10 Stupid Misconceptions that Foreigners have about Japan

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Ask Japanese

Ask Japanese

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@harryhoffer9804 4 жыл бұрын
In regard to the no credit cards, I was in a hotel bar in Tokyo and I ran up a bill of 23,000 yen but didn't have that much in cash on me, so I gave the guy what I had and he was happy for me to leave the hotel to go get more cash. Took me almost an hour to find the hotel again but I made it, then when I paid he asked if I'd ever tried sake and I hadn't yet, so he poured me a shot on the house and then gave me his business card. What a legend.
@johnturtle6649 5 ай бұрын
The only preconceived idea I found myself having about Japan is that the people were actually polite and a bit more reserved than my country. But it's nice to know there are gracious bartenders there.
@galx3788 5 жыл бұрын
Misconceptions: All Japanese people know Sailor Moon. You will see Cathy everywhere in Japan. Typhoons can't cancel musicals. You won't fall in love with Japan even if it is nothing like you expected. My advice is to go there expecting nothing, and continue to be amazed.
@necira3360 4 жыл бұрын
I absolutely agree! I was not expecting anything when I first came to Japan, but then it blew my mind and now I want to study abroad and connect my work with it :) (although I had the impression that almost everyone knows Sailor Moon there, but not everyone watched it of course)
@kobzster06 5 жыл бұрын
Another emotion: Japanese are reserved and avoid confrontation at all costs. Not true, at all. Japanese people are more than willing to engage if they feel wronged or upset (including road rage).
@theharper1 5 жыл бұрын
Having said that, I found Japanese drivers to be FAR more polite than drivers in Australia. But I was also driving in more rural parts of Ibaraki.
@SelectaBwoy 5 жыл бұрын
Well to be frank, at least they know how to drive.
@KanemiX3 4 жыл бұрын
this is a slippery rope... no it is mostly true when it comes to personal opinions, but Japanese bluntness is also true, because in a confrontation that require immediate respond then they will have to engage asap. If the occasion is given more time for thoughts or the subject is heavy, they will have to reconsider. things like road rage and car accidents are just natural respond of impulse everywhere on earth.
@badhabitz69 5 жыл бұрын
Lawson, 7-11 and Google maps are your best friends in Japan.
@rapthor666 5 жыл бұрын
Especially 7eleven atm's. Just used my bankcard (european bank, worldpass) a lot to get cash and only once my creditcard in a cd shop in Osaka.
@badhabitz69 5 жыл бұрын
@@rapthor666 Did you check out RecoFan music store in Shibuya Beam?? Huge amounts of CDs and Lp`s as well. A must see!
@rapthor666 5 жыл бұрын
@@badhabitz69 nah was in a Tower. Really wanted at least a Onepixcel album
@badhabitz69 5 жыл бұрын
@@rapthor666 👍👍👍
@JZHassan 5 жыл бұрын
Lawson's hot chicken.. 🤤
@dizzyaznboy 5 жыл бұрын
2:28 dude thought he saw a ghost XD
@WadcaWymiaru 4 жыл бұрын
He saw her face XD
@ReinoudvanReekumナウト 3 жыл бұрын
"Oh crud, that's not Japanese!"
@aimlessequation5390 3 жыл бұрын
@erniesbudolab 5 жыл бұрын
11:06 Misconception: There is no graffiti in Japan.
@CatsMeowPaw 5 жыл бұрын
Graffiti is rare in Japan... until you browse shopping arcades when they're closed and almost every shop front is plastered with it. Also for some reason Nagoya is a hot spot for graffiti. Maybe more degenerates there.
@Carpfoon 4 жыл бұрын
@CreativoErratico 4 жыл бұрын
Check the back streets. Tokyo is filled with tags and stickers.
@tomriddle887 5 жыл бұрын
All my friends thought Japan would have crazy harajuku-esque fashion everywhere but it’s not the case. 🤣 I’ve found fashions like what is worn and such is usually worn in certain areas where the fashion may be more popular.
@ywang-l3h 4 жыл бұрын
The awkward camera work totally makes the video
@TitanicDwarfanGiant 5 жыл бұрын
This is amazing and so helpful! I love watching your channel and interviews because I really want to come to Japan, but I know from having already moved from one culture to another that it is SO IMPORTANT to find out the cultural do's and don'ts!
@RevStickleback 3 жыл бұрын
I didn't find staying in Japan any more expensive than any other westernised nation. The USA, on the other hand, was insanely expensive, yet somehow the USA doesn't have a reputation for being expensive.
@eva_empowerourselves 5 жыл бұрын
I would love to see some more content about the rural areas of Japan 😊
@stevierv22 5 жыл бұрын
If you can, do a video on overworking in Japan and to what extent it happens throughout Japan. Is it a misconception? Is it a reality? Thanks, greetings from Greece.
@高田雄三-l2i 5 жыл бұрын
@高田雄三-l2i 5 жыл бұрын
@Viktor Vaughn 出来るなら苦労せん。
@高田雄三-l2i 5 жыл бұрын
@@luwuie   じゃあなんでスラム街があるんだよ。
@luwuie 4 жыл бұрын
@@高田雄三-l2i 本気かどうかわからない。 仕事以外にも、スラム街を引き起こす他の要因があります。あなたはアメリカ人ではないので、ここに住んでいないので、あなたは理解できません。
@kazu9760 5 жыл бұрын
これは日本人にとっても良い動画ですね。言われて「なるほどー」と思った部分がありました。 カティーさん 相変わらずお綺麗で。。。
@devonsatori2125 3 жыл бұрын
Omg that makes more sense I feel bad for all the Japanese guys I had on tinder they’d say “I love your cosplay” and I’d be so confused because I never have
@ワンヤンミン 5 жыл бұрын
@2WheelsGood.01 4 жыл бұрын
Man these camera angles were pretty artsy, I like em!
@josephskiles 5 жыл бұрын
Love your makeup in this Cathy, you always find such great ways to bring out your beauty even more 😍.I really laughed a lot at some of these misconceptions i can't believe some people actually believe them, and this is coming from someone who knows very little about their culture. My brother was married to a Korean gal for a while and she told us about eating dogs and cats, it's thought to be medicinal , I never thought it was the Japanese who did this ( unless it was because of famine or something) it was always the Chinese and Koreans that had the reputation for this. One thing I had a misconception about was the way ladies are treated there ( maybe I'm still foolish about it) . I always thought they were given the same respect American ladies are given but when my sister went there as an exchange student in highschool she found out many ladies are treated very poorly there ( especially married housewives/mothers). This may have only been my sister's exp but what she saw there changed her mind completely about originally considering becoming a translator. Some examples of what she saw while there include 1. The men of the house ( especially the father) expected his food to be ready as soon as he walked in the door, he was always the first to eat and no one else could do so untill he finished. 2. The host mother attended to her husband as if she was a servant not his wife, my sister said he would berate his wife constantly and even threw a rice bowl at her when she didn't fill it up quick enough to his liking. 3. After dinner the husband took his bath and the wife was expected to tend to him there as well (she still hadn't eaten), the oldest daughter served food to the younger daughter and my sister during this time. 4. After the bath the husband left to go out with his co-workers/friends to get drunk and often go to a whore house ( the wife did not seemed outwardly bothered by this but she did start drinking herself as soon as the husband left). 5. My sister gave many other examples of men treating their ladies poorly even in public, which confused me because I thought Japanese people were highly reserved for the most part . I'm sorry this was so long, if anyone reads it and can correct me please do. I understand my sister's exp probably was not typical ( or maybe it is more common in smaller more rural prefectures?).
@EmmaNguyen-mg5xq 5 жыл бұрын
True.Japanese women face discrimination from men.Men in JP are chauvinist .They think women are nothing but Oshin and financially dependent .Japanese men ranked first from the bottom with the least amount of time doing housework.You have to change surname if you marry JP men.In Asia,China ,VN,PHILLIPINES ,and Singapore have highest scores regarding women entrepreneurship based on international criteria.
@MrDboydeluxe 5 жыл бұрын
400.00 non stop round trips from Los Angeles crop up 3 or 4 times a year for JAL, ANA and Singapore airlines cant beat it, cheaper than RT to Hawaii.
@空川 5 жыл бұрын
@星と猫369 5 жыл бұрын
@superchatoalien4905 5 жыл бұрын
「日本はTPOとか礼儀を他の国よりも重視する国だと思うよ」 その通りだと思う。よく外国人とか、日本人が「日本は自由、個性ががない国」とか表現したりするけど、それはマナーや礼儀が厳しいだけで、本当の意味での表現の自由や言論の自由はすごく尊重された国だと思うんだよね。日本って。 例えば就活のときにみんな地毛の色に戻すけど、あれってそんなにおかしいことか?と思う。あれはただ就職活動というTPOを尊重して行動してるだけであって、プライベートでは好きな髪の色に戻してもいいわけじゃん。よく西海岸とかに頭の色をピンクとかグリーンに染めてる人がいるけど、その人たちだって髪の毛蛍光色のまま、そのまま銀行の面接には行かないと思うよ。それにベンチャーとかITとかはそのへん緩いところいっぱいあるから就活で地毛の色に戻したくない人はそういったところ受ければ。 あとよく外国人が日本のことをweird(おかしい)とか表現したり、日本人もクラスのいじられキャラみたいに乗っかって、日本はおかしいとクレイジーとか言いまくってるけど、それってどうなん?そりゃ好意的にそう言ってる時もあるとは思うけど、海外のユーチューブチャンネルとか見てるとやっぱり小馬鹿にしたような意味合いでそう言ってる人も多く見かける。それにweirdってことばを使う前提として、海外は正常、ノーマル、日本は異常、おかしいって言う意識が根底にあるからでしょ。それってある意味差別に近い考え方だと思う。最近外国人ユーチューバーでもこの点を疑問視する人がちょくちょく出てきたから、状況が変わってくれるといいけど。 それにweirdって言われるもの、例えばアニメやラブホやアイドル、ファッション、ガングロメイク、その他ニッチなものって結局日本に表現の自由や言論の自由がしっかりとあるからできるのであって、その点で海外の人からweirdとかいろいろ言われても、「いや、あなたの国にこういう個性的なことする自由を尊重する文化が根付いていないだけでしょ」と言ってやりたい。
@只呆然 5 жыл бұрын
@@superchatoalien4905 さん。 その通りだと思います。付け足すなら差別的な事もそうです。 外国人youtuberが日本人に差別的な発言されたと言ってました。 日本人がよく言う差別的な発言(外国人youtuberも言われた)最近、太った?とかよく聞くと言ってました。 それはどうなのか?という動画でしたが、外国人がそう思うのは仕方がないとしても、多くの日本人が外国人youtuberに賛同してる点がおかしい。 その中には日本人は差別主義だと言ってる人までいた。 最近、太った?と言う人は差別だとは思ってない。差別するつもりもない事が前提。言われた方は差別的だと言う(外国人youtuber) そういうスレをすると、差別的だと思ってない事が1番悪いとかコメされた。 日本大丈夫か?と思いました。では、顔色悪いけど大丈夫?も差別的なのか?と言ったら返事はなかった。
@たかたか-s1q 4 жыл бұрын
日本語話せない外人が英語で話してくるのはちょっと嫌だよね。 自分たちが話せない言語の国に行っているんだから、基本的には母国語は使えないと思ってこない外人が多すぎる・・・ 日本語話せないのに英語を強要してくる人もいるから厄介。 日本が英語がなくても生きていける国って少しは勉強してから観光しろって思う。
@たかたか-s1q 4 жыл бұрын
@@らぅ-l5p それって外人の思い込みでしょ。 日本は先進国で内需が大きい国だよ。 英語がないと生活できない国とは違うのに、そのへん一緒に見てくる外人が可笑しいだけだよ。 日本人ならほかの国で日本語が通じない前提で海外行くでしょ。 英語がどこでも通じるって概念がやばいんだよ。
@pookyac42 4 жыл бұрын
親愛なる皆さん、こんにちは。うわー、これは私がこれまでに見たKZbinでの最長のコメントです。 :-) 外国人には2つのポイントが欠けていると思います。a)英語は世界中のすべての国で第二言語として教えられているわけではありません。 b)日本人と外国人は、価値ある何かを共有しています。それは人間であることです。人間は微笑んだり、笑ったり、何か間違ったことをすると顔が赤くなったり、お辞儀をしたり、パン屋で何かを指さしたりして、再び微笑んでお辞儀をします。それはそれほど複雑ではありません、それは私が訪れたすべての国で機能します。 *笑顔* ;-) 私は、少なくとも数文はお互いの言語で話せるようになりたいです。それは私が訪問したい国への敬意を示し、人々と彼らの文化を尊重するようなものです-そして言語は間違いなく文化の大きな部分ですよね? :)私自身の考えでは、各観光客は少なくとも「こんにちは」や「ごめんなさい」などのことを言うことができるはずです。ただ会話して物を買ったり食べ物を注文したりするだけです。数えるのもいいかもしれないので、1、2、4杯の日本酒を注文できます。 :-D ;-) ドイツからのご多幸をお祈りします。この間、安全を確保してください。
@takashii1656 5 жыл бұрын
昔ホームスティでアメリカに行った時に日本人の友達と日本語で会話していたら ホストファミリーにここはアメリカなんだから英語で喋れと言われたことがある。 英語圏の白人は英語以外の言語を聴くと半数以上が不快に思うと言う話を聞いた ことがある。そして日本に来て白人は英語を要求する。 それってダブルスタンダードじゃないの、と?。 日本語で言うとご都合主義、そう言う人は自国だけでオラオラして欲しい。
@Fireglo 5 жыл бұрын
????zu??deamerikani?tsuta?ninihonjinno??tonihon?de??shiteitara?zu???ma?ri?nikokohaamerikananmakara??de?neto?wanetakotogaaru???nohonjinwa???no????kuto????ga??ni?uto?u???itakogaaru soshitenihonni?te?jinma?????surusonetsute???zu?n???jinyanaino, to? nihon?de?utogo????, sou?ujinma??gakede?u?ushite?shii. I did my best .-.
@lht.3352 5 жыл бұрын
@@Fireglo He's basically saying that English speaking people want to hear English in Japan while they hate people who speak other languages in their country.
@Fireglo 5 жыл бұрын
@@lht.3352 I think that's true for pretty much every country. In every country you'll find locals who hate foreigners. Every country has some amount of nationalists walking around.
@空川 5 жыл бұрын
同感です。自分は他国の人でしたが、自分の国で作られた食材はあるか?と聞かれて、「Made in JAPANOnly」実際そうだから答えたら「なぜないのか?」まあ、この人の連れが「ここは日本だよ。仕様がないよ」みたいな事言ってました。
@あいうえお-j2q5s 5 жыл бұрын
白人はアジア人に差別意識があるからね✨ トランプ大統領すら、安部首相やキムチ大統領の英語訛りを真似してバカにする連中だからな
@Hispandinavian 3 жыл бұрын
I'm planning my first trip to Japan for next year. Instead of doing the plain round trip, I'm going to get various on way tickets and literally fly around the world. I miss The Netherlands, so I'll start there.
@kamiebisu 5 жыл бұрын
My god Cathy is so awesome! Hahahaha.. GREAT VID! massive thumbs up!
@theharper1 5 жыл бұрын
Basically, don't think that real life is like manga and anime. They are fiction after all! I'm not sure if I had a lot of misconceptions about Japan, because I knew hardly anything about Japan before I went there. If you're visiting, you just need to do the polite thing - learn a few words, respect the locals, and try to be aware of how the Japanese people are behaving and model that. Stand on the same side of the escalator. Be quiet on public transport. Put your phone in silent mode on public transport. There might not be modern samurai, but you can still go on a samurai train tour! :) Someone else mentioned garbage. I was shocked by stuff being dumped in the countryside in Japan. Maybe they were trying to avoid fees to get rid of things like old stoves and bikes? But generally Japan is very clean and people are diligent about separating their garbage. It was interesting talking to someone else who visited Japan. He asked what Japanese people eat other than noodles! I was shocked because there's such a huge variety of fabulous food. Some people still think that food in Japan is expensive because they stay in foreign hotels and eat at the hotel restaurants, or go to expensive parts of the big cities. Or they think hotels are expensive for the same reason, or because they booked through a travel agent who charges inflated rates. With respect to Wifi, buy a travel SIM at the airport when you arrive and don't bother with wifi other than at the hotel. Public wifi isn't worth bothering about, and security-wise it's not a great idea anyway. One misconception I did get early on was that fruit and vegetables were super expensive (like a rockmelon for $42). But if you buy what's in season, the prices will be reasonable. In Nagano I found bags of apples for 250 yen, and at the hotel the manager was giving apples away for free!
@paulclinton6414 5 жыл бұрын
Yeah, just make an effort to be mindful and polite.
@TankSenior 5 жыл бұрын
Great video! Some of these points are important to bring to people's attention. Also, random compliment, you look really adorable in this video!
@kochanken8183 4 жыл бұрын
Hi, Cathy, I always appreciate for your actual and nitty-gritty reporting about Japan. Every single day , I'm pleased to boot up your You-tube. Keep it up!
@pipesmoker965 5 жыл бұрын
@kingdomheartsispeak4724 5 жыл бұрын
You're uploaded videos early. I'm impressed!
@かずなか 5 жыл бұрын
本当に忍者がいると思って日本に来る外国人が多いの? 観光客に見つかるようじゃ忍者失格だわ
@sahilagarwal6601 4 жыл бұрын
@ReinoudvanReekumナウト 3 жыл бұрын
@davidbaez 5 жыл бұрын
I've been learning Japanese lately i'm from America and happened to meet a family from Japan now living where i live, while playing some pokemon go. I tried practicing greeting them in japanese when i introduced myself, which i think suprised them in a good way, and they all asked me if i had learned from watching like anime, which i thought was well yes i've never been ashamed to say i love anime, but in actuality it's sitting down learning phrases online, and just practicing with someone who has lived in Japan, also watching your ask japanese videos, and other channels really helped so Thank YOU!!. Getting really interested in the culture, & all its aspects of respect for one another, and trying to understand each other , is what i hope americans who go there know. Those sneaky picture shot people i'm sorry for. I think tourists are all alike it doesn't discriminate with any race they all take pictures of everything including very pretty girls like cathy cat! . -_- Haha. I'd at least say hey to you first! Psh.
@kitebabe05 5 жыл бұрын
that is a bit shameful, your host family has noticed it in your rude language. You should never learn Japanese from anime.
@yoshichannel4178 5 жыл бұрын
@yoshik.4075 5 жыл бұрын
@yoshichannel4178 5 жыл бұрын
Yoshi K. ホントそうですよね。日本人の劣化が酷いと思います。食事の作法や共同浴場の入浴マナーなど、外国人にしのごの言う前に日本人がちゃんとしろよと思います。
@只呆然 5 жыл бұрын
最近の若者はマナーが悪い(若者だけではないが) スマホの影響で茶碗を持たずにスマホに集中して横目でスマホ、茶碗に口をつける。想像するとわかると思いますが酷いもんです。 ご飯粒はポロポロこぼすし、猫背だし注意してほしいですね。 他にも茶碗を持たずにスプーンを使う人も増えた。 昔は新聞読みながら食事したら注意されたもんだが、スマホは注意されないのかな(家族での食事) スマホが無いと生きていけないと大げさなことを言う人がいたりしますが、食事中もスマホが中心なのかもしれませんね。
@yoshichannel4178 5 жыл бұрын
只呆然 私らの世代だと、食事の時にテレビを観るのもNGでしたがね。確かに牛丼屋などで見てるとスプーンを使ってる若者が居ますよね。何処かの半島出身の人間の影響でしょうかね?ファミレスとかでは女子中高生が、ソファーで立て膝でスマホ弄りながら食事してるのを、母親が何も注意しないのを見て、驚いた事もありました。
@YanYan-ye1tf 4 жыл бұрын
最近の若者は~てのは紀元前から言われてるらしいね。 個人的には20世紀と比べて路上に捨てられたタバコ、犬の糞、ガムなどあまり見かけなくなったので全体的にマナー向上してるように思う。
@doggypi1532 3 жыл бұрын
0:59 not looking ahead ... And bumped that...thing lol~
@JZHassan 5 жыл бұрын
My flight earlier this year was $630 round trip from Chicago! The whole trip ended up being very affordable compared to what I'd figured I would have spent. If you go with a group and split costs AirBnB can be VERY cheap.
@ansom1036 5 жыл бұрын
Cheap it's $350 for a week at a dumpy Vegas hotel.
@JZHassan 5 жыл бұрын
@@ansom1036 ouch. That's not far off what I paid per week staying in AirBnBs. Most were $120/night that we split three ways, but those were whole houses with washing machines and nice bidet toilets etc. There were plenty of options for far less, though.
@GenerationNextNextNext 5 жыл бұрын
This is so helpful! How much did you take as far as spending money, if you don't mind me asking?
@JZHassan 5 жыл бұрын
@@GenerationNextNextNext I withdrew about $500 when I landed and that ended up covering food travel and entertainment for a bit over a week. But I didn't keep very good track of my expenses so I can't be sure if that was greatly offset by my friends owing me for accommodations that I paid the upfront cost on. My total cost for the two weeks I was there was roughly 2.5-3k USD including everything. And I could've made it much cheaper.
@Rokudaimedono 5 жыл бұрын
4. That really depends on what you're talking about. For example, food isn't expensive, but cinema tickets definitely are. Rent for apartments can be rather expensive in Tokyo, but not so if you go a bit out of the city. I don't really think this is a simple "it is or it isn't" type of thing. 5. According to one of my former Japanese teachers, although it's not common, you CAN get dog meat in Japan, and she apparently eats it. :-/ Me and the rest of the class were pretty shocked when she told us that, because we all thought only the Chinese do that. I wasn't aware that people have a misconception of Japanese people eating dogs or cats, I've personally never met any foreigners who thinks that. But apparently, it's not actually a 100% misconception to begin with...I guess... 9. Um...People actually think there are still real Samurai and Ninjas here? O_o I'm sorry, I genuinely have trouble believing people actually think that. Are you sure that's an actual, real misconception, and not just made up?
@Dunika 5 жыл бұрын
Maiden the 80's L.A. I think media is also a little bit at fault there. They still portray people who make kendo or aikido as samurais or ninjas. And I saw very recently a newspaper piece about the last “ninja masters” and how there are ninja studies in college, etc.
@juliannk7391 5 жыл бұрын
Dunika There are still two of the original schools who teach ninjitsu but as a martial art. It’s only the fighting styles taught but those people are not actually ninjas (& yes those are the masters who are dying out but it’s only in very rural areas anyway, like many of the dying fringe martial arts.)
@jadenquest9544 5 жыл бұрын
@@juliannk7391 I will sign up. Feel free to hire me as your bodyguard after I graduate from the Shinobi class
@Smilexx97 5 жыл бұрын
Except for fruits. They are seen as luxury and can be very expensive. I mean over 100Yen for an apple!? And don't get me started on tomatoes. I only go fruits&veggies shopping when they're having sales day.
@Rokudaimedono 5 жыл бұрын
@@Smilexx97 For sure. 100 yen apples is nothing (to be fair 100 yen is not a lot of money). They have these specially cultivated, perfectly round melons meant for gifts, that cost several thousand. :-/ It's pretty nuts.
@Bleachfan-hx4po 5 жыл бұрын
Had heard they work very hard and play even harder, reserved and keep to themselves, that's about it. Love the outfit Cathy Cat
@sonicusr 5 жыл бұрын
misconception: there is no trash in Japan misconception: there are no homeless in Japan
@Mithguar 3 жыл бұрын
The trash thing... Japan is a lot cleaner then other countries. People really don't litter in Japan. It's not normal as it is in the west. Which is surprising considering how few trash cans are around in Japan compared to western countries.
@akiymizu99666 5 жыл бұрын
@AN_PVS-2 5 жыл бұрын
For me when I was there was that trash cans were surprisingly hard to find, so if I was walking around or exploring for a while and bought a drink at the store , I'd usually have to pack it out or just drink it all at the store. Also people were very friendly which was nice
@paulclinton6414 5 жыл бұрын
Yet, I bet you did not see any trash on the sidewalk.
@AN_PVS-2 5 жыл бұрын
@@paulclinton6414 it was so clean! I loved Japan and really want to go back.
@AN_PVS-2 5 жыл бұрын
@James Merryman I didnt know that the Aum played into that. Of course I am familiar with that Japanese sense of responsibility and it's very admirable indeed.
@xpqr12345 3 жыл бұрын
Regarding number three, about weird and wacky things that media picks up: I am Swedish. Media has not picked up on surströmming yet, but KZbin has! There is no end of videos of foreigners (ie non-Swedes) trying to eat surströmming. Although a little insulting, I find them very entertaining.
@patamano5098 5 жыл бұрын
確かにディベートは親しくない方はとしたくないですねw すごく勉強になりました。ありがとうございました♪
@axemaster6730 3 жыл бұрын
Very informative and interesting video! Yet, whoever really thinks it might be a good idea to swear loudly in the streets or to talk about issues like Fukushima in Japan is probably already lost completely.
@Makkiiew 4 жыл бұрын
A lot of these misconceptions can generally be applied to any country to be honest. Especially the "expensive" part if you live in any city it will be more expensive versus rural areas. The part about japan being crazy/weird is super situational I would say for the most part it would be true especially when you are going for a night out in tokyo, it's like any country it's dependant where you go. On top of that how japanese also think out the box for some stuff is crazy for example they are attempting to build a 60ft gundam that moves and are actually succeeding that's kinda crazy!
@kitebabe05 5 жыл бұрын
Haha, yes i have an Japanese Penpal, hes very older than me, but from time to time when i am writing stuff, he calls me: energetic and forward (kind of aggressive i think)...thats really interesting i think japanese a little bit toooo decent, but i can understand because its total other culture, culture of harmony among others, but i think this could make problems too.
@kitebabe05 5 жыл бұрын
@steve gale yes i know but its ok for me, i can.learn a lot of japanese culture from him.
@gannosukeashiya8590 5 жыл бұрын
@rodbamboo 5 жыл бұрын
@NEINFUTURER 5 жыл бұрын
11.日本人はLINE&Twitterを除いてインターネットを能動的に利用している人は少ない。 基本的に我々は受動的にインターネットを楽しむ。例えば俺のようにコメント欄にコメントを投稿するような人間は全体に比べて少数派だということ。 これはネットを利用している日本人ほど自覚出来ていない傾向があると思う。 だからネット上の日本人は実際の大多数の日本人と比べて少し違うという事を知っておいて欲しい。 それはWi-Fiの普及率からも伺えるでしょう。つまり実際に来ないと分からないってこと。
@我楽多倉庫-b3i 4 жыл бұрын
@讃岐太郎左衛門-v8c 5 жыл бұрын
visaやマスターは使えるよ。アメックスはあんま使えないけど。 家賃のことならクレカではなく引き落としが多いのでは…
@harb7866 5 жыл бұрын
犬や猫を食べることはありませんw そこは強調して欲しいw
@Scopatone 5 жыл бұрын
I think it's important to note many of these misconceptions aren't as simple as "True or false". For example, no obviously not all Japanese people watch anime or cosplay, BUT it is clearly MUCH more visible in Japan since it's a huge part of their culture. If you go through Akihabara or Harajuku you're much moire likely to see it true, but outside of those areas it is still MASSIVELY used in ad campaigns, shop mascots, and many other aspects. No not everyone watches, but it IS a deep part of the culture even outside of the dedicated prefectures and you'll get more of it on a daily basis in your everyday life than you would in another country where it is considered some weird sub-culture
@thomjhim5144 5 жыл бұрын
The ninja samurai one is hilarious. If I don't see a ninja when I go to Japan I will be UPSET!
@nathangreen9167 4 жыл бұрын
The emotion thing would be the hard thing to chill again cause I'm always happy and bubbly and I like meeting new people.
@EllaBonbon 4 жыл бұрын
As long as your respectful I say just be yourself. C:
@lainbecomehuman4612 5 жыл бұрын
Did a good job with this video and that dress is amazing
@branphloe-mixes 5 жыл бұрын
Thanks for the tips. In japan you can’t eat will walking and you can’t cross the street on a red light even if there are no cars
@paulclinton6414 5 жыл бұрын
It was weird standing alone at small empty intersections in Japan waiting for the light to change.
@paulclinton6414 5 жыл бұрын
You can eat and walk if it is icecream.
@zoeyakazombiegirl1798 4 жыл бұрын
Well, regarding TV shows, I´ve recently watched "Mr. Nietzsche in the Convenience Store" and "Nihongo No Shiranai". These seemed to me like I was watching Anime with real life Characters :D But they were fun to watch, and the latter one is full of very interesting facts.
@signpaper5795 4 жыл бұрын
@Chrona24 5 жыл бұрын
Talking about topics like Fukushima, etc. reminded me of how people sometimes want to talk to Germans about Nazis, Hitler, etc. and it's really uncomfortable for a lot of Germans to talk about those topics too.
@kitebabe05 5 жыл бұрын
Im German i have no problem with it, it was a (cruel) History part of my country, so why not to speak and discuss about this? I think it depends on your talk partner.
@rapthor666 5 жыл бұрын
Many germans make even wrong jokes about it... We Dutch people still ask our bikes back. WW2 really is a thing of the past, unless you're a brainless neo..
@jadenquest9544 5 жыл бұрын
@@rapthor666 Wait what? Bikes? Lmao. What happened to your bikes?
@Fireglo 5 жыл бұрын
The Germans have been the most unfairly smeared nation of all time. It was a world war everyone was fighting. Of course the losing side are always made out to be monsters and so much negative propaganda is pushed about them half of which probably isn't true. I was seriously shaking my head when in school they showed us a film about Nazi Germany in which Nazis beat up a man in a wheelchair because he wouldn't stand up for them like seriously do they have any evidence that actually happened? That was clearly just anti-nazi propaganda making up any old scenario they can think of that can make them look like massive dicks. It's all about making them look bad instead of simply stating the facts.
@marcfrost1164 5 жыл бұрын
"a lot of germans" It's 2019, I think it's the minority who can't talk about it
@dai96 3 жыл бұрын
So cosplaying is not allowed unless you get permission? But fashion clothes (lolita etc) is acceptable? How you can get that permission?🤔 I have that one dream that I wanna sometime do photoshoot in Japan when cosplaying but how I will know where I am allowed cosplay? (I have been in Tokyo 4 times already but not cosplaying there yet)
@michaelellis2313 3 жыл бұрын
hey this is cool just found this channel today
@keepsmiling4611 4 жыл бұрын
いつも楽しみにみています。 ところでVISAもMasterCardもつかえますが、コメントまちがいですかね。 誤解がなければよいのですが。。 お友達の家賃に使えなかったのであって、お店よっては使えます。 日本すべてで使用できないように勘違いしますね。 これからも、皆様の動画配信を応援しています。
@CatsMeowPaw 5 жыл бұрын
In 2018 I found my ING card worked almost everywhere in ATMs and at stores. No fees, no charges of any kind. I used cash only a few times during several weeks. Now, you do have to be prepared as some ATMs flat out refuse your card without any reason.
@Bellasie1 4 жыл бұрын
The legend according to which foreigners think they'll see samurai in Japan is an old Japanese prejudice that must be dating back the Meiji era. I wish they stopped with that one, I've spent 3 decades in Japan and I've never met a foreigner who thought he'd see a samurai in Japan.
@noeru008 Жыл бұрын
日本でのクレジットカードの普及が他国と比べれて遅れてる要因の一つには自然災害の多さくる危機管理の一つでもあります災害時には一時的にせよカードは使えなくなりますしね それと日本の飲食店が何故海外と外食店と比べてあんなに多くあるのか判りますか? それは個人経営の店が多いからです個人経営の店ではカード会社へ手数料払ってたら安い価格で食事を提供出来ないも要因に一つでしょうね
@yopparaiiii 5 жыл бұрын
@1:03 Is the cameraman walking backwards or is the camera facing behind him? If it's the prior, he is good. @5:00 I am not sure who/what is the main 'focus'. Kathy or the fan to the left from her. @9:39 Ok, this just answered my first question. Misconception: Take and leave umbrella behind at an establishment. It is not ok to take umbrella that doesn't belong to you.
@JediMasterBaiter 5 жыл бұрын
I heard Godzilla (or Gojira) is real. Could you give us the scoop, please?
@theharper1 5 жыл бұрын
Yeah, he's in Shinjuku.
@stevenh8174 3 жыл бұрын
On top of the gracery hotel in kabukicho, Toho cinema downstairs . Never been there , seen videos , I want to go .
@Mecks089 5 жыл бұрын
I always thought the ideology of _"Don't pay attention to the negative, only pay attention to the positive."_ sends a bad image from Japan, because it comes off as denying truth, like bad things that happened, never happened at all. It just feels wrong.
@thedude8938 5 жыл бұрын
The thing is they still talk about it but only in a specific setup. It is similar to many countries that it is not comfortable to talk about politics in public. Especially when it will be seen in TV or KZbin
@iwanttofuckryza5161 5 жыл бұрын
I don't agree with this opinion. Look at the US, it's a clusterfuck of accusations and victimizing. They don't complain about every little thing like SJWs, and instead focus on things that matter. I find their attitude admirable.
@donaldsmustyballsack 5 жыл бұрын
I don't agree with this. I think it's wrong that you would spin the entire image of Japan just because they don't complain about everything like Americans...
@Mecks089 5 жыл бұрын
@@donaldsmustyballsack You're projecting, I'm not talking about complaining, I'm talking about addressing issues and problems as opposed to just sweeping them under a rug.
@donaldsmustyballsack 5 жыл бұрын
@@Mecks089 You are falsely generalizing them. Your original comment is hyperbole. There's a difference between sweeping issues under the rug and not complaining about every little thing. Here's a recent example: a westerner on Twitter complained that "sexism is rampant in Japan" and his evidence is a poster that the Red Cross in Japan has on their wall. It's an anime picture of a large breasted girl named Uzaki from an anime/manga series. This got kind of viral and lots of Japanese people said this ISN'T sexism, it's a creative freedom to make this kind of art. Now, on the flip side, Japan has something called the KuToo movement which is a play on words of MeToo and Kutsu ("shoes" in Japanese). It's about how wearing high heels at the workplace can hurt your feet and they want to make it optional to wear it or not. That's all. So they definitely complain about stuff, just not about EVERY LITTLE THING like Americans do. You are doing a disservice by generalizing them like that. Ironically it's you sweeping their complaints under the rug. Ironically, on a video about misconceptions that foreigners have, it's YOU that has a misconception. Your comment is laughable.
@森崎英二-d8g 5 жыл бұрын
@binaway 4 жыл бұрын
Experience of a friend. If you are 6ft 7inch be prepared to duck while using the smaller subway stations.
@Duende402 3 жыл бұрын
I didn't see any Ninjas, but I assumed that's because they are so good at hiding. What surprised me more is that nobody I met ever heard of Karate.
@poissonblanc3106 3 жыл бұрын
@agricola 5 жыл бұрын
Japanese who've never seen anime? Jackie chan "mind blown".gif
@naokitanno299 5 жыл бұрын
@TBustah 5 жыл бұрын
I don't expect ninja or samurai to be hanging around. I am a bit worried that when I go over there, they'll ask me if I dress like a cowboy or if where I live looks like a Roadrunner cartoon, that's what America is half the time in their media. XD
@JohnOhkumaThiel 2 жыл бұрын
Post "2021" Olympics in Japan, this is largely outdated, but still true enough that you should follow every syllable before you go to Japan. I've had friends who almost religiously thought US dollars are accepted everywhere in the world, and I had to bail them out of trouble. It used to be you couldn't use a US bank card in Japan at all, while there were commercials in the US saying US bank and credit cards are almighty. That has never been true. You may be rich, but if you live or travel in Japan without cash and local equivalents like Japanese bank cards and good ol' fashioned Japanese yen cash, you're going to be up the river without a paddle. ---- Japan is upside down expensive compared to the United States. Rent is cheap, but food is expensive for example. Eating out there is no tipping, but the price is about the same as a minimal tip of 15 or 20%. ----- In my experience, very few countries people's want to discuss, at all, politics and religion as Americans do. Arab people outright avoid such subjects for example. It's vulgar talk. When you're in Japan, realize you represent an international community or you're just embarrassing yourself and your country. Unless you're some sort of total maniac, don't bring up politics or religion. --- Marriage with Japanese: Are you telling me that my Japanese native wife making me practice seppuku is not normal?!
@gAbbYrOckzz 5 жыл бұрын
I heard getting Tattoos while in Japan were illegal but then a Japanese person told me it's legal. Thats a misconception I think. Haha^^
@montgomeryfortenberry 5 жыл бұрын
From what I understand, take it with a grain of salt, it isn't illegal to get a tattoo, however the regualtions around the tattoo artist are so extreme that essentially nobody can legally tattoo anyone. So the person getting the tattoo wouldnt be in trouble only the tattoo artist.
@TheeDawgo 5 жыл бұрын
There is a kind of on going debate about that. From what I've heard/seen in any video or site I've been on it says that if you want a tattoo legally you have to get it done by a Doctor. I could be wrong though that could be my misconception haha ^^
5 жыл бұрын
Tattoos are associated with Yakuza, or mobsters in Japan.
@paulclinton6414 5 жыл бұрын
Some hot spring places did not seem to allow people with tattoos to enter. Saw very few tats in Japan, none.
@Paul-vq6jk 2 жыл бұрын
2:27 Now that's hilarious
@zaklex3165 5 жыл бұрын
Cash only when travelling...no go for me, that would just mean skipping the cash only places of course.
@コッチコヨーテ 5 жыл бұрын
忍者はまだ何人か居るよね。 みんなご存知bujinkanの先生とか
@BrandonSallinger 3 жыл бұрын
2:25 Let it go man, let it go.
@mizutansan594 4 жыл бұрын
そのへんの壁に絵を描くグラフィティは犯罪だということ。 というのを動画ラストで思い出しました。
@soonersciencenerd383 2 жыл бұрын
misconceptions are everywhere. my GF had plenty about where i lived.
@まんぼぅ 5 жыл бұрын
@superchatoalien4905 5 жыл бұрын
@FUBAR956 5 жыл бұрын
The man at 2:29 cracked me up.
@TeacherinTraining39 3 жыл бұрын
I have an even more odd question (my German fails me on the subject, or I would be using it) for you: How would some lucky guy find his way to the center of *your* heart?
@PostAtariGeneration 5 жыл бұрын
I've had this issue with a lens, where it moved and the right side of the picture was visiby softer/out of focus than the right. Watching this video reminds me of that and all the photographs taken during holidays I had to delete.
@LottoLogista 3 жыл бұрын
@John Frum I think he's aware and made his awkward camera skills a niche
@charliepearce8767 3 жыл бұрын
What a lovely woman. So feminine, so nice and soft. To many women and girls trying to look hard and act like guys in my country and I don't know why.. There's nothing wrong being a lovely girl waring dresses and makeup. Yes ..I'm a guy and I appreciate female's. Thanks for your videos about Japan and what makes it work.
@steveleadbeater 4 жыл бұрын
Misconception from an old Judo Student of mine.....She didn't want to visit Japan because ""All they eat is Raw Fish and Rice""
@wiandryadiwasistio2062 3 жыл бұрын
6:07 that's a lush schefflera specimen there! anyone here can help me identify its species? (i think it may be _Schefflera arboricola,_ a subtropical species but i doubt it since it's not supposed to survive in japan and its leaves are too big although similar to _arboricola_ )
@kenichitominaga2557 5 жыл бұрын
Be careful because appeared the girl from inside of squat toilet in japan who name Hanako.
@吉村浩治 3 жыл бұрын
ついでに幼稚園児の論文 JPN人 の悪い癖 内弁慶 自治体に依って差はありますが。例 仕事のストレス家庭に持ち込む DV アル中 薬中 子育て放棄 等
@ReavinBlue 5 жыл бұрын
cathy should do vibe checks on instagram. I would check
@mojoejojo6675 Жыл бұрын
Surely that's not a Japanese family @ 3:56 Looks like me and my fams. I'll stand out in Japan.
@lorelailaval7676 3 жыл бұрын
I have an American friend who went to get a haircut and they would not take a credit card, he walked out with a free haircut!!!
@のむきよ-k6t 5 жыл бұрын
2分30秒のおっさんのリアクション 笑
@cristyramos3905 2 жыл бұрын
its ok its so normal but too expensive in japan so much😄😄
@bostontracy5151 5 жыл бұрын
This isn’t a misconception, but rather, a question; genuine curiosity. Are there descendants of samurai that… celebrate, or are proud, of their heritage? Do they take pride in their samurai, or ninja I suppose, ancestors? It’s important to, as we say here in the States, remember where you came from.
@bostontracy5151 5 жыл бұрын
steve gale “Ninja” were just lower-class commoners (farmers and such) that fought with tools/weapons that were easily made into deadly instruments. They fought primarily the samurai because they were tread upon by the samurai, and/or they were employed by samurai/warlords/etc.
@mossmasspirozzi85 5 жыл бұрын
Wow incredible nice video cathycat congratulations Omedetō 😍 👍👍👍💖💗
@oderrichtero 5 жыл бұрын
I've heard that beer is very expensive in Japan. I'm German and I was shocked to hear that 😅 I travel to Tokyo in 2 weeks
@theharper1 5 жыл бұрын
That depends on how much it costs in Germany. Beer in Japan is cheaper than in Australia, especially the "pseudo" beers. There's a class of drinks which taste like beer but are made differently to avoid the taxes on beer, so they're cheaper. But I prefer the real stuff, like Ebisu, Kirin and Suntory Premium Malts.
@oderrichtero 5 жыл бұрын
@@theharper1 in Germany a normal beer costs in stores 0,50€ - 1,00€ and at the bar 4 - 5€.
@theharper1 5 жыл бұрын
@@oderrichtero OK, so beer is super cheap in Germany. One Euro is about 120 yen, so you'll might pay double the price for good beer in Japan, depending on where you buy it. Of course it will be cheaper in a huge supermarket than a convenience store, and cheaper in bulk than one can at a time. If you go to a bar in Ginza, don't be surprised if everything's expensive, but drinks will be cheaper in Golden Gai or Ikebukuro. So I guess your answer is that it depends on where you buy your drinks. There are places in Japan which have a flat fee for "all you can drink", although "all you can eat" is more common. The expression is "viking" although in Japanese it's pronounced "biking". Beers on tap will be cheaper than beers in bottles or cans in a bar or restaurant. Beer on tap is "nama beeru". Be prepared to try some of the smaller places where the Japanese eat and drink, and the prices shouldn't be so bad, although you might have to pay with cash. I hope that's some help.
@theharper1 5 жыл бұрын
@steve gale you're buying your beers in the wrong place. What's an eye watering price? I'm pretty sure I've seen 500ml cans in conbinis for about 350 yen. I think you'll pay about $5 for the same amount of beer in Australia if you buy just one can in a shop. So the price is about the same. What are you comparing?
@NULINUS 5 жыл бұрын
One bottle of Hitachino Nest is $5.00 (4.5 EUR) here in the U.S. Love that beer! Ofc, it's imported, so that will always be pricey.
@mellybeanz6112 5 жыл бұрын
What about debit cards? I was able to withdraw cash from my bank account at a 7-11. How bout regular shops?
@theharper1 5 жыл бұрын
Use a Visa Debit card. I'd be interested to hear if people were able to use a "normal" foreign debit card outside of a 7-11 ATM or a post office. Things are getting better; when I lived in Japan in 2002, my foreign cards were pretty useless. These days a lot of places in tourist areas accept foreign credit cards (or Visa/Mastercard debit cards). Izakayas and small restaurants or cafes are more likely to be cash only. Like anywhere in the world - look for the Visa/Mastercard stickers at the entrance or near the cash register.
@mizutansan594 5 жыл бұрын
日本人が外国人旅行客について勘違いしていること。 ❌自国のやり方を押し通そうとし、自分が正しい、日本が間違っていると思っている。 ⭕でも実際は、ルール・マナー違反をしたくないととても気を付けているし、場にふさわしくないことをしたら恥ずかしいと思うし、失礼なことをする人だと思われたくない、と思っている。 カティーさんのおかげでこんな勘違いに気付けました。ありがとうございます。
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