Australian doctor discusses Asperger's Syndrome

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In this segment from an Australian daytime talk show a doctor discusses Aspergers Syndrome, a form of autism.

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@BumsenDK 17 жыл бұрын
but i must say the GP seems very well informed, and talks in a way everyone can understand and relate to. good posting.
@Claud_the_Tassie_woman_93 13 жыл бұрын
I completely agree. I have mild Autism/Aspergers and I wouldn't take "get lost" that precisely, I would just back off and walk away normally if I was told to go away. I do remember one time when my mum and I were talking about salads to make for lunches and mum told me that when she says 'coleslaw', "it's not cold sore" which I obviously knew already. I shouldn't talk about that in such a negative tone but i believe we're being labeled too often as 'slow'
@LittleMissPrim 17 жыл бұрын
Very imformative, a nice positive video. Thankyou
@Anniemaniac17 16 жыл бұрын
The doctor disagreed with her own statement. That just makes things confusing, not clear. At the beginning she did call AS a disease. It was the presenter, who apparently knew more than she did, that corrected her, albeit in a subtle way.
@agentleastlikely 14 жыл бұрын
@PunkStar6661 I think that depends on the individual. Some people find little point in getting an official "label" for AS, and others, like me, just feel it's something they need to do to make sense of everything they've been through (and for me personally it's also handy if I get confused at a bank or if I ever need to communicate with police, etc). It's such a deeply individual experience. I'd suggest reading one of Tony Attwood's books, or Temple Grandin, to get a better understanding of AS.
@Thanos700 16 жыл бұрын
I'm 19 i got diagnosed with aspergers when i was four and now its really mild its almost like im a regular person i've been on dates with girls and i go to college.. i like this video it doesn't make it seem like aspergers is some terrible illness the woman who talks is very tolerant and informed and the guy below me is just being a jerk and that dress is fashionable because australians have a different culture sense than us
@Yetti0 16 жыл бұрын
I am an aspie and I went through main stream school from the first day. How did my mom do it? You should learn from older successful aspies. Been there done that for generations.
@Yetti0 16 жыл бұрын
Not only was I mainstreamed at 6.we had no preschool or kindergarten.I was triple promoted in math at the end of the first year. Two of my best friends I have known life long are successful Aspie women and mothers of aspies themselves. It stands to reason aspie women tend to be friends, & we had no idea we were aspies till our 50s. All our children (aspie or aspie lite) are very successful. Like our aspie parents,We took our parenting seriously and found schools that worked iwth our children.
@mbncd 15 жыл бұрын
@austin6229 I don't know why you say it isn't a condition. A condition is simply an illness, disease, or other medical, mental, physical or otherwise state. For example "She is in good condition for tomorrow's marathon," or, "His heart condition is getting worse." Note that I'm not saying it is a disease as condition covers many possibilities aside from that.
@purplemutantas 17 жыл бұрын
The point is that in the beginning she said it was part of the "autism spectrum of diseases". So she contradicted her self. But yea, autism isn't a disease.
@PlatiumGauntlet 15 жыл бұрын
I think what she is describing about the 'get lost' thing, is an aspect of PDD-NOS if im not mistaken.
@asperger15 15 жыл бұрын
yeah, it almost made me not bother with finishing the vid, if anything shows how much she knows I think that would be it
@asperger15 15 жыл бұрын
and some people think there is no increase, we just diagnose better
@thejesman 14 жыл бұрын
@hhhiitt I don't think she was trying to imply that all people with asperger's do those thing. I think she was giving examples of what someone MIGHT do. I'm not an expert, but it seems to me that aspergers effects people in different ways.
@krissy4nik 16 жыл бұрын
The interviewer seems to be more knowledgable than the so-called expert.
@moyga 16 жыл бұрын
yeah i totally agree, but unfortunately i haven't met anyone else who has it or meets those other criteria =(
@HJ_Extravaganza 16 жыл бұрын
@PlatiumGauntlet 15 жыл бұрын
Because i've read the wiki about it, and my girlfriend's sister has been diagnosed PDD-NOS, and she had trouble with sarcasm or things that are taken literally like the 'get lost' thing. While on the other hand i'm not officially diagnosed with asperger but i dont feel associated with those referrals. Hope that clarifies.
@HJ_Extravaganza 16 жыл бұрын
What she means is that people with Aspergers usually don't understand Sarcasm and Irony.
@adiowolvesboy1010 16 жыл бұрын
people with aspergers are smart they do not try to get lost
@asperger15 15 жыл бұрын
I know, there's a difference between doing whatever someone tells you and taking things litterally, an idiom would be a better example, like 'you can't have cake and eat it too' that one might make sense
@mbncd 15 жыл бұрын
It's weird how she calls it a disease than says why it isn't a disease.
@HJ_Extravaganza 16 жыл бұрын
@Anniemaniac17 16 жыл бұрын
@HJ_Extravaganza 16 жыл бұрын
People with AS tend to not understand Irony and Sarcasm.
@Jutty04901 15 жыл бұрын
Whats Maccas?
@Florencethomas405 15 жыл бұрын
trust me, i experience this all my life. sometimes i wonder why i was born like this. peoples ignorance is hard to cope with.
@jackdoe1883 16 жыл бұрын
Or, I think as is the case with me because I am diagnosed AS, can be very slow at interpreting double meanings.
@Anniemaniac17 16 жыл бұрын
That's correct, but I don't know many Aspies who would take "get lost" THAT literally. I have frequent problems with language and take things literally often, so I understand what she's TRYING to say, but her example was far too extreme, imo.
@Breeslave 14 жыл бұрын
@MrGazmcfaz I hate that word disorder and I think that I'm not disordered it's other people I deal with are disordered in the way they behave/deal with me.
@Anniemaniac17 16 жыл бұрын
"If you said to someone with AS; "Oh, get lost", they might literally try and go and get lost" That is possibly the stupidest thing I've ever heard. I have AS. I've been told to "Get lost" a few times. Never have I actually tried to get myself lost. What a ridiculous statement. It seems as though she's just repeating things she's read from textbooks. She reminds me a lot of the first doctor I went to about my AS, who just tried to send me for hearing tests (?!) when I mentioned my symptoms.
@amfanman 16 жыл бұрын
I wouldn't consider her a specialist on Asperberger's Syndrome. That's putting it mildly. This is NOT a completely accurate representation of Asperger's Syndrome.
@Yetti0 16 жыл бұрын
lets go down the list: You want to use foul language. You think a person who has one child does so because of choice only. you feel having one child is wrong. You call people who are over 50 hostile names. If they don't accept your hostility, you claim they are not debating intelligently. Is this the example you set as a parent? Your parenting challenges are showing. Learn to not use foul language. It will help you and your son.
@isoperuna2 14 жыл бұрын
@NateSean you got it all wrong... i know youre point, But... you didnt get it, Sorry : )
@thebenchwarmer 15 жыл бұрын
why do you say that?
@Claud_the_Tassie_woman_93 13 жыл бұрын
@mushroomonthemoon You know what, a lot of "professionals" aren't even professionals at all and some are actually real frauds. For example, today at work during my shift I was reading a magazine article about how this woman became a victim of a woman who used to be her friend but was pretending to be an official medical doctor and has made up lies about how she's been studying at uni to get a degree as a doctor. This victim was also taken advantaged of by this woman in an embarassing way.
@Yetti0 16 жыл бұрын
IF anyone looks at autimoms account..filled with attacks... it is one of her several accounts. She uses it to attack people. Look at her profile. We caught her several times using the autimom account for that very purpose. We know who she is. She and her children have problems and mostly due to her part and behavior.
@mbncd 15 жыл бұрын
A condition can be many things, one of which is a disease, but a disease itself is a specific group of things that Aspergers does not fall into, as she explains. However, contradicting herself like that is amusing.
@taipan342 15 жыл бұрын
Maybe when she goes to Maccas she asks for a burjer instead of a burger. ;)
@DeltaSixDJ 11 жыл бұрын
A few things she says are not quite accurate, or may be true of some rather extreme cases of Asperger's (or perhaps somewhere closer to full Autism). The "get lost" thing is rubbish. She explains some things well but not everything. I have fairly mild Asperger's I think, and I know I've never had much issue with language and non-literal phrases. I did struggle with *using* colloquialisms and slang until I was a teenager (I never used "cool"), but I always understood what others meant by them.
@Yetti0 16 жыл бұрын
Sure you attacked me. You can't see your own actions? Why is it NTs require aspies looking at their eyes when they are often blind in many ways? If you don't know how to communicate perhaps you need to take some theatre courses to learn inter and intrapersonal skills of communication. It can only help your parenting skills.
@HJ_Extravaganza 16 жыл бұрын
I have Asperger and I'm odd :P I like to be it. I'm odd because of my (Asperger related) behavior.
@mtbers 14 жыл бұрын
Wish she wouldn't say disease.
@Yetti0 16 жыл бұрын
"proper social cues" what is the excuse for NT's who are unethical and rude? What is their disesase ;)
@Yetti0 16 жыл бұрын
Now my dear, would you like one or two lumps of sugar with your tea?!
@AspergerDad 14 жыл бұрын
@hhhiitt You have to be pretty far onto the spectrum to be quite that literal! I tend to agree with you even though there are some cases where she's accurate. My son doesn't fit any of her profiles, but he has LOTS of other symptoms! He grunts a lot and try getting homework done without monitoring him daily!!!! Threw 45 min tantrums till he was 8 or 9. But has a fantastic sense of humor and does not 'monologue' to people at all. Just look at the list of behaviors and pick yours off the list
@petchharrison 14 жыл бұрын
its not an illness my brain does 2 things at ocne i can sing a clasical piece of music and read and hear two sets of words at the same time, at 10 i did photography.geology.archeology.restoring old radios, i could not think as slow as you so called experts if i tried.i learn things years later the experts say what they just found well i knew about our brains working on the vlf frequencey before them.they say we have all different brain interacions and frequenceys may be the key.oh, obvious jeff
@Anniemaniac17 16 жыл бұрын
Your son may be lower functioning. I just think her example was too extreme and not really that accurate. Maybe "confused" might have been a better way for her to describe how we would react to someone telling us to get lost. Not all of us will "get lost" if someone tells us to. I doubt many would. Your son may be different but the aspies I know wouldn't take it so literally, so I just think it was a bad example to use.
@Yetti0 16 жыл бұрын
I wonder if autimom will have her "potty Mouth" post removed. ;) she stated "Yeah Yetti0....who's the sad old grey haired c%#t who will block users from their channel.....What afraid of intelligent debate. U say u raised A child to adulthood.....2 scared to let ur genes create another sad excuse...DON'T let ur anger of what ur parents NEVER did for U, jade others from letting their childern shine!!!! " So much for her intelligent debate. I feel sorry for her child. Parenting is at a crisis level
@Yetti0 16 жыл бұрын
@petchharrison 14 жыл бұрын
@SweetoothNoob say that again were know more than the so called experts about a lot of things.they learn from secondhand knowledge from books.we learn by what we see here and feel.and wee dont need pretend experts who just know long words so they appere to be cleaver by words alone...................jeff
@VacuumSquirrel1 11 жыл бұрын
I can't help but be a bit skeptical about parents with aspergers being competent parents. They have too many difficulties with social cues and this can adversely affect the development of their children just by example.
@Yetti0 16 жыл бұрын
how dare you go around and attack me! what is your excuse NT? Just because you're an NT mum of an aspie doesn't give you the right to try 2 bully an aspie a mum herself who did a great job of raising a child to adulthood. Learn to take advice from those of us who walk the talk. We are in a major parenting crisis today and you are a prime example..Get an education and stop your uppity attitude. I am an aspie. I dare to question society! Reduce his confusion? You probably created his confusion.
@Yetti0 16 жыл бұрын
Sure it was her fault...Anyone who would not use common sense and not become educated on their child... is a faulty parent. Take responsibility You and your mom.
@Yetti0 16 жыл бұрын
Autimum states "My parenting skills....Hahaha I am the one that injects myself into my son world" I think we all see what you are injecting into his world. Most of us do not use such foul language as a matter of intellectual discourse. IF I were your son.. I, too, would hesitate to be extracted into a world where a mother would use words like " the sad old grey haired c%#t". If you have not had English 101... anything anyone states is an opinion. Like your mere opinion.
@TheHolyONE-m6c 15 жыл бұрын
OMG hahahahahaha im laughing so hard
@Yetti0 16 жыл бұрын
I only block people who use foul language. Do you teach your son to use such language. Now you attack the fact ~ I could only physically have one child. That is another example of bullyism. You have a problem with one child families? DOes having 10 children make you a better parent. You are obviously angry hence you are bringing it up. I hope this is not the example you set your son. Its not because he is austistic but you lack parenting skills. Do you teach him to make fun of senior citizens?
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