APUNENE ___? 印度同胞 ____? C.I.A #5 |

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@wbkt Жыл бұрын
We wish all our friends a Happy Deepavali🪔✨
@kennlee6371 Жыл бұрын
@sc9433 Жыл бұрын
Apu is generally a more common indian name. Ne ne derives from the tamil word ah Neh (brother) Apu neh neh. (Apu brother/ Apu 哥哥). Its nothing negative or offensive. The negativity comes from how most chinese parents uses it in a more negative sentence like "apu nene will come and kidnap you".
@raycheong6041 Жыл бұрын
Yes, this is it!就是这个意思,其实也是很中性没有贬义的词,就是“印度哥哥”这样的意思而已。
@terence3004 Жыл бұрын
Still remember Apu that usually selling buns on motorcycle 😂
@jameswang362 Жыл бұрын
Thanks for that. I find that it's almost never because of the word itself, but how it's used. Like Keling itself is not negative.
@frankchong5585 Жыл бұрын
Thanks bro, now I know
@easonlow3359 Жыл бұрын
Last time when I did something wrong my mom will tell me “I call apunene come to caught you “😢
@amandalxx4550 Жыл бұрын
I am female, when I am in my car, no matter who passes by, I will always double check and lock my car , even if a lady walks by. 🤣🤣🤣
@michaelg4158 Жыл бұрын
Agree, me too. Even Chinese people walk by my car especially those lalazai I will also double check whether I already locked my car. I think the the Indians think too much and think Chinese are targeting them only. This is some form of insecurity from them.
@ziqi3340 Жыл бұрын
yaa me too
@Howto-to Жыл бұрын
Lol... Im a male.. i dont care who pass by.. chinese,malay, Indian,ghost or shadow..i still lock my door 😂
@ksistan3299 Жыл бұрын
same me too
@tanyuying782 10 ай бұрын
I think most of the people they mention that lock the car maybe it’s not just when they saw Indian passing by. Most of the time they will only notice shadow before seeing the whole person
@mrslew9109 Жыл бұрын
个人经历分享:印裔在我和家人(东马)的人生中是贵人。以前我班历史和经济是不及格的,印度老师有他们有趣方式教导让我们进步不少。之后父亲第四期癌症,许多医生判我爸“死刑”,只有一位印度医生不放弃我父亲。结果我父亲抗癌成功。超过其他医生给的生命限制。 希望政府在经济和公共福利上对印度族群多多改善。
@sayaanakmalaysia-gu9ie Жыл бұрын
@liewjason5136 Жыл бұрын
我的数学是印度老师教的,他真的特别聪明,把我的math直接变Aplus,而且他还教过全部science 科目,如果他有教我addmath也不至于b罢了
@santang4626 Жыл бұрын
@wjack8253 Жыл бұрын
@sudimannusantara5055 Жыл бұрын
All who comment above so lucky, because you met 0.1% ( total of them). Not like us so unlucky met 99.9% .
@maxleong91 Жыл бұрын
做普通hi-bye朋友是沒有問題,有關於金錢來往就算了 😅 一下親身體驗 1.我小學的時候老爸被TA們騙了整幅身家拖累全家人(你要說我老爸貪也可以 🤷🏻‍♂),淪落到有一段時間全家吃麵包過日子。 2. 現在出社會自己做包租公租屋子出去,TA們看房子的時候就就要扣這個扣那個,扣完了還沒住進去就給1001個理由不要租+哭三喊死要回訂金(合約簽了,是說訂金不退的)。 3. 另一間租出去,沒有繳水電費沒有給租金說欠著先,結果2個月過後發現TA們早早就跑路了。 4. 職場上如果在你之上,呵呵呵呵呵 知道的就知道。不知道的,你很幸運。 以上個人經驗,存粹自我保護。
@snsdsones2163 Жыл бұрын
我的每份工作的上司都是他们。🥲 惨不忍睹啊
@snsdsones2163 Жыл бұрын
每一份工作都经历过,上司都是side 他们皮肤的人或友族同胞。即使华人员工做对,做得好,他们也都不说什么的。
@JirachiJirachi 7 ай бұрын
装到他们很无辜那样,其实是他们先做到我们bek ceh,很多都是他们自己做出来的,别人喜欢骂他们/对他们印象不好也不是没有原因的 还有很多坏习惯,比如总是喜欢把车停路旁边或路中间,那些来找他们朋友聊天的,路边到处park满了没地方park,他们就停在你家门口正中间,人又不在那边,在他朋友家里happy,别人家也很像是他们家那样,要停就停的,你回家要park进屋或者准备要出门的时候,还要去叫他们出来把车开走后才能进出,时常都会遇到这样的 在kopitiam也是,一个人在外面吃,明明先来的,order了一杯水之后有放在桌子上面了,走去摊位order食物,走回来的时候就看见那堆印度鬼坐在你的桌位上了,哪怕他们知道是有人的了,他们照样坐,而且看到你走回来了也没有要让位的意思,只能拿着那杯水走去找其他位子 不认识的,驾摩托车从你摩托车旁边经过,有时候好端端的都没弄到他们什么,也会听到他们和后座用他们的语言说你的坏话,因为他们普遍都认为我们听不懂所以没problem的可以尽量讲➕大大声地讲 如果是认识的,平常就会叫你帮他这个帮他那个,但是当你遇到困难需要他们帮回你的时候,他们就会讲他们很忙讲出千万个理由来打发走你,多讲几句就开始骂人了讲人家没义务帮忙那些(简单来说这种人没有淋用)对你好只是让你帮忙直到他们在你这里再也拿不到任何好处后,就丢下你了,就算以前和你再要好都好,只要现在你对他们没有好处,在外面遇到你他们连鸟都不会鸟你一下的,就像从来不认识一样 遇到会帮的真的就只有华人朋友或那些陌生华人而已
@初学者玩吉他 2 ай бұрын
@sret7880 Жыл бұрын
我真的不想歧视。。。。但是我出租我的屋子给5个不同的印度人,只是一个是正常付房租的。。。其余4个很多pattern 和excuse不给或拖租/utility。他们一些甚至是驾大车的。。。每一个月跟他们收租真的是很大的折磨。。。希望印度同胞加强自身信用吧。。。。HAIZZZZ
@lemancemichael5030 6 ай бұрын
@wallanzer 4 ай бұрын
@@lemancemichael5030 先交钱后租,几个月后剧情都有翻天复地变化的,有了租房经验就明白了
@deniewu534 Жыл бұрын
如果有印度朋友你真的会知道他们真的可以一起玩得很疯 也可以聊得很开 也可以开得起玩笑,最后一个aunty说每个种族都有好人和坏人 而不是全部印度人或者马来人都是坏人 说真的他们比华人还要更友善
@voon4542 Жыл бұрын
真的 我遇到很多印度朋友內在真的很好! 我更喜歡跟他們在一起。 🤎
@mathewowning7263 Жыл бұрын
@sooyiaplee8182 Жыл бұрын
那你要反问你自己看到车祸会下车帮忙吗??其实我们华人全都一样都是喜欢躲在车里看热闹, 包括你和我,只是我们不敢承认罢了
@ongjecksent7054 Жыл бұрын
@@mathewowning7263 在馬來西亞kampung裡撞到馬來人,華人一定會被打或幹掉
@ongjecksent7054 Жыл бұрын
@yappyyap7594 Жыл бұрын
From Singapore: There was a popular TV character with the character name "Apu" shown on TV, at that time SG can receive and watch TV2 (in SG, it's Channel 10). With very limited channels to watch during those days, Tamil shows were pretty popular too, esp comedies and those deity-theme shows. Apu was paired with Ah Neh which simply means brother, so it ended up as ApuNehNeh. It is not disrespectful to begin with, just a way to address them (in a cute tone). Cheers!
@mintz9219 Жыл бұрын
I'm from sarawak and when I am still in a primary school, I wonder why Indian is the third largest group in Malaysia cause I never seen them before at my hometown. Till I went to National Service at selangor, it was a shock for me to see so many Indians in my dorm the first time 😅. I didnt have any particular bad experience or bad impression of them. They were friendly and I got along well with them. Even my current room tenant is Indian 😂.
@Y3llow_Submarin3 Жыл бұрын
Is it less Malay in Sabah and Sarawak too?
@FlaneganB Жыл бұрын
@@Y3llow_Submarin3 below 2% of all population in East Malaysia.
@jameswang362 Жыл бұрын
I'm from the semenanjung, and I've never met any Iban, Kadazan, etc, until I was in UM. In the orientation week, a fellow Chinese said, "It feels like the whole Malaysia is here!"
@centuryfever5921 Жыл бұрын
so true!! feels like we are learning some other country facts in the text book because it doesnt reflect on the hometown i grew up. haha
@leewai Жыл бұрын
Exactly the same feeling.
@AllenYangZzz Жыл бұрын
3:41 反映出華人對於要不要尊重一個人、甚至一個種族,是看他/他們有不有錢 華人對於所有其他種族的偏見、不要接近他們、好可怕,都來自於"窮"的刻板印象 所以你要跟爸媽解釋你交的這個印度朋友怎樣怎樣,最不囉嗦的方法就是跟他們說:他家很有錢
@ysong3941 Жыл бұрын
他这个人很讨喜 赶快签下来😁 内容越做越好了 加油 冲1m subs
@Linamon Жыл бұрын
Also just wanna add that as someone from Penang who speaks Hokkien, the term 'kalinga / kelinga' is not a derogatory term or at least it's never meant as a derogatory word. It's actually the only way to call an Indian person in Hokkien. I don't think I've ever known any other way to address an Indian person in Hokkien other than that.
@gohzhenyi10 Жыл бұрын
We can address them as In-Toh-Lang which literally means Indian. Same goes to addressing Malay as Ma-Lai-Lang instead of ‘Huan-ah’, the meaning of these 2 terms is derogatory for them. So what we can do is to start addressing them as In-Toh-Lang and Ma-Lai-Lang. It sounds better. Language is changing from time to time so it’s not a big deal to start changing. I’m Penangite Chinese who speak hokkien too ‘high-five’
@jameswang362 Жыл бұрын
The word most likely comes from Kalinga, a name of a historical region in India. The issue is _how_ it's been used.
@ColnWay Жыл бұрын
@@gohzhenyi10 I've heard Indians speak hokkien in Penang, and they use kelinga instead of in tor lang... same as Malay who speak hokkien, they use huan na ... because they know we use those term with no intention to discriminate or disrespect
@jameswang362 Жыл бұрын
The 'huan'' in 'huanna' itself is also not derogatory. It means 'local'. I know a Malay girl in Taiping who happily referr to herself as a huanna charboh. Btw, if men keep using the word 'charboh' in a demeaning way, women will eventually also be offended by it. Then we don't know how to call them in Hokkien liao.
@sudimannusantara5055 Жыл бұрын
In penang , you never visit hottest tourist spot? jalan masjid kapitan keling.
@peipei6319 Жыл бұрын
我是79後cheras人,關於Abuneneh,印象中是十多二十歲時聽到阿牛的Abuneneh才知道有這個“形容詞“。 所以Abuneneh是你們Penang人叫起的😅😂
@bombkuan Жыл бұрын
@sanjivraj15 Жыл бұрын
我是有洁癖的apunene,每天把家里jut到kilat kilat
@eddiekam10 Жыл бұрын
@W.T.F69696 Жыл бұрын
哈哈哈,天真! 我也曾经拥有像你这样的想法,但执行以后立马后悔而导致后面花费更加高的费用来完善
@kinosin6685 Жыл бұрын
@W.T.F69696 Жыл бұрын
@richael8382 Жыл бұрын
@sarahregine4184 3 ай бұрын
My grandmother's neighbor in Kampong has one Indian(a) and the next door is chinese (b) family, popo (a)she always brings food to my grandmother. When ever we visit my grandmother, she always invites us to eat at her home. We're very close until her kids and grandkids remain very close until now. Like a family. It's a beautiful memory ever.
@tanyiwen6729 Жыл бұрын
说真的,到目前为止我遇到的印度友人或是顾客都大致上都OK & friendly,没什么问题,但是如果当邻居就另当别论了。 我之前住的landed屋子隔壁邻居是印度人,每次他们拜神用的香味很浓&很重,搞到要晒衣服怕弄到衣服都是那个味道。喜欢在外面讲电话还讲很大声的那种,投诉了也没用。 现在搬了新家(也是landed),隔差不多5间家就是印度人住,虽然是比之前遇到的邻居好很多了,但是就是时不时会开disco炸歌&Taman区骑摩托骑很快😑 有时候不是说歧视印度人还是怎样,就是那种无语的行为刚好都是印度人在做
@shiehszekeong9266 Жыл бұрын
@lifeisallaboutperspective9617 Жыл бұрын
@Mr.J982 Жыл бұрын
坦白说,真的不想公开发表意见,不过只是想说如果你曾经历过他们的独特生活方式,态度和性格,只能无语, 当然不代表全部都是这样的。我以前有一个邻居也因为受不了而搬走了,投诉的话,他们更大声。如果只是一个人说你有问题,那可能是他对你的误解,但是很多人都说你有问题,你是否应该检讨自己,而不是觉得自己是受害者,被歧视。懂得尊重别人,别人也会尊重你,这绝对不是肤色种族歧视的问题。对不起,如果我说错了什么。
@jehshyang 9 ай бұрын
@Virgo_823 Жыл бұрын
每个种族都有自己的问题, Stereotype 是不可能被没抹去,而且还会永久流传。至于要如何在日常里避免,是看个人的智慧。 几位受访者的英文都很不错,感觉比一般普通华人来的好。
@Acespeed88 Жыл бұрын
I am chinese and have many Indian good friend, we always helping each other, my grandfather generation also same have many Indian friend drink together in the club and chit chatting. I can see mostly indian friend is study very hard and become Lawyer and Doctor professional person in society.
@teckvee77 Жыл бұрын
@johannlee7602 Жыл бұрын
@alexfang2488 Жыл бұрын
@orange.studio7 7 ай бұрын
25:17 这个阿姨很genuine,善良的女人
@JonC4296 Жыл бұрын
It is a fact almost everyone will have a bit of racism in them, just either we realise it or not. We make stupid jokes with racism undertones everyday thinking it is okay as it is only for fun. Thank goodness our fellow Malaysian from all races are generally very tolerant but still it does not make it right. I have very close friends from all ethnic backgrounds who would gladly extend a helping hand to me when i need help, i would gladly do the same with them. The faster we admit we have racial undertones and the faster we work together to cut out the stereotypes the better. We sink or swim together. Happy Diwali to everyone celebrating the festival of light.
@KeithLyeHuat Жыл бұрын
淦 还没看影片 感到封面 我已经笑出来了 vickram 真的很谐星的范👍🏻
@ahjo333 Жыл бұрын
Pls bring vikram in more...like the way he react ! Funny and cool guy !
@ericleong9142 Жыл бұрын
为了表现我对印度同胞的爱,我今天一整天都loop Abunene 这首歌
@wbkt Жыл бұрын
可以loop到Happy Deepavali
@MrJoker0304 Жыл бұрын
@AP-ew6pf Жыл бұрын
@huanghuang1998 Жыл бұрын
印度人不会讲tamil,叫coconut. 因为coconut外面是棕色,里面是白色😂
@erictang2687 Жыл бұрын
不是不會講華語或淡米爾,而是English educated。外黃內白=banana,外褐內白=coconut。
@hoipinpoh88 Жыл бұрын
@ganjiemin225 Жыл бұрын
因为有你 我才知道原来banana是这个意思
@b7076-y7x Жыл бұрын
@jordanteh2211 Жыл бұрын
Happy Deepavali to all Malaysians...
@nelsonchan5607 Жыл бұрын
@hoipinpoh88 Жыл бұрын
Well said... Aunty ❤❤
@ezekielchow9939 Жыл бұрын
What the malay lady said is true though. It's just best practice to lock the car doors whenever you see any1 passing. I used to drive an old proton wira & when it's a quiet place & some motorbike comes through I'll make sure I lock the doors too
@alexsmkjd Жыл бұрын
其实啦我是从小到大最不缺印度朋友的人。所以大致上就很普通和别的宗族朋友一样。至于rental issue ,直到我做agent过后,我一开始也很反感,不过其实当我一步步慢慢去见解这个问题的时候,我发现其实真的整体上不是屋主要搞歧视。你想想这个国家最应该互相搞种族歧视是马来人和华人。 可是就是租房这件事情,马来人华人普遍上都会拒绝印度人,其实很明显是对事不对人。那么主要是什么问题呢?说白了是印度文化在多元社会是一个冲击。主要让人抵制的是四样东西:酗酒,家暴,家用用品和食品的独特味道,和对property 的破坏。如果有问题也很难赶走。 这个时候问题来了,明明这些问题别的宗族都会有,可是为什么屋主会把它归类为印度族群的问题呢? 我得出的答案有两个是:报警的数据就是这样,第二有赖于印度人自己的文化。 第一的好理解,第二的基本上其他宗族就算是马来人也没有太多权利去评价,因为到最后又来到一点:这个是多元种族我们的文化观点你没资格碰,你只有资格接受。所以就算是马来人他们也会接受这个点。 那么不能去说,那么能做的就是抵制,悄悄有默契的抵制。其实只要不住在一起基本上大家都有一定的距离那么就其实我们怎样都能够和谐的生活在一起,这就是为什么我印度朋友很多的原因我也不会叫人家keling abuneneh,我是觉得和叫黑人nigga是没礼貌的. 我觉得stereotype 虽然难听不过他们的出现是有原因。其实要消除这种stereotype 其实很大的一部分要靠印度族群自强不息。 就好像大陆在80年代的落后让全世界都让华人承受肮脏不顾清洁的歧视,现在这种歧视不在了,换了别的,不过至少这些都是因为整体来说他们做出了整体的改变,所以其实的方向不同了。 可能我的话很难听,不过我是世界大同的支持者,所以我很明白不可能让大部分人突然没有这种stereotype,需要理清的定位,大家的不同,关键是懂得互相尊重。互相很重要。加油吧印度人如果快的话一代人就可以把这个歧视扭转过来。
@0LOTR Жыл бұрын
我是华人,我比较怕华人。和几个印度朋友一起租屋子很多年,到现在是好朋友❤我喜欢吃印度餐,banana leaf.租屋子是看你的身份职业吧。专业人士任何的族群比起没有固定工作的或是学生,更容易租到,只是因为屋主确保租户的稳定度而已。
@RKOEspada Жыл бұрын
Like Hodor from GoT (Game of Thrones) was supposed to be hold the door for indian the apunene is a fast shortcut to Apu anne (brother apu) apu is a name and anne is elder/older brother
@dicksonngoo7920 Жыл бұрын
其实也不算是歧视问题,以前也有认识到印度朋友,也有跟其他印度屋友住过一段时间,他们都是很好人下。 但做过印度客户的生意后,就绝对不会再想做多一次了,赚得不多,麻烦还一大堆,对方还不是普通家庭经济以下的,而是医生家族。每个同事都有类似的经验,所以印度客户能不接就不接。 种姓虽然在大马不推崇,但深入骨髓的思维不是几代就能改变的。之前在客户店里,看到两个印度员工交谈时,其中一个把自己身姿放得很低,另外一个并没有看不起对方,大家都是一样的身份,而且比对方年轻许多,就是普通交谈罢了,但对方还是把自己放得很低。那时我一眼就看出谁的种姓更高了,而且很现实的一句话,反对种姓制度的,一般都是属于低种姓的受害者。
@ericluo1995 3 ай бұрын
3:35 金马士是森美兰州的边境小镇那一区,和柔佛州是相连的。
@Tom-cf5lk Жыл бұрын
@kckong7783 Жыл бұрын
@gunner526 Жыл бұрын
首先我们要弄清楚什么是“歧视”。为什么都是皮肤较深色的人常说自己被“种族歧视”,而没看见(较少见)白人说他被歧视? 有肥胖的人被歧视,但何时看见较瘦的人说被歧视? 我们应该弄清楚“歧视”和“讨厌”的区别。 我并没有歧视印度人,只是一小部分的印度人的行为让我觉得不舒服所以我避开。同样的印度人并没有歧视华人,他也会因为有些华人的行为让他们不舒服所以避开。
@taungooeng 6 ай бұрын
@xiaolp Жыл бұрын
that mangosteen word came out, i cannot la 😂
@honghong89 Жыл бұрын
Thanks for this episode. Very informative, especially the caste system.
@RayMak Жыл бұрын
I love Indian food
@cocotannn Жыл бұрын
Very good series.Keep the momentum
21:41 that mangosteen ,cannot la🤣
@vcmc6299 Жыл бұрын
Apuneneh, Abu or Apu (阿布) is probably somewhat mistakenly considered to be a name linked with the Indian community, and ofcoz neh neh is brother. Therefore Apuneneh or Abuneneh 😅
@wjiewong1598 Жыл бұрын
@hewys1201 Жыл бұрын
BroVickram, Happy Deepavali,Merry christmas and CNY!
@okkahfai93 Жыл бұрын
growing up hearing "apunene", my impression is that its referring to indian but cuter, usually used when adults telling children sort of, but i dont remember it to be anything degrading. its used like there are two "apunene" over there, something like that
@W_H_O891 Жыл бұрын
大hee 很piak 一个人做3个角色 辛苦了
@aizaibt 9 ай бұрын
apu = 大儿子 nene = 哥哥 apunene = 大哥哥 / 哥哥 ❤❤❤
@wenlong82 Жыл бұрын
the topic is also relevant for Singapore context too!
@Myang-rl1gu Жыл бұрын
@cheonglithang512 Жыл бұрын
@rickoh Жыл бұрын
good and informative video! Well done!
@petertan6982 Жыл бұрын
Apunene is a hokkien description of Indian people but not a racial slur . It is well known with people in Klang. A combination of Apu (general name ) and Aneh ( brother in Tamil) .Another reason is to avoid saying the word " Kelingkia " which is not proper.
@miaooo_o 9 ай бұрын
@alanyee4996 5 ай бұрын
@antuproxy Жыл бұрын
Indian is consider very rare in sarawak. We normally refer to indian as tambi. Like, jom pergi makan di kedai tambi. In some part of north Sarawak, brunei area, they refer indian as kaling. But dont get it wrong, they didnt mean to degrade or insult. It's just how they referring to india since old time. I believe indian here get used to it since they are very very rare. Its like legendary pokemon
@mwccc301 Жыл бұрын
其实apunene 是我们对小孩子称呼印度人, 其实不是不好的! 因为我们都会叫ah neh , ah neh , 大人对小孩子说的话都会repeat double word, 比如吃饭, 我们会说吃moom moom , 喝水, 喝goot goot , 睡觉 , oi oi 。 那试问这些是有意思的话吗? 所以apunene 也是从ah neh ah neh那边来的。 而且以前很多印度人都会叫 abu , 所以才会有abunene。 不要把他当作我们华人对印度同胞的偏见, 希望WBK 可以让他们知道🙏🏻 we are family , we are Malaysian . 🎉🎉
@pjninja9546 Жыл бұрын
Apuneneh likely originates from a mishearing or a mispronunciation of "Apu anneh". Apu / Appu / Apoo used to be a fairly common Indian name back in the day, for example the Indian character from The Simpsons is called Apu. Anneh is the Tamil word for "elder brother".
@cskok2097 Жыл бұрын
wahhh never knew we were called braids xDD good content tho xD Happy Deepvalley y'alls
@weichun8234 Жыл бұрын
其实锁车 没分颜色 有人经过就自然反应
@therandomcarguy77 11 ай бұрын
4:00 straight bars from Vickram
@chowx4gt-gc8io Жыл бұрын
@MrBoliao98 9 ай бұрын
印度人喝酒是一種 higher probability, 例如華人有個賭的問題,馬來人有個吃毒品的問題。不是每個,只是 higher number of this one problem.
@maxjape Жыл бұрын
阿牛陈庆祥有一首歌叫Abu NeNe 😂😂😂 是不是因为他 16:21 才有Abu Ne Ne 😮😮😮😂
@abccrazy4464 Жыл бұрын
Coconut 那部分,我直接笑死。
@xavier1818 Жыл бұрын
My indian neighbor, always drink and disturb all night long when approach them to slow down then they get mad. Even I Reno my house he ask his gang came & "Pao" for Reno money. Even during MCO lockdown period, he open party with at least 10 friends around drink until nxt morning. Friend mabuk went back & leave his car park Infront ppl hse with no responsibility for 4 days. When sound him, he told me there's plenty parking around the playground nearby. Then last year Deepavali, he moved his car away then ask his bunch of friends play firecracker Infront my house even beside my car that parked Infront my own house. What kind of human is this. Betul² muntah darah but not all indians like this. I'm ok with indian opposite. No offense. Happy Deepavali to all Indian friends here
@ryanliao5892 Жыл бұрын
@Siolnahc Жыл бұрын
I personally think that our Malaysian Indians have powerful language skills. Many of them can speak excellent / fluent English. They are fast learners, they can pick up chinese dialects such as hokkien / cantonese easily and can speak fluently once they picked up.
@sudingyong Жыл бұрын
apunene is heard from the song of ah niu, and the keling, my parents said is deragatory because its when indian brought to malaysia as slave,they have those leg chains that when walking will ring like keling keling,like bell ringing.
@CKtan99 Жыл бұрын
那句“印度人也是可以晒黑的嘛” 让我破防 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
@kritikasharma6304 Жыл бұрын
North Indians are white bro🙂 Northeast indians have Mongolian features like you South indians are brown ....
@pilyoong Жыл бұрын
Im almost 50 years old, the last time I heard the word Apunene is during my childhood about 6 or 8. That time until now, I thought it mean Indian guy who sell milk. Cause during that time, some used to buy fresh milk from Indian. Nene sound like milk in Chinese. But now only I know, it's not a word...
@dannisdjz1198 Жыл бұрын
因为这支影片我订阅你们了。。。。 希望多做这种视频
@DeAeolus Жыл бұрын
懂得都懂😅 不懂得就裝懂😂😂😂
@van6355 6 ай бұрын
沙巴人在来西马大学前都从来没听过apuneneneh叫法。三十年前印度人在我们那边很少,在我的印象里印度人都是医生或高学历专业人士,我们都直接叫名字的。我在沙巴华小可能全校只有一位印度学生在精英班,之后我升去全town比较出名的国中只有我们的学校有几位印度学生他们全是在top班级当巡查员或英文辩论赛代表,有几位很优秀的印度老师。所以在街上能看到印度人都大概知道他们是谁,比如他是我同学Charles的爸爸/ Dr Raja 的老婆等。
@yewteiklim8276 Жыл бұрын
什么种人有好也有不好的,倒霉的话也只好認了! 总之,害人之心不可有,防人之心不可無,管你是什么种人,老祖宗教的!
@eyuaik 5 ай бұрын
@MarkLee-gu8zx Жыл бұрын
My favourite Indian song "Nee Jagatha" ... You should listen before
@Mellmellow Жыл бұрын
我第一次知道Apunene這個詞是小時候買過或者路過玩具檔的時候裡面的玩具電話,按個號碼的時候,有個女音會說 halo Apunene Oahatiyou 😂 我感覺真的就這樣來的
@YingBee-bs5cq 8 ай бұрын
看过一步戏是也是采访印度人人的 他说abuane的意思是哥哥 可能华人舌头没有印度人那么标准 所以就讲成abunene
@dericcino 7 ай бұрын
Since it is talking about stereotyping of calling names for different races, Causasians who has been living for a while know that they are called Ang Mohs and some of them don't like it, like how we stereotype them coz they all don't really look like red hair.
@ariaqri338 6 ай бұрын
Only liked for vickram ❤
@shenshi_N Жыл бұрын
老實說我也有看到人會鎖車的習慣,但不侷限於印度人,華人馬來人也會,不怕一萬 就怕萬一。
@tanhongjie Жыл бұрын
@lennoxtan9226 Жыл бұрын
哇 那个mangosteen我不能 哈哈哈 看了3次
@桃-s4y Жыл бұрын
租房子要知道他做什么职业是因为要知道他们有没有能力缴付租金。😅之前我爸爸第一次租房给人就是没有调查清楚,结果那个人欠租金。 现在遇到一个难题,现任租客是一个马来女生帮忙租的,结果住的是Pakistan 人🥴… maintenance 和我们complain我们才知道。他们也不允许外地人来租,所以要赶走他们。可是他们一直说找不到屋子….
@JanghoTango Жыл бұрын
Please do one episode helping "Vikram to find Girl Friend" ❤❤
@WilfurNg Жыл бұрын
@neoRen1 Жыл бұрын
个人是 看到有人靠近车就会check有没有锁门 没有锁就马上按 不管什么种族 🤪
@blackzoohop Жыл бұрын
Some older generation in my family refers indian as keling/apunene, but not in negative or degaratory manner, to them it's just another term for indian, but even them also dont know how they came to learn about that word😂
@serenepoh5606 7 ай бұрын
I’ve 2 great friends who are of Indian ethnicity, whom I regard as brother and sister; just the same as I have a Malay godmother.
@AMFAMILY5149 Жыл бұрын
@HongKiaw Жыл бұрын
小时候时常听到印度妈妈叫她的男孩Apu。Nene呢!一般看到印度男人都称呼Ah Ne,Apunene的由来应该是Apu+Ah Ne就Apunene咯😂😂
@woongengkai6953 Жыл бұрын
@jiacherntan9961 Жыл бұрын
华人去骗人家的手机 然后马来人就去偷华人的手机 最后印度人就抢马来人的手机😂 然后华人就去骗回印度人手机 手机的一身 哈哈哈
@fantana9481 Жыл бұрын
@skt13493 Жыл бұрын
@玉面小飞龙-h5e Жыл бұрын
@lifeisallaboutperspective9617 Жыл бұрын
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