Baldurs Gate 3 Build, Game of Thrones Edition: Arya

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GeekEKitten & Elkamist Gaming

GeekEKitten & Elkamist Gaming

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@Carblesnarky Ай бұрын
Interesting build! I would have gone a different way. The Water Dance of Syrio Forel sounds like College of Swords Bard and the Faceless Men are Assassins of course. So go Sword Bard 8/ Assassin Rogue 4. That keeps your feats straight and gets you all of the goodies. If you play with the character creator you can make a Duergar that looks a bit like Maisie Williams actually and that nets you Invisibility all the time out of combat. Yes you get more magic than GoT but this character would sure play a lot like Arya, especially with the right spell selection.
@GeekEKittenGaming Ай бұрын
Interesting approach. I can see the argument for college of sword bard but I think 8 levels would lead to some "dump" spell choices (essentially choosing some things simply because you have to). That's one of the reasons I limited the number of levels in Warlock. When I first put the build together there were no levels in fighter and more in Warlock but it led to too many dump spells. Interesting note about Duergar. She is very pale and on the short side, though, so I think I can see why that would work.
@Carblesnarky Ай бұрын
@@GeekEKittenGaming I was thinking the same about too much magic but looking at it there is a lot in theme with the books and show. Granted it is still a bag of magical tricks.1st lvl (4: Disguise Self, Longstrider, Heroism & Feather Fall), 2nd level (3: Enhance Ability, Knock & Silence), 3rd level (3: Fear, Feign Death, & Hypnotic Pattern), 4th level (2: Freedom of Movement & Greater Invisibility).
@GeekEKittenGaming Ай бұрын
@Carblesnarky interesting! Some of those fit perfect, some are a little bit of a stretch (but not unreasonable)! Thank you for sharing. It's always interesting to hear how others would approach the same character.
@Carblesnarky Ай бұрын
@@GeekEKittenGaming Some of them definitely turn her into something like D&D Batman for sure. Thanks for responding and it was a fun little exercise. Great video btw.
@Carblesnarky Ай бұрын
@@GeekEKittenGaming See now I want to make Tyrion as a halfling lore bard lol.
@Djjustb Ай бұрын
WOW! Awesome editing! I legit thought the beginning was an ad! Full watch as always to support!
@GeekEKittenGaming Ай бұрын
Thanks very much!
@heathengypsy Ай бұрын
Interesting build, I didn't think to add warlock in my own testing but I can definitely see the flavor of it working with the many faced god. In my own game I went with urchin too as her background, I agree it fits her better than noble. 6 levels of Battlemaster Fighter, 3 levels of Swords Bard for the Syrio Forel influence/training and 3 levels of assassin rogue. This still gets you 2 feats and plenty of different fighting maneuvers. I would have loved another 2 levels in rogue to get uncanny dodge and another sneak attack die but I'll have to wait until mod support is available. Also made her guardian look like Jaqen H’Gar.
@GeekEKittenGaming Ай бұрын
Thank you for sharing your version! It's interesting how many different approaches there can be to building a character.
@SakuraKahn Ай бұрын
OMG, my cousin is fangirling! She's a fan of Hunger Games and BG3 (what a convience!), and when I shared her this build video, she immediately went to re-download BG3 to test the build. I don't watch the show myself, but I'm always happy to see a build video ^^ For customization sake, she uses appearance mods (she doesn't like many of the base game options, so she goes to Nexus for face and hair). As of me writing this, she's just starting the game, so not much of an update yet; but she wants to sincerely thank you. She wants to request a Jon Snow and Dinklage build soon. Hell, as much as you can! (her words, not mine lol)
@GeekEKittenGaming Ай бұрын
Aw I'm glad to hear she enjoyed the build! I will be using mods once official mod support releases. It's nice that this gave her the motivation to play BG3 again! I think Jon Snow and Tyrion are already on the requested list, but if they aren't, I will add them :) I'm not sure if she's a fan of Oberyn Martell, but he is next.
@SakuraKahn Ай бұрын
@@GeekEKittenGaming Oh trust me, she knows the series way more than I do lol. She's going to keep an eye out, and she's very excited so thanks for the update ^^
@GeekEKittenGaming Ай бұрын
@@SakuraKahn of course
@evenmoor Ай бұрын
Interesting! Your Arya build and my own concept are similar in many ways but also differ - yours definitely leans into the darkness and fear aspects with more levels in warlock. Also, I think yours gets an additional advantage by getting a second attack with warlock 5. Taking urchin as a background is certainly reasonable and definitely synergizes with the rest of her build more than noble does, though I think that noble would still be a more lore-accurate choice. (She got busted by Tywin for obviously being of noble birth, and Gendry's cheerful nickname of 'milady' are a reminder that no matter how much she disliked the trappings of being a noblewoman, she still had that upbringing.) Fun variation: take lightfoot halfling as the race instead of human; she is pretty short (admittedly not 3'6"), and the racial features work pretty well for the character. I wish there was a way to adjust the character height! Though that would make physical interactions between characters _way_ more complicated. Oh, well. May I ask who's up next? :-)
@GeekEKittenGaming Ай бұрын
Yeah I can see the argument for the noble background for sure, but I felt like the skills didn't fit all that well not just for the build but for Arya as a character. Interesting idea regarding doing it as a halfling. I also wish there was a way to adjust height. Maybe that will be a mod? Oberyn is up next :)
@evenmoor Ай бұрын
@@GeekEKittenGaming Ooh, Oberyn is going to be interesting. Don't forget to absolutely _tank_ his WIS score! ;-) On a (slightly) more serious note, he's going to be a rather complicated build, I think. He needs reasonably high CHA and very high DEX, but also good STR since he fights with a spear, which isn't a finesse weapon. Though you could pick up The Dancing Breeze, which is a unique finesse _glaive._ Close enough, maybe? (I ended up with 12-16-14-12-8-14 for stats under that assumption.) Light armor, maybe the Elegant Studded Leather or the Bhaalist Armor. I'm going to guess Barbarian 6-Fighter 6 for class. The Barb subclass is an tough choice; Berserker is obviously very good, but I'm going with Tiger Heart for the bleeding ability from Tiger's Bloodlust. Tiger Heart aspect pairs very well with this (if you've got the strength to benefit from it, anyway), as does Wolverine Heart. For Fighter, either Champion or Battle Master works well, though Champion pigeonholes you into crit-fishing. With Battle Master, pick up Manoeuvres like Precision Attack, Evasive Footwork, Goading Attack, and Riposte. Feats can also bring in some more fun: Polearm Master is an obvious choice and pairs very well with Sentinel (Sentinel: Snare can stand in nicely for Oberyn's hamstring attacks, too). The third feat (or first, or second, whatever floats your boat) should probably be an ASI to bring DEX up to 18. For skills, I picked up Intimidation, Acrobatics, and Perception at character creation, with a Noble background (though Soldier is also arguable since Oberyn spent time with the Second Sons mercenary company). Looking forward to seeing what you come up with!
@spamfilter32 15 күн бұрын
This all looks good. As an alternative, I might do Ranger 5 (Gloom Stalker), Rogue 3 (assassin), Warlock 2, Fighter 2 I agree with the Urchin background for Stealth and Slight of Hand, for Ranger I take: Insight, Perception and Survival. I have her be a Keeper of the Veil for Arcana and Pro Good and Evil and wasteland wanderer poison since she is an adept with poisons. And for her human bonus skill I take Insight. With her Rogue 1st lvl I will take Acrobatics for her skill and expertise in Stealth and either Acrobatics or insight. For her fighting style I take Dueling Ranger spells: Cure Wounds, Enhanced Leap, Long Strider and Fog Cloud, Pass Without Trace and Silence. For her Warlock Spells I take: Bone Chill and Minor Illusion for my cantrips. And Hex, Arms of Hadar. And Armor of aagathys for 1st lvl spells. For Warlock Invocations I take Devil Sight and Beguiling Influence for Deception and Persuasion proficiency For my feat, I take Defensive Duelist Instead of 2 levels of Fighter for Action Surge, I could take 4 lvls in Warlock (Pact of the Blade) for a second feat. If I do that, I take ASI, and Mage Hand, Darkness and Mirror Image for Spells. Sorry if there are any errors, it is 3am my time.
@GeekEKittenGaming 14 күн бұрын
I think it's fine as an alternative although you will only get one feat doing it that way. Some of the choices I think are a little bit of a reach (bone chill, hex) but not enough so to ruin the build. I personally try to bounce around between classes as little as possible in these builds while still remaining faithful to the character to make the builds easier to follow. But these can also serve as a template to then make your own version!
@spamfilter32 14 күн бұрын
@@GeekEKittenGaming Bone Chill I think fits with her assault role as the White Walker Killer, Hex is flat out better than Hunters Mark, and the choices are limited for Warlock and Aldritch Blast can't be justified in an Arya build. An alternative way to look at an Arya build could be Ranger 5 (Gloom Stalker, Rogue 3 (Assassin), and Paladin 4 (Vengeance). I'd have to look up the spells again, but in this case Hunters Mark would be on there from Paladin.
@GeekEKittenGaming 14 күн бұрын
@spamfilter32 I agree that hex is better than hunters mark I just think from a character perspective its not as appropriate. Kind of see what you mean about bone chill. Agree that eldritch blast itself doesn't make sense but there's enough about the warlock class that works to make it worth including.
@Pixel_Pip Ай бұрын
This is very cool!!
@GeekEKittenGaming Ай бұрын
Thank you!
@squidlivers5677 Ай бұрын
Weird request littlefinger build
@GeekEKittenGaming Ай бұрын
Lol wow that IS a weird request, but I'll add it to the list.
@JimothyMcSlim Ай бұрын
Could you do one for Jon or Robb?
@GeekEKittenGaming Ай бұрын
Jon is already on the list but I will add Rob! Keep an eye out for polls on what builds to do, that's hour I determine what I'm doing next.
@krisstewart5992 Ай бұрын
Haaa. You said needle. 🏴‍☠️💩
@GeekEKittenGaming Ай бұрын
I did indeed.
@buluketek5030 Ай бұрын
sry, I truly hate creators who always set odd numbers at lv 1, not for specific feat. It's just pointless
@GeekEKittenGaming Ай бұрын
That's a rather minor thing to feel hatred towards lol. Also, to clarify, there is a point behind it - it's to better spread out your ability points for the build you're going for and/or get your ability scores beyond 16. Knowing that you can even them out later, and therefore make them even higher, means that it isn't going to be an issue to leave some stats uneven. But hey, we've all got our quirks.
@buluketek5030 Ай бұрын
@@GeekEKittenGaming why didn't you set other to 17 or 15? also, do you realize how long it takes add 4 levels, even just to level up? btw, I love the idea of utilizing One with Shadows. Usually, I take goolock dip to add cc on assasin builds. I've seen archfey rogue build and it's pretty good and similar, but I think yours could be better
@GeekEKittenGaming Ай бұрын
@buluketek5030 I'm sorry I don't know what you mean by "other"? I set DEX and CHA the highest cause it fit the build...and yes it takes time to level up 4 times but you're not going to suffer from a 17 and a 15 in the meantime lol.
@buluketek5030 Ай бұрын
@@GeekEKittenGaming yes it does, 15 could be 16 in +3, while the meaningless excessive 1 point in 17 could be 16 with same +3, and transfer to other abilities for +1 or 2 in saves. While we wait to level up 4x, difference +1 will b more important right? 17 ; 15 ; 15, that's I meant, Cmon girl. Or 17;15;13 or smth
@GeekEKittenGaming Ай бұрын
I think the spread you are suggesting is STR 10, DEX 16, CON 14, INT 10, WIS 8, CHA 16 - is that correct? If so, there's nothing inherently wrong with that, but this is a CHARACTER build. It is not about min maxing, choosing the best stat values, combining the most powerful feats/class abilities, etc. I think you came into this video expecting something that it isn't. All things chosen for the build are based on trying to translate Arya into the BG3 world. Giving her an 18 DEX makes sense. Giving her CHA as her second highest stat makes sense. But to the point about uneven scores - it really isn't as big of a deal as you're making it out to be. Uneven scores can be easily evened out. And 4 levels still means you're in ACT 1, so not even halfway through. Not even a third, because of how large ACT 3 is. Now leaving scores uneven would mean leaving value on the table. But that isn't the case here.
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