August Wants to Make SWAIN LESS FAIR / Conqueror TRUE DMG? (Tanks) / Burst Is DEAD/ The ZOE PROBLEM

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@LabRatz-Ivor 3 ай бұрын
Heres the strat, bring back the ravens, make him more raidbossy and get him out if support
@baker8674 3 ай бұрын
Is he on support nowadays?? Always tought him being the ap carry on bot lane
@bravepotatoe7513 3 ай бұрын
@@baker8674 it's his most popular but by far weakest role bot is broken at 55% mid and top are at 52%ish support is at 49 but has half of the entire champ's playrate
@riven4121 3 ай бұрын
@@baker8674 support is his most picked role. The champion has basically no agency and is just an item applicator. Whereas old Swain actually functioned as a solo laner. Swain's win rate in lanes outside of support are carried by the fact no one plays him there apart from onetricks.
@eldritchemissary4718 3 ай бұрын
The way to fix the character is to remove him from the role where a majority of his player base is despite it being his weakest role??? This would just make every issue he has way worse, they need to do the exact opposite
@pepopipo974 3 ай бұрын
Swain is in all lanes except jungle lol
@emilemil1 3 ай бұрын
I'm very happy that Zoe isn't too popular, her burst pattern isn't very fun to play against. The more fun version of her is when she picks up a bunch of flashes and zips around with a lot of chip damage, kind of like Ahri.
@Hopeisdead39 3 ай бұрын
that is one of the least fun things in the entire game
@CIaude 3 ай бұрын
i rather get 1 shot by zoe because i played carelessly instead of zoe missing half her skillshots on me & still doing stupid amounts of passive & point & click dmg for no reason + heal/mobility/(sum spell utility) ahri
@rafaespejorosal7643 3 ай бұрын
Main Zoe here, no it's not the most fun part of her kit. The most fun part of her kit is getting a insane flank a destroy someone health bar by hitting a bubble from across the map and landing your Q Q R Flash. Using spells during a team fight is just alright. I really don't want Zoe to be played like Ahri, that would kill the champ for me
@stefanristic9245 3 ай бұрын
Thats literally the more fun version for the one that plays her ive been screaming for years at her insane speed boost whenever she uses summoner or a w the only way how she dies is if she misses her e while she doesnt have any summoner spells or item actives in her inventory which is in high elo never gonna happen and i get extremely frustrated because of how much agency that gives her in lane for free despite being a long range burst mage
@coltraneleport3766 16 күн бұрын
Why not give his stacks something that changes his gameplay pattern? Like have them increase his ability’s size or something as certain thresholds. Might not be perfect, but it will allow Swain to progressively become less fair since the more stacks you get, the harder it is to get away from him, plus it gives him a purpose for getting stacks
@bwaterbobby 2 ай бұрын
I miss when swain could pull off of ally cc instead of it being a recast off e. Made him more useful and it was more consistent to get stacks than hoping your enemy can’t dodge
@ederofempires8793 3 ай бұрын
I'd love a small, very short knockback on the first target, that gets hit by the first part of swains e. something like ~200units push back up to a max distance of 800 units (swains e has 850 units maxrange and 100 units radius, so at 800 it's a guranteed root). That way people in melee can still sidestep, but at least get knocked back out of melee range so they cannot simply walk through swain to be safe. first guy at mid or long range gets knocked into guranteed root. That way swains hook would be dangerous at all ranges and not only at max distance. This change would also allow for more double/triple-roots, since you can push people in midrange onto their backline before rooting them all, which would be very satisfying for the swainplayer. Right now swain is kinda weird in terms of optimal fighting range. you want enemies to stay very close for your shotgun q, but at ~800 units to land e. You also lack some sort of selfpeel most other battlemages get. if yi jumps anivia, she can stun, cassio can ult, vlad has pool etc. swain heals with his ult, but that doesn't work if yi just nukes him in 2sec. e knockback would buy swain some time to actually utilize his selfheal. numberwise i'd then nerf his ult-dmg and q-dmg ap-scaling a bit, but give his ult bonushealth-scaling. high ap electrocute burstswain with a hard to dodge e would likely be broken. but slowburn swain building liandrys, rylais, cosmic, maybe rod would work and fulltank/support with rylais into knights vow for example would also work better. Importent would be bonushealth-scaling, not healthscaling, so it doesn't scale with your lvl, but scales stronger with your passive stacks and itemchoices.
@glenndiddy 3 ай бұрын
This might be too strong, but what if you could recast E to early recall it in close range. This would help a massive amoint
@HeWhoQuacksss 3 ай бұрын
As someone who plays a CONSIDERABLE amount of Swain, almost any change to his E would be welcome and make him measurably better tbh Any other improvements they decide to do, which they've mentioned a few, would just be icing on the cake for me 😃
@hugocoolerkanalsmal3172 3 ай бұрын
He would still be weak. That should tell you enough about his current state 😂
@csgofr0sty89 3 ай бұрын
The issue with anti tank items is every time they are good they also invalidate other champs that aren’t tanks but have a tank ability in their kit to help them in fights. A great example is jax where if anti tank items or lethality items are popular/good his ult feels like it’s soley useful for the extra burst damage on is activation and the armor and MR you get from it feels like it doesn’t make you any tanker at all
@HookahOtaku 3 ай бұрын
Thats what happens when jax gets a busted stun ability. You get weaker everything else.
@guilhemp1383 2 ай бұрын
Make swain less reliant on Rilay by making his R slow for 1sec at the start and *rework his E* Make his passive stack more HP Change some ratios so itemization doesn't feel like crap. Right now his AP ratios are a bit mediocre, he needs mana on his first item, he wants burn, he wants zhonyas stasis, he wants haste + ult haste, he wants magic pen and hp and resistances. That's A LOT of stats
@hugocoolerkanalsmal3172 2 ай бұрын
by mediocre, you mean horrible, right? champ does 0 dmg rn
@guilhemp1383 2 ай бұрын
@@hugocoolerkanalsmal3172 Lets say that it feels like you're dealing the same damage as a tank while building mostly AP
@pandamoon_man3747 3 ай бұрын
With conquer dealing true damage, I think it would actually be a good thing for the game if it was flat on hit damage, something like 20 on hit true damage at max stacks and lower the ad per stack.
@stefanristic9245 3 ай бұрын
Ah yes so irelia can rise up to 60% wr mid and top lane in master+ because of how unmatchable her damage and sustain would be also tanks would be screaming in terror at how much fiora camille yasuo yone would be beating them from early to late stages of the game without any counterplay i mean imagine playing malphite into full ad team and all of them go conq armor pen it would be like you didnt build armor but mr the whole game
@aster011 3 ай бұрын
@@stefanristic9245 Fiora never used the Conqueror when it had true damage, for camille i cant remember but i dont think it was that popular, idk if yone was even released when Conq had true damage, yasuo used Conq more for the healing than anything else. i also dont think irelia was that broken with conqueror on mid, while she was strong on top. Still most of these champions took conqueror more for the healing and the fact that old conqueror could have been stacked on minions before going for a trade
@meo8258 3 ай бұрын
Please dont, conqueror is FINE as it is currently dont change it just for changes sake. All conq users are fine and not weak.
@isgonnabeagreatyear 2 ай бұрын
@@aster011 back when conq had true dmg people were running grasp on most toplaners purely for better laning. outside of lane conq was the only sustain dmg rune, so bruisers had 2 runes to work with: grasp to win lane and conq for scaling, both provided the same amount of healing anyway
@SovereignOfSoulsEliseTheReaper 3 ай бұрын
i hope they dont ever put zoe back into the meta, it was a huge pain being a zoe otp in her years of proplay. i like not having to worry much about her being played or banned.
@darkumineru1681 3 ай бұрын
for me Zoe is fine (and i play her a lot too) imo all i feel might need buffs/changes is W (maybe more balloons on minions or more value from the proc or summon haste per rank)
@stefanristic9245 3 ай бұрын
One baloon per wave is enough in fact in my opinion its actually too much but thats because i play at 300lp+ where players know how to use the item and summoner actives the only way zoe ever dies is if she doesnt have any item sctives or summoners in her inventory what is very unlikely in experienced player's hands considering how many she gets
@海誠ー 3 ай бұрын
Is august playing factorio I swear thats the sound of right click usually within like an hour I have bots already so im rarely right clicking so I cant tell lmao
@saddocatto2784 3 ай бұрын
I play swain top mainly but also have a decent amount of games in all roles (jg included) here are a few ideas (not meaning all of these at once, maybe like 1 or 2) idea 1 -passive restores mana and W does %damage idea 2 -if you place W on swain E it will activate, causing a little less counterplay but giving more skill expression to swain idea 3 -Commit to either shotgun swain or bruiser swain and not have both be not good or bad idea 4 -make W have a inner range and an outer range that changes the spell to do more damage or slow more if you are closer or detonate faster idea 5 give him 340 ms or give 5% ms/resistances on his R kind of like kennen idea 6 -fix his E when hitting some dashing champions and not allowing a pull even though they are stunned :)
@HookahOtaku 3 ай бұрын
There was no reason to remove his original passive. Mana sustain in lane made him an excellent mid mage on release post first round of AP ratio buffs. IDK why they had to rework him when his original kit was fun. Shotgun should of never been a thing, the raven Q was so fun and strong once you had some items with ur E.
@einjharrelraca 3 ай бұрын
I mean, with swain you could just pull some power from his rank 2 and 3 r and move it into his rank 1 r. he's mostly being played as a support now, so he's never reaching rank 2 ultimate, cause level 12 is a myth to botlane. The issue he is having is his ultimate being forever stuck at rank 1, blows complete ass. 7.5hp per enemy champion hit, before the obligatory grevious and 4 ignites, isnt really going to cut it for making him survive as a squishy support who wants to sit in the middle of the enemy team, and even the burst damage of 150 in an aoe around him isnt enough to matter, considering in reality is probably closer to 110. You have a champion who essentially has a kit designed around a super ultimate like fiddlesticks, but doesn't have the power of a super ultimate. Also burst is not weak. burst is where it belongs. in order to instant kill a target you need a lead. and that is how it should be.
@hugocoolerkanalsmal3172 3 ай бұрын
Or just buff him, he has high wr because of otps and him being a low agency+high counterplay champ His real powerlevel is horrible. A really bad champion
@einjharrelraca 3 ай бұрын
@@hugocoolerkanalsmal3172 this woudl quite litteraly be a buff? he never sees rank 2-3 ultimate anyways. so why would he care about them.
@mizawashi2806 3 ай бұрын
support Swain XD
@einjharrelraca 3 ай бұрын
@@mizawashi2806 its his most played role? 8424 game in support 3908 games in mid 3029 games adc 10 games jungle 1506 top source is ugg emerald + like, its his most played role by far. if you add up all the other roles together they hardly beat it. XD
@mizawashi2806 3 ай бұрын
@@einjharrelraca And yet, once released he was introduced as a mage, not a tank. Its the case in both of his first introduction and the rework. And once a real mage is released he is always solo lane oriented. As an example, a while ago there was quite a dissatisfaction pointed out by Azzap and other Vel'koz mains in terms of their champion power. At that time, Vel'koz most played role was also a support, just as it is now. And through all of that time the games ratio stayed almost exact the same as of Swains - twice larger on support than on mid. And despite that, any change made to him was oriented to solo lane. The case stands the same for any other mage played also on support. Would that be Lux, Xerath or Hwei. All of these champions play rate is either double the size on support than mid or slightly larger atleast. Just as their recent buffs/changes which were oriented towards the same direction, to solo lane. To sum up, just because the champion has a cc ability and is having a bad time, does not mean he will be reworked into a support. I welcome you to watch the first and the second champion spotlight of Swain, patch history of changes made to the mentioned champions and swainmains reddit(there especially).
@eujacks7888 3 ай бұрын
when i have tanks in my team, they'll certainly be melted by Irelia or Yone or Yasuo with Ruined Blade or Kai'sa build WTF she wants to. But when i have tank in the enemy team, it doesn't matter that all my team have Ruined Blade, they'll not beat the enemy tank :)
@shinkii5819 3 ай бұрын
His WR is high because most seain players are otp me included so its realy inflated
@unruh_8470 Ай бұрын
Same. I personally feel he's fun 2 play,but his E needs some work. It's really hard to hit on decent players.
@HookahOtaku 3 ай бұрын
Bring back his old ORIGINAL KIT, buff his ratios. Why did you ruin him into a boring ass character to play. Nerfed to oblivion and a joke. His W takes too long to hit. Youre not hitting any decent player. Ever. His E is also a joke. Too easy to avoid. You can one trick swain but its not even fun... HIS PASSIVE USED TO GIVE HIM LANE SUSTAIN! WHY TF DID YALL REMOVE THAT. LIKE JEEZE YALL CREATE THESE PROBLEMS AND THEN WONDER WHY THE CHAMPIONS ARE WEAK OR UNDERPLAYED.
@karlosliskovic 3 ай бұрын
what was wrong with old swain?
@HookahOtaku 3 ай бұрын
Nothing. The entire rework was a joke tbh. Old swain had lane sustain for middle, had a fun to use raven that lazered your enemies which you could move walk away from / kite with scepter. A built in 20% full damage amp(damage over time like malz) that worked with your items and runes effects. His root didnt have a long ass delay and was shorter range. His ult shot out ravens, was cool asf. lames had to change him out of the cool kit he had.
@karlosliskovic 3 ай бұрын
@@HookahOtaku I enjoyed old swain as well. But afaik he was underplayed, because his theme kinda sucked. ( Not for me) The Ravenmode was amazing. The W was amazing as well. Miss him.
@HookahOtaku 2 ай бұрын
@@karlosliskovic it truly sucks man, if they gave him his old kit back with the current skins, it would of been amazing. imagine the cool ravens with each new skin today
@karlosliskovic 2 ай бұрын
@@HookahOtaku and then all OG swain players come out of their holes to dominate meta because everybody forgot how OP the Raven man was.
@OmenLamb 3 ай бұрын
Bring back Kayle's True Damage
@masterarselyn6470 3 ай бұрын
Conqurer need a rework for on hit users.
@darkumineru1681 3 ай бұрын
or make a rune that work better for on hit users has rn it cant really be changed unless u want to harm bruisers has a class just to add another option for on hit
@masterarselyn6470 3 ай бұрын
@@darkumineru1681 they already try that with lethal tempo, reworked it, and now removed. They also nerfed ranged on hit users badly in multiple ways. We can't have anything nice can we
@tupll997 3 ай бұрын
No wonders the champ design of new champs is so bad the champ design team cant even buy clothes that dont have holes in them i wouldnt care about my job aswell if i coudnt even buy clothes from it.
@stefanristic9245 3 ай бұрын
Dude thats literally how the sweater is designed😂
@tupll997 3 ай бұрын
@@stefanristic9245 What rly? Almost as if its a joke xd
@stefanristic9245 3 ай бұрын
How is zoe punished when shes the safest mage in the game her kit is designed in such a way unintentionally to make her not have a bad matchup in which she gets countered like 99% of the other champs in league lets say like irelia and zed garen and vayne fiora and sion etc. Even if she might not deal as much burst she still takes like 70% of someones health away from a very long distance and has more mobility than 90% of assassins in the game thanks to her w speed boost on her and picked up summoner spells/item active which already give her some sort of combat adventage
@zoroark522 3 ай бұрын
This guy needs to not be a designer on the most popular competitive game in NA if hiss strategy is making the game less fair.
@Bladius_ 3 ай бұрын
Swain is too fair, actually watch the video and play Swain and you'll understand. He didn't say unfair, he said less fair.
@hugocoolerkanalsmal3172 3 ай бұрын
Swain is the most fair champ in the entire game. He should be way less fair
@iko8465 3 ай бұрын
Making a champion less fair and making the entire game less fair are two very different things.
@zoroark522 3 ай бұрын
@@iko8465 No it's actually not, it's called power creep. You start by making one champion unfair, then set that as the new standard, slowly changing every other champion in the game. Making swain less fair is aligning him to the new power crept standard they started setting back in like season 6 and just haven't stopped doing. The problem is that the game desperately needs the completely opposite, champions being changed to be more fair, in the direction of Swain.
@HookahOtaku 3 ай бұрын
you need to watch the video before vomiting poop out of your mouth. He wants to make Swain less of a joke he is now.
@Timeforspas12 3 ай бұрын
I hate when he excuses with "we want tanks to be viable" Tanks are just boring bruisers, why even bother making them viable? Reddit outrage? That one guy in the balance team? Who else?
@Barook 2 ай бұрын
A lot of people enjoys tanks , like a lot of people enjoys enchanters , like a lot of people enjoy any kind of class in LoL , its not because YOU found it boring , or a class being less popular that it means it should not be viable . Im glad devs try at least to be impartial with that . In the case we listen to you we fuck a lot of tanks players for no reason and assassins would become op , also if we remove " boring " stuff lets remove 90 percent of the mages , imo they are all boring pretty much and also Tanks , enchanters , engage supports , ap junglers , no mobility adc , and any braindead champ in league , they are all to me super boring . Is my sense of " boring" more wrong than yours ? Or is it just subjective ?
@fatihfatih4519 3 ай бұрын
God damn the clicking is annoying
@eujacks7888 3 ай бұрын
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