Attack on Titan Final Theme「To You 2000…or…20000 Years From Now…」Ru's Piano Cover🧣Sheet Music

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Ru's Piano Ru味春捲

Ru's Piano Ru味春捲

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@RuRusPiano Жыл бұрын
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@A-N-Y_toast Жыл бұрын
@ULun15 Жыл бұрын
@Phoenix0211 Жыл бұрын
@HimeSakura_5170 Жыл бұрын
@silver-gh4dc Жыл бұрын
@RuRusPiano Жыл бұрын
10年的歲月,一段段刻骨銘心的故事,迴盪在心中無法釋懷的結局,與一首痛徹心扉的歌曲...巨人最後的主題曲「二千年... 若しくは... 二万年後の君へ・・・」 請一起來聽RuRu的演奏、一起聆聽我內心的惆悵吧。 「艾連…謝謝你替我圍上圍巾…」
@ULun15 Жыл бұрын
@A-N-Y_toast Жыл бұрын
2千年前2萬年後真的很好聽 大推
@Phoenix0211 Жыл бұрын
@HimeSakura_5170 Жыл бұрын
@silver-gh4dc Жыл бұрын
@ULun15 Жыл бұрын
這次真的…自由了… 巨人的這10年!陪伴了學生時期到出社會的現在>< 看完後沈澱、思考了好久,眼淚狂流不停QAQ 這次的劇情編排真的太讚了… 動畫改編、加戲的部分都處理的超好,更能夠了解其中的細節。 打鬥、劇情搭配的音樂,真的都超級有帶入感的,每一幕都是滿滿的震撼!!! 還有最後的這首!「二千年... 若しくは... 二万年後の君へ・・・」前段是米卡莎的聲優(石川由依)唱的,艾倫的聲優(梶裕貴)也有唱 一聽到…真的滿滿的情緒湧上來。 「人類總是在讓歷史重複的上演」這段感觸也是好深好深。 最後真的要感謝創哥、WIT 、MAPPA、全體動畫製作人員、各個角色的聲優們,讓我們可以看到最後的「進擊の巨人」 當然也很感謝老大所彈奏的每一首巨人的cover!!! 越來越期待今晚的「二千年... 若しくは... 二万年後の君へ・・・」衛生紙可能要準備不少了QAQ
@destruction8192 Жыл бұрын
There is no such thing as freedom in AoT, it is just a facade. Eren became a slave to freedom and Ymir (he has to set her free by being the antagonist). The cycle of hatred persisted down the generation. All Eren did was to force humanity to spend some time to rebuild their resources for the war cycle to continue. During this time, at least Mikasa can die in peace.
@yufang4762 Жыл бұрын
@ULun15 Жыл бұрын
@ULun15 Жыл бұрын
@leowang700 Жыл бұрын
空虛到不行了 傷痛的歸還給我們自由😢
@ikigai1234 Жыл бұрын
Thank you, for offering your heart...
@RuRusPiano Жыл бұрын
Thank you 🥺
@infernal2059 Жыл бұрын
We'll never get over Shingeki no Kyojin, and it's not a bad thing because the masterpiece is meant to stay within us. 🕊🕊
@yichen852 Жыл бұрын
我的青春 也跟著又一部分完結了....心理的一塊又空了
@a7371189 Жыл бұрын
你放心 獵人已經從陪我讀書,長大,結婚,有孩子了 還沒完結篇👍
@shenghaohuang2248 Жыл бұрын
@ichigopockychan Жыл бұрын
When I listen to this, I think back to Mikasa sitting by Eren’s grave by that tree she used to find him napping under everyday until the day she died. I hope that in another kinder world, she, Armin and Eren can grow up together again as normal people. And not just them, but rather…the people in this series that really deserved better as well
@RuRusPiano Жыл бұрын
So sad
@subarusama5673 Жыл бұрын
Google "Attack on School Castes" if you don't have the manga in tankobon format. Isayama put at the very end of each volume a few extra pages. Early on they are funny one-timers, but later on they are connected and create a coherent (somewhat) story. The one from volume 11 is interesting... ;) Same as the one from volume 15, it has a deeper meaning after chapter 138 (The Long Dream). Related to this is Mikasa's The Lost Girls OVA/Manga extra chapters.
@Alt-s5g 4 ай бұрын
Bro it's not real
@grogneux 3 ай бұрын
@@Alt-s5g Bro read the room and be empathetic please. Even if, OBVIOUSLY, those characters and this universe don't exist, the fact that their story has an emotional impact on us means that the thematics of the manga exist in the real world. There's litteraly a genocide occuring right now, and so many wars nobody isn't even counting them.
@ULun15 Жыл бұрын
「致最深愛的你 在此地 永眠。」 自由的代價真的好沈重...好沈重... 而且這首真的太有意境了QQ 0:11是「13の冬」,根本就是米卡莎的內心獨白… 2:19是「暁の鎮魂歌」的改編 這一段老大彈的超有渲染力的😭 3:05就是「紅蓮の弓矢」的變奏了 好喜歡這樣搭配起來的感覺,真的真的超好聽的QQ 始於Linked Horizon,終於Linked Horizon。 老大詮釋的超感動(>﹏
@justinatuk Жыл бұрын
@joomrunball7998 Жыл бұрын
@mosterhunter3512 Жыл бұрын
再把這兩段歌詞放在一起交錯地看就像米卡莎寫艾倫的情書: 將我顫抖的頸脖,包圍住的溫暖;世界十分殘酷,即使如此我也會深愛著你。 無論幾次,我都會起身面對這份嚴寒;無論要犧牲些什麼,我也會守護著你。 戰鬥吧戰鬥吧,不停重複著的你的話語;即使有所錯誤,我也不會懷疑。 時至今日也不絕於耳,仍迴盪於心中;所謂的正確,便是堅信自己啊。 而且前後句倒裝所表達的感情更深 歌詞源自網絡
@ULun15 Жыл бұрын
@@mosterhunter3512 哭爛QAQ
@mosterhunter3512 Жыл бұрын
@@ULun15 我昨天肝功課到4時無意發現二千年... 若しくは... 二万年後の君へ・・・和悪魔の子好像有點像
@TheHyuiouy Жыл бұрын
When I finished the last episode, I was sad, but not so much... Later that night, listening to the song on KZbin and reading lyrics, I literally broke down in tears. Especially when "Tatakae to, tatakae to" hit, it felt so strange, almost unreal, like Mikasa was sitting next to me, overwhelmed by sorrow, but also optimistic in a way. Thank you Hajime Isayama, Hiroyuki Sawano, Kodansha, Wit, Mappa and everyone involved in the process. I will never forget the emotions AoT gave me. ❤
@RuRusPiano Жыл бұрын
During the practice before recording, I cried when I played "Tatakae to, tatakae to" paragraph
@mrgreen3195 Жыл бұрын
Damn just got a dezabu from many months back after reading this. At that time I thought, why was I reading a comment from something related to AOT even though I don't watch it. It was a cannon event
@曾耀億-j4v Жыл бұрын
@du-chrisng4680 Жыл бұрын
今天沒趕上看首播, 剛剛才下班回家收看, 聽著聽著就哭了
@joomrunball7998 Жыл бұрын
Z J3
@RuRusPiano Жыл бұрын
工作辛苦了! 謝謝Chris Ng的紅色支持,這首歌的確催淚,聽幾句就悲從中來
@silver-gh4dc Жыл бұрын
10年來追逐自由的少年,終於獲得了自由,但艾蓮與米卡莎的結局和人類永不停止爭鬥的事實,讓我內心仍遲遲放不下難過,於是又去聽了RuRu彈的紅蓮的弓矢、惡魔之子、進擊的巨人大串燒,回憶進擊的巨人的劇情、音樂,才更認知到10年就這樣過去了,10年來進擊的巨人帶來了很多哲學、人性、自由、戰爭的探討,讓學生時期的我深思了很多不同方面的事,真的是一部很棒的作品。謝謝作者諫山創和進擊的巨人的製作者們讓最後一集的動畫品質、音樂、畫面都很頂尖,有一個品質很棒的結尾。 艾蓮、米卡莎還是希望你們能有個好結局。 期待晚上首播「致兩千年後…或是…兩萬年後的你」,將10年的回憶、每季的音樂再次拉回。 RuRu cos三笠的便衣搭配橘黃色的燈光,看起來很有氣質。 看起來這次紅色圍巾有圍對人,不是鳴人。
@RuRusPiano Жыл бұрын
進擊的巨人每一季的OPED都非常好聽,歌詞與旋律總是能非常完美的和劇情串連在一起,讓人每一季除了期待劇情外也很期待新的音樂。 現在回顧以前巨人的劇情,才發現原來作者在第一季時就做了很多的鋪陳,之後該找一天來重新複習、再看一次巨人,一定會發現更多的細節
@silver-gh4dc Жыл бұрын
@@RuRusPiano 哇!第一季劇情我都忘得差不多了,看起來真的也應該再重看一遍,尋找彩蛋、伏筆,再次體驗這悲傷的故事。
@philipbrowning3544 Жыл бұрын
You can really feel the weight of the feelings in this performance, all the collected moments of a long journey.
@ronlee123 Жыл бұрын
真的不捨得艾倫和米卡莎… 我以為我可以輕易地接受完結篇的到來,原來告別還比期待更難受... 到今天複雜的心情還是難以平復. 加上這演奏,眼淚情不自禁掉下來... 謝謝你ruru 謝謝創哥 謝謝巨人團隊
@RuRusPiano Жыл бұрын
結局的衝擊感真的好大,我大概整整兩天都在憂愁..然後還一直抓音聽這首歌自虐 就用這首歌來紀念那個追逐自由的少年吧
@mbank3832 Жыл бұрын
i was still just a freshman back in high school when i started watching this anime. Now as a working adult, this anime finally finished. thanks for sticking with me all this time, it was an awesome anime
@yumenokishi Жыл бұрын
@吳育鋒-l3l Жыл бұрын
劇情、角色、畫風、音樂… 已經讓我們不再單純以漫畫 、動漫的角度來欣賞及檢視這偉大作品❤
@HimeSakura_5170 Жыл бұрын
RuRu老大辛苦了!お疲れ様でした! 進撃の巨人最新曲の演奏ありがとうございます!👏😀 終章は感動的でしたよね!😭 この曲も感動的です🥺歌詞も泣けます😭 たくさん聴きますね!ありがとうございます!👏🥳🎶✨🧣
@joomrunball7998 Жыл бұрын
Z 7 7
@RuRusPiano Жыл бұрын
ありがとうございます The plot and melody of AOT are so tear-jerking that I was sad for two days
@HimeSakura_5170 Жыл бұрын
​@@RuRusPianoI think so too
@real_life_vlogs_cod Жыл бұрын
This song made me cry because its been 10 years and aot will forever remain in our hearts,Rest in peace to the boy who sought freedom,Eren..
@iceyuki598 Жыл бұрын
果然巨人歌曲來了 感謝巨人的陪伴 看完真的哭到不行
@Jway0306 Жыл бұрын
@RuRusPiano Жыл бұрын
@張展維-w3l Жыл бұрын
抱歉~沒跟到首播~這次的音樂真是觸動人心~ 惆悵、掙扎與無奈的感覺~不禁淚水成行😭 斯乎歷史不斷地在重演~何時才能跳出這個迴圈呢😢 好音樂最是能觸動內心啊 謝謝RuRu 🥰👍
@mercury2804 Жыл бұрын
@3.14letsdraw Жыл бұрын
@RuRusPiano Жыл бұрын
謝謝展維紅紅的支持! 這次這首主題曲的歌詞與旋律都寫得超好,傳遞出劇情中的情感,雖然少年的犧牲換取了艾爾迪亞族人的權利與地位,但也避免不了未來的戰爭..令人惋惜
@h-b8378 Жыл бұрын
最後的那棵大樹 滿想說把眼淚還來
@岡元清志-e3g Жыл бұрын
小さな音もよく通りピアノ全体から響く音色が心にも響いてきます。 とても素晴らしい演奏ですね。
@gennarisai Жыл бұрын
進擊的巨人 完結篇歌曲鋼琴表演壯麗,太感動,好動感! 謝謝RuRu彈鋼琴。
@aunthaumv3711 Жыл бұрын
Man this song is so perfect. Who else still not over AOT? i actually started the series again, and now in final season part 1 😅
@grogneux 3 ай бұрын
I go to this video so many times just to hear this song and read the lyrics. And I'm into writing a fanfic about what would happen to the young boy at the end of the story. So clearly I'm not over it !
@RK_Chris Жыл бұрын
@RuRusPiano Жыл бұрын
@bluegreengrey8212 Жыл бұрын
I thought Mikasa can only sing. She can play the piano as well. Love it! 👏
@melaniepai19 Жыл бұрын
十年的巨人在此落下句點 看完最後太惆悵了,這幾天都沉浸在故事中😭也在聽著所有的配樂 喜歡動畫組在阿爾敏和艾連對話之間做的更動,使整部劇情的情緒再加深傷感 “我們下次見面就是互相殘殺了,在下次見面就是..." “我先去地獄等你....” ”我們一直都在一起“😢 感謝創哥的神作❤ 感謝動畫組和聲優們的辛勞💓 這首歌寫的太好了,完全符合情景,令人聽了走不出來,尤其是配上中間 2:18 那段變換的鎮魂歌更是 再加上後半段還有變調的紅蓮的弓矢,真心覺得linked horizon太神了,完美結合三首歌在一起 沒想到改編成鋼琴更令人傷感,謝謝深情的改編 (((繼續循環聆聽中 T..T 還有一首 itterashai 也是很好聼,雖然沒有在動畫裏播放 先預祝RuRu的生日演奏會順順利利!期待之後的250萬大串燒~~ (((好奇會不會是巨人的串燒ww有的話一定聼爆!
@RuRusPiano Жыл бұрын
結局真的讓人惆悵,讓我整整兩天都在想著劇情,沈靜在他們那相愛卻要道別的痛心 阿爾敏那段對話超讓人心疼,沒想到艾連背負著早就註定的命運,令人不捨又心疼.. “Itterashai”這首好像是之後各話版本的ED(OP是”最後の巨人“),有看到情報說後篇的4集(#91〜#94)日本會在 11/15 於串流平台上架,海外會不會上目前並不清楚~ 感謝音樂會的祝福!!
@-chiayuliu9601 Жыл бұрын
对于阅读本文的人,祝你好运! 不要紧张,一切都会好起来的。 不管你现在面临什么困难,你都能克服! 你很坚强,也很勇敢。
@ゆうすけ-g1r Жыл бұрын
@yaoching225 Жыл бұрын
@PricefieldPunk Жыл бұрын
Oh my god this song is even sadder sounding with only piano but its so beautiful and hopeful at the same time.
@RuRusPiano Жыл бұрын
This song is very suitable for interpretation on the piano. The melody of the original song is well and full of sadness
@FarmerLance Жыл бұрын
最近一段時間因為生活的紛擾,一直無法好好的靜心品味音樂。 但當這週聽到這首致兩千年後,那如同觸電般的感受是如此之強烈 從前奏開始,就直接的吸引我了的注意力,然後隨著琴音的推進,似乎有一個故事展現在我的眼前。 有種歲月感呈現出來,有種史詩般的壯麗感。 生命的這個主題,總是那麼的迷人。
@felipelobato294 Жыл бұрын
foda mano
@alonenortherngraf325 Жыл бұрын
All these days I've been waiting for Your arrangement for this song and now I am incredibly happy! It was great! You surpass yourself again and again, and it's just incredible! Thank you for the emotions presented and the work done ... Your performance and play were so exciting, spiritual wealth, and hyperemotional, as if alive! The storm of emotions captured You, me and everyone who can hear this song and this arrangement inclusive... it permeates time, hurts, but gives unforgettable experience. It hurts to part with such a story and its tragic ending, but for some reason it remains warm in my soul... Thank you very much again, Ru♡ It was divine...
@RuRusPiano Жыл бұрын
Thank you for your compliment. The ending of this anime and the melody of this song are too sad, so I expressed my feelings to commemorate the boy who once pursued freedom
@Anmelo_8 Жыл бұрын
Esse anime é realmente lindo, pode não ter tido o final que a gente queria, mas teve o final que a gente precisava. Nunca vou esquecer esse anime "shinzou sasageyo" This anime is really beautiful, it may not have had the ending we wanted, but it had the ending we needed. I will never forget this anime "shinzou sasageyo"
@Emre.55 Жыл бұрын
What an incredible journey, finally come to an end. Thank you Isayama for this insane story and thank you RuRu for one last beautiful AoT cover.
@小藍の熱血時光 5 ай бұрын
台灣的頂尖網紅鋼琴家😮🥹🥹 背影真的像米卡莎❤
@hallvanvlack735 Жыл бұрын
The emotional ups and downs of the music are dramatic and exciting. Well played and very enjoyable!
@RuRusPiano Жыл бұрын
Thank you for your support! This song is so emotional, I felt sad while playing it
@keyaki808 Жыл бұрын
@照々坊主 8 ай бұрын
カッコ良すぎます。 目瞑って聴いたらファイナル浮かんできて泣いちゃいました。 素晴らしい演奏ありがとうございます。
@sinomy0603 Жыл бұрын
色々思い出す、歌詞とメロディ。 永遠に繰り返す歴史の物語。
@maxchiu9487 Жыл бұрын
@inferno3535 Жыл бұрын
AOT made me feel empty after watching it, like something important to me left. It holds an important place within me which will never get replaced. Thank You Attack On Titan. Thank You Isayama. ~ See you later EREN 🕊
@Sessu108s Жыл бұрын
Post anime depression syndrome. You need to watch other anime to fill it in. LOL
@AY-qh1fd Жыл бұрын
yeah true, it feels depressing cus u dont got what u wanted (we didnt saw what happened with armin or the others), everything (war) happened again and eren did all this shit for nothing (okay his friends could live in peace, but its sad that it keeps repeating). idk its weird
@NatanStarke Жыл бұрын
Its a punch in the face to remember us the eternal hate cycle that will eventually end humanity either by war or by self destrctuing actions like pollution or slavery (unbalanced capitalism) and so on
@patmaster2077 Жыл бұрын
@@Sessu108s any recommendation on what anime to jump into? AOT has left a void in my heart
@TheHomiePit 11 ай бұрын
​@@patmaster2077 Try berserk.
@Irameco1112 Жыл бұрын
我從我國小的時候就在看巨人,這部動漫陪伴了我10年,光是我在看的時候就眼淚狂飆。 我永遠不會忘記艾連的死。 還有這10年歲月間無數次翻閱巨人漫畫在這裡畫上了句號...10年過的是真的快轉眼間巨人就完結了...... 現在我每天的沉浸在故事裡。 巨人完結的主題曲把我悲傷的心情完美的體現出來,現在我的腦子一片空白QAQ超級傷心。 真的是非常感謝動畫組和聲優們這麼久以來的努力(永遠支持)還有感謝老大的這一首「二千年... 若しくは... 二万年後の君へ・・・」「致两千年后…或是…两万年后的你」太強了!我真的沒想到改編成鋼琴版也是這麼的好聽,還有最後一句「你又終將明白什麼呢」我哭爆QAQ。 對了!我先提前祝老大的生日演奏會順利記得要開心喔! 最後我想說一路小心艾連.....
@GARYTALK Жыл бұрын
@やたクジラ 5 ай бұрын
@RuRusGaming Жыл бұрын
@ULun15 Жыл бұрын
@A-N-Y_toast Жыл бұрын
@Phoenix0211 Жыл бұрын
@HimeSakura_5170 Жыл бұрын
@jyy0073 Жыл бұрын
@naufalalbari Жыл бұрын
I can see why, she is a very talented girl after all
@bluz330 Жыл бұрын
聽到了思念和哀傷,想哭了,神作就是讓人永遠記住蕩氣回腸,謝謝你peaceful的master piece
@GokuKakarot-r8m 7 ай бұрын
AoT was my first anime ever and also my favorite. The day the final episode got released was one of the saddest and I couldn't accept the fact that eren died. Hearing this song made me remember all the good memories I had watching it.
@عرابالحرية-ت6ق 11 ай бұрын
حزين لاني سوف اسمع هذا العزف الرائع للمرة الاخيرة للانمي المفضل لدي attack on titan شكرا لك ايتها الفتاة الجميلة على هذا العزف المذهل واتمنى لك التوفيق في اعمالك القادمة ❤💔😔
@noumanahmad308 11 ай бұрын
I believe everyone noticed that all of the past singers sung this song together and all of them had their vocals during the song and it was so nostalgic to hear!
@blackcat2274 Жыл бұрын
アニメで泣いて、この演奏でも泣きに来ました😢 RuRuさん、素敵な演奏をありがとう
@grogneux Жыл бұрын
Thank you for the subtitles of this song. The lyrics of the songs in snk are always amazingly precise, poetics, and in phase with the story. Those lyrics seems like the conclusion of the story as they should. I'm so depressed SNK ended. But this was one of the most interesting ending I've ever seen, even if I'm not a fan of everything in it. Thank you Isayama, thank you Ru.
@RuRusPiano Жыл бұрын
Thank you so much! My recent works all have subtitles. I hope the audience can connect the emotions of the melody through the lyrics, which will bring more feeling
@aliciaperalta8461 Жыл бұрын
this was absolutely beautiful, probably the best piano cover I've heard so far 🥹❤
@yue5035 Жыл бұрын
進擊的巨人終於迎來了結局,一晃眼居然已經十年了,巨人的完結對我來說意義深刻,當我第一次真正的了解什麼是動漫,並開始入坑這奇妙的世界,就一直持續關注著巨人,對我來說他的完結代表著我的旅途也 -來到了終點- 達到一個小里程 這次的《致兩千年後…或是…兩萬年後的你》主題曲基本上是含著淚聽完的,琴聲聽起來非常的悲壯,在加上時不時會想到巨人的劇情,讓整部作品更加的刻骨銘心以及悲痛萬絕,遲遲無法從悲傷的情緒走出來
@RuRusPiano Жыл бұрын
這首歌結合了太多經典旋律,完全圍繞在劇情的氣氛中,除了結局帶來的惆悵外,也有點不捨十年的作品完結了 我看完完結篇後大概兩天都想著艾連跟米卡莎,實在是太揪心了...
@Phoenix0211 Жыл бұрын
謝謝 米卡Ru 彈奏🎹 詮釋的很好聽...背景也很...越聽越感傷...感觸真的很深...🥺 看完了動畫真的把漫畫不足的地方補齊🎞️ 無論哪種結局都令人悲傷無可奈何😢 只能說如果 艾倫 能夠繼續跟 米卡莎 幸福活著度過最後的人生🧣夥伴一樣後半輩子可以好好過的話有多好~~~🫂但結果就是這麼無奈😭 為了夥伴選擇犧牲,雖然最後 米卡莎 跟......那傢伙結婚⛪️ 但這也許是 艾連 希望看到的吧?!希望在某個平行時空他們兩個是在一起的👩🏻‍❤️‍👨🏻 還有一段爆哭的段落 兵長 對著 調查兵團 同伴們說任務完成了☑️而過去所有的 調查兵團 夥伴也對著 兵長 行最後的敬禮🤜🫀...真的結束了🔚 (っ´ω`)ノ( ๑o̴̶̷᷄﹏o̴̶̷̥᷅๑)💦 (謝謝配音員的用心,讓每位角色都富有生命🥹也感謝動畫組的老師們,我認為他們有努力呈現出一個很棒的結局🎬)
@joomrunball7998 Жыл бұрын
@RuRusPiano Жыл бұрын
謝謝凰少的支持 這首的起承轉合節奏超棒的,有柔情也有激昂,完美詮釋了劇情中的憂傷與憤慨 看完動畫後,整整兩天都在想著艾連跟米卡莎,為何相愛的兩人最後只能相殺,這個命中註定的結果對艾連來說實在太過殘酷...
@amia6459 Жыл бұрын
@林志銘-s8f Жыл бұрын
不論2千或2萬年后... 此刻的我只想靜靜沉浸在的鋼琴聲裡,思緒隨著音符起浮
@RuRusPiano Жыл бұрын
@sholehartofwar3 Жыл бұрын
As an anime lover, I have never seen a very sad ending like this, thanks to Hajime Isayama, for creating a very complex anime story,Starting from adventure stories, military, and love stories between Eren Yeager and Mikasa Ackerman as well as very complicated politics, thank you to the creator of this anime
@日比野祐也の気まぐれチャンネ Жыл бұрын
@Adon-gh7ec Жыл бұрын
a big chapter of passion anime close to me ! as a woman , i felt the immense pain of Mikasa losting the man of her life, that gave me goosbumps ! thank you for the magical music , love from France
@Jinzo05 Жыл бұрын
A very haunting and emotional cover. The arrangement really told a narrative in a spectacular and enthusiastic way. The performance was excellent and quite riveting. Probably this will be one of my favorite piece that you've taken on 👏. The Mikasa cosplay was cute as well.
@RuRusPiano Жыл бұрын
Thank you!
@AnthonyLai120 Жыл бұрын
@kafka_enjoyer 11 ай бұрын
Masterpiece ! Now, back to continue crying with this playing in the background.
@HivisoftheScale Жыл бұрын
Oh! I cannot tell from the side, but it looks like you got your hair to match that character! Good job!
@mrsniper6127 Жыл бұрын
I just started playing piano about two weeks ago (self teaching) and I can't resist playing the first melody with at least the right hand, it's so addicting, I finished Omake Pfadlib and I'm trying to perfect it to move on to this second masterpiece, AOT is truly a masterpiece
@桃白七 Жыл бұрын
@pareshsonnekar4842 Жыл бұрын
Being part of this masterpiece is one of my best decisions in life and this last episode's masterpiece of soundtrack proving it It remained as a masterpiece from 1St episode to last episode The graph of its publishing years and its beauty and maturity is exponentially increasing till the last part And at the end the soundtrack and singing of requiem gave me chills of relief And I've felt this so much relaxing of this perfect and beautiful ending ❤❤❤
@gericcc5195 4 ай бұрын
2:49 鋼琴呈現這段變快變強的部份好棒! 也是這音樂神的地方
@kanato5.5 Жыл бұрын
RURUさんの演奏を聞いてピアノに興味を持ちました✨ これからも応援してます!頑張ってください💪
@鄭傑升-m1c Жыл бұрын
@RuRusPiano Жыл бұрын
@magicianmana4 Жыл бұрын
Crying again 😭❤️😭 honestly i’ve been crying nonstop since saturday
@animeweeb_23234 Жыл бұрын
@pukii._.8008 Жыл бұрын
超級感動!! 艾蓮謝謝你 你可以自由了
@D.SGAMINGG Жыл бұрын
I like to watch this again it hits so hard though i love how the anime starts and end thankyou everyone for this masterpiece. Rest In Peace: Eren Yeager 🕊🕊🕊🕊
@jasonshih001 Жыл бұрын
木棉花最近又在循環直播了 神作 一直都把生存跟世界末日的絕望表達到極致的作品 誇張的顏藝、想法毫不掩飾的寫在臉上還有獵奇的巨人 最後一幕看完漫畫還是覺得後勁好強 動畫表現地更好呢 這首歌曲也好好聽
@Hans-marleyansoldier 10 ай бұрын
I don’t think I can play this without crying 😭 Жыл бұрын
@RuRusPiano Жыл бұрын
@esraoranjordan1292 Жыл бұрын
How beautiful! Goodbye Eren. ما أجملها! وداعاً إيرين.
@bscardgaming5282 Жыл бұрын
perhaps the most beautiful cover of this song that i've heard!
@tylng Жыл бұрын
The AOT final part got me stunned... never expected that⚔❤. Your arrangements are so pretty
@猫丸-h7c Жыл бұрын
進撃の巨人が完結してしまって寂しさが強いけど好きなのは変わりない。 貴女のピアノの演奏が好きなのも変わりません!
@Animecrazy1211 Жыл бұрын
剛做好紀念MAD/AMV不久 感謝Ru大美妙的演奏❤每聽一次就越想哭, 感謝進擊的巨人 十年的陪伴, 這首就是全部歌曲的結合體 作為完結歌再適合不過了 最後的最後還是要說「路上小心,艾連」
@kanedashotaro2891 Жыл бұрын
Спасибо большое тебе за это восхитительное исполнение! ❤
@秋元さくら-z3f Жыл бұрын
@darkbright8790 Жыл бұрын
@gabrielantonio3597 Жыл бұрын
Quando comecei assistir shingeki no kyojin eu era apenas uma criança,10 anos depois, sinto que essa obra acaba encerrando mais um ciclo da minha vida. Obrigado a aos estudios por essa trilha sonora tão marcante e também a esta bela moça pelo cover emocionante.
@信天翁あほうどり Жыл бұрын
こんばんは😃 今夜も、素敵な演奏に癒されました。🎹
@maddenflight3119 Жыл бұрын
🥺 Don't think I was ready to hear this again so soon after the show 😢 beautifully done as always 🔥🔥
@Drtree-nd8cq Жыл бұрын
Right now this video has 139k views… Isiyama you’re a genius 🤯
@DeluxJr Жыл бұрын
Ok we can cry one more time
@Shin_0124 Жыл бұрын
I really loved all about the last episode!! Is one of the best animes I've ever watched. Your cover was insane!! I loved it, great work. You're my favorite pianists and an inspiration for me❤
@Phoenix0211 Жыл бұрын
這週滿滿的巨人完結資訊ℹ️剛好能聽到 RuRu 創作巨人新曲🎼太...好了...😢 (辛苦妳創作了(っ´ω`)ノ🧻) 再見了一部神作看完最終季我終究還是哭了😭 謝謝 巨人 陪我走過這漫長的10年🗓️從來没有後悔踏上這趟遙遠的旅程🛤️ 劇情中最有感觸...言📝 「每個人是某個事物的奴隸」 「什麼都無法捨棄就什麼也得不到」 人類就算知道歷史也會重蹈覆轍… 有力量的話每個人都可以是自私的「惡魔」😈 整個劇情真的很百感交集🥹但也給我很不錯的感覺說😌 也許是自身職業的關係🫡導致我看了這次的完結篇反而更加珍惜自己所擁有的和平跟民主🌇 (つ﹏
@RuRusPiano Жыл бұрын
巨人的最終還是回歸了大自然,感受到了人類的渺小!無論做了多少的抗爭,始終逃不過這個註定的輪迴 不過至少艾連的犧牲帶給伙伴們短暫的和平,也讓艾爾迪亞族人沒有遭遇安樂死計劃,雖然這份犧牲實在過於悲痛...不過還算是可以理解..
@КонстантинМокан-ь6ж Жыл бұрын
Эх, вот и закончилась 10-летняя аниме эпопея, что нам дарила столько эмоций. Вместе с героями мы радовались и испытывали печаль из-за потери любимых персонажей. А как же было обидно, когда так бездарно слили Сашу... Но тем не менее, все это теперь история, что останется с каждым из нас!
@mohdrazif777 Жыл бұрын
I usually need to be forced to listen to any new song repeatedly over a few weeks before starting liking them, except this. Liked it the first time I heard this.
@RuRusPiano Жыл бұрын
The melody and melody are both great and perfectly convey the emotions in the plot
@westwood0812 Жыл бұрын
@atraru_mania Жыл бұрын
@maximilianocols7180 Жыл бұрын
Beautiful and deep performance . I cant belive that AoT comes to an end. Wowwwww. . But you looks so beautiful . Great job
@Fawkes711 Жыл бұрын
It's been a long ride. I remember how many friends got into anime because of this 10 years ago, and finally we are at the end.
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