationary observer and to have a giant blob of mass like a planet which warps time around it to create the effect of gravity. So we're not creating our own gravity until we actually understand the fundamentals of what we're dealing with. We're not even close.
@passivehouseaustralia4406 3 жыл бұрын
seeing we have very little concrete comprehension on the ideas of time, space and gravity... I think your answer is a little presumptuous.
@dahur 3 жыл бұрын
I think you have it a little backwards. To control spacetime, you need to control gravity.
@slavicmax8682 3 жыл бұрын
@@passivehouseaustralia4406 yeah I assumed so, but that only further solidifies my point which is we're not even close to controlling gravity
@ThePhysicalReaction 3 жыл бұрын
Ciri can do it :)
@dahur 3 жыл бұрын
@@slavicmax8682 "we're not even close to controlling gravity" That you know of.
@andybeans5790 3 жыл бұрын
I think studying gravity at the quantum level is probably the best bet for now
@sebd6651 2 жыл бұрын
I saw once some videos made by John Hutchinson who used a modified Tesla coil to move objects by tuning into their resonance frequency. It was pretty futuristic to see.
@82NeXus Жыл бұрын
Yes there are videos of him lifting up objects. Some of them also seemed to partially liquify. Guy had his house packed full of test equipment, power supplies, etc!
@somerando7191 10 ай бұрын
Hutchinson is scam artist. His older stuff (ridiculous looking prop ray gun) was ridiculous.
@OutThere5 3 жыл бұрын
This is like when they started playing with static electricity back in the 1600’s, which eventually evolved and changed the path of mankind. It took 100’s of years of experimenting with such an unusual, powerful and complex force.
@youngajax7449 3 жыл бұрын
Probqaly the worst video ive ever seen, so pointless
@randyross5630 3 жыл бұрын
Why would the Elites allow the commoners to know such marvels? Considering they plan on wiping US out!
@chuffmunky 3 жыл бұрын
nah just you
@fortunatodeguzman8017 3 жыл бұрын
@@randyross5630 You have a point,it was year 1995 when I read a book in which the author said only 2 billion peoples must be alive in our planet...The excess population must be disposed directly or by secretive,shrewed,subtle way- like food additives, in medicines,drugs also - via the baxinne was their latest weaponized population reducer....
@fortunatodeguzman8017 3 жыл бұрын
@Roberto Vidal Garcia Try to read the 7.series comics of Dr.Alberto Rivera,an ex.jesuit priest undercover agent- I read it in year 1981..He exposed in great details how the planet earth is being runned behind the scene by religious-satan tandem...Like a giant tree,what their controlled media shown to 98% of world population - were all the front branches,twigs, leaves,etc- men and women who are just their obidient and trusted front.. The robust body,trunk of the tree which controlled said branches group- was never exposed,reported to the public...The same religion is himself also a front of satan- the Bible hell(2Peter 2:4= Greek word TARTAROS= temporary prison cell) was discoved in 1983 under Siberia,Russia with depth of 17kms plus,not in Kola Peninsula which was only 12kms plus deep....
@concernedcitizen780 3 жыл бұрын
Our understanding of gravity is limited. Once we know all particles involved and all the interactions/ equations it will be an easier task.
@leighchristopherson2455 2 жыл бұрын
There has been research done in the US in this field more recently, even to the point that patents were awarded. One researcher, a Chinese national, working in the US, has even fled back to China taking what she learned with her. It may be that antigravity technology is more plausible, and closer than we think. After all is said and done, gravity is actually a fairly weak force (we routinely defeat it using magnetism).
@feedyourhead7464 2 жыл бұрын
Obviously, the US does not want the new tech because they have their own. Can’t wait till we can ALL work together on this and get to the business of finding new worlds for all. Everyone needs to loosen up and use the tech for the common good. Not to destroy.
@kariminalo979 2 жыл бұрын
I think a good pilot project for researchers to test their theories derived from anti-gravity research on a human-scale level, is to re-iterate the technology in what we normally in science fiction is common as 'hoverboards'. Also, the USGS conducts extensive research within geomangetism and magnetic anomaly, which I think could be incredible useful to dig even deeper into this unknown field of science.
@bpd8426 2 жыл бұрын
@@feedyourhead7464 Right the US through private industry been having the technology since the 70s when they made a breakthrough with the tech… which came from WW2 the Germans were working on the technology, but didn’t finish it… Hans Kammler gave america what they started on along with night-vision advanced guidance systems etc… putting america 30 years ahead of the soviets…. Here is a good book about the subject (The SS GENERAL AND DIE GLOCKE).
@paulmichaelfreedman8334 2 жыл бұрын
@@feedyourhead7464 No, it's all bunk. I can assure you, along with every expert on General Relativity, that any claim of antigravity is pure bullshit. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence, and there usual...NONE whatsoever. At least one them should have been able to explain the mechanism with which they manage to alter the gravitational field. Oh man there are like 1000 ways to debunk any AG device.Those small objects floating in a chamber are being influenced by magnetism. Every element has a paramagnetic and diamagetic strength, and with sufficient magnetic field strength you can make almost anything float. It costs a humongous amount of energy and the range is tiny.
@karlkarlsson9126 2 жыл бұрын
That's why I think the Tic-Tac UFO incident is of importance, since a military fleet was observing them. Aliens or not, this was no farmer seeing something, this was a Naval fleet observing anti-gravity and high velocities and accelerations. It really gives you "hope" that there might be something there that can overcome gravity as we speak., and that was 2004.
@nicolacesca 3 жыл бұрын
Antigravity through control gravity also means time dilatation or time control since space and time are connected. Control gravity would basically make "time travel" at an embryonic stage possible.
@LMProduction 3 жыл бұрын
Yep. Importantly, this may only be acheivable using anti-matter.
@d3r4g45 3 жыл бұрын
only in the future tho.
@StrangeTerror 3 жыл бұрын
@@d3r4g45 hey, I'm from the future, I can confirm there is no time travel.
@wadetrevo 3 жыл бұрын
Spot on. The air force has achieved this with their Arora projects. I know how to do it, it's just really expensive
@suneetmansingh2292 3 жыл бұрын
Its fascinating how the design for project Greenglow is eerily similar to the design of the so called saucer shaped ufos we see.
@anthonyc5039 3 жыл бұрын
A galaxy, this design, and a classic saucer look similar because they are all under the influence of a gravity well.
@user-nw8jr1dk9p 3 жыл бұрын
I thought the same Would it be possible that these "flying saucers " people claim to see could be anti gravity experimental aircrafts?
@goddammitboi 3 жыл бұрын
It was in the same time
@jojolafrite90 3 жыл бұрын
@@user-nw8jr1dk9p No. It can't be earth tech. Period. It could not in the 50's, it still can't. We would need thousands of years of advances in science and industry techniques to even be able to replicate one "saucer".
@Imxting 3 жыл бұрын
They had photos taken from us military secret base and next to a stealth bomber was exactly the same looking plane so i guess they made it afterall
@abraruralam3534 5 ай бұрын
I can't believe they talked about anti-gravity without mentioning negative mass even once. That's literally the key to the ultimate propulsion mechanism: the alcubierre drive
@anthonybaransky137 3 жыл бұрын
I postulate that we ( the US) already have this tech ( triangle shaped craft) but keeping it VERY, VERY and VERY SECRET. As the Russian said " it could be used as a weapon" While I can't imagine how it could be used as a weapon, other than being the transport of a weapon. But just because I can't imagine it. Doesn't mean somebody can't.. and that's probably the reason it's use is very secret
@zZrEtRiBuTiOnZz 3 жыл бұрын
Well I guess if you can aim the antigravity to a specific spot, you could break up buildings, planes, ships, etc by essentially pulling on them.
@tukatsinsky Жыл бұрын
You could just use a gravity control drive to accelerate some mass to near light speed and aim it to specified target on earth. Explosion would be much more powerful than fusion bomb. If enough mass is accelerated and enough percentage of lightspeed is gained planet or even a star could be obliterated. This concept is called "relativistic rocket".
@LetsShitPost 11 ай бұрын
​@@tukatsinskyweight of payload the craft itself would prob not be nearly as important, and good luck hitting a ship with anti gravity that can move at those speeds lol
@jerryedwards7008 2 ай бұрын
You are correct.
@alaasabateen441 Ай бұрын
Fuck!!!! You were correct sir!!
@hgbugalou 3 жыл бұрын
We haven't even nailed down if gravity is a force yet. I am not holding my breathe this is happening anytime soon.
@shmookins 3 жыл бұрын
Of course not. Like the real scientist here said, something like this doesn't suddenly come out of nowhere (and certainly not by one guy that failed miserably to show he isn't full of shit). We will see signs of something like this coming a mile away (and by a team of people). Look at cold fusion, A.I., gravitational-wave observatories, medicine, etc. You just don't suddenly make a landmark invention from out your basement all of a sudden. This isn't a cartoon.
@JabranImran 3 жыл бұрын
Gravity is not a force, any force you do feel is atomic (electromagnetic) repulsion between you and the floor. When your are not touching another object (in free fall) there is no force over you. Gravity essential just changes your direction when moving around other objects with mass due to time dilation being stronger on the side closer to the mass.
@cecilmcintosh864 3 жыл бұрын
@@JabranImran in order to change your direction, that would be a force i think. We call gravity a general phenomena but once we do figure out how it works, im sure a force of some kind will be at the bottom of it. What we should be perplexed by, is what forced are. Its like we get content with being able to model forces mathematically, and summing them up as metaphysical particles. I think we may get content with discovering something other than reality if we continue down that path.
@JabranImran 3 жыл бұрын
@@cecilmcintosh864 Force is a mathematical construct of mass multiplied by acceleration, think about what happens atomically when a mass changes speed or direction due to a rocket engine, the force is felt from the side with the engine, the force being atoms pushing against each other electromagnetically due to velocity/direction changing non uniformly (from all 3 dimensions). With gravity the direction change is uniform across the mass from all 3 dimensions so the atoms won’t push against each other (electromagnetically) except very minimally depending on how warped the gravity is. I’m essentially just trying to simplify things; we take for granted abstract concepts (such as force or even position) to be simple and obvious because they are intuitive but the reality of these concepts are more abstract or different than our perception.
@adamstainer4637 3 жыл бұрын
It's a wave.
@InterestingFacts10 2 жыл бұрын
If we can not understand gravity with our laws of physics, we may have to rethink them. Maybe if we allow for some sort of aether, we will find out that gravity is like a soundwave. It may be no force at all. Instead it's a compression of the medium we currently think does not exist.
@друг-з5ъ Жыл бұрын
Gravity is not a force. It's a wave of stretches and compressions proven by ingenious scientist at Ligo. So our understanding of gravity has been wrong for the past 400 years, and only Einstein got it right but he couldn't prove it until Ligo confirmed it in 2015. Now, can you imagine how much we still don't know about gravity?
@dahur 3 жыл бұрын
Since I'm a firm believer we're being visited, of course I believe artificial gravity is possible. Compressing spacetime is the only practical way to get from there to here, (or from here to there). And the only way to do that is through the creation of artificial gravity. Someone's figured it out.
@Rikimkigsck 3 жыл бұрын
"Compressing spacetime is the only practical way to get there to here" only if you have a short life. Even a billion years is nothing on the cosmic scale. In each cycle of the universe, the eons live 10^10^10^500 years
@zamolxezamolxe8131 3 жыл бұрын
visited by who? your street neigbours?
@3dguy839 3 жыл бұрын
3 things 1 my neighbor was a retired test pilot 2 a lying 🤥 fat drunk 3 whenever he took a dump you could always count on it drifting out his bathroom 🚽 window and floating into My backyard where I’d be entertaining friends and family What this all means I don’t know 🤷‍♂️ Maybe that if a fart 💨 can make its way out his ass and into the mouths 👄 and noses 👃 of friends than anything is possible Just a thought 💭
@dahur 3 жыл бұрын
@@zamolxezamolxe8131 LOL..^^^
@ldv-k8w 3 жыл бұрын
​@@zamolxezamolxe8131 by some non human intelligence, as appears in the 2004 Nimitz encounter
@d3r4g45 3 жыл бұрын
the recent UFO videos from US Air Force, seem to point out exactly this. WIth as much as going under water, almost instant acceleration and breaks.
@jamesmckerral2964 3 жыл бұрын
I can't believe there are so few comments about this. As revealed by the US pentagon, antigravity craft are whizzing around earth all the time, we just don't know whose they are or how they work.
@drmantistoboggan2870 3 жыл бұрын
Look at mick wests work on trying to figure out what those craft might be
@rayanaltowayan9558 3 жыл бұрын
Yeah I just wonder if those crafts are actually ours or from out of this world
@Woventhunder 2 жыл бұрын
Love this, that's exactly right. This tech exists , it could very well be American. What are the odds? A high tech alien civilization probing us all the time, or humans finally manipulating gravity? Great comment
@jd5787 2 жыл бұрын
It's not just gravity, it is also inertia. Imagine how you would take a 90 degree angle (or a series of these) at Mach 5, 10, 20...? you'd get smashed...
@Steven-p4j Жыл бұрын
Usually, from an historic perspective, once an official program shuts down, is when the genuine research begins.
@hemicuda123ify Жыл бұрын
If we've got it we sure as hell aren't going to tell you about it and we sure as hell aren't going to tell anybody that we've got it.
@blucat4 4 ай бұрын
Why did you just say the same thing twice?
@foxyboiiyt3332 3 жыл бұрын
I agree entirely. Just matter of time. I'm currently typing this on a small smart phone here in Ireland and my message is potentially going to be seen almost instantly all over the world. Tell 5hst to someone from 500 years ago and they just couldn't imagine . oh and you'd need a time machine!
@jzargowinterhold1942 3 жыл бұрын
You are doing that thanks to eletromagnetism (eletric signals) and quantum physicists(transistors). Before being able to control gravity, we need to understand gravity at the quantum level. A thing that we cant do right now. Thats why this idea is in fact crazy and ilarious. We need to understand the theory behind before being able to create complex machines.
@gordonpeacman2126 3 жыл бұрын
@@jzargowinterhold1942 you don't control, gravity... you use it...
@jzargowinterhold1942 3 жыл бұрын
@@gordonpeacman2126 we cant because we dont know how to do it. But it may be possible with a new theory of quantum gravity
@gordonpeacman2126 3 жыл бұрын
@@jzargowinterhold1942 you don't want to control gravity, you want it to work for you ... Repel an Attract ...2 things you need to concentrate on.. Now if you can invent a Electromagnetic coil, that can do those 2things you will be famous... Of course it won't be of any use ... Not until the Oil runs out may be then...
@thesasquatch303 2 жыл бұрын
​@@jzargowinterhold1942 we are understanding gravity at the quantum level thats what physicists all over the world are working on rn we have even encountered warp bubbles on the quantum level while studying the structure of casimir cavities darpa is literally funding this research
@neiltilling6745 2 жыл бұрын
When you cross particular sound frequencies you get levitation. The Hutchinson effect..
@myballsr.hangin8155 7 ай бұрын
Or, “The Led Zeppelin Effect”.
@mikelastname9444 3 жыл бұрын
I feel certain that gravity manipulation of some type is possible, but I'm skeptical about whether or not we'll be able to utilize it without enormous amounts of mass, energy, or difficult to obtain substances such as antimatter. Additionally, being able to manipulate gravity to some extent doesn't mean that we've necessarily come up with anything useful. If we come up with a device that can create a repulsive gravity effect but can't overcome its own weight, that really limits its use. It it requires a nuclear fusion reactor to lift a sheet of paper, that's not very useful. If it emits extreme heat, harmful radiation, or other negative effects, this makes it hard to implement. I think we should continue looking at ant-gravity devices, but not expect anything useful to crop up, especially not anytime soon.
@shagnoff 3 жыл бұрын
Well i think so Nikola tesla said that frequency can do anything he almost took down his building by tuning a device to the frequency of the building what if u found the frequency of gravity?
@adamstainer4637 3 жыл бұрын
Bob Lazar's original interview answers all those questions. I highly recommend
@adamstainer4637 3 жыл бұрын The Lazar Tapes
@FVLMEN 3 жыл бұрын
That's where you're wrong. That's like saying it's impossible to fry your eggs besides any other means than to enter a volcano.
@geoffreyah 2 жыл бұрын
Mike LastName, On the contrary, If you can't make an anti gravity repulsive force strong enough to lift a sheet of paper with a nuclear fusion reactor, then it not only proves that negative energy anti gravity exists, but in time, research and study, one can figure out shortcuts and a more efficient way to make it much stronger, in the future. A thrust equal to the weight of a sheet of paper is more than enough to make an interplanetary probe which is more efficient than today's ion thrusters. In no time, we would be making manned spacecraft and eventually a warp drive. I think you will find it interesting @Mike LastName that the thrust of a sheet of paper is the same idea I am writing in a paper of mine which argues in favor of spending a lot of money to make anti gravity in the laboratory, the brute force way. Use what ever energy is needed to make a detectible space warp, gravity or anti gravity. Once we make it, it will revolutionize space travel.
@Steve197201 2 жыл бұрын
Applying antigravity technology to the moving industry would be a game changer. Moving heavy objects for a living takes a huge toll on the body. If we could eliminate the need for that, that would be extremely useful.
@skhotzim_bacon Жыл бұрын
Hydraulics and robots 🤨 we don't need antigravity
@casetteplayer Жыл бұрын
Oh thank god we need more advancement in the moving company
@skhotzim_bacon Жыл бұрын
@@casetteplayer Anti-gravity isn't real and isn't even theoretically possible. The technology you should hope for are super conductors as in the technology that makes trains levitate.
@Hamsteren91 Жыл бұрын
But this is a holy grail of physics. I think all major powers have done research in this field.
@cattigereyes1 3 жыл бұрын
The short answer is yes! We have seen ships that ignore gravity and liquids while moving at great speeds. We have video evidence of these craft, eye witness and interviews of folks who have seen these craft in action!
@poisontoad8007 3 жыл бұрын
The short answer is no! You haven't seen video evidence of any anti-gravity craft, you've seen blurry pictures most of which are easily explained and some of which the only honest answer is 'we don't know'. As for interviews there are many terms for people who believe everything they want to hear. Naïve, gullible and easily led are a few that spring immediately to mind 😊
@mikafiltenborg2291 2 жыл бұрын
Victor grebennikov anti gravity technology
@coreydoyle5271 3 жыл бұрын
Remember kids, nothing is impossible.
@The-Berry 3 жыл бұрын
Really.. I mean even universe?
@KraussEMUS1 6 күн бұрын
The above video is extremely interesting thanks for the updates on the subject! There is no solid proof of any working antigravity machine, not even clearly with one mg of thrust. On the other hand, there is a series of ion propelled aircrafts that are patented for lifting themselves and their power supplies against the Earth's gravity!! They can lift off with no moving mechanical parts with a current total mass of 31 grams maximum! They are 100% verified to lift their power supplies utilizing only ion propulsion. Many of them could be connected together in order to produce more thrust. The US patent numbers for them are 10,119,527 and 11,161,631. There are also more that 45 flight videos of the Self-Contained Ion Powered Aircraft and Ion Propelled Vehicle online. Additionally, there is a website with lots of information.
@robertlykins728 2 жыл бұрын
Bob Lazar was absolutely correct on everything he has said on this issue & the evidence is overwhelming!
@jjmm5717 2 жыл бұрын
Correct! The issue is, we are having a hard time synthesizing element 115 with the correct isotope arrangement.
@EddyKorgo 3 жыл бұрын
Heres one concept: You have two points (A and B). Point A is attracted(pulled) to a point B where point A is rigid to a body of the vehicle and the point B is independently floating of the body. By controlling the position of the point B controls the direction in which to point A is pulled. However, for this theory to be feasible, these two points must not be affected by "gravity". Trying to overcome gravity or rather create gravity controlling device, it would had to be stronger that the gravity field this device is in. This gravity based device would encounter many problems like the power requirement, plus out in space, there are objects that create gravity fields beyond anything possible. This would render such device impractical. We need to look at different possibilities of objects being attracted to each other that dont involve "gravity". magnetism, quantum physics or even some other exotic "thinks" that we dont even know about yet.
@ijamsum 2 жыл бұрын
Whistle blowers say repeatedly it has been done using 2 - 3 Terahertz electromagnetic field around a craft that blocks subatomic particle entanglement that normally carries the mass or weight of every local atom so if you block the communications your craft is weightless and has zero mass or weight and a match head rocket engine can power a craft like a bullet fired out of a gun !
@peterlandbo2726 8 ай бұрын
You have amassed a lot of technical terms, but it is pure BS. You have no knowledge whatsoever of physics
@peterolsen9131 Жыл бұрын
we are looking at this all wrong, stop looking for anti-gravity [ may not exist] or gravity modification/reduction [ we dont know how gravity works] but consider the various devices that effect the zero point energy field, specifically , absorbing 0-point energy from a CHOSEN DIRECTION , allowing the pressure of the unmodified directions push the device in the direction of reduced zero-point pressure ! picture blowing up a baloon and letting it go , but in reverse, the air [ space] would be rushing into the balloon and the space in the balloon absorbing the air making room for more! as well as being a drive but it would be a power source! how novel , your drive in action provides power for the rest of the ship! elon , i live in queensland if you want to talk...
@benjaminnelson5455 3 жыл бұрын
I hope we can figure it out, but I'm going to remain highly skeptical of any claim that we've done it at least until we figure out what gravity *is* beyond the definition relativity gives us. At present, our understanding of generating gravity requires mass, and lots of gravity requires lots of mass.
@anthonyc5039 3 жыл бұрын
The USS Nimitz encounter has proved that someone has created and implemented this technology. It’s just not us, not yet at least.
@twothreebravo 3 жыл бұрын
@@anthonyc5039 🤣
@Cythil 3 жыл бұрын
A theory of quantum gravity would help. Relativity gives us no easy path. Beyond using forms of exotic matter that, we can not say if it even exists. And there is a slight chance that we may mimic such exotic matter, but there are great doubts about it and even if we can, it may not be easy to do it on a practical level.
@user-jt6xh2ln9z 3 жыл бұрын
So anti gravity would require negative mass
@Cythil 3 жыл бұрын
@@user-jt6xh2ln9z That is the exotic matter indeed.
@ZAMIRFILMS 2 жыл бұрын
I actually had this concept in my mind for years.
@BrianArcangeli 3 ай бұрын
@grahamcracker-inc Жыл бұрын
An object approaching an intense gravitational field (like a Black Hole) experiences time-dilation, the object therefore appears relatively slower to an external observer. An object approaching an intense anti-gravity field (like a UFO) experiences time-compression, the object appears relatively faster to an external observer. A UFO is only making break-neck maneuvers relative to us. Inside the craft, they see us in slow motion, and those 'break-neck' maneuvers are actually trivial maneuvers to them. My hypothesis is that gravity occurs when an object (like the Earth) absorbs spacetime; a spacetime vacuum, pulling in all forms of energy towards its center. In contrast, I believe that anti-gravity is a spacetime emitter. A craft that increases it's anti-gravity field appears to shrink to an external observer, however, from the inside it actually assumes an increased volume. Space and time literally become compressed in an anti-gravity field.
@joshuam4993 7 ай бұрын
You are correct. In older days they called it aether. Craft that create their own gravitational fields similar to planets are both absorbing and radiating it centripetally and centrifugally. Notice thar some UFOs had spinning disks. Walter russel and Kozyrev both elucidate that gravity was a centripetal force emanating out of the vacuum Kozyrev especially showed us that the energy coming in as gravity was also time and it could be altered via spinning mechanisms
@markrushton5108 7 ай бұрын
Time surfing.
@legoman6124 7 ай бұрын
That almost sounds a little bit like a Modified version of an alcubierre drive
@joshuam4993 7 ай бұрын
Interesting that my comment about what your talking about was completely deleted
@nickhayden2299 7 ай бұрын
​​@@joshuam4993intelligence agencies have a firm control over western media (Cia mossad) Just look into Jeffrey Epsteins connections to the founders of google and Microsoft. They use blackmail for control of political and powerful billionaires from every industry.
@jameswest4819 Жыл бұрын
The substance needed is located in Frostbite Falls, Minnesota. It is known as "Upsydaseum."
@TheWayofAwe 2 жыл бұрын
What about John Hutchison, he has done it enough to lead the way forward, right?
@ross-carlson 3 жыл бұрын
Without the discovery of a fundamental particle, the mythical "graviton" - which clearly doesn't exist - this is all a moo point as there's very likely no way to "control" or replicate gravity without a large mass, as that's what it is - the bending of spacetime around mass. Oh, and "moo" point is correct, you know - it's like a cow's opinion, it doesn't matter. it's Moo.
@gregsurles4199 3 жыл бұрын
What you would essentially be doing is creating your own electro magnetic atmosphere like that of earth. Propulsion is light, which is made of particles.
@gregsurles4199 3 жыл бұрын
@@justhuman3886 lol
@bucky13 3 жыл бұрын
I don't know that the graviton necessarily needs to be discovered before we can better manipulate gravity. Michael Faraday was pushing around electrons long before he had any clue that they existed.
@LMProduction 3 жыл бұрын
@@gregsurles4199 Not entirely sure what you mean by that? If they had made a propolusion using some kind of anti-gravity, then no it wouldn't be using light. Also, photons are quanta of the EM field, not actually particles. That's a common misconseption, and even a good approximation for some applications.
@sbomorse 3 жыл бұрын
"Have I been living with him for too long - or did that all just make sense"
@nkyryry 2 жыл бұрын
I think it’s already been done. Hard to put it to use though without putting nearly every business on earth out of business.
@theultimatereductionist7592 2 жыл бұрын
"Hard to put it to use though without putting nearly every business on earth out of business." Bullshit claim. Making life easier and more convenient makes business MORE LIKELY. You believe that the inventions of the steam engine and cellphones and computers "put all businesses out of business" because they made things easier for those businesses. That contradicts the OBVIOUS REALITY we see of the MASSIVE WORLD ECONOMY of 8 billion persons today in 2022 compared to 1000 years ago.
@chefhomeboyardee8 2 жыл бұрын
We just recently learned how to measure gravity. Couple of decades and we will have this nailed.
@SirWilly77 3 жыл бұрын
The biggest challenge at present is that we still don't know what gravity *is*. Yes, we know the effect it has on things, but we're still clueless as to precisely how it works. And until we crack that mystery, trying to overcome and/or manipulate gravity is basically a "throw stuff against the wall and see what sticks" approach.
@prich0382 3 жыл бұрын
Gravity is simple the curviture of space time. gravity is not a force.
@o0OBLACKIEO0o 2 жыл бұрын
I would think blocking the effect of gravity would be easier than trying to create gravity or anti gravity. Think about it... if you could just temporarly block the gravity created by earths mass around an object you can achieve lift from the earths natural rotation.
@jsl151850b 2 жыл бұрын
That's HG Well's Cavorite as described in his novel 'The First Men In the Moon'. Check out the motion picture adaptation!
@rayeliza689 Жыл бұрын
Well do not go too far along that… do you want trouble or just looking for info that will bring you big problems.
@shahabazkhan1 Жыл бұрын
Well the problem is that Gravity is not a physical "field" like magnetic or electric fields. It's merely an illusion and not a force.
@vwk3851 9 ай бұрын
​@@shahabazkhan1Gravity is not a force but it is both a field and a fundamental interaction.
@TheBadBunny87 Жыл бұрын
I know this thing doesn't exist. But I'm sure that's the same thing that rattled my home as it hovered 30ft above my head for 30 seconds. Then shot off with a very distinctive Zumm/Vumm noise in May 2021!
@komolkovathana8568 7 ай бұрын
How Big, >20 m.? Is it circular.? Is it bright-white/light.? Is there humming noise.? S'thing levitated around.? When it suddenly moved away.. 0.5 second.? Is it got brighter when moved.? is there Burning grass/tree below.? Your electric black-out.? Your television hizzing.? Is the ground shaking.? No, no, no, no, no & no.??? Very quiet like A Ghost.?
@robinhodgkinson 3 жыл бұрын
Humans have a habit of finding ways to do things that were once thought impossible. It’s almost like if we can imagine something we’ll eventually figure out how to achieve it. Impossible is a concept we have a habit of breaking. Ask Copernicus whether we will ever travel to the moon…
@FistOfBro 3 жыл бұрын
Great to see the BBC openly discuss such a taboo area of science... but research in to anti-gravity didn't start in the 80's. It started back in the 40's with the likes of T. T. Brown, and Viktor Schauberger. Why is nobody concerned with re-engineering and testing their experiments?
@sailingmohican2767 3 жыл бұрын
I made a gravity doesn't magically cancel or reverse gravity think of gravity as atomic weak force my lil box moves in any direction in anything like air, vacume of space or under water...the government has silent no air blowing aircraft because I figured it out so I'm positive they did..
@FistOfBro 3 жыл бұрын
@@sailingmohican2767 okay, whats is its source of energy? Does it exhaust any propellent? How fast can this lil box move?
@sailingmohican2767 3 жыл бұрын
@@FistOfBro it uses only electricity and no its a sealed box can be under pressure or in water or in the vacuum of space ..and the speed I believe Einstein was wrong and if you have a lil box 📦 with a electricity supply ( nuclear, solar) than it would keep a constant acceleration until the mechanical parts in it wear out and the acceleration is determined by the watts input and its mass at rest 😉not joking people are still believing Einstein was right and literally will beat you up if you argue or try something that proves him wrong ..its holding them back where I always thought since I understood light and mass and speed Einsteins theory made no sense to I experimented and figured out how things work without the oppressive Einstein as a guide...seriously though I am just working on more money and a shop and equipment to build afull scale prototype .my lil box is tiny and can barely lift its self but it scales up exponentially so a bigger one will have more push in a lil car she moves pretty quickly and of course down twice as fast haha 😄 like I said gravity is related to atomic weak force I kinda believe it is more a atomic force Making machine that pushes away from any type of matter so I made the opposite of atomic attraction... People don't realize that space is not empty there is 1 hydrogen atom per every 3 cubic centimeters and I believe they will find less outside our heliosphere..but none the less I believe gravity is a type of atomic force and we all know Einstein was wrong about black holes, information moving faster than light he would get mad and call that one spooky action at a distance. Bahahaha witchcraft when called out ..instead of recognizing hmmm I might be wrong let's investigate. But no they just flunked the students doing that experiment lol ..and if you really believe gravity is a sheet woven of space and time that the earth sits on and shit orbits us because the sheet is sagged is funny because me as a small child pissed off my sience teacher by asking well umm why is there gravity on the top and bottom both?? A sheet we sitting on would mean everything in southern hemisphere would be smashed and reindeer would float in the north pole!!!! Lol it's insane that colleges force people to believe that 😂
@sailingmohican2767 3 жыл бұрын
@@FistOfBro oh and of course I'm not going to explain exactly how it works 🙃 but it's legit ufo type shit ,it's silent with sound proofing and actually when I tested it I put baby powder on the scale surface so it would slide easily and I didn't need it but it didn't blow or move like in a magnetic field or anything does have a weird feeling in your hand like a intense vibration and I will say this frequency is a important factor in my invention..
@FistOfBro 3 жыл бұрын
@@sailingmohican2767 einstein referred to Quantum Entanglement as spooky action at a distance not wormholes- there is such a thing as the "einstein rosen bridge" from which the theory of wormholes was founded. the speed of light being a fixed speed barrier in the universe, is irrelevent for a craft which can travel interdimensionally. The existence of this form of travel does not imply einstein was wrong, or JC Maxwell for that matter, it only tells us there is more to the story of the physics around us.
@DANTHETUBEMAN 2 жыл бұрын
Eugene Podkletnov did effect gravity and big oil has done everything to cover that up. To many people have seen anti-gravity craft,, some one is already using and making it.
@LEO0DEVV Ай бұрын
Big oil, seriously? How conspicuous could you be
@dieseldes1301 3 жыл бұрын
He literally said it at the end control time you control space hence you control gravity!
@blackreef3454 2 жыл бұрын
They aren't fundamental, so it is possible.
@wetcat833 3 жыл бұрын
We still don't yet even know what gravity really is so how can we control it? Until we unify our physics theories, we have no hope. This is a pie we cannot get into the sky.
@wetcat833 3 жыл бұрын
@Justin Croonenberghs I agree with you on the point of gravity being a result of space/time distortion/fluctuation. I think gravity is a global term for a number of factors that we have yet to discover and fully understand.
@GaryMcKinnonUFO 2 жыл бұрын
The net thrust observed on asymmetric and symmetric capacitors is observed in a vacuum and in oil baths, telling us that there is more than just 'ion wind' at work, so perhaps that's a good route to explore. Honda showed an apparent 3% weight loss in an experiment using a symmetric capacitor in an oil bath, Gravitec, a NASA contractor, showed that the effect worked in a vacuum. Others have succesfully repeated both experiments.
@Greg_Chase Жыл бұрын
SUBLIMATION. When the voltage is high enough and the work function of the electrode is exceeded, the material *_of the electrode_* provides the 'working fluid' - the source for a plasma - in the evacuated testing of asymmetric capacitor devices. "There's no air in the evacuated chamber but there is still thrust" the sublimated electrode, which is converted to gaseous form, replaces the missing air molecules in the evacuated chamber. *Sublimation is the transition of a substance directly from the solid to the gas state* (wiki) Asymmetric capacitors rely on very high (10Kv, 20kv, etc) voltages applied across the electrodes. Those electrodes fail over time due to the erosion from sublimation. "Asymmetric capacitor thrust is possible in vacuum" yes due to sublimation of the electrode. A gradient static electric field is NOT going to produce artificial gravity or alteration of gravity. The constituents of the Vacuum (space, the background field, etc) consist of electric AND magnetic parts. We know that from the alternating electric and magnetic fields in electromagnetic waves that propagate through space. We know that from Vacuum Permittivity, and from Vacuum Permeability (see wiki for articles on those). You must work on both the electric and magnetic portions of the constituents of the Vacuum to control gravity. You can't only do the magnetic part, or only do the electric part.
@GaryMcKinnonUFO Жыл бұрын
Thanks, informative and educational. I can't imagine sublimation having a strong effect in an oil bath, what are your thoughts on that ?>@@Greg_Chase
@Greg_Chase Жыл бұрын
@@GaryMcKinnonUFO Can the oil bath be ionized? Yes. A.C. rely on a space charge of ions. Ionizing the oil bath constituents (including impurities) is feasible. The 'ion wind' is a secondary effect. The primary enabler of motion is the space charge of ions created by the high voltage. The ion wind DOES NOT create the lift. I could explain if you like.
@GaryMcKinnonUFO Жыл бұрын
Yes i think there is more than just ion wind, i've been reading papers and the experiments of others on this effect since 2007. I meant do you think sublimation could be the cause of the thrust in an oil bath. I bought some copper calcium titanate to test as a dielectric, i've had results with glass and also nitrile rubber so time to try something with a massive K. If sintered properly the K can be ridiculously large, up to 280,000 i read in one article.@@Greg_Chase
@oleandrummer 3 жыл бұрын
I agree it’s not impossible. It just requires creating negative mass and enough of it to have enough force to counter earths gravitational pull.
@Cythil 3 жыл бұрын
Though, the creation of negative mass is not an easy task. Right now, the closest we have got to that is exploiting the Casimir effect, what I know of. And it is debatable if one should view the negative like energy state as a true negative energy. And if it is, can it be exploited for the purpose or will the setup itself cancel out any negative mass you manage to create.
@tesodjukic4377 3 жыл бұрын
To say not posible create antigravity is same to people in midle ages would say its not posible fly
@Cythil 3 жыл бұрын
​@@tesodjukic4377 Well... It is a bit more complicated than that. And already in the Middle Ages there were people that dream on flying. Flying devices, if unsuccessful, dates back to before the middle ages. Though there is also some they where successful. Even if they could not work for manned flight. There is a big difference here in that man had seen in nature things that flies, birds, insects, leaves. But we have not really seen any anti-gravity. I guess the closest thing is gravity waves. But is not really anti-gravity. Now, that does not mean it can not be. But a bit reason why a lot of people is sceptical is because we have not seen anything like it in nature or in our experiments. So far, the only way we know to really bend spacetime is with the use of energy. Mainly in the very condensed form we call mass. But E=mc². Meaning that mass is just a form of energy. That is why we are talking about negative mass or energy. If this could be created, then you should have a pure anti-gravity effect. But we do not know. And we do not know if this can be created. The laws of physics are not laws that can be broken. Their description of how reality works. And they can only be either correct or incorrect. We might have our theories wrong. But we do not know. We know however so far they have had practical results. So they at least partially right.
@tesodjukic4377 3 жыл бұрын
@@Cythil in 1000yrs evrything can happen things we can even imagine,example how would explosion of hydrogen bomb inflcenced man in yr.1021
@james6401 3 жыл бұрын
If Cavendish was able to detect gravity over 200 years ago with his two massive balls, why hasn't there been more experiments since using mass to further detect or even influence gravity?
@Dannysoutherner 2 жыл бұрын
If it can be done, even reducing gravity effect some, think of the fuel savings on airplanes and rockets. Think of raising a space shuttle without all the huge tank and side boosters, just enough rocket to get into orbital speed to chase down the ISS. Enough rocket to slow down on re-entry and settle gently to earth.
@jayscully9707 2 жыл бұрын
Its been done since the 1980s lol the government just wont release it to the public
@Mephilis78 2 жыл бұрын
Well maybe, or maybe manipulating gravity might be really energy intensive and actually consume more fuel. Now, we are really close to functional fusion energy. If we used that, even if it was an energy intensive process, it wouldn't be a problem.
@Dannysoutherner 2 жыл бұрын
@@Mephilis78 I'd love to see viable fusion energy. I'm not a green but I do know at some point fossil fuels will run out. It may be in 3000 years but it will happen. I'd like to think we can advance beyond them in a practical manner before then. My own theories about gravity are probably wrong but I consider it a force similar to radio waves. if you put some dust in a bucket on the space shuttle the dust will clump together on its own. This is gravity in action. Whatever that force is, there may be a way to block or redirect it. Science hasn't come up with any better explanations. No one really knows how it works so my theories are as good as anyones.
@Mephilis78 2 жыл бұрын
@@Dannysoutherner me too. I also hope we have the chance to terraform some other planet before 3000 years too lol. Here's hoping. I honestly think for us to progress that far technologically, we'll probably have to tear down all current political systems and replace them with entirely new ideas. Like literally not capitalism or communism. (From a historical point of view, even monarchy is more successful) They both are failures, and they both stifle any innovation that isn't directly beneficial to the power holders.
@paulcohen6727 Жыл бұрын
In 1986 or 1987, I was sitting in a car rental office in Guatemala waiting for my rental. I started thumbing through a business magazine and I came across a short article that reported an experiment where a superconductor was put in some kind of environment that made it spin and they observed a 10% decrease in gravity.
@tukatsinsky Жыл бұрын
For my point of view reason for such illegal activities is that this technology is extremely dangerous, much more dangerous than nukes. Because you could use it to accelerate something to near lightspeed and than crush it to earth. This could even destroy whole planet with one hit.
@redsirius508 3 жыл бұрын
Im seeing a lot comments stating gravitation manipulation is impossible and in general terms a fool’s errand. In my humble opinion having a bachelors in physics and a ms in physics, technically gravity manipulation is possible already on paper. Finding gravitons and reconciling relativity and quantum mechanics can make this easier or maybe harder depending on what we find, but, the main issue is energy. Gravity is intertwined with mass and finding the higgs boson was a key step in understanding this relationship, if you manipulate mass you can manipulate gravity,. Now the problem is manipulating that said mass, the most efficient way to move things currently is to work against gravity especially when your still under the gravitational field of earth but to an extent every space mission that has been launched to another celestial body has already worked with gravity and our understanding of it to catapult us. Obviously, this is arguably is not gravity manipulation as much as us riding gravity like a surfer riding a wave. Coming back to my initial point that energy is the main issue, rn on earth we are really inefficient at harvesting/generating energy, if we were able to harness and manipulate energy at even a kardashev 1 scale gravity manipulation maybe at hand obviously we need to fill out more of the standard model and have a better understanding of the formation and behavior of fundamental particles but there is a path that leads us to placeof ogravity manipulation without even finding gravitons. In summary we current just don’t have the resources or fundamental knowledge to gravity manipulation now and the research state in this video might be to early as our foundational understanding of gravity is still weak but stating it as impossible is a stance aggressively in the wrong end of the spectrum.
@StrangeTerror 3 жыл бұрын
Read 3/4 of it... To anyone reading, basically this guy gets the problem.
@rcpmac 3 жыл бұрын
@@StrangeTerror I read the last 1/4 for you. You didn’t miss much
@prich0382 3 жыл бұрын
gravity is the curviture of space time, there aren't any gravitons, gravity is not a force. Also you cannot change mass, Mass is Mass. You can however turn mass into energy, but not energy into mass.
@StrangeTerror 3 жыл бұрын
@@prich0382 I'm sorry I have to hope that e=mc² works in both directions. Just to make Dyson sphere segments that much easier to begin to 3d print at some point during construction.
@prich0382 3 жыл бұрын
@@StrangeTerror Well no it doesn't, you can take light particles and then them into matter, it's a one way system hence slow death of the universe. Also Dyson Sphere is impractical, Dyson Swarm on the other hand a lot more achievable
@apocraphontripp4728 3 жыл бұрын
If you could design an engine that converts centrifugal torsion force into forward motion, then theoritically, as the mass of the flywheels increases due to the effects of acceleration, the speed would be increased by the same ratio of effeciency between the energy required to rotate the flywheels, to the net forward motion or see it this way, the go faster, the faster you can go. You dont need super conducters, you be suprised at how plain water acts when you rotate it beyond 100 rpm.
@FVLMEN 3 жыл бұрын
Sandy Kidd's device as a notable example?
@apocraphontripp4728 3 жыл бұрын
@@FVLMEN hey thanks ill check it out...but no, Ive been trying to figure out a drive system, that was what Ive visualized so far. Im kind of a savant for building stuff. Kind of like having a CAD program in my head. Since my design converts torsion force into linear acceleration, as a by product of this method of propulsion, I also realised that as it accelerates the fly wheels would increase in mass. Im still trying to visualize the bearing assembly. Not so much a resistance or drag problem as much of a cold welding issue. Then theres a possiblity of Dzhanibekov effect on the nacelles. My mental CAD program cant visualize beyond what I dont understand. I have a limited education. Have you ever seen a person with a spining bike wheel on a rotaing chair move by tilting the make shift gyroscope? Something like that. Just extremely more complex. Essencially a ship that uses carefully placed gyros to generate thrust in a forward motion. It works off electricity. I also design a more primative design engine that uses water electrolysis to use HHO gas as fuel. The combustion chamber re captures the water, which it s the by product of HHO combustion and recycles it back to the tank. Super efficient and uses water, which we need anyways. The water would be kept around the ships hull. To shield from radiation and protect from impacts, freezing and self sealing damage. I know, im wierd.
@FVLMEN 3 жыл бұрын
@@apocraphontripp4728 here's a video that illustrates something along the lines of what I think you're trying to convey Gyroscopic precession is the key aspect in redirecting angular momentum perpendicularly.
@apocraphontripp4728 3 жыл бұрын
@@FVLMEN Wow thank you so much. Yes similar. The idea is that all the rotating assemblies are in free fall, therfore weigh nothing until they all face forward and their mass is aimed in one direction. Giving a bump forward. You can go with either a higher rotational speed or have a larger rotational mass. Both work, both have thier engineering issues. Timing them is not an issue, as the same principal that gets swinging pendulums that are out of sync, to get in sync is at play. Not a warp drive, so no instant FTL, but it can give you 1 g of constant acceleration. Id call this video more of a momentum drive, i played with it in my head, but could keep the ship from flipping around in zero gs from the Dzhanibekov effect. So I abandoned it for a flywheel based system. Similar concept, just like a V 8 and a rotary are similar, but go about different ways of doing the same thing. See it this way, imagine the pendulums in this video were made of tungsten and encapsulated in an aluminum wheel. So now instead of the electric motor being inside the shaft, you could use an array of them to rotate the wheel, kind of like the stargate in SG1 spins. The wheels all spin at different speeds but all the weights are timmed to meets at the front point. Id build a prototype, but right now working on a rail gun, not a rail gun, but a torsion gun. Its just stupid to use the weakest force, electromagnetism to grab and launch a projectile. Or see it this way, never seen an arc welder accidentally spit out a piece of metal at near bullet speed, but ive had a die grinder do it. That is the principal behind my torision gun. Hey, its been cool talking to you, let me know if your ever in the Orlando area. A new friend Joe.
@apocraphontripp4728 3 жыл бұрын
@@FVLMEN This is more like what im going for. Imagine an array of these, a nacelle of them, arranged to target all there forward momentum in one direction.
@Dallasl_andscaping_. Жыл бұрын
Ning Li paper on “Gravity Modification”. It worked. She got a nice grant but died a few years back. Ac gravity can influence Dc gravity.
@RandomGamer-qy6ys 3 жыл бұрын
It goes impulse engine, warp drive, gravimetric plating, anti gravity. It’s really starting to look like that is how it *HAS* to go. But if we can break the cycle and jump to the end of the line, it would instantly unlock the rest, negative mass energy.
@zazugee 3 жыл бұрын
you mean negative mass/energy, bc they are two sides of the same coin but if we use the informational paradigm, which says energy/matter is information we don't have negative information so i don't know how to interpret negative mass
@bagofsteel9152 3 жыл бұрын
You seriously think that we'll have the understanding and means to create a "warp drive" before attaining gravity control? We're cavemen when it comes to magnetics, gravity control will be easily attainable as the exponential expansion of collective knowledge picks up in the next 30 years here. The real next step is tackling our understanding of magnetic coherence on a broad scale, I'm still waiting on common knowledge to catch up on the double slit experiment.
@RandomGamer-qy6ys 3 жыл бұрын
@@bagofsteel9152 hqpavent we already created a warp bubble, just on a nano scale
@blackops84321 3 жыл бұрын
I'll tell you right now it's been perfected very well. Its been in use for many years now. Its been flying around for a long time. It's sad really, the people that died in the shuttle didn't have to.
@gordonpeacman2126 3 жыл бұрын
your 100%. correct flying around in rockets is absolute nuclear weapons ...both obsolete... yes they never needed to die ... the U.S. have been back an forth to the Moon, during, an after the War ... Be app 10k ppl on their Moon base ... U.S. have had the tech since, 1936...
@blackops84321 3 жыл бұрын
@@gordonpeacman2126 you are so right. Most people just have no idea.
@gordonpeacman2126 3 жыл бұрын
Canada has 2sightings per day ... Roosevelt an the Allies built 500,, Foo Fighters in a 300sq mile hidden valley in B.C. that's their H.Q. on Earth, my guess there's a no fly zone over it, or it's cloaked, the Alberta town of St Paul built a 130ton UFO landing pad 45yrs ago.. lol... Roswell has nothing on B.C....
@tonka5 3 ай бұрын
The whole field of anti-gravity is over my head.
@formfiller9229 2 жыл бұрын
Why is no one talking about the scientific fact that she looks like Emma Stone? 🤷‍♂️😐
@user-rx561 9 ай бұрын
@brianbrewster6532 3 жыл бұрын
One great theory on this subject is to manipulate the space-time continuum around a bubble you are traveling in. So, instead of trying to move your ship, you are essentially moving the space around your ship relative to yourself. The crux of the problem is the exorbitant energies required to make this possible. As stated earlier in this video, traveling to the nearest stars, it would require the mass of our Sun. But I feel, maybe there exists in our universe some exotic as yet never discovered elements which may possess such unusual properties making them insanely energy rich. So much so, that during a process of decomposition, they give off nearly incalculable sums of energy not unlike matter-antimatter.
@ej42795 3 жыл бұрын
Time space distortion
@canadiangunguy5512 3 жыл бұрын
They already have the element you speak of, the one they can use to manipulate gravity . Bob Lazar got a good look at it
@gordonpeacman2126 3 жыл бұрын
gravity is not the fuel to travel thru space on .... there's no gravity in space Its Electromagnetism...that's your fuel... that's what ties planets to the sun ... Its what holds the universe together.. The Electromagnetic Forcefield between planets, are your highways in the Sky, your Electromagnetic Craft travels on those highways, at a1000 times better than light speed... man did you folk attend school...
@dan7764 2 жыл бұрын
I love the enthusiasm of anything is possible but that is not true it would be chaos but out of all comments your manipulation of space time is brilliant thought almost magical.
@thesasquatch303 2 жыл бұрын
scientist have discovered warp bubbles in 2021 while observing the structure of casimir cavities
@FrostyIgnition Жыл бұрын
With all these ufo sightings increasing especially the triangles/tic tacs and rotated crafts like in the fighter jet video, Someone has it, most sightings are in North America so I imagine it’s the USA. I’ve personally seen the triangle, no one believes me except the guy I was with, if it weren’t for him being there people would think I’m insane, it’s funny to watch faces when I tell the story and then they change when he butts in and vouches for me, people don’t want to believe because it’s scary, I was terrified as it passed over, it was dark and you couldn’t see it, you could just see it blocking the stars out behind it.
@kd1s 3 жыл бұрын
I can see little bits of the future peeking through a lot of science fiction. But to see it come about is interesting. Take for example a few things from Star Trek - communicators check we have them they're called mobile phones. Replicators we have the precursor 3D printers in which everything from rockets to bio parts like organs are printed using he same technology. And of course the little LED it's a quantum device. Even ion drive we have that now. In my view, science influences the future.
@Cythil 3 жыл бұрын
I think Star Trek gets a bit too much credit for investing communicators. Portable two-way radio systems existed before Star Trek. And the first mobile phones (car phones) date base to the 40s. And in fiction they're over a 100 years old. By the time Star Trek was first aired, it was pretty natural to assume if you were tech interested that we would get smaller and smaller communication devices. Replicators too did not become a part of Star Trek until TNG. And by TNG the rapid prototyping machine was already a thing. That which we call the 3D printer today. Of course in TOS there was the food synthesizer, precursor to the replicator. And that predates smilier real world technology. Though Santa Claus machine like creations have existed in other forms of media too. Star Trek help popularize these ideas, however. Even if they were not the first, or in many cases not even predated the technology. Like, transparent aluminium in the form of ALON was literally being developed during the decade that Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home was related. With the earliest patent dating before the release of the film.
@johnpittscom 3 жыл бұрын
It's already been done thousands of years ago. The pyramids we're built with Antigravity technology brought here by the Anunnaki aliens that's created mankind. It was discovered in the Ark of the Covenant and archaeological digs that found a UFO containing this highly radioactive element 115 that was added to the periodic table in 2006. The search for the Higgs boson particle led to recent discovery of a fifth fundamental force of nature at fermilab with the heavy wobbling muons. And disappearing graviton pointing to an alternate dimension outside the nucleus of the atom for a strong gravitational force that can be harnessed for Interstellar travel and pyramid building. You're watching the wrong KZbin videos bro.
@Cythil 3 жыл бұрын
@@johnpittscom Naa.... I think I watch the right videos. I subscribe to Fermilabs KZbin channel, for example.
@johnpittscom 3 жыл бұрын
@@Cythil yes but you have to connect the dots between the archaeological information and the current state of science.. there's a long history Advanced civilizations preceeding us.. there are historical accounts of their existence. They brought alien technology to this world. But after the flood 12000 years ago it was lost. Maybe even before that. You have to connect the Book of Enoch, Sumerian texts Epic of Gilgamesh, the Bible as well as ground-penetrating lidar, impossible megalithic sites all around the world. Then earth's tectonic and geomagnetic activity under 25000 year processional axis shift change as well as the archeological UFOs that were found containing element 115.. and the current state of government UFO get a clear picture of whats really happened.. and what is possible. What they're doing and why they're doing it.. for instance do you know why Indias Godess, Shiva, the destroyer of worlds, is a statue in front of the Large Hadron Collider at CERN? I'm telling you it's a big story. This is just a fraction of it and they got it wrong.
@Cythil 3 жыл бұрын
@@johnpittscom From CERN: "The Shiva statue was a gift from India to celebrate its association with CERN, which started in the 1960’s and remains strong today. In the Hindu religion, Lord Shiva practiced Nataraj dance which symbolises Shakti, or life force. This deity was chosen by the Indian government because of a metaphor that was drawn between the cosmic dance of the Nataraj and the modern study of the ‘cosmic dance’ of subatomic particles. India is one of CERN’s associate member states. CERN is a multicultural organisation that welcomes scientists from more than 100 countries and 680 institutions. The Shiva statue is only one of the many statues and art pieces at CERN." Now you known. ^_^
@The_CrackedPot_Christian 2 жыл бұрын
A recent Action lab video "anti gravity wheel' certainly gives pause for thought if it's technically possible. Someone must understand the physics of spinning discs in a gravitational field, I've yet to comprehend what really is happening with them as the weight seems to change in some sense, dependent on its axis of orientation and other things .
@AquarianSoulTimeTraveler 2 жыл бұрын
Watch my latest...
@Waiting664 2 жыл бұрын
We make space in car which is not earth in earth it's car
@bionicspuds4616 Жыл бұрын
@@Waiting664all your base are belong to us
@jamesfortune243 2 жыл бұрын
There was an antigravity U.S. patent. IIRC, it used the gravitational component with Maxwell's Equations. It was hand wavy.
@chrisfuller1268 2 жыл бұрын
There was follow up work using super-conductors by others which claimed extremely high field strengths. Not sure if anyone duplicated those experiments creating the gravity version of AC waves which act like magnetic fields.
@MrStash777 2 жыл бұрын
Just a thought: Gravity is a force we experience here on earth, not in space. However, creating a field that counteracts gravity is not what needs to be pursued. The quest that needs to be pursued is the creation of a field; i.e., an environment that will render matter irrelevant to earth and space. When this is discovered; the manipulation of matter can be utilized anywhere; propulsion is another challenge.
@Pavel_Poluian 2 жыл бұрын
After studying all the materials about UFOs, it becomes quite obvious that since the late 40s of the twentieth century, a secret project for the development and production of aircraft has been developing in the USA, where the lifting force is created using high-frequency vibration. It all started with the vibrating umbrella-orthopter "Sky Car" by James Pitts, then the umbrella was closed with a dome and devices appeared according to the scheme of conventional electromagnetic vibrating speakers (membrane + inductance) - fragments of the membrane were found by a farmer in Roswell. Then they created piezoelectric motors or with small dischargers on the surface (they glowed all over the body due to air ionization), and now these are aircraft with plasma propulsion panels (because they are angular - that is, with flat surfaces). Thousands of discharge cells are packed tightly in the motor panels - they shoot plasma streams (railgun architecture - coaxial electrodes). The ionized air of the spark discharge is accelerated in the railgun cell by the Lorentz force to enormous speeds - a kind of ramjet engine is obtained. Just imagine! - tens of thousands of small ramjet engines assembled in a panel and firing plasma synchronously with a huge frequency (hundreds of kilohertz). Plasma jets form toroidal vortices of air - this air cushion creates lift and acceleration force. In my article "UFO - it's made in the USA" and in the books "UFO Hunting" and "UFO Elimination" all this is described in detail. The technology is quite mundane - it is known in the smallest details due to information leaks. For example, air ionization in coaxial railgun cells is created with the help of radiation (radioactive polonium is introduced into the metal). Devices of this type were used all 50-60-70-80 for secret missions (they took off, as a rule, from special submarines). With the fall of the USSR, their use by the United States was practically curtailed (in the novel "Little Green Men" by Christopher Buckley, a speechwriter for Bush Sr., a scene is described where the US president decides to curtail the project with "flying saucers"). The curtailment of the project can be recorded by the drop in magnesium consumption in the United States, since such fuel was used in fuel cells (magnesium tapes burned in forced galvanic batteries), this is 2007-2008. However, the development of the technology continued later in the Russian Federation and China (the technology was restored by reverse engineering methods for downed devices). Secrecy, however, remained, and there was no civilian use, because the technology is not suitable for this - harmful microwave from pulsed plasma engines (harm to pilots and the impact on electrical appliances inside and along the flight line). The payload is low (but one nuclear charge will pull.) There is no radio communication - unmanned vehicles can fly and maneuver only according to the program. Previously, there was a narrow application profile - rare spy missions (so that pilots do not receive a lot of radiation). Reconnaissance aircraft of this type were often observed at military bases, missile launch pads and airfields. They were even seen by peaceful explorers in the taiga, where glades were laid for seismic exploration - UFOs flew there to check whether military construction was underway (I myself heard stories about it))). I think this technology will be declassified soon, and cargo airships with flickering round plasma panels on the hull surface will appear in the Arctic sky.
@Alex40498 2 жыл бұрын
Gravity is not a force.
@03stmlax 2 жыл бұрын
Earth *is* in space
@Pavel_Poluian 2 жыл бұрын
HO HO HO ☺ Biden’s Plan to Save Christmas
@kentslocum 2 жыл бұрын
Gravity exists in outer space--it simply weakens the further one is from objects with mass. After all, we've detected gravity waves--that is, changes in gravity fields.
@RobertFalconer1967 3 жыл бұрын
We already know it's possible from all the UAPs that have been flying around our atmosphere and in our oceans for decades...if not much, much longer. So the technology exists, though it may still elude our grasp of science for a while yet.
@Broglesby 3 жыл бұрын
They are following metamaterial with terahertz frequencies currently. Bismuth and magnesian layered atomically.
@RobertFalconer1967 3 жыл бұрын
@@Broglesby Yes, I saw that, too. We'll have to see if that leads anywhere, or ends up being a dead end because they still don't have all the pieces of the puzzle.
@ancientbuilds3764 2 жыл бұрын
I had a good giggle there. Right at the end of the video, they mention they two things you need to understand it.
@specialbeamcharlie7250 3 жыл бұрын
Great insight on this topic! I agree. Gravity Manipulation or anything that comes close is the ONLY thing keeping us from populating the entire galaxy. (Side note: In some angles this young lady kind of resembles Emma Stone -respectfully-)
@ripperwrestling6587 Ай бұрын
Who is here today looking up info on gravitic propulsion because of what was released after the cyber truck explosion at Trump's casino.
@MCsCreations 11 ай бұрын
Honestly, scientists can't let crazy ideas without testing. Specially when it's about a force we barely understand like gravity.
@michaelburkett6825 3 жыл бұрын
There is a lot of research being done on this in small labs and garages everywhere. I don't look on it as much antigravity. As in finding the right wave band. The object and gravity have to be at the same point to make them equal. This putting it really simple and if my thoughts are right, you would still need a force for movement. All this would do is to reduce any pull they have to one another. The words are lacking to describe this. Pull, force and wave band do not do it justice. It's out there for us to answer this question.
@zenphysician 2 жыл бұрын
Wavelength modulation (FM/AM) of an undefined spectrum of wave propagation in the field of space-time.
@dennispickard7743 2 жыл бұрын
ZenPhysician wavelengths of the carrier waves. However,in American common parlance, AM has become equivalent to MF broadcasting using frequencies approximately between 550 and 1700 kHz, or wavelengths corresponding to approximately between 550 m and 180 m. FM has become equivalent to VHF broadcasting using frequencies roughly between 88 and 108 MHz, or wavelengths between 3.5 and 2.9 m. So, in the US at least, AM waves are longer than FM.
@aaronsmith8073 3 жыл бұрын
One can use gravity to push or slingshot something away. NASA does this by using Venus, Earth, Jupiter, Saturn and sometimes Mars to give deep space spacecraft like Voyager 1 an extra boost in velocity!
@wetcat833 3 жыл бұрын
Using existing gravity is not creating it. Big difference. We ALL use gravity at all times, we don't need to understand gravity in order not to float off into space. We don't have a choice in the matter.
@rcpmac 3 жыл бұрын
That’s pro gravity, this is the antigravity room.
@valkyrie_592 Жыл бұрын
i love that this amazing thing immediately gets brought to it is a powerful weapon.
@meth8848 2 жыл бұрын
The moment they shut down a project is when you know they have cracked it
@capitalistdingo 3 жыл бұрын
I thought I would regret wasting time watching this. I was right. It may be worthwhile (for certain people) as a cautionary tale-like a story about spending development dollars on perpetual motion or Chinese real estate.
@jerryedwards7008 2 ай бұрын
Twenty years ago, I saw a TR3-B silent hovering triangular aerospace craft directly over my head at approximately 100 feet away. It had underneath each corner what I interpreted as a plasma thruster. Being a 30-career engineer and designer at that time, I investigated plasma thruster, and they were only theories, and the technology was not feasible. NASA just last year, 19 years after my sighting, stated that they are now working on plasma thrusters and have a working model. People, wakeup our government has been keeping you in the dark for decades. So, do you think antigravity craft do not exist? Guess again.
@FalconWing1813 Жыл бұрын
Many said we could not go past 60 MPH or even past the speed of sound. Its those humans that believe and persevere that have moved us forward. Lets hope for the Future.
@3073Sean 3 жыл бұрын
John Hutchison anyone? The guy is really weird but if you sift through all the data it's a very interesting case.
@theobserver9131 11 ай бұрын
As a science person, I could not say that antigravity is possible, or that it is impossible. But, also being somewhat a student of history, every great discovery is introduced with laughter. If someone would have predicted youtube 100 years ago, they would have been severely ridiculed.
@theobserver9131 11 ай бұрын
Not saying that KZbin is a great discovery, but you know what I mean.
@DieterSoegemeier 9 ай бұрын
The first man made gravity drive vehicle was made by John Keely in 1885, The second device was made by Nikola Tesla in 1895, Then in 1943 in Germany the scientists made 3 different gravity drives and the best I found was the Honabu that was recorded flying accross Europe at speeds of 2,200km/h by US radar during the end of the war. Then in 1953 John Searl in England made many vehicles that were said to move at up to the speed of light. I am sure that many have been created since then but US secret services have been keepping a lid on the research since then. 2 жыл бұрын
Civilian scientists are not the only individuals working on this problem. Militaries are working on the same problem, and they don't share their results. They also don't necessarily have the same goals with respect to such a technology's application. Some people seem to forget that the development of the first atomic bomb was not public knowledge.
@fartywood3917 Жыл бұрын
Looks like they have already cracked it in TR 3B.
@CryptoKnowAll 2 жыл бұрын
What we refer to as "The Strong Nuclear Force" is essentially the same force as gravity just trillions of times stronger. You need access this wavelength and amplify it in order to distort gravity to a useful level we could use for time/travel .
@janhemmer8181 Жыл бұрын
The fact that the best they could come up with was an artist impression with a green glow as their original concept is very telling.
@gardenlifelove9815 2 жыл бұрын
The way our energy fields work on earth you have to create anticharge to get the effect you're wanting. Spinning electromagnetic fields fast and causing massive shifts in eddy currents is what will cause an energy antigravity effect because they will build up an extreme positive anticharge compared to the rest of the planet. It's not too difficult once you understand, it just takes alot of power and money.
@futurespast_now 20 күн бұрын
i just can't stop thinking this is some canon event like Nikolai Tesla and JP Morgan, in this case Tesla being the Eugene and Morgan being BAE and NASA. It's not the first time the big dogs stood in the way of progress to protect their position. "We're not here because we are free, we are here because we are not free. "
@agent_eaves 2 жыл бұрын
I have come up with a way to control gravity. It was really simple when I started thinking about it. My invention controls gravity in a way to give unlimited power. Us humans will depend on this one day.
@PD-ws4td 2 жыл бұрын
@ubachiuchendu5385 2 жыл бұрын
Goofy ahh💀
@madmad8582 Жыл бұрын
The inventor Alexe Chekurkov has a Anti Gravity device , its a small model of a device that uses Anti Gravity it really does fly , if you all want to see that in action it is on youtube , plus the inventor Tesla has a drawing of a flying saucer that uses Anti Gravity, using gravity amplifiers to create lift .
@investorbettor505 2 жыл бұрын
Bob lazars story/observations about element 115 on the periodic table is very insightful about antigravity propulsion
@Outtapocket206 2 жыл бұрын
“Ron Evans” got his Ideas from Bob Lazar💯
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