autism tiktoks

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@icypopsicle9082 Жыл бұрын
Thanks for making these compilations! My sister has autism and it’s difficult to get along with her sometimes but watching these helps a lot with it! Learning more about what autistic people experience really helps me understand what she’s probably going through, and helps me be more patient with her. Thanks for bringing some awareness to this!
@gooeater1544 Жыл бұрын
I'm so glad you're willing to understand! I'm sure your sister is very thankful:)
@ilove_deers1897 Жыл бұрын
I'm going through a similar situation. I'm also watching these videos to gain a little bit of patience because my little sister is autistic
@sagegreen505 Жыл бұрын
i would cry if my sister watched these to help me❤ y’all are perfect
@ReeseAugust Жыл бұрын
you is good sibling
@stratuss_ Жыл бұрын
@taylorbritt499 Жыл бұрын
Okay but same 😂
@Caroline-bc3dq Жыл бұрын
Sameeee omg I am autistic and one of my special interests is autism lol it's fun
@CassianGray Жыл бұрын
To whomever needs to hear it, you are worthy, you are loved, you are enough!
@spooky_strawberry7197 Жыл бұрын
You have no idea how helpful this was
@DecayingAnt Жыл бұрын
Already took my meds today, but thanks for reminding me to drink water!
@koda4505 Жыл бұрын
The video about NT and ND arguing/disagreement differences made me CRY. Every time I try to set boundaries with this one couple, they immediately go on the attack about me being trans and mentally unwell. Finding out that it's a shared experience makes me feel so much less isolated 😭💕
@PlasticSinks Жыл бұрын
I'm sorry to hear that, please continue fighting for your boundaries! You deserve it
@koda4505 Жыл бұрын
@@PlasticSinks thank you, I appreciate you! 🌻
@Kenkenny82 Жыл бұрын
8:30 Wait, seriously ? Why did I just learned that at 40 ? That kind of statement always stressed me out like crazy because I thought I had to do it all !
@quertie420 Жыл бұрын
LOOOOOL with the last one: my boss asked me "how was your thanksgiving" and i said "good, actually. i talked with my cousin and got invited to brunch with him and his wife" and she was like "cool" in an off tone. 15 minutes later i realized i had gotten a Bad Grade in social interaction
@imaginareality Жыл бұрын
But why? What did you do wrong?
@quertie420 Жыл бұрын
@@imaginareality i didn't ask her how her thanksgiving was lol
@jilliandittrich8810 Жыл бұрын
But how do you know she would have wanted you to ask?
@BloomBlanche Жыл бұрын
The "asking questions back" thing really helped me when I learned it and I'm glad that more people are spreading it around It's from the last TikTok, if anyone's searching for it
@Star_Rattler Жыл бұрын
So many concerning tiktoks like at 8:04... there's no way! I don't believe that. My friend has pushed me to get assessed for autism because she said I "miss a lot of social cues." I always denied it, because no, I don't!!! I just choose not to follow them often. But no, no. Nope not at all. If this is really the case, and people really talk like that and mean something else, I've been talking wrong and understanding wrong my whole life. "Do you think you could get those forms to me by the end of the day?" I understand that translates into them wanting them by the end of the day, I get that implication. But if you want them by the end of the day very much, just say that. If you ask if I can, you're asking. If you want them, then demand it from me. Also I never got the argument thing, either. It always baffles me how people lose track so quickly of what point they're trying to make and start going after ME and my stuff. Like, we're debating on a thing I know more about (most likely) and now it sounds like you've run out of valid things to say and are falling back on insults, which means I win. OR it'll be an ""argument"" which means we're speaking heatedly but not angrily and we're enjoying going back and forth. My friends and I bicker all the time, especially one of them. We used to joke we're a married couple the way we bicker. But it was never in bad feelings or anything, it was for fun, a bit, or like... agh, if you know you know. I'll be ""arguing"" with someone, really just debating or trying to convince them they're wrong or simply just... educating someone, or joking about preferences and opinions, and people will be like "alright stop, i don't want to argue with you." like... we weren't arguing. not like that. how do people not see that? i really can't believe that autistic people are the ones who are "bad" at communication and are "deficient." when allistics speak in code and implications. it gets to the point where speaking plainly and straightforward confuses people, and they say "what do you mean by that?" like ??? there's no hidden meanings, I just said what I meant. and they just. don't believe you. what the fuck is that!!! I said "I don't eat Taco Bell because it hurts my stomach." THAT'S ALL THAT MEANS! HOW DID YOU GET "HATES MEXICAN FOOD" FROM THAT. stupid idiotic garbage.
@Peach-Jelly Жыл бұрын
Can’t wait to sit in a room for three hours for two days just to possibly get diagnosed with autism 🙂 /sarc No but really I’m kinda excited ig so I can finally get my accommodations I need if I have autism
@sandpiper_ Жыл бұрын
i love these!! thank you so much for making them!!
@borderlinenocturnal6195 Жыл бұрын
The one about what self-diagnosing is actually like called me out
@Jac800 Жыл бұрын
Same bro same
@v_bunny Жыл бұрын
i look forward to these omg, thank you for feeding us 🫶🫶
@kwowka Жыл бұрын
Me: tics once. Small body shudder. Moves on. Literally everyone in my class: omg are you having a seizure do you have Tourette’s???? Me: having a panic attack combined with a meltdown and unable to breathe or speak Everyone: apparently? Doesn’t? Notice? At all?
@1EmuFan Жыл бұрын
3:04 YAY IM NOT THE ONLY ONE WHO DOES THE SHAKY HANDS THING I do it alot when im excited
@GoddessMisfit Жыл бұрын
thanks for including my tiktok! 🩷
@silentglacierfang 8 ай бұрын
10:01, this is something I only started noticing recently and understanding that people don't just want the information but actually want a conversation. Did not know or realise that until I discovered that I am autistic and actually started taking notice of how I answer questions and what information seems to get the best responses from other people. I also did not know until recently that answering questions with purely the info asked is considered rude or avoidant or that avoiding eye contact is also seen as rude or potentially suspicious. So many things I do not understand or do not know about how most people communicate. Always learning new things about communicating that most people somehow seem to know or do instinctually.
@katiekirks1253 Жыл бұрын
0:15 That’s quite interesting. I myself am Latina with a Latina mom and White dad. I’m trying to figure out if I have Autism, so I’m doing lots of research. I didn’t know that I was in one of the least diagnosed demographics.
@IceSpiderGaming Жыл бұрын
i know that one of the REALLY early signs of autism is not learning to talk/very little talking. i was diagnosed with adhd bcz when i was a baby, i didnt start talking when normal kids did. im not questioning if i was miss diagnosed.
@sticks8489 Жыл бұрын
At 8:05 , I am wondering how one can be autistic and still be able to decode allistic people? I do this and I just assumed I couldn’t be autistic because i understood, but that example is really aggravating to me in which I wish people were genuinely nice and didn’t just sugarcoat things, because it is so easy for me to be taken advantage of.
@undefinederror40404 Жыл бұрын
How do people learn other languages? Adapt to new cultures? Allistic people do a lot of things automatically that people with autism find difficult. Using that example, allistic people will understand the implied message without having to put much thought into it. Someone with autism can definitely 'decode' or figure this out when they analyze the context and the end result of their interpretation (so if you interpret it one way, and the other person responds negatively to your actions, then it seems that this was not what they meant). It's kind of like learning a language imo.
@silly2974 Жыл бұрын
so ive been suspecting that im autistic for quite a while, ive done a ton of research, but im too scared to ask about getting a diagnosis- ive noticed i have multiple symptoms of autism but i dont want to ask my parents about it since im scared about it lmao
@HyperNovva Жыл бұрын
Lol same especially because according to my parents high-functioning autism isn't real...
@vintagecrayon4504 Жыл бұрын
Make a list of every autism trait you have, and add examples as well. Show this to your doctor at your next checkup. If the doctor agrees there's a possibility you're autistic, she can tell this to your parents and recommend a neurologist to evaluate you. Word of advice: if she recommends Think Neurology, make sure to work on unmasking so that you're your most authentic self the day of the evaluation, because those assholes wear puzzle piece logos and diagnose off of "getting the feeling/not getting the feeling" rather than symptoms. Make sure to also try recalling stuff from as young as possible, and telling this all to your parents before the evaluation. The reason I'm saying this is cause the doctor plan worked for me, but my TN evaluator was new to the facility, and apparently "didn't get the feeling" despite me showing more than triple the traits on the actual criteria. Also, mainly focus on traits like communication, social interaction, stimming, special interests, and sensory issues, as most questions they ask are about those traits. Also mention stuff like alexithymia and such to your evaluator if they want examples but a certain other autism trait is the reason for having a hard time finding one. Good luck fellow undiagnosed kiddo. :)
@silly2974 Жыл бұрын
@@vintagecrayon4504 omg thank you so much for all of that, ill keep it all in mind!!! once again, thanks :D
@26pandemicbaby26 Жыл бұрын
Same, I told my mom and she completely dismissed what I was telling her saying I couldn’t be autistic, “it’s all because of that phone” so idk
@vintagecrayon4504 Жыл бұрын
@@26pandemicbaby26 OMG FR. Mine thinks my fatigue and low blood pressure are from my phone too lol.
@broken_queer_but_fighting8589 Жыл бұрын
Hey can you take care of yourself? Just do one small thing that will make yourself happy. And if you feel like you can do more, please stretch, drink some water, and eat something. You matter so much. I send all the virtual love. 💜💜🤗🤗💜💜🤗🤗
@sandpiper_ Жыл бұрын
it's like you know i didn't eat lunch
@broken_queer_but_fighting8589 Жыл бұрын
@@sandpiper_ can you eat a snack?
@sandpiper_ Жыл бұрын
@@broken_queer_but_fighting8589 not right now, my mom's making a big(ish) dinner for my sister's birthday and it's probably almost done because i can smell it.
@broken_queer_but_fighting8589 Жыл бұрын
@@sandpiper_ ah well hope you enjoyed the meal
@broken_queer_but_fighting8589 Жыл бұрын
@@Imagomoth awww thanks m8 that means a lot, I hope the same for you too 🤗🤗💜💜
@maddykrantz Жыл бұрын
Ok so I have ADHD and am not on the ASD spectrum, but im hyperfocusing on learning about these conditions so I can be more informed and more understanding when I encounter someone like this. I used to be ooccationally picked on by this one kid at my old school because od my ADHD, and learning about what others lives are like has helped me to better understand other people. (Also, I think I may be minorly autistic, but when I was tested by 2 women Mmind you, they said I'm not, but could have minor aspegers. I know that word is outdated and not the right word, but I'm just stating what the 2 ladies told me.)
@Totallynotredtail Жыл бұрын
I think I might be somewhere on the spectrum but I don't really have problems with blatant loud noises but I almost just freak out and even cry if someone trys to talk to me while the noise is there, also remember when from the ages from 4-7 I would absolutely refuse to wear anything that wasn't skin tight just some particular experiences that stuck out to me
@JoggingMyMind Жыл бұрын
these videos did more for my mental health and self esteem issues than therapy did
@mechadrake Жыл бұрын
That breakdown in uni is a thing. I just had no any help and my uni did not get me any medical leave, as I was not diagnosed with anything. So I never returned to uni... :( Somebody should have told me. Military commision did psych tests and interview, when they tried to take me to serve, also did not mention that I may have autism... I know 20y later...
@younscrafter7372 Жыл бұрын
4:40 I agree that allistics argue differently, except in my experience, they don't argue at all. They just make assumptions and pretend they are true with nothing to back them up except "Everyone agrees o this" (Not true) or at least that's how my mom argues
@Thecollectoristheruler Жыл бұрын
The more i self diagnose my self and the more i am sure i usve either autism or ADHD or both the more i think my sister also has them, she also exhibits the symptoms more then me and we both gets into a lot of trouble for doing things that we ‘arent supposed to do’ but lots of autistic people and people with ADHD do the same thing, i think our parents might just be turning a blind eye or thinking that it is just normal preteen/ teenage behaviour
@Nico-qh2mi Жыл бұрын
This is likely a dumb question, but can you have autism without being sensory avoidant? Like you just want the sensory input with no balance?
@changelingreader14 Жыл бұрын
You mean being sensory seeking? I think that's a part of the situations where some people experience hypersensitivity while others are hyposensitive. Or a mix of both can occur dependent on the sense and sensation. For example, I have rather sensitive hearing (even with probable hearing damage due to being forced around a lot of loud noises and music), but am very touch seeking--I love hugs, soft things, hairy/furry/fuzzy things I can rub, pet, or run my fingers through, etc. I suppose there can also be hypersensitivity and still seeking out a sensation since I also love listening to things so long as I am the one controlling them or they are familiar... Maybe that sort of thing is also influenced by origin, familiarity, and control by the autistic person? Regardless, if one isn't getting enough of a sensation to feel stable, it'd make sense if they'd constantly be seeking that sensation. I'm ending that there before I descend into nonsense... I am self-diagnosed neurodivergent, but I hope at least some of all that ramble is helpful.
@mothbrainedindividual Жыл бұрын
Yes, you can be sensory seeking and autistic. It's actually like that with a lot of symptoms of autism. Being sensory avoidant is a symptom of autism, but so is being sensory seeking. Low and high empathy (even hyperempathy), as well as hypersensitivity and hyposensitivity are all symptoms of autism. Basically, it's a spectrum and everyone has different experiences. You can even have a combination of opposite symptoms. Like, you could be sensory avoidant to sound and sensory seeking to touch. Also, this is not a dumb question at all, this stuff seriously doesn't get talked about enough Жыл бұрын
Yes, you can have sensory-seeking behaviour.
@lastchanc3stars Жыл бұрын
『me when my mom and brother』♤ "Wanna see me have a meltdown?" "Wanna see me do it again?" ---------- 〔TW〕 They seriously believe that autistic people don't exist and that they are mentally unwell people who belong in asylums. They have force-fed me through meltdowns with foods that have textures I don't like, and have taken away comfort or stim objects from me because "it's for babies."》 These tiktoks make me feel better about myself and reminds me that there are quite a lot of other people with a similar condition. ☆
@50frogsinatrenchcoat9 Жыл бұрын
Hi,if you can get out as soon as you can and take their stuff and then argue it is for babies and steal your stuff back if you can. I hope you get in a better situation soon❤
@twoduece Жыл бұрын
THE LAST ONE THOUGH, im literally just now figuring out that when people ask about things THEY WANT TO KNOW MORE THAN THE THING???? like if someone asks how my day was *apparently* they want to know some of the things i did during the day, and not just an answer like "alright." im literally begging you if you're speaking to an autistic person please ask exactly what you want to more man i cant be doing this 😭
@corncobbob2326 Жыл бұрын
2:47 wait how do you tell if it’s a mood disorder vs autism? no one is perfect but how come he couldn’t tell yet you did?
@vintagecrayon4504 Жыл бұрын
Autism involves a lot more traits than a mood disorder. That's how.
@closetskeleton2432 Жыл бұрын
the self diagnosis one (4:06) got me real good and maybe i have autism? who knows, if i do ive been masking since a young age so it'll be hard to get an official diagnosis
@vintagecrayon4504 Жыл бұрын
Make a list of traits you have (as many as possible) and show it to your doctor. They'll then recommend a neurologist to evaluate you. Word of advice: don't go with Think Neurology, they have puzzle piece logos and I've seen evaluators diagnose based on personal belief rather than the criteria.
@fyrecraftedgaming Жыл бұрын
I was misdiagnosed as bpd and put on antipsychotics... Nope its audhd
@aroaceicon11 Жыл бұрын
I really think that i might be autistic but i am too scared to ask my therapist about it so. . .
@idk_st3lla Жыл бұрын
Well great now I feel like I'm stereotypical for being a white person with autism 😭😭
@sidiwvwhi Жыл бұрын
honestly i’m starting to think i might be autistic
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