Atheists DEBUNK Scientific Claim from the Quran

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The Quran | Scientific claim by Muslim Apologist Hassanain Rajabali DEBUNKED by Atheists Dan Barker and Richard Carrier
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@nalzazlan Жыл бұрын
This is what happens when you only read one book and never question it.
@royalsunset3251 Жыл бұрын
How'd the prophet pbuh know if he couldn't read or write? And when did the prophet have any connection or knowledge to Thales being in the middle of the desert? And what about him claiming in the Qur'an that the universe was expanding? Here's Thales primary principal: The problem of the nature of matter, and its transformation into the myriad things of which the universe is made, engaged the natural philosophers, commencing with Thales. For his hypothesis to be credible, it was essential that he could explain how all things could come into being from water, and return ultimately to the originating material. It is inherent in Thales’s hypotheses that water had the potentiality to change to the myriad things of which the universe is made, the botanical, physiological, meteorological and geological states. In Timaeus, 49B-C, Plato had Timaeus relate a cyclic process. The passage commences with ‘that which we now call “water” ‘, and describes a theory which was possibly that of Thales. Thales would have recognized evaporation, and have been familiar with traditional views, such as the nutritive capacity of mist and ancient theories about spontaneous generation, phenomena which he may have ‘observed’, just as Aristotle believed he, himself had (Hist. An. 569 b1; Gen. An. 762 a9-763 a34), and about which Diodorus Siculus (I.7.3-5; 1.10.6), Epicurus (ap. Censorinus, D.N. IV.9), Lucretius (De Rerum Natura , V.783-808) and Ovid (Met. I.416-437) wrote. When Aristotle reported Thales’s pronouncement that the primary principle is water, he made a precise statement: ‘Thales says that it [the nature of things] is water’ (Metaph. 983 b20), but he became tentative when he proposed reasons which might have justified Thales’s decision: ‘[Thales’s] supposition may have arisen from observation . . . ‘ (Metaph. 983 b22). It was Aristotle’s opinion that Thales may have observed, ‘that the nurture of all creatures is moist, and that warmth itself is generated from moisture and lives by it; and that from which all things come to be is their first principle’ (Metaph. 983 b23-25). Then, in the lines 983 b26-27, Aristotle’s tone changed towards greater confidence. He declared: ‘Besides this, another reason for the supposition would be that the semina of all things have a moist nature . . . ‘ (Metaph. 983 b26-27). In continuing the criticism of Thales, Aristotle wrote: ‘That from which all things come to be is their first principle’ (Metaph. 983 b25). Simple metallurgy had been practised long before Thales presented his hypotheses, so Thales knew that heat could return metals to a liquid state. Water exhibits sensible changes more obviously than any of the other so-called elements, and can readily be observed in the three states of liquid, vapour and ice. The understanding that water could generate into earth is basic to Thales’s watery thesis. At Miletus it could readily be observed that water had the capacity to thicken into earth. Miletus stood on the Gulf of Lade through which the Maeander river emptied its waters. Within living memory, older Milesians had witnessed the island of Lade increasing in size within the Gulf, and the river banks encroaching into the river to such an extent that at Priene, across the gulf from Miletus the warehouses had to be rebuilt closer to the water’s edge. The ruins of the once prosperous city-port of Miletus are now ten kilometres distant from the coast and the Island of Lade now forms part of a rich agricultural plain. There would have been opportunity to observe other areas where earth generated from water, for example, the deltas of the Halys, the Ister, about which Hesiod wrote (Theogony, 341), now called the Danube, the Tigris-Euphrates, and almost certainly the Nile. This coming-into-being of land would have provided substantiation of Thales’s doctrine. To Thales water held the potentialities for the nourishment and generation of the entire cosmos. Aëtius attributed to Thales the concept that ‘even the very fire of the sun and the stars, and indeed the cosmos itself is nourished by evaporation of the waters’ (Aëtius, Placita, I.3). It is not known how Thales explained his watery thesis, but Aristotle believed that the reasons he proposed were probably the persuasive factors in Thales’s considerations. Thales gave no role to the Olympian gods. Belief in generation of earth from water was not proven to be wrong until A.D. 1769 following experiments of Antoine Lavoisier, and spontaneous generation was not disproved until the nineteenth century as a result of the work of Louis Pasteur. So this man GUESSED based of the fact that things can be liquefied and animals needing water and he didn't even say that every living thing is made from water. He said that the nature of things is water FROM A PHILOSOPHER PERSPECTIVE To Thales water held the potentialities for the nourishment and generation of the entire cosmos. Aëtius attributed to Thales the concept that ‘even the very fire of the sun and the stars, and indeed the cosmos itself is nourished by evaporation of the waters’ So my man said fire is made from water too Oh also this man has claimed that earth is floating because he saw ships were floating and continued thinking that earth is a boat and that there could be a substance (rocks) lighter than water under the earth, very scientific stuff. that's very scientific don't you think? As a matter of fact here's the article about him continuing his own none proofed philosophy about earthquakes: Thales’s theory about the cause of earthquakes is consistent with his hypothesis that earth floats upon water. It seems that he applied his floating on water simile to the natural phenomena of earthquakes. Aëtius recorded that Thales and Democritus found in water the cause of earthquakes (Aët. III.15), and Seneca attributed to Thales a theory that on the occasions when the earth is said to quake it is fluctuating because of the roughness of oceans (QNat. III.14; 6.6). Although the theory is wrong, Thales’s hypothesis is rational because it provides an explanation which does not invoke hidden entities. It is an advance upon the traditional Homeric view that they resulted from an angry supernatural god, Poseidon, shaking the earth through his rapid striding. So this guy tried to evade Greek gods so much, he believed even earthquakes are the result of earth being a lil sturdy on the waves of the ocean. And the funny thing is that even if prophet Muhammad pbuh was copying from him WHY DIDN'T HE COPY THIS? AS A MATTER OF FACT HE MENTIONED THAT THE EARTH IS STABLED BY MOUNTAINS BEING STAKES. Don't get me wrong this man had some good stuff like the theory of earth being spherical: As in his, experiment: From the shore, a ship can be seen to be descending, gradually, below the horizon, with the hull disappearing from view first, to be followed by masts and sails. If one had a companion observing from a higher point, the companion would see the ship for a long period before it disappeared from view. But that doesn't mean he's right about everything aye? And btw THE PROPHET PBUH ACTUALLY PROPHESIZED THAT FROM THE SIGNS OF THE DAY OF JUDGEMENT THERE'D BE NEW DISEASES PEOPLE NEVER HEARD OF BEFORE. Don't ask the book for answers to everything, next up you're going to ask where's Newton's law in the Qur'an By the words of zakir nike: THIS IS THE BOOK OF SIGNS, NOT SCIENCE Y'all really need to try harder than that so that we could sit you down for millionth time
@royalsunset3251 Жыл бұрын
Sadly Allan, i questioned it and i got a answered It's you guys who did not even research the validity of this (⁠⌐⁠■⁠-⁠■⁠) looking man
@w.k8624 Жыл бұрын
Haahaa the aethist questioned his argument that fact was discovered 1400 years ago and was rather known at 2500 years ago. They are questioning each other, but both agree with the fact as mentioned in the Quran.
@srinivasmallik Жыл бұрын
@@w.k8624 what a idiot. It means if I say something which is mentioned in that book and I haven’t read it before I am a prophet. ???😅
@morgoth8815 Жыл бұрын
​@@w.k8624 Isn't it also mentioned that earth is flat?
@davidkonevky7372 Жыл бұрын
And the ones actually making sense receive little to no applause, interesting...
@scottgarvie7694 Жыл бұрын
That’s because people only listen to what they want to hear. Whatever aligns with their agenda.
@tealx8462 Жыл бұрын
@@scottgarvie7694 Truth!!!
@timo4463 Жыл бұрын
BC they dont wanna Change theire Minds in anything Muslims will come now and say but WE have so much truth i na book you have to interpretated otherwise IT Makes No Sense you dont want to believe Something Else!!! Idk that whole Things reminds me of Aron ra vs Mohammed i think Mohammed claimed the whole debate Atheist want to Life in a virtually reality and hate every other human beeing
@dontonny2355 Жыл бұрын
Because the first guy did make sense and the guys after are committing the fallacy of "post hoc". Just because some guy before Muhammad pbuh made a claim doesn't mean the Quran copied it.
@davidkonevky7372 Жыл бұрын
@@dontonny2355 The quran still has millions of cientifical innacuracies, so even cherry picking this specific argument and giving it the benefit of the doubt that MAYBE the quran knew without ever borrowing it from other societies, you still have to answer the thousands of cientifical innacuracies like why a holy book says something like "the mountains prevent the world from shaking" when in reality it's the movement (or shaking) of the tectonic plates that make mountains in the first place.
@basicsimp8798 7 ай бұрын
Those poor brainwashed women. It's like Chickens cheering for KFC....
@Jumpingonpaws 6 ай бұрын’s really sad. :(
@m-kh3ild734 6 ай бұрын
@pamalickkujabi3461 6 ай бұрын
You are the fool here who doesn’t realize that this Atheist guy misquoted Thales.
@merhaba8286 6 ай бұрын
We know, that so many dogmatic beliefs existed back in the life time of the prophet which still exist. How could a man know that this information is true?
@ploopy1760 6 ай бұрын
They aren’t brainwashed, literally Islam is the only abrahamic religion that gave women equality
@user-kg8co4px7w 6 ай бұрын
Perfect example of how the religious argue from the point of ignorance.
@ronydidar9220 6 ай бұрын
Thales said "All things come from water and all are resolved into water." he never said all living things come from water. this short is full of lies and misrepresentation. and the second atheist said "If you throw enough spaghetti against the wall, some of it's going to stick. you're going to find something that looks prophetic and you gonna go waw, looks at what he said........" in Islam, you will never discover an unscientific fact. Thales said all things come from water how could Mohammed (sal) specifically said all living things come from water ??
@merhaba8286 6 ай бұрын
We know, that so many dogmatic beliefs existed back in the life time of the prophet which still exist. How could a man know that this information is true?
@user-kg8co4px7w 6 ай бұрын
Islam, like all religions, is based on nothing but ignorance, fear, hatred and delusional beliefs.
@pipoulapiquette7804 6 ай бұрын
@@ronydidar9220 Muslims: in Islam, you will never discover an unscientific fact. Also muslims: the Qur'an 71:19 says: "And Allah has made the earth for you as a carpet (spread out)" and I believe it
@LevelupYour 6 ай бұрын
The people here in the comments are so stupid to think those 2 guys really debunked anything besides my believe that every human has a brain. 1. guy: No Tales never said that every living thing is made of water, he said that exclusively EVERYTHING is made out of water. Including stones houses etc., big difference because the claim in the Quran is true, Tales theory not. And even if he didn't lie to make a piss poor attempt at proving something wrong, he himself says that it is no common believe. So prophet Muhammed (pbuh) should have learned Ancient Greek (where there is absolutely 0 evidence for) and between every theory that was going around he miraculously picked the one that nobody really gave much attention to and it ended up being right? Yeah buddy makes sense. Especially regarding the fact that Tales never said it accordingly. The next guys attempt might be even weaker which is really astounding here: Muslims never ever claimed that the Quran have flaws but some miracles in it, so the comparison between the spaghetti sticking to the wall makes no sense, because we claim that EVERYTHING every single word in the Quran is the truth, and there are also a lot of not explainable miracles besides god being the one that really wrote the Quran and not some illiterate man 1500 years ago. Our claim is that EVERY single piece of spaghetti stocked to the wall, no matter how far away or from which angle he threw it, and if you throw a million spaghettis at the wall in the most unthinkable angles and what not and not even a single one doesn't stick to the wall, that is the appropriate comparison. And if you wonder what other miracles I am talking about, the prediction of the Roman victory, the explanation of the tectonic plates, structure of the see, that every planet has its own orbit..... there a whole lot of miracles that would be a crazy prediction (most of them we just found out) if it was only of them, but all of them, and without a SINGLE flaw, that is the miracle, and if you are sincere just look it up. And besides all of that, the Quran isn't a book about predictions, it is just a guideline to the ones worshipping the one true god, Allah (swt) makes no mistakes and that the few predictions (no matter how close to 0 the possibility was that a normal man would know it back 1500 years) are just a side effect of that. That's why the last argument of this video is the absolute worst, why would Allah only talk about the cure of diseases, because you think he should? What is the logic in giving all of humanity the cure for every single disease, if you could make them free from diseases without any effort because you are omnipotent anyways? This life is just a test. All of this is just basic knowledge that most Muslims have, the only thing I needed to research is Thales claim, and it took a whole 10 seconds to find out that this guy just changed facts to his likings so he could stand there like he has superior knowledge because this isn't something the average human knows, what a sucker punch. And for you all who commented, the likes don't make your comments the truth. Talking about truth, people said that it doesn't take a genius to debunk Islam in the comments, so if you give me one single true contradiction in the Quran, I will leave Islam rn, that's the amount of faith I have in this religion, because I also believe that everyone who is SINCERELY looking for the truth will end up with Islam, there is no way around it. May Allah guide us all, Amin
@ghost0224 Жыл бұрын
Muslim: muhammad said that life came from water. atheist: Thales said that thousand years before mohammed Muslim: Subhanallah! Thales is a muslim!!!
@zekkiy Жыл бұрын
So tell me how the prophet could have known this information even if Thales knew it first. the guy in the video already said its a belief that was not common so why would someone that claims to have received Devine revelation chose something so obscure instead of something well known and verifiable at the time. And then The prophet was an Illiterate man. So he couldn’t have even read any study from Thales to have known this.
@robinsonrex1280 Жыл бұрын
Muhammad probably had no hand in the creation of Islam. Islam was most probably put together years after his death by Muslim rulers, the first caliphs for political and economic power. This was later codified by their mullahs into a religion.
@bisukhangoluan6230 Жыл бұрын
@pantherapixels Жыл бұрын
"The first philosophers followed him in explaining all of nature as based on the existence of a single ultimate substance. Thales theorized that this single substance was water. Thales thought the Earth floated in water." Thales thought all nature was based on water, the Quran says: Do not those who disbelieve see that the heavens and the Earth were meshed together then We ripped them apart? And then We made of water everything living? Would they still not believe? [Quran 21.30] Thales is wrong, the Quran says every living thing (trees, bacteria, everything that essentially has cells which are made out of water). Quran is right in this statement, but Thales is wrong. Also you can clearly read the big bang theory out of the Verse. Also why didnt Muhammad say that the earth floats on water if he copied Thales? So Muhammad who couldnt read or write copied a greek? But he copied him by correcting him? and only taking one thing, but did not copy the rest?
@robinsonrex1280 Жыл бұрын
@@pantherapixels Muhammad didn't read or write but he could have heard it.Whether he copied the rest or not is irrelevant because by that time understanding may have already been more advanced, newer thinkers may have built on the basic understanding of Thales.
@AA12434 10 ай бұрын
Indians, greeks, egyptians, chinese, all ancient civilization know life originated from water.
@RegularNobody 8 ай бұрын
Not FROM water either, IN water. Life originated from aminoacids and other organic materials that were present in water around some source of energy. Probably volcanic chimneys deep in the ocean.
@command3rcodybrickfilms266 8 ай бұрын
How does, “Life originating from water”, in the qur’an debunk Islam??
@RegularNobody 8 ай бұрын
@@command3rcodybrickfilms266 very simple: it's wrong
@Kiviyt312 8 ай бұрын
​@@command3rcodybrickfilms266Because Quran states prophet Mohammad prophesied that every life came out of water which means he was the first person to do so but actually people already knew life came out of water except arabs obviously. They were the stupid lots in human civilization.
@strykeralpha9650 8 ай бұрын
@@command3rcodybrickfilms266 it isn't "debunking" islam, but it debunks the idea that the Prophet "discovered" that life originated from water
@Keep_Intentions_Pure 2 ай бұрын
This comment is long but beneficial inshAllah so please bear with me (if you've opened up Yt from the web, It might be better to copy the comment and paste it somewhere else that’s easier to read.) The claim is: Quran 21:30: “…And We created from water every living thing. Will they not then believe?” Allah says here that he created every LIVING thing from water. The biological fact that we know today is that cells are composed of water therefore, that the biological life is from water. (More than 70% of cell mass is water) Opposition: “He (Thales) argued that all life originated from water” Criticism: He just straight up lied here because Thales said that “All [Everything] is water” Thales doesn’t restrict the meaning to only living beings, he made a much broader claim that everything comes from water which isn’t a scientific fact today. Whereas Allah ﷻ is very clear, the statement is “كُلَّ شَىْءٍ حَىٍّ” the” حَىٍّ “ here means living. Allah ﷻ didn’t say “كُلَّ شَىْءٍ “ which means “everything” like Thales supposedly did. Opposition: “It wasn’t commonly held, but it was certainly advocated” Here he says that there were a multitude of different beliefs and that the view that Thales held wasn’t even common. So then how did it come to be that the Prophet (ﷺ) knew exactly which belief among those different beliefs to choose. Somebody not claiming to be a prophet saying such a statement doesn’t hold much value because when Prophet Muhammed (PBUH) teaching us the Quran said such a thing it HAD to be true, otherwise he would have said a false statement and that would have been proof that he isn’t Prophet and not is the Quran the words of god. If you go far back enough your bound to find somebody who said a certain statement but that guy could be anybody and he could be just absolutely throwing any statement around without any proof and/or claim to be true 100%. But as I said when it’s written in the Quran, it has to be true. Even if we were to assume that the Prophet (ﷺ) spoke Greek which we have no proof for. Assuming he somehow learned Greek secretly. Or met a Greek or secretly travelled to Greece or something. How did the Prophet (ﷺ) know to leave the commonly held beliefs and choose the minority belief. The claim here pretty much is that: Spoke Greek, traveled to Greece then left the commonly held views and then chose the minority view which isn’t even that every LIVING thing came from water. It’s that everything came from water. This includes elements and buildings and such as well. Similar claims to this do get made but then again, you would be saying that Prophet (ﷺ) researched every single civilization somehow, without even knowing how to read or write. Then knew which of the beliefs to choose from. Opposition and criticism: And then the other guy (opposing the muslim) said “if you throw enough spaghetti against the wall,some of it’s gonna stick” I do agree with this statement, but I would also like to point out that he didn’t say “All of it is going to stick, and be preserved perfectly”. Not a single thing in the Quran exists that is false and not does it contradict itself. Opposition: “Why didn’t god reveal to Muhammed (ﷺ) the germ theory of disease” criticism: The Quran isn’t a user manual for every single thing out there, not does it claim to be. If it did have a scientific solution for every single problem out there, than there wouldn’t be much of a test for us. “It is He who created death and life to test which of you are best in deeds, for He is the Almighty, the Forgiving.” (Qur’an 67:2) The Quran gives general principles. Source: Nearly everything written here is taken from Muhammed Ali's Chanel “The Muslim Lantern” name: “Clip-React| Quran Scientific Claim Debunked? Bida'ah Is Good? | Muhammed Ali” and myself.
@XunYunXiao 2 ай бұрын
My brother may Allah reward you for your deed. ❤
@slobber3397 Ай бұрын
It’s not the eyes that are blind, but the hearts.
@RkRk-xu1ww Ай бұрын
Extremism - not a single word is wrong without checking or arguing it's scientific accuracy. " Some dude gone to heaven on flying donkey "💀
@rashas4978 Ай бұрын
@Strive-4-Jannah Ай бұрын
@@RkRk-xu1ww You can’t debunk miracles until you’ve seen them with your own eyes. It is also idiotic to use a miracle to prove whether a religion is true of false. If the religion’s true, you can believe the miracles, if it’s false then you know the miracle is false. Simple right? You people seriously cannot think for yourselves. All these people have been applauding the guy in the video who may not have thought on other factors of his claim. Think guys THINK.
@wiseyoutube2078 5 ай бұрын
Moral of the Story: _it is important to read more than _*_one book_*_ in your life and to always _*_question_*_ what you are reading_
@ablaze3540 5 ай бұрын
There you go your moral Thales thought that ALL things were made of water. But the Quran states that LIVING things are made of water, not ALL things. If the Quran had repeated that, the Quran would both be wrong, and open to accusations of being influenced by human thought. But the Quran does not repeat Thales� claim either word for word or in meaning. The Quran, rather, says that all living things are made of water. This is both correct and different than what Thales claimed. When the Quran states that all living things are made from water, the unbelievers feel pressured to explain away this miracle of the Quran. One of their arguments is to argue that the Quran is copying knowledge that was already known, such as copying a Greek philosopher such as Thales. Thales states that water transforms into earth. Wikipedia states, �Thales applied his method to objects that changed to become other objects, such as water into earth�.� The Quran does not repeat this error. Thales believed that the world floated on water and that earthquakes were from waves. The Quran does not state that. If the Quran was copying Greek philosophers, the Quran would have contained that, or at least something of what they were saying. But the Quran does not do that. Thales thought that all matter was living things. The belief that all matter is alive is called, �Hylozoism.� He goes so far as to say that magnets show life because of their ability to attract. The Quran does not state that magnets are alive, evinced by their ability to attract metals. The Quran makes it clear that regular matter is lifeless If the Quran was copying Thales, it could have copied that. Rather, it rejected that. Thales thought that amber and lodestone must be alive because when rubbed together, they can attract objects. The Quran does not make that error. Thales thought that because all matter was alive, that there is no difference between the living and the dead. For Thales, �there could be no difference between the living and the dead.� The Quran, on the other hand, makes a sharp distinction between the living and the dead, stating that God can bring the living out of the dead (implying that they are two different things.) We know today that living things are made of the stuff of non-living matter, but as Thales� beliefs show, such an idea was not obvious in the ancient times. Let�s look at some other Greek philosophers to see if the Quran was copying them.
@Ossama161 4 ай бұрын
You are doing the same thing. thales didn't say that he is lying. You didn't investigate . You watched a short video and you were cheering just like they did.
@wiseyoutube2078 4 ай бұрын
@Ossama161 Who is cheering? You're setting a stawman because I've not proclaimed support or a lack thereof for the atheist claim. But regardless, it's beneficial to absorb from many resources without hierarchical preference ... Independent of what you want to be true.
@Ossama161 4 ай бұрын
@@wiseyoutube2078 yes you did. You said mocking the Muslims that we only read one book in our life. That means you support the atheist meaning you believe he said the truth without making sure.
@IDK-cs3zt 4 ай бұрын
"One of the ideas that Thales is best known for is his philosophy about the importance of water. He believed that the principle of everything was water." He didn't think everything living thing was made out of water he thought everything was water, the atheist is lying.
@penbloomfield3062 Жыл бұрын
It doesn't surprise me that ancient men living in a desert believed water was very important to life
@niessin1483 Жыл бұрын
Because it was a lie Thales doesn't believe that tbh if you read about him dont blindly follow some atheist geeks. 😅
@7years6months3days5hours7min Жыл бұрын
for the hypocrites in the video and the comment section Thales said that all things are water not all things were created from water so .... AND also YOU KNOW THAT THE VERSE SAYS MORE SCIENTIFIC THINGS THAN THAT
@dearodeer8238 Жыл бұрын
Exactly 😂
@chuzair Жыл бұрын
it surprises me that oxygen without one can't survive for some minutes, wasn't taken as argument of life rather than water. And here he is talking about origination of life. He could equally say that life is balanced or sustained by water but he say life is originated by water.
@pappapappi9177 Жыл бұрын
yeah, and he had astrophysical science from somewhere.. 🤔😉
@juhanpad69 6 ай бұрын
Thales 1 - 0 Muhammad
@user-ds6sp1hl7i 6 ай бұрын
Thales said everything came from water, quran says every living thing comes from water. Thales clearly is wrong. Let's say argument sake that he was right his opinion still is unpopular as the guy says so why would he puck an unpopular opinion? If he prophet Mohammad spoke greek or had access to greek litterature in the first place. I'll be waiting for your answer
@juhanpad69 6 ай бұрын
@@user-ds6sp1hl7i Ever heard the term, "Traders" ? These so called ppl travelled across Europe, Central Asia, Middle East, India and China. They not only exchanged goods but also information. Muhammad need not know Greek to get tis information. Understood ? So scores are same, Thales 1 - 0 Muhammad
@adnannafees1 6 ай бұрын
​​@@juhanpad69do you believe a man who's claiming to be recieving Devine words of God would go around and pickup a piece of belief of an unpopular philosopher (not even a scientist) who's unknown to him plus he just heard about him from traders (in Accord with your logic) and say o yeah seems like these are the spicies I can season into my Devine book
@juhanpad69 6 ай бұрын
@@adnannafees1 Yes i believe, cauz tis so called man used to fullfill his desires by using Allah's ( God ) name. He is intelligent and smart enough, else how would he end up creating so many blind followers ?
@adnannafees1 6 ай бұрын
@@juhanpad69 before we go anywhere else how far you've read Qur'an and understood it? That you feel confident enough to talk about Islam and its prophet, yes he fulfilled his desires, desires of being called from trustworthy to deserted the desire of being forced to leave his own city where he spent his childhood the desire of loosing his closest one's the desire of making his own family to plot assassination against him.
@ajustman7535 6 ай бұрын
Actually the atheist doctor is wrong Thales claimed water is source of everything. Quran claims everything living is made up of water, the verse is correct. The comment section just blows things out of proportion without reviewing statements for real on what was said on both ends!
@ZainabuMuhammed Ай бұрын
@JavierMorales-ky1yy Ай бұрын
that is not true
@80lala08 Ай бұрын
@@JavierMorales-ky1yy on what basis
@sweetnerevar7030 Ай бұрын
You really think it’s a stretch for a desert dweller to discover that he is made of water? In the desert?
@rarsr Ай бұрын
Even if Thales claimed water is the origin of life. How can an illiterate man in the middle of the desert know about Thales 💀
@CastlesLaw1911 10 ай бұрын
It doesn’t take a genius to debunk Islam.
@SonoftheFortunate 9 ай бұрын
Of course it doesn’t, it only takes an idiot.
@DemonSlayer_Anime 9 ай бұрын
@PrivacyTerms911 9 ай бұрын
​@@Kishan-gf2fgHi cow dung consumer
@PrivacyTerms911 9 ай бұрын
@@Kishan-gf2fg lol you're no different than a monkey
@sal-the-man 9 ай бұрын
Only Idiots think they debunked Islam.
@anuragmishra1224 5 ай бұрын
@Too-Odd 5 ай бұрын
You may want to spell check that.
@WaleedHassan-bu1ff 4 ай бұрын
Are you not then because he did say that water is the essence of all matter but he also said that Earth is a flat disk floating on a vast sea so logically if Muhammad SAW copied that from him he would also copy the wrong thing from him
@mustafizurrahman9065 4 ай бұрын
​@@WaleedHassan-bu1ff what thales said? What is his theory
@WaleedHassan-bu1ff 4 ай бұрын
@@mustafizurrahman9065 His theories include Everything is made of water which includes fire iron rocks the entire universe but Quran says living things are made of water Earth is a flat disk floating on a vast sea and so on you get the point he has many wrong theories
@mustafizurrahman9065 4 ай бұрын
@@WaleedHassan-bu1ff but in comment section why everyone is saying thales said living things is made of water. Why they are lying?
@diablodelmundo6487 5 ай бұрын
Muslims are still not recovered after that punchline.
@IDK-cs3zt 4 ай бұрын
"One of the ideas that Thales is best known for is his philosophy about the importance of water. He believed that the principle of everything was water." He didn't think everything living thing was made out of water he thought everything was water, the atheist is lying.
@IDK-cs3zt 4 ай бұрын
Search it up yourself
@User_47536 4 ай бұрын
Punchline? 😂 This is very easy to refute.
@spritestudios2508 2 ай бұрын
because muslims were never effected by it
@OmarVedlity 2 ай бұрын
Random guy 2,500 years ago said water is living everywhere. Allah 1,400 years ago said water is made out of every living thing, will they not believe? But guess what? Allah has left his holy book and it’s still the same book with not a single letter has changed, what did Thales leave? His bones? Please get educated.
@neerajchauhan9248 Жыл бұрын
Islam enters the head, Brain jumps out of it....😂
@tamim7534 Жыл бұрын
Gobercchap knowledge 😂😂
@neerajchauhan9248 Жыл бұрын
@@tamim7534 salland ahu lulleh laudassalam🐷
@tamim7534 Жыл бұрын
@@neerajchauhan9248 hag hag chuadev
@neerajchauhan9248 Жыл бұрын
@@tamim7534 lulaah bola rasgulla se- jaa 6 saal ki Nayesha ki booooooooor Chaq de fatteeeeeee.......🐷🎂🎉💩
@manishgoswami7210 Жыл бұрын
😂 bhai bhai
@paulhanna6942 Жыл бұрын
Room went from applause to total silence
@afterdark2707 Жыл бұрын
total silence coz the edited video 😂, the question is did the prophet Muhammad get years of education behind a desk plus a library and the internet like that boy got
@RonaldoHater777 Жыл бұрын
​@@afterdark2707 Stop defending, you Muslims just got debunked.
@RonaldoHater777 Жыл бұрын
​@@afterdark2707 Take this L.
@user-zt8rq5md9n Жыл бұрын
@@RonaldoHater777 Muslims do not debunked by anyone in this world
@RonaldoHater777 Жыл бұрын
@@user-zt8rq5md9n Yes they are. They can be debunked.
@CharlieSpecter Жыл бұрын
The Muslim dude had a very interesting combination of ignorance and confidence. 😂😂 He was so sure of his statement and then got completely owned
@nacklesk Жыл бұрын
Yeah but how does the prophet, a man who didn't do any studies, didn't how to read or write until he was 40, knew that Thales was right. There is like hundreds of scienticfical truth in Qu'ran and somehow he picked only the one that were right? For exemple : Pythagoras did know that the Earth was round but he also thought that the Earth was the center of the universe.
@CharlieSpecter Жыл бұрын
@@nacklesk saying that life originated from water is not entirely accurate and incomplete. We are carbon based life forms, if he wanted to be an actual prophet. Maybe he would have mentioned that
@alotaibymuhammad Жыл бұрын
The information is solid and authentic. It's not about it wasn't mentioned or not by a Greek guy ..
@CharlieSpecter Жыл бұрын
@@alotaibymuhammad that’s exactly what it’s about. I can recite ideas that were not created by myself and were formulated by someone else and not call myself a prophet. How much compartmentalization do you do to your brain to believe in this horseshit? Grow up, open your eyes.
@user-ev2gv9zk2t Жыл бұрын
Dude be learning everything from bible he thinks that bible has everything that google doesn’t 😂
@jensemannt3691 5 ай бұрын
"That's the evidence"... 5 seconds later, debunked 😂😂😂
@WaleedHassan-bu1ff 4 ай бұрын
Really I don't think so Thales also called Thales of Miletus he was born in 624-620 BCE and died in 548-545 BCE he said that water is the essence of all matter but he also said that Earth is a flat disk floating on a vast sea so logically if Muhammad SAW copied that from him he would also copy the wrong thing from him
@greatcyclone 4 ай бұрын
​@@WaleedHassan-bu1ffMuhammad also said that earth is flat like a carpet
@WaleedHassan-bu1ff 4 ай бұрын
@@greatcyclone There is a difference between spread out and flat
@IXT0001 3 ай бұрын
@@greatcyclonenah, it’s like a carpet rolled on football on you, so it’s flat still? It’s better eg for you We all know that earth continental crust is Flat and is spread on Earth so it appears to be not flat. Bruh, keep trying
@IXT0001 3 ай бұрын
@@greatcycloneyou can’t get 1 contradiction in Quran
@sudakshdimri2664 10 ай бұрын
“If you throw enough spaghetti against the wall, some of it is going to stick” Bro really roasted every religious text ever
@CJ-dt5mh 10 ай бұрын
Evolution doesn’t stick, unless you can point me to where I can observe something come from nothing or even one “kind” of species change into or reproduce a different “kind”? Also conservation of mass & entropy are bound by time, matter, space as well as energy so them being laws forfeits the theory by default
@alisikander 10 ай бұрын
By neglecting the main part of the argument?
@abidthalangara5462 10 ай бұрын
Ok bro,what about not a single scientific error?
@dahah7683 10 ай бұрын
Plot twist: Muhammad can't read and write, so how does he know that, if someone tells him about it then the only way to prove it is by using the Mathematics of the Quran, the mathematics in the Quran is proof that the content of the Qur'an is not made by man, because in a study it proved impossible to make by man.
@tvifjtb4880 10 ай бұрын
​@@abidthalangara5462Thales said: everything=made from water Qur'an says: every living this is made of water What are cells made of.
@Universalist... 11 ай бұрын
Islamic science: Searching the Quran for verses to re-interpret so that they can pretend they knew it already.
@insearchof9090 10 ай бұрын
So true.
@Simple-dy1vh 9 ай бұрын
Yep be careful bro they are gonna bark in the reply section with their logic less logic facts.
@CheeseburgerEnjoyer 9 ай бұрын
Damn you guys are so rude, why can’t we all just be friends, I’m pretty sure that it’s said like that in the Quran. Reinterpretation is definitely an issue. But if you want the full truth you could try to understand the language itself, which I’m pretty sure none of you guys will. Never mind that anyways, the only thing that pisses me off is when someone disrespects my religion. And when I try proving it they get mad. Surely the same thing would happen to you if someone disrespected your religion
@CheeseburgerEnjoyer 9 ай бұрын
Tell me if this was logic less or not ok?
@Universalist... 9 ай бұрын
@@CheeseburgerEnjoyer I'm already used to it NGL there isn't any religion as disrespected as mine. Your community is the main bully which disrespects mine.
@caps_lock_ 7 ай бұрын
It never ceases to amazes me that they use their religious texts as fact 🤦🏾‍♂️
@Only_God_Is_Allah_SWT 7 ай бұрын
*Well it is science; it's impossible by science for one specie to birth another while it's very scientifically possible to do Genetic Engineering by granting sight, taste, hearing, body shape etc. as Allah (SWT) has granted.* *And atheist soon realises how science is his weakness once he meets The Muslim.*
@ustazi 2 ай бұрын
Thales suggested all matter comes from water. This is obviously wrong
@pharmacist_sabikah_shafiq Ай бұрын
This is what people don't know, and don't even care to know. You can see the majority of comments in favour of other person even though he clearly made a big mistake with Thales view.
@adamarifp2101 Ай бұрын
@@pharmacist_sabikah_shafiq 27 күн бұрын
@@pharmacist_sabikah_shafiqall things are made from matter. So the idea still stands
@pharmacist_sabikah_shafiq 27 күн бұрын yes, but not from the same matter. So the idea is false. 27 күн бұрын
@@pharmacist_sabikah_shafiq did they ever mention what type of matter? You are just nitpicking. All matter is anything that takes up space.
@AdityaSharma-zz7mp Жыл бұрын
Room went from applause to throwing stones and beheading
@royalsunset3251 Жыл бұрын
How'd the prophet pbuh know if he couldn't read or write? And when did the prophet have any connection or knowledge to Thales being in the middle of the desert? And what about him claiming in the Qur'an that the universe was expanding? Here's Thales primary principal: The problem of the nature of matter, and its transformation into the myriad things of which the universe is made, engaged the natural philosophers, commencing with Thales. For his hypothesis to be credible, it was essential that he could explain how all things could come into being from water, and return ultimately to the originating material. It is inherent in Thales’s hypotheses that water had the potentiality to change to the myriad things of which the universe is made, the botanical, physiological, meteorological and geological states. In Timaeus, 49B-C, Plato had Timaeus relate a cyclic process. The passage commences with ‘that which we now call “water” ‘, and describes a theory which was possibly that of Thales. Thales would have recognized evaporation, and have been familiar with traditional views, such as the nutritive capacity of mist and ancient theories about spontaneous generation, phenomena which he may have ‘observed’, just as Aristotle believed he, himself had (Hist. An. 569 b1; Gen. An. 762 a9-763 a34), and about which Diodorus Siculus (I.7.3-5; 1.10.6), Epicurus (ap. Censorinus, D.N. IV.9), Lucretius (De Rerum Natura , V.783-808) and Ovid (Met. I.416-437) wrote. When Aristotle reported Thales’s pronouncement that the primary principle is water, he made a precise statement: ‘Thales says that it [the nature of things] is water’ (Metaph. 983 b20), but he became tentative when he proposed reasons which might have justified Thales’s decision: ‘[Thales’s] supposition may have arisen from observation . . . ‘ (Metaph. 983 b22). It was Aristotle’s opinion that Thales may have observed, ‘that the nurture of all creatures is moist, and that warmth itself is generated from moisture and lives by it; and that from which all things come to be is their first principle’ (Metaph. 983 b23-25). Then, in the lines 983 b26-27, Aristotle’s tone changed towards greater confidence. He declared: ‘Besides this, another reason for the supposition would be that the semina of all things have a moist nature . . . ‘ (Metaph. 983 b26-27). In continuing the criticism of Thales, Aristotle wrote: ‘That from which all things come to be is their first principle’ (Metaph. 983 b25). Simple metallurgy had been practised long before Thales presented his hypotheses, so Thales knew that heat could return metals to a liquid state. Water exhibits sensible changes more obviously than any of the other so-called elements, and can readily be observed in the three states of liquid, vapour and ice. The understanding that water could generate into earth is basic to Thales’s watery thesis. At Miletus it could readily be observed that water had the capacity to thicken into earth. Miletus stood on the Gulf of Lade through which the Maeander river emptied its waters. Within living memory, older Milesians had witnessed the island of Lade increasing in size within the Gulf, and the river banks encroaching into the river to such an extent that at Priene, across the gulf from Miletus the warehouses had to be rebuilt closer to the water’s edge. The ruins of the once prosperous city-port of Miletus are now ten kilometres distant from the coast and the Island of Lade now forms part of a rich agricultural plain. There would have been opportunity to observe other areas where earth generated from water, for example, the deltas of the Halys, the Ister, about which Hesiod wrote (Theogony, 341), now called the Danube, the Tigris-Euphrates, and almost certainly the Nile. This coming-into-being of land would have provided substantiation of Thales’s doctrine. To Thales water held the potentialities for the nourishment and generation of the entire cosmos. Aëtius attributed to Thales the concept that ‘even the very fire of the sun and the stars, and indeed the cosmos itself is nourished by evaporation of the waters’ (Aëtius, Placita, I.3). It is not known how Thales explained his watery thesis, but Aristotle believed that the reasons he proposed were probably the persuasive factors in Thales’s considerations. Thales gave no role to the Olympian gods. Belief in generation of earth from water was not proven to be wrong until A.D. 1769 following experiments of Antoine Lavoisier, and spontaneous generation was not disproved until the nineteenth century as a result of the work of Louis Pasteur. So this man GUESSED based of the fact that things can be liquefied and animals needing water and he didn't even say that every living thing is made from water. He said that the nature of things is water FROM A PHILOSOPHER PERSPECTIVE To Thales water held the potentialities for the nourishment and generation of the entire cosmos. Aëtius attributed to Thales the concept that ‘even the very fire of the sun and the stars, and indeed the cosmos itself is nourished by evaporation of the waters’ So my man said fire is made from water too Oh also this man has claimed that earth is floating because he saw ships were floating and continued thinking that earth is a boat and that there could be a substance (rocks) lighter than water under the earth, very scientific stuff. that's very scientific don't you think? As a matter of fact here's the article about him continuing his own none proofed philosophy about earthquakes: Thales’s theory about the cause of earthquakes is consistent with his hypothesis that earth floats upon water. It seems that he applied his floating on water simile to the natural phenomena of earthquakes. Aëtius recorded that Thales and Democritus found in water the cause of earthquakes (Aët. III.15), and Seneca attributed to Thales a theory that on the occasions when the earth is said to quake it is fluctuating because of the roughness of oceans (QNat. III.14; 6.6). Although the theory is wrong, Thales’s hypothesis is rational because it provides an explanation which does not invoke hidden entities. It is an advance upon the traditional Homeric view that they resulted from an angry supernatural god, Poseidon, shaking the earth through his rapid striding. So this guy tried to evade Greek gods so much, he believed even earthquakes are the result of earth being a lil sturdy on the waves of the ocean. And the funny thing is that even if prophet Muhammad pbuh was copying from him WHY DIDN'T HE COPY THIS? AS A MATTER OF FACT HE MENTIONED THAT THE EARTH IS STABLED BY MOUNTAINS BEING STAKES. Don't get me wrong this man had some good stuff like the theory of earth being spherical: As in his, experiment: From the shore, a ship can be seen to be descending, gradually, below the horizon, with the hull disappearing from view first, to be followed by masts and sails. If one had a companion observing from a higher point, the companion would see the ship for a long period before it disappeared from view. But that doesn't mean he's right about everything aye? And btw THE PROPHET PBUH ACTUALLY PROPHESIZED THAT FROM THE SIGNS OF THE DAY OF JUDGEMENT THERE'D BE NEW DISEASES PEOPLE NEVER HEARD OF BEFORE. Don't ask the book for answers to everything, next up you're going to ask where's Newton's law in the Qur'an By the words of zakir nike: THIS IS THE BOOK OF SIGNS, NOT SCIENCE Y'all really need to try harder than that so that we could sit you down for millionth time
@royalsunset3251 Жыл бұрын
I'm not beheading you. You did that yourself by not even check the validity of this man ┐⁠(⁠´⁠(⁠エ⁠)⁠`⁠)⁠┌
@royalsunset3251 Жыл бұрын
@@dinosaur669 you mentioned a chapter in the Qur'an accidentally lol In Surat Al-Kafirun, which is a Makkan Surah, Allah Almighty orders the Prophet to say to the unbelievers, {You have your own religion, and I have mine.} (Al-Kafirun 109:6) It's fine man if you didn't get convinced by the message or get the whole message, but you'll have to explain why on the day of judgement. We can't force anyone to believe in the religion, they have to accept it
@priyanshu846 Жыл бұрын
​@@royalsunset3251 enlighten ISIS first with your wisdom man😅
@royalsunset3251 Жыл бұрын
@@priyanshu846 don't put Muslims in the same category as the ISIS extremists You don't see me comparing Christians to Hitler (who was a Christian)
@TheTruthKiwi Жыл бұрын
Religious people hate it when facts get in the way.
@SeekerOfTruth5 Жыл бұрын
❌🤦‍♂️This is a lie. Thales did not say that all living creatures were created from water. Rather, he said that the origin of the entire universe, from planets, galaxies, stars, etc., was from water, and this is a scientific error. Diogenees Laërtius says about Thales: “His doctrine was that water is the universal primary substance.” ✅ On the other hand, the Qur'an contradicts this scientifically wrong view of Thales and says: " *Have those who disbelieved not considered that the heavens and the earth were a joined entity, and then We separated them and made from water every living thing? Then will they not believe* ?" The Qur’an states that every (living thing) is created from water, and not the entire universe, as Thales and Greek philosophers like Anaximander and all ancient civilization said. And the saying of the Qur’an is a scientific fact that has been discovered only in our time. 💠The Jewish physicist *Schroeder* testifies to this when he said: " *All life on Earth is water based. No water, no life, but with water, life was possible* ." 💠Even the famous atheist Richard Dawkins testified to this fact. We also note that the Qur’an explicitly refers to the heavens and the earth as one entity, which is in clear agreement with the basis of the Big Bang theory that we discovered only in this era. 🌍🌌 What is more surprising is that the Qur’an did not just mention that, but added that in the early stages of the creation of the universe there was smoke: [ *Then he directed Himself to the heaven while it was smoke* and said to it and to the earth,” Come [into being], willingly or by compulsion They said, "We have come willingly” ] This contradicts the belief prevailing in many ancient nations that the origin of the universe is water🌊. It is the ancient Egyptian conception and the civilizations of Mesopotamia and the ancient Greeks, and it is also the conception adopted by the Christians in (2 Peter 3:5): “ *the heavens were of old, and the earth standing out of the water and in the water* .” 🔺And what the Qur’an came with here is amazing, not only because it contradicts the culture of the time, but because it goes in a complete opposite to that culture. 💠The famous atheist physicist Stephen Hawking said: “ *You could say that we are made of the smoke of the big bang* .” 💠The astronomers working at the Herschel Space Observatory said: “A cosmic dust consist of tiny particles of solid material floating around in the space between the stars. *It is not the same as the dust you find in your house but more like smoke* .” 🔸So, please tell me, how did an illiterate man in an ignorant desert environment that knows neither reading nor writing nor science learned these scientific facts? To clarify, my belief as a Muslim is not based only on one scientific fact that exists here or there in the Qur’an, but is based first on the truthfulness of the content of the Qur’an from the pure monotheism of God, consistent with reason and sound logic, which is not found in any other religious book. And I also believed because of the continuous and unequivocal historical testimonies of the sincerity of the Messenger of Islam, Muhammad, may God bless him and grant him peace. And on the doctrinal, moral and Sharia facts that regulate our lives to the fullest. 📚 And on the rhetorical miracle of the Qur’an, the Qur’an challenges people to produce even a small surah similar to the Qur’an, and this challenge persists to this day: “ *And if you are in doubt about what we have revealed to Our servant, then produce a sûrah like it and call your helpers other than Allah But if you are unable to do so-and you will never be able to do so-then fear the Fire fueled with people and stones, which is prepared for the disbelievers* ” I also believed in the message of Islam because the Qur’an speaks of scientific facts that could not be discovered by anyone 200 years ago, let alone 1400 years ago. The objector should explain the existence of about 1000 verses in the Qur’an that talk about the natural manifestations of our universe, and there is not a single scientific error!!! We do not find in the Qur’an a trace of the superstitions of the seventh century among the pagans and others. Rather, the Qur’an came superior to that culture, condemning it and showing the truth. And you should explain why the Qur’an did not transmit the myths of the New Testament, the Old Testament, the Talmud, the Targum, the Madrashas, ​​and the myths of the Egyptians, Persians and Greeks, even though you claim that the Qur’an stole from them all these scientific sayings!!!?
@prabhua1474 Жыл бұрын
in bible its already said about that It is written in bible 1000 BC
@taqiyukenji Жыл бұрын
That's your claim. Not a fact. First of all, Al-Quran is not a book of Science. If it was book of Science it will be so long. Al-Quran is a guidelines of life (what Islam is all about), Scientific fact is just example to show the great knowledge that God (Allah) give to human to seek more of His knowledge in this world. We know it's a truth because we saw many evidence. Just like today, we need reference & research to prove the fact. Simple as that.
@TheTruthKiwi Жыл бұрын
@@taqiyukenji What's your absolute best evidence that the Quran is the truth?
@taqiyukenji Жыл бұрын
@@TheTruthKiwi If you think about it, the proof in the Quran itself is actually pretty overwhelming. But again, only if you think about it. It means that even we assume the proof exists, and someone then shoves it in your face, you’ll always be free to deny it. What I mean here is that what matters isn’t really whether or not there’s proof. What’s actually important is what you yourself want/expect/hope in face of that proof. Anyway, what worked for me is as follows: The circumstances regarding the Prophet (pbuh). He’s an orphan, not exactly a high social standing. He’s illiterate. What’s amazing isn’t really how someone illiterate like him came up with some holy scriptures. What is amazing is how everything else regarding his circumstances fits. There’s just too much about it for it to be coincidence. These include: He’s someone that’s been known for his entire life for his honesty. This means that he’s chosen because his words are deemed true for his entire life. He’s illiterate, but blessed with phenomenal memory, insight, etiquette, and so on. This means he’s chosen to deny accusations that he learned his teachings from someone else. In a sense, this means that he is actually required to be illiterate for his entire life. And history has mentioned how the Quran was complied and written generations after his passing. How the verses in the Quran hardly gives the Prophet (pbuh) himself any material advantage. How the Quran was revealed in Arab in all places. Right in the middle of world. How the Quran was revealed first for the Arab people, who weren’t exactly known for their manners, but known for how much they keep their word and integrity. If you just read it, you can’t make sense of the Quran. People won’t immediately get what it’s supposed to mean. If you think about it, if it’s really written by man, why is it made like this? Certain scientific facts that the Quran has mentioned but hard to imagine back then. Such as how mountains move, the number of layers in a womb, calculations regarding the speed of light, etc.
Grown men arguing over an invisible mystical bearded sky wizard 😂😂😂
@ome0604 10 сағат бұрын
If life came from water wouldn’t it confirm the evolution theory rather than Adam being made from mud and eve from his ribs?
@hamzah90538 Жыл бұрын
Knock Knock who's there "Me" Me who "Brother asked a very good Question".
@Sunflower-qn4my Жыл бұрын
After reading this, Don't think anyone will get stuck in any thought. If you get any question though, please research it yourself. I wish you will the light of truthfulness.
@awd1915 Жыл бұрын
Yup.. that's the one they need to debate😂😂👊
@7sky_911 Жыл бұрын
😂❤ Blessings be upon Dr. Naik
@cogdotzip5998 Жыл бұрын
@ksha630 Жыл бұрын
@@awd1915 mashalla now you can repeat after me "ashadu
@ravikrishna5228 Жыл бұрын
So basically illiteracy is the main issue.
@shri3343 Жыл бұрын
Are you sure?
@iputcapitalistsdownlikedogs Жыл бұрын
​@@shri3343 and inbreeding
@shivkumar0810 Жыл бұрын
Very nuch
@saadhu9396 Жыл бұрын
I think it is the unwillingness to become literate or being reasonable or logical...
@shirishshukla8349 Жыл бұрын
This entire religion is against education and literacy. I had like 8 muslim girls in my class in standard 12 and only 1 of them made it to Graduation. Only to drop education in the midst of second year for marriage. Literal jaahil community. 😂
@isaiahfronning5157 Жыл бұрын
I'm neither an Atheist nor a Muslim, but this was satisfying to watch.
@vincentwhite890 Жыл бұрын
Fellow agnostic soul?
@isaiahfronning5157 Жыл бұрын
@@vincentwhite890 No, a devout evangelical, but have approached agnosticism in the past. C.S. Lewis's "Surprised by Joy" got me out of that funk.
@alphauno6614 Жыл бұрын
This was manufactured content. You heard Thale’s view was not the main view of Greek Cosmology. You need to ask yourself how many other wrong views Thales had as well proving he wasn’t a prophet. The actual prophet, Muhammad (Peace and Blessings Be Upon Him) received revelation that was 100% true. That’s what makes it divine. No human EVER ANYWHERE predicted with 100% accuracy, EVER! I invite you to the truth. Accept the One True God Allah and His Messenger Muhammad (Peace and Blessings Be Upon Him)
@seemamishra5466 Жыл бұрын
​@@alphauno6614 are you fuckin' nuts? Or are you just existing in some other timeline? The point made by muslim apologetic was no human being could've or had made any claims of life originating from water before muhammad did, but the other guy countered by telling him that a greek guy name Thales had already stated that and without claiming it to be some divine revelation, though it wasn't a generic view, during his time and he had existed 1100 years before muhammad, so what makes muhammad so special, he just paraphrased Thales's notion which was supposedly unknown to mankind before muhammad taught them.
@LionsHeart3.1.3 Жыл бұрын
Ofcourse, indeed you are the one's who betrayed god and jesus (isa)pbuh.
@ahmadalmindhry1024 12 күн бұрын
I researched and Thales said that all living things need water, not because they were made of water but because they needed water.
@solaf-q1q 15 сағат бұрын
The Qur’an is not an ordinary book, but rather the word of God ❤
@quinn8815 7 сағат бұрын
If your God says marrying children is okay why would anyone want to listen to him
@tranki885 Жыл бұрын
Islam dies without lies
@Trance18 10 ай бұрын
Haha who's the liar here , I see a lot of Atheists cheering and none of you bothered to even check what Thales actually said and that's actually not the same what this Atheist speaker said , Thales said everything came from water and that's false and the Quran spoke specifically " every living thing " those are two different things , The Qora us undefeated and no matter how much you try , the truth always preveil
@tranki885 10 ай бұрын
@@Trance18 the scientific miracles in the Quran have been debunked. Ali dawah said that not me . And all your Muslim scholars know that the Quran is not a scientific book . And yes your book was DEFEATED by your own scholars 😂
@dodumichalcevski 10 ай бұрын
​@@Trance18 So you believe that the moon was split in half ? 😂 Or that flying horses exist ? Or that sperm comes from between the rips and the backbone ?
@dahah7683 10 ай бұрын
Plot twist: Muhammad can't read and write, so how does he know that, if someone tells him about it then the only way to prove it is by using the Mathematics of the Quran, the mathematics in the Quran is proof that the content of the Qur'an is not made by man, because in a study it proved impossible to make by man.
@karthik_kumar-vo2ml 10 ай бұрын
It should be "without lies islam dies...😅😅😂
@jayesh0371 Жыл бұрын
Vedas laughing in the corner and be like- 'meh let the kids have fun'.
@zemsaney433 Жыл бұрын
The vedas called the earth flat
@deleteyouraccount4958 Жыл бұрын
Chup chapri
@shanubiswas2158 Жыл бұрын
​@@zemsaney433 really? U read it in sanskrit?
@shanubiswas2158 Жыл бұрын
​@@deleteyouraccount4958 said by an andhnamazi
@deleteyouraccount4958 Жыл бұрын
@@shanubiswas2158 said by a guy who hasn't even touch the Vedas book
@kanzjamalhawa4945 2 ай бұрын
The Quran is always right .
@Prathmesh_369 2 ай бұрын
Yes splitting of moon is very scientific sarrrrrr
@MaandeNoMoreBroken 2 ай бұрын
@@Prathmesh_369 sarrr sita is described as hooker sarrr
@MikailNadhir 2 ай бұрын
@@Prathmesh_369 Quran does not say any such thing about moon being split. That is from hadith literature that was compiled 200 years after Prophet Muhammad pbuh.
@MikailNadhir 2 ай бұрын
@@Prathmesh_369 That is referring to the Last Day or the Hour of Judgement. That is not about Muhammad and him splitting the moon. Continue reading to at least verse 7 or 8 and it talks about the disbelievers being pulled out of their graves being called to a terrible day. That event has not occurred yet.
@fardinrayhanrifat3935 2 ай бұрын
@@Prathmesh_369 Now look there is a crack on the moon. Guess the moon was indeed split sarrrr
@sparkyy0007 Күн бұрын
The only "prophet" without miracles who stated: "I have been made victorious by terror"
@naina4288 Жыл бұрын
i love how the audience got silent immediately😂
@LionsHeart3.1.3 Жыл бұрын
One of the ideas that Thales is best known for is his philosophy about the importance of water. He believed that the principle of everything was water. [Historical source] theles said everything originated from water. Not just life.😆😂🤣 Iron came from water?😆😂🤣
@w.k8624 Жыл бұрын
They are arguing on the dates but both agree with the fact mentioned in Quran. Meanwhile comment section😂
@SuicidalKid69 Жыл бұрын
@@w.k8624 semen comes from back bones and ribs ok milk is clean ok the sun goes down and prostates to allah ok bruh what logic are you talking about
@Akillesursinne Жыл бұрын
@@w.k8624 A lot of the shit mentioned in the quran is straight up falsehoods. The stars being small missiles, the sun setting in a lake of mud? Come on dude, you'r cry-laughing is as empty as your holy book.
@smgbeast2059 Жыл бұрын
​@@sakibahmedshobuj1805ok ok why your are adding god is unseen coment you were fighting for Quran you know... It was all about Life originated from water ....and if god in unseen so wh do we believe in Something written 4000-1400 year ago ha?? whyy why dont we say simple that i dont know if evervgod existed. as simple as that .... and theory of evolution is real because it is a "theory"😂 not "hypothesis" just in 20-30 years something new will Discover or invented by science and then you will come up with quran justifying that thing...
@KPHalai 2 ай бұрын
It is not the eyes that are blind but the hearts
@Dweeb-ge5jw 2 ай бұрын
nah your brain😂
@KPHalai 2 ай бұрын
@@Dweeb-ge5jw I used to be a naive atheist my whole life, I’ve read everything and watched everything dawkins has said. I read the Quran and understand the truth. You need to dig deep. Because you see the surface and deny but once you look deeper you realise God is real.
@Dweeb-ge5jw 2 ай бұрын
@@KPHalai who care you are an Atheist you probably condone Taqiyah ive seen many Muslim pretend to be Atheist, Agnostic and Christian 😂😂😂 Didnt Surah Maryam 71-72 said All Muslim will sent to Hell??? Even Muhammad still unsure what he going end up and still asked to be prayed lol
@Dweeb-ge5jw 2 ай бұрын
Thats what Muslim tend to said when they are owned or their argument failed "It is not eyes that are blind but the hearts" 😂 While your brain got brainwashed by 7th century Warlord cult desert Ideology
@Dweeb-ge5jw 2 ай бұрын
Can you explain How Star are stone that threwed at Jinn according to Quran? lol How scientific is that? lol
@Prathmesh_369 2 ай бұрын
Quran : earth is flat Muslim: it is not the eyes that are blind it's heart. 😂😂😂😂
@fardinrayhanrifat3935 2 ай бұрын
does carpet only wrap around flat things and not round things?
@youseflatif796 2 ай бұрын
It appears to be a wide expanse to us, that's what it means.
@adamarifp2101 Ай бұрын
it said crust was spread out and in the verse the word can be used for ostrich egg. try again. This was just a theory by Thales unlike the statement made in the Quran . He also made many mistakes such as believing that the earth floated on water and this was the cause of earthquakes. Now learn what the Quran says about mountains and earthquakes .
@OksanaBodarenko Ай бұрын
That verse is stolen by Mohammed from the bible.
@adamarifp2101 Ай бұрын
@@OksanaBodarenko nothing was stolen S the corerect things was filtered and the corrupted left behind it . Quran corrects many things in the bible that history can prove
@revanknight7316 Ай бұрын
Their book is ridiculous same as Muhammad
@bigfudge1923 Жыл бұрын
Hilarious. Absolutely silenced a biased crowd.
@robinsonrex1280 Жыл бұрын
Muslims just talk non-stop and hope that we will be impressed. Most Muslims don't even believe in God, they are just in it because it is a clan, a tribe and they are proud that this clan is growing in numbers, so they derive their pride from that fact. It is an empty ideology that thrives on racism and discrimination.
@wk4799 Жыл бұрын
Quran is book of revelations not a science book. Also, he did not debunk anything, he just stated that the muslim’s argument about the water, was already thought of before.
@DeliMeatTree Жыл бұрын
​@@wk4799 what revelations? Any evidence to support the claims?
@lpatlau7024 Жыл бұрын
​@@wk4799 yeah a book control by modern science, right ?
@wk4799 Жыл бұрын
@@DeliMeatTree revelations of God and his covenant and commandments, through verbal words and writing, as He had given to other prophets too
@kanishkbhalla9743 Жыл бұрын
When logic hits hard on Islam 😂
@Fzero1453 Жыл бұрын
Nothing here that hits hard. Even if there was someone who stated this before, it doesnt take away how impressive this is. What these folks did was saying "if you throw enough noodles against the wall, some will stick". Yes, some. But in the Quran, everything sticks, if it was just sole taking this from here and there, there wouldve been wrongs most likely. But a book that contains of "copied theories" from which nothing was falsified to this day is just very very very unlikely.
@seotgaming9693 Жыл бұрын
IF THALES SAID THAT THAN WHO SAID THIS ALL TO PROPHET MUHAMMAD ? 1.The creation of the universe from a single point (Big Bang) 2.The expansion of the universe 3.The alternating stages of day and night 4.The spherical shape of the Earth 5.The existence of a protective atmosphere 6.The formation of mountains as stabilizers for the Earth's crust 7.The water cycle, including evaporation, condensation, and precipitation 8.The existence of underground water sources and springs 9.The separation between bodies of saltwater and freshwater 10.The existence of a barrier between two seas that prevents them from mixing 11.The formation of lightning and its role in nitrogen fixation 12.The precise calculation of the orbits and movements of celestial bodies 13.The stages of human embryonic development 14.The existence of male and female reproductive fluids 15.The importance of honey as a natural remedy 16.The ability of bees to communicate and build complex hives 17.The healing properties of various plants and fruits 18.The structure of the human body and its intricate design 19.The uniqueness of fingerprints for each individual 20.The correlation between iron and the creation of the Earth 21.The existence of barriers preventing the mixing of different seas and oceans 22.The concept of time dilation and relativity 23.The relationship between sleep and rejuvenation of the body 24.The importance of moderation in diet and lifestyle 25.The balance and harmony in the natural world 26.The symbolism behind the creation of pairs in various aspects of life 27.The recognition of the human ability to think, reason, and reflect 28.The preservation of the Pharaoh's body as a sign for future generations 29.The concept of the soul and its connection to the body 30.The wisdom and guidance found in the Quran itself AND MANY MORE..........
@dav1d.m Жыл бұрын
​@@Fzero1453 There are no scientific miracles in the Quran. There are a huge amount of scientific mistakes in the Quran. This is amazing, as the Quran is not even intended as a science book. The scientific facts that are correct in the Quran and are now “discovered” by modern scientists have all been known hundreds of years before the Quran was written. These efforts to make the Quran a holy book above all others, by trying to claim scientific relevance is rather pathetic. The examples mentioned are even more fuzzy than Nostradamus verses. You should realize that the Sumerians already stated that everything was formed by the elemental gods Apsu and Tiamat, the gods of salty and clear water, from them in 6 generation of gods all was created. Then man was created so the gods could rest. Muhammad’s views on the heavens was also inspired by the ancient Mesopotamian and Indian visualizations of a seven layer heaven, so nothing new here. But if Muhammad’s view on the heavens is already completely incorrect concerning the positioning of the moon, stars and sun, why would the word expander be meaningful? This is just a word used in a naive attempt describe the creation of the heavens. The embryology is also completely wrong. Of course Muhammad knew that sperm was involved in embryology, but he was clearly not aware of the female egg. Flesh covers bones in a human, but in embryology, the flesh and the bone cartilage develop at the same time. In fact the formation of the bones reaches completion after the flesh does. This means the Quran is just pseudo-science. It is a series of smart guesses that turn out to be completely incorrect when analyzed in a scientific context. The list of things that the Quran got wrong is many pages long, the list of things it got right is short, the list of correct things the Quran mentioned before anybody else mentioned it is empty. This is exactly what you could expect from a book composed by uneducated tribal people in the 7th century.
@abdullahimraan Жыл бұрын
Thales did not say that the life was originated from water. He said everything galaxies,planets just everything was created from water. But science proved that wrong. Thales said earth is flat and also said that earth floated in water. So now,if the author of the quran had to copy from Thales,He would have said that everything is created from water. But no,the Quran said every “living thing” is created from water.Why did the author of the Quran wrote only that part of Thales's theory which was right and not that part of Thales's theory which was wrong? That is why Quranic verses have to be divine.
@yo.local.halal.cat364 Жыл бұрын
​@@dav1d.m i can send you more of these stuff you can almost binge watch it all day along
@user-pl1ve7xy6o Ай бұрын
I am athiest proud ❤❤❤❤
@jonathanaarhus224 3 ай бұрын
The Quran also says that semen comes from inside the rib cage, which is an incorrect scientific theory from the time of Galen of Alexandria (2nd century AD).
@BigG627 3 ай бұрын
You didn’t understand the verse correctly since your don’t know Arabic. One, according to webmd “The seminal vesicles-sometimes called the seminal glands or vesicular glands-are part of the reproductive system in people assigned male at birth. They are small glands that produce the majority of the fluid that makes up semen,” And “The seminal vesicles are located in the pelvis superior to the rectum, inferior to the fundus of the bladder and posterior to the prostate” So it is literally located in between the rib cage and the backbone. Another meaning is that the man emerges from the Rib cage and the backbone, meaning child birth… soooo
@zoviqi2388 3 ай бұрын
​@@BigG627In Surah Al-Tariq (86:5-7): "So let man observe from what he was created. He was created from a fluid, ejected, emerging from between the backbone and the ribs."
@zoviqi2388 3 ай бұрын
​@@BigG627 And even the womb of a women is nowhere between the ribcage 😂 LOL!!!!! The ribcage would break LMAO!!! The womb and all women genitalia is wayyyy down below in bottom stomach area
@zoviqi2388 3 ай бұрын
​@@BigG627 The uterus is not located between the ribcage. In the female reproductive system, the uterus is a pear-shaped organ situated in the pelvic cavity, between the bladder and the rectum. It is held in place by ligaments and muscles within the pelvis. :3
@zoviqi2388 3 ай бұрын
​@@BigG627 The Al-qur'an is really really dumb af :3 Especially about human being made from dirt! Adam & Hawa! And not evolution which is observed facts! Even can be seen in genetic and in human changes in different environments! HAHAHAHAH
@leonjewells3626 9 ай бұрын
The crowd cheering when a lie was told loool
@majidratta3711 7 ай бұрын
It's not a lie dummy, it is still true 😂😂😂
@abacab87 7 ай бұрын
I almost felt like that was dubbed in.
@joerdim 7 ай бұрын
First rule in Islam: Never double-check and cheer as loud as possible so you don't hear the opposite standpoint.
@sankalp2520 7 ай бұрын
They loved it because it was feeding their delusions. That's called blind faith and brainwashed crowd, aka religion.
@hamzamoussaid8895 7 ай бұрын
the quran is not by muhammed i think as far as know poeple said life is from water and gods confirmed it in the bible and quran
@Sanju-nl7nn Жыл бұрын
The Rig Vedas , upanishads of Sanathan Dharm just standing an listening in the corner👀. Sanathan give your presence 🙌
@manishgoswami7210 Жыл бұрын
Bhai we're from the beginning, even our scriptures are difficult to decipher let alone understanding them. But one thing for sure Sanatan hi Satya hai.❤
@Maratha382 Жыл бұрын
@Maratha382 Жыл бұрын
@@manishgoswami7210what a joke😂
@Sanju-nl7nn Жыл бұрын
@@Maratha382 agr tu Sach Mai maratha hota toh tu ye baat bolta nhi.... Sirf nam maratha hone se nhi hota hai ja k history par asil maratha ne apne desh k Lia Kya Kya Kia hai. Patlun gili ho jayega Teri . Nonsense
@Maratha382 Жыл бұрын
@@bhediyadada3487 I’m not
@ginanjarhusodo5996 Ай бұрын
Who told Muhammad back then? A Greek who moved to arab?
@noname99832 2 ай бұрын
A lot of people already have answered it but I will add mine which I like a lot. Many ancient civilizations created many different theories, but only some got proved later on when technology evolved and rest was disproved. So here is the interesting part, Quran has assembled all the theories which later on proved true. If Quran was written by a human and not God, how would that person (author) know that this theory is right and this theory isnt right and will be disproved later on? Quran even made some theories more accurate like Thales said that everything in universe is made from water, but only living things are made from water. The same Thales also said that Earth floats on water and that's the reason of Earthquakes. If Quran wasn't written by the God, why did the person (author) choose to choose the living water theory and not earth water theory?
@harryhoffer9804 Жыл бұрын
Everyone: we discovered this ancient greece: 😎
@theMKstudios Жыл бұрын
Big bang , expanding universe , planetary motion ???
@insfiresmannn4201 Жыл бұрын
​@@theMKstudios tell me the verses in quran where they mention big bang, expanding universe etc. Even my grandma say our sky is getting bigger and bigger each day even tho she is don't know how to read and write.
@SeekerOfTruth5 Жыл бұрын
❌🤦‍♂️This is a lie. Thales did not say that all living creatures were created from water. Rather, he said that the origin of the entire universe, from planets, galaxies, stars, etc., was from water, and this is a scientific error. Diogenees Laërtius says about Thales: “His doctrine was that water is the universal primary substance.” ✅ On the other hand, the Qur'an contradicts this scientifically wrong view of Thales and says: " *Have those who disbelieved not considered that the heavens and the earth were a joined entity, and then We separated them and made from water every living thing? Then will they not believe* ?" The Qur’an states that every (living thing) is created from water, and not the entire universe, as Thales and Greek philosophers like Anaximander and all ancient civilization said. And the saying of the Qur’an is a scientific fact that has been discovered only in our time. 💠The Jewish physicist *Schroeder* testifies to this when he said: " *All life on Earth is water based. No water, no life, but with water, life was possible* ." 💠Even the famous atheist Richard Dawkins testified to this fact. We also note that the Qur’an explicitly refers to the heavens and the earth as one entity, which is in clear agreement with the basis of the Big Bang theory that we discovered only in this era. 🌍🌌 What is more surprising is that the Qur’an did not just mention that, but added that in the early stages of the creation of the universe there was smoke: [ *Then he directed Himself to the heaven while it was smoke* and said to it and to the earth,” Come [into being], willingly or by compulsion They said, "We have come willingly” ] This contradicts the belief prevailing in many ancient nations that the origin of the universe is water🌊. It is the ancient Egyptian conception and the civilizations of Mesopotamia and the ancient Greeks, and it is also the conception adopted by the Christians in (2 Peter 3:5): “ *the heavens were of old, and the earth standing out of the water and in the water* .” 🔺And what the Qur’an came with here is amazing, not only because it contradicts the culture of the time, but because it goes in a complete opposite to that culture. 💠The famous atheist physicist Stephen Hawking said: “ *You could say that we are made of the smoke of the big bang* .” 💠The astronomers working at the Herschel Space Observatory said: “A cosmic dust consist of tiny particles of solid material floating around in the space between the stars. *It is not the same as the dust you find in your house but more like smoke* .” 🔸So, please tell me, how did an illiterate man in an ignorant desert environment that knows neither reading nor writing nor science learned these scientific facts? To clarify, my belief as a Muslim is not based only on one scientific fact that exists here or there in the Qur’an, but is based first on the truthfulness of the content of the Qur’an from the pure monotheism of God, consistent with reason and sound logic, which is not found in any other religious book. And I also believed because of the continuous and unequivocal historical testimonies of the sincerity of the Messenger of Islam, Muhammad, may God bless him and grant him peace. And on the doctrinal, moral and Sharia facts that regulate our lives to the fullest. 📚 And on the rhetorical miracle of the Qur’an, the Qur’an challenges people to produce even a small surah similar to the Qur’an, and this challenge persists to this day: “ *And if you are in doubt about what we have revealed to Our servant, then produce a sûrah like it and call your helpers other than Allah But if you are unable to do so-and you will never be able to do so-then fear the Fire fueled with people and stones, which is prepared for the disbelievers* ” I also believed in the message of Islam because the Qur’an speaks of scientific facts that could not be discovered by anyone 200 years ago, let alone 1400 years ago. The objector should explain the existence of about 1000 verses in the Qur’an that talk about the natural manifestations of our universe, and there is not a single scientific error!!! We do not find in the Qur’an a trace of the superstitions of the seventh century among the pagans and others. Rather, the Qur’an came superior to that culture, condemning it and showing the truth. And you should explain why the Qur’an did not transmit the myths of the New Testament, the Old Testament, the Talmud, the Targum, the Madrashas, ​​and the myths of the Egyptians, Persians and Greeks, even though you claim that the Qur’an stole from them all these scientific sayings!!!?..
@alessandropetacca Жыл бұрын
Ancient Egypt: 😶‍🌫️ Sumerian : 🤷🏻‍♂️
@luqmanSabah.I Жыл бұрын
​@@SeekerOfTruth5good reply brother!
@ChrisJones-zg3wr Жыл бұрын
Love when facts crush religious arguments.
@lamomahmood694 Жыл бұрын
So because there was one guy who ‘advocated’ a theory that somehow explains how the prophet (pbuh) knew this theory was actually a fact. Yes it may have been advocated before. But the prophet didn’t advocate it. He stated it was a fact. Big difference. If anything this video proves to me how stupid atheism is. It seems like they come up with anything to find an excuse to not follow Islam lol. Because they want any excuse to do what they want.
@lamomahmood694 Жыл бұрын
Let’s be honest if you knew for a fact Islam is real you’d still struggle to follow it. I’m not saying you specifically but atheists in general. They’d struggle to give up their immorality like sex with strangers, alcohol abuse, making immoral financial gains etc etc. because they’d have to sacrifice a lot in this world to follow Islam. Which a lot of atheists simply will not do because of their mindset.
@SheikhOfWisdom Жыл бұрын
Not completely, the Quran says every living thing was made out of water, while Thales proposed the idea that everything, living or not was made out of water which would be a wrong statement
@ibrahimhelmy5715 Жыл бұрын
@@SheikhOfWisdom ikr not to mention this idea God “should have”mentioned germ theory like 1. there are things said by Muhammad in regards to hygiene like brushing your teeth or regularly washing that only make sense if germs exist not under the common miasma and 4 humors theory of disease in ur olden times. And 2. Most people today don’t understand how germs work how would the religion be accessible to all of humanity if chapters were just dedicated to explaining germ theory in middle Classical Arabic poetry and you needed a substantial amount of knowledge in regards to biology and construction of glass lenses and microscopes to even properly see and understand.
@7years6months3days5hours7min Жыл бұрын
for the hypocrites in the video and the comment section tales said that all things are water not all things were created by water so ....
@memerrrrr4249 6 күн бұрын
All these commenters apparently also didn’t do their research as I’m pretty sure Thales said EVERYTHING is made of water not just living things, the Quran claimed LIVING things were made of water, you guys are doing the same thing that Islamic scholar did.
@weskal5490 4 ай бұрын
Why would a god who is supposed to be all seeing and all knowing, allow not one but two religions to arise about him if he knew they would "fail" and require yet another religion (Islam) and then only reveal it not to the entire world in all lands, but to just one individual in one land? Answer - only a god that has been made up, copied and pasted.
@rayblitz1713 4 ай бұрын
Because his messenger was prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). If it were to reveal everywhere, there must've been thousands of prophets. It would later go on to spread through the whole world, even today it's almost impossible to not hear the call of Islam, maybe you've been exposed to the wrong Islam, but certainly have heard the call unless you live in a remote island with no access, those won't be judged unlike those who've received the call. And the Quran plays as an answer key to all previous religious scriptures.
@weskal5490 4 ай бұрын
@@rayblitz1713 I have received no call, and given there is no evidence of this god why should I accept somebody telling me that I have. Which is my point, this god could have easily put a prophet in every land at the same time surely, and then there would have been no "infidels" to conquer and / or kill, but instead he chose just one individual and relied on this new religion (just like Christianity and Judaism) to be spread by bloodshed and intolerance of all other religions & cultures whose only crime was not being born in a land with a so called prophet, and because of this we are called infidels because we don't accept what is nothing more than a creation story - just like the thousands of other creation stories. Sorry sir, I have no trust in any religion or any claims from those who say their religion is the "right one", any more than Muslims would accept any claims from other religions that are hundreds if not thousands of years older. If this god does exist - then he made me an "infidel" and wants Muslims to kill me if I don't accept what is just a story. I used to be a Christian and I have since rejected this for the nonsense that it also is.
@hk._. 3 ай бұрын
Why would a teacher, who wants all their class to pass not pass the answer key. Because it's a test. Just like this, Allah is testing us. Some people are willing to turn to him or "study for the test", some people are willing to " fail the test.
@weskal5490 3 ай бұрын
Neither response answers my question. If there was a REAL all-knowing and all-seeing god, there would only ever be the one / first religion he would need to create for he would have foreseen that it would surely succeed without any need for creating 3 religions because the first two failed. He would also place prophets in all lands and not just one land so no false religions would arise and no religious wars needed to be fought.
@rayblitz1713 3 ай бұрын
@weskal5490 Good point, but we must understand the contexts and conditions of the different times. The Torah, Gospel, and Quran have all been revealed at different times, in different languages, to different messengers. "So why not many messengers to all lands across the world? Why just one?" Because if there were many different messengers across the world, they'd all speak different languages, and this comes with 2 problems. Firstly, if their teachings were to be compiled into a scripture, then the scripture would have no official language. For example, the Bible in aramaic and Quran in Arabic, as their respective messengers were sent in certain lands, speaking their respective languages. So as we know, the Quran is written in Arabic, and its the same for all Qurans. When its recited, thats where the beauty of the Quran comes from, the recitation is mutual to everyone Earth, and thats the solidity of the Quran. But for everyone to actually understand it, we have translated it into languages across the world, not needing the Quran itself to be revealed in different languages as we have the official language for it. And the second problem is: languages are not as advanced as each other. So lets say the Quran was revealed in different languages, a word used in Arabic may not be found in Greek lets say. So it would sort of twist and instil inconsistency and misunderstandings in the Quran if that makes sense. So this gave us the opportunity to maintain the Qurans pure state, while also being able to produce translations of it. Now why did he send multiple religions instead of just one? Well, there were different contexts and conditions of different times. So when God revealed all scriptures, they were adaptive to their conditions and times. So the Bible may prohibit something to an extent, but the Quran might totally prohibit that, as the conditions for their times of revelation was appropriate for such rulings and regulations. For example, the Quran has a verse saying to not pray while intoxicated, and another verse completely prohibites alcohol. So as time moved on, God has added more regulations and rulings in the duration of him revealing the Quran to prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). So let's say there was only one religion and one scripture revealed in let's say, the year 1200. If he set all the rules during that time, the future will bring more atrocities that were not forbidden during the revelation of the scripture, as the conditions during the time were not applicable. So God revealed multiple scriptures over time, each corresponding to their time and conditions if that makes sense. "But the Quran is 1400 years old, why follow it today if it was meant for the people at the time?" Well except the Quran was the final revelation, God set all the rules and way of life by then for all mankind. So since the Quran is the final revelation, its plays as an answer key to the previous scriptures. Does this answer?
@skyrisesenpaiii678 10 ай бұрын
Chicken cheering for kfc.
@user-xr3jr1sf4h 8 ай бұрын
in the West your womans do onlyfans thats better yeah?🤣
@zakirnasseri3596 8 ай бұрын
Dododododooodooo what does that mean
@damndaniel333 8 ай бұрын
​@@zakirnasseri3596he refers to the fact that there are women who are applauding the Muslim preacher, when in reality Islam says husbands can beat their wives into submission: 4:34 ...If you experience rebellion from the women, you shall first talk to them, then (you may use negative incentives like) deserting them in bed, then you may (as a last alternative) beat them...
@skyrisesenpaiii678 8 ай бұрын
@@zakirnasseri3596 cuz Muslim men are stated to beat their wife and etc
@DivyanshuYadav-by9di 8 ай бұрын
​@@zakirnasseri3596he means that Muslims are real victim of Islam there are 57 Muslim countries out of them you can see what is condition of 48 country's. Only two three Muslim countries are there which are secular and democratic. Muslims in West can protest for their rights but Muslims in Saudi Arab Qatar Oman cannot even protest.
@Prxnshh Жыл бұрын
Look at how the guy from peaceful community speaks.
@MrSarfaraz4u Жыл бұрын
Yes we are awesome
@DeliMeatTree Жыл бұрын
Christianity is historically and bibliclly more violent. All religions can get fucked though.
@SeekerOfTruth5 Жыл бұрын
❌🤦‍♂️This is a lie. Thales did not say that all living creatures were created from water. Rather, he said that the origin of the entire universe, from planets, galaxies, stars, etc., was from water, and this is a scientific error. Diogenees Laërtius says about Thales: “His doctrine was that water is the universal primary substance.” ✅ On the other hand, the Qur'an contradicts this scientifically wrong view of Thales and says: " *Have those who disbelieved not considered that the heavens and the earth were a joined entity, and then We separated them and made from water every living thing? Then will they not believe* ?" The Qur’an states that every (living thing) is created from water, and not the entire universe, as Thales and Greek philosophers like Anaximander and all ancient civilization said. And the saying of the Qur’an is a scientific fact that has been discovered only in our time. 💠The Jewish physicist *Schroeder* testifies to this when he said: " *All life on Earth is water based. No water, no life, but with water, life was possible* ." 💠Even the famous atheist Richard Dawkins testified to this fact. We also note that the Qur’an explicitly refers to the heavens and the earth as one entity, which is in clear agreement with the basis of the Big Bang theory that we discovered only in this era. 🌍🌌 What is more surprising is that the Qur’an did not just mention that, but added that in the early stages of the creation of the universe there was smoke: [ *Then he directed Himself to the heaven while it was smoke* and said to it and to the earth,” Come [into being], willingly or by compulsion They said, "We have come willingly” ] This contradicts the belief prevailing in many ancient nations that the origin of the universe is water🌊. It is the ancient Egyptian conception and the civilizations of Mesopotamia and the ancient Greeks, and it is also the conception adopted by the Christians in (2 Peter 3:5): “ *the heavens were of old, and the earth standing out of the water and in the water* .” 🔺And what the Qur’an came with here is amazing, not only because it contradicts the culture of the time, but because it goes in a complete opposite to that culture. 💠The famous atheist physicist Stephen Hawking said: “ *You could say that we are made of the smoke of the big bang* .” 💠The astronomers working at the Herschel Space Observatory said: “A cosmic dust consist of tiny particles of solid material floating around in the space between the stars. *It is not the same as the dust you find in your house but more like smoke* .” 🔸So, please tell me, how did an illiterate man in an ignorant desert environment that knows neither reading nor writing nor science learned these scientific facts? To clarify, my belief as a Muslim is not based only on one scientific fact that exists here or there in the Qur’an, but is based first on the truthfulness of the content of the Qur’an from the pure monotheism of God, consistent with reason and sound logic, which is not found in any other religious book. And I also believed because of the continuous and unequivocal historical testimonies of the sincerity of the Messenger of Islam, Muhammad, may God bless him and grant him peace. And on the doctrinal, moral and Sharia facts that regulate our lives to the fullest. 📚 And on the rhetorical miracle of the Qur’an, the Qur’an challenges people to produce even a small surah similar to the Qur’an, and this challenge persists to this day: “ *And if you are in doubt about what we have revealed to Our servant, then produce a sûrah like it and call your helpers other than Allah But if you are unable to do so-and you will never be able to do so-then fear the Fire fueled with people and stones, which is prepared for the disbelievers* ” I also believed in the message of Islam because the Qur’an speaks of scientific facts that could not be discovered by anyone 200 years ago, let alone 1400 years ago. The objector should explain the existence of about 1000 verses in the Qur’an that talk about the natural manifestations of our universe, and there is not a single scientific error!!! We do not find in the Qur’an a trace of the superstitions of the seventh century among the pagans and others. Rather, the Qur’an came superior to that culture, condemning it and showing the truth. And you should explain why the Qur’an did not transmit the myths of the New Testament, the Old Testament, the Talmud, the Targum, the Madrashas, ​​and the myths of the Egyptians, Persians and Greeks, even though you claim that the Qur’an stole from them all these scientific sayings!!!?
@hailhydra5 Жыл бұрын
true peace comes from 9/11
@Kakarot_369 Жыл бұрын
Arrogant way
@googlespynetwork Күн бұрын
The Muslim clapping seals got real quiet .
@Guys_Love_Each_Other Ай бұрын
This what happens when you don't question your holy book but just all best you do is to try to believe your book
@akshayoimbe4730 Жыл бұрын
I was atheist bt after listening to this I'm a hardcore atheist.. thanks
@theMKstudios Жыл бұрын
U believe in science??? And not in God ?? Am I true
@akshayoimbe4730 Жыл бұрын
@@theMKstudios yes I am atheist
@theMKstudios Жыл бұрын
@@akshayoimbe4730 what is the reason you don't believe in God
@SeekerOfTruth5 Жыл бұрын
❌❌❌❌🤦‍♂️This is a lie. Thales did not say that all living creatures were created from water. Rather, he said that the origin of the entire universe, from planets, galaxies, stars, etc., was from water, and this is a scientific error. Diogenees Laërtius says about Thales: “His doctrine was that water is the universal primary substance.” ✅ On the other hand, the Qur'an contradicts this scientifically wrong view of Thales and says: " *Have those who disbelieved not considered that the heavens and the earth were a joined entity, and then We separated them and made from water every living thing? Then will they not believe* ?" The Qur’an states that every (living thing) is created from water, and not the entire universe, as Thales and Greek philosophers like Anaximander and all ancient civilization said. And the saying of the Qur’an is a scientific fact that has been discovered only in our time. 💠The Jewish physicist *Schroeder* testifies to this when he said: " *All life on Earth is water based. No water, no life, but with water, life was possible* ." 💠Even the famous atheist Richard Dawkins testified to this fact. We also note that the Qur’an explicitly refers to the heavens and the earth as one entity, which is in clear agreement with the basis of the Big Bang theory that we discovered only in this era. 🌍🌌 What is more surprising is that the Qur’an did not just mention that, but added that in the early stages of the creation of the universe there was smoke: [ *Then he directed Himself to the heaven while it was smoke* and said to it and to the earth,” Come [into being], willingly or by compulsion They said, "We have come willingly” ] This contradicts the belief prevailing in many ancient nations that the origin of the universe is water🌊. It is the ancient Egyptian conception and the civilizations of Mesopotamia and the ancient Greeks, and it is also the conception adopted by the Christians in (2 Peter 3:5): “ *the heavens were of old, and the earth standing out of the water and in the water* .” 🔺And what the Qur’an came with here is amazing, not only because it contradicts the culture of the time, but because it goes in a complete opposite to that culture. 💠The famous atheist physicist Stephen Hawking said: “ *You could say that we are made of the smoke of the big bang* .” 💠The astronomers working at the Herschel Space Observatory said: “A cosmic dust consist of tiny particles of solid material floating around in the space between the stars. *It is not the same as the dust you find in your house but more like smoke* .” 🔸So, please tell me, how did an illiterate man in an ignorant desert environment that knows neither reading nor writing nor science learned these scientific facts? To clarify, my belief as a Muslim is not based only on one scientific fact that exists here or there in the Qur’an, but is based first on the truthfulness of the content of the Qur’an from the pure monotheism of God, consistent with reason and sound logic, which is not found in any other religious book. And I also believed because of the continuous and unequivocal historical testimonies of the sincerity of the Messenger of Islam, Muhammad, may God bless him and grant him peace. And on the doctrinal, moral and Sharia facts that regulate our lives to the fullest. 📚 And on the rhetorical miracle of the Qur’an, the Qur’an challenges people to produce even a small surah similar to the Qur’an, and this challenge persists to this day: “ *And if you are in doubt about what we have revealed to Our servant, then produce a sûrah like it and call your helpers other than Allah But if you are unable to do so-and you will never be able to do so-then fear the Fire fueled with people and stones, which is prepared for the disbelievers* ” I also believed in the message of Islam because the Qur’an speaks of scientific facts that could not be discovered by anyone 200 years ago, let alone 1400 years ago. The objector should explain the existence of about 1000 verses in the Qur’an that talk about the natural manifestations of our universe, and there is not a single scientific error!!! We do not find in the Qur’an a trace of the superstitions of the seventh century among the pagans and others. Rather, the Qur’an came superior to that culture, condemning it and showing the truth. And you should explain why the Qur’an did not transmit the myths of the New Testament, the Old Testament, the Talmud, the Targum, the Madrashas, ​​and the myths of the Egyptians, Persians and Greeks, even though you claim that the Qur’an stole from them all these scientific sayings!!!? ____
@Robert-fc9xz Жыл бұрын
@@theMKstudios Which one?
@jessicataylor2849 Жыл бұрын
Jinns in bathrooms always got me. Germs explain it better.
@VictorPanteleimon Жыл бұрын
NOO !! The devil is omnipresent in every moozlim nose!! Abu Huraira reported: The Apostle of Allah said. When any one of you awakes up from sleep and performs ablution, he must clean his nose three times, for the devil spends the night in the interior of his nose. (Sahih Muslim, Book 002, Number 0462)
@heinshaaine8153 Жыл бұрын
​@@VictorPanteleimon what
@VictorPanteleimon Жыл бұрын
@@heinshaaine8153 Mooslims believe that the Devil is inside of the nose.
@thebreadtable4880 Жыл бұрын
@@VictorPanteleimon lmao no but Ik evangelicals who really believe this shit. I know one guy who’s a terrible person and basically blames all his evil thoughts and actions on the devil. Almost like it’s an excuse to get out of a sense of personal responsibility for his awful actions. Religious people are a trip.
@7years6months3days5hours7min Жыл бұрын
for the hypocrites in the video and the comment section tales said that all things are water not all things were created by water so ....
@Armijae 6 ай бұрын
“But those who disbelieve and deny Our signs will be the residents of the Fire. They will be there forever.” -Qur’ān [2:39]
@koalaplays8855 6 ай бұрын
Kinda narcissistic that you believe people who doesn’t have the same ideology as you will get tortured for eternity
@Ereeee05 6 ай бұрын
@coffe2270 6 ай бұрын
@@koalaplays8855wdym it’s not narccistic if it actually is superior
@koalaplays8855 6 ай бұрын
@@coffe2270 opposed to?
@willfire0310 6 ай бұрын
@@coffe2270except it isn’t even remotely superior.
@ankitchaudhary9192 4 ай бұрын
They will use science to validate thier cherry picked topics , but if ask them other things that science doesn't approve, they say science and religion are different
@Heythere.123 2 ай бұрын
Science and religion are different 💀 And also we state science when it occurs in the Quran to prove that Science vs religion is a false dichotomy
@hardcoreromeo2111 Жыл бұрын
Lmfao at the tented ladies going crazy for this middle school level of understanding
@7years6months3days5hours7min Жыл бұрын
for the hypocrites in the video and the comment section Thales said that all things are water entirely not all things were created from water so
@7years6months3days5hours7min Жыл бұрын
for the hypocrites in the video and the comment section Thales said that all things are water entirely not all things were created from water so
@7years6months3days5hours7min Жыл бұрын
for the hypocrites in the video and the comment section Thales said that all things are water entirely not all things were created from water so
@rahulmohanty Жыл бұрын
​​@@7years6months3days5hours7min they changed it later as they did with the flat earth thing.
@royalsunset3251 Жыл бұрын
How'd the prophet pbuh know if he couldn't read or write? And when did the prophet have any connection or knowledge to Thales being in the middle of the desert? And what about him claiming in the Qur'an that the universe was expanding? Here's Thales primary principal: The problem of the nature of matter, and its transformation into the myriad things of which the universe is made, engaged the natural philosophers, commencing with Thales. For his hypothesis to be credible, it was essential that he could explain how all things could come into being from water, and return ultimately to the originating material. It is inherent in Thales’s hypotheses that water had the potentiality to change to the myriad things of which the universe is made, the botanical, physiological, meteorological and geological states. In Timaeus, 49B-C, Plato had Timaeus relate a cyclic process. The passage commences with ‘that which we now call “water” ‘, and describes a theory which was possibly that of Thales. Thales would have recognized evaporation, and have been familiar with traditional views, such as the nutritive capacity of mist and ancient theories about spontaneous generation, phenomena which he may have ‘observed’, just as Aristotle believed he, himself had (Hist. An. 569 b1; Gen. An. 762 a9-763 a34), and about which Diodorus Siculus (I.7.3-5; 1.10.6), Epicurus (ap. Censorinus, D.N. IV.9), Lucretius (De Rerum Natura , V.783-808) and Ovid (Met. I.416-437) wrote. When Aristotle reported Thales’s pronouncement that the primary principle is water, he made a precise statement: ‘Thales says that it [the nature of things] is water’ (Metaph. 983 b20), but he became tentative when he proposed reasons which might have justified Thales’s decision: ‘[Thales’s] supposition may have arisen from observation . . . ‘ (Metaph. 983 b22). It was Aristotle’s opinion that Thales may have observed, ‘that the nurture of all creatures is moist, and that warmth itself is generated from moisture and lives by it; and that from which all things come to be is their first principle’ (Metaph. 983 b23-25). Then, in the lines 983 b26-27, Aristotle’s tone changed towards greater confidence. He declared: ‘Besides this, another reason for the supposition would be that the semina of all things have a moist nature . . . ‘ (Metaph. 983 b26-27). In continuing the criticism of Thales, Aristotle wrote: ‘That from which all things come to be is their first principle’ (Metaph. 983 b25). Simple metallurgy had been practised long before Thales presented his hypotheses, so Thales knew that heat could return metals to a liquid state. Water exhibits sensible changes more obviously than any of the other so-called elements, and can readily be observed in the three states of liquid, vapour and ice. The understanding that water could generate into earth is basic to Thales’s watery thesis. At Miletus it could readily be observed that water had the capacity to thicken into earth. Miletus stood on the Gulf of Lade through which the Maeander river emptied its waters. Within living memory, older Milesians had witnessed the island of Lade increasing in size within the Gulf, and the river banks encroaching into the river to such an extent that at Priene, across the gulf from Miletus the warehouses had to be rebuilt closer to the water’s edge. The ruins of the once prosperous city-port of Miletus are now ten kilometres distant from the coast and the Island of Lade now forms part of a rich agricultural plain. There would have been opportunity to observe other areas where earth generated from water, for example, the deltas of the Halys, the Ister, about which Hesiod wrote (Theogony, 341), now called the Danube, the Tigris-Euphrates, and almost certainly the Nile. This coming-into-being of land would have provided substantiation of Thales’s doctrine. To Thales water held the potentialities for the nourishment and generation of the entire cosmos. Aëtius attributed to Thales the concept that ‘even the very fire of the sun and the stars, and indeed the cosmos itself is nourished by evaporation of the waters’ (Aëtius, Placita, I.3). It is not known how Thales explained his watery thesis, but Aristotle believed that the reasons he proposed were probably the persuasive factors in Thales’s considerations. Thales gave no role to the Olympian gods. Belief in generation of earth from water was not proven to be wrong until A.D. 1769 following experiments of Antoine Lavoisier, and spontaneous generation was not disproved until the nineteenth century as a result of the work of Louis Pasteur. So this man GUESSED based of the fact that things can be liquefied and animals needing water and he didn't even say that every living thing is made from water. He said that the nature of things is water FROM A PHILOSOPHER PERSPECTIVE To Thales water held the potentialities for the nourishment and generation of the entire cosmos. Aëtius attributed to Thales the concept that ‘even the very fire of the sun and the stars, and indeed the cosmos itself is nourished by evaporation of the waters’ So my man said fire is made from water too Oh also this man has claimed that earth is floating because he saw ships were floating and continued thinking that earth is a boat and that there could be a substance (rocks) lighter than water under the earth, very scientific stuff. that's very scientific don't you think? As a matter of fact here's the article about him continuing his own none proofed philosophy about earthquakes: Thales’s theory about the cause of earthquakes is consistent with his hypothesis that earth floats upon water. It seems that he applied his floating on water simile to the natural phenomena of earthquakes. Aëtius recorded that Thales and Democritus found in water the cause of earthquakes (Aët. III.15), and Seneca attributed to Thales a theory that on the occasions when the earth is said to quake it is fluctuating because of the roughness of oceans (QNat. III.14; 6.6). Although the theory is wrong, Thales’s hypothesis is rational because it provides an explanation which does not invoke hidden entities. It is an advance upon the traditional Homeric view that they resulted from an angry supernatural god, Poseidon, shaking the earth through his rapid striding. So this guy tried to evade Greek gods so much, he believed even earthquakes are the result of earth being a lil sturdy on the waves of the ocean. And the funny thing is that even if prophet Muhammad pbuh was copying from him WHY DIDN'T HE COPY THIS? AS A MATTER OF FACT HE MENTIONED THAT THE EARTH IS STABLED BY MOUNTAINS BEING STAKES. Don't get me wrong this man had some good stuff like the theory of earth being spherical: As in his, experiment: From the shore, a ship can be seen to be descending, gradually, below the horizon, with the hull disappearing from view first, to be followed by masts and sails. If one had a companion observing from a higher point, the companion would see the ship for a long period before it disappeared from view. But that doesn't mean he's right about everything aye? And btw THE PROPHET PBUH ACTUALLY PROPHESIZED THAT FROM THE SIGNS OF THE DAY OF JUDGEMENT THERE'D BE NEW DISEASES PEOPLE NEVER HEARD OF BEFORE. Don't ask the book for answers to everything, next up you're going to ask where's Newton's law in the Qur'an By the words of zakir nike: THIS IS THE BOOK OF SIGNS, NOT SCIENCE Y'all really need to try harder than that so that we could sit you down for millionth time
@shayandutta2295 Жыл бұрын
As an Indian...I am enjoying this...
@shayandutta2295 Жыл бұрын
@@SadiqVids Maybe I don't know. Can you provide the source?
@SulekhaBose-bq6ol Жыл бұрын
​@@SadiqVids at least unlike yours our religion gives us the opportunity to believe and rejet what we think appropriate
@rajendrabawa660 Жыл бұрын
​@@SadiqVidsin our religion we r allowed to ask and question things. And leave the things we dont like. Our religion 5000 year and mix of 1000s of culture so we all know that not all things r right according to time and we accept changes. There 1000 books related to our religion but we only take geeta seriously. Its would have lakhs of books if invaders had not burned our scriptures.
@rajendrabawa660 Жыл бұрын
​​@@SadiqVidsi have never heard this elephant thing in my whole life. But i know some our ancient scripture which say earth is spherical. In Sanskrit, which is our holy language the word if geography is 'bhugol' which means spherical earth. 🙂
@aparnajana4923 Жыл бұрын
​@@SadiqVids I don't know that if our ancient scriptures there is something like disk earth is mentioned. But after reading your comment i knew that you have no knowledge on Sanskrit or any other indian language. "Bhu" means earth and "gol" means spherical. But you are saying that "gol" means circle. In Sanskrit we called "britta" which is circle, and "golok" which is closely related to "gol" that means sphere. Please do some research before contradiction any argument.😅
@guillaumepham6024 11 күн бұрын
Yes for sure Muhammad knew a lot of Greeks and he had Google translate 😂😂
@superiorsimp4210 3 ай бұрын
Earth is like a carpet Flat
@adamarifp2101 Ай бұрын
it said spread out and also the same word can be used for ostrich egg
@abubatata1222 Ай бұрын
@@adamarifp2101no, it cant. But an ostrich does lay it self flat when it lays an egg. And its egg isnt flat. So, if that makes it make sense then good on ya.
@ceti_9998 27 күн бұрын
No its not flat check the verse carefully
@cruelworld9825 Жыл бұрын
Those who deserved it didn't receive it😢
@7years6months3days5hours7min Жыл бұрын
for the hypocrites in the video and the comment section Thales said that all things are water entirely not all things were created from water so
@IamGod534 Жыл бұрын
​@@7years6months3days5hours7min A very ancient scientist got the idea. That you cannot take as prophecy. What about the sun setting into mud swamp. 🤦. How close minded can religious people can be.
@LionsHeart3.1.3 Жыл бұрын
@@IamGod534 One of the ideas that Thales is best known for is his philosophy about the importance of water. He believed that the principle of everything was water. [Historical source] theles said everything originated from water. Not just life.😆😂🤣 Iron came from water?😆😂🤣
@rakshitsingh40 Жыл бұрын
👏Well I give it to them
@rakshitsingh40 Жыл бұрын
@@zulfii982 one who definitely appreciate what's being said..
@bishophimself6107 Жыл бұрын
I love the biology class where sky was “opened”
@davidnewcomb7466 Жыл бұрын
“Uh oh, I don’t like those clouds. Looks like the sky might open today.”
@NoOne-wz2ht Жыл бұрын
Yeah its utter nonsense. The big bang totally isn't a thing (heavy sarcasm) seriously. Please use logic. The atheists argument is complete nonsense
@IbadilillahiswalaheenAllahHuak Жыл бұрын
Hell will be in wait for you
@IbadilillahiswalaheenAllahHuak Жыл бұрын
​@@davidnewcomb7466Download miracles of quran and download quran and read the actual translation since the sky is wrong the correct is the heavens
@gretchenhansen668 11 ай бұрын
Thales thought everything is made of water he also thought the Earth floated in water" Quraan knew better and stated: we made every LIVING thing of water, to begin with. The Quraan said about 1400 yrs ago that pulsar stars making a sound like if someone is knockin the door (=taariq), the widening/ expansion of the universe, atoms, black materia - illumination of the nearest sky, mountain pegs, iron from outter space, internal waves - the description of the deepths of the ocean, impregnation/ embryo development early states (references: Keith L Moore, E. Marshall Johnson) - which can not be seen with the human eye just under an microscope and many more sciebtific facts in anatomy, geophysiks, astrophysiks,, historical events, etc - discovered *just* recently and in the 20th century ...
@leonjpaul5524 Ай бұрын
The cheering is hilarious. Those poor people
@amlanbhattacharjee9028 11 ай бұрын
Islam in, brain out
@Trigorastronomology 10 ай бұрын
@strangersprison 10 ай бұрын
How much does it bother u that Islam keeps growing! Smh I’m gonna have a burger today!
@strangersprison 10 ай бұрын
@@Kukhyaati learn some proper English thennnnn, you can probably make a decent comment!
@55qEditz 9 ай бұрын
​@@strangersprison nah Atheism is growing not Islam
@hellofkn3282 8 ай бұрын
saying a lindu 😂😂
@timg7627 Жыл бұрын
….and Mohammed flew on a winged horse to the moon 🤦🤦🤣
@shreeram333 10 ай бұрын
Bro it was a donkey not a horse
@rooptera 10 ай бұрын
​@@shreeram333Barak was it's name?
@user-xr3jr1sf4h 8 ай бұрын
who sayed that?
@terencejay8845 7 ай бұрын
It was a winged beast, with 'the face of a woman and the tail of a peacock' - Al Buraq. It doesn't say horse or donkey, but that's how it's usually drawn.
@mamansarkasman 7 ай бұрын
And somebody said that Muhammad has cuts the moon in half and placed it together again with his sword.. I cant find the proof but its a popular story in my country Indonesia along with this Buraq thing story..
@slimstube6481 2 ай бұрын
Ok but Prophet Muhammad may peace been upon him was uneducated not even knew how to read or write? How could he knew that? Also the quran is the words of Allah not Muhammad, just like the bible and torah was once words of Allah as well. That scientist point doesn’t makes any sense.
@hominum3246 2 ай бұрын
what if he lied about it
@hominum3246 2 ай бұрын
what if he could actually read
@MinstrelEmpire 6 ай бұрын
As a christian, this is a w atheist
@aryanaijaz2110 6 ай бұрын
He isn’t debating about Islam or Christianity, he is sayin wheaten your god is false or not, W no god you mean?
@MinstrelEmpire 6 ай бұрын
@@aryanaijaz2110 nah I just don't like Islam
@aryanaijaz2110 6 ай бұрын
@@MinstrelEmpire okay 👍
@TPOL123ISBACKAGAIN 5 ай бұрын
@@MinstrelEmpireOf course you don’t, what a loser! 😂
@SmokeFactory 4 ай бұрын
@@MinstrelEmpirethen you aren’t christian lmao, actually follow its values or stop pretending to be one
@simonocampo Жыл бұрын
the problem with the Muslim guy is that he's trying to reinterpret out of context the Quran trying to fit verses through modern science. That's contrary to exegesis. And that's not the way to defend and present rational arguments for religious beliefs.
@7years6months3days5hours7min Жыл бұрын
for the hypocrites in the video and the comment section Thales said that all things are water entirely not all things were created from water so
@7years6months3days5hours7min Жыл бұрын
you literally said nothing
@lly_09 Жыл бұрын
Yeah, these guys trying so hard to reinterpret stuff to fit achivements and be like "thats literally there in the Qur'an" but the muslims never bothered to develop and advance science and technology
@7years6months3days5hours7min Жыл бұрын
@@lly_09 what a lie
@skendercela5541 Жыл бұрын
​@@lly_09 First university made by Muslims dude what the hell you learning in school 😂
@trueguidance9749 Жыл бұрын
Look at the level of applause for superstition and ignorance.....😆😅
@faheemsheikh8432 Жыл бұрын
Where did he debunked??? Debunk means exposing falseness quran saye life originated from water and this atheist said same so when both are same then how he debunked it 😂 and about the germ thing Quran is a religious book not scientific if there are facts then it's perhaps gift from Almighty Allah SWT ( God )
@digitalbath6057 Жыл бұрын
They need to do that to remain convinced that they are going to be in heaven with hoors.
@davidarbogast37 Жыл бұрын
Yeah that's what cult members usually do
@7years6months3days5hours7min Жыл бұрын
for the hypocrites in the video and the comment section tales said that all things are water not all things were created by water so ....
@manish7897 Жыл бұрын
​@@davidarbogast37 yes they do
@fakhrulislam6869 Ай бұрын
To the blind followers of athiesm including the creator of this video and all those ignorant people in the comments, let me debunk this so called debunk of the Quran. The guy in the glasses claimed that it was thales who actually said this before Prophet Muhammad SAW. This is a filthy lie, if you research about the actual belief of thales he didn't believe every living thing was made of water. He believed all matter, every single thing in the world is made out of water which is wrong as we know today. So first of all he lied and tried to twist the actual beliefs of thales. And ironically thales lived in miletus, a place completely surrounded by water, so no wonder he said everything is water😂. Whereas if you look at the verse of the Quran, it is very clear. It says that every *living* thing is made out of water and this is an actual biological fact. Secondly the reason he mentioned thales was to brainwash his blind followers just like the creator and the majority in the comments 🤭, into thinking that Prophet Muhammad SAW copied thales argument(which I already proved is wrong anyways). Now he's lying so much, he first is trying to say that Prophet Muhammad SAW magically went from a desert in Arabia to miletus and somehow learned Greek or their language (which he has no proof of) . Not only that he mentioned himself that "this belief was not commonly advocated" , if this was not a common belief then why would prophet Muhammad saw who is supposedly a false prophet choose a minor belief. If he is a false Prophet than he would choose the famous and common belief😂. I mean these people are just hitting themselves in their own foot. I'm genuinely amazed that the so called people of science just blindly believed everything that 4 eyes said and didn't bother to research about this at all. This is what happens when you start worshipping science instead of worshipping Allah. I rest my case, the truth is clear for the one who is sincere.
@adamarifp2101 Ай бұрын
yes This was just a theory by Thales unlike the statement made in the Quran . He also made many mistakes such as believing that the earth floated on water and this was the cause of earthquakes. Now learn what the Quran says about mountains and earthquakes
@luvluay Ай бұрын
My friend these people believe everything came from nothing… don’t stress yourself. They base all of their morals based on the Harm Factor. It’s all broken ways of thinking because to simply phrase it they don’t want to accept the responsibility of their existence.
@Thashneem Ай бұрын
Well said brother.
@I_Stole_A_BTR-80 Ай бұрын
So Thales thought all matter was made out of water, and living creatures are made out of matter. Yeah you haven't debunked this argument, you've only pointed out there's an extra step and are then claiming that because there's that extra step, living creatures aren't directly made out of water (by Thales' theory) and therefore he's wrong. By that logic, the Quran is not Allah's words, because Allah would have spoken them or spoken directly into people's minds, and as words aren't speech or thoughts, the Quran cannot be Allah's words. Do you see how your argument works now?
@fakhrulislam6869 Ай бұрын
@@I_Stole_A_BTR-80 You're wrong, the Quran is Allah's words🤦‍♂️that angel Gabriel brought and recited to Prophet Muhammad SAW and since humans can't hear the voice of God, there's no point in speaking the Quran, Atleast do some research bruh. And if Allah would gave the direct signs, then there would be no point in the test of this life. Allah has only given us enough information to know that he(the creator) exists but he didn't show us clear signs for example we cannot see Allah, one of the reasons for that is because this life is a test and If Allah shows himself than everyone would believe🤦‍♂️. Secondly you clearly didn't read my comment or you're just deliberately using straw man fallacy on my face. Read my comment properly, I said if the Quran copied thales, it would've copied his exact statement and mistakes, how did the Quran know which portion of thales statement was right and which was wrong. You still haven't provided any evidence that the Prophet Muhammad SAW, who was a man living in the deserts of Arabia went to Miletus and spoke Greek. Stop lying to yourself, it was a flawed argument made by that 4 eyes and I destroyed it and now you're just desperately trying to defend those lies and are failing miserably........
@AdityaRaj-xm6oi 4 ай бұрын
Look how all the penguins are happy and clapping.
@Tusharkr334 4 ай бұрын
​@Gaas_The-chews-again1 Don't worry he got a toilet in his home.He don't shit on street or in peoples mind.
@adamarifp2101 Ай бұрын
This was just a theory by Thales unlike the statement made in the Quran . He also made many mistakes such as believing that the earth floated on water and this was the cause of earthquakes. Now learn what the Quran says about mountains and earthquakes .
@sanjidvinsmoke2676 8 ай бұрын
The loud cheering that followed & then the complete silence 😂😂😂
@ronydidar9220 6 ай бұрын
Thales said "All things come from water and all are resolved into water." he never said all living things come from water. this short is full of lies and misrepresentation. and the second atheist said "If you throw enough spaghetti against the wall, some of it's going to stick. you're going to find something that looks prophetic and you gonna go waw, looks at what he said........" in Islam, you will never discover an unscientific fact. Thales said all things come from water how could Mohammed (sal) specifically said all living things come from water ??
@LawByStan 6 ай бұрын
​@@ronydidar9220 if god was interested in revealing knowledge through the Quran, why did god reveal that germs caused diseases, that the earth is a round, etc?
@Matttski 5 ай бұрын
@@ronydidar9220 but not all living things come from water either so Mohamed was incorrect
@Sweeti924 4 ай бұрын
@@ronydidar9220by the way we are not created from water.
@Mayan_88694 4 ай бұрын
@@ronydidar9220actually yes you would, the sun doesn’t set in a muddy pond, the moon was not split in two. There is no firmament, shooting stars are not missiles thrown at demons, semen does not come from between the backbone and the ribs. Want me to go on?
@TheUnMaka Жыл бұрын
This made me become an even bigger atheist
@faheemsheikh8432 Жыл бұрын
Where did he debunked??? Debunk means exposing falseness quran saye life originated from water and this atheist said same so when both are same then how he debunked it 😂 and about the germ thing Quran is a religious book not scientific if there are facts then it's perhaps gift from Almighty Allah SWT ( God )
@Mo-mg3fg Жыл бұрын
Congrats you became more stupid thinking that the universe came by notihing and monkey’s turned into humans with a random theory which isn’t proven 😅
@niessin1483 Жыл бұрын
Have yall heard Thales actual view on the universal concept?
@7years6months3days5hours7min Жыл бұрын
for the hypocrites in the video and the comment section tales said that all things are water not all things were created by water so .... WHAT A DUMB LIE
@7years6months3days5hours7min Жыл бұрын
for the hypocrites in the video and the comment section Thales said that all things are water entirely not all things were created from water so
@georgepantzikis7988 2 ай бұрын
It's also not true that all life is created from water. Life most likely originated in water, but it isn't made from water.
@Onays_Ta 13 күн бұрын
Okay, as for the first part "Prophet Muhammad revealed alot of things besides the big bang, such as big crunch theory, Oceanic division theory, embryology, iron within meteorites, formation of clouds and many more Biology stuffs and as well as ancient history. and this was all revealed by someone who lived in a desert, was illetrate and this person spent most of his time inside a cave until the age of 40" The second argument is that "you can't ask something specific as an evidence for the existence of something for example, if I say that if God exist, then why doesn't he make me billionaire? This argument is fallacious bcz you are asking something specific as a proof while ignoring evidences which hold much value than the evidence you are asking"
@indecentparodies Жыл бұрын
Mulla was schooled😂
@Rashid_154 Жыл бұрын
madarsa prolly
@nothing26375 Жыл бұрын
Mulla 😂😂
@riverselive_kdmz_8458 Жыл бұрын
Whos mulla
@Youngbroncoboy Жыл бұрын
@@riverselive_kdmz_8458A terrorist
@bigcatt859 11 ай бұрын
*Thales* said many other things which the prophet Mohammad surprisingly did not copy: The earth rests on water. (De Caelo 294a28) Water is the archê of all things. (Metaph. 983b18) The magnet has a soul. (De Anima 405a19) All things are full of gods. (De Anima 411a7) The earth is flat 😂.
@dhananjaykumar4624 Жыл бұрын
A total silence when wisdom spoke!!!
@seotgaming9693 Жыл бұрын
IF THALES SAID THAT THAN WHO SAID THIS ALL TO PROPHET MUHAMMAD ? 1.The creation of the universe from a single point (Big Bang) 2.The expansion of the universe 3.The alternating stages of day and night 4.The spherical shape of the Earth 5.The existence of a protective atmosphere 6.The formation of mountains as stabilizers for the Earth's crust 7.The water cycle, including evaporation, condensation, and precipitation 8.The existence of underground water sources and springs 9.The separation between bodies of saltwater and freshwater 10.The existence of a barrier between two seas that prevents them from mixing 11.The formation of lightning and its role in nitrogen fixation 12.The precise calculation of the orbits and movements of celestial bodies 13.The stages of human embryonic development 14.The existence of male and female reproductive fluids 15.The importance of honey as a natural remedy 16.The ability of bees to communicate and build complex hives 17.The healing properties of various plants and fruits 18.The structure of the human body and its intricate design 19.The uniqueness of fingerprints for each individual 20.The correlation between iron and the creation of the Earth 21.The existence of barriers preventing the mixing of different seas and oceans 22.The concept of time dilation and relativity 23.The relationship between sleep and rejuvenation of the body 24.The importance of moderation in diet and lifestyle 25.The balance and harmony in the natural world 26.The symbolism behind the creation of pairs in various aspects of life 27.The recognition of the human ability to think, reason, and reflect 28.The preservation of the Pharaoh's body as a sign for future generations 29.The concept of the soul and its connection to the body 30.The wisdom and guidance found in the Quran itself AND MANY MORE..........
@adamarifp2101 Ай бұрын
This was just a theory by Thales unlike the statement made in the Quran . He also made many mistakes such as believing that the earth floated on water and this was the cause of earthquakes. Now learn what the Quran says about mountains and earthquakes
@morvye 2 ай бұрын
Meanwhile muslims believe all life came from Adam and Eve
@Heythere.123 2 ай бұрын
And...!? What's your point?
@ztxboss5663 2 ай бұрын
Madrasa students were so happy and clapped thinking that there wouldn’t be any reply.
@gencobra5803 2 ай бұрын
The bro didn't debunk the sky and earth was once one.
@Prathmesh_369 2 ай бұрын
Prove sky and heaven was once one​.@@gencobra5803
@Jjjjhhhjjj-sd9hm 2 ай бұрын
​@@gencobra5803 Are madarachap sky koi cheej nahi hai wo Khali space hai
@fakhrulislam6869 Ай бұрын
Lol he was wrong about the belief of thales. Do some research..... honestly you people just blindly follow athiests, don't you. His so called debunk has been debunked by many people kid, read the comments carefully.
@gencobra5803 Ай бұрын
@@Jjjjhhhjjj-sd9hm the stars,the nebulaes,the galaxies, and the ozone layer watching you say this answer :🥲🥲
@anujkishor Жыл бұрын
Debate turned into a roast and I'm here for it
@gregwilliams6828 Жыл бұрын
Roast?? They got burnt 😂
@potkettle46 Жыл бұрын
Yo His palms are sweaty, knees weak, arms are heavy There's vomit on his sweater already, mom's spaghetti
@saadbenbenabslam5176 Жыл бұрын
The amount of people here cheering for the atheist without even veryfing his claims first shows you that they are worse than what they claim the believers to be. THALES claimed that ALL THINGS are created from water, which total Bullshit. Against Allah words which says that ALL LIVING Things are made from water. Which is a scientific truth !! So Shut them mouths please and only open when uve done your research and unbiased thinking !!!
@gregwilliams6828 Жыл бұрын
@@saadbenbenabslam5176 potato patarto it's all bs and obviously so. I was raised catholic and by the age of 7 I released its all fairy tales. For many years I have been watching online debates and have yet to hear an argument for god that holds water (pun intended). So no research needed.
@saadbenbenabslam5176 Жыл бұрын
@@gregwilliams6828 Lol already making assumptions and jumping into conclusions. Lol shows what a logical man you are. My friend let me tell you how you mathematically prove something does not exist. You assume it does and if you find contradictions then what you assumed is incorrect . So it makes no sense that this universe does not have a creator and designer . There is no such thing as chance or randomness only lack of data. So with the matter of the big bands singularity. The probability of life coming into existence is 1 in 10^229. Universe has 10^80 atoms. So it makes no sense that God does not exist. My friend all observable matter is only 5% of the universe so please don't pretend you can actually prove something does not exist. Lol
@hiyalokath481 Жыл бұрын
The Muslim audience will clap at anything... They will even clap when the plane lands😁
@footyvalz-e Жыл бұрын
it never does tho
@hosamhosam9204 Жыл бұрын
"They will even clap when the plane lands", oh what a burn, you just proved islam is wrong wow hahahaha.
@hosamhosam9204 Жыл бұрын
@@footyvalz-e 2 nuclear weapons killing millions in algeria, inslaving afriqa, and still crying about few pings that died in 9/11 lol
@hosamhosam9204 Жыл бұрын
Sesms like a muslim did it withyour sister and now you are everywhere spreading lies about islam hahaha. Keep going you amuse me.
@footyvalz-e Жыл бұрын
@@hosamhosam9204 i was joking. I know how much America and the west destroyed countries.
@UziMan-Science-Math 9 күн бұрын
Yeah and Muhammad SAW had no access to Thales. And that's just one fact. Try again.
@joysarker9007 Жыл бұрын
this is what you call mood swings the room gone huhu to shhhh in mater of seconds
@andjon3710 Жыл бұрын
You cant argue with madness, aspecially a religious madness.
@seotgaming9693 Жыл бұрын
IF THALES SAID THAT THAN WHO SAID THIS ALL TO PROPHET MUHAMMAD ? 1.The creation of the universe from a single point (Big Bang) 2.The expansion of the universe 3.The alternating stages of day and night 4.The spherical shape of the Earth 5.The existence of a protective atmosphere 6.The formation of mountains as stabilizers for the Earth's crust 7.The water cycle, including evaporation, condensation, and precipitation 8.The existence of underground water sources and springs 9.The separation between bodies of saltwater and freshwater 10.The existence of a barrier between two seas that prevents them from mixing 11.The formation of lightning and its role in nitrogen fixation 12.The precise calculation of the orbits and movements of celestial bodies 13.The stages of human embryonic development 14.The existence of male and female reproductive fluids 15.The importance of honey as a natural remedy 16.The ability of bees to communicate and build complex hives 17.The healing properties of various plants and fruits 18.The structure of the human body and its intricate design 19.The uniqueness of fingerprints for each individual 20.The correlation between iron and the creation of the Earth 21.The existence of barriers preventing the mixing of different seas and oceans 22.The concept of time dilation and relativity 23.The relationship between sleep and rejuvenation of the body 24.The importance of moderation in diet and lifestyle 25.The balance and harmony in the natural world 26.The symbolism behind the creation of pairs in various aspects of life 27.The recognition of the human ability to think, reason, and reflect 28.The preservation of the Pharaoh's body as a sign for future generations 29.The concept of the soul and its connection to the body 30.The wisdom and guidance found in the Quran itself AND MANY MORE..........
@TheHalusis Жыл бұрын
atheists cant argue or even discuss any thing science, its all a front
@vincentmathew8304 Жыл бұрын
@MM-pk3rl Жыл бұрын
Wrong , Quran said it right , Thales said that the *WHOLE UNIVERSE* originated from water
@kstar1489 Жыл бұрын
@@MM-pk3rlo, that all life came from water was a view held by many others in that time, too. Also the Quran said the sky opened, no tf it didn’t
@Nasheed_ayan 2 ай бұрын
Qur'an is for guidance not for Allah to give you Newton's law and theorems
@abdulal246 10 ай бұрын
Leaving islam is the best thing i did😊
@physicslover790 10 ай бұрын
You can be a fake one😅.... Who is gonna to believe on your comment without proof🤔
@abdulal246 10 ай бұрын
@@physicslover790 y u need proof to be ATHIEST.muhammmed was a pedophile..even the starting fatih of Quran is full of lies
@omglol9571 10 ай бұрын
​@@abdulal246tell me where in history where Muhammad was accused of pedo ?
@srilok3441 8 ай бұрын
@user-pt2el1tt1r 8 ай бұрын
​@@omglol9571She was 19 at the time of marriage. 9 at the first mention. Time moves you know? Atheists may be the dumbest people ever 😂.
@digitalvei 4 ай бұрын
i raised as a muslim and i'm ashamed of that statement/quote from koran, i study astrophisics and i believe nothing but scientific facts now
@rabielazazi787 4 ай бұрын
what is wrong ?
@BedTimeLine 4 ай бұрын
@@rabielazazi787well I don’t know, Maybe it’s because the Quran glorifies the murder of the nonbelievers? Or that it has a shît ton of scientific misconceptions and mistakes ?
@ankurroy3979 9 ай бұрын
My favorite "miracle" in the Quran is when Prophet Mohammed said "Abra Kadabra" and split the ENTIRE MOON INTO TWO PIECES !!! and no other civilization felt the need to record this.
@tishamania8902 9 ай бұрын
Which chapter in quran
@ankurroy3979 9 ай бұрын
@@tishamania8902 From what little I have read, I believe it's chapter 54 of the Quran. Also, flying to heaven on a winged horse. That's also one amazing "Historical Fact" that I love.
@tishamania8902 9 ай бұрын
@@ankurroy3979 which sura bro
@tishamania8902 9 ай бұрын
@@ankurroy3979 there are 114 sura , from which sura
@ankurroy3979 9 ай бұрын
@@tishamania8902 The first 2 or 3 talk about it. Quran 1-3 I think.
@kieronbrowne7881 10 ай бұрын
If Islam is a religion of peace then why aren’t the fanatics peaceful
@peaceandfood7952 8 ай бұрын
Because they are not real Muslims same as the crusaders they were not real folowers of Jesus 🤦🤦🤦🤦 they drive me insane when they answer that....
@HappyAlien-sg3bt 7 ай бұрын
It is because usa invaded middle East
@hami__ 7 ай бұрын
Because fanatics are not Islam
@kieronbrowne7881 7 ай бұрын
@@hami__ what are they then?
@kieronbrowne7881 7 ай бұрын
@@hami__ what are they then?
@saadmezher6647 3 ай бұрын
Thales said that all matter is made out of water, earth and air. Not that all living things are made out if specifically water which Muhammad PBUH said. Its funny how many amaricans dont know simple history that we learned in 1st grade lol. Saying that stuff is made out of what the sky, ground and seas are made of is not wow.
@probablygeorge6489 3 ай бұрын
Why do you praise the name of a man who raped a 9 year old??
@spacecadetmcgee7349 Ай бұрын
Fancy a guy living in a desert understanding the importance of water for life to exist huh? Whoda thunk it?
@Bomber_Boi Жыл бұрын
At this point, an 8 year old could argue and win against any religious scholar in history
@mahirahnafmiraz8997 Жыл бұрын
search the truth my friend. dont belive anything untill you are 100% sure. only the ones that care enough to find the truth will find the truth .this is a very serious matter . BTW QURAN MENTIONS THE BIGBANG,THE EARTH'S SHAPE,that the MOON DOESN'T HAVE IT'S OWN LIGHT,THAT OXYGEN DECREASES AS WE GO UP,EXPANSION OF UNIVERSE, and according to science there was no way people could know these back then when quran was revealed. who could have known all this?think hard my friend. if you be if people belive that there . islam teaches us the meaning of life is to do as much good as possible before we die the world would undoubtedly be a better place. study religions question yourself all the time. no one should die whithout knowing the truth. think hard my friend. thank you for listening. peace be upon you .
@Bomber_Boi Жыл бұрын
@Mahir Ahnaf Miraz the fact that a book claims to be the word of God, yet still has so many claims wrong when talking about the world and life, can no longer be deemed "Devine". What God, worthy of such a title, would get 1 thing wrong, let alone dozens of claims incorrect?
@mahirahnafmiraz8997 Жыл бұрын
@@Bomber_Boi hey man thanks for reading.what is this "wrong claim" you belive can you elaborate be happy to help
@Bomber_Boi Жыл бұрын
@@mahirahnafmiraz8997 there are multiple ones, with varying degrees of inaccuracies. Astrology claims Biology claims Geology and Meteorology Zoology Take your pick
@ZadDan95 Жыл бұрын
​@@Bomber_BoiI don't need to take my pick, pick any claims that you think are fake.
@harithshah45 Жыл бұрын
Funny how the verses are interpreted to match science _after_ the discovery is made by scientists.
@HansDampf1911 Жыл бұрын
That's how they held their stupid beliefs alive till today.
@thedude0000 Жыл бұрын
What's scary/funny is they say it with such conviction as if it's undisputed. That's religion for you...
@yea.whtvr1 Жыл бұрын
The power of interpretation. Jesus loves ya !
@moh6734 Жыл бұрын
We didn't say it's literal science, We don't believe in the quran because of such a shallow reason, however the quran describes these "scientific Knowledge" as "signs" no such knowledge could've been acquired by an illiterate man, if you take for example the first 4 verses of chapter 30 it literally predict the entire scenario which happened between the Roman's and persians the verse is says "have *been* deafeted" which is a metaphor of certainty. The Early interpretation of the verse states that every being is made out of water, even before scientists confirmed this, so what's your point?
@chrischow9085 Жыл бұрын
@@moh6734 the point is would you think the Greek gods are real because the Greeks said it too?
@ow7398 2 ай бұрын
Saying that all living things are made out of water is like saying car engines are made out of oil. Its also an interpretational leap to go from "made out of water" to "originated in the water". It's also wholly unsurprising that those living in the middle east understood the importance of water to living things.
@urvanhroboatos8044 7 ай бұрын
Those who try to claim their religious scriptures contain verified scientific truths are fools & one should not waste his time on fools.
@blipblop9094 Жыл бұрын
you can see how close the minds of the audience by how they cheered.
@NoAh-uh8uw Жыл бұрын
Because they are not ignorant and know the truth Ignorance is the most powerful weapon against Islam Thales believed that the principle of everything was water. he believed that water then changed into earth, air, and fire (or Earth, Wind, & Fire, if you like). Quran 21:30 . Do the unbelievers not see that the heavens and the earth were joined together, and We split them apart? And We made from water every living thing. Will they not believe?
@saleemdurrani1 Жыл бұрын
This is a lie. Thales did not say that all living creatures were created from water. Rather, he said that the origin of the entire universe, from planets, galaxies, stars, etc., was from water, and this is a scientific error. Diogenees Laërtius says about Thales: "His doctrine was that water is the universal primary substance." On the other hand, the Qur'an contradicts this scientifically wrong view of Thales and says: Have those who disbelieved not considered that the heavens and the earth were a joined entity, and then We separated them and made from water every living thing? Then will they not believe ?" The Qur'an states that every (living thing) is created from water, and not the entire universe, as Thales and Greek philosophers like Anaximander and all ancient civilization said. And the saying of the Qur'an is a scientific fact that has been discovered only in our time.
@ModiBhakt30 Жыл бұрын
Gullible Muslim population trying hard to prove that qoran is a book of science. People around the World already knew Presence of water in human body before mohammad. I don't about others so much but Ancient India knew it. Ancient Indian text Surya Siddhanta on Astrology mentioned about the existence of many planets, their sizes and Dimensions distance. Distance between Earth and Sun. Existence of many Universes and many more. qoran is nothing compared to these Ancient Indian texts
@ModiBhakt30 Жыл бұрын
How Ignorant still Muslims are. There are multiple Ancient Indian texts on Human Body, Astrology, Mathematics and more Which were written way before the existence of mohammad. The Ancient Indian writers even knew about the Atoms and it's structure, all the names are in Sanskrit Language. Way before the birth of mohammad the Ancient Indians were writting texts about Astrology, Gravity, Orbits, Multiverse, Atoms. if you compare qoran with Surya Siddhanta, qoran is nothing. qoran doesn't even Deserve to stand before Surya Siddhanta and many other Ancient texts. qoarn is not even a book of science Muslims are just trying hard to interpret the Things in qoran to make it looks like science, this is not a science.
@WilbertLek Жыл бұрын
​@@NoAh-uh8uw Of course, cultist.
@jima8946 Жыл бұрын
21st century and people still believe in fairytales. Every single religion!
@TheTruthKiwi Жыл бұрын
I know but in the big scheme of things 2000 years is nothing. Humans have been around for hundreds of thousands of years and our evolutionary ancestors before that. I bet that in the year 20023 they'll be laughing at the silly ancient christians just like we laugh at the silly ancient Greek god worshippers now.
@jima8946 Жыл бұрын
@@TheTruthKiwi absolutely!
@Lord_AJ_II Жыл бұрын
@@TheTruthKiwi people already laugh at the silly Christians but yeah good point still
@charlessnachez4248 Жыл бұрын
You mean darwinian fairytales? 😂
@jima8946 Жыл бұрын
@@charlessnachez4248 Mr Sanchez I understand religion can be a sensitive issue to some. I studied theology and not just one religion. Charles Darwin did an extensive research and his work is continued to this date with evidence backing it. I referred to scripture as fairytales due to the following claims with no evidence from different religions. I won’t name names but as a religious person you will know whom I speak of: He dropped the stick and it turned to a snake, he flew over the moon on a winged horse and split the moon in half, he split the sea in two, talking bush, talking snake, he walked on water and the list goes on. This is not an argument that can be won by debate or argument but to study both ideas deeply with an open mind then critically analyse both sides of the argument and make an informed decision on what is more likely to be true. Unfortunately fear of hell drilled in people since childhood stops even some of the most intelligent people questioning it. This debate has been going for generations. I doubt either of us can convince the other on this comment section.
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