Asking my BROTHER about why he doesn't like me, BTS, my dating life + more! 😂

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Anna Lee

Anna Lee

Күн бұрын

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@anna.lee_jy 2 жыл бұрын
Check out my Roka T-shirt from Nakd Seoul here!: Thank you to my brother for participating hehe :p Follow me on Instagram for regular updates:
@MrJaybon 2 жыл бұрын
Best way to jugde your sibling is when you in struggle or really2 hard time, then if he ignore you it's mean trully2 he really don't care anymore.
@MiamiCali706 2 жыл бұрын
Handsome brother. I would truly like to see you travel to other Asian countries and vlog while you're there. Like Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia and Philippines. Maybe even Japan. I think that would be so much fun to watch.
@norlizahahmad8449 2 жыл бұрын
Thank u Anna for sharing a part of your life with us. Lots of love from us watching the love/hate relationship we all can relate to or have with our siblings 💕❤️
@thatprofessorguy4432 2 жыл бұрын
Most salient point for me...the laughter between you and your bro. Makes me miss my siblings back in the US. Thanks for putting effort into making interesting and relevant content for all of us!
@mad_harmonies 2 жыл бұрын
I thought this was gonna be a fun siblings bickering video but it ended up being quite wholesome how you guys bonded over your mom. I actually appreciate how deep the convo got and how candid you guys were sharing about a rather painful and personal moment. A rather apt video for thanksgiving, Happy Chuseok!
@janejeong4994 Жыл бұрын
I have to say, I came to this channel because I wanted to learn more about you as a person after watching David's channel. This is actually the first video I've watched on this channel, and it made me cry. I really appreciated the perspective that you shared. I've always envied people who were fortunate enough to live abroad at a young age, but I realize now that everyone experiences pain.
@Tay2525 Жыл бұрын
They say, no matter what age you are, when one or both of your parents pass away you 'grow up'. Great video. P.S. You didn't keep the blur on your brother's face the entire time and that gave me a chuckle.
@kellylovestosing Жыл бұрын
Aww this was a really good video I’m so sorry that you guys lost your mother. One of my friends lost her son a couple years ago and she said now that she has lost her son she no longer fears death. Before she feared it now she looks at things differently . Currently I am so scared to die but hopefully I can come to peace with it like you guys. What you said anna is so true we are so small and the truth is we are a fleeting moment what we can do is live and love and enjoy even the small moments while we can!! This was a cute video you guys should do more videos together in the future!
@m1029 Жыл бұрын
Your brother sounds so down to earth, I really liked his perspective.. it will be nice to hear him speak again… even a blind date sounds like a no to me, but with your brother? I don’t like the feeling of pressure too, but a chat with him with no expectations will be so cool :)
@chan-oe5fv 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks for the video, it was really eye opening your really and what you guys have been through. Bring your brother back! You guys make a good team. Xox
@clueless7999 2 жыл бұрын guys just gave me hope...was kinda depressed. Thanks you so much....God bless you two.🥰
@misscoheny 2 жыл бұрын
First of all, please tell your brother from me that he's very easy on the eyes. If he wants to move back to the UK, I'll happily take him in 😇. But seriously, I also lost my mum from cancer and I really identified with what you guys said. The whole experience made me really want to live my life and not care about anyone else's opinion. Life's too short. Loved the video and thank you for sharing your experience ❤
@nicoletan7056 2 жыл бұрын
This was a very meaningful video. It is true that we should do what we like despite people's opinions and objections. Anyway I'm so glad that you are able to speak British English, I could understand it with ease!!
@IcedAmericanna 2 жыл бұрын
I appreciate you both talking about your mom and also death. I'm having my first baby in a few weeks and both things - motivating my daughter, giving her opportunities, how do i leave a legacy if i die younger - are on my mind - thank you for sharing
@slava4953 2 жыл бұрын
I can only imagine how adorable both of u were as kids. Adorable brother and sister ,
@pegspegs Жыл бұрын
I could really relate to your views about your Mum passing away.🤍 New (binge watching 😅) subscriber here. Loving your honest talks.
@devilrider39000000 2 жыл бұрын
I know u guys said if money was no object, but I still think its strange hearing someone say Korea is expensive (I'm aware Korea is expensive too), and then following it up with living in LA or NYC, which are both way more expensive than anywhere in Korea.
@ericamulondo9669 2 жыл бұрын
So real with each other. Love the questions.. sweet and cute
@sanyuelpuganda3581 Жыл бұрын
You are so right Ms. Lee...
@armysenior1780 2 жыл бұрын
I enjoyed this video and it got me thinking about sorting some stuff out, relaxing my head about things, and trying not to get so worked up about situations surrounding my mother. She is in her late 80's and family drama has pushed me away. I love her and want to see more of her but I end up angry when I go there. Are you so famous that your brother doesn't want to be linked to you therefore hiding his identity? And since he won't be seeing this tell him your viewers think he would like you better if he actually put a bit more effort in to spending some time with you. He is so dismissive and uninterested in you. That's sad and he is missing out.
@megankan180 2 жыл бұрын
I remember watching your bts mcdonald video with your brother refusing to come on camera lol...we get to hear his voice and see his face this time! I hope you guys can become closer :) Your family will always be family as I think of my own brothers. Maybe we can see a gym vlog with you two! ;)
@user-ie2oj7jn3f 28 күн бұрын
동생분은 자기가 크게 겪은 일들을 자신의 패배주의를 포장하고 합리화하는데 사용하는거같아요. 그리고 자기가 떠안아야했던 고난이나 어려움들을 누나에게 원망으로 돌리는 마음이 무의식적으로 남아있는것으로 보여집니다. 이것은 아마 자라오면서 직 간접적으로 부모님이 나보다 누나를 더 신경쓴다, 지원해준다는 식이라거나,(외국에있어서 당장 보이지 않기 때문에 부모님이 누나 이야기를 집에서 훨씬 많이 했을것으로 생각됨.), 니 누나는 ~~한데 너는 뭐냐 식의 이야기를 많이 들었다거나, "한국에 비해" 극도로 자유로운 개성을 가질수 있고 표출할 수 있는 영국에서 집안의 원조를 받으며 자기 하고싶은 일 하며 자유롭게 자기 삶을 즐기는 누나에 대한 질투심도 있었을 것같음. 타이거맘 밑에서 갖은 압박을 받는데 지원은 누나보다 훨씬 적었을 것임. 압박주는 한국사회 + 타이거맘과의 동거 의 환경으로 인하여 직접적으로 가해지는 압박에 스트레스, 차별받는다는 생각까지 더해지니 원망의 화살이 누나에게 갈수밖에 없었을것으로 생각됨. 한번에 터졌다기 보다는 상당한 개연성을 가지고 있는, 어렸을때 부터 지속적으로 쌓여서 어느새 역사가 되어버린 이 긴 시간들과 한 몸 그 자체가 되었을것임. 하지만 이걸 티내는 순간 쪼잔한 놈이 되어버리는데, 매우 큰 고난을 겪고 그에 따라 큰 깨달음을 얻은 이 '나라는 존재'는 이 쪼잔한 속성을 받아들일 수 없음. 그래서 누나를 향한 이 원망이나 부정적인 감정을 다루는 방법으로 채택한 것이 "누나를 완전하게 무관심하게 대하는 것" 으로 보여짐. 그냥 왠지모르게 짜증나고 원망스러운 누나가 하고싶은거 하며 자유롭게 살고 돈도 잘 벌고 잘나가는게 너무 신경쓰이고 짜증나고 패배감들고 견디기 힘들어서 오히려 더 그런것도 있을것임. "누나에 비해 후달리는 나"를 누나가 인식한다고 해도 매우 당당해지기 위해서 아무렇지 않은척, 그런것에 연연하지 않은척, 세상만사 통달한척, 쿨한척, 무관심한척. 그래서 택한 전략으로 보여짐 물론 이 모든것은 무의식적으로 진행되었을것임. 나는 세상을 바꿀수도 없고 세상의 흐름에 따라 휩쓸릴 뿐이다. 자유의지가 없고 완전하게 결정론에 따라 흘러간다는 식의 사상자체도 너무 패배주의적임. 그리고 가족 한명이 죽었다고(매우 매우 큰 일이긴 하지만) 결정론을 맹신한다면, 자유의지론자는 그 어떠한 가족의 죽음도 겪지 않았기에 그러한 사상을 선택하는게 가능했다는 말임? 전혀아님. "경험"은 그냥 "데이터"임. 같은 경험을 해도 전혀 반대로 받아들일 수 있고, 해석할 수 있음. 사람은 원래 죽는다는 너무나 당연한 사실을, 직접 겪음으로 해서 기껏 얻었다는 깨달음이라는게 패배주의를 포장하는 저런 결정론이라면 그냥 정신머리자체가 글러먹은것임. "결정론 믿는다"에서 핵심은 그 사상의 논리적 정합성이 아니라, 그 사상을 옳다고 믿게 되는 그 사람의 정신구성인것임. 논리가 아니라 감성의 영역이라는 것임. 결정론에 치우친 정신구조의 핵심은 나 그냥 손 놓을테니까 몰라 알아서 해~ 식의 그냥 모든 방향에서의 회피이자 포기임. 욕구-목표-행동 이후 좌절과 스트레스가 자동으로 딸려오는 경험을 너무 많이 하게 되면 이렇게 되는 경우가 많음. 결정론은 그냥 패배주의자들에게 가장 인기가 많은 악세서리같은거임. 패배주의적이고 부정적이고, 어떤 좌절이나 이런 전반적인 자기자신의 부정적이고 의기소침한 자아상을 "결정론"이라는 세계관으로 완벽하게 합리화하는것으로 보여짐. (극도로 몰아붙이는 엄마밑에서 자기자신을 극도로 몰아붙였는데 결과는 생각보다 좋지 않았고 여기에 더해 극도로 몰아붙이는 그런 상징과도 같은 엄마까지 없어지니, 내가 그동안 몰아붙인것은 뭐였나 하고 그냥 자기가 목표로하고 열망하고 열심히 무언가를 하는것에서 그냥 현타와 와버린것도 있는듯함. 매우 팽팽하게 긴장되어있던 모든것이 순식간에 끊기면서 맥이 다 풀려서 무너져버린것처럼.) 누나를 대하는 태도가 장점 단점 이야기 하랬더니, "그 사람이 가지고 있는" 장점단점이 아니라(정작 본인은 누나가 어떤 의도로 이야기한건지, 어떤식의 대답을 원하는건 당연히 알았을 텐데도 아무렇지 않은척, 세상통달한척)오로지 본인의 기준에서 유용성을 평가하고 앉아있음. 질문의 의도를 알면서도 일부러 비틀어서 극도의 자기중심적인 측면으로 생각해서 표출하는거 자체가 사회지능이나, 일반지능이 박살이 나지 않은 이상 불가능함. 사회생활 잘 한다는 이야기로 미루어 보았을 때, 알면서도 일부러 저런 반응을 했다는 것은, 그래야만 하는 이유가 있는것이고, 그게 원망감을 수동공격으로 표출하고 있는 저 모습인 것임. 정신이 많이 아픈사람같음. 말투도 답이없고 사상도 답이없고 태도도 답이없고. 누나는 동생 성격이 원래 이런줄 알고 있는거 같은데 그래서 뭔가 조심스럽고 편하게 대하기 어렵고 사람이 종잡히지 않고 그런느낌. 근데 잘못짚어도 한참 잘못짚은듯. 둘의 관계는 뭐 어찌저찌 잡아서 비빈다고 해도 애시당초 붙이기 어려운 관계인데다가, 서로의 사상 자체도 너무다름. 그냥 단순하게 다르다기 보다는, 누나는 말 그대로 건강한 느낌이고 동생은 어떤 정체성 자체가 많이 뒤틀린, 정신적 환자같음. 동생이랑 잘지내 보려다가 그냥 잘 되가는 듯 싶다가도 갑자기 난데없이 똥물을 뒤집어 쓰게 되는 경우가 빈번하게 생길것으로 생각됨. 애시당초 원망감을 수동공격으로 표출하는게 디폴트기 때문에 스트레스만 받으니 친해지려고 에너지 안쓰는게 나을듯. 사람의 자아는 20대 중반에 완성이 되고 변하지 않음. 저건 못고침. 자식 입장에서 타이거맘 자체가 나르시시스트적 성향을 유발하기 매우 최적화된 환경임. 누나입장에서는 그정도는 아닌데 할수 있겠지만, 멀리 떨어진 외국에서의 입장은 직접 동거한 입장을 절대로 가늠할 수도, 헤아릴 수도 없음. 아마도 엄마와 사회의 압박+차별감+행복하고 자유롭고 잘사는 누나+누나에 대한 알수없는 원망감 이런것들이 합쳐지는데, 나르시시스트적으로 당당함은 반드시 유지하면서 수동공격도 해야하기 때문에 선택한 전략이 극도의 무관심인것같음. 어렵고 불편하고 조심스러워하는사람과 그렇지 않은사람. 누가 더 권위가 높고 당당함? 이거 말고 원망감을 수동공격으로 표출+당당한 느낌과 권위를 내세울 수 있음 이 두가지 조건을 더 잘 만족할 수 있는 전략이 있음? 없음.
@bencharm-s6o 2 жыл бұрын
동생 에릭남 느낌. 목소리도 엄청좋네 ㄷㄷ
@victoriachen6879 11 ай бұрын
your brother sounds awesome - very nice accent
@neirouzchaabani3844 2 жыл бұрын
am crying actually
@sc33h3o3 Жыл бұрын
it always shocks me when a BTS fan is in support of military service being mandatory for BTS. to say exemptions are not fair is one thing. but, until they are abolished, they DO exist and what's UNFAIR is that the people that bring $4.5 billion annually into the Korean economy and raise the profile of Korea more than anyone in the country were NOT exempted, were actually discriminated against, whereas athletes and classical musicians who NO ONE HAS HEARD OF are exempted??? this is okay with any BTS fans?, it's discrimination against BTS!!!!!!!!!
@S3n_ha1zu2.x 2 жыл бұрын
Great mindset, I think the same. 13:52
@shwetayaduvanshi9376 2 жыл бұрын
Came here after a very long time and thought this is gonna be a fun q & a but this turned out to be very deep and meaningful video. You and your brother share a great perspective about life.
@szysxxi5918 2 жыл бұрын
Despite the hardships, your parents did a great job! Both of became great adults with a beautiful mindset. Thanks for sharing such personal experiences and opinions .
@genuinetallguy6318 2 жыл бұрын
This vlog shows how bonding can happen under not so great memories. Sibling bonds are the greatest when things are not going so great, even if you dont communicate regularly. Big sis/ little Bro vibes happening in full view. Loved it.❤❤❤
@mitzkt1679 2 жыл бұрын
I am a 52 year old mother of 3. I can’t help but feel your mother would be proud of both of you. Your experiences have shaped you both to be kind and beautiful members of humanity. Something the world needs more of.💜
@anna.lee_jy 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you 🥰
@_Yousef 2 жыл бұрын
that's ending with being not born in a 3rd world or Ukraine... hmmm
@AtTheIntersection 2 жыл бұрын
Such a good interview. Very wholesome. I think you have to do more episodes with your bro. Your mom binds you both. It is indeed freeing to not fear death. You’re stronger because of your mom.
@Chill_Jill 2 жыл бұрын
My condolences to you both. I'm sorry that you both lost your Mother at such a young age. I'm sorry you had to watch her go through so much pain and suffering. I hope and pray that you continue to carry her memory and her love throughout your daily lives and into your relationships and possible marriages and families of your own.
@ladidah1239 Жыл бұрын
I didn't know your mom, but hearing you guys talk about her and reflect on life was like free therapy.
@sarasmile563 2 жыл бұрын
so good Anna! You guys nailed it! I'm 50 and lived long enough to realize I wasted so much time in my youth with people that didn't care about me. Another tip to living your best life.....don't give yourself to anyone not worthy. Whether it be romantic, friendships, or work. ;)
@justice7071 2 жыл бұрын
Include family in that statement.
@j.a9558 2 жыл бұрын
No he's defeintley robotic ahaha
@Lovmyself 2 жыл бұрын
Why doesnt he support her channel
@j.a9558 2 жыл бұрын
@@Lovmyself I don't know ahaha but It's up to him. Even my siblings are not always engaged in everything I do but the sibling love is always there yk
@Lovmyself 2 жыл бұрын
I guess that's normal for siblings in retrospect
@kellypuente 2 жыл бұрын
I really want to hate your brothers personality but at the end I love it! Lol.. You guys are strong people.. I send you lot of lot of love, happiness and the best for you. Happy Chuseok for you and your family.
@Lovmyself 2 жыл бұрын
Why did you want to hate his personality?
@flocontour9682 2 жыл бұрын
What began as a conversation between siblings who had been separated by distance and seemed to not have much in common, turned into a beautiful discussions about death and life. Thank you Anna's brother for participating.
@Sulfi2415 2 жыл бұрын
*Your brother is handsome❤*
@Kumulmeskis 2 жыл бұрын
You look so alike and I enjoyed this conversation a lot. Enjoy your life the best you can and be good to each other, you two! :)
@liudmylaraichuk7595 2 жыл бұрын
Well... Hi from Ukraine. I like how you point out that difficult events and painful experiences can change the worldview and perception of reality. We felt it here too. After all, there are a lot of simple everyday things for which you can and should be grateful - relatives near you, their health, their lives, friends, wherever they are... and every new morning when you wake up alive and realize that you are given another day and another chance.
@wendybaker7999 2 жыл бұрын
Prayers for your family and your country 💜
@GHOST_PBG Жыл бұрын
I liked the video, but at some point I felt that you were not maybe that close with your mother, maybe, sorry, I just felt that
@razarushda5932 2 жыл бұрын
So sad that your mom passed (Is she really passed,or i m not right it's wrong if it's wrong then i apologise,sorry) u from India..
@dolmamyen Жыл бұрын
말씀 잘들었습니다.... 그런데 제 주관적인 생각은, 두분다 너무 이기적으로 성장하셨구나. 그런 생각이 드네요...오해는 하지말아주세요,,,,
@supriyasahoo9129 2 жыл бұрын
Hey Anna - I have been an avid subscriber of your channel past 6 months following every video of yours and this is the first comment that I am adding under a video of yours. This video was so relatable to me, even I lost my mum to Covid in 2021 and all the things both of you told was so relatable and I am happy to see how strong you have grown after facing so many rough patches in life. I wish all happiness in your life. Keep up the good work🙂
@anna.lee_jy 2 жыл бұрын
More power to you!! Love from Seoul 💕
@devilrider39000000 2 жыл бұрын
I can't name a single member BTS, but I can name all 9 members of Girl's Generation.😅
@sandragiant777 2 жыл бұрын
Anna, your brother is funny. At first it seemed like he would be uncommunicative and not a very deep thinker. But then he opened up and showed his deep side, and I understood why you decided to interview him. Thank you for discussing your views on life, death and happiness - I think what you said is very accurate and I want to get to that same place that you and your brother are on these pretty important topics. Thanks.
@fujitsunomizu 2 жыл бұрын
These meaningful conversations with your loved ones are much more entertaining than your dating videos. I hope you will do more of these with your friends and your brother. His voice is delightful to listen to. 🤗
@jeanlee9569 Жыл бұрын
Yes I thought his voice was pleasant and he was well spoken and his British accent was so lovely.
@cocoo6848 Жыл бұрын
You both gave me so much to think about especially for a mother of two. Thank you for being honest and sharing your deep thoughts and experiences. When I’m sad or worry too much, I’ll re-watch this video to bring me peace.
@ye1in 2 жыл бұрын
8분46초에 동생분 얼굴나오시는뎅
@manjohfabiola5418 2 жыл бұрын
did anyone notice how the thing he hates the most about his siter wasnt really about his sister 😇
@rayne_stormzz 2 жыл бұрын
This is such a unique relationship, it's really interesting to watch you guys and hear your story
@cindyy6511 2 жыл бұрын
It was nice to see you with a family member talking about many things in life. I think I was similar in age to you when my mom died suddenly I was 26 at the time and she was 51. It takes something out of you but at the same time it puts a push in you to be different if that makes sense. With the sudden passing I realized how fragile life was and that I should live a kinder life that was not only more pleasant to me but to others. I started ticking off things on my bucket list of things I wanted to do or accomplish that I use to say "one day", but one day doesn't always come. I think the goal for me now is to be happy, and do what I want when I want and not caring as much. Also to always see things from many sides as you never know what someone else is going through so being kind to others is such a small thing but could mean so much that you don't even know. I hope you both are having a great time with your family. Our "thanksgiving" here in Canada isn't until next month (10 October). If you want to see scenery, nature and wide open spaces....well you should come here! :)
@loneeggtt 2 жыл бұрын
I am an only child and if I could chose someone to be my older sister it would be you Anna, I really admire you, sometimes I am in my head and I would think to myself what would Anna say to me rn or what advice would she give. You make me feel excited to be alive and to live my life. Happy Chuseok Anna, wish you nothing but the best for you and your family and your brother is very handsome but what should I expect when you're his sister.
@slavvalb3933 2 жыл бұрын
Anna, thanks for introducing us your brother 😍. Very interesting questions . Aren't you different? Anna ,have a great week!
@Mauvaiseplaisante Жыл бұрын
When you guys talked about your mom I cried a little. Thank you for sharing that.
@liannamay 2 жыл бұрын
Such a heart warming video. Thank you for sharing your life experiences with us.
@indochinajames3372 Жыл бұрын
Your brother sounds like a proper British grammar schoolboy. From a former British grammar schoolboy.
@AbdulAli-ku9he 2 жыл бұрын
3:36 my condolences to you Anna for your Mom's passing. First time i heard about it.
@mistelzweig7284 2 жыл бұрын
I don't know why this was on my recommendations bc I'm not a subscriber & I never watched a video of yours or knew about you before. But this was such a pleasant talk to watch! ^^ My grandpa died a short while ago and as we were really close it's still shocking me through my bones. You are right, life is so short (and meaningless?). I'm not doing very well, I'm riddled with guilt and lost opportunities, missing my grandpa horribly and I'm not coping very well. I've had depression for over 15 years now and this all set me back so much, I rly went back on some progress I made. I do hope I can overcome it as strongly as you both did and maybe become a stronger person aswell.. Life to me is finding myself. When I was younger I had all those plans & goals implanted in my mind, things society would want from me but I eventually figured out that that's a load of bullocks and atleast for me surviving in my own skin, managing daily stuff and caring for these few human relationships that I have is what is important and my "goal" in life. Thank you for sharing your personal views and emotions and I hope you both & your family have a great Chuseok!
@anna.lee_jy 2 жыл бұрын
I think just being present and being happy in the moment is key! You’ll be ok :)
@davidpan572 2 жыл бұрын
Wow this is quite a treat! Thank you for sharing such a lovely interview with your brother. Even though you might not have many things in common, I can see how much he actually respects and cares about you. As challenging as it was to be your mom's children, you are both amazing people who are well-poised to handle any future obstacles you encounter. Happy Chuseok to you and your family, Anna!
@davidwong4821 2 жыл бұрын
Your brother should subscribe to your channel Anna and support his sister and family!!
@himanshuarya2704 2 жыл бұрын
He speaks like robot too. 🤣 He speaks like small brother.. I can understand him because I am also small brother.
@annette_164 2 жыл бұрын
This was a really lovely video. Thank you for sharing such a personal story. It was a timely reminder to not take life too seriously and to enjoy it while you can 🥰 Happy Chuseok!
@bpc0077 2 жыл бұрын
I think ur brother and danny wld bond really well..also, did u bribe him just to do the video?? Haha. Just joking. He's seems savage scary ..@_@
@anna.lee_jy 2 жыл бұрын
Nah I’m more scary hehe😛
@razarushda5932 2 жыл бұрын
U both cutie...bro and sis
@neuzamunizfrombrazil 2 жыл бұрын
Morri 😂😂 1:09 "It's the same, I don't care"... Hi from Brazil 💚💛
@katrinpogosyan4752 2 жыл бұрын
I really resonated with your perspectives on life and hearing about the ordeals that changed how you perceive the world, goals, and societal pressures. Also, your brother is adorable and appears to have a calm personality that is opposite to your bubbly hype personality. Good combo!! 👍Honestly surprised your both still single LOL 😜
@christinakoria4518 Жыл бұрын
You two are beautiful people and should have kids to continue your family line. I think Asians are hard on their children in most things.
@szewei85 2 жыл бұрын
I am like your bro. Very robotic me.😄😆
@komalkatoch8335 2 жыл бұрын
I loved this both are so profound and well rounded personalities. I lost my mom in 2015 and your experiences resonated with mine like 100%. I almost felt like sitting with you guys and talking about it. Its indeed life changing and helped me understand how transitory our existence in the world is, so probably we should be more light footed and relaxed in this journey
@jc_1451 2 жыл бұрын
I feel like you guys were holding in the insults.
@meemac4709 2 жыл бұрын
Life is nothing? That's a sad discription of life. It's believing that everyday is a new day that makes life beautiful.
@elizabeth3230 2 жыл бұрын
What a wonderful conversation between siblings. It feels like we were a fly on the wall listening to a deep conversation. Bless you both. Your mom is proud of you both and I’m sure you bring your dad so much joy!
@lululs4014 2 жыл бұрын
you showed ur brother’s face😂
@peterjabattack1 Жыл бұрын
Your brother's complaining about housing costs in korea while saying he wants to move to NYC? When's the last time he checked out rent in NYC? rent for a studio apartment that used to be $1,200 5 years ago is now $1800-2400. Compare seoul and new york rent on craigslist.
@jayparnesto Жыл бұрын
I really loved the gained perspective you and your brother have in life with after your Mom’s passing! ❤ I love it! Life is short, yet meaningful and meant to be lived everyday to the fullest!
@cindypoole6792 Жыл бұрын
Bummer, wished Anna's bro wouldn't have blurred his face. Cute interview.
@morgannavel4552 2 жыл бұрын
come in France you can earn money by having kids, I'm not sure if for a foreigner It does apply to, but this is called "Allocation familiale" It will depends on the number of child you have.
@Wendykrisd Жыл бұрын
Does every younger brother speaks like him? So typical how younger bros sound like 😂
@vsbaretummysugastonguetech1540 Жыл бұрын
Why haven’t you set your brother up with all your friends? Even if they don’t click, it’ll get him out of his shell a bit.
@autumn8600 Жыл бұрын
헬조선이니 뭐니 해도 한국만큼 살기 좋은 곳도 없답니다 ㅎㅎㅎ 아닐까요 다들 해외로 나가고 싶어하지만 정작 영국만해도 살인적인 집값 ㅠㅠㅠ
@herstorylives7405 2 жыл бұрын
For your Mum, I pray that you and your brother will work at improving your relationship and bond. You need each other. Mum was "special" so she deserves to rest in peace knowing the two she cared the most for also care for each other. I loved this conversation! (Your brother is so nice on the eyes).
@deenise1767 2 жыл бұрын
My life philosophy is "Stop and smell the flowers" "Always grateful" and "Money is not everything"
@IOMA888 Жыл бұрын
Third world Ukraine…..emmm. I’m from Ukraine and I dooon’t think so
@MrKinamyun Жыл бұрын
ROKA 🎉🎉🎉
@snotrohmitabc123 4 ай бұрын
Your mom did a great job raising you guys. She is proud in heaven. :)
@alisonfitchett6754 2 жыл бұрын
Your brother is gorgeous pity I’m not single lol
@anna.lee_jy 2 жыл бұрын
Hahaha 😂
@민아-d4j 2 жыл бұрын
둘이 안 친한것 치고 대화내용이 끈끈하고 서로의 가치관을 알수있는 영상이라서 너무 좋다! 더불어 내 가치관도 돌아보게하는 넘 좋은 내용들👍
@anna.lee_jy 2 жыл бұрын
언니이 🥰 러뷰!!
@seeker1432 11 ай бұрын
Brother speaks amazing English, Considering only 2 years here.
@frofro7134 2 жыл бұрын
wow he is so handsome! send him to Europe! you are beautiful! we need to see your father more!
@jasonknowledge-g8n Жыл бұрын
Thank you for sharing your story. My mom passed away 4 years ago. It is great that you made this video with your brother. It is important to keep close with family. I hope you change your mind to have children. Raising your children will challenge you to be the greatest version of yourself. Life is amazing when you can see the potential it holds.
@sc33h3o3 Жыл бұрын
imagine someone who doesn't want to have kids trying to convince someone who wants to have kids NOT to have them..... also so many selfishly think of wanting kids yet are not realistic about what great parenting entails and are not financially established enough and are not thinking responsibly enough; it could be considered very responsible to hesitate, especially with all of the increasing instability in the world.
@shellingp8050 2 жыл бұрын
Anna thank you for sharing a little bit of your upbringing with us. It was good to hear the background noise of your family enjoying themselves during Chuseok. It means that you are lucky to have a family to celebrate with. Please take the time to communicate more with your brother. Even if it is just to say, are you still alive? How are you doing? As you say nothing last forever. Your mom would be glad to know how well both of you are doing so far. Work on getting that special someone and hook your brother up with one of your girlfriends. He sounds like a nice guy. Happy Chuseok🎊⚜️
@NSW2040 5 ай бұрын
He sounds like the actor Henry Golding
@sintia179 2 жыл бұрын
This was such a nice video. Videos like this are most times so superficial but I really connected with the sentiment of also losing a parent and how it marks you going forward. Happy Chuseok guys!
@Msleah8784 Жыл бұрын
I couldn't watch my loved one get cremated. I lost my dad last June.
@yougetaspear7799 Жыл бұрын
Rest In Power🙏🏿🙏🏿🙏🏿🙏🏿🙏🏿🙏🏿🙏🏿💪🏿💪🏿💪🏿💪🏿💪🏿💪🏿
@soundman6645 2 жыл бұрын
ya boy there has a strange accent .... I can hear the Brit .... but i can't pick the the other tone
@Kumulmeskis 2 жыл бұрын
Quite typical British to me. Foreign-British :)
@tronganhnguyenthanh1157 Жыл бұрын
Can I ask that the one you’re talking in this video is your younger or older brother ?
@karenchristensen3325 2 жыл бұрын
It's fascinating to see familial relationships. I am very close to my siblings. We live in different states but call and text regularly. After our mom passed we drew closer. Family was the most important thing to her. It's been fun seeing my own kids get my worst traits. 😆😳
@Jeremiah-t5t Жыл бұрын
Just like singapore also have the low birth rate.🥳
@qq84 Жыл бұрын
8:45 15:44 You should hire a better blurring guy.
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