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Ludwig van Beethoven's final symphony "the Symphony No. 9" has been sending the message of the universal brotherhood and hope to the audience of all over the world. The first performance of this symphony in Japan or even in Asia was on June 1, 1918, which was by German prisoners of wars who were captured at the Bando POW camp located in Naruto, Tokushima, a small town in Shikoku island. What made it possible for them to perform the symphony even though they were prisoners of wars? You will be surprised to know the historical fact behind this event, which is nothing short of miraculous. To spread this historical event, a flash mob to perform the Symphony No. 9 was held in Tokyo, in which members of choral societies including those who are from Naruto became together to sing the Ode to Joy.
【指揮】平井秀明 【演奏】東京アカデミック管弦楽団
【合唱】 日本合唱協会、平井秀明オペラ合唱団、徳島『第九』合唱団、会津『第九』合唱団、公募有志 約80名
【阿波踊り】娯茶平(徳島)、飛鳥(東京 高円寺)約60名
Hideaki Hirai, conductor
Academic Orchestra of Tokyo
Professional Chorus NISSHO, Hideaki Hirai Opera Chorus, Tokushima DAIKU Chorus and Aizu DAIKU Chorus
Presented by Tokushima Shimbun and Fukushima Minpo (Japan)