Awakening of the Rebellion - The Hutts Under Siege (Ep 21)

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Awakening of the Rebellion Season 4 with the new version 2.1!
The Empire has lost its new planet killing battle station, the galaxy is in chaos. The criminal families and factions are uniting. The Rebellion has begun.
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• Awakening of the Rebel...
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@CaptSardonic Жыл бұрын
That destroyer that showed up over Nal Hutta has me convinced that somewhere in the SW galaxy, there's a band called Black Sabaoth. Their hit song, "War Pigs," doesn't go over well on Gamorr, but they've otherwise carved out a niche in the galactic music scene.
@Marinealver Жыл бұрын
The Hutts would like to thank Captain Shack for his delivery of "Pet Food".
@pateceinsanity7715 Жыл бұрын
Once home one comes online, is when the REAL battle starts, mandalore is gonna have a rough day.
@datastorm75 Жыл бұрын
Mandalore having a rough day seems to be the status quo.
@pateceinsanity7715 Жыл бұрын
@@datastorm75 mandalore will never NOT have a rough day.
@thedramaticcharismatic5664 Жыл бұрын
@@pateceinsanity7715 This is the way.
@1991aj2 Жыл бұрын
I wish there was a way to do this where two people play the campaign at the same time. And do these like little narrations from each side. I think it would be awesome
@philiphied Жыл бұрын
Who has the time to do that.
@patriot17764th Жыл бұрын
@turkepic3637 Жыл бұрын
In an RTS it's pretty hard but not impossible. But in EaW it is very much , impossible. EaW 2 😔
@Palora01 Жыл бұрын
@@turkepic3637 what do you mean? EaW vanilla has a multiplayer versus campaign.
@MegaMaster1021 Жыл бұрын
@@Palora01 haven't seen anyone do it with an actual mod tho
@Zaeikil Жыл бұрын
Captains Log: Captain Rylan “Saber 1” Brask. Alliance Fighter Squadron Lead [X-Wing Squadron Callsign Saber] Saber was given orders to provide a fighter screen for our corvette fleet as we jumped into Gamorr with two other squadrons and we were immediately ambushed by a rather small hoard of Hutt fighters. I’d run Saber through a few drills like this at the suggestion of Rogue Squadron, thanks Witton. Unfortunately the X-Wing squadrons weren’t the only targets. Our screen would’ve been effective in a traditional engagement, however when the enemy is right on top of you before you’ve powered your weapons systems on, it tends to fall apart rather fast. We were given an emergency retreat order and made a beeline for the reinforcements coming in from our staging ground in the nebula. With the arrival of our Dauntless and its escorts it seemed the battle had turned in our favor. It wasn’t long before the Hutts battleline had collapsed and what little remained retreated. The Hutts made a play for Nimban bringing along with them what I’ve heard some of our ground pounders call a “Hutt Zoo”. With what the reports say I can’t exactly disagree. With no more transmissions coming from the garrison there we moved to the planet's orbit to prevent them from establishing a solid hold on the planet. I wouldn’t exactly call it a fight but the orbit is ours. The ground assault began shortly after. I’ll tell you the only troops that seemed excited about diving into that Zoo were the Gungans. After a long fight reports aren’t exact on what happened, the ground of Nimban was our again. After the retaking of Nimban, I saw a very familiar squadron enter the Liberations hangar bays. Rogue Squadron had returned. Either my “good word” actually managed to do something or command finally realized that those Rogues could do much better work on the frontlines than sitting in the back. Either way I know Witton and the rest of the Rogues were glad to be back. Witton also told me about a supposed skirmish over Gamorr against the Hutts and Space Whales. Sounded like a bad spice trip to me. I mean, space whales chewing through an entire Hutt ship? You can’t genuinely expect me to believe that. Finally we moved onto Nal Hutta. Under Rogue Squadrons lead, Saber, Rapier, and Talon squadrons jumped into the system and moved to attack one of the Hutts many orbital defense stations. The first squadrons we engaged thought they had us running with our tails between our legs. Until we all cut back in what I call a “Bait and Switch”. This tactic would be repeated throughout the fight to great effect. The Hutt fuzzballs were also much more manageable with the Rogues flying with us. With Hutt reinforcements moving into our sector it was looking more and more like a brawl rather than a feint. After that brawl the main fleet of the Hutts had been destroyed and we moved to the opening made by our carrier group. Not much else of note the Hutts were all but destroyed in this sector and the orbit of Nal Hutta is ours. No movements in the north by the Empire, hopefully we have time to aid them before they strike again. We're almost done down here in Hutt space and honestly, I can’t wait to be done with them, it's proven to be much more of an ordeal than originally thought. Captain Brask, Out. [END OF LOG]
@caleblyons560 Жыл бұрын
31:20 i think the purgil ultra wasn't attacking, i think it was trying to mate with the hutt ship lol
@pateceinsanity7715 Жыл бұрын
He was feeling romantical
@Blindz9015 Жыл бұрын
Han Solo thanks you for dealing with the Hutts!😎
@mr-yg4hu Жыл бұрын
Bro what 2 hours ago how tf
@steffanyschwartz7801 Жыл бұрын
@@mr-yg4huPatreon probably
@YourGayOverlord Жыл бұрын
​@@mr-yg4hu time traveller, it's the only explanation
@Zaeikil Жыл бұрын
15:45 I get major Clone Wars vibes with the Liberation hiding in the nebula then slowly coming out
@darkusdudemedia Жыл бұрын
Honestly in my own experience, usually the AI is building these secret units at either Kuat or Coralag, my solution was to build a fleet of carriers and fighter squadrons whose whole point was to sweep and clear planets, not take anything but just knock out space infrastructure as the charge through world after world
@nathandesa6773 Жыл бұрын
Honestly that is the only way to deal with the empire on expert difficulty.
@musicheaven1679 Жыл бұрын
Same lol, especially when the AI spams out 60 corvettes late game
@darkusdudemedia Жыл бұрын
@@musicheaven1679 nah my issues ended up being the AI cheating because they somehow went to imperial remnant tech level without losing Vader and the emperor, and oh boy does remnant AI love ISD3s
@lajuanjames5683 Жыл бұрын
​@@darkusdudemedia ISD3s? When did they add those to AOTR?
@mranderson9553 Жыл бұрын
@@lajuanjames5683 i think hes talking about thrawns revenge or one of its sub mods
@sonofjack6286 Жыл бұрын
Senior Captain's Log Week 119 Orbit of Nal Hutta. [Begin Log] I can't believe it, after at least a year of living on Eriadu, and we've finally been transferred to the Hutt Front. The men haven't been in higher spirits since we got transferred to Tatooine, and this is even greater. As of now we're aboard the Liberation and are waiting for the order to load up on the dropships. As for news of the other forces, a few smaller Hutt fleets had our own ships running around to various systems until they were wiped out. The fleet battle over Nal Hutta was quite a sight, Shack even gave me and my officers the chance of watching the battle from the bridge. I also went down to see Witton in the hangar when the Rouges came back, the look on his face was one of pure joy. Meanwhile, the other fronts seem to have been quiet, the Empire's not done anything since Scipio and the Black Sun are silent too, and Guri's not been sighted for many months now, thank the stars. Well, I'm going to end it there, going to go and see how Sauntren is doing, he's the other Atramentari officer that came in, capital-class douche, exactly what I was hoping against showing up. [End Log]
@sentientnapkin3.422 Жыл бұрын
There are a few gas planets you could build more tibanna gas mines on, the credits from the ones you got so far are absolutely carrying the economy, and if the Rebellion is gonna start pumping out capital ships I bet those mines would be a good investment
@totalnerd5674 Жыл бұрын
That second space battle of Gamorr was my favorite, best of the episode. So unexpected, very even (to a degree), no space stations, surprise space whale...
@SamuelJamesNary Жыл бұрын
Rebel Diaries 21 - The Hutt campaign continues to go back and forth and is drawing ever more our forces into the area. In a way, I feel it's a bit of a distraction as the Hutts aren't our primary enemy. And I can't picture as to what the cause of their actions have been. There are rumors and all that, but nothing definitive. But as much as it is a distraction, it's also a campaign that needs to be won. We didn't attack the Hutts and they attacked us. And they've been quite slippery to pin down, particularly with trying to move reinforcements up to Kota's forces waiting to move north and connect Alliance holdings with Mon Calamari. General Dodonna's fleet took the orbit over Gamor, hoping to let our escort convoy go through there, only to see the Hutts retake Nimban. This in turn forced them back to Nimban to take that area while we supported the blockade over Gamor. And while the ground forces laid siege to Nimban, in what I'm told ended up being an artillery bombardment that lasted three days to kill the Hutt beasts, we ended up having our own fight with a small Hutt force. They came in with a small fleet, all warships while we only had one Liberator cruiser and Luke supporting us. And it started out well. Luke fired a torpedo at one of the ships, and to my surprise, I followed the track of the torpedo Luke fired. It went straight and then hit something on the Hutt ship. There then followed a massive explosion that practically wrecked the entire ship. Now, I know that Proton Torpedoes are powerful, and they're the best weapon we have against a Star Destroyer at present... but they should not be THAT powerful. My only guess, and Luke agrees, is that the Hutts cut a LOT of corners in ship design and construction, having either thinner armor, poor ammunition storage, or ill placed fuel cells and when Luke's torpedo hit, it hit one of these stores and set off a chain reaction. But it helped, and that was all very good. So, that made it a bad day for the Hutts... and then to make matters worse for them, a large group of space whales then took the ship out. We then rejoined Dodonna's fleet to take part in the siege of the Hutt capital at Nal Hutta. It wasn't that heavily protected... outside of swarms of starfighters, but the Hutts don't have great pilots... at least none on par with Rogue Squadron or Luke. We had to have shot down four or five squadrons before their capital ships even appeared, and those ships were destroyed shortly after. It's given us an opportunity to make landings on the Hutt capital world and then allow for rapidly finishing off the Hutts at Gamor and Toydaria. This probably will cost a fair amount of casualties on the ground and will take time before further steps can be taken against the Imperials in the north... but with the artillery, a Jedi Knight in Luke and Rogue Squadron controlling the skies, how can we lose? - Wedge Antilles
@admiral_pisces7935 Жыл бұрын
Captain's Log #21 Greetings Commander...I heard about the battle of Scipio. That battle was eventful. We must repair our damaged fleet and order up a new support fleet. We were lucky their fleet had little support. I couldn't imagine if that Destroyer fleet had a support fleet with it. I suggest we focus on Frigates and Corvettes in order to pulster our fleets and keep them strong. Commander we can't allow them to beat our fighters and our support fleet otehrwise we will loose. I will put in the repair orders now. I have to meet with Leia about her Corvette mission. Over and out.
@billygrantham5380 Жыл бұрын
Rogue Squadron Journal Week 119 - Nal Hutta Lt. Witton Bogre - Rogue 4 After months of endless waiting, pirate patrols, and training runs we were finally called up to assist with the Hutt campaign. With the pressure from the Empire at Scipio, command wanted to land a knockout punch to the Hutts at Nal Hutta. The Hutts, becoming desperate to stop our advance, launched several attacks in the surrounding regions at Gamorr and Nimban. During our redeployment to the main fleet we came under attack by one such force, believing that we were easy targets. With only a single Liberator cruiser and a handful of escorts the odds of success were slim. That was, until we gained a very unexpected ally. Additionally to our two fleets, there was a school of Purgil passing through the system as well. These large animals, while generally peaceful, have been known to cause substantial damage to entire fleets. Caught between them and the Hutts it seemed as if our defeat was all but certain. Until Luke had one of his crazy ideas, using the Purgil against the Hutt fleet. Having heard of a similar battle at Lothal where another Jedi had used the Force to commune with the beasts, Luke attempted the same. We were all sceptical and doubted he could actually pull it off, well right up until the largest of the pack smashed right into the main Hutt capital ship. All the while the smaller ones went after the fighters and escort ships, quickly turning them into scrap. I never thought I'd play wingman to a Space whale. With the enemy sent running we were free to continue on our way. The Purgil flying beside us till we left the system. Returning to the Liberation's fleet with another wild and unbelievable story. Unfortunately we didn't have much time to tell it as almost as soon as we arrived, we were moving to attack Nal Hutta directly to end this campaign. When we arrived we found the planet heavily defended with defense stations but a very reduced battle fleet. The war had taken it's toll on them but that didn't mean they were any less of a threat. In order to break through it was devised that Rogue Squadron and the main fleet would engage the defenses directly as a distraction. Drawing the attention of as many of the defenders as we could so that Brex Jayal and Gold Squadron could slip past and hit the stations uncontested. The plan worked to perfection as we obliterated the Hutt ships and fighters in detail while the bomber squadrons did their work. It was nice to fly alongside Saber Squadron again too. They've clearly been getting better during this campaign, but the Rogues still scored higher than they did. Something that I'm sure will rankle Saber's leader, Captain Brask for the rest of the week. We now stand at the precipice of finally seeing the Hutt cartels removed from power in the galaxy. Something not even the Old Republic was able to ever accomplish, and yet here we sit, in orbit over Nal Hutta. The remnants of their once mighty cartel, now left burning and floating lifeless in the void. If the Empire hoped this war with the Hutts would weaken us they severely miscalculated. We've only gotten stronger, and soon that strength will be turned on them.
@Zaeikil Жыл бұрын
(In the Orbit of Nal Hutta, numerous pilots are seen in the Liberations cantina, chiefly Saber and Rogue Squadrons. Witton and Rylan can be seen catching up and having a well deserved drink.) Rylan: “So let me get this straight. You were pulling escort duty for our reinforcements from the Outer Rim and while traveling through Gamorr you encountered a small Hutt fleet, I’m not even gonna mention that we just cleared that sector not even 3 days ago, and also had a Purrgil as big as a dreadnought chew through a Hutt ship? (Rylan looks at Witton with a look of pure Exasperation and proceeds to take a swig from his drink.) Rylan: "I’ve heard of those whales causing havoc for many a trade pilot and spice runner, but there aren’t even any Purrgils that are as big as a Hammerhead much less a Dreadnought."
@billygrantham5380 Жыл бұрын
​@@Zaeikil (Witton smirks) Witton: "Oh yes there are. Ask General Rieekan or anyone else that came with us, they'll tell you the same. That "Purgil Ultra" I think it's called, chewed right through that Hutt ship stern to bow. Whoever was in command of that ship had tried to turn and flare the ship's engines in an attempt to scare it off, but it just crashed head first right into the engine section and chewed it's way right through and out the front of it. The smaller ones completely tore their fighter squadrons apart too, we just flew support and stayed out of their way. It was certainly a different experience to fly wingman for a Space whale. When Luke said he could communicate with them through the Force I think everyone, myself included, doubted him. But they never attacked or harmed us and protected us all the way to the edge of the system even after the fight ended. I can't explain it, but it's all true. Just another example of just how real the Force is."
@sonofjack6286 Жыл бұрын
(Glad to see his friend again, an exhausted smile crosses his face. He walks over to the bar with an annoyed officer in a similar uniform beside him.) Saul:. "Hey Witton. How have you been? Oh, hey Brask, glad to finally meet you in person. You telling him about the Purrgil that saved our asses over Gamorr?
@Zaeikil Жыл бұрын
@@sonofjack6286 (Rylan offers his hand for a shake.) Rylan: “Call me Rylan, please, the pleasures all mine. I don’t think I ever got your name, or if I did it must’ve slipped my mind. But hey, now I can offer you that drink in person. Oh and welcome aboard the Liberation if it hasn’t already been said to you. Hey bartender I’m paying for this fine man’s first drink. (Rylan turns to Witton.) Rylan: “So your saying Skywalker could “talk” to the things? I’ve really gotta get Joules over to talk to General Kota then if that’s a possibility. Could come in handy especially in that kind of scenario. Oh and before I forget…” (Rylan pulls out a data pad and shows Witton a picture of Rylan, Calumn, and Rev all with their Ace patches) Rylan: “Don’t know if you heard but the three of us got out official Ace Pilot status. That’s half the squadron if your keeping count.”
@sonofjack6286 Жыл бұрын
(As a Bespin Breeze is passed to him, a smug smile crosses Saul's face.) Saul:. (Playfully sarcastic) Oh wow, half the squadron, compared to about all of Rouge Squadron. No offense meant Rylan, I'm proud of your squadron. (The smile is wiped off his face as the officer next to him speaks, in Huttese.) Officer:. "Why are we bothering speaking to these two, there are matters I wish to discuss with the commanders of this fleet and-" Saul: "I've told you Saurthen, you cannot just meet with Shack and Dodonna whenever you wish. Now shut up and let me drink with my friends." (He turns back to the others while Saurthen grumbles to himself.) Saul:. Sorry, you must forgive Saurthen, he's been cooped up in our home sector too long, not really seen much action.
@Glacier36 Жыл бұрын
[Situation update: The Recent Absence of Operative 'Nightswan'.] The Toll was starting to show itself given how franetic and fluid the situation in Hutt Space seemed to be, the last anyone saw of 'Nightswan' was at the end of a tactical briefing. The man was on his way out to do whatever it was he did, each step looking uneasy before then just abruptly collapsing in a heap just shy of the doorway. The last thing he remembered before blacking out was medics being called for before everything going black. However long it was later he regained conciousness in the Liberation's infirmary beds with a nutrient IV attached to the back of his hand. One of the doctors had informed him he had been rushed in under the assumption he had been a target for 'Guri' since her escape on Eriadu and subsequent actions against the fleet, but thankfully the Doctors had done their work and discovered that, in fact, Nightswan had simply subcomed to fatigue and exhaustion, hence the IV to get some nutrients back in to his body. Nightswan considered the fact he was awake grounds enough to get back to work and get out of the bed before the doctor practically forced him to lay down and ordering him to rest, threatening to go to Rieekan, Shack or whoever else had the authority to boss him around and with clear lack of care what General Draven would do or say. Nightswan quickly learned not to argue with the Doctor from that point on and left with no option to get some rest. Soon enough he was cleared to leave the Infirmary, but was under strict instructions to stay off duty until he had taken a few days to himself learning that 'Bridger', the Bothan and his counterpart in what was the Sluisi Cell, would be taking up the slack for his work given Echo and Sluisi Sectors were more or less folded in to one another. The Medical orders were rest and 'for Kriff sake, get some food down your throat'. For the days since up until the Liberation's fleet was about to make the jump to Nal Hutta, Kyran had gone between roamign aroudn the ship and catching up on what situation and intelligence reports Bridger was allowing him to read. The Bothan having somehow both agreed yet disagreed with what the medical staff had said about Kyran's recent and sudden health scare, wishing he could have an extra set of eyes but knowing full well the human wasn't exactly at his best right now. Otherwise, in the same span of days, Kyran had been spotted speaking and talking with the woman who Rogue Squadron had escorted from Naboo with the consignment of Gungans the planet was somehow able to spare, this 'Cali' that had abruptly joined the ship's crew or passenger manifest. At first the exchanged appeared tense, strained, explainations flying back and forth of Kyran trying to explain and even justify why he left Naboo, joining the Rebellion in the pacaity that he did. Gradually these discussions became less strained and more with an air of understanding, perhaps something else that seemed long overdue in the time of absence between the pair. Nal Hutta was on the horizon, but for the foressable, until the medics say otehrwise, Kyran was now watching on the sidelines, limited to anywhere on the Liberation that wasn't the bridge or a briefing room.
@AwesomeJedi182 Жыл бұрын
Purgils attacking enemies of the rebellion? Ezra is near!
@honorless1719 Жыл бұрын
Secret Imperial Unit is the Arc Hammer. It's best ability is production of Dark Troopers, all phases
@mranderson9553 Жыл бұрын
oh god i thought it was the executor
@MB-dn1fx Жыл бұрын
Be warned Shack Nal Hutta's ground layout is PAIN
@jaywerner8415 Жыл бұрын
Hope he brought some artillery then.
@totalnerd5674 Жыл бұрын
The Dor'Bulla was intimidating at first, when it attacked a level 1 space station, but now that you get an actual fleet against it it feels less good...
@devangsingh1689 Жыл бұрын
its a pretty weak capital just tanky but severly lacks dps due to being broadside and few guns
@franciscogalvez8891 Жыл бұрын
31:15 Now that was one of the most Star Wars moments i've seen in any playthrough of Empire at War, ever.
@residentmemberofhell Жыл бұрын
Glad to see Shack using the Liberator class more
@kylelantan9220 Жыл бұрын
Try to remember Dauntless class ships are broadside brawlers, a couple of times in the battle for Gamorr you had the Dauntless pointed at something and were wondering why it wasn't dead, and that's why. ^^ Also Rancors are counted as Heavy Armor in the vehicle category so your AT rockets and heavy anti-tank focused tanks should be most capable against them.
@steelstringd2018 Жыл бұрын
*Guitar riff* Space! Whale! Holy! Grail!
@SolitarySpade_Davon Жыл бұрын
Captain's Log Captain Davon Cress, Dauntless class Battleship "Arquent" Alliance Third Fleet "Battlegroup Center" The campaign against the hutts has moved on to it's final stage; the assault on the southern regions of hutt space. The Liberation QRF took the orbit of Gamorr. Unfortunately, a significant chunk of the corvette fleet has been destroyed. GR 75s were not present during the battle meaning damage control was rather minimal. There were a few setbacks afterwards too. The hutts launched a last-ditch attempt at delaying the campaign by retaking Nimban. Our garrison was small compared to this so-called "Zoo" the hutts brought in. Our outnumbered garrison was quickly overwhelmed by the number of beasts the hutts decided to bring in. The Liberation QRF was scrambled to take care of the frigate in orbit with troops in tow. While the orbit was an absolute cakewalk, its hard to say the same for the ground battle. The Gungan volunteer corps from Naboo was unfortunately lost during the battle alongside heavy casualties from the main army itself. The planet is ours, but at a significant cost. A few days prior to the battle of Nal Hutta, the Hutts made another last-ditch effort to retake the orbit of Gamorr. Their fleet was comparatively small, but posed a threat to our orbital forces, especially the ground troops still in orbit. Our fleet detached from the retreating ground forces and prepared to face the enemy head on. As the Hutts came into view, another seemingly large fleet came into sensor range. The following information came from a good friend of mine onboard the Liberator class cruiser "Pristine". Initially, they thought it was their reinforcements as the new contacts begin approaching the Hutt fleet. What showed on the sensors was two large capital ships with swarms and swarms of fighters ready to take them on. As the CO of the Pristine prepared to give the order to enter hyperspace, our friend here exclaimed, "Those aren't enemy ships sir, they're... Purrgils?". Gamorr was known for it's agressive wildlife on and in orbit around the planet. Bafflingly, this purrgil swarm began to attack the Hutt fleet, causing major damage. The fleet charged in, with Skywalker destroying the shield generators on their capital ship in order for our forces (and the purrgils) to do extra damage. The "Purrgil Ultra", the largest purrgil of the swarm, managed to take down an entire Hutt frigate before retreating back to where in once came. I'm... not sure if Jedi have the capability of controlling purrgils, despite my experience in the republic. The reactions to the after action report on the command crew of the Arquent was mixed with amusement and confusion, and I for one am enjoying it. The main event was the battle of Nal Hutta. Multiple defense stations, placed in key chokepoints around orbit, as well as a sizable garrison made it a formidable planet to take. Captain Dodonna led a feint attack into the southern defense station. Rogue Squadron alongside a wing of X wings and A wings led the enemy fighter garrison outside their flak range, and managed to slaughter everything. Right after, our main fleet as well as the carrier battlegroup dropped out of hyperspace to engage the northern station. Unfortunately, the flagship of the garrison began approaching our fleet, which was already being engaged by thei reinforcements. The Sabaoth Destroyer is a ship-of-the-line, something that is not the ideal opponent. General Snunb's Dauntless came out of hyperspace to beat the living hell out of that ship, as well as the slowly approaching Hutt capital ship from the south. While all this was happening, the engagement in the north left an opening in the southern flank of which our bomber squadrons exploited, and took out their station with minimal casualties. Rogue and Saber squadrons covered the bombers. Those two squadrons are rather competitive in everything they do, aren't they? Anyway, once both stations were lost the rest of the operation was more of a "fighter wing vs station" situation. One by one the stations were picked off by our fighters until what remained of the once proud hutt fleet was left as debris circling the planet. Operation White Moon is nearly over. It's rather entertaining reading a few after action reports with the command crew over here over Jabiim. I'm convinced the local wildlife is far more menacing than whatever the imperials can field. From rancors to purrgils, these reports never get old. One last maintenance cycle this week before we resume anti-piracy ops. So in the meantime, this is Captain Davon Cress, signing off.
@FrostSckullGamePlayz Жыл бұрын
Shack: "Five rancors??" AI Hutts: "Yes! There is more if you would like!"
@Kola_Snake Жыл бұрын
The Black Sun's Venators get ARC-170s, and I think their Acclamators do as well.
@jaywerner8415 Жыл бұрын
Yes. So does the unupgraded imperial venators and acclimators you start with as the Empire.
@KaiserMattTygore927 8 ай бұрын
The Pergil attacking the Hutts is such poetic justice for them constantly launching beastmaster attacks.
@darkusdudemedia Жыл бұрын
I’m a little sad that one of your lines for flying into nebulas wasn’t “there’s coffee in that nebula”
@mr.president7190 Жыл бұрын
There is a line like that
@bigbison6593 Жыл бұрын
'Is there coffee when we arrive';
@loganbarnhouse2485 Жыл бұрын
Honestly you probably already know this tactic, but I’ll put it here for anyone who doesn’t. Having at least two groups of the Brahatok, Bothan, Gunships really helps keep fighters alive, and if you station them close to enemy missile ships you can really mess with them using the gunships flare ability. These ships, in my opinion and experience, are better anti fighter than the CR-90. They are really fragile if targeted down by enemy frigates and capital ships because of their lack of shields. Counterpoint to this is their cheap cost of like 1100 or 1000 credits.
@sniperstudios3635 Жыл бұрын
Cap you probably won’t see this in time but if you eventually attack the wheel start by sending a smaller unit to the upper left hand side of the map (fighter squad, corvette, etc) then use that as your new deployment zone and spawn your fleet up their. This will divert the enemy forces and you will usually encounter a casino but it is easier to fight on your terms by a dead casino then fight over the wheel covered in cannons. Anyway keep up the good work love series.
@stevenlayton4493 Жыл бұрын
Love seeing the little blue spot next to TheXPGamers in my KZbin feed. It means that it could be my weekly dose of Awakening the Rebellion. Today it was.
@datastorm75 Жыл бұрын
That's quite the rancor breeding program they've got going there.
@tkc1129 Жыл бұрын
I think the ultimate counter to those Hutt creatures is air power. Especially that transport Rieekan uses. BTW No, the S-Foils are not a cooldown type ability; it looks like your ARC just bugged out due to the effect of the nebula.
@devangsingh1689 Жыл бұрын
oh and u can build more air units like reikan once u got the tech and a heavy factoru
@ThieflyChap Жыл бұрын
The space battle over Nal Hutta was a thing of beauty. Let's hope the ground invasion goes as smoothly.
@admiralcasperr Жыл бұрын
44:30 Nal Hutta has a capital ship merc station in the North East corner.
@evilcouchpotato6875 Жыл бұрын
They're classified as (Bakuran) Destoyers in Star Wars' weird ship system, but they feel like the equivalent of Battlecruisers with their size and speed
@Awsomonium Жыл бұрын
Wow, the Sabaoth Destroyer (and Sabaoth Starfighters which I just looked up) look amazing.
@erinschultz8425 Жыл бұрын
The liberation shot while it’s in the nebula and while it’s leaving is tempting me to watch clone wars for the 10th time
@captainfierce8508 Жыл бұрын
Commanders log: You've been promoted to squadron leader of lighting squadron. I was surprised by that promotion but it was bound to happen since the uprise of the empire as of late but eventually my orders for my squadron will come eventually. Plans still remain to hold at yavin 4 for command changes and as a staging point for a invasion of mandolarin home world. These pilots seen many combat but they will eventually have to learn under my wing but until then, let's hope the empire doesnt go for a run across the quadrant. ( COMMANDER FIERCE, REPORT TO THE BRIEFING ROOM IMMEDIATELY) Duties call. END LOG
@OmnishiaLP Жыл бұрын
If you ever want to play a Black Sun Playthrough I reccomend the AI rebellion tech, the voicelines on the trash funace droid are amazing!!
@Commando_do_justice Жыл бұрын
Fun fact: liberation is the only operational venator class: destroyer in the alliance fleet. tactics for the liberation fleet: an escort of the galactic republic Dreadnought class heavy cruiser
@timspivy7463 Жыл бұрын
If you want to build an artillery focused fleet like you mentioned a few episodes ago you could get and MC80 Alliance it's got lots of longer range suppression
@jaywerner8415 Жыл бұрын
@devangsingh1689 Жыл бұрын
@@jaywerner8415 mc80 alliance has diamond boron missiles not torps
@ZackStormYT Жыл бұрын
Man that sabaouth destroyer was a blast from the past they were used by a group of mercs that worked for the cis during the clone wars.
@charlesvillalobos1057 Жыл бұрын
Shark has called intergalactic dibs on space whale's
@kristianpettersen3962 Жыл бұрын
You found a use for gungans. I am impressed.
@trexman9793 Жыл бұрын
Using Gungans as artillery observers has now cursed me with the thought of a Gungan F,O (forward observer). Imaging trying coordinate grid squares with a Gungan
@GeneralGrevious330 Жыл бұрын
Sapient Dinosaur People….Aren’t those dinosaur people the Ssi-Ruuvi?
@quantum8244 Жыл бұрын
Alternate Title Space whales strike back
@kh29the13 Жыл бұрын
Shak A good use for your stealth squads that i found is send them to worlds like Chandrila, or Aargau. they are normally lightly defended high income worlds that your squads can take, and after you take the world just run.
@ColonelZoren Жыл бұрын
I'm pump for the invasion of Nal Hutta. Watch out captain: the ground map is big and wild and the Hutts just print free unit out of thin air.
@admiralcasperr Жыл бұрын
4:55 For mission changes to take effect, you need to start a new save.
@bigolbearthejammydodger6527 Жыл бұрын
"So were sending them through the swamp and we have air support so when they find something we can drop it on them.. drop it on the enemy I mean... " - shack, US air force veteran. "ahh the us airforce, putting the friendly in friendly fire 😆" - Me British army veteran.
@dreadwing01 Жыл бұрын
I can’t wait for the into mentioning the space whales lol.
@tkc1129 Жыл бұрын
Last I heard, "Secret Unit" is actually built at their officer training facilities or something. Not my favorite mechanic, personally. And I heard that in a previous version, so that may have changed.
@Platinumsniper Жыл бұрын
Dart Vader gets hit by thousands of blaster bolts and he just walks off like Monty Python's Black knight "It's just a flesh wound"
@Wedgekree Жыл бұрын
Fighter-wise, Ackbar gives big discount to B-Wing production, and Dodonna does to A-Wing. Both will le tyou spam them.
@Wedgekree Жыл бұрын
The Hutts spawn so, so many fighters. I'm.. Honestly impresesd.
@Skenderbeuismyhero Жыл бұрын
The day that shack actually reads the spelling of deltooine and realizes it's pronounced like tatooine will go down in history. Although I kind of wish he would just start calling it tatoonie
@dajosh42069 Жыл бұрын
So, the Sabeoth ship that came from the top right of the Nal Hutta fight, was paid for, on a way. It was from a mercenary station. Where you pick from 4 comparable ships of the size you saw. Similar to the ones where you can high fighters, and can get those Umbaran starfighters. They likely paid somewhere on the range of 4-6k for it. Not sure why it didn't SAY Mercenary, since it does when the player purchases it. Perhaps it just doesn't when the AI does it. And to further confirm that the ship was purchased at a station, you can see that station explode (as they do once used during that battle) during the fight just as the ship begins approaching the Rebel fleet. Meaning, IF there's another battle on this map, you should remember to send the fastest fighter or ship possible to capture it, and get yourself an extra Capital ship. (If you need it, since you don't keep it, and lose it when the battle ends... But I'm a sucker for "In-Battle purchases/advantages", so I start *every single battle* by sending TIE's to the 2 corners of the map that are connected to mine. The devs LOVE to put mines, capturable Core ships, trade stations, mercs, Gravity Well Stations, and several more, so it's usually worth it in my opinion. But, as I've stated before, you and I have very different play styles. I finally realized that; just cause it's not how I would do it, _doesn't make it wrong!!_ It's just like taking a different road to get to the same location. And it's seeing those different routes that makes series like these so entertaining! You regularly fight, and win, battles that I would have retreated from as soon as I saw my advantage was lost. I guess because it's so easy to lose ships when you really can't afford to in this mod, that I feel like it's better to retreat and try again than it is to risk losing even a single capital ship when I really don't have to. You certainly held your nerve during that Nal Hutta fight, and during the Nimban fight with the space whales and ground troops present. I would have retreated from that fight too. BUT, I am an Empire player. I try always to ensure that I have overwhelming force. I obsessively make sure that there's absolutely ZERO corruption, and ZERO rebels "borrowing" my credits. I always have the units to remove them, and always do it as soon as it happens. And I _religiously_ build on build pads during ground battles. Every pad on the map of I can manage before winning. Which is tough in this mod, since the build pad is gone if the turret on it is destroyed. So if the enemy gets it first, it's just gone until the next battle. But I always want to have as many turrets as humanly possible in case I get attacked there again, and have to defend it. Turrets can be the difference between holding and losing a world. And holding a world on the ground tends to really halt the advance of the AI. They don't like leaving planets behind their perceived "Front lines", so typically don't continue rushing the enemy in space after breaking breaking through a defending front line fleet the way a player does. Anyway... I've waffled on for long enough. Love the playthrough, and always looking forward to the next episode. :) TLDR= The Sabeoth was a merc unit, you could buy one during battles at Nal Hutta, I play different than you, but that's cool, keep up the good work. :)
@angusrosecranz4178 Жыл бұрын
You know, the empire doesn't seem quite right in this game. The block of big capital ships is great with few supporting ships is thematic, but the few fighters is kinda weird. The empire should have fleets and fleets of cheap and crap tie fighters to dogfight the other fighters. As it is, a block of 14 x-wings and 14 y-wings alone could, in theory, wipe out almost all of an empire fleet without any support
@angusrosecranz4178 Жыл бұрын
in fact, the hutt's fighter scheme seems more empire than what the empire is actually doing
@shadowball5699 Жыл бұрын
i literally check your channel everyday i love this series so much
@admiralcasperr Жыл бұрын
33:55 Commandos are terrible at regular invasions. Not only they get only 1 squad compared to non-stealth infantry so they provide less firepower, they also don't get take cover and have less health. Very easy to loose those expensive units in a massive tank battle.
@inductivegrunt94 Жыл бұрын
The Hutts are now under siege and on the ropes. But the best part of this episode was the Gungans on Nimban, bar none.
@Compyniro Жыл бұрын
I'm enjoying this series so much!
@Elfangor12 Жыл бұрын
I would like to see shack take hapes and get the battle dragons
@Th3fac31 Жыл бұрын
The imperial fleet splits after they take Muunilist, then you can take out half their fleet since they move the next ships to Mygeeto, I was able to do that with a ton of fighters and seperated their fleet. Unfortunately I wasn't fast enough to trap vader there because he left to go somewhere else that I'm unsure of currently. Seems to be a trend with the ai.
@jlz2106 Жыл бұрын
In your savefile or is this a general pattern?
@Th3fac31 Жыл бұрын
@JLZ I've notice this in his playthrough just like mine, excpet the csa attacked me instead of the hutts, but the empire always acts the same in every play through, happened when I was doing a bs run as well
@jlz2106 Жыл бұрын
@@Th3fac31 that is a bit dull tbh. Means every campaign is the same. Thank you for clarifying tho :)
@Th3fac31 Жыл бұрын
@JLZ no problem, the imps also don't like it if you infiltrate and attack planets that way either..
@YourGayOverlord Жыл бұрын
You can't do the Gungans like that. After all their goofy lines, excellent scouting and loyalty to the rebellion, they deserve a greater purpose than Rancor feed. At least feed them to the Acklay
@nickpapadopoulos9978 10 ай бұрын
@PeterWolniewicz Жыл бұрын
Hey shack, good sir I know I’m not a Patreon, but I have a suggestion for you assuming that the Empire is going to spamm Star destroyers stores like no tomorrow. May I recommend investing in a viscount class Star defender? Incase your front lines become Swiss cheese and have a lot of holes. My logic would be that you could send that one s star defender+ some small Carrie’s or escort ships to “plug the gap.” And take out several ships using one massive one. Also you can send one of those monsters against a SSD and probably win.
@cornblaster7003 Жыл бұрын
Viscount Star Defender, pretty sure those aren't in the mod, the only possible SSD you can get as the rebels is the mandator 2, which can only be built if you have control of kuat if I remember correctly, the closest you can get is a home one class mc80
@keithclark9719 Жыл бұрын
i had a thought for the imperial fleet. a classic rebel move (wedge did this alot) would love to see you hot drop a couple of squads of y wings or b wings behind the imp star duce and just bomb the hell out of it, while the fighter screen is busy with pother things. might be able to take out 2 with a big enough drop force.
@rossdaley5829 Жыл бұрын
shack if you can, when recruiting a wing squads, get dodana to the planet their being recruited on as he will half the cost of them so long as hes in the system
@Mr_Tinman425 Жыл бұрын
aww the Pergle
@maximomartin2529 Жыл бұрын
@rwilson1197 Жыл бұрын
On earth you need to save the wales in Star Wars you need to be saved from wales
@spencerjones841 Жыл бұрын
corvette's should heal slowly on their own from what i recall unless they changed it
@wizardgherkin Жыл бұрын
Many gungans died to give us planet Nimban...
@MrSHADOWANGEL999 Жыл бұрын
Salt those slugs
@evictionbeats Жыл бұрын
I feel like riekan's battle transport would do well against Hutt monsters
@pktrainerpk5supersus459 Жыл бұрын
shack reminder about the unique bakuran ships they can stop enemy ships from leaving just a reminder for you they are our interdictors fleet admiral m out
@doomergeten Жыл бұрын
30:00 Ezra Bridgers sends his regards
@sethvanhoose9823 Жыл бұрын
Shack, the ground armies need to be reinforced. More "less experienced" Infantry mixed with Support units and High End units WITH more Heavy Ground Vehicles to keep the Imperial armies on their toes.
@thebrittaniondragon6183 Жыл бұрын
Sir we have comes coming from a group of unknown ships! Shack' Put it through Unknown Voice, My friends, My friends, we share a mutual enemy, how about we deal with these Huts so we can do business?
@dg-7273 Жыл бұрын
if you can lead a raid that captures the planet producing the space tech or the space unit then the production will be stopped but good luck leading a raiding force that will conquer kuat
@chrisnicol2851 Жыл бұрын
Shack fun campaign! Intel: move mon moth to mon cal to get some free mc’s… also take Zhar you are missing extra income from the gas mines
@GoofyGoober456 Жыл бұрын
Space whales, you like eating metal and credits, don't you.
@CraigSmith-nm8uz Жыл бұрын
Focus heavily in capital ships with heavy weapons
@hicup9421 Жыл бұрын
I love your stuff especially stuff like this p,s do more
@evanbumpus6733 Жыл бұрын
Blind as a gundark, what do you mean gundark aren't blind made me LMAO
@Commando_do_justice Жыл бұрын
I hope this new man has the planet of Lothan with the loth-wolves; captain shock of the liberation can you train Loth-wolves
@jeremievigliaturo1317 Жыл бұрын
:Intel- After the battle of NIMBAN, when you scroll out you see that the Hutts where in the start of building a structure (not in your build type ) if you cancel that build. you get the money. you see what i mean at 40:37
@icemanyeo4191 4 ай бұрын
Some planet are not friendly to the rebels
@Knights_Oath Жыл бұрын
My experience with rewards for completing missions is the opposite. The lower it is, the better it seems like my rewards are. I have had games where I get tier 3 capital ships or Jedi from the second or third mission early in the game.
@Lazypantsj Жыл бұрын
isn't aotr a cannon based mod so tell me why a wings aren't in first tech level for fighters just something also great video when can i see the maw battle
@devangsingh1689 Жыл бұрын
its a mix of legends canon and AOTR lore and for balance reasons A wings would be faaar too strong at T1 since they can kill anything short of tie defenders
@legendaryfire6972 Жыл бұрын
Shack I went up against the belator dreadnaught and a fleet of ISDs with an mc80 and 2 dauntlesses and fighters and won the belator is vulnerable to fighter attacks and dauntless from behind use the fighters to mock out shields and wipe it from the map with the dauntless
@jaywerner8415 Жыл бұрын
YES, Anti Armor for Rancors. Yes it does sound WIERD saying that outloud, but they have ALOT OF HP and are HUGE! so the AT guns will take chunks out of their Health rather then the MG turrets that just pew pew on them. EDIT: ARCs are HEAVY FIGHTERs not Bombers sadly.
@chancemiller3414 Жыл бұрын
Love the game captain I finally bought it been playing for a week I'd love to do voice acting for the mods they need some more voice lines in the game
@TjtheSquishyLegomanic 10 ай бұрын
All Battles: 07:32 Gamorr Space 19:32 Nimban Ground 25:02 Nimban Space 27:36 Gamorr Space 33:58 Nimban Ground 42:32 Nal Hutta Space
@jaywerner8415 Жыл бұрын
Well they just dropped another small patch to address the Hover Vehicle acceleration, and a Crash to Desk Top bug with the Rebel Honor Guards. that was quick. EDIT: you did those lines over 5 years ago? Dang, makes ya feel old doesn't it?
@austinmorris3766 Жыл бұрын
5 years sounds less than half a decade.
@icemanyeo4191 4 ай бұрын
Seems like some planet are hostile towards rebels
@commanderguardian7292 Жыл бұрын
Commander Guardian of black company sending reinforcements request to Captain Shack of the Liberation: Hello Captain I hear that the Hutt campaign is going well. I send you this request due to a gap in imperial lines. The colonies and core are weak. I recommend now a different fleet compassion for the 15th Arcadian liberation fleet. X1 Dautless X2 MC-75 X4 assault frigates X4 Quazer Fire frigates (2 for c-wings, 2 for y-wings) X2 nebulon b’s X4 CR90 corvettes X4 hammerheads X2 marauder cruisers X2 U-wings. If we hit the core and colonies now we’ll be able to ruin the empire’s war machine. I’ve had reports from my spies and agents that the empire is building some super weapon. We need to act fast. I wish you the best of luck, may the force be with you. Commander Guardian signing off.
How do Cats Eat Watermelon? 🍉
One More
Рет қаралды 12 МЛН
Awakening of the Rebellion - Imperial Shipyards Raid... (Ep 23)
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Battlefield 1 Multiplayer Best Weapon is OVERPOWERED!
Codex Edition 4v4 PvP IV - Dawn of War II: Retribution
Awakening of the Rebellion - Hunter Killer Combat Fleet(Ep 16)
Awakening of the Rebellion - This Pilot is an ACE! (Ep 48)
Рет қаралды 32 М.
Awakening of the Rebellion - Cor-Sec Full Invasion! (Ep 46)
Awakening of the Rebellion - X-Wing Pull Up! Pull Up!  (Ep 39)
Awakening of the Rebellion - The Failure at Aeten II (Ep 31)