Bosnian reacts to Geography Now - UKRAINE

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Dinaric Wolf

Dinaric Wolf

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Original Video: • Geography Now! UKRAINE
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#Ukraine #GeographyNow #reaction

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@zeldan4165 Жыл бұрын
Got this recommended, and as an ukrainian, I'm pleasantly surprised with your knowledge about Ukraine. It's pretty interesting that in Bosnia people still know more about Ukraine than russians (considering that they always called us theirs "little brothers") Also fun fact, during Bosnian war in the 90s ukrainian troops among UN peace-keepers stopped the advance of serbian forces towards Zepa village, so they couldn't let happen the same situation as was in Srebrenica. Instead let bosnian refugees to get save through the humanitarian corridor. There was a siege of Zepa for over 2 weeks but ukrainians stood still with only 79 man against 2 000 serbs. All what ukrainians had are only light weapons and 9 BTRs but by the end serbian side came to negotiations and over 5 000 or 10 000 bosnian refugees were saved. It was the first ukrainian peace-keeping mission since its independence. So even if our countries are far away from each other, we're still there when someone needs help. За вашу і нашу свободу 💙💛
@almasbaibolov1446 Жыл бұрын
2:29 Good point. But since we are talking about Eastern Slavic language, one word could have many forms. "Воля" ("Volya") is more traditional vision of freedom, nearly absolute one, one step away from anarchy. There is also "Свобода" ("Svoboda"), which is more modern understanding of freedom for people, nation, state and etc. And "Вільність" ("Vil'nost' ") is more about individual freedom to make decisions and taking carry of result of them. Plus there is word "Незалежність" ("Nezalejnist' "), which means "Independent".
@bgggsht Жыл бұрын
It's the same in Polish - there's "wolność", "swoboda" (it can also refer to a physical freedom, freedom of movement etc.) and "niezależność" Oh, and "wola" is the same as how Mirsad explained - "will"
@svetoslavstanchev9977 Жыл бұрын
Not only in East Slavic languages, a word can have different forms, even different meanings. In Bulgarian it is the same as he said in Bosnian, "воля" is will and "свобода" is freedom, but actually the two words are synonymous, we just don't often use the word "воля" to mean freedom. But we use other forms of the word, for example "волен" as free or carefree.
@jacksmiling07 Жыл бұрын
First of all, thanks for the video, it's really decent. It is interesting that the myth about meaning of the word "Ukraine" as a "border region" is based on difference between Ukrainian and Russian languages. In the Ukrainian language, the words "у"[u] and "країна"[krayina] literally mean "in" and "country". There is no word "країна"[krayina] in Russian language, but there is a word "край"[kray] that has many meanings: region, land, end, edge, etc. So when Russian speaker hears the word "Україна"[ukrayina] he associates it with Russian phrase "у края"[u kraya] which means "near the edge". But in Ukrainian, phrase "near the edge" be like "біля краю"[bilya krayu]. Lol, it's the same if Ukrainians claimed that the word "Belarus" means "near Rus". But it's not.
@ІринаМілошевська Жыл бұрын
Воля (Volia) in Ukrainian actually have two meanings- will and liberty
@almasbaibolov1446 Жыл бұрын
34:55 They call it "Чуб" ("Chub"). Such hair style evolved from Turkic "Aidar", which was sort of young warrior's haircut. Such piece of hair made it easier for enemies to tie cut head to the saddle. Basically, "Come on and get my head, if you can! I don't afraid to die and been defied, f@ckers!". Yep, I did not made it up.
@sirsquirrel6176 Жыл бұрын
Big welcome back man! You’re the chillest dude on KZbin I swear!
@pegazorozec Жыл бұрын
ohhh that was something I've been waiting for! welcome back 🎉
@KyivanEnjoyer Жыл бұрын
Ukraine(old Vkraine, Vкраїна) means "in the country", "in the land"
@Fringe31422au Жыл бұрын
Fun fact: Odessa, Texas is beleived to have been named for Odesa, Ukraine for its similarities in geography. It mainly serves as a base of operations for oil companies in the Permian basin.
@Tbone1492 Жыл бұрын
Que? Texas means "Tejas" after the Spanish= friend
@TY-44 Жыл бұрын
​@@Tbone1492He's talking about a place named Odessa...which is IN Texas.
@SpeleoDron Ай бұрын
Please don’t say that Ukraine mean “Borderland” . It’s nothing but part of russian colonialism. Ukraine means either “in country” or “this region”, but never “borderland”. At the time when term “Ukraine” firstly appeared there were no such thing as russia and the land nowadays we call Ukraine was a centre, almost metropolia. Why would the people who live in the main city, the centre for many other lands, call their country “borderland “ it just makes no sense.
@almasbaibolov1446 Жыл бұрын
43:35 Wrong. Every person, regardless of ethnic, religious, social, economic and other status could join Cossacks. As long as they swore allegiance to the Cossack's way of life, the Horde and the God. Oh, and you should not rooting for any country bordering Ukraine or from which you run away. Plus there were many settlers who just lived on Cossacks' land, payed taxes and been under their protection. By 16th and 17th centuries standards Cossacks were very tolerant folks.
@WilfredoSifr9507 Жыл бұрын
True fact: The original video of the Ukrainian episode was aired at the exact same day where my (maternal) grandmother passed away after living for more than 8 decades, so yeah. Although I genuinely didn't like how Paul simply sidestepped the ambiguous role of the Chinese despite them being directly allied with Russia to grind Ukraine down, and such situation is the same with other BRICS nations (South Africa's naval drills during the 1st anniversary of the invasion, Indian public's anger and contempt towards Ukraine after the recent Kali row, and the Brazilian president directly demanding the complete cessation of the occupied territories to Russia or he'll give Putin the official greenlight to annex the entire country). Aside from where the projection of this war is more clearly defined outside of the Western lens, if the Ukrainian counteroffensive fails to deliver its primary goals, who knows which side will blink should that happens.
@elvangulley3210 Жыл бұрын
It's really disgusting how the people in brics countries try to play victim when they are called for being pro Russia
@almasbaibolov1446 Жыл бұрын
35:15 It is b-O-r-s-h' in Ukrainian. Borscht is English adaptation from Polish.
@УлянаБаланда Жыл бұрын
It's so interesting to note, in ukrainian we also have Sloboda and Svoboda in the meaning of freedom, even the historical territory of eastern part of Ukraine named Sloboda because it was free from taxes and servedom during russian imperial occupation.
@matyy_. Жыл бұрын
Volja in polish means will as well but its written like "wola" and freedom in pl is "wolność" but you can tell there is a connection with wola or voljia and volya and sloboda in pl is swoboda i guess and it means like being free or having free hand something like this many words can be put in that word :D
@Ezekiel_0000 Жыл бұрын
5:40 In Ukrainian Ukraine means "in country"
@Pryvyd9 Жыл бұрын
I'd say Україна (Ukraine) comes from у (inside) + країна (country) which in turn is derived from край (land)
@LT_ytb 12 күн бұрын
В українській мові "у" = "в" на початку слова і чергуються за правилом милозвучності. Обидва варіанти "Україна", "Вкраїна" за змістом однакові. Неможна чути українське слово і перекладати його як російське. Доречі і слово "край" має лише значення землі, місцевості, країни,, а не границю чогось, як в російській мові. Навіть вираз "окраєць хліба" означає будь-який шматок цього хліба, середній чи збоку не має значення.
@anti-emo4721 Жыл бұрын
This is the greatest geography reaction vide I have ever seen! 🤓
@almasbaibolov1446 Жыл бұрын
42:07 Again, Turkic influence in Ukrainian culture. I am Kazakh (Qazaqsa/Қазақша or Казах), which means exactly same thing "free man".
@almasbaibolov1446 Жыл бұрын
6:16 "uKraIne-RusSia wAr" I taking personally. Like Ukraine is one who attacked Russia. I am sorry, but what I witnessed since February 2014 to this day, since many my Ukrainian friends lost because of Russians, this is straight up insult.
@almasbaibolov1446 Жыл бұрын
5:20 Sadly, it just showed that Geography Now, like many Westerners before full-scale Russo-Ukrainian war, prefer to use Russian sources of information (from linguistic point, not political). However, this is not only sign of laziness and inaccuracy in names, but quite disrespectful. In my language we call the English Channel by French version "La Manche" ("the Channel"), but while switching to English we still calling it correctly "the English Channel".
@sana3843 Жыл бұрын
Volya (воля) means both will and freedom in Ukrainian. Those 2 always go hand in hand.
@almasbaibolov1446 Жыл бұрын
7:49 All annexations are illegal.
@almasbaibolov1446 Жыл бұрын
55:09 Same with Bulgaria and Romania. Both counties still playing HUGE roles by providing Ukraine with all Soviet-era kind of weapons and ammunition (mostly freshly made) without any announcement at all. For same reasons their are Bosnian made equipment and ammunition, which origins ""nobody knows exactly".
@almasbaibolov1446 Жыл бұрын
39:20 Huh... They seriously did not include into "Other" people Crimean Tatars and Chechens. Two ethic groups which suffered from Russia for centuries and playing key role in protecting Ukrainian sovereignty and integrity. Not to mentioning almost all of them are Sunni Muslims and not bothering by "neo-Nazi regime" and "far-right extremists".
@Sarfixell Жыл бұрын
Geography now mentioned their mistake in next video (flag/fan day Ukraine). But as for chechens there are only hardly about 3000 people in Ukraine's territory who identify themselves so. While even koreans population here (who were mentioned in video) is around 20-50 000. As for crimean tatars there are about 300 000 people living in Ukraine (including Crimea)
@almasbaibolov1446 Жыл бұрын
@@Sarfixell That doesn’t excuse anything. Crimean Tatars provide their allegiance to Ukraine and willing to suffer anything for victory. Their protests, volunteer activity and overall expressions ruined Russian narratives about “saving Crimean people from Kyiv Junta”. And the way Ukrainians treating Crimean Tatars served as crucial reason why so many Turkic people around the world supporting Ukraine. And Chechens (along side the rest North Caucasuses volunteers) compensating lack of quantity with stupidity high quality of their participation. Whatever it information, humanitarian or military support. In long term perspective it could lead to freedom for whole North Caucasus from Russians. And their “excuse” GeographyNow expressed in off-shoot series, which misty dedicated for mails from fanbase. This is not some old wounds which happened decades or centuries or millenniums ago. This is happening with tens of millions people right now. And as someone who lost two friends already, it is impossible for me not take such fumbles personally.
@nataliia_pashchenko 7 ай бұрын
Also, it's important to say that crimian tatars or krymly is one of the root ethnicities of Ukraine, when other mentioned no. Others have their own countries.
@pavlomorhun 5 ай бұрын
More big mistake is not mention that Crimean tatars was deported from Crimea by Stalin in 1944. And was the majority in Crimea sometimes. Russian take majority in Crimea by colonization and deportation tatars.
@almasbaibolov1446 5 ай бұрын
@@pavlomorhun In weird way, I’m glad this video ages horribly in almost every single way. Partly because Barbs “did not wanted to make video too political, eh” excuse for more views from Russians proved to be not worthy. It if he decided to reuploud his old videos and when it will be Chine’s turn, I won’t be surprised if he conveniently forget about Uyghurs (and the rest of Chinese Muslims), because “it’s too political, also, I’ve many subscribers from China. Love you guys so much.”. Such disgusting parts of country’s history like genocides, famines, deportations should be called what they are. I have Turkic heritage, yet I call Armenian genocide committed by Ottomans what it was, without an ounce of care what Turks will think of me.
@blacknorthwind93 Жыл бұрын
I have heard that in Latvia you can't whistle indoors because money will be blown away.
@FiercePretzel Жыл бұрын
freedom at ukrainian also - svoboda, volya also is "will"
@mixlllllll Жыл бұрын
14:38 Laughs in Finno-Ugric
@leonid707 Жыл бұрын
Fun fact, there is a historic region in Ukraine, called "Slobidska Ukraina" or, "Sobozhanshchyna" for short, as well as many Ukrainian villages called "Soboda" or several other words with the same core, so there`s that.
@Mike8827 Жыл бұрын
5:40 this is still how we refer to it in German : „Die Ukraine“ and „Die Niederlande“ . It would sound weird for us without the article . However , since few people know the meaning of „Ukraine“ in Slavic , there’s no political implications that come with the term .
@svetoslavstanchev9977 Жыл бұрын
Actually, he is not exactly correct. Yes, in our languages Ukraine would mean a borderland, or literally "at the end",, but it would also mean homeland/country. For example, in my language "roden KRAJ" would mean the region I'm from, and if I'm outside my country it would mean my homeland. Considering that in Ukrainian "krajna" means country, U-kraine would mean "in my country", or "my country"...
@Mike8827 Жыл бұрын
@@svetoslavstanchev9977 I think there’s also been a „republika srpska krajina“ during the Yugoslav wars , which might have had the same meaning of „homeland“ . And there’s a Slovenian region called „Krain“ in German
@svetoslavstanchev9977 Жыл бұрын
@@Mike8827 Yes, there is a "Srpska krajina" in Croatia, also in eastern Serbia there is a territory inhabited by Bulgarians, which the Bulgarians call "zapadni pokrajni" (zapadni means western) In this case pokrajini means outskirts. ... As I said, the word has two meanings in Slavic languages, Kraj as end and Kraj as birthplace/ homeland...
@almasbaibolov1446 Жыл бұрын
28:56 Funny enough - not really. This sea so shallow for 95 000+ years.
@almasbaibolov1446 Жыл бұрын
54:06 Which existence happened thanks to cooperation with Ukrainian engineers and provided aviation engines, which skyrocketed Turkish drone program. Which is hard to underestimate, since none other European nation wanted to share engines technologies with Turks, but Ukrainians did.
@balporsugu2.0 11 ай бұрын
Austrian Rotax engines are used in Bayraktar tb2 not Ukrainian engines. Akıncı and Kızılelma use Ukrainian and Canadian engines. Turkish company TEI also develop engines for armed drones.
@pavlomorhun 5 ай бұрын
@@balporsugu2.0Ukraine hasn’t small engines for tb2, but more bigger akinci and aviation can use them.
@denisgrab23 Жыл бұрын
Ukraine it's Borderlands 😂 You funny guy. Not exactly "Ukraine - meaning " borserlands "
@SpeleoDron Ай бұрын
17:12 - that is not true that Russian and Ukrainian people had “very similar customs” . At least it wasn’t true before russification took place. Historical records show that even Ukrainian family structure differed a lot from Russian one. Like, Russians lived in huge families where several generations lived under one roof and the oldest man was the head of the family and his will was a law to degree that he even could sleep with wifes of his sons - that is how big authority he has. Meanwhile in Ukraine young people intended to form their own separate family and live in their own separate houses as soon as it could be possible. And that was only one example. There were plenty of such differences making customs of these two peoples not similar at all. And only Later, when Russification and deportations took place, customs became much more similar. But not at the time of Cathrine the second. It happened later.
@SpeleoDron Ай бұрын
20:25 sorry, I must add some context here as well. Crimea historically was not a place were russian ethnicity was a majority until russian started kinda genocidial politics against local people and eventually forcefully deported them in an act of genocide and repopulated this area with ethnic Russians literally giving them to move in fully furnitured homes of deported locals. So the only reason why Russians are so huge majority in crimea is because they were firstly occupiers and later became a genociders. I think it is important to keep this thing in mind if you call Crimea “ ethnically russian land”
@SpeleoDron Ай бұрын
But with all my criticism towards some of information u gave in the video ( which is not completely ur fault - for centuries world has mostly just accepted what russia told) allow me to thank you for making this video and bringing attention to my country.
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