ASH卒業生ファイル#3 - さくら学院 戸高 美湖 (Miko Todaka - Sakura Gakuin)

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清水紗良 Sara Shimizu (STU48)
桑原彩菜 Ayana Kuwahara
戸高美湖 Miko Todaka (さくら学院)
中嶋朝香 Asaka Nakashima (SPL∞ASH )
広本瑠璃 Ruri Hiromoto (ハロプロ研修生)
/ @sakuragakuin_official
『The Days 〜新たなる旅立ち 』Music Video Short.ver
• 『The Days 〜新たなる旅立ち 』Mu...
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@joaocarlos6477 8 ай бұрын
Todaka is amazing. She became such a amazing super lady. I do miss Sakura Gakuin. But now that she is active with Metalverse I can't wait to see more of her amazing voice. Thank you for the video
@jamieforbes9613 Жыл бұрын
love your passion and your so cute🦊
@nantokashiro_FREE_PALESTINE 9 ай бұрын
oohhh and you're also a fan of Sakura Gakuin!! gyaahhh😂 ❤ i went to Japan in 2019 to go to Sakura Gakuin gradutation show and Graduation Final. BABYMETAL, Sakura Gakuin, and ME:I what a great line up we have 😁👍🏻
@gmac6503 2 жыл бұрын
Very nice!! So good to learn more about her. Thank you!!
@socrateos Жыл бұрын
@takkonon3581 Жыл бұрын
METALVRSE 戸高美湖さんのことを知りたくて辿り着きましたが、AIさんの動画がとても解りやすく素敵な考察だと思いました、2年前に見つけていたなんて「なんと先見の目」があるのでしょう。本日2023年8月24日(木)にMETALVRSEの初の単独LIVEがありますが『ちびメタル 顔笑れ~』
@metalj8681 Жыл бұрын
@su2900 Жыл бұрын
遅ればせながらコメントさせてもらいます。 AIちゃん凄いですね👍KOBAMETALもびっくりしてますよ。2010年頃に美湖ちゃんがさ学に存在していれば又、違ったBABYMETALが誕生していたかもしれませんね。 KOBAMETALの最初の構想はボーカル2人体制でしたから。
@Codametal 3 жыл бұрын
Great video and thanks for sharing you thoughts with us.
@budmark7158 Жыл бұрын
@ちびゴンザレス-t4t 3 жыл бұрын
これは嬉しい!ありがとうございます 中元後継者のさくら学院卒業後のソロ活動、期待せずにいられません
@helloaichannel 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you for your comment!
@ymsk2935 Жыл бұрын
@KDTGrave 3 жыл бұрын
I really LOVE the Cover by Miko Todaka "Christmas Eve" She has a beautiful voice!!!
@helloaichannel 3 жыл бұрын
Me too:)
@堀坂文雄 3 жыл бұрын
ASH卒業生は本当に凄い! みこ の歌唱力ハンパないです。
@九州大陸 3 жыл бұрын
動画いつも見てます。ありがとう🍅🍅🍅 戸高さんは学年末テストのビデオでみかけて「あーなんかオーラあるなぁ」と思ってました。やっぱり皆さん同じ思いでおられるようで(^^♪
@helloaichannel 3 жыл бұрын
@poka9489 3 жыл бұрын
美湖ちゃん!お目が高いです!!(笑) ライブで遠くからでも一目で分かるダンスの存在感、そしてさくら学院の枠にとどまらない歌のパワーを持っていると思います。そのハイスペックな能力とクイズで誰も想像しないような解答をする面白さのギャップがたまらないです。しかも性格は仲間思いでとても熱い。更に彼女にはとても「物語性」が強い人だと思っていて、さくら学院としては明確にパフォーマンス力をUPさせる為に珍しく外部から生徒を転入させ、彼女も大きな決断をして転入して来たのですが、その学院生としての活動が志半ばで終わってしまうわけです。それだけに、9月以降の彼女がどういう形でエンターテインメントの世界を生きていくのか、とても気になるし、今は少し悲劇的な色の濃い物語ですが、彼女自身が活躍することでそれがとても感動的な物語に昇華して行くのではないか、と思っています。本当に今後が楽しみな人だと思います!!
@helloaichannel 3 жыл бұрын
@なりもん-i9v 3 жыл бұрын
@ひむけん-n2s 2 жыл бұрын
そう!それなんですよ! 密かに期待してます🤘🦊🤘
@gmyama7121 3 жыл бұрын
やはり、美湖ちゃんですね。2019年のさくら学院のライブで、ソロで山下達郎のクリスマスイブを歌ったのをライブビューイングで見て沼に落ちました。当時中学1年生だったと思いますが、末恐ろしく、素晴らしかったです。 さくら学院閉校後のみんなの行く先も心配ですし、父兄としては寂しい限りです。 まあ、アミューズは、アップフロントと同様に事務所として業界ではトップクラスのちゃんとした事務所ですので、考えてくれていると思っています。
@yoshimi6200 3 жыл бұрын
新種発見🤣 沼が多くて大変! 戸高美湖さんは元気イッパイのパフォーマンスが輝いてますよね✨ ボイパもするみたいだし🎤 SG閉校後も彼女に最適な道で羽ばたいてもらいたいですね!😆
@helloaichannel 3 жыл бұрын
@moomakemoney 3 жыл бұрын
Wow have a great eye and ear for talent! I watch this video and then went to look on Miko-chan.... what a fantastic voice! (Christmas video) While she does not sound like Suzuka-chan...she reminds me of Su-chan for her vocal strength! And the warm feeling between her and Kano-chan was reminding me of Moa-chan and Su-chan when they were still members of SG.... You are so right, she is surely a member to watch moving forward! Great review....domo arigatou gozaimasu!
@gunsogiroro4964 3 жыл бұрын
@helloaichannel 3 жыл бұрын
@azizanputra 3 жыл бұрын
I have said somewhere. After seeing Suzuka and Miko in SG and also Riho on their respective shows. It's seems like ASH have the motto of "Perform first think later". Hahahaha.
@IOOIIIV 3 жыл бұрын
It's more like "Perform first, don't think at all!" :D
@sumoa1010 3 жыл бұрын
さすがお目が高い! さ学は良く知りませんが、彼女は間違いなくてっぺん獲れる逸材だと思います。 後は事務所がどのようにして世に出すかでしょう。
@helloaichannel 3 жыл бұрын
@mnstpkrg_7 3 жыл бұрын
Kuwahara Ayana is now Girls Planet 999, which is the show Miko's Senpai in SG, Okazaki Momoko also participated in! Crazy!
@arisketch9247 3 жыл бұрын
Miko really stood out for me as well. And I'm also hoping, really, really hoping that Miko would go into acting as well. I love her look and personality, would be awesome if she is featured in some movies, she has charisma and stage presence (and hopefully the talent and skill for acting as well). Thank you for the video, always enjoy your videos! Cheers~
@helloaichannel 3 жыл бұрын
@IOOIIIV 3 жыл бұрын
@@helloaichannel And both Su and Moa said Billie Eilish in 2019. They even met her - LOL!
@lucascamara8880 3 жыл бұрын
Great video. She really caught my attention on the last live show, looks like she's shining all the time. Her looks at the camera, great singing, charisma, all amazing! Compliments from Brazil!
@autohmae 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you for talking about Miko, she seems like an amazing talent. 4:12 that's how SG gets us all ! Extreme cute, extremely talented and hard work ! :-) I'm also afraid solo artists is hard, just look at Ayami Mutō. That wasn't a homerun.
@IOOIIIV 3 жыл бұрын
Aiko as well. Don't get me started on how Amuse dropped the ball when it came to Ayami Muto.
@marcogarcia4197 3 жыл бұрын
Miko Todaka debe ser la nueva Avenger de Babymetal y saludos desde Lima Perú
@IOOIIIV 3 жыл бұрын
Ai, Miko came out as being a hafu on Fresh, today: わたし…実はハーフなんです!
@helloaichannel 3 жыл бұрын
@IOOIIIV 3 жыл бұрын
@@helloaichannel Yes, that was my reaction, as well. :D
@珍太郎-u6t 3 жыл бұрын
@helloaichannel 3 жыл бұрын
@TheLeomarti 3 жыл бұрын
The legendary Hat Pudding Gungun Battle ! One of the best answers in SG history
@jeans4484 3 жыл бұрын
12:18 Miko and Yagi Miki is paired up as centers for 2 years already. In 2019, @onefive girls were the center piece with Miko and Miki in front of them (you can see their Let's Dance video, Miko and Miki were in the center). And in 2020 they are the center themselves (because the seniors, Kokona and Sana excel in the realm of acting, not music). So, if Amuse has any plan in the future, a duo of Miko and Miki would be terrific, hell, Miki could even do Rakugo by herself in front of thousand of people. 11:13 She seemed to be similar to Muto Ayami whom described by her kohais as _"try hard dream chaser."_ She always talks about her dream of becoming famous artist and tour the world. 13:27 Neo is a model for Repipi Armario - same as what Soyoka used to do - and she's on Digimon ad. Sakia is regular on NHK's BitWorld. Yume and her sister Juna have Ponstarland YT channel.
@helloaichannel 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you for your comment!
@案蜂八 3 жыл бұрын
クイズコーナーにて珍回答をすることから(逆に)「クイズが得意」という設定になっています笑 本人も物怖じせず「得意です!」と言い切ります笑 間違うことを恐れていない感じです。 あと、番組の登場時に必ずと言っていいほどネタを仕込んで笑いを取りに来ます! パフォーマンスはもちろん、他の場面でも常に楽しませてくれます! ニヤニヤしながら観させていただきました☺️ いらっしゃいませ!笑
@helloaichannel 3 жыл бұрын
いらっしゃいました!笑 クイズで珍回答なのに自信持って答えてる感じが面白いですね😂
@nomusician4737 3 жыл бұрын
Backstage she's known to be a real バカ (did I get that right? kind of fool, a bit like an air head) I'd say she's mostly a pretty weird kid with a surprising sense of humour in the best kind of way. I really hope she'll stay as an idol/artist after SG. She's one of the most talented members in both singing and dancing during SG's 10 years. Her dancing is up there with Yui's and I'd say she's an even better singer than Su was at the same age. I'd like to see her take part in a Produce 101 like show. I think she is one of few Japanese idols that would do great if they did a collaboration with Korean idols again. Thinking about it I think she'd do great if she became a trainee at YG in Korea.
@jeans4484 3 жыл бұрын
Uhh, you know that YG had _that_ scandal, right? She's with Amuse, a company with reputation of being good and fair with their talents, why should she bother with those Korean agencies, whom notoriously known to be scummy and abusive.
@nomusician4737 3 жыл бұрын
@@jeans4484 The YG scandal is quite a few years ago now. The people involved are gone. Why I think she'd benefit from the Korean agencies is the difference in focus for the Japanese and Korean industries. In Japan it is mostly about following a specific idol and watch her grow. In Korea it is more about seeing the maximum potential in the idol. It takes more skills to succeed in Korea, but the payout if you succeed is also bigger. If you are a YG signed artist you already are considered one of the best in the industry even before you have you debut. Why YG instead of the other agencies is the music the release. I think Miku would be perfect for a next gen girl crush group. I think she'll have the potential to be really really good in Japan as well! I can definitely see her having a career like Suzuki Airi if she are lucky enough to end ut in a group as successful as C°ute. But since she has stated she wants a big international career Korea is a better option in my opinion. There she can make it with hard (ok, brutally hard...) work instead of luck.
@brandonmagee7262 3 жыл бұрын
Miko was last in last year's Gakuin Test and Kano tried to recruit her into KYG (whose original members included Kano and Momoko who each had considerable troubles on those Gakuin Tests. And... the KYG (恐怖のイエーイ軍団) members certainly were known to live up to that we can assume Miko might be a bit boisterous. She has a fantastic voice... it would be a shame if she was unable to break through after SG ends.
@noahvale7555 3 жыл бұрын
Hello AI......Miko is truly a great talent in my opinion....her dancing is very articulate as you said but it is her voice I really love....just beautiful!....Miki Yagi and Neo Sato are favorites of mine as well....I think the current class of SG is very talented all round....
@nochio 3 жыл бұрын
推しメン「拡張」への焦燥感、大変共感致しましたw 2004年頃perfumeの3人が、スクールの発表会で「ヘミソフィア」を歌い上げた子がいて真綾さんのファンになった経緯を知り、自分はその子を追うため最終的には、BEE-HIVE全員にアンテナを張りすぎたことがありました。(結局分かったのはヘミソフィアを歌い上げた子はamuse内の遠くからの特別参加だったらしい事くらい) 私は今でも気になる方がいっぱいです。 スターダストさんですが、ばっしょうの瀬田さくらさんが気になってしょうがないです。有線のoisa効果だと思われます。
@ダンマ会 3 жыл бұрын
内容もすばらしいし、英語の勉強にもなります。ところで桑原彩菜は、今韓国に渡って韓国のオーディション番組の「Girls Planet 999」のチャレンジ(放映中)していますね。
@helloaichannel 3 жыл бұрын
コメントありがとうございます😊 オーディション受けてる子で知ってるのは百々子ちゃんだけかな〜と思ったら、彩菜ちゃん出てきてびっくりしました✨
@IOOIIIV 3 жыл бұрын
@@helloaichannel Ai, there's another girl on the show who is from or ex. Oscar. I believe she belongs to a group called X21, now disbanded. She also hangs around with Moa and Momoka (J*Deez/Jewel) and is one of the members in their circle of school friends. She's frequently seen with Momoka and Moa (who appears in photos with her face covered). This is her dance video, don't know her name:
@ひむけん-n2s 2 жыл бұрын
歌唱力、存在感。一つ頭抜けた感じ。 この子の去就が何気に気になってます… まずは学業に専念でしょうか。
@三谷正敬 Жыл бұрын
@junfuture1564 3 жыл бұрын
美湖ちゃん、let's dance でも目立ってました。
@vickytoria0808 3 жыл бұрын
It’s sad Sakura Gakuin is closing but I am excited for what the members do in the future. I think that one of the most talented members is Hinata. She sings amazing and has done a lot since leaving the group. She voices Leah from Love Live and Junna from Revue Starlight. I think that she is a good member to check out.
@helloaichannel 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you, I'll check Hinata chan.
@鉄の心 3 жыл бұрын
今か今かと首を長くして動画お待ちしてました😆 さ学ではすぅちゃん・杉本愛莉鈴ちゃん以来のASHからの転入という事で期待の高さが伺えると思います。 生徒達の話では転入当初こそ苦労したようですが今ではパフォーマンス委員長として歌やダンスをぐんぐん引っ張ってますね! 一つ天然のエピソードとしてメンバーとある日お散歩をしていた美湖ちゃん。 代々木公園をささきこうえんと読んだり消火栓をショウカビンと読んでみたりと偉大なあの先輩の面影がチラホラ…(笑)🤘 転入初年度にライブでソロを貰うなどアミューズとしてもおそらく力を入れて今後のプロデュースをして行くのではと思います🌸🙂
@helloaichannel 3 жыл бұрын
やっぱり天然なんですね、なんか安心しました(?)🥰 ソロはChristmas Eveのやつですか? 裏声も含めて素敵な歌声だなと思いました。 アミューズさん、ぜひ今後も力を入れて売り出して欲しいですね!
@鉄の心 3 жыл бұрын
@@helloaichannel その通りChristmas Eveのやつです🎄🙂✨
@y0n454 3 жыл бұрын
今日の🌸PTA総会vol.5 で、ちょっと‥ニュースがありました😲。 → 森先生「けっこう卒業生が観てるんですよ‥って聞いて」「どうせ黒澤は観てるなって思ってたんですけど、聞いたら、初代、2代目」→ 社長「え?」森先生「4代目、5代目は観てるって(歴代会長)」 ‥‥‥2代目‥😃!
@てら-h4u 3 жыл бұрын
@IOOIIIV 3 жыл бұрын
Ai, there are rumours flying around amongst K-Poppers that Ayana Kuwahara has signed on with a Korean Entertainment Agency called Top Media. She has also shut down her social media accounts, lending credibility to the rumours.
@IOOIIIV 3 жыл бұрын
Ai, I don't see Amuse launching her as a solo artist. they've tried to do that twice now, once with Ayami Moto and the second time with Aiko Yamaide both former Presidents of Sakura Gakuin (like Su, Moa and Kano) and it didn't work. A small group, I feel, is the only possibility. Apart from SG, which is really Amuse's version of an Egg program, big groups are not really Amuse's style. The second problem is that they need the right team supporting Miko. The choice of producer, composers and songwriters are critical for Miko's success - and that's the big problem at Amuse right now. Look @onefive - they have skills that can clearly compete with K-Pop, and even surpass Niziu, the problem is the unimaginative composer/songwriter/producer. There's another thing, as well. There are two aces, this final year at Sakura Gakuin. Yes, Miko Todaka, the Performance Chair is one of them, but the other is Miki Yagi, Sakura Gakuin's Vice-President. She sings and dances, too. There's a method that the Fukei use to ascertain the strongest vocal performers in Sakura Gakuin, and it's this, we take a long hard look at their solos in a song, for example: Miko Todaka: Miki Yagi: It's very difficult to choose between the two of them. Both have extremely strong voices. Now check out Miki Yagi's dancing abilities: This is "Let's Dance, 2019: Go to 2 minutes 40 seconds into that video and you'll see Kano at the centre, flanking her and slightly in front is Miko. The girl in Miko's mirror position is Miki. Watch Miko and Miki dancing together, they're explosive! Sakura Gakuin clearly has two aces! Now Amuse can't ignore Miko and place Miki in a group and they cannot ignore Miki and place Miko in a group. There's only one way out, clearly put them both in the group and let them shine!
@jeans4484 3 жыл бұрын
Wrong link for Let's dance. _Look @onefive - they have skills that can clearly compete with K-Pop, and even surpass Niziu, the problem is the unimaginative composer/songwriter/producer._ Yeah, you kinda suck as production company that you said you want to expand to be, Amuse, try harder.
@IOOIIIV 3 жыл бұрын
@@jeans4484 >Wrong link for Let's dance. Corrected.
@helloaichannel 3 жыл бұрын
Well, Miki chan is definitely another ace. Would be great if they will be in a same group after graduating from SG:)
@jeans4484 3 жыл бұрын
@@helloaichannel Some fan will still hurt if that group doesn't include Miku, Amuse just happen to put Miki, Miku, Miko who are all the same age in the same group (Neo is odd one out, but she want to be actress anyway). They also have Mika-chan who's a year younger as potential member in 2020 as well if not because of COVID. As Shirai Saki said, there're too many M. This group is of cause need to have Mikeneko as a mascot. (O __ O)
From episodes of Fresh, Miko is quite a quirky character. I remember in episode 118 of Sakura Gakuin's weekly show FRESH, she wrote down a ridiculous answer to a question and everyone could not stop laughing. It did take her a while to come out of her shell when she first transferred in in 2019 - she was quite stiff, but she managed to loosen up over time. Of course her talent is undeniable, she'll almost definitely be doing singing and dancing in some capacity after Sakura Gakuin ends. Whether it be as a solo artist or in a group, who knows. But I hope more and more people get to know her.
@hyena2353 3 жыл бұрын
歌もダンスも上手いですよね! 愛踊祭の予選だったかな?室田瑞希さんが美湖ちゃんのこと絶賛してましたね
@helloaichannel 3 жыл бұрын
@hyena2353 3 жыл бұрын
@@helloaichannel この動画の43:40あたりです😊チェック済みでしたら失礼しました
@h15h18 2 жыл бұрын
ご存じかもしれませんが。 戸高美湖のベビーボーンズでの出演は公式かどうか分からないけどはっきりしてます→ ここではベビメタの新規メンバー候補とされていました。
@IOOIIIV 2 жыл бұрын
It's a given these days that ASH ->SG = a very special talent, mainly because of the polish that Amuse applies on top of ASH's already fantastic development. You may or may not know that Su and Miko aren't the only two ASH->SG girls. There is a third. Today I would like to present: She's legit! Here's a video with her and one of the most famous SG graduates, both are in SG's uniform: The problem was that she left SG at the same time as Su's graduation which gave her exactly one year of SG training when she should have had three more years of polish. She graduated because she could not handle her local modelling commitments and the pressure of being in SG at the same time. Six years elapsed before the staff room took on another girl from ASH, so the staff room might not have been happy with ASH given what happened. Leaving SG early must have deeply impacted Mariri because she attended more SG shows and was almost always photographed backstage after she left, than any other SG graduate. It is said that Su & Mariri met up with Miko on the day SG ended and the three had a chat backstage. Here are a few videos showing Mariri's tremendous raw potential: Here she is singing SG's My Graduation Toss acapella: Here's the original with Su's lead vocal: It's a pity her parents chose modelling over singing. She would have had a great future in music had she had her full time in SG.
@案蜂八 3 жыл бұрын
@helloaichannel 3 жыл бұрын
咲愛ちゃんの身長の成長にはびっくりしましたw ぽんスターらんど、たまに見てます。姉妹揃ってかわいくて最高です😍
@torotorotonarino9652 Жыл бұрын
@death-metalmickey3427 3 жыл бұрын
新種、ドロ沼、20秒、(笑)(笑)(笑) でもワイプ?ワイプだけど美湖ちゃんってカワイイですね😆
@IOOIIIV 3 жыл бұрын
Ai, both Momoko Okazaki and Ayana Kuwahara are definitely on that Korean show: Momoko: Ayana:
@helloaichannel 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you for the link! I hope both girls will be success. When I saw some videos of Kakumei Shoujo before, I thought Ayana was a very talented person♡
@IOOIIIV 3 жыл бұрын
@@helloaichannel I didn't get much of a view of Ayana and Miko in Kakumei Shoujo, - you could see they were good dancers but very little in terms of vocals. Miko simply stood out in the dance performances with Ayana just behind her when they're both together in group performances. As far as vocals in ASH are concerned, it seemed that Miko and Ayana were both behind Sara Shimizu but they were both little at that time. However, when the SG Christmas video was released, it became clear that Miko was a massive talent, in the same league as Su but different, at the same time. There's a story Kakumei Shoujo that I heard on 5 chan. They were a group of unknown rural girls from ASH who were visiting Tokyo for the first time for the "Aidoru Matsuri". Whilst they didn't win any major awards, there, there was a lot of backroom dealing with scouts from 6 major record labels which included Pony Canyon and Victor. There were also rampant rumours in the audience about a "hidden gem" within the group. Record labels were interested in the group mainly because they considered Kakumei Shoujo to be complete - that is, there would be very little training needed to get them going and they would likely become very big if they were launched properly but there was a snag: Four sets of parents were willing to let their girls get signed on. However one girl's parents absolutely refused. Guess who that was? :) While this drama was unfolding, Nocchi had also fallen in love with Miko and had alerted the head of Amuse's Kids Division and Mikiko that she wished to see Miko in Sakura Gakuin. Remember that Chris Nami also knows Mikiko and Nocchi and could have been easily been behind the whole thing. Nocchi personally went to Miko's house with a bunch of Amuse execs and reportedly laid out detailed a plan regarding Miko's career development that convinced Miko's parents to sign up with Amuse - although it was kept very secret and no one, apart from a few key people at Amuse and ASH knew about it. Generally, when a girl signs up with an agency, her social media is usually paused. Miko's wasn't. Also, her profile was never put up on the Amuse pages, so no one had any idea that she would be one of new transfer-ins at the show. Otherwise, she would have been every Fukei's first choice of candidate. When the Dance Practice video was released a day before the Transfer-in Ceremony: There was utter confusion because no one could correctly ID her as she was not on Amuse's talent list: When she was introduced at the 2019 Transfer-in ceremony as being from Hiroshima, there was an uproar. International Fukei were wondering - was she from ASH? Japanese Fukei were also wondering that as well. ASH wotas soon pointed out all the performance videos and the consensus was that she was a pro - an excellent dancer, but she might not be as good a singer as Su, based on this single video: Kakumei Shoujo was disbanded the very next day, and I wonder if the bond between the other Kakumei Shoujo girls and Miko was ever the same again. When Ayana was with POPTEEN, she was asked on SHOWROOM who her best friend was - and she said, Sara Shimizu. Of course, once the Christmas Eve performance took place, people realised that Miko was a very good singer, as well.
@IOOIIIV 3 жыл бұрын
@@helloaichannel I'm wishing both girls success but Korea is not an easy place to work in. Momoko certainly is not going to be treated the way she was at SG and Babymetal. She will be treated as per Korean show standards and it will be harsh. Auditioning for AVEX would have been better, IMO.
@mr.panpan1116 3 жыл бұрын
@rickwagner- 3 жыл бұрын
🌸 🏫 I'm so happy you discovered Miko, and featured her in your ASH review. I don't remember Sakura Gakuin ever giving a new "transfer-in" a solo song before this. This is the performance that convinced me of her star power:
@helloaichannel 3 жыл бұрын
I love this video and watched several times. She has a great skill and potential.
@antalgyori6744 3 жыл бұрын
I followed the link you provided and Holy Smokes, I was blown away by her performance. Thanks.
@emmiz8811 3 жыл бұрын
@IOOIIIV 3 жыл бұрын
Two aces in SG. Miki Yagi solos 2020: Two aces in SG. Miko Todaka solos
@cowboy8163 3 жыл бұрын
素敵な紹介をありがとうございます😊 父兄は親バカなので、自分の娘が褒められたように嬉しいです笑 たぶん在校時に、こういう紹介された生徒は初めてでしょう 転入時のエピソードをひとつ 在校生と初対面の時、緊張気味で不安げな美湖ちゃんに、真っ先に手を差し伸べたのは、当時の生徒会長、華乃ちゃんでした。 華乃ちゃんもパフォーマンス命の人なので、この出会いは大きかったのでないか?と推測してます。 この状況で、あまりライブする機会がないのを父兄としては申し訳なくさえ思っています ふと口からでる広島弁が可愛いったら、ありゃしない♪(やっぱ親バカ)
@cowboy8163 3 жыл бұрын
パフォーマンスに関しては、さくらはMIKIKO先生流のシンクロを重視したダンスなので、本来のダイナミックさは、それでも抑え気味なのかなとも感じています。 このあたりは莉佳子ちゃんと同じ葛藤があったのかもしれません。なので今後については、おっしゃるように、少人数のグループで、バキバキに歌い踊ってほしいというのが現実に沿った望みです。ただア○ューズの育成には不信があるのでね…そのまま所属するのがいいのか?現時点ではなんとも言えない悩みです。(学院生については、つい長くなってしまう、すみません)
@helloaichannel 3 жыл бұрын
華乃ちゃんが手を差し伸べたんですね、なんか想像がつきます^^ ASHの頃のパフォーマンスを観てからさくら学院の方を見ると、やはり周りに調和するように踊っていると感じますね(もちろんそれで正解だと思います) 卒業後はバキバキに踊って歌ってほしいです。
@cowboy8163 3 жыл бұрын
@@helloaichannel 次号の雑誌TopYellNeoで美湖ちゃんは学院生として、広本さんは研修生として誌面に登場するようですね ps タケちゃんとすぅちゃんが同じ1997生まれなのを最近発見 2人とも芸歴長ーい笑
@shakudoh 3 жыл бұрын
ASH 2018-09 のダンスパーフォーマンス「Bad」 革命少女の他の子も参加してます
@helloaichannel 3 жыл бұрын
@zdenyn17 Жыл бұрын
Ai-san, can you, please, explain about Miko-chan and Sakia-chan regarding current Babymetal news? I can't find anything in english.
@IOOIIIV 3 жыл бұрын
Ai, here's something interesting. Ruru's elder sister Riri interviews Ayana Kuwahara for a program called Hello!ASH: They talk about Ayana's earliest days in ASH, her Kakumei Shoujo participation, and Ayana's K-Pop experience.
@helloaichannel 3 жыл бұрын
Hello, thanks for the link! Just watched it and it’s interesting to hear Ayana‘s interview. Riri‘s way of talking is very similar to Ruru, haha.
@IOOIIIV 3 жыл бұрын
Ayana Kuwahara & Miko Todaka covering Pink Lady:
@IOOIIIV 3 жыл бұрын
Miko's ASH Graduation speech: (9m55s)
@レビメタル 3 жыл бұрын
@IOOIIIV 3 жыл бұрын
Momoko: Ayana:
@helloaichannel 3 жыл бұрын
@IOOIIIV 3 жыл бұрын
Kakumei Shoujo at the Idol Matsuri:
@茹で卵-s8b 3 жыл бұрын
戸高美湖さんの沼に落ちてしまったaiさんを観ている方も楽しいです。😊 また、楽しい動画楽しみにしています。🍅☀️🌈
@jason7120 3 жыл бұрын
Those rumors of her being a lady bones are very much not true. No Sakura Gakuin member were members of the Lady Bones. Possibly a Ciao Smiles girl but that is as close as any rumor got.
@rickwagner- 3 жыл бұрын
"Those rumors of her being a baby bones are very much not true." We're not talking about Babybones (or Hone), the guys pretending to play instruments. This is about the additional special dancers for certain songs at some of the 2021 Budokan concerts. That included four young dancers in skeleton hoodies and red skirts for 'GJ!' and 'Onedari Daisakusen' and what appeared to be the return of Minako Maruyama and Minami Tsukui for 'Akatsuki'. Unless you've got a positive identification for all four of those young dancers, it's not unreasonable to guess that they would be from the Amuse Kids division, which includes Sakura Gakuin and Ciao Smiles. Some Japanese fans at those shows were pretty sure that Sakia and Miko were there on stage. With hoodies and face masks (and only fancams of those songs so far) it's hard to say.
@jason7120 3 жыл бұрын
@@rickwagner- (Lady Bones) doesn't matter you knew what I meant. They simply are not SG members, every time a Sakura Gakuin Member past or present ever set foot on a BM stage, Mori-Sensei has given a hint. No hint was given so that alone to me proves its all BS, just desperate fans. Momoko is an independent contractor so It is not outside the realm of possibility they hired out side Amuse kids for backup dancers. So it goes from what's in Amuse's stable to any child that can decently dance in Japan, that's a lot of kids. Don't fall for such stupidity that it's even a possibility. Mor-Sensei has always given a hint by making a comment on Fresh, that is 100% fact. He made none, so to anyone with half a brain should know that NO member of Sakura Gakuin was there, end of story. I put it at less than 1% and not worth ever discussing or bringing up unless you have hard evidence.
@rickwagner- 3 жыл бұрын
@@jason7120 A couple of things here Jason. I wasn't claiming that the four supporting dancers for 'GJ!' and 'Onedari Daisakusen' at the Budokan concerts had to be Sakura Gakuin members, just that is entirely possible that some of them were. The names I've heard as likely possibilities are all in the Amuse Kids division, including Ciào Smiles and Sakura Gakuin members. I don't see any reason why Amuse would go outside of the company if they didn't have to. You were the one you jumped in and insisted that "No Sakura Gakuin member were members of the Lady Bones". That's a lot of certainty for something you are in no position to verify. Not getting a hint from Mori-sensei is far from definitive. No one has unearthed any hints from any non Sakura Gakuin sources either. As far as your original typo is concerned, I'm not going to try and guess what you mean, if you can't be bothered to check what you write. You've been particularly hostile with your KZbin comments lately, and often seem to fly off the handle when you either disagree, or misunderstand what someone is saying. I saw your recent interactions with Facu 474 in the comments for the 'BABYMETAL - 10 BABYMETAL BUDOKAN Teaser'. In terms of time and commitment, Facu is one of the most generous members of the BABYMETAL community. Check out episodes #33 and #34 of the 'BABYMETAL Podcast' if you're unfamiliar with his contributions to the fandom. You misinterpreted what he said, and started calling him a liar since you disagreed with what he was saying. I honestly have no idea what you're trying to accomplish.
@jason7120 3 жыл бұрын
@@rickwagner- You continue to sidestep the the fact Mori-Sensei gave zero hints and the fact he has a perfect track record of giving hints. You ignore one of the largest indications of them being SG members, because you are suffering from information bias. I would of loved for them to be SG members. I loved that BM got Momoko and Kano to be Avengers. However, everything is different, the so called people who were their were just a couple. You had hundreds of Fukei at the shows and they saw zero SG members as the lady bones. Once again you are blinded by information bias. I had multiple friends at the show, Fukei from the beginning and not a single one saw any current SG members on stage. The evidence is clear, you have none. You have a minority of witness statements which are cancelled out by the majority. Your own observations are tampered by information bias. You continue to push the theory with zero objectivity. It's makes you no better than a flatearther. It's disingenuous, an unsincere. Your not spreading an opinion, you're spreading misinformation. As for Facu, being on the podcast does not change the fact that he was wrong. He left out important facts that made his statement inaccurate. Anyone in the world can purchase the item. He's trying to go back when they had those cheap ass blu-ray like Budokan 2014 as the band was just trying to break out into the national and international market, and desperately trying to get fans. They most likely sold those at a loss to gain traction not just internationally but Nationally. The smaller the group in Japan the cheaper your items sell, that's the facts. You look at average prices of top Japanese groups that are 100 times more popular than BM, like say AKB48. BM at first was underselling their goods, but now that they have a stable fan base they price themselves on par with the top tier groups of Japan. 5500-18000¥ for a blu-ray box set is standard . There is nothing at all outrageous about BMs pricing when you're not so willfully culturally ignorant. A fan should understand this, if they don't shame on them for being so ignorant or arrogant that they should do things "there way". BM is still Japanese within the Japanese music industry bubble. The prices are pretty standard within that industry. BM isn't responsible for shitty trade laws. I luckily pay nothing for importing something from Japan, EU well sucks to be them. It's not BMs job to worry about it.
@rickwagner- 3 жыл бұрын
@@jason7120 If you'll actually read what I wrote, I've consistently said that it was possible the four dancers included Sakura Gakuin members. Not that it was certain. That's far from "information bias". I'm withholding judgement since the facts aren't available. You're the one claiming to be certain when you absolutely can't be. And you're using opinions, not facts, to make your case. I don't think you actually interviewed hundreds of Fukei who were at the shows to get their opinion about whether any of the dancers could be Sakura Gakuin members. And once again, whenever I try to have a discussion with you, you jump right into insults. It's fine to have a different opinion, but you're consistently toxic in your interactions with other people. As far as Facu is concerned, it's not "being on the podcast" that's important. It's his work in the BABYMETAL community that was discussed on the podcasts. You may think that he left out information that was important in his KZbin comment. That's fine. Calling him a liar was totally uncalled for.
@TreadheadA1 3 жыл бұрын
Ai-san! Here you go reading my mind again! Miko-chan is wonderful. Top notch singer and dancer with a good sense of humor. I believe she will go far in this career if she wants. Sakis-chan and Yume-chan are ridiculously cute. Just in case you weren't aware, Yume and her sister Juna have their own series on the Ponstarland youtube channel which is cool. I have no idea what they are saying since there are no English subtitles but, they still make me laugh. kzbin.infofeatured Loved this video and this series. Your passion for the idols shows through and it is , of course, great to see you smile. Take care and have a nice day. See you! 🤘🌸🤘
@IOOIIIV 3 жыл бұрын
Poll: Do you think Miko will be able to do something similar to what Su did at Sonosphere ( ) in 2014? Answer Yes or No.
@jeans4484 3 жыл бұрын
Does she has a good material to work with? Babymetal members aren't more talented than other SG members, it's that they have good material the other don't.
@IOOIIIV 3 жыл бұрын
@@jeans4484 So far she has no material to work with, so to speak and don't get me started on the @onefive situation regarding less than mediocre material again. :P :D
@commanderstraker6732 3 жыл бұрын
Konnichiwa AI-san 🙋‍♂️ Apologies for being slightly off topic. Is there a certain age limit in Japan for a new idol to be presented that would generate enough of an interest that would warrant financial investment by an agency like Amuse ? The reason I ask is that Yui Mizuno has just celebrated another birthday, but there still doesn’t seem to be any rumours of her starting a solo career as of yet. As each year passes with no news, , do you think her chances of starting a new solo career is becoming less likely ? Also, will you be doing a video on the BABYMETAL Budokan livestream show that is happening this coming Saturday, June 26th (Budokan) please ? Take care AI-san 🤘🦊🤘👍🍻 See you!
@helloaichannel 3 жыл бұрын
There is not a certain age limit in Japan. But from a historical viewpoint, many succeed idols started their career at the age of less than 20. Yui started her career when she was very young, but if she is going to do something new as "Yui Mizuno", I don't understand why they keep silence.. if she wanna be a "solo", it would be the more difficult the more time passed. Have you seen the live streaming yesterday?That was awesome!!🦊✨
@commanderstraker6732 3 жыл бұрын
@@helloaichannel Konnichiwa AI-san 😊. Yes, I think it's really sad that Amuse are keeping silent over future plans for Yui, unless however it is of her own choosing. Yes, the livestream was FANTASTIC! I think it's one of their finest concerts to date. I think the director of photography deserves a special Fox God award! The visuals and editing were superb. Another thing I noticed which was great, was Momoko-chan was included in the close up shots. In previous concert videos, it focused just on SU-METAL and MOAMETAL. Yes, I thoroughly enjoyed the show. I've also pre-ordered the One edition which includes the whole 10 shows!! Take care AI-san. I look forward to your next video! See you! 🤘😊
@sangendyaya 3 жыл бұрын
アミューズはさくら発ソロ歌手プロジェクトが2連敗中なので、ソロ活動するならアミューズに任せるのは不安です 年齢が離れていますが同じ事務所の奈緒美クレール( )さんと組むと面白そうなんですけど
@helloaichannel 3 жыл бұрын
@y0n454 3 жыл бұрын
㊫ 転入式で、藤平さんは戸高さんを「私とめっちゃ性格似てる」戸高さんも「ノリが合う 気が合う」と。 (その後の関係性)戸高さんの信頼する兄貴分→藤平先輩✪(と同時に結愛ちゃんの彼氏でもあった💑華乃三郎会長) ① この動画の続き→急に藤平先輩「ワーレーワレワー宇宙人ダー👽」戸高さんも喉トントン「ワレワレワ👽ワレワレ👽ダ~👽ダ~」←フレッシュマンデー宇宙の授業#125📺探したけど見つからず残念‥ でもこういう姿見た ASH時代の子達が「変わっちゃったな‥」とか思ってないかな‥と少し心配な気持ちも笑。 (以下、最後⑩を除き1~3分の短い動画です。たぶんまだ見てなさそうな?フレッシュの戸高さんなど) ② ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥ ⑦ ⑧ ⑨ 重
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