I agree all buildings should hv strict rules about renovation especially if it affects its exterior aesthetic. However dryers are actually environmentally unfriendly and Australia has more sun than Canada I believe. In many western countries for example Portugal, they also hang their laundry outside their windows, not even balconies.
@sichuan38510 ай бұрын
@@slaw2224 I believe it is building safety regulations. UK has the same thing. Also apartment in Australia is on a lease, so they need approval from freeholder for stuff like that
反映了很多大陸教育體制下出來的人 對"自由"的誤解 他們要的是 ""Absolute Personal Freedom Minus Responsibilities To Society"" I bet the accountants they mentioned could differentiate between tax avoidance and tax evasion.
@allyzhao461310 ай бұрын
@9m2sh10 ай бұрын
@@allyzhao4613 確實 他俩移民到那一國 對該地都是 敝多於利 再回他們祖國 也是如此
@leosu152310 ай бұрын
According to your logic, there seems to be one sidedness and extremism as well@@9m2sh
@guessmoments10 ай бұрын
@@leosu1523nah, they are just giant childs that cant accept the reality of living in a democracy country thats all. All the complaints they made are just daily life minor things we all faced in Malaysia, singapore and anywhere in the world where countries practises democracy. If they come singapore, i can assure they will cry! Cos its a man eat man world out here. No one will show kindness in the company. Unlike Malaysia that is so much better. 😂😂😂
Well said. I think Malaysians don't realised themselves but growing up in Malaysia made it easier for Malaysians living abroad to respect the local laws and culture. It Is like second nature to Malaysians. Malaysians are in general more tolerant to each other. I understand the guests' opinion and difficulties they faced in Australia but I think they will face a different set of problems in Malaysia. I will name a few culture shock that foreigners may face in Malaysia; slow and low productivity especially with government departments, respect Malay Muslim culture like drinking alcohol only in certain places, be sensitive to Muslims if you have a dog and Muslim call to prayer, driving not following road rules (tolerance might be different for different people), might need to learn to speak Malay as not all Malaysians speak English, corrupt police and etc. If the guests can change their mindset and accept Australian customs, culture and how their society function they will be happier because they will need to do the same in Malaysia as there are shortcomings as well.
我在澳洲生活了20年,我觉得这两位小哥真不像是在澳洲呆了十几年的人,很多他们说的都不是事实。税务上澳洲最高税率是45%,哪有55%?而且乱丢垃圾会被罚款,不会被抓去坐牢。至于在公寓室内乱隔房间,那肯定是不允许的。步骤是物业先来警告,无效的话才会派city council 的人来。只是让恢复原状那就是很客气了,一般会有一笔罚款。😂
赞。“澳洲社会正是通过一个社会平等来提供只做喜欢做的事, 而不是做金钱的奴隶” vs 中国式“千军万马考研考公务员, 每个父母恐慌孩子输在起跑线,穷家孩子除了高考就没机会做“人上人”
@tonyz66949 ай бұрын
这两个哥们儿说的事情有客观的地方。这个问题我也思考过并和朋友探讨过,但是是站在对面的角度。比如说我的表弟是莫纳什的地球物理博士毕业,留在大学里做算法AI类的科研工作,他一年的工资十万块澳币左右。那我其实在澳洲没有什么学历,刚来为了生活我就学了一个四级证书去做护工了。然后我一年的收入是十四五万澳币。我就和朋友讨论,这种分配制度下,寒窗苦读十几年,博士毕业大学里高科技科研赚的还不如我一个护工多,或者水管工装修工赚的更多,是不是对读书人不公平呢?不能刺激知识经济发展呢?而且澳洲蓝领工人的高收入是完全建立在政策保护上的,比如只有公民和永居才能当水管工,然后对职业证书设置很长的实习期等等,而且澳洲会引进医护工作人员补充劳动力短缺也不会引进水电工人才,我就开玩笑说,澳洲如果开放十万个水电工移民配额,马上就解决大家找水电工贵的问题。言而总之,这就是澳洲社会刻意设置成如此,要达到这种效果。就像探讨中我朋友说的,那可能作为一个科研工作者是觉得收入有些错配,但是也就是这样不才显示了澳洲社会的更加公平吗?如果不保护蓝领工作者不就变成其地方一样他们处在最底层生活辛苦,被剥削,既无尊严也无保障了吗?所以,澳洲是一个更像社会主义的国家。如果大家去英文的本地人论坛,会见到学金融的,学IT的说起职业发展和收入有时候开玩笑说不如去开挖掘机赚的多,但都是很平和的,他们的选择可能就更多是根据个人兴趣,职业体验等等,绝大部分本地人都认同澳洲是一个更追求社会公平的地方,大家不会因为我读书多了,赚的没有low skills多这不公平啦等等的想法,而是都能站在一个 Full picture去看问题。这可能就是教育的作用了吧。当然了,这和澳大利亚本身地大物博,人口稀少这个基本情况有极大关系。它有条件可以去追求总体的行业薪酬平均,和更倾向弱势群体的财政再分配。至于两个人说的买房子我没有看完,但开头大意应该能猜到,是不是悉尼公寓没买好,有质量问题后续没涨之类的。所以澳洲人为什么爱买独立放,少买公寓都是有原因的。其实当时那个时间点,这个哥们如果买个独立屋,现在再怎么样也翻了一番了吧。
@@Chrischen0589 我的做Mental health support worker 的hourly pay是58.5澳币/小时。他是50澳币/小时左右。我只做白天正常班,15万的收入是在有时候周六加班的基础了上来的。完全每周38小时工作制的话就是年收12万左右。他在大学做研究也是正常的年假28天。而且举例的意义不是比较两个工作,而是说明澳洲在政治政策的保护下蓝领工作相比较其他的地方更获得保护,而社会也更致力于缩小不同工种间的收入。我表弟的情况如果去美国做Programming至少是二三十万美金有保证,这个谁不知道。在时频的采访者抱怨高学历在澳洲获得不了他认为的合理待遇,以及拉不开和其他工种的收入的情况下,从另一个角度说说澳洲这种政策的目的和追求更大社会公平性带来的优势和劣势。Point是比较两种具体的工作吗?
You must have adapted Australia very well? Good on you mate!!! every system, culture, religion, and its governance has good and bad side. Whoever can adapt better has more satisfaction of that society. There is no clear definition of good or bad.
@@haha-eg8fj 他们必须毕业后为别人打工的,因为这样才能拿到PR or Australia citizenship. 但他们一拿到不是说出来开公司吗? 还有也有提到他去澳洲读书,他爸就给他买了房子,这不是普通人像你我能办到的。还有他们都那么对阶级重视,更定在中国时常看不起穷和普通人的。大马华人要注意呀。。。现在澳洲和纽西兰也都抵抗华人移民了,我知道超多中国人要移民进马来西亚了,你看看如果像他们或比他们三观还惨的人以上千万进入马国,我看你们一定日子很惨的。新加坡已经正在经历,但没那么多中国人进来,马来西亚可大哦!Anwar 现在又那么需要钱,让中国人移民来时最适合了!你们本地华人应该开始注意哦,要开始低质,不然他们大军一进入,他们的人数就能多过本地华人一半以上,到时候,他们说的就是王!本地华人都得听他们的排布,打他们的工作。。马来西亚华人就这样没了。。你们真的得有这意识。把这传开,现在还来得及抵抗与空制要多少移民,以后就不能了。祝你们好运。
I found their sharing very interesting and I appreciated both of their experiences. I think Malaysia’s rules are more relaxed, and more freedom to correct if rules are broken without having to deal with complicated as mentioned.
You need to apply to the city council for your request to re-configure your apartment plus you need to submit your drawing to get approved by them before do anything, it is normal and same as here ( NZ). Also your can not put your washing outside your balcony which is city council rules. People here are all following the rules, so there is not a problem.
@Lost_tw9 ай бұрын
Sounds like a commie Country.
@sarahregine41843 ай бұрын
Same as in Canada, you can't simply expand or renovate your house as you desire. Eg, you would like to expand your driveway from grassland, you need to get a driveway permit, etc lots of procedures you have to follow otherwise you will get a huge fine. Plus your property tax will be increased due to expanding your own land.
@sarahregine41843 ай бұрын
It sounds stupid, well that's the law Living in the West, you have to know lots laws and regulations and your rights. Also, you need to dig into some cases and build networking if you can to make your life easier. Otherwise, you will feel exhausted and restless, and helpless in the west.
@@sichuan385 Their stories about Aussie accountants are very likely only half-truth at best.
@sichuan38510 ай бұрын
@@9m2sh agreed, they sound very dodge tbh. I wouldn't be surprised if they have commited fraud... But that is Australia's fault, the gov made them commit crimes
These two young blokes are very naive, to say the least. They will face the same in Malaysia apartment and Malaysia lawyers. They have not integrated into the Australian way of life, unfortunately. They will face the same thing, if not worse, in Malaysia. You need to change yourself and adaptable in the foreign country. Do what the romans do. Perhaps they will face the same even in their mainland China? They are rules & orders in every country.