The amount of skill, dexterity, time and attention to detail to make this seemingly simple utensil is insane. It's easy to forget how small things really are when they're working with the camera zoomed in. For such a delicate utensil I'm curious to how it is kept clean and maintained and how long does it last.
@lkocevar5 жыл бұрын
In japan they cost about 15$ in europe about 25$ and they last (with good maintenance) for about 10-20 teas. It's really A TON OF WORK just for that...
@morganolfursson25607 жыл бұрын
The last part is fantastic . They burn the Chasen like they incinerate their dead . The ritual is exactly the same as a funeral and , people come to have their Chasen cremated . This is the ultimate form of respect for a beloved utensil . Japan is sometimes at such a level of sophistication and civilization , i am almost speechless . Extraordinary documentary . I want the miniature set !!
И в итоге... Одноразовый венчик для сжигания. Вот уж действительно бесполезная работа по их изготовлению.
@نبيلعثمانازيرق6 жыл бұрын
تصنعون الأشياء لتقدموها قربانا لغير الله اني ابي عدم الرضا علي وجوه الناس الذين يصنعونها يجب عليكم ان تكونوا مسلمين اعبدوا الله ولا تشركوا به شيئا وبالوالدين إحسانا ولاتعبدوا بوذا فإنه مخلوق مثلكم