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Pierwsza w historii Polka, która została pilotką myśliwca - kapitan Katarzyna Tomiak-Siemieniewicz będzie gościnią Moniki Sawki w programie “Teraz Kobiety”
“The aircraft won’t forgive any mistakes. It doesn’t matter if you are a man or a woman, we are all pilots,” says Lt Katarzyna Tomiak-Siemieniewicz, the first-ever female fighter pilot in the Polish Air Force.
Lt Katarzyna Tomiak-Siemieniewicz is the first female MiG-29 fighter pilot in the Polish Air Force. In this video, she discusses her role as part of NATO’s air defence Quick Reaction Alert and being an inspiration for women.
Footage includes Lt Katarzyna Tomiak-Siemieniewicz and flying the MiG-29 fighter jet.
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