ASMR 1H Mouth Sounds 🧠 (no talking)

  Рет қаралды 20,669

Gloria ASMR

Gloria ASMR

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@lougirll 11 ай бұрын
relaxing as always, can’t wait for you to be back posting new videos ⭐️❤️
@daveolson9476 11 ай бұрын
@GloriaASMR 11 ай бұрын
Thank you!
@siddhant07wc6 10 ай бұрын
GREAT to see you back. Awesome relaxing video once again. Hope you are doing well and fine
@wondertim0 11 ай бұрын
Thank you Gloria, great stuff as always ♥ And yeah, I'm guessing too, that clinking the cups have this familiar sound, feel of being safe at home which makes it feel relaxing & stress-free. Thx also for the deeb bass breaths, they always give great sensation through headphones
@jorgereyna1796 11 ай бұрын
lovely to see you again
@markvanderstelt8999 11 ай бұрын
you to thanks
@Arsalan_2210 11 ай бұрын
Thanks for sharing this video Gloria, I feel relaxed after a long day at work. Appreciate it! Love from India
@Emiliano.B.H 11 ай бұрын
Lovely compilation. I can't wait till night to fully watch this video. 😴
@Dalozpe 11 ай бұрын
1 hr of my favorite trigger! 🥳
@wippenpolarimeter3738 11 ай бұрын
Welcome back G!! Saving for tonight 😊
@SA44800 11 ай бұрын
The queen is back
@Username-ei4ff 11 ай бұрын
Thank you for this! It helped me sleep last night.😊
@tiffanykekic6551 Ай бұрын
I just saw you on someones video. It was sooo relaxing
@Harmonyinblossom 25 күн бұрын
First time I have seen you with Make Up. Altough you always a Beauty you are even more amazing with your natural look and your pure skin. Btw I LOVE your Outfit in 21:18 plus the sounds!!!
@Moloko_b 11 ай бұрын
Good to see you are well and was a bit disappointed when I saw the title (No talking) 😢 ty for the update and can't wait for your surprise 😬🙏 Take it easy, Gloria 🦋❤
@0967B 9 ай бұрын
Your best haircut 😳
@leopoldk 9 ай бұрын
I love when the smile and subtle laugh kicks in to remind us all how truly absurd this is. 😂
@marcwolverson1186 11 ай бұрын
Thank you for coming back dear friend. You have been missed. x
@lucaszem2826 11 ай бұрын
So good 😍 Idk why i like mouth sounds, and i don't even like all of them, when it's too wet or eating sounds i actually hate hahaha but i think it is what you said, intimacy! We feel close and protected indeed. Or it is because it just sounds good hahah or both. In short, idk.
@davidemassimo9812 11 ай бұрын
Welcome back Princess Gloria 🙏 🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹
@rolf7135 11 ай бұрын
Very good ASMR video, really relaxing. Pop Rocks should be every ASMR artists best friend 😊 I think this is the best ASMR video I have seen in 2024!
@evemariethor6240 11 ай бұрын
This is great your very incredible gloria
@Negalee1 11 ай бұрын
Great video!
@harald_9577 11 ай бұрын
I ❤ you Gloria! That was so satisfying and pleasent 😍🤤💋🙌🏻
@AngelFlores-bi5xw 9 ай бұрын
You've got style baby 😘
@pauldasilva6336 11 ай бұрын
Hi Gloria love your video and to watch you do your mouth sounds. With no talking. That you was amazing in. Gloria you are a sweetheart and you are beautiful in all of your videos. And you are a angel 😇 ❤❤❤❤❤❤
@aleilahk 11 ай бұрын
miss you!! ❤
@davidcharles9030 11 ай бұрын
OMG so cute🥺🥺
@markvanderstelt8999 11 ай бұрын
@aauzun488 11 ай бұрын
Why did you remove painting video. That was nice :))
@GloriaASMR 11 ай бұрын
I’m gonna do a new better one where I actually paint too x
@SighSigh99 11 ай бұрын
Wow you are so playful! Thanks for being cool!!
@Foolsworn 11 ай бұрын
Drinking sounds 🤗💯
@xilef4294 11 ай бұрын
Love you❤
@generaldurandal3568 10 ай бұрын
Glory, Honor, blessings, thanks and praise to the Lord my God, for healing my heart during a heart attack! On March 26th 2022, just past midnight, I was laying restless in bed, and I had a heart attack. My arms and legs became tingly and numb, then my chest got tighter, and then my heart felt like it was being crushed. So I sang out to God and Jesus, about my pain, my feelings, my faults and my inabilities. As I sang, I began to feel like a river, and a hand was on my back, it's fingers where skimming the surface, separating the waters, causing ripples through my body. Then the hand reached inside my chest, lit my heart on fire, and the heat moved like waves through my body. When I was done singing, all the pain was gone, and I looked at the clock, it was past 1am, I had been singing near an hour. Then the voice of my guardian angel called my name from above, and there was a hymn of energy in the air, the same hymn I hear in my dreams of God. Hallelujah to the Lord my God for healing my heart! Hallelujah for His son Jesus for saving my soul! Hallelujah for every day! Hallelujah for every breath! The Lord is Faithful and true! May the Lord Bless your hearts, so that you have the will and strength to turn from selfish sins, and flee from the slaveries of the flesh!
@ioanirimia2378 11 ай бұрын
@abismo_80176 11 ай бұрын
✳️〽️ wow que relajante 😍🤍🌹〽️✳️
@chlebajatro 11 ай бұрын
@محمدصادقعبيدعبيد 10 ай бұрын
قال اللّٰهُ تعالىٰ :- " فذكّر إنّ الذّكرىٰ تنفعُ المُؤمنين" حبيبتي وأُختي العزيزة الغالية...💜💙🧡 أُهدي إليكِ هذهِ الكلماتِ...🌹❤️ لعلّها تلامسُ شِغافَ قلبِكِ...؟؟!! فتفتحُ لكِ آفاقَ التّأَمُّلِ ومُحاسبةَ النّفسِ في الحياة... راجِياً من اللّٰهِ العليّ القديرِ أن تنالَ حُبّكِ ورِضاكِ... ( بسمِ اللّٰهِ الرّحمٰنِ الرّحيم ) السّلامُ عليكِ ورحمةُ اللّٰهِ وبركاتهُ... أَمّا بعدُ :- فكلُّ إنسانٍ لم يُخالط قلبُهُ بشاشةَ الإيمانِ وحلاوةَ الحبّ الإلٰهيّ فهو إنسانٌ غيرُ ناضجٍ ومعدومٌ... فإذا عاش وحيداً يوماً ما ، قد خرج عن صمتهِ... طالباً حقّهُ المشرُوعَ ولكنّهُ غيرُ مدروسٍ...؟؟!! يبحثُ عمّا يُعوّضهُ عن الإحساس بالنّقصِ ، ولم يستمع جيّداً إلىٰ نداءاتِ الرُّوحِ النَّورانيّةِ الّتي تهديهِ إلىٰ عالَمٍ ومَرتعٍ زاخِرٍ بِالكراماتِ والأنوارِ والأسرارِ والتّجلّياتِ الإلٰهيّة... الّتي ينكشفُ بها الزّمانُ والمكانُ المناسبينِ لِكُلّ إنسانٍ كان يتوخّىٰ الحذرَ وهو في مسيرهِ المُقدّسِ نحوَ الحُبّ الإلٰهيّ... من كُلّ ما من شأنهِ أن يُعكّرَ أَجواءَ ذلك الصّفاءِ الرُّوحيّ الرُّومانسيّ الجميلِ ، حين يكونُ مع اللّٰهِ سُبحانهُ... فتنفتِحُ عيناهُ الحالمتينِ آخرَ السّحرِ ذاتَ يومٍ ، حين يكونُ مُنشغِلاً في قيام اللّيلِ كأزهارِ النّيلُوفرِ... كأنّهما تنظرانِ بِلهَفٍ إلىٰ أملِ نفيسٍ لم يعهدهُ من قبلُ... يرىٰ فيهِ أَحلامَهُ الَتي تُنسِيهِ كُلّ جُروحِهِ وآلامِهِ وَأَشجانِهِ وَأَحزانِهِ...؟؟!! 😮😮 الّتي لطالما أَضلّ طريقها ؛ بِسببِ عقلِهِ ونظرتِهِ القاصِرةِ في الحياة... حيثُ يحملُ معهُ الأشواقَ ويزُفُّ إلىٰ مسامعِهِ البُشرياتِ... 🌈🌈🌈🎉🎉🎉 ولكن اعلمي يا حبيبتي أنّهُ لا يَدرُجُ نحوَ هذا الأملِ الكبيرِ ، فينالُ هذا النُّزُلَ الكريمَ مَن المولىٰ الحكيمِ مَن كانت حياتهُ جافّةً لا رُوحَ فيها...؟؟!! لكنّهُ علىٰ النّقيضِ من ذلك... مَن صابَرَ نفسهُ ولم يستثقلْ حملَ الجروحِ والصّدماتِ والآهاتِ... حتّىٰ يجنيَ ثمارَ جهدهِ واجتهادهِ ، الّذي كان ومازالَ يعتبرُهُ وقوداً ونُوراً يهدي بصيرتهُ ، ويشحذُ هِمّتهُ نحوَ التّقرُّبِ إلىٰ معرفةِ خالقهِ ومولاهُ...!!! لِيَنضُوَ عن كاهِلِ أيّامِهِ الخالياتِ غبارَ اعوجاجِهِ عن طاعةِ اللّٰهِ... فيَغدُو قلبُهُ وجسدُهُ لَيلَتئذٍ مُتنعّمَينِ نعيماً يجِلُّ عن المثيلِ وعن النّظيرِ...!!! لِما أَبصرَ بِأُمّ عينيهِ الحالمتينِ ما وهبَهُ لهُ اللّٰهُ الغنيُّ الكريمُ...؟؟!! فتُزهِرُ أَيّامُهُ... وتنفرِجُ هُمومُهُ ، وتتهلّلُ أَسارِيرُهُ...!!! فيتبدّلُ حالُ حياتِهِ ، من الضّيقِ إلىٰ السَّعةِ ، ومن ظلمةِ الحياةِ ورُكودِها إلىٰ أنوارِ الحرّيّةِ وانطلاقها... 🕊️🕊️ الّتي سيأسَفُ يومَها قلبُهُ الّذي أَضحىٰ مُستنيراً بِنورِ اللّٰهِ ورحمتهِ وهداهُ عن نيلها طويلاً ؛ لِما غفلَ عنها حين نأتْ بِكَلكلِها اللّياليَ والأيّامُ...!!! 😢😢 فيطمئنُّ ساعتها قلبُهُ المُنشرِحُ بِذاك الطّيفِ الجميلِ ، الّذي يشفي قلبَهُ العليلَ ، ويُريحُ بالَهُ المُفتقِرَ الذّليلَ...؟؟!! والّذي أَهَلَّ عليهِ من قِبَلِ اللّٰهِ الكريمِ الجليلِ...!!! 😊😊 والّذي يحملُ بين جَنَباتِهِ أيضاً نسائمَ ذكرياتِهِ الجميلةِ أَيّامَ لهوِهِ وصِباهُ... الّتي كانت تضُجُّ بِالضّحِكاتِ البريئةِ ، وَلا سِيّما العبثِيّاتِ الغريبةَ الّتي تنطوي علىٰ نسيانِ تِلك الحقائقِ المُرّةِ ، الّتي يعيشُ مع الأَسَفِ بنُو الإنسانِ تحت ظلامِها الحالِكِ حياتهُمُ البائِسةَ...؟؟!! كان معكِ يا حبيبتي وأُختي العزيزة الغاليةُ والحسناءُ الجميلةُ الإمامُ المهديُّ المنُنتظرُ محمّد صادق عُبيد الكُبيسيُّ عليكِ وعليّ من اللّٰه أزكىٰ الصّلاة وأبهىٰ السّلام...!!! 💚💚💚💜💜💜💙💙💙🧡🧡🧡 أنا أُحبُّكِ... 💐💐☕☕🍰🍰💟💟 ٠٠٩٦٥٩٨٠٨٥٧٠٦
@محمدصادقعبيدعبيد 10 ай бұрын
حبيبتي وأُختي العزيزة🌹❤️ :- احذري من الرّسائل المشبوهة والسّيّئة الخبيثةَ التي لا تُعبّرُ عن روحيَ الجميلة وأخلاقي الطّيّبة ، والّتي يُرسِلها إليكِ الحاقدون والحاسدون المُتطفّلون على النّساء الّذين يصطادون في الماء العَكِر في هذا الزّمان المُظلم...؟؟!!
@rg-cb2wd 11 ай бұрын
😢we missed you
@fabianrr 11 ай бұрын
Hermosa Gloria ⚘ ⚘⚘
@asddas480 10 ай бұрын
Самая красивая девочка❤
@rg-cb2wd 10 ай бұрын
Gloria you always on the run now (1982)
@Tranmaart 11 ай бұрын
Thank You! Can't wait for new ones and that little surprise! ( 🤔 new mic? Something like 3dio? Don't answer, i'm just thinking "aloud" 😇)
@abdullahismail2 11 ай бұрын
I love you so much habibi, from IRAQ ❤
@hichgooniyani 11 ай бұрын
Best way to relax after the fu#@ing match.
@alialipour7492 11 ай бұрын
no talking? no. yes talking😂
@adrianamendes7637 9 ай бұрын
Nossa, esse tipo de asmr não é pra mim. É irritante ao extremo.
@josephlopez6165 11 ай бұрын
Does she use telepathic teeth to chew complex thoughts down to edible bits? Is she thinking and shining through, connecting to our internal view? One way communication, interpreted in many ways, depending upon the unique receptors and kinds of days had by the viewer, perhaps? They say that when faced with a situation, our response is all we control, some will find negativity and some will find hope from the same exact set of audio- visual cues. A chance to advance, to pause, to regress, depending on the amount of free will we use to allow internal change, to recieve maternal comfort, to become angry and rage against a biological machine. Can we see original sin being eaten? Can we connect with eternal bliss for a maternal instant, even though our mothers are away in Heaven? Will we see hope and joy? A coy coquette? A demoness with eyes like frozen fire? Or, will we attempt to sleep, perchance to dream, so that the brain can whisper to the soul in a language of articulated and identifiable chewing sounds, that all is well on Earth, as it is in Heaven?
@enjoythestruggle 11 ай бұрын
Mouth sounds, sure, but eating / slurping is an instant skip for me.
@manda_musings8459 9 ай бұрын
Me too! I seriously cannot understand those Mukbang videos or whatever 🥴
@phantommagnolia 11 ай бұрын
You love lollipops huh? :)
@markvanderstelt8999 11 ай бұрын
ya your small one
@phantommagnolia 11 ай бұрын
@@markvanderstelt8999 its big ask ur mom
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