Awakening of the Rebellion - A War On Multiple Fronts (Ep 36)

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@colresswesker8912 Жыл бұрын
I like this sick game Shack keeps playing with the chat where he says he'll hit the Wheel at the start of the episode, and then doesn't.
@A_Fighter2000 Жыл бұрын
Well, it isn't a game that I am having fun playing. I keep yelling at the screen for Shack to take the #!@%ing Wheel and he doesn't do it.
@Frizzleman Жыл бұрын
Four years into the civil war and ackbar is nowhere to be seen I love it. I’m certain he will arrive at the pivotal moment and take courascant ending the war in a decisive battle.
@ph5832 Жыл бұрын
Huge strategic mistake by not capturing the wheel 🤦🏻‍♂️
@keithclark9719 Жыл бұрын
the wheel will be the last planet he takes in this season
@Frizzleman Жыл бұрын
@@keithclark9719 no shot! Shack is the ultimate underdog. He pulls victory from certain defeat time and time again. I think he’s stronger than ever. He will take it to the deep core. The liberation will fly over imperial city with Home One right beside him.
@Klaus99999 Жыл бұрын
If he doesn’t take the Wheel next episode I’m gonna flip. It’s so under defended and he has a capable fleet right there! Shack pleeeease!
@brenobassocenci6571 Жыл бұрын
When another AOTR episode drops, it is always a good day.
@Thatshistoryright Жыл бұрын
Me when Shack drops a video but it's not AOTR: "Don't do this. Don't give me hope."
@brenobassocenci6571 Жыл бұрын
@@Thatshistoryright Real
@cosmic_twin769 Жыл бұрын
@lightspeedvictory Жыл бұрын
COUNTERATTACK!!! Take The Wheel! Also, you need to build up space defenses over Muunilist. If those Imperial units did come through there, that means they have access to one of the planets with some of your research stations
@sgtsmith501 Жыл бұрын
*Day 224 of requesting Shack continue the storyline mission chain which means using Ace and doing the Zhar shuttle mission at this point. Besides another planet to subsequently liberate and set up more gas refineries, the eventual battle of Endor is a pretty sweet battle to witness*
@loveroffunnyy Жыл бұрын
did I ever tell the definition of insanity?
@sonofjack6286 Жыл бұрын
You realize Ace is imprisoned in Corporate Sector space, yes?
@sgtsmith501 Жыл бұрын
@sonofjack6286 Knowing Shack he'd leave him there for the whole playthrough till every other faction is wiped out. Even if he wasn't imprisoned Shack would more than likely throw him into the fire or still ignore the mission chain
@jwb_666 Жыл бұрын
Shack the reinforcement menu doesn't show up after the AI calls for a retreat.If you have the menu open, before the ai initiates the retreat, you can still bring in reinforcements
@admiralcasperr Жыл бұрын
52:45 That fleet was specifically prepositioned after I asked you for it. Now is our chance to take The Wheel as that force is its garrison! But you've gotta go before the retreating force gets there!
@nonetheone8025 Жыл бұрын
Illum might make a good raid target. If taken it could relieve some pressure off the front lines from Black Sun attacks and force them to divide their attention. If it can be held long enough to recruit a new generation of Jedi, the war could turn drastically. The citizens of the core would surely rally to our cause Commander.
@sonofjack6286 Жыл бұрын
Senior Captain's Log. Orbit of Saleucami Week 210 [Begin Log] Well, we're being put on the backfoot for the fifth time in this war, hell of a fourth anniversary of Yavin eh? The Black Sun have grown a serious pair of balls and have properly gone on the offensive. Saleucami had to deal with a full invasion fleet from the Wheel, which destroyed the entire defense fleet. Thankfully, Shack ordered a portion of the Liberation's fleet to move to engage the Black Sun force. The rest have been sent back up North to both relieve Scipio of an Imperial invasion and have a quick response force ready in case the Black Sun move to take Ord Mantell. Now the Liberation's fleet has become the Eastern Fleet, thankfully there's not enough important systems in the western part of the galaxy to provide reason for a fleet there too. In terms of good news, the Black Sun invasion of Saleucami was repulsed by the Eastern Fleet's counterattack. Rendili was taken as well, Admiral Talon and Skywalker toon it with minimal casualties. Now we have two important systems that need to be taken as of currently, the Wheel in the east, and Yaga Minor in the North. With us being so close, and some ships in the reserve line, it should be an easy push to take the Wheel and finish the Mon Cal Buffer Zone. Four years and we're finally getting the Mon Calamari into the fight properly. That's all I've got to say for now, cargo shipments for the Third Warhost's kit have been arriving and it's about time I got one of the new combat uniforms. Nartha out. [End Log]
@winniethepooh5554 Жыл бұрын
Shack you build U Wings as ground assets to utilize the ion gun to stun the droids from the Black Sun
@billygrantham5380 Жыл бұрын
Rogue Squadron Journal Week 210 - Saleucami Capt. Witton Bogre - Rogue 4 After defeating the SSD Rogue Squadron was recalled to our home onboard the Liberation. Admiral Teague was a gracious host and was sad to see us go but understood. In the wake of the SSD's destruction it seems Black Sun have tried to fill the power void by striking out at multiple worlds including Saleucami. A major Black Sun fleet hit the defenses in the region and decisively swept through them but not with taking several losses among their support ships and fighters wings. Thanks to the sacrifices of those defenders our response was swift and deadly. Rogue Squadron, flying a mix of Y-wings and B-wings tore into the uncoordinated pirates. Given fighter cover by Saber Squadron our work was precise and devastating, resulting in the complete route of Black Sun forces. Those old Clone Wars ships are not something to underestimate but at the end of the day they are still antiquated hulks. I would like to note that this victory would not have been possible if not for the brave garrison forces who stood their ground previously and inflicted heavy damage. May their names and deeds be remembered well by the Alliance. Unfortunately the Black Sun were not the only ones making moves. Moff Seerdon in charge of the region around Yaga Minor has launched his own offensive in the Galactic North. Striking out at Scipio and Iridonia. While other imperial forces are in retreat, he's chosen to advance. In the vacuum of power the SSD's destruction has made several fires have begun across the Galaxy. Putting them out is going to prove a challenge. With the four year anniversary of the Battle of Yavin having just past, (week 208) it's crazy to think how far we've come since then. How far i've come since then, since Blue Squadron and Scariff, since losing Sarra that day. She'd of liked the Rogues and maybe even the Sabers too. Some day i'll see you again, till then, rest easy Starshine. I love you.
@calumdeighton Жыл бұрын
Knocking out the Wheel will get you a free ship essentially for your Northern Fleet and finish that little quest for you. My instincts is too focus on the Black Sun in your North Eastern areas. Eliminating a local threat from the area would give you some breathing space. I'm tempted also to suggest knocking out Yaga Minor as well. Just cleaning up local pockets of hostile forces before they can do anymore damage to your rear lines.
@datastorm75 Жыл бұрын
Love how this mod gives rebels the most powerful ground air support, AND the most effective anti air. It's super balanced!
@An_Alias Жыл бұрын
Finally caught up to the series. And seriously man, the wheel has no serious defenses anymore. Taking that means a huge buff to your navy AND a system that makes bank. There's no downsides!
@neofulcrum5013 Жыл бұрын
Hopefully this series ends when he liberates the entire galaxy. But he’s playing it too safe instead of making big pushes against the Empire. Each moment he waits, his enemy is just building up to strike again where he’s less defended.
@SamuelJamesNary Жыл бұрын
Rebel Diaries 36 - The grind of the conflict continues... and in a way, it really makes me miss Galen. General Kota is a fine commander and young Skywalker has a lot of potential as a pilot... but Galen was a one-man army who could easily best both the Empire and the Black Sun on a bad day... And I really miss him, though, I suppose without his sacrifice, I wouldn't be here today. And to a degree, some elements of this grind haven't been that bad, though it will betray things that NEED to be done to progress forward. The most welcome point would be the liberation of Rendili. From what I've been told, the campaign there proved to be a fairly standard siege that took out three AT-ATs and secured the line between Kuat and Cato Neimodia in the core areas of the front. That will be good, as now we have some factory worlds that can help build up our forces and avoid having the core fleet being unsupported and the forces on those core worlds unsupported. For while the destruction of an Imperial Super Star Destroyer was big, at the moment, we have no intelligence on whether or not we've successfully prevented the Empire from making another, and Captain Solo insists the one destroyed over Kashyyyk was NOT the Executor, itself. I suspect that core fleet is likely in the process of reorganizing after that fight and preparing to send a part of it south, likely to counter the moves the Black Sun has made of late. And the Black Sun has continued to make moves with an attack on Saleucami, and did so in a rather uncoordinated attack... something that shows the vulnerabilities of this criminal faction. They have access to some vary dangerous technology, and I've seen the reports on the "murder toasters" that attacked Atzerri and Polus... they are dangerous, to be sure, but having great technology ultimately means little if the plan of employment is hap-hazard, and in space this presents a problem for them. For many of their space weapons appear to be old Clone Wars tech, and even upgraded... it's still inferior to much of the more modern craft the Alliance and the Empire have, and even their anti-fighter ships are vulnerable to modern fighters. And that's something that hit them in the attack on Saleucami... They came in with a fairly large fleet and with several high tier officers, including their former commander, Zann... and given our forces over Saleucami, it was vulnerable to attack and one that should have given the Black Sun little real resistance... and that's even WITH their old tech. But their fleet came in two directions and in a way had both isolated. Our small garrison managed to swarm Zann's section of their fleet, taking out not only Zann but an old Venator Star Destroyer, a Geonosian officer, and several other ships that they would have needed to secure the planet's orbit. They did secure the orbit, but they also suffered heavy losses in doing so... which then allowed for Captain Shack to lead the attack in them and that battle was easily won. We may have lost a light ship or two, but the Black Sun lost another Venator, several destroyers, another high tier officer, and were forced to run... I was called in late in this battle... though I'm afraid I only arrived to see the Black Sun men flee. The only other sad thing was that we weren't able to destroy the Black Sun ground force that followed. I may ask that our interdictor ship be sent from the core fleet to us. And that does face us with some opportunities and options. The losses the Black Sun has taken over Saleucami has opened up the Wheel and there is already talk of going for it and build on the success we've had. It's also been joined by continued interest in Yaga Minor, particularly from Princess Leia, who has observed a good sized capital fleet strike at Scipio, again. The ground defenses held on Scipio, but the Empire seems to remain active in the north, despite its losses. I would think that Yaga Minor is a needed target and would provide the Alliance with a base which will match what we will get out of Kuat and Rendili in the core... but given reports the space defenses there, the fleet needed to besiege those stations will need to be bigger and we'll need more ground troops to secure the ground. All of that will take time, time that the Black Sun may not give... particularly in light of recent events. In this, I would ask for some minor reinforcements from the core fleet and prepare for a move on the Wheel. It will give us time to build up for a lengthy fight at Yaga Minor and may provide the Black Sun with losses they cannot easily sustain. - Captain Juno Eclipse.
@Frizzleman Жыл бұрын
This episode kinda felt like a turning point in an otherwise pretty back and forth campaign. Massive fleet building. Multiple huge mobile armies and just overall impressive production. The cash production could be higher but I’m consistently impressed how much shack is able to stretch the credits he has for so long.
@DRKTROOPER15 Жыл бұрын
Definitely agree in taking the Wheel and maybe pushing the Black Sun completely out of that part of the map. Then knock Yaga Minor out of the fight. After that I’d focus on economy and repositioning all your ships into more balanced fleet comps
@mzlm1468 Жыл бұрын
I suggest you break the Crime lord's hold on the galactic east, the wheel and Mandalore. Then you can reinforce your armies and fleets with the best soldiers and ships in the galaxy.
@kurumachikuroe442 Жыл бұрын
Go for the wheel. You have the initiative, do not give it away.
@TheKingofRome1 Жыл бұрын
im so addicted to this series
@be-noble3393 Жыл бұрын
Shack: a simple recommendation, build more U wings for ground support. The Ion weapons will do havoc to those big droids.
@ryannottage3151 Жыл бұрын
I always think of the Bakura destroyer as like a armoured more beefed up version of the SR Normandy from mass effect
@Phlegnut19 Жыл бұрын
The intros are so good. Makes it feel like a story
@kostakatsoulis2922 Жыл бұрын
Sitting here with a surprise day off from work, painting up my new Imperial Guard command squad in the most EXCRUCIATING detail that my amateur model-painter ass can manage, and then Shack drops a new Empire at War episode as I'm finally deciding on a color scheme for the regimental standard. Keep up the great work and absolutely wonderful timing, Shack!
@SolitarySpade_Davon Жыл бұрын
Personal Log Davon Cress, serving onboard Venator-Class Battlecarrier "Liberation" Liberation QRF Rendili, one of the last few major shipyards in the heart of the core, taken. Our new Mon Cal artillery proves to be effective against anything smaller than an ISD, could maybe even take on one if paired with another. Our fleet eradicated what was left of their orbital garrison, leaving the planet ripe for our landing forces. Rendili had a sizable garrison. Most notably fielding TIEs and AT-ATs. Our landing force lacked in armor aince most of them were lost in Kuat. We did, however, have a backup plan. We contacted a neutral mercenary outpost to request the assistance of Mandalorian mercenaries. Hesitant at first, we did offer a large sum of credits, as well as a guarantee of non-aggression between both parties. Once the battle was underway, the mercs harrassed their flanks, drawing the attention of their AT-ATs. Our main ground force pushed from the south, destroying their production facilities. Unfortunately, according to all combat reports, both the mercenary outpost and Mandalorians were killed, with the outpost being destroyed by TIEs, and the Mandos sacrificing themselves for the distraction. Rendili is currently being fortified to face off against a potential imperial counterattack. Up in the north, the Empire attempted an invasion of Scipio... again. That planet has been the site of more battles than I could count. This one was completely unsuccessful. Our planetary shield generator, combined with turbolasers and turrets prevented anything from getting through. The Empire relied too heavily on infantry and gunships during the invasion, so much so that the estimated casualties are still going up to this day. The fleet blockading Scipio retreated to Iridonia, which lacked any orbital station. We're closely monitoring the situation in the north, where both the Empire and Black Sun are pushing. What we hope is that the two will clash with each other, weakening both factions. Down here, the QRF received distress signals from Saleucami. The Black Sun has come, and they're hitting hard. Clone Wars era ships, from Munificents to Venators, as well as a good mix of their own black market craft were sent to cut off the Rebel Highway as part of their offensive. Our station at Saleucami managed to destroy a good chunk of their fleet before the transmission was abruptly cut. The QRF was called into the order of battle to retake the planet's orbit before their ground forces arrive. Between us and the enemy fleet was a large asteroid cluster, too dense for any ship to pass through. Long-range sensors showed the Black Sun splitting their fleet in two to attempt a pincer attack. The QRF countered this by going after the weaker detachment. The Dauntless-Class Battleship "Avenger" took the brunt of the damage, but managed to return the favor, devastating their fleet. Before the second pincer got into our firing range, they retreated, seeing their northern pincer be completely curbstomped. As far as I know, their heavily damaged fleet retreated to The Wheel. Shack is currently drawing plans for a counteroffensive into the system, particularly because taking The Wheel will solidify the Mon Cal Bufferzone. As for why my logs are delayed like this, I've been investigating this "Ghost X-wing" that landed the finishing blow during the Battle of Kashyyyk. My friend over at Incom gave me a classified report from... a long time ago. Even before the X-wing became a thing. I'll leave a detailed analysis of the report at the end of my next log, as I'm currently through the process of analyzing it. I rarely get much time to do that onboard the Liberation, and whenever I do, it's always some Imperial or Black Sun offensive we have to counter that removes that rare time. Well, I've got to make the most of what little time we have if The Wheel offensive does happen. For now, Davon Cress, out.
@billygrantham5380 Жыл бұрын
[After action report of Rogue Squadron. Classified Top Secret. Admiral's eyes only. Report submitted by Cmdr. Janson, Rogue Squadron commander to Admiral Cress. Footage and audio taken from nose cameras.] (While on patrol on the outskirts of the Saleucami system Rogue Squadron encounters a strange and previously unknown X-wing.) Dak: "So we ALL have bounties on us now?" Witton: "Seems so. Command confirmed it. 30,000 credits each for ours heads. Seerdon ain't playing around, he's doing whatever he can to stop us." Hobbie: "Not sure if I should be honored or scared." Zev: "Seems a little low to me." Kason: "The Empire must be getting desperate if it's resorting to bounty hunters." Janson: "Just means we're really hurting them. So we keep doing what we do." Cinda: "Yeah! Kicking imperial as... whoa!" (An odd looking X-wing speeds past over top of them, buzzing the squadron.) Tycho: "Whoa, what is that thing? An X-wing? Never saw one like THAT before. How'd he get this close without us picking him up? There's no where to hide out here." Zev: "I don't know but he isn't one of ours. His IFF isn't rebel or imperial. I can't even get a full proper scan of his ship. Some kind of interference." Janson: "He's still where he doesn't belong. Attention unidentified X-wing. Your in restricted space, you are ordered to leave the area immediately. Respond." (Silence) "I say again, you are in restricted space. Leave immediately, or we will open fire. This is your last warning." Hobbie: "He's coming back around into an attack position." Janson: "Heh, well whoever he is he's got more guts than brains. Put a few holes in him Rogue Squadron. That should change his mind pretty quick." (Rogue Squadron closes in, with the closest three, Witton, Dak, and Zev opening fire. The mysterious X-wing gains incredible speed spinning hard left and right, managing to dodge the first volley and returning fire, scoring hits on Dak and Zev. Dropping their shields in only a couple hits and zipping past towards the next pair, dropping the shields on Rogues 10 and 11.) Witton: "Did you see that?! That speed and firepower. He just dropped the shields on four different Rogues. There's no way that's a human piolt! Hobbie call it in! We got something big here!" Hobbie: "I can't reach the fleet! It's jamming our comms! We're on our own." Janson: "Okay, enough games! Rogue Squadron concentrate your fire. Take this thing out!" (The Rogues form up and unleash a large barrage of fire on the X-wing. The fighter takes a few hits here and there but dodges most of it. Flying right into the heart of their formation, splitting it and dropping Rogue 3's shields in the process.) Witton: "This is getting ridiculous! Cinda with me, Rogue 12 has him distracted. Hit the engine, we have to slow it down somehow." Cinda: You got it. Let's obliterate this thing!" (Witton and Cinda come to the plight of Rogue 12. Desperately trying to evade his pursuer. As Witton and Cinda attempt to fire on the enemy fighter, it manuvers itself so that their shots sail past and impact perfectly on Rogue 12, removing his shield. The fighter then cuts it's speed, swirling itself around while drifting backwards to bring it's cannons to bear on the chasing Rogues. Firing away and taking out the shields on both, forcing a withdrawal.) Tycho: "He's just toying with us now." Hobbie: "How are we supposed to beat this thing. We can barely hit him." Janson: "There's one last thing we can try. Rogues, form up around Tycho, Kason, Hobbie, and myself. Prepare protons." (The entirety of Rogue Squadron, all 12 members, reform and head for the enemy X-wing. Having allowed the Rogues to regroup, it begins another attack run.) Janson: "Target's locked. Let's see it dodge this! All protons fire!" (Rogue Squadron unleashes a massive volley of 24 proton torpedos. About halfway to their target, a wave emanates out from the lone X-wing detonating the torpedos early in front of the Rogues.) Janson: "AHH! Rogue Squadron evade, evade!" (As they break apart the enemy fighter bursts through the wall of fire and swiftly takes down the shields on the four remaining Rogues. Having accomplished it's objective the X-wing closes it's s-foils and quickly jumps into hyperspace. Leaving behind a bewildered and humiliated group of piolts.) Tycho: "Anyone got visual?" Kason: "Negative. It's gone. It fled into hyperspace." Dak: "What the hell was that thing?! I've never seen any fighter do that before." Witton: "Admiral Cress mentioned a month or so ago that there was a mysterious X-wing at Kashyyyk that was responsible for dealing the final blow to the SSD. I don't know if this is the same fighter but I got no other explanation." Hobbie: "Comms are back. Should we call it in?" Janson: "No. No one speaks off this to anyone except Admiral Cress. And I mean no one. Rogue Squadron just got humiliated by one fighter. Do you know what kind of damage that could do to the Rebellion's image? Especially now that we have bounties hanging over us. Plus if we start a hunt after that thing it may decide to go after the Rebellion instead of the Empire. As far as anyone is concerned, we had an uneventful patrol and an impromptu training exercise with protons. Everybody understand?" (A chorus of affirmatives answer him.) Janson: "Good. Now let's finish the patrol and get back to the fleet." [I thought this was a fun idea to share. I hope you enjoyed it.]
@SolitarySpade_Davon Жыл бұрын
@@billygrantham5380 [most definitely, i'm including this in the next log]
@billygrantham5380 Жыл бұрын
@@SolitarySpade_Davon [I'm glad you liked it! If you wanted to read more and find out why Rogue Squadron was talking about bounties look for Zaeikil's comment. He does Saber squadron. I hope you find that as entertaining as this was.]
@kenny16916 Жыл бұрын
I have spent the last couple of weeks watching this series at work and before I go to bed. Loving it! A pirate series would be awesome
@MJBrozek-z9e Жыл бұрын
Shack you need to take the wheel and do the Zhar mission it will benefit your fleets and earnings. Also keep up the good work I love these videos.
@talscorner3696 Жыл бұрын
I like how the water on Rendili reflected the landing dropship xD
@wallet_ Жыл бұрын
"took the chep option hugh?" yes i know! you dont need to remind me everytime i buy T-wings! lol I'm strapped for credits!
@bradleywoods1999 Жыл бұрын
The wheels fleet has been destroyed, now is the time to attack.
@yumasai Жыл бұрын
Hey @TheXPGamers, the bridge compartment of the Bakuran Destroyer reminds me of the KOTOR Interdictor-class Cruiser. Coincidence? They don't seem to share the same manufacturer or something else that would make for a logical explaination.
@solaris2956 Жыл бұрын
By the looks of things, fighter supremacy is part of the key on getting the upper hand in space fights. With enough fighters you can do easy raids and destroy space stations to either weaken their defense force, or lure their fleets to get easier conquests
@craigdavies4682 Жыл бұрын
You won't get many more opportunities like now to take out the wheel. They left it wide open!
@GenSpkyHaus Жыл бұрын
The Wheel! Go after the Wheel Shack. Its crazy you havent gone after it till now.
@judashellenthur Жыл бұрын
"And they will be able to trigger Linked, because they're players." is the most GM thing I've heard in awhile. lol
@tupe444 Жыл бұрын
seeing one side of the minimap get into intense combat while Shack is completely immeresed in the other makes me feel
@kylelantan9220 Жыл бұрын
If you catch a ground force in space, I recommend auto resolve unless you have a interdictor. You will kill a big chunk of it, ground units have no combat value so you won't lose anything.
@implodinggoat Жыл бұрын
Kyle and Ace are both still stuck in the Core Sec space. AFTER HE TAKES THE WHEEL a campaign against Core Sec could be a fun way to get Akbar into the game.
@maximomartin2529 Жыл бұрын
What I would recommend you do, is that in an offensive space battle, you only have a have fighter battle at first. ( Anti-fighter corvettes if there's extra space. ) This will help soften up larger forces, without too many expensive casualties, and then, when all or almost all your fighters are down, then you start bringing in bigger and stronger ships to cleanse the remainders.
@jaykeferguson8423 Жыл бұрын
shack neglects the taking of the wheel and then is surprised when the wheel strikes first bahaha goodtimes
@isaacdestura7495 Жыл бұрын
It would be cool if the ARC-170s got an ability to drop sensor pods. Makes sense for their role as agressive recon
@MrSHADOWANGEL999 Жыл бұрын
The Galaxy burns with a wildfire of revolution
@txems05 Жыл бұрын
Yes hit the Wheel. There's no fleet because its still in retreat, you'll have a second change at those ships. Recall the ones at Scipio and you'll be good with the extra fighters. Ground forces, with a fleet like that Auto-Resolve: you'll actually get some vs they hyping quickly. Get the stations at Munilinst up!
@tkc1129 Жыл бұрын
If you like Dreadnaughts or Assault Frigates, build a Medium Shipyard at Rendili for the discounts. Also, don't underestimate the difficulty of the Yaga Minor battle. It honestly might be as hard as taking Mandalore. After taking The Wheel, I suggest targeting Mandalore, Yaga Minor, or Corellia. This will complete your mission as well as the other benefits. Corellia will probably be the easiest of those three targets.
@catgath9718 Жыл бұрын
One rocket, AtAt shrugs off. A full squad of rockets, AtAt starts sweating bullets.
@bobdiedt00 Жыл бұрын
Definitely hit the wheel. Get that Home One.
@StarGhostss Жыл бұрын
big fan of the series. anyone else watched since his 2.7.2 reb series?
@weeatsushi9130 Жыл бұрын
I've watched since his first new republic tr series
@zainredding3476 Жыл бұрын
Chase the ground Army to the Wheel. Set a pathfinder of a fighter or something quick so you can pinpoint jump on the transports.
@Autofire-nw5ty Жыл бұрын
Me: Captain, it’s time sir. Shack: mmm? Time for coffee?? Me: no sir, time to take the wheel. Shack: not this again🙄 Me:…. Shack: Lt I’ve had a good idea, one that will turn the tide in our favour! Me: really captain? And what is that? Shack: let’s take the Wheel! Me:😒
@nathanskeen5865 Жыл бұрын
Finally took rendili, probably the best decision you could make. Now to make the wheel truthers happy
@cookiecracker2 Жыл бұрын
@DragonxFlutter Жыл бұрын
@42:04 - Shack finally learns why we keep telling him to hit The Wheel.
@theverminator9923 Жыл бұрын
I can’t wait for the battle of Endor !!!!
@loveroffunnyy Жыл бұрын
He can't do it unless he does Zhar, which he hadn't.
@speedydude1 Жыл бұрын
I Think you should make some rebel assault frigates because of their speed and damage, Also I love your content :D.
@gleadr6869 Жыл бұрын
I did not think about someone modding Star Field. But now I need this to happen, once I play the base game that is.
@enzoroberto4702 Жыл бұрын
Here goes my suggestions: - Reinforce the Liberation fleet with some capital ships, maybe those 2 MC-80A and 1 MC80L, 2 fighter carriers and 2 bomber carriers, and 1 interdictor (in case you manage to intercept the enemy ground force); - Try intercept the Black Sun ground forces on Atzerri, because Luke's fleet have a interdictor; - Maybe Kuat can have a heavy factory? Might make the defence much easier; - I think Orto Plutonia can have a manufactoring base; - Send a spy to Coruscant. In case the Empire doesn't have many troops to defend the planet, you can try to liberate the planet and kill the emperor. (It would be funny if this situation is true.).
@error5202 Жыл бұрын
Pizza, the day off, and AOTR
@keithclark9719 Жыл бұрын
dang Black Sun woke up and came to play. this might be the chance to take the wheel and possible mandalore. but this should make them be quit for a bit, then you co g back to hurting the empire.
@steffanyschwartz7801 Жыл бұрын
The Black Sun fleet over the Wheel is weak now. Hit it to get the big fish. Also take the Maw as it is another big production center that probably has research on it.
@oathkeeper65 Жыл бұрын
While I do understand that Shed is more of an Armchair admiral than his cooler brother Shack, I do wish Shed had his own unit in the Empire so we could have like a family affair battle. Add on Cousin Shoddy for the black sun.
@poushie1233 Жыл бұрын
When you catch a fleet of ground forces off guard after beating their main fleet, like with Saleucami,and you don’t have an interdictor just auto resolve, it can get some of their ground forces instead of wasting time in a main battle trying to catch them before they retreat as soon as they see you
@weeatsushi9130 Жыл бұрын
Poor kyle is still locked up core sec😂
@unfluffydave8798 Жыл бұрын
by the time Shack rescues him he will have served his time anyway :D
@Deadlock38 Жыл бұрын
I feel like auto resolving when you ambush ground forces is always the smarter play instead of just running in an hoping they won’t run (which they will)
@prabhav1788 Жыл бұрын
Auto resolve kinda aids tho
@Deadlock38 Жыл бұрын
@@prabhav1788 not if it’s all infantry and you wouldn’t catch any anyways
@morgansgames Жыл бұрын
It's TIME! Their fleet is depleted, You have a fleet right next door... Take. The. Wheel.
@matthewmohri9990 Жыл бұрын
Shack it's going to be interesting to see how you use the new ships when you destroy the Death Star and become The New Republic. I won't even suggest ships to use but make sure you make plenty of Bulk Cruisers for anti fighter and anti missile defense b/c when you become the New Republic you can't make anymore Bulk Cruisers. Minute 25:26 The AT-AT's looked like they were dancing in synchronization with one another. Put a little dance beat to it and it would be comedy Gold. LOL HA HA HA
@adamd5849 Жыл бұрын
You should build up a recon fleet. Fighters primarily, with perhaps a Liberator or Sphyrna being there for extra firepower. Could be the perfect mix for whenever you need to probe a system or to blockade a planet
@lyinarbaeldeth2456 Жыл бұрын
The Empire is blunted; now is the time to take the Wheel and associated systems rather than sit back and allow the crime lords to amass a fleet, *again.* Strike now while they are vulnerable. Many lived have already been lost to the dithering over the Wheel! Act! Act now!
@swagger24321 Жыл бұрын
I think you should pop the wheel with that massive fleet you have then pop yaga minor
@Kreschavier Жыл бұрын
Beware the Broadside cruisers. Your MC80 Alliances are equipped with two diamond-borat rockets. The Broadside has four, and is 10500 credits cheaper.
@ThieflyChap Жыл бұрын
Now is the time to strike at the Wheel! I've not agreed with the idea of hitting it so far, but now it's vulnerable.
@datastorm75 Жыл бұрын
You want the AI to build more SSDs. You can easily destroy them with cheap units, while the AI will cripple itself spending all those resources and that pop cap.
@admiralcasperr Жыл бұрын
19:30 The are good at different things. Mandalorian Mercs are mobile skirmish infantry. They are illsuited to prolonged fights and are best with hit and run tactics. All their weapons are anti-infantry, even the rockets which are HE rockets. Trandosian Mercs are snipers. They excel at distance fights but are not very mobile. They are effective against up to light vehicles thanks to half-sniper half-heavy-rifle composition. Noghri Mercs have the highest alpha of all of the mercs. They are effective against unshielded units thanks to disruptor pistols, but do almost nothing against shields. With good manoeuvring they can work wonders even against super heavy imperial vehicles. They are extremely fragile though, so they only option for them is flanking. Kaleesh Mercs are anti heavy infantry units with their shield piercing massdriver weapons. They have OK mobility and OK health. They are the cheapest, and also the least potent merc. Best used in flanks, but can withstand large fights, provided they are with other infantry who will be tanking for them.
@alejandroelluxray5298 Жыл бұрын
Given the vast use of heavy vehicles by the Empire, and the losses taken, building more T3-B heavy tanks would be the right choice to engage on ground combat. On the other hand, you should assing more Nebulon-B frigates to each fleet in order to counter enemy missiles and proton torpedoes
@codycraig8805 Жыл бұрын
Note, you can't call in reinforcements once an enemy starts retreating, that was a change (or maybe a bug idk) that was made with the last update, or the one before. Which is why your reinforcements tab was showing up at the end of that one battle
@zodiaktaalon2463 Жыл бұрын
A spacestation at Muunilist wouldn't go amiss. Might help at least stall a potential second imperial wave from Yaga Minor prior to destroying their spaceborn installations there
@richw103 Жыл бұрын
Don't usually comment but yes for the love of God take the friggin the Wheel already
@jasonhodges9546 Жыл бұрын
liberator is a good focus but I'd say make neb bs once in a while as a supplement for your smaller fleets that you break off from time to time... or a backup deflector when you take on the big guys
@masterchicken4794 Жыл бұрын
Shack I think that you should build a capital ship production facility on Sullust because you'll get a further discount on Dauntless warships there.
@mentura7172 Жыл бұрын
I would take the wheel and then take over Yaga MInor. Enough stolling and get the Mon Cals fully into the war. have a Great one!!!
@Tirak117 Жыл бұрын
If you're opening up shop on Kuat, may as well go all the way, hit Coruscant and declare the Empire illegal from the halls of the Senate, you're only 2 jumps away and that artillery fleet you have in the area is lethal.
@alduintheanti-dragonborn Жыл бұрын
Yeah apparently you can't reopen the reinforcements box if the enemy starts to retreat. Not sure why, as if you already had it opened, you can still bring in reinforcements.
@Awsomonium Жыл бұрын
It's time to break the Wheel...wheely well.
@ChrisVillagomez Жыл бұрын
21:00 I've only just thought about it, but did Lucasfilm use the sound of a Grad multi-launch rocket system firing for the Mandalorian blasters? It sounds JUST like a Grad
@skoshman1 Жыл бұрын
Raid the wheel. It has ground forces that should just arrive before your strike...
@nyxorelius Жыл бұрын
Take a look at Zhar;its the sole green planet south, it seems that the Empire is doing something in there.
@Sapherzz Жыл бұрын
If a transport fleet arrives with no escort, like at Selucami in this episode, just auto resolve so they lose something instead of allowing them to retreat unhurt
@toriasdax2166 Жыл бұрын
Build The Mandator At Kuat That way when you Take the Wheel you will have two Dreadnoughts under your control.
@lordspyro5983 Жыл бұрын
The attack on the super star destroyer feels like a mission from one of the rogue squadron games. All right rogues listen up. The super star destroyer has several weaknesses that we need to take down the shields will be first. Y-wings we will cover for you. Green squadron take out anything that comes south of those hangers the less we have to deal with the better. We will have no capital support on this mission so watch your backs out there. I know rebel strike had two missions where you took down a super star destroyer. Wish there was a third.
@vickcruz5553 Жыл бұрын
Hi Shack. Big fan. Love your EAW seasons. I know this season wont be the last one. If you do another one, for the sake of variety, have you thought about conducting your conquests on the galactic map starting from the northern sectors and working your way south? I notice on pretty much all your campaigns you work (arguably) from the outer rim, northward.
@grandadmiraltony Жыл бұрын
For the Liberator v Nebulon option, Could include it in the role play "More letters to write, or sign, I'm so tired of these. Every Nebulon B we lose is over 700 lives lost, every CR90 is 50 to 100..... We can keep building the damn things but how long before we run out of volunteers to crew them. Do we force the assignments? Do we become the Empire? Fortunately, the Wookies and Sullustans may have saved me this decision, they have brought forth an older design that we haven't used much with new upgrades, the Liberator class. Expensive to build, but if it means more of our crews come home at the end of engagements, I think its work the cost." Seems a similar question of buy fighters v. buy quasars, it hurts up front but the repeated usage proves its worth
@skorgethehunter5810 Жыл бұрын
Let's Go Rebels!
@Ben71246 Жыл бұрын
Are you gonna play rêvais revenge when it comes out shack? I would love a series of that from you
@Alor_Cynthia_Solus Жыл бұрын
Take the wheel there is no better time than now
@kylelantan9220 Жыл бұрын
Depending on your army you can change what mercs you get. Noghri are great at breaking heavy armored things that aren't shielded, Trandoshans are just brutal snipers that really bolster your anti-infantry. Kaleesh can charge down infantry and attack with swords when moved close and they kill infantry like Jedi when they do, the Mando's are more for flanking/commando style raids against turbolaser/anti tank turrets to clear for your armor. I play Black Sun almost exclusively and I can tell you that 3 trandoshan companies will take the whole galaxy if they didn't have to worry about tanks or turrets. 8D
@chilldevil5103 Жыл бұрын
More awakening of the rebellion please also take the wheel and I feel like you should take out core sec in the back and see what type of ships/ infantry you could get could be very beneficial.
@devangsingh1689 Жыл бұрын
u cant get anything special from taking them
@andrewclark7559 Жыл бұрын
@@devangsingh1689 Well he can get the heroes that the Empire sent to prison there, including Rogue Squadron.
@devangsingh1689 Жыл бұрын
@@andrewclark7559 true
@chilldevil5103 Жыл бұрын
@@devangsingh1689rogue squadron must be free just to get captured again XD
@levibabbage3964 Жыл бұрын
love your content but in Skyrim you left a mage cloak in the fortress near whiterun that was worth over 2000 gold and its been living in my head rent free, my man you gotta take the mage gear, it gives some of the best weight to value of all the loot
@Wolfgod1974 Жыл бұрын
We need more Mon Calamari ships. Take the Wheel and bring them fully into the Alliance.
@jacobhuebner7559 Жыл бұрын
I would say build more frigates as that twin blade frigate is both anti air and long rang turbo laser support while the mon cala frigates and destroyers can support your capital ships as they can strip shields fast and are usually paired with the assult frigate mk1 for dps
@skorgethehunter5810 Жыл бұрын
I think Shack should take Yaga Minor, that'll free up the north. But there is the CSA, but they have been leaving us alone.
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