I've just come face to face with this issue. I won't go into the details but have been utterly devastated by these circumstances. It has taken days to come to terms with it. The blessings and cursings were given to a people entering the promised land flowing with milk & honey. They don't apply to us. We live in Babylon. We have to come out of it as is humanely possible. Yahusha said, " count the cost" of following him. He didn't have a roof over his head. Told us not to worry about tomorrow. We are to "work out our own salvation with fear and trembling". They will hate us for his namesake. We are not to think more highly of ourselves. All of this goes against our upbringing in western culture. All lies. Work hard, treat people right, treat others as you would like to be treated and you will be successful and happy. Untrue!!! Yahusha was hung on a "cross". He was spat on, whipped etc. If anyone thinks they deserve anything out of this system you are kidding yourself. Almighty YAH is not Santa Claus. The hardest one is "Endure to the End", that means go through your circumstances, whatever it is, with contentment & patience.