150k for 2.0NA Sportage, I might as well top up 5k to get a 1.5T CR-V. 高熱效是自己講的、please disclose your thermal efficiency. Good aftersales service, saya pun pandai cakap. First intro 2.0T at 250k, later 2.0NA at 260k, then add extra 40k for new 2.0T konon, 習慣就好。 軸距小小、車身放長,出小錢找人吹成 D-segment. 騙中下層山芭佬可以啦。 百公里油耗1.5公升。拿60L 油缸來算,滿油滿電跑二千五百公里是做得到的。 SkyDiamond engine 也沒用,2.0NA C-sedan 賣180k, 算它115%的高效、也只有2300cc的動力。還不如中製的HEV/PHEV, with power-torque equivalent to 3500cc, and much cheaper.